Note: Descriptions are shown in the official language in which they were submitted.
Certain of the apparatus disclosed and described
in this application, is claimed in the following Canadian
Serial No. 232,982, filed August 6, 1975 in the
names o~ C. L. Winkler and K. M. Eichler, which application
is assigned to the same assignee as the present applicat:Lon.
Serial No. 2~2,912, ~iled August 6, 1975
- .. . . . . .. , . , .., . . ~ , , .
,,. , . . , , . , . ~ , . . . . . .. . .
7 . ~
~n ~he name o~ C, L. Winkler, ~hich applicatio~ is a~signed
to the same assignee as the present applicationO
Field of the Invention:
, _
The invention relates in general to elevator sys-
tems~ and more speci~ically to new and improved supervisory
system control and strategies for directing a plurality o~
elevator cars ~o answer calls ~or elevator service.
Descrip~ion o~ the Prior Art-
Early attempts in the elevator industry ~o dis-
tribute calls ~or elevator service among a plurality of
elevator cars se~ up serYice zones which extended from one
car to the next busy car operating ahead o~ lt. U,S, Patent
2~064,045 i8 an example o~ this type o~ zoning. In U,S.
Patent 2, o66, 906 pushbut~ons were provided at each lan~ing
~or each car, with the service zone o~ a car illuminat~ng the
, ~ ~
floor pushbuttons located a~ the ~loors o~ the service zone
to indicate to prospective passengers which button to act
uate in order to receive the most prompt service,
An early attempt at quota type control is disclosed
in U.S, Pa~ent 2,020~981, which permi~ted an elevator car to
stop only at those hall calls registered be~ore it le~t the
terminal. Later, quota controls were i~posed on service
zones. me ~uota mechanism could be set to prevent a car
*rom appropriating more unanswered calls from its service
zone at any one tlme than the quo~a, or lt could be set to
limit the number o~ stops a car made on a round trip by
preventing the car from acceptlng any further calls once
it had accepted its quota. U~S. Patent 2,104~478 is an
..... . . . . . . .
., ,
example of quota zoning. . ;~
Down peak zonlng divides the building into zones .
~ . ~
durlng a down peak trarric condition to prevent inequitable .'~
., ~ ., ~. ~,
servlce to the lower floors of the buildlngO UOSO Patent
A~ 2,376,113 reversed certain ~p _ car~ at the highest
call of the lower Or two zones when the traf~i¢ level of ..
the lower zone reaahed a predetermined magnitude. U.S.
patent 2,447,935 reversed car~ at the hlghest down call o~
a zone when the trarfic level reached a prede~ermined level
10 and there were no cars ln the zoneO ~: :
U.S. Patents 2,470,495 and 2,470,496 dlsclosed ``;~
timed dlspatching sy~tems whi¢h automatically switched be~
tween a plurality of dl~rent tra~fic patterns based upon `.
detected tra~lc condltions, lncluding zonlng durlng up peak
and down peak conditions.
UOS, Patent 3,256,958 dlscloses a zoned demand -~ .
,; ,
system, in which the elevator cars operate in response to de~
mands, lnstead Or a tlmed dispatching sequenceO ` `~
U,S, Patent 3,614,997 determines the tra:E~lc level
~. .
ln each car's ~ervice zone, and the traf~ic level~ are summed :
and divided by the number o~ cars to obtaln an averageO This
average traf~ic level in the zones is used to control spacin~
and work load o~ the cars by cauRing a car ahead o~ a car
, . ~ .
havlng a less than average work load to by-pass hall calls,
and also to determine when a car ~;s available for Rpecial
direct service to a priorlty hall call. .
U.S. Patent 3,729,066 develops service zones be-
tween elevator car~ and shifts the service zones to balance : ~ :
the service by generatinB imaginary posltion~ o~ the cars~
and ~ cr the servlce zones rrom these imaginar~r positions
45~00 1 ~
,, . ;
'' ;,:~ : '
: .
The early ~upervlsory system controls were relay
implemented, while the later controls u~;ilize 301id state ;`~
technology, The 3witch to ~olld ~tate Eiupervi~ory ~ystem
control contlnued the philo~ophy of the large, complex relay
implemented control, with the handling o~ the large amount i:~
Or data a~sociated with a plurality of elevator car~ ln a ~'!` ` '
large building requiring either a complex hardwired logic :~
system, or a powerful general purpose minicomputera Whlle
these approaches are well ~uited ror the larger b~nks Or
, . . ~
high speed elevators, it is too costly for the smaller banks
Or medium speed elevators.
The mi¢ropro¢essors, such as Intel~s MCS~4 and ~ .
MCS-8, Rockwell's PPS, Slgnetic's PIP, National's GPC/P and .. .
AMI'~ 7300, offer an aittractive cost well as ~le~
, ~ "-
ibillty due to the LSI clrcuitry and programmability-~ The . ~. :
c~ntral proces~lng unit (CPU) i8 u~ually a slngle chip, ~.
with the typical ~oftware package stored in companion read-
only-memories (ROMS). Data i8 stored in random access mem~
ories (RAMS). .
Whlle the mlcroproces~or o~fers programming ~lexi~
billty at a modest co~t, it also impo~es cer~.ain restrlctions ~
due to lts relatively llmited speed and memory capacityO ..
It would thus be desirable to provide a new and
lmproved universal operating strategy ~or con~rol o~ a group
of elevator c.ars which will lend lt~elf to u~e with a micro-
proce~sor, taking ~ull advantage of the capabilitle~ o~ the
microprocessor, ~hlle working wlthln lt~ memory and speed
~ .
limitations, to achieve fast, efficlent elevator service ~or
the floors o~ an assoclated buildingO ~-
. :
.` .
45,200 `~
.'' ` ~:~" '
. 1~6(3~
.. :: : ~, . .
Briefly, the present lnvention ls a new and lm~
., .~. ~
proved elevator sy~tem havlng a plurallt;y of elevator cars "~
controlled according to a unlver~al s~rategy whlsh accomo~
dates all posslble bullding con~igurations in whlch any
elevator car-may serve any combination of floors. Further~
the operatlng strategy distrlbute the work load evenly
among the elevator cars, according to a relatlvely-simple ;~
program which operates ef~ectively wlthln the speed and mem~
ory restrictlons of a mlcroprocessor.
More specifically, the new and improved elevator
system and supervisory system control lncludes means ror
dividlng successive like intervals Or time into a plurallty
o~ equal time intervals termed scan 810t ~ wlth each rloor
of a bullding to be served belng assigned to a dlrferent ~can
slot. Asslgnments are made for floors-on the baais Or ser-
vice direction there~romJ an~ thus whlle each rloor has only ~
one scan-or timing slot assigned thereto, if it can be served ~ ~ ;
from both the up and down directlon~ lt will be referred to
as having two scan slots, one ~or the up direction and one
for the down dlrection, and each scan slot may be assigned to
a dlfferent-car. Thus, when a ~peclrlc scan slot is as~igned `~
to a car by the upervisory system control, the car is able
to see a hall call ~rom the fioor associated with that scan
slQt, ~or the service-directlon from that ~loor assoclated
with that scan slot. Assignments o~ scan siots are made to
the various elevator cars by not generating an inhibit slgnal
for the as~igned scan slot. Failure o~ the supervl~30ry sys-
tew conbrol to provide inhibit signals will not dlsable the
elevator cars~ as each car will see hall call~ acoording to
~ .
45,200 l
" . :
~0601Z7 ~
.,:,:;lts car control strategy, and will thus continue to operate
under-indlvidual car control, wlthout group super~lsory con~
... . .
trol, until the supervisory 8y5tem control again ~unctlon~
to provide inhiblt s~gnala.
Read-only-mamorles ln each car contral are set to
provide signals for the ~upervisory system control-indlcating -~
which rloor~, and service directions there~rom, each ele-
vator car is enabled to serve hall cail~ from. The super-
vlsory system c~ntroi utllizea these æignalæ to ~ivlde the
floors and service directions therefrom~ le0, R~an ~lots,
into sets, with each set being served by the aame combln-
ation of ¢ars. Wlth a four car bank? 16 dl~ferent sets are
possible, ie., those scan slots served by one ¢ar~ those
served by any ¢ombination o~ two or three carsj those served
by all four cars, and those served by no carsO The scan
slots which are not served by any car are an lnvalid set a,~
If all car~ are-enabied ~or all rloors and all servlce di~
. ~, . ; .
rections, there would be but one set. Once the sets are de-
fined, they-are undisturbed until a oar provlde~ a signal
. .. ~ . .. .
which indicate~ bhat-it ls goin~ into or out o~ ~ervice, at
~hich time the sets are rederinedj~or~untll some floors are ` `~
disahled or enabled.
Ea¢h tlme the sets are redefined, the--~upervisory
syst~m control determ~nes the~average number of-s~an ~lots
ASB in the building per ln-service elevator car-. The central `~
processor al80 determines the average numbe~-o~ ~can slots ~ ;
ASI within each set-per in-~ervice elevator car capable of
serving the set. These averages are stored until the sets
are redefined. -
-30 The supervlsory ~ystem control intermlttent}y~ and
--6-- : :
45,200 , ;
7 ` :~
at a relatively rapid rate, read3 hall calls and car ~tatus
in~ormatlon, and makes as~lgnments of scan slots to the
cars. - ` ~-
If a set 1~ served by only one in-servlce-car, the
scan slots Or the set are automatically assigned to that car,
with the number Or ~can 910t8 and number- of hall calls ln
those 8can 910ts belng tabulated. Each scan 810t ls asslgned ;~
to only one car, and the asslgned scan siots are marked to
lndlcate that they have been asslgned. ;~
In order to assign soan slots asso¢iated wlth rloors ` ~;
served by more than one elevator car, the supervi~ory sys-
tem control determines the average ACB of registered up and
down hall calls in the building per in-service elevator car, ~:
it determlnes the average number-o~ hall oalls per in-servlce `~
car for each set (AcI), and ~t assigns a-scan dlrection to
each eievator car-~ I~ the car is busy, ie. ~ serYing a hall
call, a car call, or a parklng call, the assigned scan di~
rection is the same as the-car's travel dlrectionO I.f the
car has no car or parking calls, and no hall calls within a
half round trip ahead, the assigned scan direction ~s deter~
mined by taking the directions o~ the busy aars into account,
along with the presently existing traf~ic conditionD If the
traf~ic is normal or balanced, ie., not in an-up peak or
down peak condition, the assi~ne~ ~can dire¢tlon will attempt
to have one-hal~ of the cars.serving each trafflc directionO
I~ the traffic condition is a down peak, the-asslgned scan
directlon will attempt to have ~ewer car~ serving up traffic
than down tra~ric. If the trar~lc condition i8 an up peak,
the assigned scan direction will attempt to have fewer cars ~;
~erving down traffic than up tra~ic.
. ~,
'. ~
45,200 ~
,`, ' ' .~- ' ~ "'
In preparation for the updating o~ the 8can slot
assignments, the previous assignment table ~or each car is
cleared of all scan 810t assignments except those scan ~lots
served by only one car, and those scan ~lot~ havlng re~
gistered hall calls which lie withln on~e-half a round trip
from the present-location of-the car thley are assigned to
The unassigned scan slots are then assigned in a plurallty
of assignment passes ~or each set,-with the sets being han~
dled in the order o~ increaslng number o~ cars associated ;~
~ith each set. Selection o~ cars for assignment proceeds
from the elevator car having the least n~mber o~ car and hall
calls. A car deslgnated as the next car to leave the maln `~
~loor is handled last.
On at least one of the assignment passes, the scan
~lots o~ a ~et are scanned ~or each car enabled to serve the
set, startlng at the car positlon and proceeding in the
assigned ~can direction there~rom. Scan ~lot~ not previously - -
assigned are assigned to this car untll lt has been assigned
ASI scan slots wlthin the set, unless the total number of
scan ~lots asslgned to thls car reache~ ASB scan slots ~irstO
If the number of registered up and down hall calls assoc- ;
lated with scan slots assigned to ~he car from the set
reaches ACI ~or the set, or the total number o~ reglstered
hall calls asæigned to this car reaches AcB, whichever occurs
~irst, the car will be assigned scan slots which have no `~
hall calls assoclated therewith until ASI or AsB is reached,
sub~ect to the half round trip limitation ror a busy car,
~tarting in the scan dlrectlon rrom the car once the limiting
dynamic average ASI or ASB is reached9 or the tra~el dlstance
limitation i~ reached, for a car. Th~ as~i~nment process
.. ,.. ,. ~, , .,, . .. ... ; . . ; . - : ~ : .
starts with the next car ln the predetermined dynam1c prior-
ity order. On a subsequent pa8s ~ only the average ACB~ and
the halr round trlp limitation ls applied. The average ACB
may be selected to have a pr~determlned mlnlmum value to
control the rate at which idle cars become busy cars when ~
traffic lncreases. i ~S
The inventlon may be better und~rstood, and further
advantage~ and uses thereor more readily apparent, when con~
sidered in view o~ the followlng detailed de~cription o~
exemplary embodiments, taken with the accompanying dr~wings,
in which:
Flg. l is a partially schematic and partially
block diagram Or an elevator system, including supervisory
system control, which may utlllze the teachings of the in~
Figo 2 ls a tlming d~agram which lllustrates the ;
timing signals generated for one complete cycle of' scan slots;
Fig. 3 ls a timin8 diagram which lllustrates the .:
timing signals associated wlth a single scan slot;
Fig. 4 is a schematic diagram o~ a system processor9
including a central processing unit and companion ROMS and ~:
RAMS, which may be used--~or the system processor shown in
block ~orm ln Fig. l;
Fig. 5 is a map illustrating the format Or sixteen
20-bit registers provided by the RAMS ~hown in Fi~. 4; .
Fig. 6 is a schematic diagram of an~interface
clrcuit which may be used ~or the ~ystem processor inter
~ace shown ln ~ig. l;
Fig. 7 ~s a chart illu~rating the f'ormat Or the
_ g _ ; :
.... . .... . .. . .. . ,., ,. , .. :
45,200 ~ ~
., ,~
. ,
serial signals from the elevator cars to the system pro~
. ~
cessor, as they appear at the output of the system processor
interface circuit shown in Fig. 6;
Figs. ~A and 8B are schematic dlagr~m~ of lnter~
face circults which may be used for each elevator car inter~
~ace circuit shown in block form in Fig. l; :~
~ lg. 8C is a chart illustrating the format Or the ,~:
serlal signals from the supervlsory system control to each
.. . . . .
Or the elevator cars, `~
Figo 9 is a rlow chart whlch illustrates group .
". ~
supervisory strategy for controlling a plurality of elevator
cars accordlng to the teachings of the invention;
Figs, lO through 23 are detalled ~low charts of
, ~ .
sub-programs whlch may be used to perform the varlous func~
tions shown in block form in the flow chart of Fig. 9;
~. .
Fig. 24 i8 a graph which lllustrates the assi~nment
of scan slots to cars for a specific example, according to
,: : . 1~
the keaching~ of the lnventlon; and ~ .
Flg. 25 ls a timing diagram wh~ch illustrates the
. :
lnhibit signals developed by the supervisory system control re
lative to the speoific example shown in the chart of Figo 240 ; ~:
~" ~ . :
.: ~: -:
. ...
. :
~: '
10- " ~
45,200 45,446 45~495
, ~-
,: :
Re~errlng now to the drawing~, and Fl~. l ln
partlcular, there is ~hown an elevator ~ystem 10 which may
, .
utillze the teachings o~ the in~en~ion. -Ele~ator sy~tem -
10 includes a bank o~ elevator cars, with the controls 14,
16, 18 and 20 ~or four cars being illustrated for pu~poses-
Or example. ~nly-a single car 12 is iilust~ated, associated .
with car control 14, in order to ~lmpii~y the~drawi~g, since
}O the remaining cars would be slmilar. Each car control ln~
clude~ a car call control function, a floor selector func- ;~
tion, and an inter~ace function ~or interfacing wikh super-
visory system ¢ontrol 22. The supervisory system conkrol ~ :
22 controls the operating strategy-o~ the ele~tor-system
as the elevator cars go about the business o~ answering hall
calls. `
More speci~ically, car control 14 include~ car call
control 24, a ~loor selector 26, and an intarface c~rcuit
28. Car control 16 includes car call control 30, a;~loor : ;
~elector 32, and an interface circuit 34. Car c.ontrol 18 :~
includes car call control 36, a floor selector 38, and an ~ ; :
interface -circuit 4Q. Car control 20 includes:ca~ ~all con-
trol 42, a floor selector 44, and an interface circuit 460 .
Since each of-th~ cars Or the~bank o.r cars and their controls
are ~imilar in cons~ru~tlon and operation, only the controls
~or car 12 will be de~cribed ln detail.
Car 12 Is mounted in a hatchway 48 ~or mQvement :
relatlve to a building 50 having a pluraiity o~ ~ioors or ~ -
landlngs, with only a few landiNgs being illu~trat~d :ln order
to simplify the drawing. The car 12 is supported by a rope
45,200 45,446 45,495
52 which is reeved over a traction sheave 54 mounted on the `~
shart of a suitable drive motor 56. Drive motor 56 is-con-
trolled by drive control 57. A counterweight 58 ls connected : :
to the other end o~ the rope 52.
~... ..
Car calls, as reglstered by pushbutton array 60
mounted ln the car 12, are recorded and seralized in the car .
call control 24, and the resultlng seriallzed car call in-
formation ls dlrected to the ~loor selector 26,
Hall calls, as registered by pushbuttons mounted
10 in the halls, such as the up pushbutton 62 located at-the `-~
bottom landing, the down pushbutton 64 located at the upper-
most landing, and^the up and down pùshbuttons 66 located at `;
the lntermediate landin~, are recorded and ~erialized in ..
hall call control 68. The resuitin~ serlallzed hall call
lnrormation is directed to~the floor selectors o~ all of the
elevator cars, as well as to the supervisory sy~tem control
The rloor selector 26 keeps track of the car 12
and the calls ~or ~ervice for the car, and provides~signals
ror the drive ¢ontrol 57. The floor ~elector:26:also pro~
vides signal~ ror ~ontrolling such auxiliary device~ as the
cloor operator and haii lant~rns, and it controls th~ resetting - . ~:
Or the car ~all and hall call controls when a car or hall call
has been serv~ced. - - ;~
The present invention relates to new and lmproved
group supervisory control ~or controliing a~plurality Or
.. elevator cars as they go about thé task Or answerlng calls
~or elevator service, an~ any suitabie ~ioor selector may
be used. For purpo~es Or example, i~ will be a~sumecl that
the rloor seleotor dlsclosed in-U.S. Patent 3,750,850, lssued
Augus~ 7J 1973J wil be used, which patent is asslgned ~o the
same assignee as the presen~ applica~ion. This pa~ent de-
scribes a floor selec~or for operatlng a single car, without
regard ~o operatlon o~ the car in a bank of` car~0 U.S. Patent
~J804~209~ lssued April 16, 1974, discloses modifications to
the ~loor selector of patent 3,750,850 ~o adapt it for control
by a programmable system processor.
me supervisory system control 22 includes a pro-
cessing function 70 and an interface function 72. me pro-
cessing function 70 receives c~r status signals from each of
the car controllers, via the inter~ace ~unction 729 as well
as ~h0 up and down hall calls, and provldes assignment
words ~or each car controller, which cause the elevator
cars to serve the calls ~or eleva~or service according to a
predetermined strategy. The car status signals pro~ide in-
f`orma~lon ~or the processing -~unction 70 rela*ive ~o ~hat
each car can do in the way of serving the various ~loors, and
the proceesing function 70 makes assignments based on this
car supplied information,
Main M oor and convention ~loor features, shown
generally at 74 and 76, respectively~ may be activated to
provide special optional strategies, as wlll be hereinafter
me supervisory system control 22 provides a timing
signal ~ g ~or synchronizing a system timing ~unc~ion 78.
me sys~em ~iming functlon 78 provides timing signals ~or con-
- 13 -
45,200 45,446 45,495 ~ ~
trolllng the rlow Or data between the varlous functions of ;
the elevator system.
Fig. 2 lilustrates certa~n timing signals provlded ;~
by the timing function 78, with the timin~ slgnals in Flgo
2 relating to a complete scan cycle. 'rhe elevator system
10 is basi~ally a serial, time multlplexed system, and as
such preclse timing must be generated in order to pre~ent
data in the proper~timed relationship. Each ~loor o~ the
building to be servlced i8 assigned its own time or scan slot
in each time cycle, and thus the number of tlme ~lots in a
cy¢le ls dictated by the number of rloors ln the as~oclated
bullding. Each ~loor~ha3 a different timing ~can ~1ot
associated~therewith^, but it-is not~necessa~y that e~ery~
~can slot be a~signed to a ~loor level. Scan ~lots~re
generated in cycles o~ 16j 32, 64 or 128, ~o the spe~iri
cycle is selected suoh that there will be at least as many `~ ;
scan- 810ts' available as there are floor levels. For pur~
pose~ o~ ex~mple, it will be assumed that there are i6
floors in the building described hereln, so the cycle wlth
16 ~can slots will b~ ~ufflcient.
The 16 scan slot cycie is generated by a~binary
counter having outputs SOS, SlS, S2S and S3S, as iliustrated-
in Flg. 2. The binary addre~s o~ scan slot 00 1s 0000,
respon~ive to S3S, S2S~ SlS and SOS, respectlvely, the
binary address of scan siot 01-i~ 0001, etcO~
The scan slot oy~le is dlvlded lnto t~o~equal part~
ie., 8 scan slots each, by timin~ signals SECO and SECl. ~ ~
Signal SECO is trua ~or ~he rlrst one-half of the scan cycle, ~ i
whlle signal SECl is true for the last one-hal~ of the scan
~ ... . ~ - .. .. . - . - . :
45,200 45,446 45,~95 1 ~
~tiQ~;Z7 ;
cycle. Timing signals DEC0-DEC7 are eaoh true for a di~rer~
ent scan slot during each one-hal~ s~an cycle, with-the true
scan slots being separated by seven ~can ~lots. Thus, any
one of the 16 soan slot may-be selec~e~ by logically com~
blnlng one of-the slgnals DEC0-DEC7 wlth one of the ~ignals ~ -
SEC0 or SECl. Timin~ signal MXCT, for example, ls true only ~
during the last scan slot, le., scan slot 15, durlng each scan
cycle, and is produced by the logical combinatlon of signals
DEC7 and SECl. ~ s
Fig. 3 lllustrate~ tlming signals, also provided
by timlng fun~tion 78, with the timing signala of Fig 3
relatlng to those associated with a scan slot. Th~timing
signals o~ Fig. 3 are generated dur~ng each s~an~lot, with `~
the exception or si~nals S100 and S300~ wh~ch only occur
durlng scan slot 0~
The basic clock-CL is used to derive a signal-K08
whlch divides the BCan slot in~ 8 equa1 parts, and si-gnal
Ko8 is shlfted ~orward by 90 to pr~vide Ko8S. Signal K02
dlvides the s~an slot into two equal part~, and slgnal K02 is ~ `~
shl~ted forward by 90 t~ provide K02S. Strobe signals-STA,
STB, STC and STD are-each true ror-a differentvquarter of a
- ~ :
scan 810t, ie., the second, fourth, ~iræ~ an* t-h~ th~rd
quarter~, re~pe~tively. Slgnals 3100 and S300-occur during
central portlons Or the rirst and third quarter~, respectlve~
ly, o~ scan slot 00.;
In describ~n~ the elevator system lO sh~wn ln Flg.
l ln more detall it wlll-be help~ul to sek ~orth the variou~-
-signals and their functions whlch will be he~einafter referred
to, as well as symbols-used as pro~ram identi~ler~ and pro-
' i',
I~53200 45,~46 45,495 , ~
Z7 ~ ~
gram variables in the rlow charts
ACCU Accumulator regi~ter-in-CPU . `
ACB Average number of call~ in the building per `~
ln-servic~ elevator car
ACI Average number o~ calls in a set per ~n- ~ :
servlce elevator car
ASB Average number of scan slots ln the buildlng ~ ::
per in-service car
10 ASI Average number of scan 810t8 in a set per ~ :
ln-service car enabled to serve the set
AVAS Car 18 available according to bhe ~loor
AVPO-AVP3 Advanced car rloor position ~n binary
BYPS ~rue when the car 18 by-passing hall call8
~F~ True when a car has car call or hall call i~
in an assigned scan slot
CLOCK Timing signal initiated by the system
processor - ~ :
20 CM-RAM l Command control line ~rom CPU to up to 4
CM-RAM 2 Command control line Prom CPU to up to 4 RAMS `;
CM-ROM Command control line ~rom CPU to up to 16
COMO-a~ Serlal control slgnals ~rom system processor
lnter~ace to:4 elevator cars
CONV True when a car has a convention floor - :
CY Carry link ~lip-~lop ln CPU ~: ;
30 ~ DAT3 Serial signal from 4 elevator cars to system
processor interface
DNAC Actual number o~ cars set-ror down travel
DNDES Desired number of cars set ~or down travel
DNIN Down hall call inhibit, true when a car is
. inhibited from answering a down hall call at
~he as~ooiated ~loor
DOPN Command ~rom system proce~sor to open car
doors ~:
~;'~ ,
45,200 45,~46 45,495 ~!
