Note: Descriptions are shown in the official language in which they were submitted.
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Ihi~ in\enti()ll rela-tes -to a fishing lure especially oF the spoon-
A spoon l~n-~ Collsi~ts of an oval spoon-like plate or body which is
prov-id((l~/-itil holes at ils ends. In one hole of -the spoon plate a irclip
alld a swivel are attached to which the fishing line is a-ttached. The
swiYel allows the spoon lure to rotate freely in relation to the fishing
line and prevents to a certain extent the line to be twinned. In the other
hole of the spoon plate a hook means is attached by another circlip. The
hook means consists of a single hook or other hook members.
Tl.e spoon lure can be formed in the conventional way either fish-like
or spoon-like or can have a slightly bent form or a weak S-form.
At fishing ~lith a spoon lure it often happens that a fish which has
struck the lure breaks itself loose. This is due o two things. The spoon
plate or the spoon lure itself has a certain weight and when the fish
plays in the water quite heavy forces occurs in the engagement poin~ ~ `
the hook and so the hook hole is quickly enlarged and the hook can come
loose. Ihis is particularly -the case wi-th fish jumping ver the water sur-
-Face. In the air the fish struggles very much and the heavy forces occurring
m-ight lead to the hook coming loose. Moreover the fish can manoeuvre in
such a way that its side abuts the spoon lure and the fish can bend itself
loose and use the spoon lure as an anvil surface.
Moreover the hook means attached to the spoon lure constitutes a draw-
hack since -the hook means easily catches in the adjacent fishing lure
',! liCh ~o!lctitlites a drawback at the storage. Iloreover I~S rather difficult
to change a fish-ing lure for another especially at cold weather when it
is difficult to tie the fishing line.
The piimary object of this invention is to provide a fishing lure
which avoids the above-melltioned drawbacks.
An object of the invention is to provide a fishing lure especially
., ~
~1 tll~ spooll t~ t:tl~ c~ l)o(ly L)~ Fl~ t:o IllOV~? dlorl~l the -fi~ 9 lin~
io~ ) tl~(~ t~o()k ~ r)~.
Anolh(~r ob~ t of the invention is to proYide a fishing lure where the
ho~k me.llls is not attache~l to -the bn~ly of the lure but clirectly to the
ell(l of the fishillg lille.
A furthel- otject of this inven-tion is to provide a fishing lure which
-is easy t.o replace ~/ithout loosening the hook means from the fishing line.
Finally, it is an object of this invention to provide a button me~
ber, which can easily be snapped in the holes of commonly available fishing
lures and to transform the lure into a slid ng lure.
According to the present invention the above objects are achieved Jy a
fishing lure which includes an oval plate or body with a shallow, spoon-like
form, and a hook means "lhich is attached d rectly o the end of a fishing
line. The body has holes at its ends. Button members are positioned in each
hQle. Each button member has a shank, which extends through the hole, I
locking mearls at the end of the shank and a head at the other end of the shank.
The head includes an opening, the axis of which is essen~ially perpendicular
to -the axis of the shank. The heads of the button means are positioned on
tn~ same side of the body and -the fishing line extends through the openings
in the heads so that the fishing line extends dlong the body at one side
tt-;ereof and the body is movable along the fishing line.
By the fact that the body of the fishing lure is mova~le along the
fishing line, i-t is prevented that the fish can use the weight o-F the body
to come l~)ose frolll the hook means, and to use the body a an anvil surface.
~ re-Ferably, the fishing line is introduced into the opening through
a slit, wihich opens to the opening via a constriction.
By this feature the fishing lure can be easily replaced without loose-
nills tne hook llleans.
Tha locking means of the button member preferably consists of elastic
_0 en.Jagemc~;ltil:eans, ~hich duriny the introdu~tion into the hole of the body
yields elastically inwards and snaps out after passing the hole to engage
the back side o~ the body ln order to retairl ~he button member in the hole.
By this feature conventional fishing lures of the above-mentloned
type can easily be transformed into a sliding fishing lure.
The above advantages and furth~r ob~ects and fea~ures of the present
invention will be apparent from the following detalled description of pre-
ferred embodiments of the invention by reference to the drawings.
Figure 1 is a plan view of a æliding fishlng lure according to the
present invention.
