Note: Descriptions are shown in the official language in which they were submitted.
~ 2
The invention rela~es to a r,le-thod by means of which it is
possible to prepare produc~s in which the ~on-tellts of tne
cations ~socl um, potassium,, and magnesium) con- the electrolytic environment o the cr~anism are
proportioned so as to satisfy optirnally the requirer.ents of
the or~anism and to avoid health disorders caused by a di.s-
proportionate composition of the nutrition, me~ici.rles and
oth~r electrolyte sources. .-.
Tne equilibrium of *he electrolytic system in the organism
is based on the compensation of the conti~uolls loss cf its
various components by an oral replenishment, mainly by
nutrition. As nutrition h~s predominantly been an act
based on tradition, many central interactions between nutri-
tion and the requirements of the org~n.ism have so far been
largely neglected. In the modern industriall.~ed world t th~
sodium, po-tassium, magnesium and calcium con~ents in nutri~
tion are in a sharp disproportion to each ot}ler. In ~he
daily diet, sodiurn and calcium often excced many times
over the optimal values, w~ile ~he potassium and magnesium
gu~ntities often remain suhstantially smaller than reco~endecl.
As ~ar as sodium and calcium are concerned, the dispropor-
tions are generally due to a copious use of comm~n salt and
dairy products, whereas the magnesiuJn and potassi.u~n qual~
ties have ~een sharply reduced as a resul* of the refining,
p~e~aration and preservati.on steps ~ha-t grain an~ ~ther
nutrient.s arG subjected to ~Meanerly 1976~ Tn recenL
yc-a.r.s, ~edi;~ era~ure has dexcribed nuinerous disorder-s
due tc, a d~ t~ror.ol;iona'-e electrolytic~ co,n~sition of the
nutrition w}lich~ when prGloneerl 5 lead to several patllolog~
., ~
3 ~ 1'7~
ical changes in many functions of the organism. Hypertension
and degenerative vascular and heart diseases have in this
connection been the centre of attention (Karppanen -78;
Masironi -69; Meanely -76; Schroeder -74; WHO -73). In spite
of the alarming situation, no measures optimizing the supply
of electrolytes have so far been taken in normal nutrition.
In the treatment of heart diseases, some limited attempts
have been made to eliminate an excessive sodium load by
substituting part of the salt requirement in the diet most
commonly with substitutes containing potassium or ammonium.
Similarly~ potassium tablets have been used to balance the
sodium surplus caused by certain pharmaceuticals, e.g. 5
thiazides, used in the treatment of hypertension. However,
it is typical of the metho~s used that they relate to
illnesses and to the compensation of the surplus of sodium
cations only without paying any attention to the proportions
of the other cations having a dynamic effect on the situation.
The present way of thinking, accordingly, pays no attention
to the irnportance of a disproportionate supply of electro-
lytes as a eause of serious health disorders, and the
present methods offer no substantial possibility to eliminate
the prevailing disproportions.
In the present invention, by virtue of extensive scientific
material, a new overall so]ution has been developed hy means
of which the load phenomina due to an lmproper use and a
non~op-timal composition of the nutrition~ medicilles and
other ora] electrolyte sources can be effectivel~ eliminated~
.. ~ .
In accordance with the present invention, there is
provided a common salt composition characterized in that in
addition to sodium chloride which is present in an amount so
that its cation content is 50-60% by weight sodium it contains .
20-40% by weight potassium and 5-20% by weight magnesium,
calculated as physiologically applicable compounds on the
total mixture.
- 3a -
~ 4
The invention thus relates to a method for preparing a
li~uid, semi-liquid or mass in which potassium, magnesium,
calcium and sodium are in all their physiologically
applicable compounds so proportioned that the mutual pro-
por~ions of said cations correspond to the dynamics of the
electrolytic system in the organi~m.