,,, :,
DO-D3 4-blt data bus in system proce9sor
b~ True when motor generator set i8 shut down
FEN Floor enable--true for floors car i5 enabled ~:
to see hall call~ in at lea~t one service
dlrection ~: '
HRT Half of a round trip
A IDLE True when car ls in-serv~ce, *e~ NEXT, and ~:
available according to fioor selector
10 INSC True when the car is in-service wlth the
system processor `
INSV True when the car ls in-service with the ~:
system processor and is not bypasslng hall ::~
16 lnputs to the system proces~or
MDCL A door signal whlch is true when the doors ~ .
are closed !, '~
S ~ I
MTOO Memory track si~nal~ which i8 brue for floors ;~
for which car is en~bled to see up hall
MTOl Memory track signal which ls tr~e for ~loors
car i~ enabled to see down hall calls
MXCT T~mlng signal whlch is true during the last
scan slot Or the ~can cycle
N Number of hall calls asslgned to a car from
HCl a 1 car set
NHCT Total number of hall call~ assigned to car ,~
~o far
NCI Number of hall calls assigned to a car so ~ :~
far in the set being considered
, .
Ncp A counter which is initiallzed to a count -
re3ponsive to the-position o~lthe ~ar ;
N~IsT Number of valid scan slots ~rom the car so
far in the assignment routine (used to deter~
mlne when the half round trip limitation is ~ ::
, ~
Slgnal from sy~tem-processor which is true
when a car is deslgnated as the next car
to leave the main floor
, .
45,200 45~446 45,4~5
: ;
, :~
"': ~ ' ' .
NPoS The scan ~*~ number which corresponds to ::
the po~itlon o~ the car ;~
NRCc Number of registered hall calls assigned to .
a car in a set ~ by more than one car
Nsc Number of cars in-service ~n the bank : ;,
NsCI Number of cars enabled ~o serve a set
NSCF Number of cars enabled to serve the :~
convention floor
10 NSI Number of scan slots as~igned to a car so
~ar in the set being considered
NSMF Number of cars whlch can serve the maln
NSS Total number of~can slot~ asslgned to car
so rar ,~
-OUT4 Serial signals from system processor to : ~ ; ,! '
system processor inter~ace :: :
PCONFL ~ signal whlch is true when the convention
floor feature-is~.aet~vated
20 ~CFL0-PCFL3 The binary address of the convention floor .
PKFL Parking signal rrom the sy~tem processor-
PMNFL A slgnal which is true when the main ~loor
feature is activat~d - .
PMNFL3 The binary address-of the-main ~loor
QMNF Quota of cars to be maintained at the main ~ .
RAM Random access memory
RES Reset signal used to start up thé supervisory
~ystem-control ~ :~
30 ROM Read only memory
3b~ A command from ~he system processor to set ~ :
the floor selector ror down travel : :
A command from the system processor to set :
the floor selector for up travel :
SYNC Synchronizlng slgnal generated by khe system :
pracessor at the start of an instrucl;lon
.... .. , .... . . . . . . . i . : . .............. .
45,200 45,446 ~5,495 ~
:~36~ 7
UPAC Actual number o~ cars Iset ror up travei
UPDES~ Desired number Or cars set ror up travel
~P~ The up call inhiblt signal from the system
A UPSCAN Scannlng directlon ~or a~signing ~ scan slots
to a car, 1 - UP O = DOW~
WT50 Indicate~ car load, l o greater than 50%, .
O = less than 50% .
lZ Serial up hall calls
10 2Z Serial down hall calls
3Z Serial car calls
01 Phase 1 of two non-overlapping clocks ln the
system processor ;;~ ~ -
02 Phase 2 o~ two non-overlapping clocks in khe
system processor
~ . . ~ . . ~ -,
Fig, 4 is a schematlcidiagram Or a system-processor
70 which may be used for the prooe~sing ~unction 7~ o~ the
supervisory system control 22 ~hown ln blo-ck ~orm ln Fig, lo
Any suitable mlcroprocessor may be;used for th~ sy-stem pro~
cessor 70, such as one o~ the hereinbefore ment~one~-micro-
proces~ors. For purposes of example, Intel Corporations'
MSC-4 micro computer set-wili-be described. .
More speciflcally,-the~lMCS-~ mi~roproces~or^ln~
cIudesa 4-bit paralleq control and arithmetlc~ unit-80 .
(Intel's 4004), herelna~ter re~erre~ to as CPU 80, a control
memory 82 which in~ludes a plurallty of pro~rammable read - :
only memories -(ROMS) such as R~M l through R~M N ~Intel's
4001), a data storage memory 86 which includes a plurallty - . :~
o~ random access memorie~ (RAMS), such as RAM l thr~ugh
RAM N (In~el's 4002), clocks 88~and 90 whlch generate the
.. .
;: ~ , . ~. . . - , . . . .
45,200 45,446 45,495
, :
~L~6~ 7 ~; ~
baslc system timlng (750 KHZ) in the form of two non-over~
lappin~ clock phase3 01 and 02, a manual re~et 92, and a
clock 94 which provl~es kiming signal~ CLOCK ~or external
devices responsive to the timln~ produced by CPU 80.
CPU 80 communicate~-with the control memory 82 ~nd~
the data storage memory 86 vla a ~our llne data bus I70, Dl,
D2 and D39 and with the perlpheral p~rtion o~ the-elevator
system throu~h input an~ oukput p~rts in the o~ntro~l and data
memories 82 and 86, respectively~ -CPU ~O include~ a control
line for-each set o~ four RAMS3 such as control line~
CM-RAM l and CM-RAM 2, and a control line CM~ROM wh~ch is
used to conkrol a bank of up-t~ 16 ROMS, CPU 80 ia con-
nected to clocks 88 and 90, and responsive thereto, ie.,
every 8 clock periods-, issues a synchronizing si~nal SYNCo . ;
Signal SYNC is sent to the control and data memories 82 and -
86, and to clock 94, to indioate the skart o~a 10~8 micro~
second lnstruction ~y-cie.
CPU 80 is connected t~ the manual reset 92, and -
lt has a test pin connected to receive signal MXCTo Signal
MXCT is generated in the apparatus shown in Fig. 6, and,
as shown in the timing diagram of Fig. 2 l~t is true during
the last scan slot of each-scan cycleO
Each of ~he ROMS are c~nne~ted to t~e~d~ta bus
DO, Dl3 D2 and D3, to the clock phases 01 and 02~, to ROM
control llne CM-ROM, to the synchronizin~ line SYNC3 and to ;~
the reset 9~. ROMS 1, 2, 3 and 4~each have 4 inputs for
receiving input information from the elevator syst~m, wlth
these 16 inputs bein~ referen~ed INO thr~ugh IN15~ -
Eaoh of ~he RAMS are connected to the data bus
DO, Dl, D2 and D3, to the clock pha~es 01 and 02, to one
.. . .. . .. .
45,200 45,44~ 45,495
Or the RAM control lines CM-RAM l or CM-RAM 2l to the
syn~hronizlng line SYNC, and to the-reset 920 RAMS 1 an-d 3
each have outputs ~or sendlng inr~rmation to:the ele~ator
systemj with these outputs being re~erenced ~UT0 khrough ~ D '; ~ ',
Reset 92 is-manually actuated durin~ start-up of
the elevator system. A low reset signal clears the memories
and reglsters in CPU 80~ it sets the data bu~ to zero-, lt
clears static ~lip-flops in the control memory-82-a-R well as
lnhibiting data out, and it clears the data memory 86-~ `~
10Clock 94 may include a JK flip-~lop~. 96 and an NPN -
transistor 98o The J and K inputs o.~ flip-~lop: 96 are con- ;~
nected to a unidirectional supply volta~e, at term~nal 99'9
: and its clock lnput C is connected t~ the syn~hrQni%ing line
. SYNC. Its Q-output ls connected t~ the base of transistor
98 via resistDr 100. Th~ base-o~ transisto~ 98 ~s-also
connected to groundrvia resistor 10?~ its-emltter ls con-
nected to ground, and its collector-is connected to output
terminal-CLOCK; Signal-SYNC is low durin~:the las* subcycle
(1.35 microsecond) o~ the 10.8 microsecond instructl~n cycle
20 and the flip-~lop 96 chanKes-its output state on the posl- :
tive going transiti~n o~ SYNC. Thus, the signal:CL W K is
a s~uare-wave, wlth each halr cycle be~n~ one comple~e in
~ str~ n
f~ tPuction cycle (10.8 microseconds).
CPU 80 in~ludes:an address register, an~n-dex re- ::
giæter, a 4-bit adder, and an in~truction reglster. The
index register:is a random access memory o-f 16 x 4-blts~ ~
The 16 4-blt locations, re~erenced:R0-~15, m~y be-dlrec~ly - ~ .
addressed for computation and control, and th~y m~y also
be addressed as 8-pairs of storage iocations, referenced ~:
P0-P7 ~or addresslng RAMS or ROMS3 or storing data ~rom the
...... ..
. .. . : , . . ~ .
45,200 45,446 45,495 ~;~
~36~27 :-:
Each of the ROMS of the control memory 82-store~
256 x 8 words of program or data tables~ and i~ pro~ided with
4 I/O pins-and-control for-perrormin~ input-and output oper-
ations. ePu 80 sends an addres~-to the control memory, aiong
w~th a ROM number, during the ~irst thre~ instruction sub
cycles, and the selected ROM sends-an instru~t~on to ~PU 80
during the next-two lnstruction subcycles. The~ instructlon
is executed, ie., data ls operated on in CPU 80, or data nr
10 address is sent to or rrom--CPU 80, during the las~ three ~;
subcycles o~ the lnstruction cycle. When an I/O instruction ~ ?~
is received from the controi memory 82, data i8 tranRferred
to or rrom the accumulator o~-CPU 80 on the 4 data lines
connected to the control memory 82rO
Each of the RAMS or the data memory 86 st~res 320
bits arranged in 4 registers Or twenty-4-bit characters each~
; , , .
16 Or which are addressable by one lnstructlon, and-4~or
which are addressable by another instruction. The 16 bits
Or each re~lster form a main memory, whlle the-4 bits ~orm
a ~tatus characker memory. The address Or one Or the RAMS,
register and character is stored in two lndex registers in `
CPU 80 and i5 trans~err~d t~ the ~elected RAM durln~ two sub~
cycles oY the instruction-cycle-when-a-RAM ins~ru~tlon i~ -
executed.- When- the RAM output tn~truc~i~n i~ recelved-by--
CPU 80, the content ~r the accumulator of CPU 80 is trans~erred
to the ~our RAM output lines.
FIGURE 5- ` -
Figo 5 i5 a RAM map, which diagrammatlcally illu-
strates 16 Or the registers~ 0-15 in ~he-data~memory 860 -
The lower rour rows~ ~orm the status character e~ memories
45,200 45,446 45,495
~L~G~7 ` ~
~ fe~t~rs
-~ of the regi~r9 while the upper 16 rows, labeled 00--15 form
the main m~m~y vf the-registers.- The specific functlons o~
the registers wii1 be herelna~ter described as the signals ;
and data stored therein are-re~rred-to ;~
Fig. 6 is a schematic ~iagram o~ a processor-ln~
terface 72 which may be used for function 72 shown in block
~orm ln Fi~. l. Each of the four-elevator cars sends its ;
status signals to the system processor 70 of the supervisory
system control 2~, vla the interface 72o The ~tatus signals .
from each car are serialized by multlplexers, as will be
herelnafter descrlbed relat~ve to-~ig. 8~, with these ser~al
signal~ from elevator aars 0, 1, 2 and 3 being indicated by
symbols DAT0, DAT~ , and DAT-~, réspectlvely~
; -
The up and down-hall calls-are-each.serial~zed ~n
the hall call control 68 shown in Fig. l,~w~th.the-serial .; ~
up an~ down hall calls bein~ rererred to as~lZ an;d 2Z, ~ :
respectlvely. The seriai slgnais DAT0, DATl, DAT DAT3,
lZ and 2Z are all applied to inter~ace 72. The up hall
.. , . . . , . ~
calls lZ and the down hall calls ZZ are comblned with the
status signals DATO and DAT~ respectively, in lnter~`ace 72
., :.
This ls accomplished by divldlng each of-the s.can slots 00 -~
", .~ .
through 15 shown-in ~ig-. 2 lnto 4 parts, using the strobes .
STC, STA, STD and ~TB shown in Ff g. - 3.
Fig. 7 lllus~rates the ~ormat of the-signals from
the lnterface 72 t~ the system prooessor 70^, ~iagrammatically
illustratln~ how ea~h s~an slot is divided lnt~ quarters by~
the strobe signals. Stat~s signals ~r~m the car~ appear in `~ :
the first quarter o~ a scan slot, a3~str~bed by STC~ Up ~ ;
30 hall calls appear ln the-second quarter of the ~c~n slots of .~
-23- `
. ~';
l~5,200 45,446 45,495
~ 27
the serial slgnal INO from car 0, as strobed by STAa Down ;~
hall calls appear ln the second quarter o~ the scan-~lots of
the serial ~ignal ~ from car 1, also strobed by ST~o The
second quarter Or the ~can slots relative to khe ~erial sig-
nal from cars 2 and 3 are not usedO Th~ hall calls-ln serial
signals lZ and 2Z appear in the scan slot assoclated with the
floors the callY are registered fromO
The third quarter of each scan slot, strobed by ~ ;
A i'h~ludeS
STD, ll-~lu~ the ~loor enable signal FEN. I~ the car ~s
enabled to serve a floor, ;~lgnal FEN will be true during
the scan slot associated with thi~ floor~
The ~ourth quarter of each scan slot, strobed by
STB, include~ the car calls ~ Ir a car has-a car call ~or
a speclfic ~loor, it wlll be indicated in-the rourth quarter
o~ the scan slot~associated wlth this rloor.
Re~erring again to Fig. 6-, the ser~al slgnal~
appearing in signal i are synchronized with strobe STA in
a dual input N~ND gate llO, with strobe STA connected to one ::
input of the NAND gate, and s~nal lZ connected to the other
20 input via an inverterior NOT gate 112. ~he serial up call~ !
lZ are introduced-intG serial ~ignal ~ rom car O-in a
dual input~NAND gate~14, with the output o~-NAND gate l10-
being connected to-one input Or NAND gate 11-4 an* s~gnal DATO
connected the-other inpu~. The ~utput of NAND gate 114 is ~-~
connected to output termin~l INO via an lnverting bufrer 116o ~ -
Buf~er 116 may include an NPN tran~lstor 118~ and reslstors ;~
120 and 122, The output Or NAND ~ate 114 is c~nn~cted:to ~ ;~
the base o~ tran~istor 118 via reistor 120,-and the base is
connected to ground via resistor 122. The collector electrode
is connected to output terminal INOg and the emitter electrode
-24- :~
45,200 4594~6 45,495
~ ',.~` '~ '
7 r
is connected to ground.
Signal DATO will be high durlng the second quarter
Or each-scan 910t j enabllng N~ND gate ll~0 A serial UP c811
for a ~can slot appearing in ~ignal ~ will drive the output ~;~
of NAND gate llO-low during the time of ST~ and.the ~utput -
of NAND gate 114-wlll be driven-high during each second
A quarter of a scan slot having ~ up ¢all pre~ent. The-high
output Or NAND gate 114 switches transistor 118 to lt~ con-- :
ductive state an~ output terminal INO is conne~ta~ to groundO ;~
I~ there is-no up hall call during a scan slot, the output
of NAND gate llO will be high and the output o~ NAN~ gate
114 will be low.A Thus, transistor 118 will-be ln its non-
conductive state and output termina~ IN0 will.b~-at~15
volts, as shown-in Fig.-4. Durin-g the rirst, thir~-and
fourth cycles, strobe ST~ will be low and t~e output of NAND ;.
gate llO-will be high,-ena~ling N~ND gate 114 to pass true
.. . ......
signals during these three quarters of a scan slot, ~rhich
~ignals appear in slgnal
In like manner, tha down-hall calla appearing in
serial signal ~ are inserted-into th~ sec~nd quart~ of
the scan slots~they are associated with~ u~lng dual-input -- -
NAND gates 124 and-126~, inverter 128 and bu~r 130-, Strobe :~
STA is connected to one input Or N~ND ~ate i~, an*-signal
.. 2Z is connected t~ the other input, via inver~e~ -1~8. The
output o~ NAND gate 124 is~conn~cked tolone-input o~ NAND
gate 126, and th~ serial signal-D~ATl ~rom car l ls c-onne~cted .
to the other input~ The output o~ NAND gate 126 i~ connected -
~to output terminal INl- via buf~er 130~ Bu~e~ 1~0 is slm-
ilar to bu~er 116, as are the remaining output bu~rers in
Fig. 6, and hence they ar~ shown in block ~orm.
," '
'~ .
... , ,, . ~,.
45,200 45,41~6 45,495
(Thi~ page intentionally left blank~
: :
'''' ~' '
~:: ''
~~6- .;
., .. , , , ,,, , ~. ~
45,200 45,446 45,495 ' ~
106~)~27 ~ ~
The-serial signal DAT~ ~rom car 2 i8 connected to
output terminal IN2 via an inverter-13;~ an~ an output-buffer
134, and-the serial signai DAT3 is connectad to output ter~
minal IN3 vla an inverter i36 and an 011tpUt' buffer~l38~
The elevator system l0 may b~s operated-wlt~-or -
without a floor designated-as th~ maln floo~, with-the main
~loor feature being i-llustrated by block 74 in Figo lo
Further, when it is operated with a main rloor, any M oor of
the building may~be selected as the main floor by~means o~ a
main floor binary numberO If the elevator system i~ operat~
in~ with a main rloor, a predetermined quota i3. sele~cted
which indicates the desired number o~ cars t~ be maintained
at the main floor, and this quota may be modified auto-
matically by existin~ traf~ic conditlons, For exampl~, in
a 4-car system the-main flo~r quo~a may be selected~to be
one, which is modl~ied-to two during an up peak condition, :
and to zero during a down peak condition.
An- up peak condition~may be detected by a car leav-
ing the main floor in-the up direction wlth a predetermined
load,and i~ thé system i8 not on down peak, this occurrence
starts a timer to-place the system on up peak ~or a pre-
determined period of time-O Each subsequent car leav~ng
the main ~loor ~et ~or-up travel-~ set ~o byp~ss-h~ll call~ 9 ,~
resets the timer to its maxim~m-count, to extend ~he time
the system ls on up peak. - -
A down peak condition may be dete~t~ by a car
A above the maln floor generatlng a bypass~signal ~g~ in
the down directi~n. This o~currence al~o ~tart~ l;he-peak ;
timer, placing the system on down peak for a p~ det~rmlned
tlme period, overriding up peak i~ the system shou~d happen
45,200 45,~46 45349~ ~
, .,
~, :
to also be in an up peak-conditlon, Each subsequent car
. ~; .
which bypasse~ hall calls in the down cllrection reset~ the . ~
timer to it~ maxlmum count. ~ -
The main floor ~eature ls ~elected-by a s~itch
(not shown) connected to-input terminai ~ F, lllu~trated ~ :
ln Fig. 6, m e ~witch applies-a relatively hi~h voltage to
input terminal-PMNFL when-the main floor reature ~ not-de~
sired, and a-low voltage or ground levei signal when--the ~ea-
ture is de~ired. Input terminal PMN~-is c-onnecte* to a h~h .
level input inter~ace 140. Interface 140 may include opera~
tional ampllfier 142, reslstors 144, 146 and 148, a cap~
acitor 150, and a diode 152. Resistor 144 18 connected ~rom ~.
the output Or ampii~ier 142 to lts non-lnver~ing inputO It~
inverting input is connected to a posltive unidire~tional
volta~e ~upply, such as 12-volts, vla reslstor 146~ I~s .
non-inverting input is-connected to input~terminal PMNFL-via
resist~r 148, to groundrvia capacitor 15~-~ and to-ground v~a i~ ::
diode 152o Dibde 152 ls poled to conduct current ~rom ground
into the non-inverting terminal. When terminal PMNF~ high3
indicating khe main ~loor feature ls not des~red> the voltage
at input terminal PMNFL exceeds the-volta~e appliedrto the
inverting input and~the outpu~of tha operatlonal~ampli~
~ier 142 will be positive, ie-.-, at the logic one l~vel-, - .
which is inverted by an inrerter 154 to-the lo~io zero levei
and applied to an output buffer 15~. Bu~fer 156 inverts the
logic zero to a logic ona~ and appli~s the logic one to-out~
.- . .
put terminal IN5. When slgnal ~R~F is ~r~e ~low) the volt ;: .
age applied to the inverting input ax~eed~-that applied to .
the non-inv~rting input an-d the output o~ operational ampll- .
fier 142 goe3 to a logic zero level. Invert~r 154 inverts .
45,200 45,4ll~ 45,495 ~ ~
.. ~,;
thi~ signal to a loglc one, and buffer 156 lnverts this~to a
logic zero, which i8 the true level for output terminal T~
The binary address of the floor selected-as the .. :;.: :
main floor i5 applied to input terminals
PMNFL2 and ~MNF~3~ The signais applied to these ~nput ter~
minals are applied to output terminal~ , IN9,.INl~ and .
INll, re~pecti~ely, each via a high level-interfa~e, an ~`
~ ,
inverter, and an output bu~er> shown 158~ 160 .
and 162, respectively. -Th~ hlgh level-input lnterra~es -~
10 shown generally at 1589 as well as the remaininoe:.hlgh-levei .
