Note: Descriptions are shown in the official language in which they were submitted.
~. 18C15t~11
rl'he invention relates to the treatmerlt of Lh~ teeth
and, more particularl.y, cleaniny of the teeth by removing
plaque therefrom.
A hasic problem in dental hygiene is the removal
of plaque from the crevices between teeth. Plaque is a
formation of saliva mixed food particles -that adheres
to the teeth and holds the bacteria that cause tooth decay,
creates calculus and in time pèriodontal problem~. It is
extremely difficult and time consuminy to remove plaque by way o brushing with a -tooth brush or by way
of dental floss or o-therwise.
In the past many and various methods for plaque
removal such as brushing, vapor blastinc3, water blasting,
solutio~ application, and the like have been tried without
success because each approach had one major deficiency or
another .
As plaque is the p.rimary cause of the tooth
pro~lems as described above, a complete solution to this
problem has been ~ought for many years wi.thout success.
Therefore, the conclusion is that the solution is not obvious.
Prior art~patents include the followin~3: No~.
1,~64,369; 2,55~,565; 2,661,537; 2,759,266; ~,~14,877;
Z,828,135; 3,137,297; 3,19~,92~; 3,255,759; 3,344,52~;
3,3~6,439; 3,971,136.
In the prior art, it has been known to clischarc3e
liquicd cl~aning material into the mouth alld against the
teeth using powders or minute ahrasive particles entrained
in the liquid.
It is not desirable to blow gas into the mouth
because ~3as heats when compressed and free~es as it expands,
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thereby makiny a controlle(l t~m~orature on Lh~ teeth
ex-tremely ~ifficult, therefore causing extreme pclin to the
nerves of the teeth. Fllrtherrnore, the gas bLows the particles
around the mouth instead of flushing them out.
Abrasives, particularly under pressure, can cause
objectionable wear to teeth and to the mechanical parts of
the equipment used -to deliver the material to the teeth.
All prior methods usiny sufficient pressure to
obtain any cleaning effect whatsoever could drive particles
up under the gurns of the person which can then yive rise -to
In accordance with the invention a nontoxi~ and
relatively nonabrasive solid material in pellet form is
en-trained in a stream of liquidt preferably water, and is
discharged as a jet against the teeth and adjacent areas in
the mouth. The pellets are of soluble material which
preferably is halite and in various sizes generally in the
range from .010 inches to .030 inches ~t the time of striking
the teeth. ~he pellets strike with a point impact thereby
~0 having sufficient enerc3y to remove pla~ue from the tee-thr
If any pellets should lodge under the gums they would dissolve
thereby preventing a possible abscess. Mechanical apparatus of
simplified form can be utilizecl to en-train the sol:id particles
in the liquid stream.
In the method of the invention, pellets are used of
clifferent sizes. When they are injectecl into the mouth along
~ith the water the pellets have a certain kinetic energy in
accordance with the law of physics for kinetic energy 1/2 rnv~
and there is a point impact against -the plac~ue on the tooth
3~ which is capable of removing the pla~ue.
4 3 ~3~ t~
~ rt~e pe L:le ts are formed by crushirlcl the hdl:it~ to sieve
size, that i5, pcllets are passed -through a sieve which results
in all diEferent sizes between -the diameters ~iven a~ove a-t
the -time oE impact.
The optimum sizes at the present -time are 10 to 30
thousand-tlls oE an inch in diameter, at the time the pellets
confact the teeth. Small pellets are needed to get in-to -the
small areas and crevices between the teeth. The larger
pellets clue -~o greater mass will give a faster cleaning on
the larger surfaces of the teeth. There is some dlssolving
action on ~le pellets aEter entrainment and prior -to
impingement, and accordingly, there is some reduction in s:ize.
Soluble particles are used for the Eollowing reasons.
Problems having arisen in the dental profession in the past
due to nonsoluble particles being driven under the gum line,
there~y causiny abscesses. However, solublc particJes will
dissolve, thereby eliminating this objectionable pxoblem.
The particles used are non-toxic, so if injected or
contacted by an open lesion, or ingested, no harmful eEEects
will result. If the particle~ are beneficial toward healing,
such as soaium chloride particles, a double beneEit results.
A minimum abrasive material is superior to the
conventional abrasives as known in the prior art to minimize
ero.sion of tooth enamel ancl dentin. Since all materials
are more or less abrasive, the term "minimum abrasive" is
wsed herein to mean less than 2.5 on the Mohs scale,
approximately 35 Brinell or 44 Knoop under a 50 gram load.
With water it can be adjusted to a desirahl~
temperature and when it goes into the mouth, it is efEective
to Elush the particles out.
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'L'he out~r s~lrface o~ the teeth ext~rrlal to the~ gums
is the enamel Whereas -the surface of the teeth under the gums
is called cementum. When people get older, the gums tend to
recede exposinc~ the cemen-tum which is a yood deal softer than
~he enamel, so any harsh abrading method woulcl be very bad for
the cementum because it would rapidly abrade i-t away.
Accordingly, in the method of the invention solid pellets
are used which are softer than the enamel and dentin and
approximately the same hardness of the cementum so that -the
plaque can be removed without abrading these surfaces of
the teeth. If the cementum were abraded away, the den-tln
which is also softer than enamel but harder than cementum,
would be attacked.
