Note: Claims are shown in the official language in which they were submitted.
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The embodiments of the invention in which an
exclusive property or privilege is claimed are defined
as follows:
1. In a system of the type including a meter
having electronic circuitry housed within a cover of the
meter, the combination comprising:
a) a fixed coupler assembly of magnetically
inductive material rigidly mounted through a portion of
the meter cover, said fixed coupler assembly having a face
portion external of the meter cover and including an
aperture extending into said fixed coupler assembly from
the face portion, said fixed coupler assembly further
1) an optical communication means of a
first type disposed in the aperture of said fixed
coupler assembly for optical communication external
of the meter cover at the face portion of said
fixed coupler assembly, and
2) means connecting said optical communication
means to the electronic circuitry for electronically
communicating therewith;
b) a magnetic coupler assembly having a magnetized
surface on one end thereof and including an aperture
extending into said magnetic coupler assembly from the
magnetized surface, said magnetic coupler assembly further
1) an optical communication means of a
second type disposed in the aperture of said
magnetic coupler assembly for optical
communication out the magnetized surface end
thereof, and
2) a shield surrounding said magnetic
coupler assembly and having a lip extending
over the magnetic end surface thereof, said
shield surrounding said fixed coupler assembly
at the face portion thereof and serving to align
the optical communication means of said first
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and second types and to inhibit the entry of
ambient light between the face portion and the
magnetized surface when said fixed and magnetic
coupler assemblies, respectively, are magnetically
attached; and
c) external communication means connected to the
optical communication means of said second type in said
magnetic coupler assembly for electronically communicating
information between the electronic circuitry in the meter
cover and said external communication means, via the
optical communication means of said first and second types,
when said fixed and magnetic coupler assemblies are
magnetically attached.
2. The system in accordance with claim 1,
wherein one of the optical communication means of said
first and second types is a light emitting diode and the
other of said first and second types is a photocell.
3. The system in accordance with claim 1,
wherein said fixed coupler assembly further includes a
transparent protective shield on the face portion thereof
for protecting the optical communication means disposed
in the aperture of said fixed coupler assembly.
4. Apparatus for establishing a communication
link for the transfer of information comprising:
a) a first coupler assembly including,
1) a housing of magnetically inductive
material, the structure of said housing being
characterized by a cylindrical body having a
face portion and being further characterized
by an aperture extending from the face portion
into said body,
2) a transparent shield covering the
aperture in the face portion of said housing,
3) an optical communication means of a
first type disposed in the aperture of said
housing for optically communicating through
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said transparent shield and the aperture in the
face portion of said housing;
b) a second coupler assembly including,
1) a magnet for magnetic attachment to said
first coupler assembly, the structure of said
magnet being characterized by a cyclindrical body
having a face portion substantially symetrical
with the face portion of said first coupler
assembly and being further characterized by an
aperture extending from the face portion into
said magnet, and positioned therein to align with
the aperture in the face portion of said first
coupler assembly,
2) an optical communication means of a
second type disposed in the aperture of said
magnet for optically communicating with the
optical communication means in said first coupler
assembly; and
3) an annular lip extending beyond the face
portion of said magnet, said lip serving to align
the face portions of said first and second coupler
assemblies and to inhibit the entry of ambient
light between the face portions by closely
circumventing the body of said first coupler
assembly at the face end thereof, when the coupler
assemblies are magnetically attached to establish
a communication link for the transfer of informa-
5. Apparatus for establishing a communication
link for the transfer of information comprising
a) a first coupler assembly including,
1) a housing of magnetically inductive
material, the structure of said housing being
characterized by a body having a face portion and
being further characterized by first and second
apertures extending from the face portion of said
body into a cavity formed therein,
- 15 -
Claim 5 continued:
2) a first optical emitter device,
3) a first optical detector device,
4) means for mounting said first optical
emitter and detector devices in the cavity of
said body, whereby said first optical emitter