A input lnterfaces shown in Fig. 69/all similar to interface ;.
The elevator system l0 may be operated with or -
without a floor-designated aB a convention ~loor., as de~ired,
with the convention ~loor feature being 76 ~n - ..~ .
~ - .
Flg. 1. The convention flo-or may be de~lned as.any~floor - ..
above the main rloor at any time~by a blnary number-O Whenever
~his ~eature is present-, as lnltlat~di, for example~ by a man
ual switch, and there i9' no car present at the de~ignated
20 ~loor, a dummy or fal~e call is shown to every car untll a .
car stop~ at the floor.
The conventlon ~loor ~eature is selec.ted by a .. ~.
swltch conne~ted to an lnput terminal-PCON~L ~n Fi~ 6~
, ~ . .
Similar to the signal-sele~ting~th~ main ~loor ~eatureg ~"
si~nal PCONFL-is applie~ to a.high level lnput lnter~ace 164, `~
the output of by inverter 166~ an~ applled ..
to output buf~er 16B. The output o~ buffer 168 i9 connected
to output terminal IN6
The binary address o~ the floor selected as the
convention floor i9 connected to input terminals PC~~
-29- .
45,2Qo 45,446 45,4g5 .
, ,~
PCFLl, PCFL2 and PCFL3~ The signals applled to the~e lnp~t .
.. terminals are applied to output-termlnals ~ , IN13,
and IN15, respectively, each via a high level lnput inter~
race, an inverter,-and an output burfe:r, shown ~nerally at
170, 172 and 174~ respectively:
The slgnal MXCT-for CPU 80~ hereinbefore~referred ~-
to, i8 provided by -connecting tlming slgnals DEC7:and SECl :
to the tw~ lnputs o~ a dual input~NAND gate 176o S~ignalæ
DEC7 and SECl are both high during the last scan slot, a~
illustrated in Fig. 2, causing the output o~ NAND.gate 176
to be driven low during this time. The low output.of NAND ~: .;
gate 176 is inverted to a logio one by inverter 178 and
bu~fer 180 lnverts this t~a logic zero. ~he output of buf~er
180 is oonnected to output~tarminai ~g~O ~ '
Output terminals OUTO, O~iTf, OUT2;a~d ~ from-
the data memory 86 shown in Fig. 4 intermittently provide
serial data words ror-the elevator cars 0, 1,:2 an-d-3,
respeotively. The~e data words contain the lnhibits and .~.
commands which ~ause the elevator cars to answer call~ ~or ~ .
elevator service according to the operating skrRtegy of the
system proce~sor 70. These output terminals-, along with out~
put terminal 7~, are connected to the proce~s~ interfa~e
72, shown in Figs. 1 and 6.- A~ditl-onal-o~tput.term~nals
rrom the data mem~ry 86 ~ould be~provided for elevator sys- . -
tems having more than 4 cars.
Terminals ~ and ~ are oonneeted `;.
to output terminal3~ , COMl, Z~ and COM3, re~pe~tively, ' ~ .
each through an inverter and an inv~rting output buffer~ .
shown generally at 182 and 184, respectively .
Output ~erminal O~T~, i8 used to start an external
-30- .
~ ~ .
. ' '
.,.~,.. ,. . ., - . - .. . ., ,~ . .. ,. . . .. , ~ , / . . . .
45,200 45,446 45,495 ~ ~
timer 190, with input termlnal ~R~ going low when the-timer
times -out. Timer 190 includes a counter 192, such as-RCA's
CD4024 binary countsr,-a dual input NAND gak~ 194, and in~
verters 196, 198 and 200, Términal ~ i8 connected-to the ,'
reset input~RES of counter 192 via inverter 196. ~n input
terminal CL l~ connected to one input o~ NAND,gate 194, and " ~
the output of NAND ga~e 194 is connected to the clock input ~ , ;
CLOCK of counter 192 via inverter 200. An output~,~ o~the
counter 192 i8 connected to output terminal ~ via inverter-
198, an inverte~ 202, .and an invertlng buf~er.204, The out~
put Q of counter 192 is also connected to the.remaining lnput -
. , .
of NAND gate 194 via lnverter-198. ~Input te~minal CL'ls
connected to receive a tlmlng signai CL rrom the timing run~
ction 78. The frequency'of-thé ~lgnal C~ and output or-the-
counter are selecte~ such that the output will go high at .
the end of the desired time inte,~,r.~al-. - - -
When the syskem contr.~ shes to start timflng
somethin~ it provides a low sig ~ ,~t output-terminal
which reset~ the timer to zeros~ the hi~h o~tput o~
lnverter 198 unbiock~ NAND gate .~;~ . NAND ~ate^194 thus ,~
applie~ clock pulses/to the clock input o~ counte~:192 via '~
inverter 200. Counter 192 1s advanced one ~ount,on^the ";
negative ~oing transitiDn~o~ each lnput pulse. While the
counter 192 i~ a~tive, the selected output termin~l o~
counter 192 will be low, an~ terminal IN4 will be high. ,~
, . .....
When timer 190 reaches-the selected count the output of
counter 192 will go hi~h-, and.terminal IN4 will go low. ~
When this selected count is reache~, the output o~-inverter ,~ '
198 will go low, which blocks NAND gate 194 from~p~sing
any furkher pulses ~rom the CL input terminal to thle clock
45,200 45,446 45,495
! `
., '
' '' ~
7 ~- ~
.: , .
input-of the counter 192, untll the system control resets
the counter by drlvlng terminal ~ low.
,, ~
FIGURE 8 - ~
, ~ ,
Each-of the per car lnterfaces 28, 34, 40-and 46
shown in Fig. 1 are o~ like construction, and thus only the -
per car interface 28 for car 0 will be des~ribedO For con~
venlence in describing interface 28, it is divided into the .
lnter~ace functlon shown-in Fig. 8A, which function handles
the flow of information from the supervisory ~ystem-contro~
22 to the ~loor selector 26 and the interface function shown
in Fl~. 8B which handles the flow o~ in~ormak~on from the ;~
floor selector 26 to the 3upervisory system control
The inter~ace function ~rom the super~isory system `~
control t-o the floor elector o~ each car is critlcally im~
portant when~usin~ a~microprocessor, as the-rloor selector j,,!,~ ,"
operates in a ~ynchronous or continuous m~de,. ie5 ~ requlras
continuous control signals ~rom the supervisory system control,
whlle the mlcroprocess~r operates in anrasynchronous-or batch -
type mode wlth limlted memory capaclty and operating speed~
The microprocessor prepares the data words ~or:each o~ the
elevator cars, send~ them~to the varlous car con~ro11ers, and
then goes about other tasks such as reading t-he st~tus-signals .~
rrom the various cars and preparlng new command-~ords-~or the-- ..~:;
cars based on the latest~in~ormation-recelved-~rom-the cars-5 `
The ~loor selector 26 operates ln a serial-mode9
synchronlzed by the scan-slots-provlded by tlmin~ signals
SOS-S3S, and the commands fr~m~the supervisory ~ystem-control .
22 must appear~in the pr~p~r- 5can slots ea~h tlme the con~
tinuousl~ counting~counter SOS~S3S count~ through the scan
30 slots o~ the scan cyole. Failure to provide a command or ln- ~
45,200 45,ll46 45~495
' ~ ~
'; ~ ~.'
hlbit signal from the supervisory syst0m-~onkrol 22 during a
scan slot causes the supervisory system control to 108e it~
overridin~ control-and each car-automat;ically operates on the
strategy o~ its individual-car control. The ¢ar conkr~l stra~
tegy is to answer all calls ahead of lt3 travel dire~tion, ~nd -
when there are no further calis ahead, it will answ~er all calls
in the opposite dlrection untll there are no further calls ~ ~ :
in this direction~. A hall call above or car
sets it for the proper travel directlon to anawer tha callO ` ~
The lnter~ace 28 shown in Fig. 8A solves the in- ;
ter~acing problem between the supervlsory system ¢ontroi 22
and the car call control by-st~rlng the serlal.dat~ word-re~
ceived ~rom the supervisory system controi and repetltively .. :~`M
and serially reading out the stored data word to it~ assoc~
.lated car control mean~O--The seriai data word is st~red in
A a constantly scanned, aerii~l~y accessed memory whi~h reads - ~
out and re~irculates the data until a new *~ta word i~ re- :
ceived. When the new data word is received the mo~ of-the-
serially accessed memory i9 changed ~rom the recircuiation
mode to-allow-the new dat~word-to enter the memoryO This
is accomplished~wikhout a separate read line ~rom th~ super- .
ViBOry system contr~l, an~ with~ut-interrupt~ng.t~serlal
timed ~low o~ commands ~rom the serially acc~s~ed-memory to-- .
the floor selector. -When the new data wor* is completely
withln the serlally accessed memory, the memory mode automa~
tically switche~ back to~the recirculation mo~e to-r~tain
this new word until the ne~t~data word i8- rec~ive~
More specifically~, the serially aGc~sse* memory may - ;:~
be in the ~orm o~ a shift--re~ister 210, ~CA'~ CD4031,
which has a data inp~ ~.a clock input CL, a mode i~put MODE, .
_33_ ~`
~ '~
45,200 45~446 45,495
;; , ~ .
a reclrculating lnput REC and an output Q~ The serial com~
mand word COMO, which i5 intermltt~ntly ~ent from the system
control 22 i~ applied to lnput terminal COMO, and input
termlnai COMO-is connectéd to the data input D Or the-æhift
register 210. Tlming signal Ko8 is connected to the-clock . .
. ; ~ .
input CL o~ the shi~t register 210 ~ia an lnverter 2i20 :~
~. .
As illustrated in Fl~ ignal KO~, inverte-d., has^a posi~
tive going-transition at the ~tart o~ each quarter ~f-a-scan .: .
slot. When the input termlnal MODE o~ shirt reglster 210
is low, the logic level at the data input D l~ trans~erred
lnto the ~irst~taæe of the shl~t register at.each p~itive
golng transltion o~ KO~. Thus,~shl~t re~ister 210 is~clocked ~.
four times durin~ eaoh- 5can sl-ot, enabling -4~bits.or inror~
. matlon ~o be containe~ in each scan ~iot the - .
serial input signal from each car t~ the supervisory--syst-em
contFol sh~wn in Fig. 7. Fi~ 8C iilustrate~.the rormat o~ the
serial signals from the-supervisory system control 22 to each
o~ the cars. The command words which are not:floor related . `
are contained in the ~irst-quarter o~ each scan slot Fcr
example, the comman~slgnai SUT-~ which request~;that the ~loor . .
~elector o~ the car be ~et ror~up travel, may be:sen~ in scan
slot OO;-the comman* SgT, which-requests that the M aor se
lector o~ the car be set~or down travel, may ~e.sent-in scan ~;
slot Ol; the command DOPN whi~h requests a ca~ to;open lts ;~
door~, may be sent in scan ~lot 02; and the command NEXT, which .~
notifies a car that/it is t-o be the next ca~ to leave the
main ~loor, may be sent in æcan slot O3
The rloor related signals PKFL, UPI~ an~-DNI~ may
be sent durln~ any scan~slot a~socia~d-with a rloor whlch
30 the elevator car i8 enabled to serve. A true ~ignal PKFL ;~
-34- :
~5,200 45,446 45,4g5 ~ ~.
LZ~ .~
is sent to a car when the system control 22 gives the car a ;.~ .
comman~ to park at a speci~ic floor, with the ~ignal appear~
lng in ~he second quarter-of the ~can slot associate~ with- ~:
. the ~loor at whlch the-car i8' to parkO A true slgnal ~PIN~ -~
is ~ent to the floor select~r Or a car ~br those ~loor~ whlch ~-
the elevator car i8` capable of provldln~ up service-~rom,
but which the system controi wishes-to blo~k:up hall calls ~ . ~
reglstered therefrom ~rom being considered by the car In ~ ;
like manner,-a true signal-DNIN is sent to a car ~or-those~ :
~loors which the elevator car is capable Or pro~idin~ do~n
service from, but whi~h ~he system control wi~hesAto~block
down hall calls registered therefrom ~rom~being.con~i~ered
. by the car.~ Thus, to assl~n a down cali ~rom:-~loo~ 6-to car
O, ~or exampie,-the supervlsory system-control 22 would~send --..
true DNIN slgnals to-cars l, 2 an-d 3 in the ~o~rth-quarter of- ~`
scan slot 05, which 1s assoclated with floor-poslti~n 60
When input MODS Or shl~t-reg~ster 210 is h1gh, ~he
recirculating input REC is enabled~, and the~output Q ls
clocked back int~ the shi~t re~i~ter-210. .
The system~c~ntroi 22 could-dire~tly.control the---
MODE input of ~hlft register 210, but this w~uld requlre ~ :
another c~ndu~tor from the superv1sory-syst~m contr~-1 22 to
each car, as well as adding to the strategy pr~ram, in~reaslng ~.
the demand~ on-a memory whlch ls o~ limite~ capa~ity. ~urtherg
the sy tem pro~essor 22 1s relatively siow, an-d the-require~
ment o-f sending a serial data word al~ng with a separate-
slgnal which mu~t pr~cisely luad~the wor* int~ the dynamic : :
memory without interrupting the serial output ~r the memory,
and wlthout losing any blt~ Or the transmi~sion9 may be ~coo
-35- .
- . .. . ,, ,....... , . .. , . ~ :
45,200 45,446 45~495 ' -
': "'~ ' '',
~7 ",, ~ , ""
The arrangement of Fig. 8A solves the problem- Or
precl~ely-loading the data word-from the~ sy~tem control 22
into the shi~t regi~ter 2ia~ using only on~ condu¢tor from
the supervisory sy~tem controi 22 t~ each car, and wlthout ,,~
danger of losing data blts, by using the rorma~ of the data ; '~
word to control the mode control functi~n.
More specifically, the mode contro~l ~unction is
- perfo~med by rir~t and second ~-K flip-flops~21~4,and~216,
respectively, ~uch as RCA's CD40273~a dual input NAND gate ';
218, and lnverters 220, 222-and 224o Input termin~l COMO '~ ,~
is connected to the set input Or the first J-K M ip-~lop '~
214 ~ via inverter 220. The 3, C and K inpu~ of Mlp~lop
, r e c,t r o n ~ l
A 214 are ¢onne¢ted to a sour¢e of uni~Pee~1~n potential at "~
terminal 226. Timin~ signal S300, shown in Fig. 3, which
is true-only duringva portion of the thlrd ~uarter of scan ,~
slot OO, is-connected to a input Or NAND gate-218 ~ia in -'~
verter 222. The output Or NAND gate 218 ls conneote~ to the
reset input of flip-fiop-2i4 via~inverter 224o
The set input of the~secon~ J-K rlip-flop ~16 is
conne¢ted to ground. The J and K input~ Or flip--flop 216
~ ;d;reGt,On~
are connected to a source of w~idirco~n potential ~t t~r- -
minal 228 o The clock input i~ conne¢ted to rec~i~e tlmlng
s~gnal S-100, whi~h is true only durlng a port~on ~ the
~irst quarter o~ scan~slot OO. The reset input~ 11p-~lop
216 i~ connected to the Q output~of~rl~p-fiop 214, The Q
output of flip-flop 2i6 ls connected to the r~maining lnput
of NAND gate 218, and al80 to the input MODE of the shlft ~-
register 210.
In the operation or'the mode control, it will be
a~sumed that the Q output of flip-flop 216 ~ ~t ~h~2 log~c
36- ~ '
~ , . .
45,200 45,446 45,495
, ., ~ .
one level, whioh p-laces shlrt register 210 in the recIrcu~
lating-mode. The high Q output-from flip-rlop 216 enable~
NAND gate 218, and timing signal ~ re~sets fllp-flop 214o `~
Thus, the Q output Or fllp-flop 214 i8 maintained hlgh, whlch
in turn insures that the-Q output o~ rli.p rlOp 216 remalns
high to keep the shl~t register 210 in the reclrculate mode~ .
When the supervisory system control 22 wishes to
. . . ~
send a data word to the cars, it-detacts the going
transltion Or tlmlng signai-MXCT (see Fig. ~), and sends a
leadlng zero to each car ~uring ~xcr;~ ~ollowed by the data
- word. The leadlng zero on the data stream is lnverted to a
logic one by lnverter 220, setting flip-rlop 214 to pro~lde
a low Qioutput. Fllp-rlop 216 now has a low signal a~ lts
re~et input, which "unl~cks" this flip-rlopo Tim~n~ sl~nal
S100, which occurs in the central~portion- Or the first quarter
Or scan slot 00 triggers ~lip-flop 2i6 into! it~ oppo~ite
state, and thu~it~ Q oùtput goes~low enabling the d~ta-input
D of shift regi~ter-210, an~ blocklng NAND-gate 218 rrom
passing timing signal S~OO, Clock K08~thus clocks~th~ four
bits Or data in eachror the 16 ~can slots in~o the 64 stage
shl~t register 210. On~the p~sitive~golng~transition-of ~he -- ; :;
next timin~ signal S100, rlip-flop 216 i~ trl~gere*-into i~s
opposite state, drivin~ its Qi~utput h~hl Th~-htgh ~utput
enables the reclrculate~mode ~f shirt reg~st2~ ~ before-tha
end of the first quarter Or scan slot OO, to~recirculate the ~ .
new data word until the nex~ ~ata word i~! recei~e~. The
high Q output of flip-flop-216 àlso enables N~ND gate-21
so the tlming signal S300 reset~ rllp-riOp 2~4, app~ying a
logic one to the reset input Or flip~flop-216 torprevent
subsequent tlming slgnals 5100 ~rom tr~ggering ~l:Lp--flop 216
- ~ - . - .-.- . ........... ..
. , . , , , . ~ .
45,200 45,4~ 45,495
untll the next command data word is received rrom th~ system
control 22.
In order to remove each car from in~efinite control
by the system processor'~ last command wsrdJ should the sys- .
tem processor ~ail-to provide rurther signals, and to re-
move each car ~rom control by an erratic sy~tem:proc~ssor :~
which i8 not providing comman~ words withln a preset-time
interval, the command words are monit~red by timln~ means
230. Timing means 230 may include a multivibrato~ 2329
such as RC~'s CD4047A, connected such that is.Q output remains
high as long as the input puise perlod ls shorter th~n the
timlng period determined by the RC component~ of timing
means 234.
The input-pulse which tri~ger~ the multivibrator
232~ and retriggers~lt to keep-the CL output-high is-the -
leading zero on the ~erial-signal COMO-. Input.t~rminal COMO
is connected to the trl~ger and retrig~er inputs.TRI~ and~
RETRIG, respectively of multivlbrator 232 via
236 and an A.C. coupler 23~. ~he~A~C. coupler pre~ents multi- ~
vibrator 232 from having its~input stuok in theAhigh~stateO - .~.
The high Q output o~ muitivibrator 232 enable~ command sig-
nals to be sent from the super~isory sy~tem ~tro~ 22 to
the cars. Should the multlvibrat-or 232-timero~t b~ore re-
ceiving a command data-wor~ the ~ outpu~ goes low~to inhi~it
Ja s ~1 pe~l s~r~y
all sl~nals ~rom the ~u~er~orfsystem c~ntrol 22-to the cars,
an~ the cars th~n operat~ ind~pen~ant~ly ac~rding to their
individual car con~rol ~trategy, w~th each car being enabled ~ -
~or all hall calls. -
The serial-command-word-~rQm the super~isory sy~tem
control 22 appearing at the Q output of ~hift reg:lster 210 is
-38- .
, . .
45,200 45,446 45,495 '~ ~`
'' ~` ~`
~6~6~?~27 ~ .
.,. -,
connected to an input o~ a three input NAND gate 24~l to an
input- of a-three input-N~ND-gate 242 vla an inverter ~-44, ~ -
and to the D lnputs-o~ D-type-~llp~ ps 2463 248, 2~0, 252
and 254, suoh a~-RCA's CD~013, The Q output-o~ rlip-~lop
246 i8 -connected to an-inpu~ o~ a-three-input NAND gate- -
256. The Q output~ o~ ~lip~ ps 248, 250~ ~5-2 and~254~are
connected to an input o~ dual input NAND gat~s 258,-260,-262
and 264, respectively. The Q-output o~ multi~ibrato~-2~2 is
connected to an input- Or each of the NAND gates 240, 242~ 256,
258, 260, 262 and 264, enabling these gates a~ long~as the
swpervisory system control 22 is operating in a tlmely manner.
Strobe STA,iwhich occurs during the secon* quarter ;~
o~ each-scan 810t, is connected~-to-the remaining lnput of
NAND gate 242. The output o~ NAND gate 24~ 19 connected to
output terminal PKFL, providl~g a true si~nal PKF~-in-the~
second quarter of those scan slots~which contain a true ~ -~
parklng command-from the ~ystem-control 22o ~ . .~ `~
Asslgnments rrom the~system contro1 22 are low true
in serial signal COMO, and since the inhibit~s~gna1~-UPIN `;~
20 and DNIN are low when a-car~ inhiblted ~r~m see~n~ a~hal-l -
call at the associated rloor~-the system-~ontrol 22 m;akes
a~slgnments Or ~loors ~o a-car-with high sign~l~ U~IN-and -
DNIN, Thus, a l~w true assignment signal in ~ must -~
provide a high UPIN or DNIN slgnai. ~
More speci~lcally, strobe STB, wh~ ch oo~urs during
the last quarter o~ each scan 810t, is connected ~-o the re-
maining lnput~o~ NAND gate 240r, The output o~ N~N~ gate
240 is connected t~ ou~put te~minal-DNI~, providing a h~gh
down inhibit signal-DNIN-in-~he-la~quar~er o~ ~h~3e-scan
slots wh-Lch contaln a true (low) assignment slgna:L from the
-39- :;
45~200 45,~46 45,495
' ' '`;~
system control 22. Floors which are not assl~ned~to the
car will have a hlgh ~l~;nal in the last quarker of the'Lr
associated- scan slots-, providlng true inhibit slgnals DNIN ~ ~-
for those floors .
Timing-signal-Ko8 and strobe STD-~are sonn~cted t-o
the two inputs of a-of a dual-lnpu~ NAND gate 266, a~ the
output of NAND gate 266 is connected to the elock lnput C o~
fllp-flop 246- The output o~ NAND gate 266 will be l~w for ~ ;
the first-portlon of the khird quarter-of each scan-slot,
clocking the data appearing at the D input during the posi-
tive going transition^of the clock pulse to the Q outputO Ir
the up servl¢e dlrection ~rom the floor associated w~Lth a
. .,
scan slot is not assigned to the car assoclated with signal
COMO, the-D input of fiip-flop 246 wlll be high during the~
third quarter of the scan slot and the Q output of ~lip-~lop- ;^
246 will be driven-hi~ho^ I~ the up~service dlrection from
the floor associated with a scan ~lot i8 a~igned to this car~
the D input~of flip-flop 246 wlll be low during the thlrd
quarter and the Q-output o~ rlip~lop 246 wlll be lo~O
Flip-flop 2-46 is used to 8tor~ the up~lnhibit or asslgnment
so it can be presented-to the ~loor select~ 26 s'Lmultaneous~y ~ :
ith/down lnhibitior assignment~for ea~h scan s-lotO Since
the down assi~nment was strobed with-s~rob~ ~B, N~ND~gate
256, which prov~des up assignments, is also-str~bed-with STBo
Ir the rloor o~ the associated scan-~lot i8 not assigned to
this car the Q output o~ flip-flop 246 will be hig~ when the
fourth quarter o~ the soan slot starks, to drive the output
of NAND gate 256 low and-provide a true up inhibit signal
UPIN durin~ the fourth quarter o~ the assoc'Lated ~ean slot
I~ the floor of the assoclated scan slot i8 assigned ~o this
4 5, 2 o o 4 5, 4 4 6 4 5 ~ 4 9 5 ~ ;~
~V~ 7 ; ~;
car, the Q output o~ ~lip-flop 246 w~ be low at the start
o~ the fourth quarter o~ the associated scan slot and the
output of NAND gate 256 will be driven high, e~abllng the oar
to see an up hall call at thls fioor-.
