Note: Descriptions are shown in the official language in which they were submitted.
``- 1069101 ` -
The invention relateæ to a meth.od and apparatus
for intensive moisturizing of seedlike fruit, particularly of
grain. ..
It is known that freshly harvested seedlike fruit
has to pass several processing stages between i.ts delivery to a
flour mill plant and its actual milling. The most significant
among the processing stages is the cleaning. Was.hing machines
had frequently been used in th.e cleaning of grain until some
time ago.
- When using the w-ashing machine& or are -
always arranged downstream of the washing machine, the grain
shows an increase in moisture content by 2 - 3%. Th.e corres-
ponding increase in moisture content is 1 - 1.5~ when using wet
scouring machines. In both. cases, it is not possible to pre-
determine in advance the exact overall i.ncrease in moisture con-
tent. Yet, it is desirable th.e actual moisture content
for the milling of grain be withi.n predetermined, verr narro~
limits. In order to achi.eve th.e required moisture content,
20 the missing water volume is added to the grain. Th.e moisture .
content often to be increased several times by 5 - 6%,
particularly when working with dry-cleaned grain. In the
known methods and devices, a uniform moisture distribution
is achieved in such. a way that th.e stream of the grain is caused
to pass through a chute by th.e action of a slow~lr driven and
thus extremely gently operating auger or conveyor scre~, with
simultaneous addition and intermixing of water in the grain.
The moistening process has a great significance in
the milling industry as th.e moisturizing of the wh.ole grain :
30 kernels has a strong influence on subsequent process~ng stages
such as milling, sifting, etc. .
The moisturizing process has h.eretofore often been
considered to-be a somewhat simple process. Water is intermixed
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`- ~069101
with the grain by using th.e moisturizing auge.r, During an
extended rest in a tempering bin, w~ater to be uniformly~
distributed and to penetrate into the kernels th.rough passages~
in the kernel structure, thus providing th.e outer layers of
the kernel with elastic properties~
Different ty-pes of grain are known to have kernels:
of different æhape. For instance, wheat kernel has a crease.
On the other hand, rice and millet have no s~uch crease. The
portion of the surface of a kernel containing such crease can
form a considerable percentage of the overall surface area of
the wheat kernel. rn earller methods of mois~turiz~ng it had
been assumed to be an established fact that it was~ pos$~i~1e for
the moisturizing w~ater to penetrate only in a limited volume
into the crease during the moiaturizing operation and that the
burr and the germ portion of the kernel would sim~larly be
defficiently moiætened. Such deff.iciencies ~ould partly be
compensated during the subæequent tempering s~t~rage, Contrary~
to the overall type of the surface of the kernel, con~ider-
able differences are encountered particularly in the trpe and
shape of the crease.
It is known that an irregular di.stribution of :
moisturizing water within the same sort of can be of
disadvantage from the standpoint of subs~equent proce$~sing steps, problem is even greater when working ~ith ~ixtures of
different sorts of wheat.
It has now been æurpriæingly found out wfien
applying the meth.od of intensive moisturizing of $~eedlike fruit
according to the present invention, th.e difficulties as~æociated
~ith. the moisturizing, particularly in the area of the crease of
the kernel, are con~iderably avoided. It further been sho~n when using the meth.od of the present invention, a uniform .
distribution of moiæturizing water takes place In the
. .
kernel, particularly at ita~ burr portion and at s~milar irregular
surface portions.
The present inventiGn i.s~ characterized in that th.e
seedlike fruit is introduced into a substantiall~ cy~lindrical,
enclosed housing provided ~ith. a grain inlet and an outlet for .
th.e material and comprising a rotor arranged foP a h~,gh.
speed rotation, said rotor bri.nging the seedlike fruit material
into the state of rotational movement, th.e speed of ~uch.
rotational movement 6eing at least so high. as to form ~i~thin said
housing an annular, continuous, turbulent la~er of s~aid material,
said layer moving continuouæly from said inlet to outlet,
whereby following an introducti.on of a metered ~olume of ~ater,
th.e entire surface of all kernels i.s~ uniforml~ moisturized and:'
the kernela can be moiæturized to a predetermined ~alue.
The moisturizing process~ according to the preæent
invention thus allows for a uniformity in mois~ture distri,hution
over the entire surface of th.e kernel, th.e uniformit~ being of ''
a degree which. could not be ach.ieved h,ereinbefore.
It h:as heen established i.n proce~s~ng w,~h,eat grain
that when using the new moisturizing method, an aVera~e of
20 to 25% greater ~urface can ~e moisturized as compared w~i`th.
the traditional auger-moiaturized grain. Yet, it came as
a great surprise to those skilled in th.e art that a porti.on of
the moisture was able to penetrate t6rough th.e narrowest part of
the kernel crease into the solidi~ enclosed,nside s~pace
of the kernel.
By use of methods, com~on in grain p~o-
cessing chemistry, it ~as possible to viaually obserye ~ater di$~
tribution immediately following the moisturizing and to
compare the new method with the old one. In doing so, it ~as;
found that with the new moisturizing process total uniformity been achieved over the entire aurface of the kernel,
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` 1069101
~h.ich was particularly observed in the case of th.e burr and
the germ portion of th.e kernel and in the crease. In a kernel
moisturized 6y th.e heretofore known method using the auger,
the above noted parts are irregularly moistened which was
demonstrated 6y different colouring of the portions in question.
It is thus o6vious that th.e problems of flour
milling are attri6uta61e to a great degree to th.e crease and to
: the germ of the kernel. Th.e very frequently expressed desire
of the milling industry calling for a creaseless kernel can
only 6e understood 6y realizing that until th.e present invention
one could not imagine bringing the water during the moisturizing
operation into these very inaccessible, strongly concave and
convex portions of the kernel.
It is th.erefore an ob~ect of the meth.od according
to the present invention to enable to a large degree a metered
and predetermined moisturizing in wh.ich water is distributed
uniformly onto all kernels and on th.e surface of each k.ernel,
particularly in its poorly accessi61e portions, in order to bring
the moisture of ~he kernel to a predetermined value.