and detector devices may optically communicate
through the first and second apertures respectively
in the face portion of said body;
b) a second coupler assembly including,
1) a magnet for magnetic attachment to
said first coupler assembly, the structure of
said magnet being characterized by a body having
a face portion substantially symmetrical with the
face portion of said housing and being further
characterized by third and fourth apertures,
positioned for symetrical alignment with said
first and second apertures respectively, extending
from the face portion of said magnet into a cavity
formed therein,
2) a second optical emitter device,
3) a second optical detector device, and
4) means for mounting said second optical
emitter and detector devices in the cavity of
said magnet, whereby said second optical emitter
and detector devices may optically communicate
through the third and fourth apertures respectively
in the face portion of said magnet; and
c) means formed on either of said first and second
coupler assemblies, serving to prevent the entry of ambient
light between said first and second coupler assemblies, in-
cluding means on said first and second coupler assemblies
for ensuring alignment of the apertures in the face portions
of said housing and said magnet, whereby said first optical
emitter device in said housing may communicate with said
second optical detector device in said magnet and said first
- 16 -
optical detector device in said housing may communicate
with said second optical emitter device in said magnet,
when said first and second coupler assemblies are
magnetically attached to form an optical communication
link for the transfer of information.
6. In a meter of the type including electronic
circuitry housed within a meter cover, apparatus for
electronically communicating with the electronic circuitry
externally of the meter cover comprising:
a) a fixed coupler assembly of magnetically
inductive material rigidly mounted through a portion of
the meter cover, the structure of said fixed coupler assembly
being characterized by a substantially cylindrical body
having a face portion on one end, including a radially
extending shoulder in nesting relationship with the outside
of the meter cover where mounted, and further including first
alignment means in the face portion of the shoulder, said
first coupler assembly being further characterized by
first and second apertures extending through said body
from the face portion end thereof; said fixed coupler
assembly further including,
1) a first optical emitter device;
2) a first optical detector device;
3) means for mounting said first optical
emitter and detector devices in the first and
second apertures respectively of said body,
whereby said first optical emitter and detector
devices may optically communicate externally
of the meter cover, through the face portion of
said fixed coupler assembly; and
4) means for electrically connecting said
first optical emitter and detector devices to
the electronic circuitry inside the meter cover;
b) a detachable coupler assembly having a
structure characterized by a substantially cylindrical
magnet having a magnetized surface on one end thereof,
- 17 -
Claim 6 continued:
said magnetized surface being substantially symetrical
with the face portion of said fixed coupler assembly
and the radially extending shoulder thereof for magnetic
attachment to the body of said fixed coupler assembly,
said magnet further being characterized by third and fourth
apertures extending through said magnet from the magnetized
surface end thereof, and being positioned for symetrical
alignment with the first and second apertures respectively in
the body of said fixed coupler assembly;
1) a second optical emitter device;
2) a second optical detector device;
3) means for mounting said second optical
emitter and detector devices in the third and
fourth apertures respectively of said magnet,
whereby said second optical emitter and detector
devices may communicate through the third and fourth
apertures respectively in the magnetized surface
end of said magnet; and
4) a light shield, circumventing said magnet
and forming an annular lip extending beyond the
magnetized surface end thereof, said light shield
surrounding the shoulder of said fixed coupler
assembly, when said fixed and detachable coupler
assemblies are magnetically attached, to prevent
entry of ambient light between said fixed and
detachable coupler assemblies, said light shield
including second alignment means adapted for
engagement with said first alignment means to
ensure alignment of the apertures in the face
portion and magnetized surface end of said fixed
and detachable coupler assemblies respectively,
whereby said first optical emitter device in said
fixed coupler assembly communicates with said
second optical detector device in said detachable
coupler assembly, and said first optical detector
device in said fixed coupler assembly communicates
- 18 -
with said second optical emitter device in
said detachable coupler assembly, when said fixed
and detachable coupler assemblies are magnetically
attached to ?rm an optical communication link
for electronically communicating, externally of
the meter cover, with the electronic circuitry
inside the meter cover.