The remainlng commands SUT, S~, DOPN an~ NEXT
from the-system controi 22 are not-floor related and are
lnserted lnto the ~irst quarter of scan 310t~ 00, ~1~- 02
and 03, respectively. Further, once one o~-these~cornmands
is recelved it should persl~t until the command i3" again
received one ~ull cycle later, and nok ~ust during the ~oan
slot ln which the command was sent.
. ~
The flrst cornmand, SUT, which requests that the
floor selector 26 be set for up travel, i8 pi~ke* out of ~he ~;
first quarter of scan slot 00 by flip-riop 248 and by tim~ng ,t' ' .,:"
means which lncludes a three input NAND gate 2-70, an-in- -
verter 272 and a dual input NAN~ gate 274 Timlng ~ignals ; ~;~
Ko8S and SECOj and strobe STC are~applied to the three inputs ^~
of NAND gate 270. -These signals will all be high durlng :~
the central portions o~ scan slots 00 through 07 driving the
output o~ NAND gate 270 iow during thls time, which low
slgnal i3 converted to a h~gh slgnal by-inverte~ 2T20 Scan
slot OO is picked out of scan slots OO through O7 by timing ~
signal DECO whichi i9 high only during s¢an slots V~ and 08 ~ ;
Or each scan cycle. The output o~ inverter 272 and tlming
signal DECO are applied to the two inputs of~NAND gate 274,
and the output of NAND-gate 274 is connected to the ~lock ~-
lnput C o~ ~lip-~lop 248. I~ the~system control 22 is
requesting that the~floor ~elector 26 be ~et ~or up travel,
the ~irst quarter Or ~can ~lot OO will be low~,-and thus the
D input of ~lip-flop 248 will be low durlng this timeO This
45,200 45,446 45,495 i- ~
' :
low signal is clocked to output Q Thus~ output Q, wh~ch-is .
connected to an input of NAND gate 258, wlll be driven-high~
causing the output o~ NAND gate 258 to be dri~en lowi,-pro~
vidlng a true slgnal ~. Since ~llp-r;Lop-248 will not be
clocked again until the next scan ~lot t)Og the-~ignal appear~
lng at output termlnal SUT;will persi~t until the ~ogic
level in the first quarter o~ can slot 00 i5 again examined
The command SDT from the system control -22 re~
questing that the ~loor-selector 26 be æet ror down ~ravel
0 18 picked rrom the ~irst quarter o~ scan slot 01 by a dual ;: ~.
input NAND gate 276 having one lnput connected to the output
of lnverter 272 and an input connected to-timin~ signal
DECl. The output Or NAND gate 276 i~ connected to the clock
input C or~llp-flop 250, the 7 output o~ flip-~lop 250 is
connected to-an input of NAND~gate 260, and the output o~
NAND gate 260 provides command SD~
The command DOPN from the system control 2-2 re- :
questlng that the doors of the car be open, i~ picke~ rrom-
the rirst quarter Or ~can slot 02 by a dual input command ~:
gate 278 having one input c~nnected to the output o~ in-
verter 272, and an input connected to timing signal DEC20
The output-o~ NANDigate 278 is connected to the clo~k input -
C o~ flip-~lop 25~, the Q output of ~lip-flop 252 ~s con~
nected to an input o~ NAND gate 262,-and the output of NAND
gate 262 provides command DOPN.
The command ~g~ from the system control-22, de~
signating the car as the next car to leave the maln- Moor~
ls picked from the ~ir~t quarter o~ ~can 910~ 03 by a dual
input NAND gate 280 having an input connected-to the output
Or inverter 272 and an-lnput~connected to tlming ~ignal
~42- ~ ;
; -
~, '
DEC3. me output o~ NAND gate 280 is connected to the clockinput C of flip~flop 25~, the ~ output of flip-~lop 254 is
connected to an lnput of NAND gate 264, ancl th~ output of
N~ND gate 264 provides signal
The portion o~ interface 28 which relates to in~
~ormation flow from the floor selec~or 26 t;o the system con~
trol 22 is shown in Fig, 8B. me floor se]ector 26 provides
status signals AVP0-AVP3, INSC~ BYPS~ UPTR, ~ IT50, ~J
~E~, and Z~J which, when received by the sys~em control, ~-
are stored in RAM0 shown in ~ig. 5. The Ploor enable
signals ~E~, and car calls ~ZJ are stored in RAM2 and RAM3,
respectively, shown in Fig. 5. Si~nals A~P0-~VP3 provide the
binary address of the ~loor at which a stationary car is
standing, and when the car iq moving it provides the binary
address of the closest floor at ~rhich the car could ~ake a
normal stop. Signal INSC lq true when the car is in-ser~ice
with the system control 22. Signal BYPS is true whcn the car
is set to bypass hall calls. For example, when a down trav~
elling car becomes loaded~ it will bypass hall calls on its ~ ;
way to the main floor. Also9 when a car at the main floor
.. :,
becomes loaded, it will bypass up hall calls. In both sit-
uatlons~ the car will issue a true BYPS signal. Signal UPTR
is high or t~ue when the car is set for up travel~ and low
when the car is set for down travel. Slgna~ s t~e
~hen ~he car ~s in-service, it has anæwered all o~ its calls,
and is standing at a floor with its doors closed. mus, ~he
NEXT carJ T~hich normall~ stands at the main ~loor with its ;
door open and up hall lantern lit, 1~ not conaidered an
A~AS car. S~gnal WT50 is true when the weight of the load
in the elevator car exceeds 50% o~ its rated load, Sigaal
- 43 -
45,200 45,446 45,495
' ~,' '
~7 :
~ is true when the motor generator set whlch prov~des ;`
electrical power ~or the elevator drive motor is shut down~
Slgnal MDCL-is true when the car doors are close~, and
s1gnal CALL is true when the elevator car has a car call ~ ;
System control 22 may be applied to any ~tructure
without requiring~the system control to be sp~ciflcally-
tailored to the building con~iguratlon, or to be inltially
designed with the knowledge o~ which cars are capable o~
serving the various ~loors. All of this information is appl~ed ~;
to the system control 22 in the form o~ signals ~rom the car
control 14. Thls is an important feature which adds signif-
icantly to ~he unlversality a~pect of the system control 220
Slgnals MT00-and MT01 are serial signals whlch may be pro~
vided by a read-only memory track in the ca~-control-143 and
they are true in the scan ~lots assoclated wlth ~loors whlch
the car is enabled to serve calls ~or service in the up and
down directions, respectively. Signal 3Z is a serial, ~loor
related signa-l which is true during-the scan slots associated ~;
with ~loors ~or which the car ha~ a registered car call
Multiplexers 290 and 292, such as R~A'~ ~D4051A,
and a quad switch 294, such as RCA's CD4016Ad used as a gate, ~ ;~
are used to provlde the serial signal DATOo - Multip~exers 290
and 292 are used to insert the~non-serial ~ignals-1nto scan-
slots, while the quad bllateral swltch-294 multiplexes the ~-
serlal outputs of the multiplexers 290 and 292 wlth the al-
ready serialized M oor enable signal FEN and car call signal
Multiplexer 290 19 enabled ~or the ~irst 8 scan
A 30 slot~ o~ ~he 16 scan slot cycle by e~eff~e~ tlming signal
45,200 45,446 45,495 , ~
~ ~ ;
SEC0 to the inhlbit input via an lnverter 296J and multl- ~;
plexer 292 16 enabled ~or the la~t 8 ~can slots o~ a scan
A Cor~ Gtin q
cycle by ~nect~ timlng signal SECl t~ the~inhibit input
of multiplexer 292 via an inverter 298. The data ~nputs D0
through D7 o~ multiplexers 290 and 292 are connected to re- `
ceive the signals to be multiplexed, and their control inputs j~ ; ;,
Cl, C2 and C3 are connected to the timing si~nals-~0S, SlS
. -
and S2S. As the-binary address applied to the control inputs
changesj a different one o~ theidata inputs is connected to ~:
10 the output OUT, As lllustrated in Flg. BB, the advanced ~ :
car posltion slgnals AVP0-AVP3, the in-service signal ~NSC `;~.
and the by-pass signal BYPS are connected to data input~ o~ ,
multiplexer 290 ~ and the travel direction signal U~TR, the
availability signal AVAS, the car load signal WT50, the motor .,~
generator shut down~signal D89T~ the door signal MDCL, and- .~
the car call signal CALL are connected to to data inputs o~ -
multiplexer 292o The output-of multiplexer 290 is- connected
to the lnput associated with switch A of the quad bllateral
swikch 294~ and the output of multlplexer 292 is connected
to the lnput associated with switch B o~ qua~ b~lateral switch `i ;
294 ~ The control lnputs ~or swltches A and B are connected to `~
strobe STC9 to place the status signals into the first quar
,:.- . .
ter o~ their aæsvciated scan slots~ as shown ln Flg. 7O
The ~loor enable signals MTOO and MT0l are comb~ned
to provide a master floor enable slgnal FEN, which also takes '~
into consideration whether the car is ln-service (IN~C) with `
the system control 22) and whether or not the -car is~
~ a l l c e,/1 5 ::
by-passing-h&~ (BYPS~. These slgnals are comb~ned by NAND
gates 296, 298 and 3009 and inverters 302 an~ 304. 51gnals ~ :
, . ~
MT00 and MT01 are connected to the inputs of` NAND gate 296 ~::
45~200 45,446 45,495
whlch is a dual input gate, and the output Or NAND gate 296
i8 connected to an input o~ NAND gate 298, which i8 also
a dual input NAND gate. The output oP NAND gate 298, which
provides signal-FEN, i8 connected to the 1nput o~ quad bl~
lateral switch 294 ~or swltch Co Slgnal INSC 1~ connected -.
to an input of NAND gate 300 3' which is a dual input NAND
gate, and Rignal BYPS is connected to the other input o~
NAND gate 30Q via inverter 302. The-output oP NAND gate 300 ;:
is connected to the remain~ng lnpu~ o~ NAND gate 298 via `~
inverter 304. The output o~ NAND gate 298 will be ~ow lf
the car 18 an in-~ervice car which ls not by-passin~ hall
oalls and is enab~ed to serve hall calls for at lea3t one
servlce direction Prom th~ floor associated wlth the scan -~ :
slot being con~idered. Str~be STD i~ connected to the con
trol input Por switch C, causing the master Ploor enable sig~
n~l FEN to be lnserted into the thlrd quarter of each scan
Serial car calls 3Z are connected to the data ~n ;~
put Por swi~ch D oP~quad biiateral swltch 294, via lnverter
306, and the control input Por ~witch D i8 connected to strobe
STB, which inserts the car call calls lnto the Pourth quar~
ter of the scan slots~
The output~-of ~wi~ches A, B, C an~ D o~ quad bi ..
lateral switch ~94 are connected in common, and-the-common
.1 n 1`~ ec~ o n
output connection ls connected to a source of ~nidlreæ~ia~
potentlal at term~nal 308, via a resistor 309, The common
output connection i8 al~o-connected to the base o~ an NPN -.
tran~istor 310 via a non-invertln~ bu~r 312, such as RCAts . -
CD4050AD and a resistor 314. The base of transistor 310 i9 .~ ;
al30 connected to ground vla a resistor 316. The emitter o~ ~.
. . .. . .. . .
45,20Q 45,l~46 45,495
transistor 310 is connected to ground, and the collector i~ -
connected to output terminal DAT0~ which provides the serial
data signal for the processor inter~ace 72.
FIGURE 9 ^ ;~
Fig. 9 iB a block diagram which broadly-sets forth ; ~ ~
new and-lmproved group supervisory strategy for controlling ~ ;
the bank of elevator cars to answer calls ~or ele~ator ser~
vice according to the teachings o~ the lnvention. The-sys~
tem shown in Fig~ 9 outllnes a program for implementlng the
strategy of the invention, with each of the blocks shown in
Fig. 9 being fully developed in the flow charts o~ ~igsO 11
through 23o The rlow charts o~ Figs. ll through 23 are pro- ;
grammers flow chart~,-whlch, when-taken with the remaining
" ' ~ ~ i ' ' '
figures, the speciflcatlon, and a useræ manual for a ml~ro~
processor,-provide sufficlent detail ~or a programmer o~
ordinary sklll to ~rite the necessary instructions to pro~
gram the mlcroprocessor. The blocks of Figo- 9 also-include
. ~:
an LCD identificatlon number which rerer~ to sub-programs ;~ ~ ~
. ~ .. ..
shown ln the ~low charts o~ Figs. ll through 23
In general the new-and improved gr~up supervlsory
, ~ .
strategy is universal in character, enabling it to be appl~ed
without slgni~icant modiflcation to any bullding~- The system
processor is completely dependen~ upon in-~orma-tion ~rom the
various car Gontrollers as to wha~ each-car i~ capable-of ;~
doing. The system processor uses this informatlon to set up - ~-
the speciflc bullding con~iguration which presently e~lsts~
le., which cars are lni~ervice and~which floors ancl servlce
dlrection~ therefrom these in-ssrvice car~ are- e~abled to .
A serve. ~he~ system processor then applies its universal
strategy to this configuration.
.... .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. .
45,200 45,446 45,495 ~
~o~ 7
The unlversal strategy attempts to evenly d~stri-
bute9 among all-ln-service cars, the actual work load-, as
well a~ the work load which may arise between aasignmentsO
The distribution o~ thls actual and po~sible work load is
based upon-certaln dynamic averages calculated ~ust prior to
the making o~ assignments.
The assignments are primariiy "hall button" oriented9
rather than "hall call" oriented,-at least-until the hall
call~ "a~signed" to a car becau~e o~ the assignment o~ hall
buttons meet~ one Or the applicable dynamlc average~0 Each
hall call button i~ ef~ectively assigned a scan ~lot, and
the~e scan-s~ots are assigned to the cars according to the
universal strategy. The elevator--system is~a 3erial, time
multlplexed arrangement ln which the scan slots ror the ~loors ~-
are taken $n turn. - -
The assignment o~ scan slot~ to the varlous cars i~not made on-the basis of an inflexlble block o~ ad~acent
floors, normally associated with the zone~conceptl~lt is not
made on the basis of a flexlble block of ad~acent floors nor-
mally as~ociated wlth the ~loating zone concept between action cars) and it i5 not a random operationO The asslgnment
of scan-slots-i~ built into a predetermined priority structure -
which includes: -
(1) the clearing-o~ certaln scan slot assignments
before each assignment proces~
(2) the assignment o~ ~can slots in a general order ;~
A based upon the ~loors ~erved by the same combination o~
with each such group belng called a "set";
(3) the asslgnment of the ~an slots o~ the sets in
a plurality Or a~ignment pa~ses3 changing the limitations
.. .
45,2~0 45,446 45,495
applled and controlling dynamlc averages on each pass, with
the limltations and dynamic averages lncluding those whlch
are set oriented, as well as bulldlng oriented; ~-
(4) the a~slgnment o~ scan slots to the cars enabled
for each set according to a dynamic car prlorlty order, cal~
culated prior to each assignment process on the basi~ of act~
ual work load, as well as considerlng such factors as whether
~ ,,
or not the car has the NEXT asslgnment, and if the motor~
generator set assoclated with a car ls shut down due to a .
; ~ ~
10 predetermined perlod of lnactlvlty; .~ ;~
(5) the assignment of scan slots ko the cars, start~
ing from the ¢ars in a predetermlned dlrectlon~ with the pre-
determlned direction ~or a busy car being its tr~vlel dlrectlon ~ .
and with the predetermlned dlrectlon for an &Y~i~&b~e car ;~
~ o~ d .'~lo~
being based upon the currently ex~sting traffic s~n~ vn
and the asslgnment dlrections for the busy cars;
(6) the asslgnment of scan ~lots to busy cars with
the llmltation that the a~sociated floors are wlthin a pre- :-
determined travel dlstance ~rom the car, as opposed to phy~
sical separatlon; and
(7) asslgnlng scan slots to ln-servlce ldle cars . ^~
without the travel dlstance limltation of (6) D
The descrlptlon-or the asslgnment process refers -~
to the asslgnment of scan slots to the carsO The scan slots- ~-~
are each associated wlth a different hall call pushbutton
and the hall call pu~hbuttons are related to dlrections from
the floors that tra~ic located at the floors desires to
travel Thus, the assignment of scan slot~ to the cars may ..
be consldered to be the asslgnment of landings, and servlce :
directions therefrom, to the cars, or brierly, the assignment
~.. .. , .. .. . ,,, . , . . . , , , , ,., ,~, . .. .
45,200 45,446 4594g5 ,~ ~
~6~7 :
of service directions from landings to the cars. It-should
be noted that the term "service direction", when applied to
landings in the as~lgnment process, refe!rs to the direction
rrom the floor that tra~fic at the floor desire~ to:travei,
and ls not related to the setting of the service directions
for the various elevator cars~
More speclflcally, start-up of the elevator sys~
A tem 10 shown ln Fig. l is indicated at terminal ~0 Step .
322 reads the input slgnals IN0 through IN3 applled to the
lO input port of the control memory 82 (Fig 4) from the varlous
cars, and stores the signals in the data storage memory 86O
Step 324 ¢ounts the number of elevator cars which are ln-
service with the sg3tem control 22 (Nsc), and step 3Z6 deter-
mines if khere are at least two cars under the control of
the system control 220 If not, there is-no need for group
supervisory control and the program loops back to tep 3220 ;
The program remains in this loop ~ntll at least two cars '~
are in-servlce with the system control 220 Without group
supervisory control, the cars are enabled to ~ee all hall ~ :
20 calls and they will answer call~ ~or elevator ser~ice accord- ~ ~
ing to the strate~y built into their individual car control- ~ `
lers, as hereinbefore described~
If step 3Z6 ~indæ there are least two or more cars
in-service wlth the system control 22~ the program-advances
to step 328 which ~orms down and up call masksO The down
and up call masks are stored in the main memory o~ RAMS 9
and 10, respect1vely 3 of the data storage memory 860 ~en
RAMS 0~15 are re~erred to, it will be helpful to check the
RAM number in the RAM map of Flg. 5. RAMS 9 and-:L0 essentially
d(ILlJn aY~
dlsplay the~ a~ c~ floor enable signals MT01 and MT00,
-50- .:
. .
45,200 1~5~ 6 45,495
respectively, indlcatlng, for each car, the floors and
directlons therefrom whlch may be served by the carO ~hus,
if the binary word o~ RAM 10~ which corresponds to floor ..
level 15 ls 0111, for example, lt would indicate that only
~ . .
cars 0, 1 and 2 are able to serve an up hall call from floor .~
level 15. It will be noted ~hat this arrangement preserves ~`:
the universality of the program, making it applicable to any .;~
bullding con~iguratlon~ as the program obtalns the irlformation .
as to the bullding configuration from the cars, and then
stores the buildlng conflguratlon for reference untll a change ~;.
Step 330 ¢ounts the scan slot~ in each set-as we}l
a3 the total number of scan slots ln the buildlng and stores
these sums for future re~erence. Each ha~l call pushb~tton
is assigned a scan 810t~ Thus, ln a bullding wlth 16 1evels9 :
the first and sixteenth levels would have 1 scan slot, and the
lntervening 14 floors or levels would each have 2 scan slots,
maklng a total of 30 scan 510ts o A set refers to a group ~.
Or floors served by the same comblnatlon of carsO With four
¢ars, for example, there may be as many as 16.different sets3
wlth the set 0000 belng an invalld set1 I~ all car.s serve all
~loors, there would only be 1 valld setO In the average
buildlng con~iguration, there would a few - ..
sets, but the program will handle the maxlmum number of sets
Step 332 determinesithe aver~ge number of s¢an
slots per set, ASI, by dividing the s¢an slots in each set~
determined in step 330, by the number of in-~ervice cars
capable o~ serving.the set (NScI~ Step 332 also determines
ASB, the average number o~ scan slots in the building per ln- ;~
~ ''
, .. . . .
45~200 45,446 45,495
~ '
`7 ~;~
service elevator car, by dividing the total number o~ scan
slot5 in the bullding by NSc, the number of cars ln-æerviceO .
Steps 334 and ~ then repeat 5tep8 322.and 336,
respectively, reading the input port of ROM 1 of control
memory 82, and counting the cars in~service.~ Step 338 deter-
mines if there has been a change in the building configur~
ation since the last read~ng of the inpu~.portO For example~
step 338 determines if the number of in-service cars has
changed. If there has been a change, the program returns to ;
10 step 322, as the floor enable masks and scan... slot.averages ~
previously formulated may no longer be valid, and thus should . ~.
be updated uslng the lastest building con~iguration,
If step 338 finds that there has been no change
. .
whlch invalidates NSc, AsBj or ASI ror any set~ the program .. .
advances to step 340~ Step 340 counts the number of hall
calls per set, aa well as the total number-of.hall ~alls . .... ... :~
in the building, and stores these sums for future refèrence
Step 342 determines the average ~umber o~ re~
gistered hall ¢alls per set, ACI, by dividing the number o~
hall calls in each set by the number of in-servlce cars
~erving the set~ The average number of registered hall
calls per car in the building, AcB9 is determlned by divid~
ing the total number of hall calls in the buildlng by NSc,
the number of ln-service elevator-carsO ..... ~ :~
Step ~44 checks for-special tra~flc cond~tions~ :
such as those whlch initiate up peak and down peak features O : ~:
If a condition is detected whlch lnitiates.. a peak traf~ic ~:
condition, step 34~ implements the strategy associaked with
the speclfic peak detected O ~
Step 346 checks for spec~al floor featu:res, such
-52- `
, ~ ,
Ll53200 45~446 45,495
. , ~.
~L~61~ 7
as main and convention floor featuresO If a request for .
one or more special ~loor ~eatures is present~ step 346 ~m~
plements the strategy associated wlth t~le special floor .
features selected.
Step 348 clears the up and down asslgnment tables, ..
stored in RAMS 6 and 7, respectively, of all 5ca~ slot
asslgnments except those prevlously assi~ned ~can slots which ~-
! ;
have a regi~tered hall call associated therewith, and those .
scan slots from a one car set.
Step 350 removes any excess scan slot.ass~gnmentsO .. ~.