The invention is characterized in that the components are
mixed in a way known per se in such a proportion that the
molar ratios of the contents of the predominant cations in
the products obtained are kept withi~ the following limits:
potassium : sodium = 1 : 10 -- 100 : 1, and/or
potassium : magnesiun~ = 1 : 10 -- 100 : 1, and/or
magnesium : calcium = 1 10 -- 100 : 1.
The new and characteristic features of the method are that:
1. the contents of the electrolytes present in a substance
or in a compound to be taken orally are confined to values
within given limits involving a physiological optimizatlon
of the. proportîons of the four cations 9 sodium, potassium,
calcium and magnesium dominating the electrolytic environ-
ment in the organism;
2. the dimensioning of the measures optimizing the cation -~
contents is based on optimum contents dependent on the
(average~ requirements of the organism and modifiable
according to various applications wi~ni.n given ^ontent
].;.JnitS 5
3. the dimens:ioning of the measures optimi ing the cation
contents are based on an optimi~ed molar balancing of the
ion pairs formed by sodium and potassium, and/or calcium
- : .: '
and magnesium, and/or potassium and magnesium;
4. the measures optimizing the cation contents are carried
out by increasing or reducing the cation contents subs~an-
tia].ly differing from the optimum proportions;
5. the measures optimizing the cation contents are carried
out such that the deviations of the optimized contents of
the end product are in relation to the proportions corres-
pcnding ~o the ideal requirements of the orgallism
a. exactly corrected,
b. partly corrected,
c. over-corrected, or
d. corrected by using various combinations of the
preceding degrees of correction;
6. the measures optimizing the cation contents are applied
to various substances to be taken orally and their various
combinations, to single doses or to the a~erage nutrition;
7. the corrective measures are dimensioned such thatthe
molar contents of the cations present in the end products
or in the entlre nutri~ion are optimally confined with the
limits: -
potassium : sodium = 1 : 10 -- 100 : 1, and~or
calcium ; magnesium = 1 : 10 -- 100 : 1, and/or
magnesi~m :,calcium = 1 : 10 -- lOQ : l, and
K : Na - 1 : 1, and~or
K: Mg = 3 : 1- ~: 1, and/or
Mg : Ca - 1 : 2-1 : 1.
The .invent~on has the subs~ntial advantage as compared to
preYiously propQsed methods and the present si~uation that,
6 ~.~ 12173
according to the mathod discovered, various orally ad-
ministrable substances, their compounds, or raw materials
and additives, as well as individual meals, or the average
requirements of the total nutrition can now be brought into
an optimized equilibrium regardin~ sodium, potassium,
calcium, and magnesium. Earlier, for example, with salt
preparatlons no magnesium was combined, which now has ~een
proved to have a decisi~e effect on the utilization of
potassium, in addition to the ma~nesium-calcium equilibrium.
According to the method, it is possible to prevent the load
applied on the electrolytic system and the resulting various
serious organic disorders, illnesses and mortali~y, in
particular in heart and vascular diseases (WHO 1973, -~
Schroeder -74, Karppanen 1978).
An addition of cations to a preparation according to the
invention improves the stability of the product as the
osmotic pressure increases.
The present invention is to be regarded as the first overall
optimizatio~ so]ution by means of which the composition of
various substances to be taken orally or of the entire
nutrition can, when required, be optimized with regard to
all four macrocations to satisfy the requirements of the
organism, ~hus, the discovered method provides the starting
point or a new period of davelop~.ent in the food production.
As is well-known, ~)iochemical life pheno~,ina can only occur`
in specific agueous electrolytic solutions. In the organism,
a centrally controlled fluid and electrolytic system within
exact limits takes care of the maintenance of these solutions.