An opinion prevaila in th.e milling ~ndustry that
~heat cleaned in the known devices, as compared with th.e
presently more popular dry cleaning meth.ods, provides flour
having th.e best baking quality; such. oplnion appears to haye
6een proven in at least one case by an experiment carried out
on industrial scale.
It is therefore object of th.e pre.sent invention :~
to improve the dry cleaning meth.od in such. a way that 6ak~ng
qualities of the final product, as compared ~ith th.ose of the
product of wet cleaning, are the same.
It been found there is a factor in the art
of moisturizing kernels which. has an influence on caking pro-
perty of flour, wh.ich has heretofore been unknown, namely, that
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` 1069101
it iæ not solelr the exact percentage of moi&ture whIch ~s th.e
determining factor, but also th.e. ~ay in ~h.ich mois~ture i& applied
to the kernels. In further carrying out of the ~nvention, it
: has no~ been found that surprisin~ advanta~es are present when
a stream of dry-cleaned grain is moisturized ~ith. at least 0.1-
1% of ~ater or water vapor, the said stream is th.en brought i.nto
the state of a high-speed rotational turbulent ~ove~ent in a
tubular, enclosed h.ousing case and sub~ected to an intensi~e ..
impact and frictional action, th.e ad~ective "intensive" as
used in this di&closure and claims referring to a h.igh frequency~
rather than to the force of th.e impact or of the friction.
The intensive impact and friction process pro~ides
a "massage" and softening of the outer layers of the kernel
without causing the breaking of same. As it has already been
proven by experiments, the impact and friction processing
of drr cleaned kernels with simultaneous or imme.diately pre-
ceding moisturizlng by a small amount of ~ater has a very advan-
tageous influence on the baking properties of th.e flour, so
that now the essentially last dra~back of th.e dry cleaning of
the grain heen overcome., ~eedlike fruit proces~ed
by way of a fully dry meth~od and sub~ected to th.e pre--milling
processlng according to the present invention now~re6ults in the
same baking qualitr of flour as that made from th.e ~et-cleaned
kernels. Prom the:standpoint of th.e place and ti~e, th.e meth.od
of the present in~ention can be carried out entirely~ independently
on th.e cleaning process.
In a particularly advantageous example of th.e. method of
th.e present invention, a predetermined a~ount of 0.1 - 5% and . .~-
more, e.g. up to 6% water is added to the ~tream of clean grain, ~:
the stream is spread into the state of a turbulent, annular layer
~ithin an enclosed chamber of a h.ousing and brough.t to a high :~
rotational speed of preferably 5 - 30 m/sec Cmeters per second~
' ' :: ', , ' . " ' - . :' ~ ~ , -
`` 1069101
and a rotor provided with. a large number of impact members is
moved relative to-said layer within said moisturizing chamber
so as to impact on individual kernels in the layer and cause
same to rub against each to effect a uniform distribution
of moisture in same.
In this way, it was achieved that the kernels were
uniformly moistened during a shorter period of time with a
larger volume of water.
Tw-o different systems exist for adding a metered
volume of water for such devices.
In a first system, the volume of water to be added
to a given volume of gr.ain to be moisturized is determined by
taking several samples. The deviation from the required water
content is then computed to a weight unit and can be adjusted
by appropriate comparison of the rate of flow of the grain and
~f th.e added water and th.e apparatus can then be adjusted
According to the aforementioned, particularly
advantageous method, up to 6% of moisturizing water can be added
in a single passage. Assuming that the rate of flow of the
grain and of water is maintained constant with. the required
accuracy, it is th.en possible to provide an exact deviation
of the added water volume of the order within one tenth. of a
percent. The increase in moisture of grain achieved by a single
passage through. th.e machine can be anywhere between th.e
values of ~.1 and 6% by weight. Even at th.e greatest moisturi-
zing, the overall volume of water is distributed uniformly
to all kernels and, in particular, th.e distribution is uniform
over the entire surface of the kernel. ~ater is. preferably
3Q introduced at th.e inlet of the machine, i.e. at th.e beginning ~
of the intensive moisturizing process. -
: :- ':
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- 1069101
It has been establifihed b~ th.e
heretofore largest achieved addition of water of 5% by w-eight
amounts to a two meters long intensive aggregate wh.ich., as i&
known, cannot be achieved when using a known
auger, or can only be achieved with considera~le difficulties.
In a second system of th.e control of add~tion of
water, the effective moîsture of the grain is measured continu-
ously in all instances after th.e moisturizing and it can also he
measured prior to th.e beginning of th.e prQcess.
Inasmuch as the new moisturizing process. distr~butes the
moisture uniformly on all kernels and on all portions th.ereof,
it is possible to register the moi&ture content figures directly.
The moistening water located on the surface of th.e kernels, to-
gether with has already penetrated i:næi~de t&.e
nels, can be added to each. after a corresponding conver-
sion. The very rapid passage through. the mach.ine can thus
be utilized in that the flud~ations can be readily equalized
regardless whether they are due to the irregular entry moisture :.
of the grain or due to differences in flow rate of ~h.e grain, or
due to other reasons all of wh.ich may result in a deviation from
the required exit moisture. Thus, the moistening process-
according to the present invention makes it possible to arrlve
close to an absolutely uniform moisture of the entire charge. .
Th.e intensive moistening can take place directly
above the tempering bin and, if th.e tech.nological disposition
allows, th.e moistened can be conveyed directly into th.e
tempering bins without any addi~ional horizontal conveying
means. Due to th.e h.igh speed present in the meth.od of th.e
present invention, the moisturizing aggregate is completely
3Q discharged. No residues remain within the apparatuæ, wh.ich
provides a significant contribution for the solution of the
problems associated with.bacteria.
- - .
: Each moistening proceæs is sub~ect to ph.y~s~ical
laws regarding molecular tension of w~ater surface, the so-called
drop-buildup and to the laws of adhesion of w~ater to th.e sur-
face to be moistened. A man skilled in the art kno~s ~ery w~ell
from daily experience that a w~ater drop can be very diffi-
cult or even entirely impossible to introduce i~nto a cavity.