For example, if the number of calls from car ~et ~ .
as~igned to the car equals or exceeds the hall call per car ~.
buildlng average ACB, all other assignment~ to thi~ car are
cleared. If the-calls assigned to a car from a one car set
do not exceed ACB, but all calls assigned to the car equals .
or exceeds ACB, step 350 COUn~B the scan slots assigned ~o
the car which have a registered hall call, starting at the ~ ~ ;
scan slot assoclated with the position of the car~and proceed-
ing in the travel dlrectlon of the car, and on.ce the building :
call average per car ACB is met, all further scan slots
as~igned to this car are cleared~
Step 352 a~signs khe direction from an ln-service .
idle car in which the assignment of scan ~lots are to be
made to ~he carO I~ a car is busy, the scan d~rection for
ass1gning scan slot~ to.the car is the car'~ travel directionO
The a~signed scan directlons of the busy cars are eonsidered, ~ ::
along with the pre~ent traffic conditlon~, ln.:deciding the
scan directlon to be assigned to-an in-service~idle carO In
certain instances, hereina~ter-explained, it is also suitable
to use the last travel direction Or an in-service idle carO
~ - ,. ,: : ., .:
.. . .. . .
45,200 45,446 45,495 `. ~
Step 354 assigns the order ln which the cars are
to be considered when assigning scan slots to them, with the
car having the fewest comblned car and hall calls being
considered first, etc,
Step 356 assigns the scan slotR o~ each ~et to the .
cars, in the car order determined by step 354 The sets are
considered in the order Or increasing number of cars per ~.:
set. The asslgnment of the scan slots to the cars as~oclated
with each set are made tn a plurality Or passes, s~ch as
10 three. The flrst assi~nment pas~ is a spe~ific assignment ::
pass which takes care of pre-ldentified situations and prlor- ..
ities, For example, scan slots associated with ~`loors for
which the aars have a car call are a~signed to the appropriate ; ;
cars; the up and down scan siots assoclated with a.~loor at ~ :
which an in-service ldle car is-standing, are.assigned to tha~
car, if there is a car with a NEXT assignment, thls car ~s ` `.
assigned the scan slot assoclated with the main ~loor~up ser~
vice directlon; and, lf there is a car with a convention floor . ~.
asslgnment CONV~ this car i8 assigned both scan slots assoc
latsd with the conve~tion ~loor. The second pass ~s a gen-
eral assignment which a~igns scan-slot~ to the cars of the
~ets sub~ect to predetermined dynamic iimibing averages and ;~
a distance limitation. h third pass may be used to try to ~ o~
as~ign any unasslgned ~can slots,-wh~ch may r~maln-a~ter the
; ~irst two passes. The thlrd:pas~ removes certain limltations
uqed during the second pass.
. -~
Step 358 reads RAMS 4, 5:,-6 And 7 to the output
port of the data ~torage memory 86, where the in~ormation ~rom
~ppecl rs
A these RAMS Qppe~r as serlal output signals OUTO., ~UTl, OUT2
. . .
30 and OUT3 for cars O, 1, 2 and 3, re~pectively. ~
45,200 45,446 4~,495 ~ ~ ~
A~ter outputting the assignments to the cars, the '.~. :
program returns to step 3311, herelnbefore descrlbed~
~ig. 10 is a flow chart o~ the subprogram.-LCD2 ;~ k
which may be used to read the serlal input signals ~NO-IN3
from the cars, which ~lgnals appear at the lnput port of
ROMl~ and to store these signals in RAMS 0, 1, 2 and 3. As
illustrated in Flg. 5, the status signal~ ~rom.each of the
cars, which-appear in the first quarter of a.scan slot, are
10 stored in RAM 0, the up and down hal~ calls lZ.~nd.;2Z, re~
spectively, whioh appear ln the second quarter o~ signals ~;
IN0 and INl, are stored in RAM 1, the floor enable s~gnals :~
FEN, whlch appear in the third quarter, are stored in RAM 2,
and the car calls 3Z are stored in RAM 3. A~ wlll be here~
inafter described, the ~loor enable signa~ FEN are only ~
temporarily stored in RAM 2, and will be latar transferred
to another RAM storage 1ocation when the up and down call
masks are formed. '~
More specifically, sub-program L~D2 ls entered at
terminal 360, and step 362 alears the accumulator and carry
link CY of CPU 80 shown in Fig. 4, as all inp~t transfers . .
are made through the accumulator. As hereinbefore.explained,
the signal MXCT,-graphically~shown in Fig-. 2~and doveloped
by hardware in Fig. 6, is used by CPU 80 to determine the
start of a scan:cycle.- Slgnal M~CT-is low during the ~ast
scan ælot, and CPU 80 synchronl~es-itse~f with ~he scan cycle
on the negatlve going transitlon uf MXCTo Step 364 loops
back on itseif when MXCT is zero, as it haæ missed the ;~
negative going bransition. When MXCT is a logic one, the
program advance3 to step 366, which determlnes if MX(,T is
45,200 45,44~ 459495
a logic one. As long MXCT remains a logic one, ~tep 366 15
repeated. As soon as MXCT becomes a logic zero, the program -
advances to step 368, Step 368 reads the ROM.l lnpu~ port .
into RAMS 0, 1, 2 and 3, a scan slot at a time, Arter each
scan slot, step 370 checks to-~ee i~ the scan cyc}e has .;~
ended, and if it has not, step 368 is repeated and ; .`~
store ~he next scan 310t. When all scan-slots have been . .
read and stored, step 370 advances to the ~ub-program exlt ~ .
terminal 372.
Fig. 11 is a flow chart of a sub-program ~CDl whlch
may be used to count the cars ln-service withi~he system con- :
trol 22, and thus may be used to perform the ~uncttons re-
ferred to in blocks 324 and 336 of Fig. 90 .Slnc.e ali of - :
the elevator cars will be considered, step 382 prepares the . .
car loop by inltiallzing the car number or count to car 0
Step 382 also clears the binary counter which will contaln .
the number of in-service cars NSc. -
Step8 384 and 38B read the 4-bit w~rds INSC and
BYPS, respectlvely, whlch-are located ~n RAM O (Flg. 5), and
the words are stored in a temporary location where the b~ts
may be examined. Step 388 examlnes the bit o~.the B~PS word ~: -
assoclated with car 0, and i~ it ls a loglo one, the car ls .. .~ `
. ~
by-passing hall calls and lt wiil not-be counted as in-service `.
car~ The program then advance~ to step 396..which ~ncrements .
the car number 90 car 1 may be checked, I~ the car ls not .. ::
by-passlng, step 388 advances to step 390~..which checks the
blt o~ the word INSC assaclated with car O, bo determine
i~ the car ls ln-service wlth the system processor according ;
~0 to the car controller of car 0. If this bit 1~ a logic zero~
.~ ~
l~5,200 1~5,-46 45,495 ~ ~ ~
lZ7 ~ ~
the car is not counted, and the program advances to itep 3960
If the INSC bit i~ a logic one, the program advances~to step
392 whlch incrementæ NSc, the binary count Or in-service ears,
from the system oontrol vlewpoint. Step 394 enable~ the bit .
Or word INSV for car 0 Word INSV will be a.4-bit word, one .
ror each car, which indicateæ whether or not.each car is in~
service according to the system control 22.
- Step 394 advanoes to step 396 which incremen~s the : ~: car numberj and step 3g8 checks to see ~f have been
consldered. If they have not, step 398 reburns to.step 388 .
to check the BYPS and INSC bits for this car~ When all cars -~.
have been considered, a new 4-bit word~INSV had been formedJ ~.
and step 400 loads thls word into the statuæ character mem~
ory Or RAM 0. Step 402 loads the NSc count lnto the status .
character memory o~ RAM 0, and the program exlts at ~erminal i~
FIGURE 12 `~
.~ Fig. 12 is a ~low chart of a sub~program.~D9 w~ch ~ ~ :
may be used to form the up and down call masks, apeclf~ed
in block 328 of Flg. 9. Sub-program LCD9 i8 entered at ter
minal 410 and step 412 clears the up and masks in
RAMS 10 and 9) respectively, lt initialize. the floor count .:~
to scan slot 00, it lnitializeæ bhe-car coun~.~to car 0, and
lt sets a test flae to zero ~or each:car0 .-..-
Step 414 reads the 4 bit binary floor enable word
from ~lot 00 o~.the main memory o~ RAM 2, and~wrlte~ thls r"~
word ln slot OO.Qr the main memory of RAMS 9,~10 and 110 ~ :
RAM 11 wlll be the new locatlon for the rloor ~nable when all
~loors have been consldered, leavlng RAM 2 available ~or
storing other signals, and RAMS 9 and 10, when all Yloors
45,200 45,446 45,495 ~
. '~ ' .
O~ ",,
have been considered, will lndlcate the floor.each car can ~ :
~erve down and up hall calls from, respectlvely~
The down call masks Or RAM 9 will be simllar to the .
. .
RAM map of floor enable ln RAM 11~ ex¢ept the floôr enable ~.
blt for the lowest floor a car is enabled to serve~wlll be
deleted The up calI masks o~ RAM 10 wlll be.~lmilar to the
RAM map Or the rloor enable in RAM 11, except~khe.~loor-en~
. ~ .
able bit ~or the hlghest floor a car 13 will
be deleted. The program of Flg. 12 performs.the function of
10 deleting these bits to form the up and down call ma~ksO ~.
For purpo~es of example, it wlll be aaEIumed that
there are 16 floors ln the building and all.carE~ are ~nabled
to serve all floorE~, and thus the blts of slot oa o~ the ma~n
memory o~ RAM 9~should all be a logic zero, while.the re~
maining bits of the main memory of RAM 9 will be a.loglc one,
and:the bits of slot 15 o~ the maln memory a~ RAM lO should
all be a logic zero, while the remaln~ng blts Or ~he main .. .~;
memory of RAM 10 will be a logic one. . .
More specifically, a~ter the ~100r..enahle word for
, . . . .
slot 00 has been written into RAMS 9, 10 and 11., step 416
checks this word while lt is ln the accumulator.o~ ~PU 800 : .:
' : "
I~ thls scan slot had not been assiened to a-raoor, such as ..~
,~ ~.- .
when there are more scan 810ts than floor le~eia, the word
will be all zeros, and step 416 would.advance~to ~.tep 436
which increments the ~loor countG In the e~ample, the first
word will all be ones,~and since the word ls.n~t all zeros,
the program advance to step 4~8 whLch shi~ts ~he accumulator
ri~ht to place the bit associated 0 in:the accumu-
lator carry CY. Step 420~checks the carry,.and ~r lt ls a
30 zeroS indicatlng this car i8 not enabled for thi~ ~:Loor9 :~
- - , . .. . . . . ~ , :,
45,200 45,~46 45,495
~O~Oi~'7 . ~
the program advance~ ko step 428 which increments the car
count. In the example, all cars are enabled ror all Yloors,
so the carry will be a one and the pro~ram advances to step
422, whlch load~ the address of this f:loor in the up delete .:~
re~ister for thi~ car, ie., an index regi~ter. in CPU 80. .
Each time thi~ car 18 ~ound ~Q be enabled ~or a h~gher floor,
the address Or thi~ hlgher ~loor will be wr~tten over the
address of the lower ~loor. Therefore, ~hen all ~laors ha~e
been consldered, the address ln ~he up delete.reglaterj i~
the address of the highest ~loor the car is.Qnabled bo ~erve, ^`~
and the blt ~or thls floor, for this car, will be deleted
in RAM lO, the up call mask. ~;
Step 424 then checks the test flag for this carO
If it is a-zeroj lt lndicates the down mask.b~t.~or~the lou~
est floor thls car can serve has not yet been;.deleted~ and
step 426 clears the carry to delete this bit, and ~he-test
~lag for this car is set to l, to indicate~the nex~ tlme ;~
step 424 ls encountered ~hat step 426 should.b.e sklppedO ..
Step 428 lncrements the car numberj and step 4;30 check~ to
20 see lr all car3 have been consldered. I~ not, the program ;
loops back to stap 418, to che~k the blt Or ~he ~loor enable
word ror the next car. ....
When all cars have been considered re~at~ve to the
floor enable word ~or ~his n oor, step 432 sh~æts.the accum
ulator rlght to.return the ~loor enable word~tQ its original
loca tl a n
`~ ~e~d~t~, and ~tep 434.10ads this word into ~he as~ociated
slot of RAM 9, the dcwn call maskO Since the bit~ of the ~:
lowest ~loors the cars are enabled to serve are eliminated ~ ~
from the word in ~tep 4269 the correct down mask i~ crea~ed ;;
~imply by writing the word held in bhe accumulator over the
.. . .
45,200 45,446 45,495 ' .';'
.,, ' ~ ' '
' , ',
~61)~ 7
word of the same slot in the down mask, RAM g~ -
Step 436 lncrements the floor count, and step 438
checks to ~ee i~ all floors have been considered. If not,
the program loop~ back to atep 414, ~hlrh reads th~-~loor
enable word from RAM 2 ~or this floor ~nto RAMS 9~ 10 and
llo The ~teps wlll then be performed a~ before, except now ~ :~
the test flag will be a one for all car~, skipping step 4269 `
as no further bit~ are to be removed from the word before `~
loading it into RAM 9. . ^ .~
..; . .
When step 438 finds that all floors ha~e been con~
sidered, the up delete reglste~ for each car will contain
the address of the hlghest flo~r eaoh car is enabled to-~erve
and step 440 initiallzes the car count and loada thls up de-
lete address for car O ~nto the accumulatorO Step 4429 uslng `.
this address, deletes the bit ~or thls car.and ~loor ln RAM
10~ the up ~all maskO Step 4~4 increment~ the car ~ount~ and '. '::
step 446 checkR to see if all cars have been cQnslderedO If ~.
not, the program~loops back to step 4400 When ail cars have .
been considered, the up mask i8 completed, and slnce the
down mask was completed when s~ep 438 advanced to step 440,
tbe p~ogram exits at terminal 448. "~
.. . . : .
Flg. 13 ia a flow chart~of`a'~ub-progrEm~LCD10 whlch
~; may be used to count the total number of scan.~lots in the '~
building, as well as the number of scan slots-in.each set,
which corres.pond~ to bhe block'~unction 330 ~n FlgD 90
" ' ~ ' !`: ' .: :
Sub-progr~m LCD-10 ia entered at terminal 450~and~tep 452 : ~ -
loads the addre~s o~ RAM 10, the up oall maak,-in~o the
accumulator, and.~ets a flag to 1.~ Step 454.clears word ASB, ~.
30 the average number of scan ~lots per ln--service car ln the -~
--~0-- "
45,200 45,446 45,4g5
building, whlch word i~ located ln the ~tatus character mem~
ory of RAM 8, and it also clears the main memory of RAM 8,
whlch is where the AsI-words ~or the sets are stored~ Word
ASI is the average number of scan ~lots for a~set9 per in~
servlce car capable Or serving the set~
In RAM 8, the row~ re~er to set numbers, and not .
scan slots or Moor levelsO The universality of the super~
visory control i~ enhanced by givlng each of the slxteen . ;~
possible sets, counting the lnvalid set where ~o cars serve
a scan slot, a dlfferent binary number ~OOO through :Llll
Informatlon relative to a set ls stored ln bhe maln memory
of a RAM according to the blnary number o~ the ~etO Infor-
mation relative to set 0001, ror example, i8 stored in row
1, and information relative to set llll ls stored ln-row 150 `
The mask word for a floor, from both the up and down masks,
is used as the set number. Therefore, it is not necessary
for CPU 80 to determine how many sets there are, or.what they ~ :
are~ For examplej if an up or down mask word ror a ~loor ~s
1111, lndlcatlng ail cars are enabled to serve ~he ~loor and
directlon therefrom a3soclated with this ~can slot, this scan
slot belongs to set 1111 and lnformation relatlve to th~s set
i5 stored in row 15 of the maln memory of a RAM~ If ~he mask .
word is llOO, indicating that only cars 2 and.3 are enabled
to serve the floor and direction therefrom assoolated w~th
this scan slot, thl~ scan slot would belong to ~et 1100, which
would be stored in row 12. If the~e are the only ~alid sets~
only rows 12:and 15 would be used to store.informatlon rela-
tive to the sets~ and the remaining rows would all contain ~ :
More speoifically, step 454 advance~ to ~tep 456 ~ ;
., .
45~200 45,446 45,495
~ .,,
which lnitiallzes the floor count, and step 458 reads the ~ :
up mask word ~or ~can slot 00 Step 460 checks to determine ~:~
lf the scan slot i8 associated wlth a ~loorO If the mask
word ls zero, lt 18 nok assocla~ed with a floor and the ;
program advances to step 468, whlch increments the floor :~
count~ I~ the word ls not zero~ ~tep 462 lncrements the
scan slot total~ stored ln a scratch pad memory, such as the
main memory of one o~ RAMS 12, 13,14 or 15
Step 464 loads the set address whlch thls scan
, ... ..
slot belongs to, which, as hereinbe~ore described is the
same as the mask word belng considered, and step 466 lncre- :
ments the scan slot total for this setO Thu~ the mask
: . ~: .
word wa~ 1111, address 1111, whlch is row 15 of the maln .
memory of a RAM , would be lncremented by oneO ;i~
Step 468 increments the rloor count and step 470
determines if all of the scan slots have been con&ideredO
If not, the program-loops back to step 458 to read the mask :~
word for bhe next scan slot. When step-470 ~lnd~ ali scan
slots have been completed, step 472 loads the addre~s of
RAM 9, the down call mask, into the accumulator, and step
474 check~ the flag. If the ~lag i8 one, lt indicates t~e
down call masks have not yet been processed-~ step 476 sets - ~: ;
the flag to zero, and the program returns to step 456 to
process the down call masks. When step 474 ~fl nds `the ~lag ~:
equal to zero, both the up and down call masks have been
processed, and the program exits at berminal 4783
Flg 14 i a flow chart of a su`b-program-LCDll
which may be used ior both block ~unctions 332 and-342 of
Fig. 9. Function 332 determlnes the averages As~ and A
"" '~
-~ , .
: - .. . . . . . , ; , .
45,200 l~5,446 45,495 ~ ~
and ~unction 342 determines the averages Ac~ and ACI If
all cars are not enabled for the same floors and ~ervice .
direct~ons, there wlll be more than one set, and each set
will have its own ASI and ACI averages. The building averages
ASB and ACB bear no relationship to the set averages~ If all
cars are enabled for all floors, there is only one set~ In;~
this instance the average ASI for this one set will be the
same as the bullding average ASB, and the average ACI for
thls one set will be the ~ame as ~he average ACBo .In describ~
10 ing Flg, 14, lt will assumed that it i~ ~unction.3320 To ~ :
obtain the description of ~unction of 342, it ls only neces-
sary to substltute "hall calls" for "~can slots", RAM 2 ~or
RAM 8, ACB ~or ASB~ and ACI ror ASI.
More specifically, sub-program LCDll ~s entered
at terminal 490, and;in step 492 word Ns~ the number of cars :~
ln-service according to the system control 22, stored in the .
status character memory of RAM 0, is loaded.into the accumu~
lator, and the ~et count i8 initlallzed so bhe.sets can be
examined in the order o~ the set numbersO
~0 Step 494 1oad~ the total number of scan 810ts tn ~ .
the building, which was stored in a temporar~.looatlon by
step 462 ln Fig. 13c Step 494 divides the total number Or
scan slots in the buildlng by NSc and stores.the result, a
binary word ASB, in the stat~s character memory ~f RAM 8~ ;
Step 500 loads the address of the ~irst set and
the total slots in thi set. The total slots for this set ~ :
address were determlned ln step 466 of Figo 130 Step 502
determlnes lf there is an actual set by checking to see if
the number o~ scan slat~ in the set is zero~ If it ls zero,
the program advances to ~p 510, which lncrement~ ~;he set
~. ~ ,.-, . .. .
45,200 45,446 45,495 , ~
~L~36~ 7
number. If the total slots, are not zero, s,tep 504 determine~
the number of in-servlce cars enabled to serve khe set~ N
which is determined by counting the "ones" in ths set number~
and step 506 dlvides, the total number o~ ~,can islots by NScI ;~
for this setO The quotlent ls the ASI of bhi~ set, ie~ the
average number of scan slots per in-service car, and step ;
508 stores thi~, number, a binary numberj in.the main mem~
ory of RAM 8, in the row corresponding to the address of thls
set. -`
Step 510 lncrements the set number,.. and step 512 -~.
determlnés if all sets have been consideredO If' not, the
program loops back to step 500~ I~ all the.sets have been
¢on~,idered, step 512 advance~ to the exit 514
Fig~ 15 is a flow chart of a sub-program ~CD4-
which may be used for the block function 340 shown in Figo ;~
., ; .
9, to count the total number o~ hall calls, as well as the
number of hall calls in each o~the sets,
Sub-program LCD4 is entered at bermlnal 520,~and .~
step 522 loads the addresse3 of~RAMS 1, ~ and 10 which con- . ;.
tain the up and down hall calls, the down call mask words9
and up call mask words, respectlvelyO- Step 524 cle,~rs ACB9
the average number of hall calls per in-servlce car in the
building, stored in the status character memor~.o~ RAM 2, ~nd ..
it clears ACI for each set, the average number o~ hall calls
in a set per in-service car enabied to serve the set~, sto~ed ;~.
ln the maln memory of RAM 2. Stèp 526 ~nitializes the floor
A count9 and step 528 reads the call word from row OO o~ ~AM 2~o
Step 530 checks the first blt o~ this call word for an up ~ `;
call. If the flr~t bit 1~ zero, the program advance~ to
45,200 45,446 45,495
step 540 to check for a down call D If the first bit is a
one, step 532 check~ the up call mask word for this scan
slot, stored in RAM lOo If the-mask wo:rd ls zero, no cars
are enabled for thls scan slot and the l"one" dete~ted by ~ :
step 530 was invalidD Therefore, the p:rogram advances to
step 540O If step ~32 flnds the mask word is not.all zeros,
step 534 lncrements the-hall call total for the building
stored in a temporary locatlon, and ~tep 536 loads ~he ~et- ~:~
address for thls callO The set address ls the up call mask
word ~ust checked in step 532, and step 531 Incremenbs the . ;~
hall call total ~or this set, which ~o~a}s-~re stored in a
temporary locatlonD
Step 538 advances to step 540 whlch checks the
second bit of the call word from RAM 1. If thls bit 1
zero, the program advances to-step 550, whlch increments
the floor countO If the second blt ls a one~ the program ~;
checks the-down call mask word from RAM 9 for.thi~ s~an slot O
If the mask word is zero, the detected call by step 540 i5
lnvalid, and the program advances to step 5500 I~ the mask ~ :
20 word i8 non-zero, step 544 increments the hall oall total ;~
for the buildingD Step 546 loads the set address for the
call, leO, the down call mask word for this scan ~10~3 and
step ~48 increments the hall call total for ~his setO
Step ~50 increments the ~loor count, and step 552 ;
j checks to see if all floors (scan-slots) have be~n-consi~
deredO If they have not, the program loops back to step ~ :
528 D If they have9 the program exits at terminal 554O
The information necessary to r~n function-342 of .
Fig. 9 ls now available, and ~ubprogram LCDll prepares the
averages ACI for each set, and ACB for the bullding~ in a
~ ~ -
' ~ ' ' .