The three structural main sections in the system are blood
plasma, i~terstitial fluid, and intracellular fluid. The
basis for maintaining the material equilibrium is a
continuous supplementary flow of water and electrolytes
which, starting rrom the intestines, flows through the system
and is discharged mainly through the kidneys. The mainte-
nance o~ sharply differing cation and anion contents in the
cell organs, intracellular fluid and in the extracellular
space requires an active control operation and an actual
and average replenishment of the various components within
reasonable limits. If the supply of one or more cations is
below or above the optimum limits, the control system of
the electrolytic system is subjected to a load which
directly or indirectly causes changes and disorders within
the system ~nd other organic systems connected to its
One of the most important disproportions in the present
nutrition is the excessive supply o~ sodium, which will ~e
apparent when compa~ing the following optimum quantities
recommended to adults
sodium 10-60 millimoles/24 h,
potassium 50-100 millimolesJ24 h,
magnesium 12-40 millimoles/24-h,
calcium 20-35 millimoles/24 h
with the quantities that the inhabitants in an industrial-
ized country have been ~ound to receive on an average
sodium 230 millimoles/24 h~ maximally 460 milli-
moles/24 h,
potassium 60 millimoles~24 h, minimally 10 milli-
moles/24 h,
~ 8
magnesium 15 millimoles/24 h, minimally 2 milli-
moles/24 h,
calcium 60 millimoles/24 h, maximally 210 milli-
moles/2~ h.
(Karppanen -78, Meanely -76)
One of the central mechanisms of the sodium surplus is based
on the ability of sodium to increase the secretion of
potassium in the kidney tubules, which again causes a loss
of potassium in the organism. As the supply of potassium,
as also can be seen from the tables, often is insuffici~nt,
the result is an increased disproportion in this physio-
logically important ion pair. In extensive studies covering
several countries, the frequency of hypertension has been
found to correlate strongly with the disproportionate use `
of sodium and potassium. Normally, the nutrition should
contain sodium and potassium in an optimal molar ratio of
Na : K = l : 1.
The proportions of calcium and magnesium are of a central
importance to several electrophysiological and enzymatic
reactions of the heart and nervous system. The optimal ratio
of their molar contents in the nutrition has been estimated
to be Ca : Mg ~ 1 : 1 - 2 : 1. In addition, magnesium has ~`
been found to have a decisive effect promoting the utili-
zation of potassium. Even if the daily nutrition would
contain potassium in ample quantities, the organism is un-
able to utilize it and the po~assium is rapidly secreted
due to lack of magnesiu3rl. l'he intracellular ele~trclytic
equilibrium requires a certa~n molar ratio in the nutrition
betweetl magnesiwn and potassium, said ratio optimally bein~
~ 9
Mg : K = l : 4. It has been established that certain heart
diseases strongly correlate with a deficiency of potassium,
especially when also the supply of magnesium is insufficient
(Karppanen 1978). If the nutrition is rich in calcium and
poor in magnesium, an ample quantity of calcium substantially
reduces the absorption of magnesium. This means that as
the supply of magnesium is reduced also the biologic 1
utilization of potassium is hampered. Optimally the nutri-
tion ought to contain calcium and magnesium in a molar ratio
of Ca : Mg = 1 : l - 2:1.
Thus, there is at hand convincing scientific evidence, on
one hand, or the importance of the optimal ratios of the
cation supplement in the organism and, on the other hand,
of the disproportionate composition of our present nutrition,
as a stress factor heavily contributing to heart diseases
and diseases of the circulatory organs. Under these
circumstances, the development of innovations aiming at the
optimization of the nutrition and other cation sources must
be considered to be of utmost importance.
The method
The method aims at the optimization of the oral sodium,
potassium, calcium and magnesium supplement to satisfy the
requirements of the organism. The ideal goal of the method
is to balance the molar ratios of the three cation pairs
so as to satisfy the average requirements of the organism
as follows:
CK : CNa l : l and/or
CK : CMg = 3 : l 4 : l and/or
CMg CCa = l : 2 - l : l.