Yet, a uniform moistening, e.g. of a kernel, calls for a
uniform distribution and spreading of ~ater over th.e entire
surface. The uniform distribution of water over th.e entire
kernel can only be explained by the intensi~e process in th.e
stage of high velocity, by a strong turbulence effect to w~.ich
water particles or water drops are su6jected, by strongly acting
centrifugal forces to wh.ich th.e kernels and the w~ater drops are
sub~ected, and alao by further incluences. This is particularly
noticeable in a relatively small crosæ aection of t6.e mois-
turizing housing having a diameter of approximately 300 mm and
wh.en working with a rotor having a very large number of impact
and conveying members such. as 6ars or 61ades. .
As described above, 6etter baking properties ha~e :`
been establish.ed in flour th.e kernels of the. grain of w~hich have
passed the new~moisturizing process, as compared with. flour
produced from a conventionally moisturized grain.
In a laboratory experiment, a normal milling mi:x- ~ .
ture was used: Manito6a - 15%, Harder inland = 5Q%,
soft wheat - 3a%, rye - 5%. The intensively moîs~tened mi.xture
as compared with that processed by regular moistening at -;-
almost the same graîn showed a better result w~ith reference to
flour yield, to ash and to color. The yield of 63% w~as the same :
in both cases, the ash content was improved by 0.02% and the color
by 0.4 to 0.8 points. The great significance of moistening
itself, which never 6een contested in the milling indus~try,
will be emphasized still further due to the ~o~i$~tenin~ process
according to the present invention.
Based on w~hat been des~cri~ed a~ove, i.t ~s~ .
further not surprising that th.e tempering peri.od after the
moistening according to the present inventiQn in the
6ins is substantially sh.orter.
It will readil~ occur that it is feasihle to o~æ~er~e
the moistening of at least unknown mixtures ~ coloring of
individual sample kernels in order to be able to deter~ine tbe
optimum moisturizing intensity and moisture content.
In th.e cases wh.erein onl~ extraordinaril~ lo~
values are allowed due to ~acteria attack, th.e. ne~ moistening
method makeæ it possi~le to effectively operate ~ith ge.rm and
burr portions 6y the use of appropriate solutions, to pro~ide a
result which was not ach.ieva~le by th.e auger-type moistening
used heretofore.
The preæent invention further relates to a moistur-
izing apparatus for intensification of the moisten~ng of seed- :
like fruit and the like, particularl~ for grain, the apparatus~
having a moisturizing h.ousing w~ith. a material ~nlet and a
material outlet and ~ith a rotor which. is radiall~ s~paced within~
the moisturizing h.ousing, and also including a ~ater metering ~.
means, for adding w~ater into said housing.
The device can ~e used, with. minor modifications
of same, upstream of the milling process, in th.e cleaning house
as well as for special purposes, wh.erever th.e known moisturizing
devices are required to distribute th.e given volume of ~ater uni-
formly over th.e surface of th.e kernels.
The known types of moisturizing devices are norma-
lly provided with. continuous or discontinuous mois~turizing augers
~h.ich, ~asically, also have a conveying or function. rt
is known that the speed of rotation of such auger is very low,
as a rule between 60 and 120 rpm. A increase in speed
would result in breaking of th.e kernels and also would impair
the uniformity of th.e moisturizing.
In the known moisturizing devices, the efficiency
of the moistening of the kernels was limited by the length of
the auger. There is a direct proportion between the amount of
increase in moisture content and the required length of the
auger so that it often happens that a single passage th.rough the
device of the grain does not provide for sufficient increase in
moiature content of the material.
The apparatus according to the present invention iæ
characterized in that its moisturizing housing includes a tubu-
lar, enclosed moisturizing jacket, and that the rotor is provided `.~;
with a large number of individual impact members, such as blades
or bars preferably arranged in a plurality of longitudinal rows. .
The drive for the rotor is arranged to provide peripheral speed
of the outer end of the impact members in th.e range of at least :
6, but not more than 30 meters/sec. The device further comprises
20 a water metering means wh.ich. communicates with. the material inlet,
for adding moisturizing water into th.e apparatus.
The apparatus of this invention makes it possible,
by use of surprisingly simple meanæ, not only to solve the above
ob~ect of the invention but also to attribute to the moistening -~
devices a greater significance hereinbefore, particularly ;.:
in connection with. th.e milling of grain.
The invention entirely deviates from the process of .
slow motion moistening and intermixing in the known moistening
The moistening apparatus according to th.e present
invention moreover operates with a fast and intensive moistening
-- 10 --
process. There are three particular features~ ~f the apparatus:
- a tubular, enclosed ch.amber, .
- a large number of the. impact blades or bar~,
- a periph.eral speed of th.e impact members in the
region of 6 - 30 meters per second.
The above features operate in combination ~ith. one and
provide an entirely ne~ type of moisturizing proce~s.
Due to th.e very high. peripheral speed of th.e impact
; members of 6 - 30 m/sec and also due to the large number of such
members in a tubular chamber, a layer of th.e mate.rial is generated
in proximity to th.e inside ~all of the moisturi.z~ng ch.amber
which is maintained in a fast, turbulent circulation,
No disadvantageous air disch.arge has been obser~ed
at the material outlet of th.e apparatus accord~ng to th.e present
invention. Th.e layer is brought into a h.igh-speed rotat~onal
movement by th.e impact members of the rotor. ~y th.e.breakdo~n ::
of intermediate spaces between the large number of th~e impact
members, a provision is made for individual kernels to h.aye th.e
' greatest possible freedom of movement. .
The chamber, which. is preferably stat~onary, re.-
tards the movement of the kernels slightly and thus generates
a relative velocity between the said layer or between th.e indi~i-
dual kernels and th.e impact members so that th.e kernels are
by the impact members at a high frequency. Th.e kernels are
not arranged in a firmly packed state sucb as in th.e h.ereto$ore
known moistening augers; instead, they are free to move. An
impact of the bar on an individual kernel has no milling effect
as the layer of the material wh.ich is present ln the water-
lubricated, enclosed casing, moves at a speed wh.ich is almost
as fast as that of the rotor. The high. circulatory speed of the .
layer guarantees the uniform distribution of ~ater.
