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Patent 1059477 Summary

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(12) Patent: (11) CA 1059477
(21) Application Number: 1059477
(54) English Title: PACKETS
(54) French Title: PAQUETS
Status: Term Expired - Post Grant Beyond Limit
Bibliographic Data

English Abstract

Abstract of the Disclosure:
A hinged lid packet has an integral inner frame
comprising a recessed panel extending upwardly from the front
wall of the body of the packet, and a pair of side flaps
extending backwards from the sides of the recessed panel.
A cut-away part is formed at the top of each side flap to
provide access for securing each outer flap of the lid of the
packet to the respective inner flap. Each inner flap may be
of a shape corresponding to the cut-away part, so that with
the lid closed the inner flap and the respective side flap
are substantially contiguous.


Note: Claims are shown in the official language in which they were submitted.

1. A hinged lid packet with a lid portion hinged to
a body portion, the body portion comprising a front wall, a
rear wall, a pair of side walls each formed by an inner flap
extending from the rear wall and by an outer flap extending
from the front wall, a panel extending upwardly from the front
wall, the total height of the combined front wall and the
panel being substantially the full height of the packet, a
pair of side flaps extending from the sides of the panel,
and means securing each side flap to at least one of said
inner and outer flaps of the body portion; the lid portion
comprising a front wall, a rear wall hinged to the rear wall
of the body portion, and a pair of side walls each formed by
an inner flap extending from the rear wall and by an outer
flap extending from the front wall, said inner and ourter
flaps of the lid portion being secured together; wherein the
top of each said side flap extending from the panel of the
body portion is formed with a cut away part, so that on
completing the formation of the packet with the lid portion
closed the securement together of the respective inner and
outer flaps of the lid portion is unimpeded by said side flaps.
2. A hinged lid packet as claimed in claim 1 in which
each inner flap of the lid portion is of a shape corresponding
to the cut away part of the respective side flap, so that with
the lid portion closed the edges of said inner flap and side
flap are substantially contiguous.
3. A hinged lid packet as claimed in claim 1 in which
each said cut away part comprises a horizontal portion and a
sloping portion which slopes downwardly from the top of the
panel to the horizontal portion.

4. A hinged lid packet as claimed in claim 3 in
which said sloping portion extends into the panel, thereby
providing a lead-in for closing the lid portion.
5. A hinged lid packet as claimed in claim 3 or claim 4,
in which the top edge of each inner flap of the body portion
is horizontal and aligned with said horizontal portion of the
cut away part.
6. A hinged lid packet as claimed in any of claims 1
to 3 in which the top portion of each inner flap of the body
portion is recessed inwardly, and in which said means securing
each side flap is an adhesive securing the side flap to said
top portion of the respective inner flap.
7. A hinged lid packet as claimed in any of claims
1 to 3 in which said means securing each side flap comprises
a narrow connecting land joining the end of the side flap
remote from the panel to the adjacent outer flap of the body
8. A hinged lid packet as claimed in any of claims 1
to 3 in which said panel is recessed inwardly parallel to
the front wall of the body portion.
9. A one-piece blank for forming a hinged lid packet
as claimed in any of claims 1 to 3.
10. A one-piece blank for forming a hinged lid packet
having a lid portion hinged to a body portion,
a) the body portion comprising a front wall, a rear
wall, an inner flap extending from each side of the rear wall,
an outer flap extending from each side of the front wall, a
panel extending upwardly from the front wall, and a side flap
extending from each side of the panel, the total height of
the combined front wall and panel being substantially the
full height of the erect packet;

b) the lid portion comprising a front wall, a rear
wall hinged to the rear wall of the body portion, an inner
flap extending from each side of the rear wall, and an outer
flap extending from each side of the front wall;
c) wherein the top of each said side flap of the
body portion is provided with a cut away part, so that on
completing the formation of the packet from the blank the
respective inner and outer flaps of the lid portion can be
secured into contact with one another while the lid portion
is closed.
11. A hinged lid packet with a lid portion hinged to
a body portion, said body portion comprising a front wall,
a rear wall, a pair of side walls each formed by an inner
flap extending from said rear wall and by an outer flap extend-
ing from said front wall, a panel extending upwardly from said
front wall, the combined height of said front wall and said
panel being substantially the full height of said packet, a
pair of side flaps extending from said sides of said panel,
and means securing each of said side flaps to at least one
of said inner and outer flaps of said body portion; said lid
portion comprising a front wall, a rear wall hinged to said
rear wall of said body portion, and a pair of side walls each
formed by an inner flap extending from said rear wall and by
an outer flap extending from said front wall, said inner
and outer flaps of said lid portion being secured together;
the top of each said side flap extending from the respective
side of said panel of said body portion and the bottom of
each said inner flap of said lid portion having respective
configurations such that said side flap extending from said
respective side of said panel of said body portion and said
inner flap of said lid portion are in substantially the same