As the cation contents of nutrition, medicines and other
products taken orally often considerably differ from these
ideal ratios and an ideal balancing is not possible due to
nutritional habits and the fact that the product must retain
its foodstuff qualities, wider limits must be set to the
optimization. A differing cation content can be compen-
sated by a reverse surplus in some suitable component in
the nutrition, which also means that wider limits must be
set to the optimization range. The optimized object of the
invention is to balance the proportion of the three cation
pairs to values within the following limits:
CK : CNa = 1 : 10 - 100 : 1 and/or
CK : CMg = 1 : lD - 100 : 1 and/or
CMg CCa = 1 : 1~ - 100 : 1.
When defining the extension of the range of variation, the
starting point has been that even limited improvements in
individual products are justified because their cumulative
effects as such or in combination with the effects of
possible more complete corrective or overcorrective measures
can decisively relieve the load caused by a disproportionate
supply of electrolytes on the compensatory capacity of the
The cation contents can be optimized in the food, its raw
materials, additives, in individual nutrients and stimulants~
and in their various preparations and combinations, such as
single dose~, meals, or in the average nutrition. The
optimizing treatment is applicable to various natural
products, or products of food technology, or to ent;rely
new substances and compounds, for example, to medicines.
- '
The loads applied to the various p~rts of the electrolytic
system are minimized when the absorbable actual contents
are ideally optimized.
The starting points in the method aiming at the optimization
of the cation contents is to measure or in some other way
determine the sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium
contents in a substance or in a compound to be taken orally.
The differences between the existing and ideal contents are
corrected by increasing or reducing the proportion of the
corresponding cation, if possible, to .he ideal values or
to values optimized as close as possible to the ideal values
within the limits allowed by nutritional habits~ technical
possibilities and economic points of view while retaining
the foodstuff character. The additions and reductions of
electrolyte required by the optimization are carried out
by using chemical and food-technological methods.
An ideally balanced preparation does not, when used alone
or as a part of the nutrition, disproportionately load the
electrolytic system. As a part of a disproportionate
nutrition, such a product relatively alleviates the existing
disproportion. If, when preparing or mineralizing the
product, only a partial correction of tne existing dis-
proportion is possible, the load,applied on the electrolytic
fiyste~ can, however, be relieved as far as the correc-tion
is concerned, no matter whether the preparation is used
alone or in combination either as a single dose or as a
part of the average nutrition. If, on the other hand, a
product to be taken orally is over- or underbalanced with
regard to one or more cations, it offers a possibility of
correcting opposite disproportions in the nutrition. When
balancing compounds consisting of components balanced on
different levels or the average nutrition, the quantitative
contribution of each component to the total quantity of
each cation species must be taken into account in the
Consump ion of calcium (Ca), potassium tK), magnesium (Mg)
and_sodium _Na) per 24 hours
- An adult person weighing 70 kg consumes in 24 hour n
different foodstuffs in the average weight quantities Rl,
R2, R3~ Rn
- The optimum weight quan-tities of said substances in 24
e Ca' OK~ OMg~ and ONa'
- The foodstuff i contains additives in weight quantiti2s
Pi and contents Ci satisfying the following equations
according to definition:
iCa iCa i' iK iK/ i~ CiMg PiMg/Ri and CiNa=piNa/Ri.
Problem 1
The optimum weight quantities O and the consumed foodstuff
quantities R are regarded as known. The contents C must
be determined so as to obtain the optimum weight quantities,
i-l CiCaRi Ca' i=l CiK~i ~)K' i=l CiMgRi OMg and
~ 13
The contents C and the optimum quantities O to be determined
must satisfy the following conditions.
(a) The total quantity of additives must not exceed the
total quantity of the food:
iCa iK PiMg~PiNa - Ri (i=l, 2, ..., n).
tb) The quantities of additives are non-negative:
- PiCa' PiK' PiMg' PiNa (i 1, 2, ..., n).
N.B. The additions Pl to be made to obtain the optimum
quantities can also be negative, i~e. deductions.
~c) In an individual foodstuff, taste habits set an upper
limit Mi to the contents of additives Pi:
iCa - iCa' iK - iK~ PiMg - MiMg and PiNa - MiNa
~i=l, 2, ..., n?.