-- 11 -
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', , ' .. ~ : ,
The solution according to the pres.ent invent~on h~as
still advantages not expected b,y thos~e. s~killed ,i~n the.
- The moiæture is d~stributed unifor~l~ oyer the
entire individual kernels; as mentioned above, it
was not possible in th.e known devices to prov~de
for water diætri~ution in th.e crease typical for
a wheat kernel.
- It was possihle even with. a comparatively short
',~ 10 device to increase the molsture content of s,eed~ ,'.
like fruit by 3 - 5~. Th.e corresponding volume.
of water was added at th.e inlet of th.e material . .~:
of the device. ~ '
- The wheat kernels processed with th.e moistening ,,.
apparatus according to th.e present invention
possess better baking properties of the flour
', milled from the grain.
The uniform moiatening of the entire æurface of the
kernels inclusive th.e depres-sions such as the of th.e kernel is likely to be attributable to th.e movement of ::
water drops or of individual kernels in the enclosed housing
and also due to the rotational movement of the kernels. It
contributes to the improvement of ~he caking properties of t~e '
According to feature of th.e present in~ention, .
it is of advantage to provide the periph.eral æpeed of the
outermost tips of th.e impact members to be betw~een 12 and 3a
m/sec. When moisturizing, th.e optimum s~peed
is betw,~een 20 and 25 m/sec.
A large number of impact members of th.e rotor i& of
advantage in order to secure th.e required control of th.e inten- ~- -
sive moisturizing. ',
- 12 ~
`"-` 106910~
The number of impact mem6ers relati~e to the s~ur-
face of one square meter of the ins~i:de s~urface. of the moi~.s.turi-
zing ch.amber should never be less than 2Q.
In most cases the number of the impact mem~ers is
more than 80 but less than 3aO per m of the inside surface. of
the chamber. Until now it was not poas.i61e t~ es~tablisb. an~
upper limits for the number of impact members, if one. bearæ~ ~n
mind only the quality of opera.ion. The number of th,e impact
mem~ers is additionally limited h~ th,e manufactur~,ng costs.
-; 10 Th.e impact members are auita~ly mounted on longitudinal
mounting channels of the rotor and are preferably~ offset
; with respect to each, other in axial direction, Cona~idering æuc6.
a rotor, an image of a arrangement of th.e impact
- members is thus achieved. "
Inasmuch as a lasge number of the impact mem6e~a~ is
used, it is sufficient to produce th,e members from a ~làt aec-
, tion material. The total of such impact ~ladea~ gu,idea~ th~e la~er
; of the kernels. Contrary thereto, in the kno~n mois:tening appara-
' tus, the advancing elements are 6ent to form an auger-li,ke
surface in order to avoid any impact.
Contrary to prior art, a controlled impact step i.s~
t~pical for the solution according to the preæ~ent in~ent~on.
In order to provide th.e most intensive moistening, aa many~ as~ ' '-
possible impact points or impact blades are to be arranged. :',
The offset arrangement of the impact 6ars of i,ndi,~idual '
longitudinal rows in axial direction is prefera61e to th.e
arrangement of th.e ~ars i.n a pluralit~ of rad~al planes, ~uch '~,
arrangement in radial planes forms r~ng-æh.aped inter~ed~ate
spaces wherein the relative speed between the impact ~ars~ and
the kernels is less controllable. Howe~er, th.i,s is of a mi.nor
significance in many cases.
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.: ;:, . .
The impact members extend from the rotor preferably in
radial direction 6ut are inclined with respect to th.e
axis of the rotor to assist in the advancing of th.e material.
It is also possible to provide only a portion of same to be
. inclined in order to advance the material in the direction of ~ .:
passage of same through the chamber, while portion
located in the region of the material outlet i& inclined in .
opposite direction.
~: Preferably, the rotor is manufactured as a hollo~ ~.
; 10 shaft with the diameter of the root circle of th.e impact bars ~
amounting to 20 - 50% of the entire diameter of the moistening . -.
chamber. The relatively small cross section of th.e annular layer
- facilitates the maintaining of the inner space of the moistening
c6.am6er in clean condition. As a rule, the inside wall of the
~; moistening chamber ig of the type of an impervious smooth. g~ur- .:.
, .
face as the intensive processing by th.e impact bars gh.ould suffice
itself, particularly in th.e prefera61e embodiment wh.erein the
moistening chamber is stationary with only the rotor 6eing
brought into rotation. It has now been found out that alth.ough
an optimum diameter of th.e moiatening ch.amber for grain is about
300 mm, it can nevertheles6 be the range of about 250 ~ .:
to 600 mm. The peripheral speed, when working with. an appara- ..
tus h.aving a larger diameter, to be only slightly lower in
view of the fact th.e impact of th.e kernels. agains~t the
smooth. inside wall of th.e h.ousing has a smaller significance.
In order to prevent breaking of th.e kernels at the :- :
material inlet and at th.e outlet, the said portions are s-ui`tably
arranged to be tangential and to be arranged in th.e s~ame
: sense of advance of the material as th.e rotor.
The particular operation of th.e apparatus according
: to the present invention makes it possihle to operate with a
'` "''.
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. ,
virtually complete freedom as to the choice of arrangement
-~ of the rotor axis. The rotor is preferably horizontal or slight-
ly inclined forwardly or backwardly. Located at the lower end
can be the outlet so that the inside of the hou&ing can be
- rinsed from the opposite side.
The water metering device communicates preferably - ,
with the material inlet. For this purpose, an atomizer ~et ,
or a side-feed device can be provided. It iæ essential that
the water or vapor inlet be located in th,e region of the~material
inlet and not too far from the effective operational part of the
moiætening device because otherwise a non-unifor~ water distri-
bution can occur on the kernels which could subsequently be
no longer equalized by the moistening device according to the
present invention.