Figure 2 is a perspective view of a preferred embodiment of the
button member according to the invention.
Figure 3 is a side view of a second embodiment of the button member
according to the invention.
Figure 4 is a perspective view of a third embodiment of the button
member according to the invention.
Figure 5 is a perspective view of a fourth embodiment of the button
member and Figure ~ is a perspective view of a fith embodiment of the button
A fishing lure according to the present invention is shown in Fig. 1
of the drawings. The fishing lure 1 consists of a spoon-like plate or body 2,
with a slightly bent form or a weak S-form. The body has a hole 3 at each
end. In each hole there is a button member 4. The button member includes a
shank 5, which extends through the hole in the fishing lure. A locking means
6 is positioned at one end of the shank and a head 7 is positioned at the
other end of the shank. An opening 8 extends through the head. A fishing
line 9 extends through the openings 8 of each button member 4, a hook means
10 being tied at the end of the fishing line. Thus, the body 2 of the fishing
lure is movable along the line 9 as mentioned above.
A preferred embodiment of the button member according to the inven-
tion is shown in Figure 2. The button member in~ludes a head 7, a shank 5and a loading means 6. The shank 5 is intended to be brought through the
i~ole in th~ locly of the fishing lure. The l()cking mcdrls 6 conslsts of
pr()~je(t:ing (dges `Il whicll to~ether have a diameter grea-ter than the
h()le in ~ile bod~ 2. lhe lacking means and the shank include slots 12
which en.lble the eclges 11 Or the `locking means to yield inwarclly s~ -that
they can pass ~he hole 4 in the body 2. After passing th~ hole 4~ the
edyes 11 elastically snaps out on the back side oF the body and hold the
button member on the body 2.
The opening 8 is connected with a slit 14 through a constriction 15.
The slit 14 opens to ~he periphery of the head.
` The fishing line 9 can easily be intriduced transversally through
the slit 14 beyond the constriction 15 to the opening 8. The constrict ~n
15 has such a dimension that the fishing line can pass the constriction
wilen a certain force is exerted on the lin .
If the button member according to Fig. 2 is mounted on the fishing
lure accorcling -to Fig. 1 a fishing lure is provided where the bod~ jc
easily replacable and the body being movable along the fishing line.
In Fig. 3 a button member is shown having a different locking means.
The locking means includes barb -like projections 16 at the shank 5
which projections are in-tended to cooperate with a `locking washer 17
-in order to lock the button member on the bo~.~ 2 of the fishing lure.
In Fig. 4 a third embodiment of the button member according to the
invention is shown. The head of the button menlber 1~3 has tle form of a
tube 19. The tube is provided with a slit 20, which is essentially
helical and makes it possible to introduce the fishing ine to the inte-
rior of the tube l9.
Finally a forth embodiment of the button menlber according to the
inver,tior, is shown in Fig. 5. The button member 21 includes a shank 22
with a hPad 23 and a locking means 24. The locking means 24 includes a
slot 25. The slot is provided with a widening which constitutes an
'0 openins 26. When the button member is mounted on the body of the fishing
lul ~ tll~ lisllillg lill~ c~ t~ tll~oll(Jh lile slot 2'j to the op~-
nin(~ 2~ and b~ r(tlille~ th.~( sincr~ ibt slot 25 hai a dilllension which
is less than the ditlllleter oi` the r-ishinrl line.
In Fi~l. 6 a f-ifth elllbodilllent of the button melllber is shown. The
head 27 includes a strip 28 which is made of -the same ma-terial as the
rest oF the butt()1llllelllber~ The strip 28 -is bent into a helical form
wllereby an opening 29 and a slit 30 are formed. The strip 28 may be
reinfol^ced by a metal wire. The strip 28 may be resilien-t so that the
end portion 31 normally closes the sli-t 30. The strip 28 may include
several revolutions. Preferably the button member is molded in a plastic
For the purpose of exemplifying the invention certain embodiments of
the inventioll has been shown and described by reference to the drawings.
However it is realized that the embodiments shown can be modified within
the scope of the invention and the different means of the button member
can be combined in a suitable manner for achieving the desired function.
These modifications are intended to be within the scope of the invention.
The invention is only linlited by the appended claims.