7. Apparatus for establishing a communication
link for the transfer of information comprising:
a) a first coupler assembly including,
1) a housing of magnetically inductive
material, the structure of said housing being
characterized by a body having a face portion
and being further characterized by an aperture
extending from the face portion into said body,
2) an optical communication means of a first
type disposed in the aperture of said housing for
optically communicating through the aperture in
the face portion of said housing;
b) a second coupler assembly including,
1) a magnet for magnetic attachment to
said first coupler assembly, the structure of
said magnet being characterized by a body having
a face portion and further characterized by an
aperture extending from the face portion into said
2) an optical communication means of a
second type disposed in the aperture of said
magnet for optically communicating through the
aperture in the face portion of said magnet;
c) means, formed on either of said first and
second coupler assemblies, serving to align the face
portions of said housing and said magnet and thus the
optical communication means of said first and second types
- 19 -
respectively, and to substantially prevent the entry of
ambient light between said first and second coupler assem-
blies, when the coupler assemblies are magnetically
attached to form an optical communication link for the
transfer of information.
8. Information transfer apparatus comprising:
a) a first coupler assembly including,
1) a first magnet, the structure thereof
being characterized by a substantially
cyclindrical body having a face portion and
being further characterized by an aperture
extending into said body from the face portion
thereof, and
2) an optical communication device of a
first type disposed in the aperture of said body
for optically communicating through the aperture
in the face portion of said body,
b) a second coupler assembly including,
1) a second magnet for magnetic attachment
to said first coupler assembly, the structure of
said second magnet being characterized by a
substantially cyclindrical body having a
magnetized surface on one end thereof and being
further characterized by an aperture extending
into the body thereof from the magnetized
surface end, and
2) an optical communication device of a
second type disposed in the aperture of the
body of said second magnet for optically
communicating through the aperture in the
magnetized surface end thereof, and
c) means circumventing the face portion end of
the magnetized surface end of one of said first and second
magnets respectively and extending over the end of the one
magnet forming an annular lip to inhibit the entry of
ambient light between said first and second magnets and
to ensure alignment of the apertures in the magnets, when
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said first and second coupler assemblies are magnetically
attached to form an optical communication link for the
transfer information.
9. In a system for electronically communicating
information, the combination comprising:
a) a sealed enclosure;
b) electronic circuitry disposed inside said
sealed enclosure;
c) a fixed coupler assembly rigidly mounted through
a portion of said sealed enclosure including,
1) a housing of magnetically inductive
material, said housing having a face portion
external of said sealed enclosure, the face
portion having a first alignment means forming
a part thereof and including an aperture therein
opening from the face portion into said housing,
2) an optical communication device of a first
type disposed in the aperture of said housing for
optical communication externally of said sealed
d) means for electrically connecting said optical
communication device to said electronic circuitry inside
said sealed enclosure; and
e) a detachable coupler assembly including,
1) a magnet for magnetic attachment to the
face portion of said fixed coupler assembly, said
magnet having a second alignment means in one end
thereof for alignment with said first alignment
means in said housing and an aperture in said one
end positioned for alignment with the aperture
in the housing when said fixed and detachable
coupler assemblies are attached,
2) an optical communication device of a
second type disposed in the aperture of said
magnet for optical communication, out the one end
- 21 -
thereof, with the optical communication device of said
first type, when said fixed and detachable coupler assem-
blies are magnetically attached; and
f) external communication means connected to
the optical communication device of said second type in said
detachable coupler assembly for electronically communicating
information between the electronic circuitry in said sealed
enclosure and said external communication means, via the
optical communication devices of said first and second types,
when said fixed and detachable coupler assemblies are
magnetically attached.