plane and do not overlap, whereby the respective inner and
outer flaps of said lid portion may be secured together without
the intervention of said side flaps while said lid portion
remains closed.


Note: Descriptions are shown in the official language in which they were submitted.

This lnYention relates to packets, ln particular
I hln~ed lld packets.
J In Britlsh Patent Speciflcation No. 1,4~1,17
J (German O~fenlegengsschrirt No. 2,332,4~8) there is
dlsclosed a hlnged lid packet ror cigarettes having an
lntegral recessed panel extending ~rom the r~ont wall o~
the body portion, in place Or a conventional separate
inner rrame.
One common manner Or producing hinged lid
packets lnvolves rorming a packet blank around a bundle
Or cigarettes in a sequencé Or operations, ror example
as disclosed ln British Patent Specirlcation No. 1,459,091.
~ The rinal operation merely requires the outer rlaps o~ ;
¦ the body and lid portions to be rolded down and secured
against the sldes Or the packet. A packet as dlsclos~d
ln th~ ~irst mentloned Specl~lcation No. 1,431,173
oannot be rormed in such a way, and would require a
dlr~erent, and possibly less erricient, manner Or
It is an obJect Or the lnvention to provide a
hinged lid packet, and a blank thereror, which can be
orriclently made in the arorementioned manner utilising
packing machinery similar to that commonly used.
According to the present invention there is
provided a hinged lid pack¢t with a lid portion hlnged
to a body portion, the body portion comprisir~ a front
wall, a rear wallJ a pair Or side ~1alls each rormed by
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an inner ~lap extendlng from the rear wall and by an outer
flap extending from the front wall, a panel extending upwardly
from the front wall, the total height of the combined front
wall and the panel being substantially the full height of the
packet, a pair of side flaps extending from the sides of the
panel, and means securing each side flap to at least one of
said inner and outer flaps of the body portion; the lid portion
comprising a front wall, a rear wall hinged to the rear wall
of the body portion, and a pair of side walls each formed by
an inner flap extending from the rear wall and by an outer .:
flap extending from the front wall, said inner and outer flaps
of the lid portion being secured together; wherein the top of
each said side flap extending from the panel of the body
portion is formed with a cut away part, so that on completing ~ -
~ the formation of the packet with the lid portion closed the
: securement together of the respective inner and outer flaps
' of the lid portion is unimpeded by said side flaps.
The invention also extends to a one-piece blank for
forming such a hinged lid packet, namely a one-piece blank for
forming a hinged lid packet having a lid portion hinged to a
body portion, the body portion comprising a front wall, a rear
wall, an inner flap extending from each side of the rear wall, :.
an outer flap extending from each side of the front wall, a
panel extending upwardly from the front wall, and a side flap
extending from each side of the panel, the total height of
the combined front wall and panel being substantially the full
height of the erect packet: the lid portion comprising a front
wall, a rear wall hinged to the rear wall of the body portion,
an inner flap extending from each side of the rear wall, and
; 30 an outer flap extending from each side of the front wall;
wherein the top of each said side flap of the body portion is ~-
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provided with a cut away part, so that on completing the
formation of the packet from the blank the respective inner
and outer flaps of the lid portion can be secured into contact
with cne another while the lid portion is closed.
It is to be understood throughout this specification
that expressions such as "upwardly", "lower", "horizontal"
etc., whether referring to the packet or to the blank, are to
be construed in relation to the packet when standing in an
upright position.
An example of a packet according to the invention
will now be described with reference to the accompanying drawings,
in which:-
Figure 1 is a perspective view of the packet standing
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Figure 2 ls a view, drawn to a slightly smaller
scale, Or the blank ~rom wh$ch the packet o~ Figure 1 is