A feeler disposed in the material passage automatically
switches the water or vapor supply on or off. However, the
volume of the incoming water or vapor is adjusted independently
from same and can 6e arranged to be remotely controlled.
It has furth,er been found out that in particular
applications it i8 of advantage to use different ty~pes of rotor. ~'~
Many types of seedliRe fruit and partially also
seeds, are extremely brittle and sub~ect to breaking and, at the
same time, have to be undamaged i~ any ~ay, although a pre-
determined moistening of all kernels is to be achieved with a
maximum uniformity. In the region of the gra~n i,nlet an
accelerator auger can be arranged or a portion of the impact
blades can be 6uilt as accelerator elements by inclining same
in an oblique direction.
An extremely gentle processing of the material can
be achieved when the impact members have a rounded or o~al
cross section. The accelerating elements in the region of
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~ 1069101
th.e grain inlet can be produced as~ flat, obl:iquely~ ~ncl~i~ned
flat-section pieces, i.e. blades.
: The acceleration elements can Ç be produced
~ as a single or mult~ple spiral auger elements op thPe.adæ,
:': According to an ad~antageouæ embodiment o th.e
present invention, all of the impact blades- are ar~anged
at an angle of a~out 50 to 85 with respect to th.e longitud~nal ..
- axis of the rotor. It is also possible to arrange a portion of
~. , .
th.e impact 61ades rectangularly to th.e axi.s of th.e~otor w.~ith.
lO alternately arranged inclined impact bars, inclined ;
by 45 - 80 with respect to the longitudinal axiæ of th.e rotor. :.
The rotor can have a central portion of a re.duced :r
diameter in th.e region of th~e acceleration auger. .
In certain cases it iæ of advantage to arran-ge th.e:
water addition device to communicate into th.e first port~an
of the moisturizing chamber so that th.e-mois, ~ater
enters in a region wherei.n the. kernel s:tre.a~ already has -`
assumed an annular shape. In some cases at least one subæequent ..'
water addition device iæ arranged between th.e. grain i.nlet and
20 the material outlet. If an additive i.s introduced ~.nto th.e '
device through the second water inlet apparatuæ, then th.e device,~ .
according to the present invention also contributes to a more : :
: uniform distribution of the additive.
, The use of th.e apparatus according to the present
invention before milling or before tempering of, r~e,
barley and oat, th.e surface of kernels of wh.ich is known to
contain a crease or uneven surface, provides advantages which
, ~.
are surprising even for those s.killed in the art as to th.e
quality of th.e resulting product.
The invention will now be deæcrihed with. reference
to æeveral embodiments with reference to th.e accompanying
- 16 -
. `` 1069101
~ drawi.ngs in ~hich;
.~- Figure 1 is a total s~ch.ematic ~i,ew~of a mo,istening
~ unit with the mois.tening chamber s~hown in section;
Figure 2 s~hows the structure of th.e rotor of Figure
1 in the region of the material outlet, at a slightl~ enlarged
,- scale than that of Figure l;
"~ Figure 3 is an axial sectional view of the region
.;~ of the material inlet of apparatuæ as shown in Fig. l;
~ Figure 4 is a diagrammatic repreæentation of one
example of use of th.e new moisturizing de~ice;
Figure 5 is a schematic longitudinal section of a
moiaturizing device having the impact members of round cros:s~-
Figure 6 iæ a schematic longitudinal sectiQn of a
further embodiment of the moisturizing de~ice;
-~ Figure 7 is a section VII - vrI o~ Figure 6;
' Figure 8 is a æecti,on vrIr - yrII of Figure 6;
,~. Figure 9 is one emhodiment of the ~o,to~ ~ith th.e
impact blades arranged alternatel~ ohliquel~ and pe~pend~cular
, 20 to the axis of the rotor;
Figure 10 is a combination of an accelerati`on auge.r l:
' and impact members of drop-shaped croas sect~on.
The embodiment of the moisturizing apparatus~ shown
in Fig. 1 comprises a moisturizing housing 1, a tubula~ mois~-
turizing chamber 2, a rotor 3 as well as dri~e means~ 4. Shown
i~ at the left of this figure is a material inlet 5, and to th.e right
of the figure a material outlet 6, both of which are fixedl~
connected with the housing 1. A w~ater metering de~ce 7
communicates into the moisturizing housing in th.e region of th.e
material inlet 5. The material inlet 5 i5 hroadened upwardl~
and a known control means 9 for detecting the material flow~is~
arranged in the broadened portion of same. An inclined feeler
- 17 -
` 1069101
plate la is mounted for tilting mo~ement on a lever 11, The
movement of the lever 11 provides~ control,~for a not ~ ,
shown pneumatic or sw~itching device connected via control
l$nes 12 with a valve 13. A metering val~e 1~ controls th.e
rate of water flow~, the control being effected by operating th.e
metering valve 19 by h.and or by a remote control. Th.e
instant value of the rate of flow can be determined from the
rate of flow measuring device lS. from the outlet of
the rate of flow measuring device lS is a water conduit 16, th.e end of which communicateæ h.ousi~ng 1
or with the material inlet S, A distributor 17 on wh.ich is.
provided a plurality of nozzleæ 18, i,a arranged to reach. ~nto
the material inlet S. Above th.e detector plate 10 ~i,s a deflec-
tor plate 20 ~h.ich ia diaposed directly beneath. an inlet feed
pipe 21.
The rotor 3 comprises a large number of impact ~ars
30 wh.ich extend in radial direction from longitudinal supports~
31. The rotor 3 is supported by t~o ~ournals 32, 33 located in
bearings 34 and 35, th.e journals extending bey~ond the ends of
h.ousing 1. The bearings; th.emsel~es are each s~ecured to th.e
h.ousing 1 b~ means of a bearing support 36 which. also ser~es as
a mounting of the bearing to the floor, A drive motor 36 is ''
fixedly aecured directly to th.e support 36 and ~s ar~anged to
drive the rotor 3 by a pulley 38, belts 39 and pulley~ 40 fixedl~ '`
secured to the end of the ~ournal 33.