45 J200 45,446 45,~95 '~ ~
~n~Q~ Z7
manner similar to that hereinbefore described relative to
the preparation of averages ASI and ASB (Flg~ 14)o
Fig, 16 ls a f`low chart of a sub-program LCD12
which may be used for the block function 344 of Figo 9 ~ re~
lated to special trafflc ~eatures~ The ~ubprogram LCDl2
detects predetermined tra~fic conditions, and ln response ..
thereto takes a predetermined course o~ action~.. For example,
a peak traffic condltion ln the down directlon may be de~
lO tected by a car above the main floor, set ~or.down travel9 :
by-passing hall calls. This may be detected by checking
the 4-bit word BYPS stored ~n row 07 of RAM 00 A peak traf~
fic condition ln the up directlon may be detected by a loaded
car leaving bhe maln ~loorO It may a1so be detected by a ` `~
car at the main floor, set ~or up travel, set to by-pass hall
calls Again, the 4-blt word BYPS may be ~heckedO - i i
I~ both the up peak and down peak e~ents occur .
simultaneously, the down peak take~ precedence
The predetermined cour~e Or action.taken by sub~
program LCDl2 in response to a peak conditlon determlnes-the ~-
quota of car~ to be malntained at the main rloor, ~FL~ and ;.
actuates a peak tlmer. The peak timer maintains the pe~k ;~
related strategy for a predetermined period of tlme after the :~
occurrence of each event which is used to indicate the peak ,;~ !
ls occurringO
.More speci~ically, subprogram LC~12 ~s entered atterminal 560 and step 562 checks lnput signal IN5 o~ CPU 80
to determlne i~ the main floor feature is true, indlcated by
a true signal PMNFL (Fig 6), which may be oontrolled by a ;
manual swltch If the main floor ~eature is not ac1;1ve,
-66- -;
: '. .:
45,200 45,446 45,495 1~ ~
,,` ~,.
the pro~ram advances to step 5920 I~ the maln ~loor fe~ture
i8 active, step 564 checks the 4-blt ~ord BYPS stored in
RAM O to see if any car is by-passlng hall call~O As here~
inbefore stated, this ~est may be used t;o detect.peaks for "~
both tra~ic directionsO If the word BYPS is zero, the
: ~ ,
program advances to step 592. If the word BYPS is not all
zeros, step 566 initializes the car count and step 568 checks
the ~lrst bit o~ word IN5C, stored ln RAM n, which bit is
associated with car 0~ If this bit ls zero, indi~:ating this
car is not in-service with the system control 22, the pro
gram advances to step 5880 I~ the car is, step
570 checks the bit of word BYPS,'stored in RAM 0, associated .
with car 00 If this bit is zero, the car is not by-passlng '.
and the program advances to step 588Q I~ the BYPS bit is a
, ~
one, the car~i~ by-pa~sing-and step 572 determlne~ ~'the
by-passlng is associated wlth up or down tra~fic by checking
to see i~ the car is at the main floorO I~ the car ~s at the '~
main floor, step 574 checks the bit of word UPTR, stored ~n
RAM 0, to see i~ the car is set for up travel~ If ~t is not, .
the program advanoes to step 588~ Ir it i~, step 576 sets
a peak bit ln the statu~ character memory of RAM~Oj it sets
a peak identi~ier-bit ln the same RAM to lsdlcate up peak,
it sets the quota of cars ~o be mainta~ned at the main floor ;~
. . ..
(QMNF)~ to some predetermlned number, such as 2.~or a.4 car `'
bank, and it sets a flag to indicate ~he up peak bit ha~ been :~
set. Step 578 3et~ a peak timer, whtch will keep.the system ~;
on up peak ~or a predetermlned per~od o~ timeO ~ :
If ~tep 572 found that bhe by-passin~ car was -
not at the main ~loor, step 580 checks to seQ lr the car is
30 above the main ~loor I~ it is not, the program advances to ` ;~
-67~ '; '
45J200 45,41~6 45,495 ';
.. .:
step 588 If the car ls above the main floor~ its travel
direction ls checked in step 582 by checklng the bit Qf
word UPTR stored in RAM 0 associated with this car~ If the .~
car is set for up travel the bit will be a "one"~ and the ~ ~`
program advances to step 588O If the car ls ~et ~or down
travel, the UPTR bit will be a zero and step-584 sets the .
bits in the status character memory of RAM.0 to indicate a
down peak, the main-floor quota QMNF is set to some pre~
determined number, such as zero ~or a 4 car bank, and it .. ;~
10 clears a flag to indicate the down peak bit has been setO 1 :~
If either the up peak or down peak.blt i8 set, ~ ~ .
.. , ..~ .
the program reaches step 578 which sets the peak timer, and . -~ :
step 586 checks the flag to see if the system has been set .~
for up or down peak~ If the ~lag is zero~ indicating a - ;i`.:.;
down peak, no further cars need be checked, since down peak
takes precedence over up peakO If the flag 19 a onej ind~
cating an up peak, the remainlng cars must be ~hecked to "~
determined if any will trigger the down peak feature j since
down peak takes precedence~ If step 586 finds the ~lag ls
set, step 588 increments the car count and the words BYPS,
INSC and ~PTR are shifted to look at the bits~or these words
which are associated with the-new carD Step.590 ehecks ~o ~.:
see lf all cars have be~n considered, and i~ not, the program . : ~:
loops back to step S68~
When ~tep 590 ~inds that all o~ the ~ars-have been
con~idered~ or as 800n as the down peak is activated, or if .~ .
PMNFL or the word BYPS~wa~ zero~ step-592~is reached which
checks the peak tlmerO If the peak tlmer is actlve, the
program exits a~ term~nal 596~ If the peak timer has timed
out, step 594 re~ets the peak bit in the status oharacter
-68- ~ -
~,, .. - .. ., - .. , ., . - .. . ,, -, . . . . . . ................. . . . . .
.. .: .... . - .: . , . .. , .. . . . . ~ . ,
45J200 45,446 45~495
memory of RAM 0~ and ~ets the main floor quota, QMNF to some
predetermined number, such as 1 ~or a 4 car bank, and then ; :~
the program exits at terminal 5~6. ~ .:
FIGURE 17 :~
~lg. 17 is a flow chart o~ a sub-program LeD13 ..
which may be -used to per~orm the block function 346 of Fig~
9 associated with special floor ~eatures~ As herelnbefore .
described re~ative to Flg. 6, the present inventlon~las ;~
provlsion for a main floor reature and a conventlon ~oor ~ s
10 Peature, but-other special ~loorAfeatures, a rest-
uarant floorj and the ll~e may be added-in the manner pre~
viously described relatlve to ~igo 6, and to be descrlbed
relative to Fig. 17. It will be recalled that the main
~loor ~eature is actlvated by a swltch whlch d~ives terminal ~ .
,. . -~ :.
PMNFL o~ FigO 6 true. The main floor may be selected ~o be
any ~loor ln the building, and may be changed~ if des~redO .~
The b~nary addres~ o~ the floor selected a~ the main-~loor is ~;
applied to termlnals PMNFL0 through-PMNFL3 o~ Fl~o `6~ such .
n qe, ,~ :
as by a-plurality o~ switches, and thus to-~h~rg~ the loca-
20 tion of the main floor it i9 only necessary ~o apply the
associated binary address o~ the new floor bo these terminalæO ~.
- ~n like manner termina~ PCONFL o~ Fig~ 6 actlvates : :
the convention floor featurej and termina~s ~CFLO through ; .
PCFL3 selec~ the address of the floor, which again may be ~.
. .~
any floor of the bullding.~
The ma~n floor ~eature,-when actlva~d, attempts
to maintaln the quota Or c~rs set by QMN~ in sub-program :~`
LCD12 (Flg. 16)j by-presenting dummy ca~ls-~or th~ main
floor, and it provides a NEXT car ~eature whereby a car is
30 deslgnated as the next car to leave the main ~loor, which ~.
~5,200 45j4l~6 45,495 ', ~:~
.1 ': . ~
car walts at the main floor, pre~erably with its doors open
and the up hall-call lantern litJ unti]. a car call ~s re~
glstered in the car. The NEXT car is t;reated di~ferently
when as31gning scan 810ts to the carj as wlll be herelnaf~er ' ''~
- .
explained relatlve to the sub-program whlch assigns scan
.,, :. ,. ~, .
slotsO :':;`~';. '
, ~::
When the convention rloor feature is activatedg
and there are no cars at the selected convention ~loor, ; ' ~:
dummy calls are u~ed to brlng a car to the rloorO A car '. ~
::. .: ,
parked at the convention floor does so wlth lts doors closed ' .;'~::
until a hall call at the convention ~loor is reg'LsteredO
More speoifically, sub~program LCD13 i3 ~ntered ..
at terminal 600, and step 602 'Lnltlallze~ by clcar~ng all
dummy call8 (PKFL),'by setting a word FLOOR in an lndex re~
gister o~ CPU 80 to the floor lndicated b~-the address
PMNFLO-PMN~L3, by setting a maln ~loor ~lag to 1, whlch indi '~
cates the maln ~loor feature ls being processed, and by set
tlng the temporary word ASGN to the 4-blt word NEXT stored ;~
ln the maln memory of RAM 4 ~ " -: .
A p~ FL . .
A 20 Step 604~checks ~ to see i~ the main ~Ioor
~f P~f L
~eature ha5 been actlvated~ ~'lt is not active ~ P~ will . :::
, 5~p G~o ~ ~
be zero, and the program advances to step 61~/w~ clears ~'
the word~ NEXT, D~PN' and 'SUT, which are stored ln-RAM 4,
since these asslgnment~ by CPU 80 are made only when the
main floor feature is active. - '.~
Ir PMNFLR is a one, step 606, as a program checkJ ~;
determines ir a word NsMF, which contains the~.number o~ cars -~
enabled to serve the selected ma~n floor, is~equal-to zeroO
I~ the main ~loor address selects a scan-slot for which no
30 cars are enabled, the main ~loor ~eature iB inva:lid and the :;~
: . .: . . .. .
45,2Q0 45,446 45s495
.: ~
;O ~L Z~ ?
~: .
" '~
program advances to step 610~ If word NSMF la not 0~ a valid `..
scan slot has been selected and step 608 check~ the main
floor quota QMNF set ln LCD12 (Fig. 16)~ If QMNF is zero the , .
program advance~ to step 6}o to clear t'he word NEXT, DOPN, ,~
and SUT. I~ the main floor quota is not zero, the program
advances to ~tep 612, On this loop through step 612, the ~ "'
word ASGN is the word NEXT, set in step 602,.so step 612 :~
checks the word ASGN to see i~ there ls a car designated as
the next car to leave the main floor, If the word ASGN Is
10 zero, there ls no car deslgnated as the NEXT car to~leave .,'.;~
the main floor and the program advanoes to step 6300 I~
there i8 a NEXT aar, step 614 ldenti~ies the NEXT ¢arO Step ,,.'`
616 ¢heck~ to see ~f the car i8 at the floor, which.on thi~
loop through the program is referrlng to the main rloor since
; ~ ,
the main floor flag i~ a one; ~ the ~ar is not at th~ m~n .'~
floor, step.618~a~slgn~ a dummy call PKFL to this car ~or ''
the main. ~loorO ..... .. ... . . ............. .... ... .. ,... ,''~'.'.' -
C a ~
.. If.. the.~e* at .t.he.f.loor,. st.ep.. .6.20. ch.e.cks.the ;'
main floor,flagO On this loop through.620... the main. ~loor ,~, ~;,,
~la~ ls a one,,,and the program advances to step 62,40 Step
624 checks for a call by testlng the bit of the word CALL
in RAM O assoclated with the car identl~ied as NEXTo I~
this CALL bit i~ a O~ indicating the NEXT car has a oall, ",~
step 626 clears the assignment words NEXT, DOPN,:and SUT~ to~ .
: allow the car to serve the callO I~ this bit of ~ALL i3 a `;;~
one, indicating no call, step 628 sets the door open bit DOPN ~,
.~ :
for the car, and also sets the up~travel blt SUT for the carO
After the N~XT car at the main ~loor recelves lts
door and travel directlon assignments in tep 628,~ the pro~
30 gram advances to step 668 which checks the maln ~loor flagO `~.
" : , `
~01~'~ , .,
If it is a one, it indicates the convention floor feature ;~
has not been checked, and step 670 sets the word FLOOR to
the address of the convention floor selected by
it sets the main floor flag to zero, and it sets the word `~
ASGN to the word CONV, which word is stored in RAM 4.
Step 672 checks PCONFL to see if the convention ~;
floor feature is active. If it is not active, step 676
clears the word CONV stored in RAM 4, and the program exits
at terminal 678. If the convention floor feature is active,
step 674 dete~mines if the number of cars enabled to serve ~;
the convention floor NScF is 0. If so, the convention floor ;~
address has selected an invalid scan slot and step 676
clears the convention floor word CONV. If MScF is not zero,
the program loops back to step 612.
Step 612 check3 to see lf the assignment word ASGN
i8 greater than zero, which, on this loop, is checking the
word CONV to see if some car has been given the convention
floor assignment. If a car has been given a convention floor
assignment, step 614 identifies the car and step 616 checks
to see if the car i at the convention floor. If it is not
at the convention floor, step 618 gives a dummy parking call
PKFL to this car for the convention floor. If it is at the
floor, step 620 checks the main floor flag, and on this loop
it is zero, directing the program to step 621 which checks to -
see if this car at the convention floor has a call. If it ;
does not, the bit CALL will be a one, and the program advances
to step 668 which finds the main floor flag is a zero, and
the program exits as terminal 678. If it does have a call
the program advances to step 622 which clears the assignment
word CONV~
If the word ASGN was found to be zero when checking
either the loop for the main floor feature or the loop for
' ` : . ` ' :
45,200 45,446 45,4g5
'~ ;'; ~
the convention ~loor feature, it would mean that the ~eature
presently belng checked by the loop has been actlvated but :
no car presently has an asslgnment, ie O ~ a NEXT assignment
for the main floor loop, or a CONV a~signment for the conven~
tion floor loopO In this event9 the program advances to step
630 which begins the portion of the program wh~ch locates : .
a suitable car for such an assignmentO The program al80 adm
vances to step 630 ~rom step 626 durlng the maln ~loo:r loop :
when the NEXT car at the main floor has a call and ~ another
10 car must thus be found ~or the NEXT assignment 4 In like ~. :
manner, the program advances to step 630 from step 622 when ~. :
in the conventlon ~loor loop the car at the conventlon floor
with the present CONV assignment has a car call, a~ this car :~
will be leaving the convention floor and another car must be
found ~or the CONV Ploor asslgnment
Step 630 checks the 4-bit word AVAS to see~ if there ~-
are any cars idle or available, according to the ~loor se~ :.
lectors o~ the various cars. Thls word is stored in RAM 0
If there i8 an avallable car~ the word AVAS will noS be zerof ~ ;
Z0 and the program advances to step 632~ whlch.starts the process
Or rindlng the closest AVAS car to the ~loor ln questionO
Step 632 initializes the car count and sets a vaP abl0 DIST . ~ :
to a number which is larger than the iongest trave~ di~tance
ln the buildingO For example, with sixteen floors~ DIST
may be set to 160 ;
Step 634 checks the AYAS bit Or ~A~ ~ ~or the ~irst
car in the car loopO If this car is not AVA5 ) the program
advances to step 646, which increments the car number, and
~f the car loop has ~een been completed, as testedl by step :
648, t~e program loops back to step 634.
, . . . . . . . .. .. .
45~200 ~5,446 45,495 '`
If step 634 flnds the car i3 AVASI step 636 deter~
mines if the car 19 enabled to serve this floor by checking
the ~loor enable-in RAM 11. I~ the car is not enabled ~or ' ` ~ .
thls floor, the program advances to step 6460 1~ the car `~
is enabled, step 638 checks the bit of word NEXT associated '~
with this car, to see if it has been given the NEXT aRsign~
ment. If ~t has~ the program advances to step 6460 If ~t -~
is not NEXT, step 640 determlnes the distance ~rom the-car ;;~
to the floor in question by obtaining the absolute di~erence
10 between the numbers Or the ~loorsO Step 642;check3 to see ~ '
if this distance ~s closer than DIST, and s~nce thls 18 the
~irst AVAS car Pound it wlll be closer than DIST~ slnce DIST
was arbltrarlly set to a number larger than the lon~est
travel disbance. Step 644 loads the car number into a tem
porary locatlon and changes ~he word DIST to the distance
~rom thls car to the ~loor ~n question
Step 646 increments the car number and ~48 deter~
mines i~ all the cars have been processedO I~ not,-the pro
gram loops back to step 634. When all cars haue been pro~
20 cessed, the car number stored in the temporary locat~on ls `~
the closest AVAS car to the ~loor ln quest~on, and-step 650
forms the assignment word NEXT, or CONV, dèpendin~ upon which
loop the program is in, as well as sending a dummy call
to the car ~or the ~loor in-question.
Step 652 checks the main-floor ~lag, and i~ ~t is
a one, the word NEXT ls loaded into RAM 4, and if it-is a zero~
step 656 loads the word CONV into RAM~4O The-program advance~
to step 668, which ch~cks the main flagO If it 1~ a one, the
convention floor fea~re hasn't been checked, and the pro
30 gram advances to step 670, hereinbefore described O It 1
. ~ : . . .. ~. ~ . . . .
45,200 45,446 45,495
.,., :, ~' ',
a zero, the program exits at terminal 6780
If step 630 d~d not find any cars available, the
program advances to step 658. Step 658 checks the peak bit
in the status character memory of RAM 0. I~ it i8 a one,
there is an up or down peak condltion, and if it i8 a zero~
there is no peak, I~ step 658 finds no peak traf~ic-condi~
tion step 658 advances to step 662, which glves all cars a . ~ :
dummy call for the main or convention ~loor, depending upon ` ~
which ~eature is belng processedO Step 662 advances to - ~ ~:
10 step 668, :.
I~ there is a peak, step 658 advances to step 664
which ch~cks for the type Or peak. If it:ls a down pe~c,
no dummy calls for the main floor are assigned, aa in a down
peak the NEXT car is dispatched immediately~ and lt is
thererore not necessary to give a NEXT assignmentO Also~
no busy cars are glven a convention floor assignment during .
a down peakD 'S .
If khe system ~is in an up peak, step 666 checks the ~ `
main floor flag. If it is a zero, the program advances to ~. .. ~`
step 668, a~ no convention ~loor assignments;are made to busy
cars during an up peak. If the main floor flag is one~ step `
662 gives a dummy call PKFL to all cars for the main ~loorO
FIGURE 18 ~-
Flg. 18 is a ~low chart of a sub-program LCD5 .
which may be used to perform the block ~unction-348 of Figo `~
9, which functlon clears the up ancl-down asslgnment tables :
stored in the main memorl~s of RAMS 6 and 7, respe~tivelyJ ;~
of all scan slots~ with predetermlned exceptlonsO For e~ampleJ
can slots ~or which only a single car is serve
are retalned by LCD5~ Also, scan slots whlch have aL re-
-75- .
. ,.
45~200 45,446 45,495 ~ ~
. . .
:~ .
,- ~ .: .
'3~.`; . ' '
gistered hall call are retainedO
More speci~ically, sub-prograrn LCD5 is entered at
. . .
kerminal 680, and step 682 initializes the floor count, it .~ . :
clears~ NHCl a-variable ror counting the number of hall calls
assigned to a car ~rom a 1 car set, ieO, a set for which only ~ ~`
one car is enabled, it clears NSs, a variable ~or counting
the total number of scan slots-assigned to a car.~o ~ar, it
clears the per car registers, RA~S 12, 13, 14 and 15, it
sets an up flag to 1, and it loads ~he up call ma~k address
(RAM 10), and the up assignment address (RAM.6)~
Step 684 checks the up call mask word ~rom slot 00
of RAM 10 to see if lt is zero, If so, are enabled ~.
~or this scan slot~ step 696 clears any assignment.~RAM 6)
for the scan slot, and the program advances to step 702 whlch
increments the floor countO ..
If the up call mask word is not zero, it ls a val~d
scan slot and step 686 determines, ~rom the mask word3 if
only one car-is enabled to serve the scan slotO If so, ~tep .
704 idenbi~ies the car, and step 706 checks RAM 1 to see i~
there is a hall call assoclated with this scan slot0 I~
there is a hail call, step 708 increments the variable N
for this car to count the number o~ hall calls.asslgned to -
this car from a 1 car set, and step 710 increments the varl~le
NSs ~or this car, to count the total number o~ scan 510ts ~`; "
assigned to this car so-far. I~ there was no hall call, Ytep
706 advances directly to step 710.~ . ~
Slnce no other cars serve this scan.s}ot; the car ~ -:
may be immedlately given the scan slot-asslgnment, and step : ~.
712 loads the up call mask word to RAM 6, since khe up call
mask word ~or a single car set ~s--the same as the up assign~
45,200 45,446 45,495 ~ ~
``.''' ,'~.;
127 ~:
ment word. Step 712 then proceeds to-step 7020 ;; `
-If step 686 ~ound that the scan slot is served by ~ ;
more than 1 car, step 688 checks RAM 1 to see if there ~s
an up hall-call (lZ) assoc~ated with the scan ~lot, I~ not,
step 696 clears the scan slot asslgnment ~n RAM 6 and
advances to step-702. If there is a hall call, step 690
checks to see ~f the-~can slot associated wlth the ca:Ll has
been previously assigned~ ~ not, the program advanoes to
~tep 702. If i~ was previous~y asslgned, step 692 checks
the assignment^~RAM 6) w~th the up call mask ~RAM l~ and
step 694 determlnes lr the assignment ls valid, ieO, khe
hall call ls asslgned to a car~enabied for the scan lot o~
the call. If the ass~gnment is not valid, step 696 olears the
asslgnment. Ifithe assignment 1s valid,-step 698 lncrements
the variable-NRcc for the-car, ieOj the number of reg~stered ~ ~
hall calls assigned-to the car~from a set~enabled ror more ` `;
than one car. The-variabies MRcc, for cars 0, 1, 2 and 3,
during ~eDs~r are stored in the status-character memories of
RAMS 12, 13, 14 and 15, respectively.-
Step 700 loads the assignment to the maln memory ;~
o~ one of the RAMS 12, 13, 14 or 15 depending upon whlch car
ls assigned the scan slot. -The--only assignments wh~ch will
appear in the-per car registers ~RAMS-12, 13,-14 and 15) when
LCD5 is complete will be for those sets enabled for more than
one car~ The scan slots-for one car sets are dlrectly;~ ~;
asslgned in step 712.
Step 702 increments the floor countj step 714 checks -~
to see if the ~loor loop-has been completed, l~oping back to
step 684 if it hasn't and advancing to step 716 i~ it has~
st0p 716 checks the up flag. If it ls ~tlll a one,
45,200 4~,446 45,495 ,,-
0~ 7 `~
step 718 sets the up flag to a zero and loads the down call
.: :
mask address (RAM g) and the down assi~lment address (RAM 7),
and returns to step 684 to process the clown scan slot assign~
mentsO `
After the down ~can slot a~si~nments have been
processed, step 716 will find the up flag is zero, and the ;~
program exlts at terminal 7200
~ ,,
Fig 19 ls a ~low chart of a sub-program LCD5 which
i , ~ ,
10 may be used to perform the block function 350 in Fig~ 9, . ::
which function removes excess scan slot assignments from the ~
, ~
cars, lf any, using the average number of call3 per car in .:
the building, ACB, as the guideO ~ .
Sub-program LCD6 i~ entered at termlnal 730 and
step 732 lnltializes the car count. Step-734 checks khe b~t
of the word NEXT a~sociated with this car, ~tored in-RAM 4J
and if this car has the NEXT assignment, step 738 clsars the
asslgnmenbs for this car which were placed in the per car
register associated with this car, ie O ~ one of the RAMS 12-150
It will be recalled that LCD5 (Fig. 18) only placed asslgn-
ments in the per car registers for sets~erved by more than
one car. Thusj the floors assigned in the per car register
: are served b~ other cars and will-be reassigned ln:LCD14 lf :~:
the ass1gnment ls removed in LCD6. The a3signments for the
one car sets were placed dlrectly ln RAMS 6 and 7 and are
thus not disturbed by step 7380 Step 740 increments the
car count.