(d) The optimum quantities O must satisfy the following
conditions for biologico-medical reasons:
tl, CaMg ~ OCa/OMg ~ t2, CaMg and/or tl, NaK ~ ONa/O
t2, NaK and tl, KMg ~ OK/OMg ~ t2, KMg.
(e) The quantities of additives PiCaj Pi~, PiMg, and
PiNa (i=l, 2, ..., n) should also satisfy the conditions
under the preceding para (d). If ~ere will be a contra-
diction with the taste haDit conditions (c), the last-
mentioned will be observed in the first place.
Problem 2
Before the additions Pi, the foodstuffs 1, 2, ... and n
have the known additive conten~s
~ ` 14
CiCa' CiK, CiMg and CiNa (i=l, 2, ..., n).
The foodstuff quantity Ri and the additions P~iCa, PlK,
PilMg and PiNa of the substances Ca, K, Mg and Na must be
determined so that, when these are intermixed, the foodstuff
quantities Rl will ultimately be obtained having the optimum
contents C of additives. These will be obtained from the
following equations.
iCa iCa CiCa i' PiC~ CiCa CiCaRi
iK PiK CiKRi~ Pi~=C~
lMg PiMg Ci~ Pil~l~ CiM~i
iNa PiNa CiNaRi ' PiNa=CiNaRi
i i ( iCa iK iMg PiNa)
N.B. 1 Different groups of persons consume nutrients in
different proportions. For this reason, the additions
should be determined so that the optimum quantities O are
obtained by as many as possible natural daily diets. Gen-
erally, it is impossible to exactly satisfy such a require-
ment, but it leads to problems falling within the scope
of mathematical optimization by means of which attempts
are made to find a solution that is as satisfactory as
N.B. ~ Taste requirements ~ay, in addition to the upper
lim~ts of para (c~, set other quantitative requirement=.
N_B. 3 A change in the contents of additives may also change
the food quantities Rl, R2~.~., Rn cons-~med daily on an
~ 15
Since nutrition has predominantly been an functi.on based on
tradition~ many central interactions associated with
nutrition and ~he requirements of the organism have so far
not been taken into consideration. In recent years,
literature has discovered in the regeneration of cations
in the organism several disorders due to a disproportionate
electrolytic composition in the nutrition. When prolonged,
said disorders have been found to lead to pathogenic changes
in the vital functions. Hypertension and certain degenerative
vascular and heart diseases have in this connection been
the centre of attention. (Karppanen -78, Masironi -69,
Meanely -76, Schroeder -74, WH0 -73).
In spite of this, in normal nutrition, no general measures
optimizing the supply of cations have so far been taken.
In the treatment of heart diseases, some limited attempts
have been made to eliminate an excessive sodium load by
substituting part of the salt requirement in the diet most
commonly with substitutes containing potassium or ammonium.
Similarly, potassium tablets have been used to substitute
the loss of potassium caused by some pharmaceuticals
~thiazides) used in the treatment of hypertension.
However~ it is typical of the methods u~ed that they are
concerned with the compensation of one specific cation only.
However, in the modern industrialized world, the sodium,
potassium, magnesium and calcium contents in the nutrition
of a healthy person are in disproportion to each other.
auantitatively~ sodium and calcium quite su~stantially
` 16 ~ 3
exceed the recommendations in the daily diet, while the
potassium and magnesium quantities remain smaller than
recommended. For this reason, special attention should be
paid to the electrolytic equilibrium and mineral quantities
in the daily nutrition.
Sodium has the property of incre~sing the secretion of
potassium in the kidneys, which increases the loss of
potassium from the organism. Normally, the nutrition should
contain sodium and potassium in the optimal molar ratio of
Na : K = 1 : 1.
If the nutrition does not contain enough magnesium, the ;
magnesium supplies of the organism are reduced and also the
potassium supplies in the above mentioned proportion. Even
if the daily nutrition would be rich in potassium, the
organism is unable of utilizing it and the potassium is
rapidly voided from the organism due to lack of magnesium.