The operation of th,e inten&ive moi.s:turizing device
is as follows:
Grain is fed th,rough, th.e feed pipe 21, Th.e stream
of the grain is; deflected immedi,ately beneath the ~nlet pipe 21
by the deflector plate 20 onto the suitably supported detecting
plate 10. The falling stream of grain presses onto the plate
10 and causes it to tilt downwardly far enough to cause th.e
- 18 -
opening of the valve 13 b~ a not s.~ho~n s~i,tch means, The exact
~- water volume requ$.red for the moisturizing is~ then ad~us~ted on
.,~ the metering valve simultaneously or subæequently.
Water Is supplied through the water canduit 16 and nozzles~ 18 ,in,
to the down-falling ætream of grain w.~ith only a short delay~.
As soon as. the grain stream reacheæ the moistu~i-
', zing chamb,er 2 in the region of impact 6ars 30, it is~b~ough.t
: into the state of h.igh velocity movement b.~ the. alades. The
chamber 2 has an enclosed, round sh.ape. The grain s~tream is spread into an annular lay~er on the inæide ~all of th.e
ch.amber 2 and rotated at a æpeed wh.ich is almost the same aæ the
speed of the rotor 3. The rotor 3 itself prov~de.s a strong
guiding for th.e material due to the large numbeT of its. impact
bars 30. The moisturizing,ch.amber 2 of emb,odiment is
stationary and is prov$ded with. a relatively smooth. ~nner SUT - :
face. Thus, the spread layer of th.e material is only~ ælightly
,~' decelerated. The ind-ividual grain kernels: are sub~ected to high
~ frequency $mpacts, also referred to as intensive impacts, but
,~l they can move in any direction after such an impact. The impact effect i8
due to relative velocity between the impact blades and the kernals and also
due to rèlative velocity of the kernels within the turbulent mass. The con-:
:i stant inlet of freshly entering grain causes the spread layer of the material
to move to~ards the material outlet. After h.aving ad~uæted
j a constant feed of grain in th.e feed pipe 21, a constant time
,. period is established necessary for the passage of th.e grain
kernels.through the h.ousing 1.
The kernels rub against each other dur$ng their
passage through. th.e housing but do not 6ecome dis.$ntegrated by~
such a movement. The movement only results $n a maximum turbul-
ence and intermixing of the kernels. Th.e differences 6et~eenthe degree of moisturizing of the kernels are equalized
--" 1069101
, . .
during a single passage through th.e device. The ~h.ole procesæ
takes place at a h.igh velocity of at least 5 meters~sec to 30
meters/sec Cm/sec). It is also to be noted th.e portions ~ :
of the surface of the kernels h.aye eyen a considerably higher
instant absolute velocitr values due to the rotation of kernels
~ about their own axes... Th.e water is thus uniformly~dis:trihuted
over the entire surface of the kernels. ~r ~a~ of turhulent
motion, regardlesæ w-h.ether it is in the form of tinr droplets
or in the form of a film., a uniform moisturizing i.æ .
. 10 established even in the area of the crease of the kernel, wh.ich
could not ~e achieved heretofore.
The impact action on the kernels provides for ~,~
a very strong intenæification of th.e moistening. Th.e kernel
is slightly deformed during an impact. A portion of the
moistening water is thus "ruhbed-in" into th.e outer larer
; which clearly explains the intensive moisturizing operation
of the new type of th.e moisturizing apparatus, The resulting
sotness of the outer layers of th.e kernel h.aæ a favourahle
effect on the milling, sifting and finally ~n the ~aking
quality, particularly when processlng kernels h.ave .
heen solely dry cleaned.
Ohvio.usly, the moisturizing apparatus: is not limited in
use to the moistening of dry cleaned seedlike fruit. Th.e
w~et or liquid cleaning thus far proyided a more or less
considerable moisturizing effect, howeyer, as a rule, it
was not possi~le to predetermine an exact value of moisture
content in the material. On th.e contrary, the moisturizing
apparatus according to th.e present inyention makes~ it possible
to achieve predetermined moisture content figureæ. Th.e uæe of
the moisturizing apparatus according to th.e preæ~ent inYention
is therefore æuitable ~oth for dry cleaned and wet cleaned
- 20 -
106910~ :
The effect of the new.~ intenæive moistuPi.Zing apparatus
haæ als:o been establish.ed 6.~ using an experimental unit and
has shown that a single moisturizing of grain po6sib.1e
to increase the mois:ture content b,y~ up to 5% w,hile using a
relatively short rotor. On the hand, it i5 also possible
to add to the kernels the s~mallest amount of ~ater of several
tenths of per-cent b,y w.~eigh.t wh~ile achieving the s:ame - .
uniformity in distribution. .: '
The invention enables various: developments~,
Thus, when moiatening wheat, the optimum speed of th.e outermost
tips of the impact bars iæ between 20 to 25 m~s~ec. rt is~
of much advantage to provide a great number of th.e impact bars~,
: Inasmuch as the æpread layer i.s distributed over the ins~ide
; of the tubular chamber 2, it is posaible to relate the
num6er of the impact baræ 30, ~h~ich have a small radial clearance
bet~een their tips. and th.e inæide of th.e ch.amber 2, to the
~ surface area of the inner surface of the ch.amber. As~sAuming
,', that the rotor 3 as sh.own in Figure 1 has a diameter of
250 - 300 mm and a length of approximately 1 m (:meteP), the.n it
is feasible to provide in such embodiment a number of th.e
impact blades 30 correaponding to about 200 blades or bar6 '!
per square meter of the inside surface of the chamber.
As clearly sh.own in Figure 2, th.e impact bar~ 30 of
a still further embodiment are supported by a plurality of
longitudinal supports 40. Th.e longitudinal s:upports 40 are
secured to the rotor 3 by means of screws 41.
lt has further been found out to be of advantage to
offset the individual longitudinal supports 4a on th.e rotor
3 by one half of th.e distance X (as shown in Figure 2).
In this way, the impact blades~ are not located i.n individual
radial planes with large intermediate spaces betw~een t~o
- 21 -
' , ~, - '
, . .