. Figure 3 is a modirication of the bliank o~ -
Figure 2, drawn to the same scale, and
. Figure 4 is a ~urther modirication Or the blank
.~ Or Figure 2.
As the packet show~ in Figure 1 is in many
respects similar to the packet descrlbed in the arore-
mentioned Specirication No. 1,431,173, the same
reference numerals have been retained where possible.
. The packet is made rrom the single cardboard blank shown
in Figure 2, and comprises essentlally a lid L integrally
hinged along a line H to a bod~ B.
The lid L includes a rear wall 10, a rront wall
. 12, and a reinror¢lng panel 1~ secured to the lnside Or
the wall 12. Inner rlaps 14 (deiscribed in ~urther
. d~tail below) and outer rlaps 15 extend rrom each side
. Or the rear wall 10 and rront wall 12 respectively, and
are seoured together to rorm the side walls Or the lid.
. A rurther rlap 16 extends rrom each lnner rlap 14 and ls
secured to the inside Or the top panel 11.
. The body B includes a rear wall 20, a base 21,
and a rront wall 22. Inner and outer flaps 23 and 24
I 25 extend rrom the rear wall 20 and ~ront wall 22 respectively,
and are secured together to rOrm the side walls Or the
boay. A flap 25 extends from each i~ler ~lap 23 and is
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; secured to the inslde of the base 21. The top portion
26 o~ each inner flap 23, as viewed in Figure 1, is
q de~ormed or recessed inwardly parallel to the bottom
portion by an amount corresponding to the thickness of
t the blank. Small trimming cuts 27 are provided at the
outer edges of the deformed portions 26.
A recessed panel ~0 extends upwardly from the
ront wall 22 and is/likewise de~ormed inwardly parallel
~ to the wall 22 by the th~ckness of the blank. The width
¦ 10 of the panel 30, which is deflned by corner fold lines 31,
.¦ i8 smaller than that Or the front wall 22, and $s shown
exaggerated in Figure 2.
Extending from each fold line 31 is a side flap
32 which is adhesively secured to the respective deformed
portion 26 of the ad~acent inner flap 23. me trlmmed
edges 27 of the portions 26 are accommodated in the
oorners between the panel 30 and the side flaps 32.
Other features, whl¢h are conventional, are the
short inclined slits 34 at the ends of the hinge line H,
to facilitate opening o~ the lid, and ears 36 formed at
the middle o~ the rold lines 31 to bear friotionally
agalnst the sides o~ the lld L to maintain lt closed.
Referrlng agaln to the slde flaps 32, it will
be seen that the top of each flap has a cut away part
shown by a staggered line ~2A and consisting o~ a line
sloping downwardly from the panel 30, a horizontal line,
and a fuFther short lnclined line. Thus the height of each
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side ~lap 32 reduces ln stages towards the rear Or
, the packet, ln comparison with the constant height Or
¦ the comparable slde ~laps sho~m in Specification No.
1,431,173. The top of the de~ormed portion 26 Or each
inner flaps 23 is similarly shaped, so that lt is
substantially in allgnment with the line ~2A. Thus, as
! best seen rrom Figure 2, each inner rlap 14 Or the lid L
ls Or a shape complementary to that Or the derormed
portlon 26, and thererore complementary also to the
shape Or the top Or the rlap 32.
When the lld L i8 closed, the lnner surrace Or
each outer flap 15 bears against the outer sur~ace o~
the respective slde rlap 32, and each inner flap 14 is
substantially in abutment with the top Or the respective
side rlap 32, i.e. the line 32A and the line 14A, which
de~ines the lower edge Or the inn~r M ap 14, become
substantially oontlguous.
The purpose Or the cut away part Or the side rlap
32 will become apparent rrOm a brier description Or the
manner in which the relevant parts o~ the blank are
rolded to rorm the packet Or Figure 1.
Durlng the maln stages Or the rolding Or the blank
- see rOr example Figures 24 to 30 Or Brltlsh
Speclrlcatlon No. 1,459,091 - the inner rlaps 23 and the
rront wall 22 Or the body, and the inner rlaps 14 and the
rront wall 12 Or the lid are already rormed about a bundle
Or cigarettes to be contained by the packet. The rinal
stage Or ~ormlng the packet involves the rolding dow~
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and adheslvely securlng of the side ~laps 32, the
outer rlaps 24 Or the body, and the outer ~laps 15 of
the lid to the respeotlve parts of the packet; thus