The ~ntracellular electrolytic equilibrium requires a
specific molar ratio between magnesium and potassium -
opti]nally Mg ; K = 1 : 4. ---
If the nutrition is rich in calcium and poor in magnesium,
~he ample calcium quantity substantially reduces the ab-
sorption of magnesium. This means that, as the supply of
magnesium is reduced, also the biological utilization of
potassium is hampered. Optimally, ihe nutrition should
contain calcium and magnesium in the molar ra~o of Ca : Mg =
~ 2 : 1.
. `~ 17 1~1~173
By using an extensive scientific material, a solution has
now been found according to which the non-optimal compositions
of nutrients and certain pharmaceuticals and improper uses
in relation to the average cation requirements of the
organism can most effectively be eliminated by correcting
the cationic composition of individual foodstuffs and/or
medicines to satisfy the average physiological requirements
of the organism. A possible complementary solution is seen
in making in the cationic spectra of selected individual
preparations compensatory changes in the content aimed at - -
correcting serious systematic disproportions in the nutriti~n,
said changes deviating from the average physiological re-
quirements. In connection with the compensatory solutions,
the quantitative contributions of the preparation to the
cationic spectrum of the total nutrition must be estimated.
When planning both the corrective and compensatory solutions,
the foodstuff and/or pharmaceutical character of each
product and its technical properties must always be taken
into account, as ~ell as the prevailing eating, taste and
nutritional habits which, from a physiological and medical
point of view, may result in extensiv~ ranges of variations
in the conten-ts according to the invention.
The corrective and compensatory solutlons relating to
individual preparations and requiring an increase or re-
duction in the content of one or more cations are ult-imately
based on takirlg quant.itatively into account the cation
di.stri.bution required by the cont;nuous physi.ological need
of regeneration of the organism. As the basic starting
point for the ranges of variations o~ the proportions
"~ 18 ~2173
according to the invention were taken the present medical
views of the physiologically recommendable mutual proportions
and average rates of utilization of potassium and its
various compounds, magnesium and its various compounds,
calcium and its various compounds and sodium and its various
The main object of the method according to the invention is
to satisfy in an optimally balanced manner the daily average
requirements of sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium of
the organism. The same object can be aimed at also in single
doses consumed. As food is the most important source of
these cations, the carrying out of the steps according to
the invention involves that the electrolyte contents in *he
food and its raw materials and additives are taken into
consideration and optimized, when required. In a corres-
ponding manner, attention must be paid to the contents or
other orally administrable preparations,such as stimulants
and pharmaceuticals. According to the method, it is thus
possible to treat or to correct the cation contents in
various natural and tehcnical products and to prepare entirely
new food, pharmaceutical and other products. Depending on
the practical goal in each particular case and the measures
required by it, several different embodiments of the method
are provided. Due to the diversity of the situations pre-
vailing in the organism and the diversity of the substances
and compounds used, it is often necessary~ when carrying out
the m~thcd, to quite considerably give in to the optimal
objects and to set rather wide limits al60 to the corrected
cation contents. Since the effects of the correc-~ivP
. .
'"'' ~LS121tY3
measures, due to numerous internal interactions in the
cationic system, are cumulated, the making of these limited
corrections is often justified. When estimating the sig-
nificance and degree of a solution relating to the content
of one or more cations in each substance or compound, the
quantities used at a time, the recurrence and regularity of
the use as well as the total balance of the supply and the
prevailing needs of the organism must be taken into consid-
eration as a whole.
~ ' '
By means of food prepared according to the invention it is
possible to optimize the cationic equilibrium in the organism
and to compensate the overload of certain minerals with a
counter~acting component and in this way to reduce the
possibility or to entirely eliminate the disposition to
certain illnesses mentioned above and/or to damages to the
In the method according to the invention, sodium with its
various compounds; potassium its various compounds;
magnesium with its various compounds; and calcium with its
various compounds are proportionated to a substance to be
taken orally, its raw mat-erial or semi-finished product
such that in a substance prepared according to the invention
the cations relate to each other in the molar ratio:
PGtassium : magnesium = 1 : 10 -~ 100 : 1 and~or
Potassium : sodium - 1 : 10 -- 100 : 1 and~or
Magnesium : calcium = 1 : 10 -- 100 : 1.