~ `` 1069101
~. ad;acent planes of such ty~pe, ~uch offset aTrange~ent makes
it possible to obtain an even s~tronger guiding of the material
with a smaller amount of impacts ~mparted to th.e layer of
the material. Based on h.ygiene and cost grounds~, th.e rotor
3 is preferably produced as a~h.oll~ow~shaft-45. Such arrange-
- ment makes it possible to substantially reduce th.e
portion of the same. The diameter DF of th.e root circle of
'. the impact bars 30 amounts preferably to about 20 to 50%of the inside diameter of th.e moisturizing ch.amber 2. Th.e
processing space can easil~ be cleaned and, is~ even
more important, it cleans~ i.ts~elf during regular operati.on
: of the device.
: Figure 3 æh.ows a tangential arrange~ent of th.e. material
inlet 5. As the rotor 3 is driven in th.e s.ame sense as tK.e
.-~ movement of the material takes place, such arrangement
:~:, results in a gentle acceleration of the mov:ement of th.e - -.
~ kernels. Th.e feed is indicated by the arro~50 and th.e.
sense of rotation of the rotor by arro~51, rt ~ill be
appreciated from Figure 1 th.e material outlet can als~o ~ :
20 be arranged in the same sense, Figure 4 a~ho~s~ a preferable
application of the moisturizing device according to th.e
present invention associated with. and arranged immediately
- downatream of the cleaning h.ouse.
I The figure shows diagrammatically~ a s~eries~ a
,' grain s~eparator 100, a dry stoner lQl, a cockle cy~l~nder la2,
a dry scouring machine 103, a grain aspi.rator 104, a mo~s~tur- ~.
izlng apparatus 105 according to the pres~ent invention and
finally, a tempering bin 106.
Th.e grain separator 100 removes large impurities s~uch.
as strings, hay, stones etc. as well as kernel fractions~ etc,
Th.e stoner 101 removes all stones and other heavy~ impurities.
- 22 -
:- . ,. , : ~ .: :,
. : . , , , :: : -
` lQ69101
Th.e cockle cylinder 102 is us~ed in removing fr~m the grain corn
cockles, vetch. and fraction&. Th.e æcouring ~achine cleans the
grain itself and removes dust and loose shell portions of same.
For safety reasons, the scouring machine 103 iæ frequently
connected to an aspirator which. is used in removing dust and :.
shell portions:., a fully cleaned w~heat enteræ th.e moistur- -
izing device. The moisturizing device adds an exact volume of
water to the grain, moistens same by the above deæcri.hed
intens.ive impact-and-turbulence effect and transfers th.e
~ 10 material into a tempering bin 106. After the exp~ry of the
; tempering time, the material is directly~ con~ey~ed to th.e milling.
In the shown example of application of th.e device, a
~ fully dry cleaning ia involved in connection new~
:l intensive moisturizing, wherein th.e latter is used to a
considerable degree i.n t~e pre-milling preparation of th.e
However, th.e moisturizing device can also be uæ~ed in
applications wherein the grain kernels and s:imilar material
has to be only sligh.tly moistened with. an exactly metered volu~e
of water, and in is desired to provide a partial
i introduction of water into the outer layers of th.e kernel.
The moisturizing device shown in Figure 5 contains
a moisturizing housing 201, an enclosed moisturizing chamber 202
as well as: a rotor 203. Th.e drive means. corresponds to
of the embodiment of Figure 1. At the left of Fig, 5 is.
shown a material inlet 204 and at right is an outlet 205.
A water distributor 206 can be provided with one or - as
shown - several nozzles 207.
The rotor 203 is shown schematically and i.s provided at
its ends with a support journal 208 and a drive ~ournal
209, particularly wh.en the overall length of the rotor
- 23 -
` 1069101
is: over 1 meter. The rotor is~ of th.e type o~ a hollow sh.aft
210, whereby, on the one hand, th.e weight o~ same is~ maintained
low and, on the other hand, th.e free space between the
shaft 210 and the moisturizing ch.am6er 2Q2 is~ l~.mited to a
particular processing space. ln the region of th.e materi~al
inlet 204, the shaft 210 is provided w~ith acceleration blades
211. The remaining part of the rotor 2Q3 or of the shaft 210
. is provided with impact 6ars. 212 hay~ng a round cros~s s.ection
: and arranged in mutually offset rows.
The operation of this particular embodiment corresponds~
- to a great degree to th.e embodiment according to Figures 1, 2
~l and 3. The main difference resi.des~ in that th.e rotor 203 :
is provided with acceleration 61ades 211 only in the area of
material inlet 2Q4, the acceleration 61ades to
the impact bars 30 of Fig. 1. The impact 6ars~ of the remai.n~ng
. portion of rotor 2Q3 are formed 6y impact bars 212 having round
!~ cross section and als:o having rounded th.eir free ends.
; Whether or not the acceleration blades 211 correspond
in shape to the impact bars 30 of Fig. 1, function
in the embodiment of Figure 5 ia primarily to accelerate
the movement of the incoming grain and to secure at the
same time the required passage of the material th.rough th.e .
apparatus. The grain stream is brought into a atate of
a very high rotational movement in th.e form of an annular,
turbulent layer within the moisturizing ~acket 2Q2, wh.~ch. is~
effected without causing any damage to the kernels due to the
break-down of th.e acceleration blades into a large number. ~Iater
is distributed uniformly into th.e grain s:tream already in
the area of the material inlet 204.
The basic idea of the solution according to Figure 5 :`
resides in a still further movement of individual kernels,
-- 24 --
wh.ich is required wh.en working with. certain t~pes. of k.ernels.
and partly when ~orking with.seeds. Th.e impact effect des.cribed
in the main patent is deliberately reduced. Substantial tur- `
bulence effects on the individual kernels as well as on fine
and finest water drops are used in this case. Th.e working
intensity of individual round impact bars 212 iæ reduced in
comparison with the impact blades 3Q of Figure 1, so that
even a greater number of same can be us~ed per æquare meter of
the inside surface of th.e ~all of the moisturizing chamber,
Th.e number of round impact bars. 212 should not be less than 100
.. . .