10. The system in according with claim 9,
wherein said detachable coupler assembly further includes
a cover of magnetically inductive material surrounding
at least a portion thereof, said cover forming a part of said
magnet, and being inductively coupled with the magnetic field
generated by said magnet, to increase the strength of said
magnet and enhance the magnetic retentivity thereof.
11. The system in accordance with claim 10,
wherein said cover of said magnet further includes a light
shield formed as a lip extending beyond the one end of said
magnet for circumventing said housing of said fixed coupler
assembly, to prevent the entry of ambient light between
said fixed and detachable coupler assemblies, when said
latter assemblies are magnetically coupled.
12. In a meter that is adapted to be linked for
optical communication purposes via a readily-detachable
magnetic coupler assembly having (i) a magnetized surface
on one end thereof, (ii) an aperture extending into the
coupler assembly from the magnetized surface, (iii) optical
communication means of a first type disposed in said aperture
for optical communication out the magnetized surface, and
(iv) a surrounding shield having a lip extending over the
magnetized surface, the following combination comprising:
a) a meter cover,
b) circuitry housed within said cover,
- 22 -
Claim 12 continued:
c) a fixed coupler assembly of magnetically
inductive material rigidly mounted through a portion of
the cover and having a face portion external of the cover
and including an aperture extending into said fixed
coupler assembler from the face portion, the fixed coupler
assembly being adapted to magnetically couple with the
magnetic coupler assembly and when so coupled to have its
face portion positioned immediately adjacent the magnetized
surface of the magnetic coupler assembly and in such a
location that the face portion will be surrounded by said
shield so that the shield will inhibit the entry of ambient
light between the face portion and the magnetized surface,
the fixed coupler assembly further comprising:
c1) optical communication means of a second
type disposed in the aperture of said fixed
coupler assembly for optical communication
external of the meter cover at the face portion
of said fixed coupler assembly, and
c2) means connecting the optical communication
means of said second type to the electronic
circuitry for electronically communicating
13. In a meter that is adapted to be linked for
optical communication purposes via a readily - detachable
coupler assembly characterized by (i) a magnetically
inductive material having a face portion on one end thereof,
(ii) an aperture extending into the coupler assembly from
the face portion, (iii) optical communication means of a
first type disposed in said aperture for optical communica-
tion out the face portion, and (iv) a surrounding shield
having a lip extending over the face portion, the
following combination comprising:
a) a meter cover,
b) circuitry housed within said cover,
c) a fixed magnetic coupler assembly rigidly
mounted through a portion of the cover and having a
- 23 -
magnetized surface external of the cover and including
an aperture extending into said fixed magnetic coupler
assembly from the magnetized surface, the fixed magnetic
coupler assembly being adapted to magnetically couple with
the detachable coupler assembly and when so coupled to
have its magnetized surface positioned immediately adjacent
the face portion of the detachable coupler assembly and in
such a location that the magnetized surface will be
surrounded by said shield so that the shield will inhibit
the entry of ambient light between the magnetized surface
and the face portion, the fixed magnetic coupler assembly
further comprising;
c1) optical communication means of a second
type disposed in the aperture of said fixed
magnetic optical coupler assembly for optical
communication external of the meter cover at the
magnetized surface of said fixed magnetic
coupler assembly, and
c2) means connecting the optical communica-
tion means of said second type to the electronic
circuitry for communicating therewith.