Physiologically suitable compounds are~ for ex~mple, chlorides~
bromides, iodides, sulphates, aspargates, etc.
~ 20 ~Z~7~
Mainly due to the change in nutritional habits and food
. production methods, the cation balance in nutrition has in .
recent decades sharply deviated from its opt.imal ~roportions
and daily minimum quantities which are:
` Sodium 10 - 60 millimoles/24 h
Potassium 50 -100 millimo'les/24 h
Magnesium 12 - 40 millimoles/24 h
- Calcium 20 - 35 millimoles/24 h.
, . . . . . .
In t,he measurements, it has been noted that the nutrition
produced by the so-called industria].ized world contains
, big quantities of certain cations and, on the other hand', . --
that the quantities of other cations are very small.
.~ It has been measured that an inhabitant in an industriaiized
; country receives cations on an average as follows:
Sodium 230 millimoles/24 h even 460 millimoles~24 h
Potassium 60 millimoles/24 h even lO'mil].imoles/24 h
'Magnesium 15 millimoles/24 h even 2 mil].in-oles/24 h
Calcium Gn millimoles/24 h even 210 mil]Lmoles/24 h
(Karppanen -78, Meneely -i6).
Due to the bi~ differences in the prol)ortions of the
consumed quantities of individualoral substances and in the
mutual proportions of the cations contained by them, the
optimizillg steps often fall short of the values consi.dered
to be idea].. A]so the necessity of maint-ainirl~ the food-
stuff ch-r~c-ter of the product as ~Jell as the ne essi-ty o~
taking the prevailing taste habits :illtO conc>ideratic)n often
have a similar effect. When defining ~he extent of the
ranges of variation, the starting point was that even
limited improvements in individual nutrients should be
carried out because their cumulative effects together with
the effect ~ more complete corrective measures may de-
cisively relieve the load caused by a disproportionate
supply of electrolytes on the compensatory capacity of
the organism.
Consequently, quite wide limits of variation nave to be set
to the optimized cation contents of the products. Should
said big disproportions not ~e present, the object of the
corrective measures rela~ing to individual substances and
their various compounds and involving an increas~ and/or
reduction of the content of one or more cations is an optimal
mutual proportion of the cation contents that is in
accordance with the continuous need of regeneration of the
organism. When dimensioning ~the corrective solution, the
quantitative contribution of said substance to the total
spectrum of the cationic load must be taken into consider-
The practical application of the method.
Alternative means and/or means complementing each other are
used when aiming at the central objects o~ the method
according to the invention, i.e. an optimized average daily
s2tisfacrion of the need of electrolytes or the optimizatior
Gf the proportions of a sin~le dose. The basic starting
point is to optimize the ca~ion contents of the substances
or compounds used to satisfy the averag2 requirement of the
22 ~
nutrition. Such a preparation does not, when used alone
or as a part of the nutrition, disproportionately load the
electrolyticsystem. As a part of a disproportionate
nutrition such a product relatively alleviates the existing
If, when preparing or minerali2ing a product, only a partial
correction of the existing disproportion is possible, it
has, however, been possible to relieve the load applied on
the electrolytic system as far as the correction is con-
cerned, no matter whether the preparation is used alone or
in combination as a part of a single dose or of the average
If, on the other hand, a product to be taken orally, its
raw material or additive is over- and/or underbalanced with
regard to one or more cations, a possibility is offered
through ~his product to correct opposite disproportions in
a single dose or in the average supply.