the outer rlaps 24 are secured to the inner flaps 22J
the side rlaps 32 secured to the portions 26, ~ the
i~ outer ~laps 15 o~ the lid are secured to the ir~er rlaps
14. mese rolding and securing operations may all be
perrormed si~ltaneously; furthermore ths application of
adhesive to all the ~laps may also be perrormed ln a
. 10 slngle operation.
It wlll be seen th~t the manner Or ~orming the
packet Just described would not be possible ir each side
r1aP 32 were Or constant height as those shown ln
Speci~icatlon No. 1J431~173. By having a cut away in
15 the side rlaps, access is provlded ror securing the outer
~laps 15 to the inner rlaps 14.
A~ an alternatlve to the procedure outlined above,
eaoh side rlap 32 may instead be rolded and secured tc
the portlon 26 berore the rlaps 24 and 15 are rolded and
20 secured, so that each lower edge 33 Or the ~lap 32 becomes
sandwiched between the inner and outer rlaps 23 and 24.
In a modiricatlon Or the blank Or Figure 2 shown
in ~igure 3 (in which only the relevant rererence numerals
are lndlcated), the end Or ea¢h rlap 32 remote rrom the
25 panel 30 1S attached to the adJacent part Or the respective
outer rlap 24 by a narrow connecting land 3ZB o~ about 3 mm
length; thus the cut de~ining the iower edge 33 o~ each
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lap is closed at the outer end. Each rlap ~2
(Flg. 3) is set lnwardly rela~ive to the res~ective
rlap 24 by inward derormation along the connecting
land 32B, so that in the erect packet the flap 32 is
held agalnst the inwardly derormed portion 26, to which
lt may also be sec~ured by adhesive. Thus in the
finlshed packet ~as also in the packet Or Fig. 1) each
outer M ap 15 of the lid, when closed, will be Mush
with the respective outer rlap 24 of the body, since
the side wall Or the lld is only Or a single thickness
where it bears against the ~lap 32. This gives a neater
appearance at the sides Or the packet than is the case
with conventional packets, or with a packet as disclosed
in Specification No. 1,431,173 where the relevant part
Or the slde walls are Or double thickness.
Figure 4 shows a rurther modirication of the
blank Or Figure 2. The slde rlaps 32 are each rormed
with a larger cut away part, indicated by the line 32C.
The horizontal part Or the line 32C is lower compared
wlth that in Figures 2 and 3, such that it meets the end
o~ the lower edge 33 Or the rlap 32. Also the incllned
part Or the line 32C is nearer the panel 30, so that
it cuts across each corner rold line 31, thereby providing
a lead-in to guide the closing Or the lid.
The complementary inner rlaps 14C Or the lid is
thus also correspondingly larger in area, so providing
improved adhes~on between the inner and outer rlaps l~lC
and 15.
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. Figure 4 shows also a modified shape Or the
1 de~ormed portion 26C of each inner rlap 26. As shown
,¦ at 38, a tr1angular part is removed rrom the portion
. 26C, so that in the erect packet the top edge of the
portion 26C is aligned only with the horizontal part
32C o~ the rlap 32. Ir any misalignment should occur
between the rlap 32 and the portion 26C such that the
portion 26C is higher than the flap 32, then this will
be less noticeable than lr the triangular part ~8 were
10 attached to the portlon 26C.
It wlll be seen that in each Or the blanks Or
Figures 2 to 4 the rein~orcing panel 13 is o~ a shape
corresponding to the cut out in the recessed panel ~0.
This enables the blanks to be made with less wastage Or
15 material, since in stamping out a succession Or blanks
~rom a strip Or material the reinforcing panel can be
mado to nest with the cut out ln the recessed panel Or
the next blank.
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Representative Drawing

Sorry, the representative drawing for patent document number 1059477 was not found.

Administrative Status

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Event History

Description Date
Inactive: Expired (old Act Patent) latest possible expiry date 1996-07-31
Grant by Issuance 1979-07-31

Abandonment History

There is no abandonment history.

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Number of pages   Size of Image (KB) 
Cover Page 1994-04-23 1 12
Claims 1994-04-23 4 116
Drawings 1994-04-23 4 55
Abstract 1994-04-23 1 20
Descriptions 1994-04-23 9 317