14. A meter that is adapted to be linked for
optical communication purposes via two coupler assemblies
that are adapted to be coupled together in preparation for
such communication, said meter comprising a cover and means
for mounting a single one of the following two coupler
assemblies on the cover so that the mounted coupler assembly
projects through the cover and is adapted to cooperate with
the other coupler assembly in the manner specified by the
following combination comprising:
a) a first coupler assembly including
1) a body of magnetically inductive material
having a face portion and including an aperture
extending into the body from the face portion,
2) an optical communication means of a
- 24 -
Claim 14 continued:
first type disposed in the aperture of said body
for optically communicating out the face portion
of said body; and
b) a second coupler assembly including
1) a magnet having a magnetized surface
adapted to magnetically couple to and register
with the face portion of said first coupler
assembly and including an aperture extending
from the magnetized surface into said magnet
and further adapted to align with the aperture
in the face portion of said first coupler
2) an optical communication means of a
second type disposed in the aperture of said
magnet for optically communicating with the
optical communication means of said first type
in said first coupler assembly, and
3) a shield forming a lip extending over
the magnetized surface of said magnet and
adapted to align the face portion of said first
coupler assembly with the magnetized surface
of said second coupler assembly and to inhibit
the entry of ambient light between the face
portion and the magnetized surface by closely
surrounding the body of said first coupler
assembly at the face portion end thereof when
the coupler assemblies are magnetically coupled
together in registry to establish a communication
link for the transfer of information.
15. A meter that is adapted to be linked for
optical communication purposes via two coupler assemblies
that are adapted to be coupled together in preparation for
such communication, said meter comprising a cover and means
for mounting a single one of the following two coupler
assemblies on the cover so that the mounted coupler assembly
- 25 -
Claim 15 continued:
projects through the cover and is adapted to cooperate
with the other coupler assembly in the manner specified by
the following combination comprising:
a) a first coupler assembly including
1) a housing of magnetically inductive
material, the structure of said housing being
characterized by a cylindrical body having a
face portion and being further characterized
by an aperture extending from the face portion
into said body,
2) a transparent shield covering the
aperture in the face portion of said housing,
3) an optical communication means of a first
type disposed in the aperture of said housing
for optically communicating through said trans-
parent shield and the aperture in the face
portion of said housing;
b) a second coupler assembly including
1) a magnet for magnetic attachment to
said first coupler assembly, the structure of
said magnet being characterized by a cylindrical
body having a face portion adapted to register
with the face portion of said first coupler
assembly and including an aperture extending
from the face portion of said magnet into said
magnet and adapted to align with the aperture
in the face portion of said first coupler assembly,
2) an optical communication means of a
second type disposed in the aperture of said
magnet for optically communicating with the
optical communication means in said first
coupler assembly; and
3) an annular lip extending beyond the face
portion of said magnet and adapted to align the
- 26 -
face portions of said first and second coupler
assemblies and to inhibit the entry of ambient
light between the face portions by closely
circumventing the body of said first coupler
assembly at the face end thereof when the
coupler assemblies are magnetically coupled
together with their faces in registry to
establish a communication link for the transfer
of information.
16. A meter that is adapted to be linked for
optical communication purposes via two coupler assemblies
that are adapted to be coupled together in preparation for
such communication, said meter comprising a cover and means
for mounting a single one of the following two coupler
assemblies on the cover so that the mounted coupler assembly
projects through the cover and is adapted to cooperate
with the other coupler assembly in the manner specified by
the following combination comprising:
a) a first coupler assembly including,
1) a housing of magnetically inductive material,
the structure of said housing being characterized
by a body having a face portion and being further
characterized by an aperture extending from the
face portion into said body, and
2) an optical communication means of a first
type disposed in the aperture of said housing for
optically communicating through the aperture in
the face portion of said housing;
b) a second coupler assembly including,
1) a magnet for magnetic attachment to said
first coupler assembly, the structure of said
magnet being characterized by a body having a
face portion and further characterized by an
aperture extending from the face portion into
said magnet,
2) an optical communication means of a
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Claim 16 continued:
second type disposed in the aperture of said
magnet for optically communicating through the
aperture in the face portion of said magnet;
c) one of said coupler assemblies including
means adapted to align the face portions of said housing
and said magnet and thus the optical communication means
of said first and second types respectively, and to
substantially prevent the entry of ambient light between
said first and second coupler assemblies, when the coupler
assemblies are magnetically coupled together to form an
optical communication link for the transfer of information.