`` and sh.ould preferably be about 2ao to 400 pieces per square
- meter of the inside wall of the moi:sturizing chamber 202. The
round impact bars 212 the length of ~hich corresponds approxi-
mately to that of fingers, are preferably~ arranged in offset
rows, as is apparent from Figure 5. Th.e impact bars 212 can
also h.ave an oval or even another rounded cross~-section,
The embodiments deviating from the round shape can be
oriented obliquely to assiæt in advance of the materi:al and,
if required, even h.ave an opposi.te inclination, e,g, in th.e
region of the material inlet 205.
In all variations of th.e shape of the impact bars it i.s
still essential that a large amount be used and that the speed
of the rotor 203 relative to the inside diameter o the
moisturizing chamber be about 400 to 1800,preferably ~00
to 1200 rpm.
Figure 5 shows a still further particulaT feature of
the control of moisturizing. Inasmuch as the intensive mois.tur-
izing provides a particularly uniform moisture content, it is
j possible to measure the moisturizing effect directly after
the moisturizing device and to control the moistening ~ater
volume correspondingly. provides for a very simple
- 25 -
' ' ;: .
. .
arrangement from th.e standpoint of control. A flow-th.rough -'.
measuring apparatus 215 is connected via a control line 216
with a control apparatus 217 and is supplied w~ith current by a
power line 218. Th.e control apparatuæ 217 is connected with. a
, valve 220 over a line 219, which in itself provides a control ''.
impulse for opening or for closing of the metering
valve 221. Th.e instant flow-througK. volume can 6e determined
by means of a rate of flow~indicator 222 by visual control.
,, The control apparatus 217 is connected ~ith a mois.ture, ~ ,.
measuring appa~atus 223, by means of a control line 224, Th.e.
moisture measuring apparatus can be of a known ty~pe operating on
the principle of radiatlon, e.g. microwave absorption. Th.e.
: control device 217 can be connected w~ith a control switchboard
~, .
by means of a control line 225. It can be adjusted to a
required value of th.e moistening either b.~ the. control line 225
or directly on th.e control device 217. Th.e a6Ove noted moistening
'. can be checked by the control device and can readil~ be made .
" visible on an indicator 226 of the control unit 217.
'', Figures 6, 7 and 8 show~a still further embodi,ment of
,.20 the moisturizing apparatus. The moiaturizing housing 301
is provided with. a moisturizing chamber 302 in is
:arranged a rotor 3. It also has a material inlet 304 and
a material outlet 305. Th.e water metering device is~
divided into a flrst injection unit:~306 and a second injection
unit 307 arranged between th.e material inlet 304 and the
material outlet 3a5. Th.e volume of water delivered by s~uch,
injection unit can be controlled by an adjustment ~alve 310,
The rotor 303 is provided with an acceleration auger
308 in the region of th,e material inlet. The remaining portion
:30 of the rotor is formed by impact bars 309 which. are arranged
substantially rectangularly to th.e longitudinal axis of tK.e
- 26 -
., . . ~ .
, . .
: rotor~
This particular embodi~ment is~ s~uitable fo~ m~s~turiz,
of kernels or mixtures~ thereof which are more res~i.s~tant
to breaking or abrading.
The division of the ~ater inlet into t~o in~ection units
in this embodiment is of particular interefi~t, A firs:t iniectien
unit 306 is arranged in a first portion of the mois~te.ning
chamber wherein the grain stream is being accelerated, A
- second injection unit 307 is located in the region between
" 1 the material inlet 304 and th.e material outlet 305, Depend-
ing on the type of grain, th.e second in~ection unit can be
located e.g. in the firat th.ird or in the middle of th.e
entire length of the rotor 303, can s:ti.ll furth.e.r
~ improYe the uniformity of water dis:tribution~ I~t ~a~ also
,~ readily conceivable to use the æecond in~ection un~t i,n
special cases for injection of special additi,~es: while t~e
first injection unit 306 delivers clean ~ater or ~.ce vers~a.
Such. additives can be di.strib,uted more unifor~ly ,if th.e
kernels have alread~ been moiætened. S'uch.po~a~ibi.litieæ are,
of courae, also a~ailable in all of th.e abo~e noted em~odiments
and can also be preaent in other combinations.
In Figure 9 is ah.o~n onlr the rotor ~n tKe s~ame position
as in th.e foregoing emhodiments. Th.e rotor 401 is provided
w~ith. obliquely inclined impact blades or ~ars 402 and ~ith
' rectangularly arranged impact blades or bars 403. Ind~,vidual
,~ impact blades can easily be arranged an oppoaite inclination.
,' Th.e material inlet 404 ia~ indicated hr an arro~404.
., Figure 10 sK.ows a schematic view of a further em~odiment
of the rotor. The rotor 501, in the region of th.e material
inlet 502 wh.ich is also schematically indicated by an arrow,
: a narrowing section wherein th.e rotor 501 is limited to a smaller
- 27 -
: .. - : . '
1069101 :
' croæs-section of the sh.aft 5Q3, ~h~ch blends~ over a conical
. . .
portion 504 into the tubular portion of th,e r0tor 50,1, An
acceleration auger 505 is formed by an uprigh.t thread-shaped
` portion. Between th.e auger section 505 and the s~haft 503 i5 a
'~ comparatively large free intermediate space. The: ~mpact bars, - -
., 506 in particular portion h,ave a semi-ci.rcular section,
. This particular embodiment is designed for a gentle acceleration
and movement of ~he processed product. Th.e ring s.~h.aped embodiment
of the acceleration auger provides a desirabl~ cushioned trans-
~ 10 fer of force to th.e material.
.`~ Obvioual~, the material inlet and outlet can be produced
in a different form from shown in th.e draw~,ngæ, e.g.
~I~ th.e inlet can be radial, tangential etc. rt ia also po&si.ble ,'
,~ .
'~ to use in all embodi,ments t~pe of th.e ,i,mpact memb-ers, .-:
" e.g. curved blades, may advantages in certain
,: cases.
.l . 20 '
- 28 -
-- ................................................................... :.