If step 734 finds the car is not NEXT, ~tep 736
determines iY the hall calls assign~d to this car~from a one ~`
car set, totaled in NHCl for the c~r in LCD5, i9 equal to,
45,200 l~5,446 45)495
.-,~ ,: .
~ 0127 ~ ~
or greater than ACBo If so, this car has all it can handle
from floors only served by thls car, ancl step 738 removes
any scan slot assignments to thls car which are ln the per .. -~ ~
car registers. ; :.
nber af~ ;
If step 736 finds theJhall calls asslgned to the ~ :
car from-a one car.set, NHCl, does not equal or exceed the
average ACB, step 742 totals the hall calls assigned to the
HCl NRCco The count NRCc~ developed in
step 698 of Flgo 18, is the number o~ hall~callR assigned to
10 the car from sets served by more than one carO If th~s total
does not:equal or exceed the building call average per car .
ACB, step 744 ~ets the variable NHcT ~or the car to the sum
o~ NRCc and NHCl, and the program.advances to step 7400- k
NHCl and NRcc equal or exceeds AcB9 '
the program starts~at the scan slot of the car.and, proceeding
from the car in the selected~scan direct~on, as checked-by .`.
... ~: . .:
a bit ln the word UPSCAN, it counts the scan ~lots assigned
to the car.--All-scan~slots ass.~gned ko the cars ln the per .
car registers have a-hall call associated therewithO Thuæ3 ;~
20 once a count e~ual-to AcB is reached, any f~rther soan siots . ``~
whlch are encountered asst~ned to thls car are removed ~rom `.~ .
the per car reglsters. --
The di~ferent portlons-of the scan cycle whlch
examine the ~can slotsj starting at the-car~ are glven scan ~ ~ -
numbers according to the following code~
Scan 1: ~he scan whlch starts at the
locatlon of the car and proceeds :.:
- to one end o~ the-scan cycle~ -~
Scan 2: The scan wh~ch reverses direction .
at the en~ o~ scan 1 and proceeds . -~
to the other end o~ the scan cycle~ ;
~79~ F ; ~ ~
. ,~ .
.. ,. .. -. .. .. .. .. . . ...... . .... .. ..
.. .. . - . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . ~ . . - .. ,
~ 2 ~
Scan 3: The scan which re~erses direction at
the end of Scan 2 and proceeds back
to the scan slot of the car.
Returning now to Fig. l9, when the sum of NHCl plus
NRCc is equal to or greater than ACB, the program advances
to step 750 whlch initializes -the scan number of scan l.
Step 752 initializes the scan slot position and ~alculates
the floor count to determine the floor position of the car.
Step 754 checks to see if the car is at a terminal floor.
I~ so; there will only be 2 scans, instead o~ 3, and the pro- ;
gram advances to step 770 to increment the scan count nu~ber. ~ ~;
If the car is not at a terminal ~loor, step 756 determines
the scan slot address (floor level o~ the car minus one) o~
the first scan slot to be considered and step 758 determines
if it ~s assigned to the car being considered. If it is not,
step 766 increments the floor count. If it is, step 760
determines i~ NHCl, the number o~ calls asslgned to this car
from a l car set, is equal to or greater than ACB. If it is
not, step 762 increments NHCl and step 766 increments the
floor count. If NHCl is equal to or greater than ACB, step
764 clears the assignment o~ this scan slot to this car from
the per car register, and step 766 increments the floor count.
Step 768 checks to see if all o~ the scan slots
in the present scan direction have been examined. If nQt,
the program loops back to step 756. If the present scan
is completed~ step 770 increments the scan number and changes
the scan direction. Step 772 checks to see i~ the scan loop
has been completed. If not, the program lo~ps back to step
752. I~ all the scans have been processed, step 772 advances
to step 773 which sets NHCT equal to the present value of N
~or this car, and step 773 ad~ances to step 740 ~hich increments
the car number Step 746 checks to see i~ all the cars
have been considered. I~ not, the
. ~ ,
45,200 45,446 45,495
program loops back to step 734. I~ all of the cars have been
con~idered~ the program exits at terminal 748
Fig 20 is a ~low char~ of a Qub program LCD7 whlch
may be used to per~orm the block ~unction 352 o~ Fig. 9, whlch
~unction asslgns scan directions for in-service, ldle cars,
. :, ;" ~ ~ .
to be used when aæsi~nlng ~can slots to the cars ln functlon :
356 o~ Fig. 9, detalled in LCD14 o~ Figo 220
When a travel distance llmitation from the car to .
10 the assigned landing servlce direction ls applied to all .
in~service cars whether busy or idle, lt i8 important to se- ;~
lect an initial assignment direction from an ln-service ~dle
car which takes lnto account the travel ~iP~ie~ 0~ the busy .
cars, as well as the currently existing bra~flc cond~tions~
I~ the travel dlstance l~mitation ls only applied to busy
cars, the lmportance o~ selecting the asslgnment d~rect~on :~
dynamically is lessenedv In the latter case the last ~ravel
direction of an ln-service ldle car may be usedO For purposes
oP example, it wlll be assumed that LCD7 is.u~edO ~
5can slots will be assigned to the cars in LCD14
using the same scan loop herelnbefore described relative to
Flg. 19. Busy cars, ieO, cars whlch have a car.aali ahead9 ~:~
a dummy call ahead, or an assigned hall call ahead, are asslgned
the same scan direction as their travel dlrectl~nO An in~
service car with no car calls, dummy cal}s9 or asslgned calls `~ ;;
ahead, i~ assigned.a scan direction which will besb satls~y
~he following distribution, assuming:a 4 car bank: ~;
: (1) Up peak condition: One car only ;.,
to serve down traffic -
(2) Down peak condition: One car only
to serve up traf~ic :
,., ~, . .. , ,, , , ,,, . .. ., . ~ , , , , ., , . ~
45,200 45,446 45,495
~ ;012~
(3) Normal (no peak); One haLlf of the
cars for each service directionO
Sub-program LCD7 is entered at termlnal 780 and
step 782 inltal~zes the car count and sets the 4-bit word
UPSCAN, stored ln the statu~ character memory of RAM ~, to ~ :~
the word UPTRo The word UPTR i~ stored ln the main memory :
o~ RAM 0. Step 784 checks to see i~ there are any in-serviGe
idle c~rs by checking the word AVAS s~ored in the main memory ; ~.
of RAM 0. Ir the word AVAS is zero, there are no ~VAS cars
~ the program exits at terminal 828~ It should be noted
that the word "available", as normally used to ~ean "avail ~
able ~or assignment", is not applicable at the processor ~ .
level, as all in-service cars are given ~loor assignmentsO
I~ the floor-assignments do not have a hall call, and the ;~
car has no car calls, and no parking call, the car ls idl~
or inactlve, but it is not ''available''O -
If word AVAS is non-zero, there is at least one .
available car according to the floor selector, and step 786
makea its own determination-of whether the car is in-servtce
and truly inactive or idle by forming a word ~F~ ~rom the
INSC, NEXT, and kVAS bits associated with this carO Step
788 checks to see if this word ~DLE is zeroO I~ so, it in- :
dlcates that car is ~n-service, ~t does not ha~e the NEXT
assignment, and-it i8 available according to the floor se- ;
lector of this carO If it is non-zero, step 790 counts the
car as being committed, ie,, a busy car, and pro¢eeds to
step 792.
I~ word ~ is zero3 the program proceeds directly
to step 792 from ~tep 788. Step 792 loads the word IDLE into
30 the main memory o~ the per car reglster asso¢iated wlth the :
459200 45,~46 45,495 ~:~
~ 6~
car, le., RAM 12 for car 0, and the car count i9 lncrementedO .
Step 794 determines if all cars have been consideredg and ;~
if not, the program loops back to step 786~ If all cars
have been con~idered, step 796 provldes an arbitrary distri~
bution of scan directions by setting a varlable UPDES to the
number o~ in-service cars NSc minus ~ and a variable DNDES
is set to 1~ When-the sub-program ls-further advanced3 var~
iables UPDES and DNDES will contain the deslred number Or
cars which should be set for up and down scan dlrections~
10 respectlvelyO : -
Step 798 checks the peak traffic blt in the ~tatus
character memory of RAM 0, and i~ it is not set step 800
loads 1/2 NSc to UPDES and 1/2 NSc to DNDES~ If the peak
traffic bit is ~et, step 802 checks the bit in the ~tatu~
character memory o~ RAM O which identifie~ whether-~he sys~
tem is on up peak or down peak. If the system iB on up-peak~
nothing further is done to UPDES and DNDES, as the arbitrary ~;?
setting of these variables in step 796 set them ~or up peakO
I~ the system is on down peak, step 804 exchanges UPDES and
20 DNDES, setting UPDES to l and DNDES to NSc-lo. . ~ :
The program then advances to step 806 whish inl~ ;
tlaliæes the car count and step 81~ loads the;UPTR bit for .
this car into the accumulator. Step 812 checks the word/~
stored in the per car register for this car, to see 1~ it ~s
available according to the æystem control's definltionO I~ ~-
it ls not available, the program~advances to step 822~ If
it is available, step 814 determines if the actual number of
car set ~or down travel DNAC is e~ual to or greater than
the desired number.of cars set for do~n travel DNDES. If the
30 answer is no, step 816 assigns the car to down, step 322 sets
-83- ..
''' . ',:
.,.. ,. - .. . .. - . .- . . . . ; . . . - .: . .
45,200 45,446 45g495
, . ~ .
the bit in the word UPSCAN associated wlth thls oar to a
zero to indicate the car assignment scan wlll be in the down
direction, and the car count i5 illCremerlted ~ :
If the actual number o~ cars set ~or down scan is
equal to or greater than the deslred number, step 818 deter~
mine~ if the actual number o~ cars set for up travel3 UPAC,
is equal ~o or greater than the desired number UPDES~ IP
the answer is no, step 820 assigns ~he car to the.up scan ~.
direction, and step 822 sets the bit of UPSCAN.related to :
this car to a one, to indicate that lt has been assigned the
up scan direction, and increments the car count
If step 818 finds UPAC equal to or greater than
UPDES, the program advances to 3tep 822, the.UPSCAN bit is
undisturbed, and the car count ~s incrementedO
Step 824 checks to see if all cars have been con~ ~-
sldered, If not, the program loops back to step.81~0 If . ~;
all cars have been ¢onsidered, step 826 loads the word UPSCAN
into the status character memory of RAM 0, and the program
exits at terminal 828. ;~
Fig. 21 is a ~low chart o~ a sub-pro~ram LCD8 which
may be used ror function 354 in Flg~ 9, which ~unction assigns -
the which the cars are considered when scan slots are .
assi~ned thereto in step 356 of Fi~ 9.
Sub-program LCD8 is entered at terminal 830 and
st;ep 832 clears the status character memories of RAMS 43 5, .
6 and 7 of the car call counts stored therein~ Step 832 also
lnitializes the ~loor count. Step 834 checks-~or car calls ~:
~or the cars ln the f~rst scan slot, using the first; 4-bit
word from the main memory of RAM 3, in which the car calls
~. ~, , , . - . . . . , . . :
45,200 45,446 45j4g5 ~
~6~ 7
3Z are stored If a car call is detected rOr a car, tt ~s
added to the car call count for the carO Step 836 increments
the floor count and step 838 checks to see if all floors ` -
have been consideredO If not, the program loops back to
step 834. If they have all been consldered, step 840 adds
the number of car calls each car has to the number of hall;:
calls assigned to the car, and the sums are stored in a
temporary locationO
., ,
Step 842 then lnitializes the car count, and step
844 determlnes if the car has the NEXT assignment by examin
ing the bit of word NEXT in the main memory Or RAM 4 wh~ch
is associated with this carO If the car is NEXT, sbep 846 ..
adds to the car and hall call total associabed wlth this car ~ :
an arbltrary-number of calls, with the arbltrary number be~ng
of sufficient magnitude-to assure that-the NEXT car has a ~:~
,-. ~ ~.,
lar~er number than any other car could-possibly haveO .
Step 848 checks to see if the mo~or-generator sek
associated with the drive motor of the elevator car has been ~:
shut down. Thls is aocomplished by checking the bit o~ word
~ stored in the maln memory of RAM Oo I~ the ~ b~t
is zero, indicatlng the motor-generator set ia shut down~ ~ -
step 850 adds extra calls to the car and hall call sum for
that car, with the magnitude of the extra calls being se~
lected such that the car will have the }argest:number i~
there is no car with the NEXT assignment, and ~he second
largest number in the event there is a car with the NEXT ~ ~:
Step 852 increments the car count and step 854
.~ . .
checks to see if all cars have been considered3 If not~ the
30 program loops back to step 844~ I~ all the cars have been ~ ~
;~ ! :
., ' '
' l` ' ' ': '
`~,' ' ' ';,
45~200 45,446 45~495 ~; ~
~06(J 1'~7
considered, the program advances to step 856
Steps 856 through 876 order the cars accordlng to
the magnitudes of the numbers ~ust prepared for the cars in
the earlier part o~ LCD8, with the ~irs1; car ln the order
having the least number of calls, etc O Any sorting or order-
ing technique may be used. The technique lllustrated ln
Fig. 21 starts wlbh the cars in a predetermined order, such
as the order 0, 1, 2 and 3, u~ing car numbers.9 and compares
the cars a pair at a time, exchanglng the position~ of the
cars whenever the number of calla associated with a car to
the right of the other car is smallerO
There are ~our po~itions for the cars, ~or a ~our
car bank, and these four po~itions will be gi~en the numbers
1, 2, 3 and 4 tarting ~rom the left hand positlon, and it .
should be noted that the positlon number is not related to
the number of the-car~ Using the position numbers, the ::
comparison sequence ~or a four car bank would be as shown
in Table I:
l l 2
, ~ -
2 l 3 .
3 l 4
4 2 3
2 4
6 3 4 `~
The technique of Table I is lmplementedD ~3tartlng
with step 856. Step 856 loads the call counts-of the cars
30 located in the ~irstjand second positions9 to begin step l -
, . ~ ..... . . .
~5,200 45,446 45,495 ~ ~
~.~6~ 7
of the table. Step 858 compare~ the most ~ignificant bits
Or the call count3 and step 860 check~ to see if they are
equal. If not, no further comparison is nece~sary and the
program proceeds to step 864 whtch asks iLf the flrst call
count ls equal to or les~ ~han the second call countO I~
step 860 finds the most signiflcants bit~ are equal, step ~-
862 compares the lower blts and then proceeds to ~tep 8640
If step 864 ~inds that the first count 13 not less
than or equal to the second count, step 866 ex¢hanges the
~ cqJI ;
A lo car numbers and their ~r counts, moving the number of the
car in the second posltion to the first position, and the
number o~ the car in the first positlon to the second posi- -
tion. If the first call count i~ equal to or les~ than the `~
~econd, the car numbers are in the correct order, as far as ;
this palr ls concerned, and step 864 proceeds to step 868
which is where step 866 proceeds after exchanging car numbers
Step 868 increments the position number o~ the ;;~
second position, which is step 2 of Table I, to compare the
call count of the car ln position l wlth the call count of
the car in position 3.- Step 870 checks to see~i~ the car
ln the flrst posltion has been compared with all of the other
cars, and if not the program loops back to step 8580 Thus,
the program loops back to perform s~eps 2 and 3 of Table I~
and then step 870 would ~lnd ~hat the loop ls complete and .-~`
the program advances to step 872~
Step 87~ increments the position number o~ the ~lrst ~ i
:. :~ ;. .
po~itlon, ie.~ changes the l to a 2, and also loa~ his ; ~
., . .~ . .
number (2) to the second positlonc Step 874 then lncrements
the number of the second po~ition, to provlde the number
3 Thus~ after step 874, the call counts of cars ln posi~
-~7~ ; ;
l~5,200 459446 45,495 ~;
tions 2 and 3 are compared, which ls 8tep 4 of the table O '
Step 876 checks to see lf this second phase Or
the comparison has been completed, and since it has not, the
pro~ram loops back to ~tep 858 to make the comparison o~ step
4 o~ Table I. Upon reaching step 868, the second position
would be lncremented to compare the cars in positions 2 and
4, which is step 5 o~ Table I, and the program would loop ~ ;~
back ~rom step 870 to step 858 to make this comparisonO
Step 870 would then find that the ~econd phase o~
the comparlson has been completed, step 872 would increment
the position number o~ the first positlon, to advance lt to
a 3, and the number 3 wouid be loaded to the aecond posi~ionO ;
Step 874 i~¢rements the number of the second positlon to
make it a 4j and thus the cars in positlons 3 and 4 are read~
to be comparedj which ~s step 6 of Table Io The program
loops back to step 858 to make this-comparison, and would .
proceed through the "yes" branches of steps 870 and 876 ~ince .
there is only one comparison in the third phase.
Step 878 loads the ordered car number~ into the ; . ~
20 statu~ character memorles-o~ ~AMS 4~-5, 6 and 7L ' ~ ~, ;. '
Table II contains an example o~ the hereinbe~ore
described sorting technique, with car O having.a call count
of 4~ car 1 a count o~ 9, car 2 a count of 7 and car 3 a
count of 3.
POSITIONS - 1 2 3 4
Starting order of cars (car #) O 1 2 3 :
Step 1 (1-2) 0 1 2 3 .
Step 2 (1-3) ~ O 1 2 3
Step 3 (1-4) - - 3 1 2 0
~, - , . . . .
; -^;. ~ . , . : . ~
45,200 45,446 45,495
~Lo~ 7 ` ~
POSI~IONS 1 2 3 4
Step 4 (2-3) 3 2 1 0 '''~
Ste'p 5'(2-4) 3 0 1 2 '
Step 6 (3-4) 3 0 2
Fig. 22 is a ~low chart of a ~ub_program LCD14 `~
which may be used for functlon 356 shown in Fig. 9, which
~unction assigns scan slots to the carsO The scan slots are .
assigned ln three passes ~or each set, with each pass~pro~
10 cessing all of the sets before tarting the next.pass~ The .
~ets are handled ln the order of increasing number of cars .
per set~ and the selection o~ cars to be scanned in each set '~
is that order determlned ln LCD8 (Fig. 21).
Sub-program LCD14 is entered at terminal 890 and ;~
step 892 loads the car calls ~rom RAM 3 ko the ma~n.memor~es '~
of the-per car reglsters (RAMS 12-15)3 Step;893 check~ to
see 1~ ACBj the average number of hall calls per in-servlce .'
car in-the-bul.~ding, ls equal to or greater than a predèter- :
mined minimum number. The slze o~ this number dcterm~nes `.
20 when idle (IDLE) cars wlll be placed in service a~.traffic '~.
starts to bulld up in the buildingO I~ lt is de~ired that .';~
two hali calls should start two cars, the minimum.numbe~ may' ''~
be set to 0 5ettlng the mlnimum number to 2 will require 3 '.
hall calls to be seen by the ~ame car before a second car '
will be started~ etcO l;
I~.ACB 13 not equal to or greater than.the mlnlmum ';'~
number, step 894 ~ets it equal to thls minimu~.:number and -~:
the program advances to step 895~ I~ ACB is eq~al-to or
: larger than the minimum, step 893 advances to ~t~p-8950
Step 895 initlalizes the assignment pa~s c:olmt, .'
-89- ~ .
45,20Q 45,446 45,495
~ ~,
6~ 7
to start wlth a~ignment pass lo Step 896 lnitializes the
set count so the sets are taken in ~he order of increasing
number o~ cars per ~et. As hereinbe~ore stated, khe set
numbers are binary number~ produced ln the up and down ma~ks,
RAMS 10 and 9, respectively,-by logic ones in each row
assoclated with a floor level for each car enabled to serve
the floor level. If the car ls not enabled, its bit loca-
tion ror the floor has a lo~ic zero~ Step 898 calls the
flrst set to be considered wlth a fetch instructlon whtch
a¢cesses a look-up table in control memory 82 o~ Figo 4
A binary counter set to count from 4 through 15 will call `
up to 12 sets, with this counter belng incremented to call
the next set. Sub-program LCD5 (Fig. 18) already made the
assignments to the 1 car sets in step 7~2 thereof, whtch re-
duces the-maximum number of sets to be considered ln LCD14
from 16 to 12.
Step 900 checks to see if the set called is-a valld
set, slnce all posslbie multiple car set numbers will be
examined. This is accomplished by checking ko ~ee i~ A -~ -
the average number o~ scan slots in the set per in-service
car enabled ~or the set, is zeroO I~ so, it 1 an invalid
set and the program advan¢es to step 978 to ad~ance the set
count. If lt is a valid set, As~ wlll be non-zero and step
902 loads the mask for thls set to the main memory o~ the per
car registers (RAMS 12~15). The mask ~or the set exposes the
~loors o~ the ~et, ie " a logic one is located at each floor
o~ the set co~responding to eaoh car which can serve the set~
and all other bit }ocations will be a logic zero.
Step 9~4 initializes the car count and loads the
4~bit word~ INSV and UPSCAN~ stored in RAM 0, to a temporary
45,200 45j446 45,1~95
locationl Step 906 checks the INSV blt ~or the first car
considered, and if the car is not in-service, the program ~ :~
advances to step 974, which lncrements the oar count~ If ~ -
the car is in-service~ step 908 checks to see lf the ~ar ls
enabled for this setO If it is not, the mask ln the per ~. ;;
car register will have a zero for this oar, and the program
advances to step 9740
lf the car i8 ln the setj-the pro~ram starts the
~irst assignment pas~ wlth step 9iOq Step 910 checks to ~ee
lf ~his car has been given the NEXT asslgnment~ If ~t has,
step 914 glves thi~ car the main floor up scan slot as~lgnment g
and if there are any available cars aocording to the ~loor
selectors, checked in step 916, not counting cars with NEXT .
or CONV assignments, the NEX~ car is not given~any additional ;`~
assignments, and the program advances to step 974~ ~f the
word AVAS is zero, ~ndlcatlng no available cars accordlng ; ~
to the floor selectors, the NEXT car may be given additlonal : ;
as~ignments, and the program advances to-step 9180 ~
~ the-car was not NEXT, step 912 determines lf
this is the flrst asslgnment Ra~s ~ If it is, the AVA5 blt
~or the car ls checked, in step 918 to see Lf.the car i8 .
availabl~ according to its ~loor 3elector ~f:it is-available
Btep 92~ assigns th~s car the up and down scan slots associated
with the floor at;wh~ch the-car is-located, and bhe-program~
advances to step 922. I~ ~he car is not avallable the program
advances dlrectly to step 9220 -
Step 922 determines ~ the car has been g~ven a
convention ~loor as~gnment by checking the appropriate b~t
of the word CON~o ~f thls bit ~s a one, step 924::a~ ns
30 the up and down scan slots associa~ed with the convent:Lon ~ :
-91- ,
l~5~200 ~i5,446 45~495 ~
~LO~ L27 ~ ~
floor to this car3 If the CONV bit is not a onel the-program :
advances to ~tep 926 which initialize~ ~ihe scan count and
~a~ n ~5 .;~
clearis the varlables NDIST~ Ns~ and NCx The scan ee~t,
relative to the three scans~ scan 1, scan 2 and scan 3~ were
herelnbefore described relative to LCD6 (~igo 19)o The var
iable NDIST is used to count ~ihe valid scan slots the counting
and assignment sequence hais progressed from the carJ so far
in the assignment routineO The variable NSI ls used to ~ :
count the number o~ scan 8~0tS assigned to the car so rar
10 in the set being considered. The varlable NcI is used to ~
count the number o~ hall calls assigned to a ¢ar so ~ar ln -. :
the set being consldered.