An addition of cations to a preparation according to the
invention improves the stability of the product by raising
its osmotic pressure. A product optimized with regard to
its cations by means of the method according to the invention
requires, as far as the components to be added are concernedS
no special atteJItion associated with the manufact~ring
The invention also relates to prodlicts to be taXen orally
which h~ve a physiologically optimized cation compositiorl
23 ~ ~
and are prepared according to the invention. The molar
ratios of the cation contents of the products thus obtained
are within the following limits:
Potassium : sodium = 1 : 10 -- lOQ : 1 and~or
Potassium : magnesium = 1 : 10 -- 100 : 1 and/or
Magnesium : calcium = 1 : 10 -- 100 : 1.
As one specific product according to the invention one might
mention a common salt (table salt) based on rock or mineral
salt and prepared by adding to sodium chloride potassium
and magnesium as physiologically applicable compounds,
preferably as chloride or sulphate, in such ~uantities so
as to obtain an expedient proportion of cations. By adding
salt according to the invention, for example, to foodstuffs
or their raw materials as well as to individual meals, a
more optimal balance in the nutrition with regard to electro-
lytes can be obtained.
The invention will be illustrated by the following examples:
Example_l -
Mineral-containin~ beverage, lemonade or similar
Content of predominant cations:
sodium 2-40 millimoles/litre, preferably lS millimoles/litre,
and/or potassium 2-40 millimoles/litre, preferab]y lS milli-
moles/litre, and/or magnesium 1.2S 20 millimoles/litre,
preferably 4 millimoles/litre, and/or calcium 1.25-20 milli-
moles/litre, preferably 4-8 millimoles/litre.
If sodium is the principal or sole cation, also magnesium
must be combined with the potassium combined in the above
mentioned proportion.
. ,
Example 2
Content of the predominant cations when administering the
pharmaceutical in 24 hours:
potassium 2-160, preferably 100 millimoles/24 h, and
magnesium 10.5-40, preferably 25 millimoles/24 h, and/or
calcium 0.5-80, preferably 10 millimoles/24 h.
. .
Milk, sour milk, yo~urt, curdled milk, etc.
Content of the predominant cations in millimoles/100 g:
sodium 3.6 8.3, preferably 8.3
potassium 3.6-8.3, preferably 3.6
magnesium 0.5-3.3, preferably 1.0
calcium 3.0-3.6, preferably 3.3.
Example 4
Sausa~e ~r~u~--tlon or similar meat product
Content of predominant cations in millimoles/100 g:
sodium 10-40, preferably 20
potassium 4-32, preferably 20
magnesium 0.1-5.0, preferably 5.0
calcium 0.2-0.4, preferably 0.4.
Example 5
~ p~lration (Em_enthale~
Content of predominant cations in millimoles/100 g:
sodium 10-30, preferably 16
potassium 20-35, preferably 20
magnesium 1-15, preferably 10
calcium 20-35, preferably 20.
Example 6
Chocolate preparation or other confection-
ery product
Content of predominant cations in millimoles/100 g:
sodium 2-4, preferably 3.6
potassium 30~45, preferably 30
magnesium 1-5, preferably 5
calcium 4-5, preferably 5.
Example 7
Table salt, either based on rock or sea salt
To sodium chloride are added as physiologically applicable
compounds, for example, as chloride or sulphate:
potassium salt 5-50, preferably about 35 % by weight
magnesium salt 5-50, preferably about 20 % by weight
calculated as compounds on the total weight of the mixture.
Example 8
Table salt, either based on rock or sea salt
50-6S % by wei.ght sodium
20-~0 ~ by weight potassium
5-20 % by weight magnesium
. 26 ~ ~
counted as physiologically applicable compounds, e.g.,
as chloride or sulphate, on the total mixture.
Example 9
Flour product, e.g., rye, oat, rice~ barley, wheat or maize
flour product, etc.
Content of predominant cations in millimoles/100 ~:
sodium ~-10, preferably 2-4
potassium 1-20, preferably 4-8
magnesium 1-16, preferably 14
calcium 1-8 , preferably 6.
.. ~. .