Step 9Z8 determines the parameters ~or the scan,
le.~ the number to be subtracted ~rom the ~loor level of
the car for an up or down travel~ng car so the slot address
may be determined; and step 930 subtracts the parameter from ` :~
the scan to determlne the slot addressO The three slot ad~ ;
dre~ses ~or an up traveling car, whlch start the scans ~or .:
scanning ahead of~the car, scanning in the directlon op~osite
20 to the car:travel directlon, and scanning behind the car, are
CP-l CP-l Ncp Npos~l~resPeCt1vely~ where Ncp is a
counter initialized ~uch that the count will be~l5 when the
counter is incremented by one ~or each floor f~om the car~
poæition to tihe terminal in the direction o~ the æcan, and
NPoS ls the scan slot number which corresponds to the position ~:
o~ the car. The three scan slot addressesi for-a do~n travel~
ing car, which start the scans for ~canning ahead Or the car~
~cannlng in the direction opposite ~o the car travel direction
and scanning behind the car, are Ncp l, Ncp l and ~ ~O
The program assigns scan slots to AVAS cars wlthout
45,200 45,446 45,495
:: ,
~06(J127 : ~
limitation as to the travel dl~tance from the car to the -
floor associated with the assigned scan slotO The program `~
does, however, restrict the assignment of Rcan slots to the ~:
busy carsj based on the travel distance from.the car to-the ..
~loor and service dlreotion of the scan slot 9 u~lng the~
present travel distance directlon of the-car rather:-than the .
~ physical separatlon o~ the:car froml~loor asso~lated.wlth
the scan slotO For example, in:a }6 ~loor build1n~-an up
traveling car at bhe 3rd floor is the equlvalent o~ 27 noors
from a down call at the second floor while bhe ph~cal sep~
aratlon ls l floorO For purposes of-example the dlstance
llmitatlon applied to the assigning of scan slots is one-half
of a round trlp for a car. Th~s ls convenlently ~igured by
- subtracting the level of the-lo~est ~loor the car i 8 enabled .
to serve from the highestO --
-More specirically, step 932 increments NDIsT-and ~ .
step 934 determines if the scan slot is enabled by checking ~ :
the set mask. Sbep-936 checks the AVAS bit ~or the~car in .
RAM 0. If the car t8" available-the AVAS bit will be-a one 9 .
and the car ~ not subJeck to the 1/2 round trip 1~m~tat~ona
If the car is not available, step 938 determines lf-NDIST is ..
less than or equai to a half round tr~p~or.the aar~ As -
hereinbefore stated, a-halr round-trlp for a ~ar ls-~deter~
mined by subtractlng-the iowest f~oor level whicb-the car is
enabled to æerve from the highest f}oor leve~ the car-ls
enabled to.serveO If the building has-16 leve~s~and~bhe car
ls enabled ~or a~l floors, a half round trip would be 15
floorsO I~ step 938 finds-that NDIsT is greater than a half
round trlp, the program advances ~o ~tep ~740. If NDIST is ~ :
equal to or le~n than a half round trip, ntep 940 check~ to
~5,~00 45,446 45,495
''~` ;`~'`; '.
... . ....
see lf the scan slot ha~ already been assignedO I~ ~t has~the program advances to step 966, ~hich lncremenbs bhe slot
count, Ir the scan slot has not been assigned, step 942
determines lf thls ls the .~irst pa3sO I~ lt is, step 944
checks-to see l~ the car has a reglstered car callO ~I~ it `~
does not, the-program advances-to step 966~ to increment the
slot count. If the assignment routine is in the first ~ass . ;~
assl~hrner~ r ~
~ and the car-has a car ca}l, or if the ~ine ~.
.., ~ . ~
ls not in the first pass, the program advances to step 946, ~`
10 whlch checks to see if there 18 a registered halli.oa~l ~or
the scan slotO I~ there isl skep 948 determines l~ I~HcT, ~ .
the total number of hall calls assigned to ~his car so far, ... :~. .
plus one, is less than or equal to ACE~, the hall call average . ~.
per car ln the buildlng. If NHCT plus one-i gre~ter:than
ACB, the program advances to step 9660 If NHCT plus- one ~s ..
equal-to or less than- AcB, step 950 checks to see l~ the scan
ls in the third pa~æ O I~ it is not, step 952 checks to see ~. :
if NCI plus one is less than or eq~al to AcI, where-NcI is
the number of hall calls assi~ned to the car so ~ar-:in the
set being cons1dered, and ACI is the average number- o~ calls `.
per ln-servlce car forlset being consideredO. If NcI~plus 1
is greater than AcI, the program advances to~ep 9660
NCI plus one is equal to or-less than ACI, the-~program ad~
vances to step 954. :Ef-step-950 determines the asslgnment
is in the thlrd pass, the llmitation-of-step 952 ls~ skipped,
and the program goes.dlr~ctly to step- 954D Step 954 incre- :
ments NCI and NHCT and advances to step 962 D Step 962 incre~
ments the ~arlables NsI and NSS, and step 964 assign~ the
scan s:Lot to the car~
If step 946 determines there i~ no hall call in the .
-94- ;.~
l5,200 45,446 45,4g5 .,~
~ ' .
~(~6~ ~ Z7 ,!;
slot, the program advances to step g56~ Step 956 checkæ to
,-; ; : .
see if the as~ignment 1~ in the third pass~ If it ls not, .~
,., ~ ,
the program advances to step 958 which determines if NS~
;.~ - . . . .
plus one is equal to or less than ASI. The variable N
is the number Or scan slot5 assigned to the car 90 far from ',
the set being-considered, and AsI is the average number of .
scan slots per ln-servlce car-for the set belng cons~dered~
If NSI plus one is greater than AsI, the program ad~mces to '~
step 9660 I~ bhe NsI plus l is equal to or,less.~han ASI9 ',','.','~
10. step 960 cbeck~ to see if NSs plus 1 ls less than.or equal '.. '~
: ~;
to AsB. The variable NSs is equal bo the total nu,mber o~
scan slots assigned bo the car so ~ar, and ASB i8 the average ;~
number of scan slots per ln-service car.~or the buildln~0 ',-
If NSS plu8 1 ~ greater than AsB the program advances to
step 966. I~ it is equal to,-or-~ess bhan hSB, the progr~m '
advances to step 962, which inorements NSI and Nss, and-step ;~
964 assigns the scan slot to the carO I~ step 956.flnds that '' ~
the ass~gnment ls~in the th~rd pass, the limitations;.o~ steps ~,
958 and 960 are skipped, and the program advances dlrectl~
to step 962~
The program advances to step 966, which,increments
the scan ~lot count. -Step 968 checks to see i~ the scan num~
ber ha~ been completed. If it has not, the pro~ram loops hack '' '`~
to step 93q~ If all the &can slots associated with the scan-
number have been completed,~step 970.incremenbs the 8can count '~
~nd th~ scan directlon i5 reversed.- Step 972 checks to see ~: :
lf all 3 phases (s¢an-l, scan 2 and soan 3) o~ the scan count
have been completed~ 1~ the scan count hasn't-been completed, ,~
the program loops back to ~tep-928. If the scan co~nt has
been comple~ed, the progrzm advances to 5tep 974 wh:Lch
. .
l~5,200 45,446 45,495 ~ : ~
increments the car count and shifts the UPSCAN and INS~ word~to expose-the bits assoclated wlth ~he next car to be cons~
dered. Step 976 dekermines if the car oount has been com .
pleted. If lt ha~ not, the program loops back to step 906O -
I~ it has been completed, the program advances to step 978 - ;~ .
which incrementæ the set-count, to call the-next set~ Step
980 checks to-see if all of the sets have been consideredO
If not, bhe program-~oops back to step 8.980 If all-sets ;~ :
have been consideredj the program advances to step 982 which .
increments the assignment pass count. Step 984 checks to see
if the pass loop has been completedO If nok, the program : :
loops back to step 895O I~ the pas~ loop has been completed~
the program exits at terminal 986.
The-three assi~nment passes may be sl~marized as
The NEXT car is given bhe main floor up asslgnment ~.
(step 914 ) ~ A~AS and CONV cars are assigned the up.and down
scan ~lots associatçd wlth the ~loor at which the AVAS car .
is located, and the convention ~loorj respectivel~ ~steps
920 and 924). 1~ the car ha3-a car call ~or bhe floor assoc~
iated with-the scan slot being consldered,~the ~can slot-is
assigned to the car, sub~ect bo predebermined-llmibationsO
Step 938 introduces the-1~2 round trip limita~ion.~or busy
cars, and s~ep ~46 selects the-remaining limltations to-be ~ ~
applied~ dependlng upon whether-or not ~he scan slot-being , ....... `-considered has a hal} call assoclabed bherewith~ lf lt-does
not have a hall aall, the a~erages ASI ~step-958) and AsB
(~tep 9603 are applied-as limitatlons. Ii lt doe~ have- a
hall call the averages ACB (~t~p 948) and Ac~ (~tep 952) are
-96- .
45,200 45,446 l~5,495
, , ~ .
applled a~ limltatlonsO I~ the car doe~ not have a car call
ror the scan-~lot belng considered, the scan slot i8 not .
assigned on thi~ pass. .~;~
The NEXT car is given the maln ~loor up a~slgnment
(step 914). Thls step is repeated even though lt wa~ in~
cluded in the first pass to enable step~916 to be checked on
all three passe~; as-ib is desirable to-remo~e the.~T car
from the asslgnment routine as ~oon as there i8 an avallable .
car ln the system.
A 5beps 918, 920, 922 and 924, whlch ~e~*e~ bo ~VAS
... . ~ .
and CONV ¢ars, are omitted on bhe second pass, since they were
carried out on the rirst pass.
; .:
The second pass also sklps step 944, which was~
active-on bhe ~irst pass, as the second-pass considers
unas~igned scan slots ~itho~t regard as to whether or not
the car has a--car call ror-the rloor Or bhe sca~ slotO The
i .~ .
1/2 round trip limitation ~or busy çars, and the a~erages
ASI~ ASB, AcBiand AcI are applied as described relative to
the rirst pass.
The NEXT car is aga~n given the main ~oor up
assignment, for bhe reason~ poinbed-oub relati~e t~ the second .
passO Also slmilar to the~second pass, steps 918, 920~ 922,
924 and 944 are sklppedO
On the third pass, una~signed (free) and-empby:(no
hall call) scan slob~ are asslgned-to cars sub~ect Qnl~ to the
1/2 round trip limitation for busy cars, a~ the-A5I-and A
llmitations~ active in steps 958 and 960~ re~pectlvely, are
. ~ , . . . . . ..
45,200 45,446 45,4~5
If the scan slot is unasslgned but it has a hall
call, the thlrd pass is sub~ect only to the 1~2 round trip
limitation for busy cars and the ACB limltatiQn9 as the ACI ~ ~
llmitation, active in step 952, is skippedO .~ .-
Thus, lf there are any in-service ldle cars, all
scan slots associated with floors will be asslgnedO I~ there .
are no in-service ldle cars, it is possible that on a glven
run through the program that one or more scan slots assoc~
lated with ~loors may not-be as6ignedj due to the travel
distanee llmitation in the assignment of scan slotsO- These
scan slots will be asslgned, as soon as some car moves bo-a
position wh~ch satisfles the requirements of the program for
asslgning scan slot9. Since no car is ~uitably located for
promptly answering-a call associated with an una~slgned scan ~ ~
A slot, it wou}d do no good to~ass~gn the scan Slot ~ scan `~ ~-
slots~ untll ~t ls determined wh~ch car should be ass~gned
scan slots accordlng to the strategy of the program
" ", . .
Figs, 24 and 25 are charts used to illustrabe the
strategy of the inventlon relative to a spec~ic example
As illusbrated in ~ig. 243 the bu~lding has 16 . ~loor~ ~ served
by four cars Oj lj 2 and 3. The build~ng has a ma~n ~loor 19 `'~
two basements Bl and B2, and two top extens~on6 TEl-and TE20 - -
Car 0 is enabled for both basements Bl and B2-and-.~loors l -~
through 12. Car 1 ls enabled for basement Bl and ~ioors l
through 12. Cars 2 and 3 are enabled for ~loors l through l~
and both top exbension TEl and TE2. The valld æets-are deter~
mined from bhe down and up call mask~, RAMS g and lOo There
are two scan slots-in the one car set 0001. There are two
30 scan slot9 in the two car set 0011~ There ax-e four scan - :
-98- ` :
. . .
~5,200 45,4l~6 45,495
: ~ .
slots in the two car ~et 1100, and there are 22 ~can slots
in the 4 car set 1111~ There are 2 scan slots in the
invalid set 0000. All other sets are empty, Table III
tabulates the sets and the number of ~can slots a~soclated
with each set, and also tabulates the ASI and ACI ~or each
set. The average ACI i~ calculated using the number of hall
calls llsted in the Table~
0001 l 2 2 l ,
0011 0 2 1 0
llOO 3 4 2 2 ,
llll 4 22 6 l ~`
0000 X 2 (lnvalid) X X
The cars are ln the positions ~hown by the circles~
wlth car 2 having the NEXT assignment at the main floorO The
car call~ are indlcated with "CC", The hall calls are indl~
cated with a "diamond" under bhe heading "Hall Calls'!O
Function 332 o~ Flg. 9 J detailed in LCDll ~ Or .Figo 14 ~ deter~
mines the average AsB ~or the building, and the averages ASI
ror the setsO -The average hsB is 8, ieO, 30:va-lld,slots di ~:
vided by 4 ~n-service cars~ The averages A~I are determined
by div~ding the--number o~ scan slots in a set by the number
of ln-service cars enabled ~or the set~ They:a~e l~sted in
Table III and are stored in the proper set location-in RAM 8
Or Fig. 24~ It wlll be noted that-when the-quotient is a -~
fraction the next higher whole number is used3
Functlon 342 of Fig. 9 detailed in LCDll, Fig~ 14 9
determines the average ACB ror the buildlng and the averages
45,200 45,446 1~5j495 ~ ~
ACI of the sets The average ACB i8 2, 8 hall calls dlvided
by 4 in-service carsO The averages ACI are determined by .
dividlng the hall call in a set by a number in-service car~
e nal~le~l ~h~
e~abl~ to serve ~ setO They are also l:lsted in Table III ~ ~;
and are stored in the prop~r set location in RAM 2 of Figo
240 ,
Table IV will aid ln rememberlng the averages and
limitations which apply to the three asslgnment pas~esO .
1 Yes Yes Yes Yes
2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
3 No No Yes No Y~s ~ ;.
On the first assignment p~ss, car 2, which has the .
NEXT assignment i8 given the maln rloor up assignment~ indl~
cated by an "X" in the up assignment table of Fig 240 It
will be assumed that there are no AVAS car~, so the NEXT .^~
car will be considered for further assignments, but it will
be last in the priority order. It will al~o be assumed the
convention ~loor feature is not activeO It will be a~sumed
: : ,
that the car priority order~ determed by ~CD8 ln Fig~ 21 is ~` -
1, 3, O, 2~ Step 944 of LCD14 (Fig. 22) singles out the
scan slots for which the cars have reglstered car callsO
Car 1 has a car call for the 9th floor, and slnce it is sek -
for up ~ravel, lt will be assigned scan slot 10-UP, associated
with the 9th rloor. The 9th floor has an up hall call~ : ;
registered, so this assignment automatically takes car of
~o l r~ /~ ' de nt
this oe~c~bnt call
Car 3 has a car call for the 12th ~loor, ~nd since 9
100- -
~,'., ~ '
4~,2~0 4~,44~ 45,1195
, . .-. ~., , ;, ,
lt is set for up travel, car 3 will be assigned scan 510t
13~UP, associated w;ith the 12th ~loor~
Car O has a car call for the maln floor, and slnce
it is set ~or down travel and is enablec~ to ~ravel below
the main floor, lt will be assigned scan slot 02-DN, assoc~
iated with the main floor The main floor-down is part of
set 0011 which has an ASI of 1. Thererore, thl~ ass~gnment
to car O meets the ASI for set 0011 ~or car 0. .
Car 2 ha3 no car calls and receives no further `;~
a 55 ign rne,r t~
A lo e~s~Bnm~n~ during the ~ir~t pass~ Thus, the fir~t pass is .
completed, assigning the main ~loor up scan slot to the ~
NEXT oar, and the soan slots associated with registered car ~ :
call~ and the travel directlons o~ the ¢ars having the car
calls. It will be remembered that LCD14 only assigns scan
slots ~or those sets which are enabled for more th~.L one
car, as LCD5, Fig. 18 ha~ already assigned the one car sets
to khelr associated ¢ars~ ie., ~lot OO-UP and Ol-DN were : `
previously assigned to car 00 ;
On the second pass, the car priorlty order will
still be 1, 3, O, 2. Sinc~ there are no AVAS ¢ars, the s¢an
dire¢tion ~or a~signing s¢an slots from the ¢ars is the same
as the car travel directlon ::
Pass 2 flrst takes set OOllo Scan slot 02-DN j ;~
haæ already been assigned to car 0, so scan ~lot Ol-UP is
assigned to car l o This completes the asslgnment of the two
SC~.L slots in s~t 0011.
Set 1100 is now taken, and ¢ar 3~ which Wa8 asslgned
8¢an slot 13-UP on the ~lrst pass, is now assigned scan slot
14-UP~ which meets the set average ASI o~ 2 and car 2, the
other car enabled for this two car set, is as~igned scan
., ,
.. . ..
45,200 45J446 45~495 ~
slots 15-DN and 14-~N~ The a~signment of scan slot 14-UP
to car 3 takes care of the up hall call at TEl, and ~he
assignment of scan 910t l~-~N to car 2 takes care of the
down hall call at TE2
Set 1111 i5 now taken and car 1 is aæsigned scan
slots O9-UP, ll-UP, 12-UP, 12-DN and ll-DN. The pre~lous
10-UP assignment to car 1 has a hall call, whlch meets the
set call average ACI o~ 1 for ~et llll o Thu~, slot l3;DN
is not asslgned to car 1, as it has a hall oall registeredO
The assignment stops at sca~ slot ll-DN, as this meets the
set average ASI of 6
Car 3 is now asslgned, starting from the car in an
upwardly direction. Scan s10t 12-UP was prevlou~ly assigned ;;
to car lo Thus, the ~irst scan slot assigned to car 3, in
this set, is 13-DN~ Since this slot has a hall oall, thi~
meets the average, ACI o~ 1, and the average ACB of 2 and
only ~can slot~ without calls wlll be a~si~ned to thls car
durlng the remainder of ths second pass~ Slots 12-DN and ;
ll-DN were previously asslgned to car 1, so the next slot `
assigned to car 3 is 10-DNt Scan slots O9-DN and 08-DN are
skipped, since they have hall calls, and scan slots 07-DN~
o6-DN, 05-DN and 04-DN are assigned to car 30 Thls meets ~he
average A5I f six for this set, and the average ASB o~ 80 `~
A17 of these scan slots ar~ located within the 1/2 round trip ~ ;
Car 0 i5 now asslgned, startlng at the car in a
downward dlrection. Scan slot O~-DN has already been ;~ !
assigned to car 3 so scan slot 03;;DN is the ~lr5t to be
as~igned~ The n~xt scan slot assigned to car O 1E~ ~3-UP~ ~ ;
Since slot 03-UP has a hall call assoclated th~re~wlth, this
45,200 45,446 45,1195 '~
meets the set call average ACI o~ 1 for car 0, and the aver~
age ACB of 2, and only scan slots without hall calls will now '';'~
be assigned car 0 ~rom thi set on this passO Thus, scan .
slots 04-UP, 05-UP, and o6-uP are assi~ed to ~ar 0, meeting '~
the bullding ~.lot average ASB o~ 8, and the set slot average ;'~
ASI/6, and the asslgnments are within the l/2 round trip ,~
llmitatlon. ,~
Car 2 is now assigned SGan 810ts ~rom set 11113 ;
starting ~rom the car and proceeding upwardlyO The ~irst '~
rree tunassigned) scan slot up ln thls set iB 07-UP, and thus
scan slots 07-UP and 08-UP are asslgned to ¢ar 20 The next
free scan slot is 09-DN, but this i9 beyond the l/2 round ~
trip limitation and wlll not be assigned to car 20 This com~ ~;
pletes the second pass, and all scan slots have been asslgned
except 09-DN and 08-DN, and both have a hall ¢all reg~:steredO
The third pass assigns free scan slot9 9 removing '~
all restrlctions imposed in the second pass except the bulldl :
ing call average ACB and the V2 round trlp limitatlonO The ,'; '
cars are taken ln the same order~ startlng wlth car lO~Gar
20 1 has only one call assigned thereto, so it wlll be assigned -~
scan slot 09-DN~ This scan slot is within the 1/2 round krlp ~:
limltation, and it meets the building call average ACB of 2
~or this car~ There~ore, this car cannot be assigned scan '~
slot 08-DNo Car 3 is then consideredO Car 3 already has two . ~-
hall calls assigned thereto, meeting the ACB of 2, and thus ~'
is,not assigned slot o8-DN~ . ,,
Car 0 also has two hall call~ assigned thereto, ~ ~:
meetlng the ACB o~ 2, and thus thls car will not be assigned ,;
to scan slot 08-DN ~ ~
30Car 2 is the last to be considerecl, and since scan ~ ;
-103- ,
`' '~
45,~00 l~5,446 45,49~ ~ ~
~ Ol~
slot 08-DN is beyond its 1/2 round trip limitation, it will
not be assigned to car 2~ Thus, scan slot o8-DN will not be
assigned on this running of the program
Fig. 25 ls a chart which lllustrates the inhibit
signals whlch would be provided by the system control 22
for the speclfic example of Fig. 240
Whlle the foregoing description set~ rorth the pre~ ;
ferred embodiment of the invention, it ~s to be understood ~ -
that certaln alternatlve arrangements may be used~ and that `~
they fall wlthin the scope of the inventionO For example
the preferred embodiment uses "loop" scanning in assigning
the scan slots to the cars, which includes the three assign~
ment passes. Thls loop scanning, which starts at the car in
the directlon of travel and returns to the car position is
preferred because it enables like numbered sets to be grouped
regardless of which service dlrection the binary word for a
~loor is assoclated-with. ~owever, it would also be suitable
to maintain the service dlrection distinction, and have "up"
sets and "down" setsO Loop scanning would not be used in
this instance, as the "up" sets would be assigned by ~cann~ng
upwardly, and the "down" sets would be assigned by scanning
downwardly O
Further, ln the preferred embodimen~ the general
assignment a~igns ~can slo~s to a selected car until meeting `~
one of the dynamlc llmiting averages ASI or ASB, or the
travel distance llmltation for a busy car~ It would al80
be suitable to a~sign one scan slot to one car at a time~
proceedlng ~rom car to car, until each car reaches a dynamlc
limiting average, or the travel dlstance limltation
'`,. ,
-104- ~
, ; .