'~he minimum abrasive material does not primarily
rely on the abrading action, ~ut the kinetic enercJy released
on impact to remove the plaque. This preserves the enamel
of the tooth, and move impor-tant, the cemen-tum under the gum
Particles instead of powder, slurxy etc. are used
for the following reasons.
With particles of a greater mass and o~ a yreater
density than one, and which remain intact until impact,
the kinetic energy released is appreciably increased w:ithout
the need for a highly abrasive matexial.
The combination of parti.cles and water is more
effective than water alone. When a globule of wa-ter impacts,
-the total force Ls expended over a large area. When a particle
impacts, the total Eorce is concentrated in a very smaLI area,
-thereby increasing the P.S.I. exponentia11y.
It is an optimum consideration to have a very dense
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ma-terial 50 that small pellet~ w:LIl have subsLant:icll m~S5 SO
that b~ing injected at a certain veloci.-ty they wiLl have
proportionate energy as necessary or appropriate to remove -the
plague upon impact against i-t.
Lt is often suggested to patien-ts with yum trouble
that -they should rise out their mouths with sodium chloride
dissolved in water. Wi-th respect to usiny pellets in the
hexein method should they get up under the gum line the
action of saliva on them will be to dissolve t}le
and it will thereby he removed~ plus the medicinal effect of
rinsing out the mouth with the above solution.
The velocity of the water and the pellets ls
relatively high for effective practice of the method bu-t oE
course not so high that velocity would be suffi.Gient to do
any damage to the teeth or the gums.
Using a liauid instead of a gas as a vehicle to
carry soluble particles is advan-tageous in the invention.
Gas heats when compressed and freezes as it expand~ there~y
rnaking a controlled temperature on the teeth extremely
dificult therefore causiny extreme pain to the nerves o the
teeth. When usiny a liquid this is not a problem. Gas under
suEficient pressure can eject particles of foreiyn matter
from between closely adjacent members but then has no resiclual.
flushiny effect~ When using a liquid the pressure do~s not
have to be as great because of the hiyher density of liquids
over ~ases and liquids offer an exceptionally yood flushing
In the light of the foregoing the objects of the
invention may be summariæed as fol:Lows:
The pr.imary object is to realize a simplified but
ns~ eEfective method of treating teeth to remove pl.aqlle on
a daily basis.
A corollary objective is to reali~e a methocl as i.n
the foregoinc~ adapted for domestic use in the home ~y
A further object i.s to realize a method as :in the
~oregoing that utilizes only simple, inexpensive materials
and is adapted for use with a simplified device or ins-trumentali.ty
A fu:rther object is to real.ize a method as ir. t:he
foregoing wherein solubl.e materials, preferably t~alit~ in
pellet form, is entrained in a l.iquid, preferably water, and
discharged against the teeth in such a way that the kine-tic
energy of the entrained pellets is capable of removing plaque
from the tee~h.
The various features of noval-ty which characterize
-the invention are pointed out with particulari-ty in khe
claim~ annexed to and forming a part of this disclosure.
For a better understandiny of the invention, its opera-ting
advantages and specific objects attained by its use, reference
should be had to the accomp,mying drawings and desc~riptive
matter in which there are il:Lustrated and described pxeferrecl
embodiments Oe the invention.
Fig. 1 is a schematic view o a simplified exemplary
form of ~evice or instrumentality practicing -the invention~
The nature of the invention has been clescribed in
the foregoiny. In a preferred embodiment of the invention~
ordinary water is used in the metllcjd and the soluble ma-terial
that is entrained in the water is hali.te in pellet forrn. The
halite is readily available commercially and the pellets
~0 preferably are formed as previously described by to
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sieve size. Pelle~s passlng t~rough khe appropriate sieve
result in di.:Eferent sizes ranging in dimension from
approximately .0~0 lnches to .040 inches diame-ter. The
particles of pellet material, preferably halite, will typically
conform to the following specifications and/or characteristics.
The particles are in pellet form, are nontoxic, are soluble in
the liquid used, have the characteristic of retarded
disintegration, that is, solubili-ty; have a highcr density
than water, a hardness not to exceed typically 44 Knoo~ under
a 50 gram loa~l, are commercially available; and have optimum
size as stated in the range of approximately .010 inches -to
.030 inches at the time of impact with the -t.eeth.
The size of -the partlcles or pellets at the outset,
that is ~efore entrainment, readily be determined as
described in the foregoing. The size of the pellets at -the
time of impact on the teeth will depend on various factors
in actual utiliæation of the method. To some extent the size
will depend upon the temperature and pressure of the water
coming out of the tap and the actual density of -the llal.ite,
the density of which can vary somewhat in its na-t.ive condition.
Anotler factor would ~e the actual distance of travel o:~ the
particles in the water stream after they have been entrained.
~lthough these factors as explained will have a bearing on the
size of the particles at impact, their effect is not such as
to derogate from the practical effectiveness of the process
utilizing the information set forth in the :Eoregoing.
I:xperimentation has demonstrated tha-t the process is effcctive
over a substantial ranye of sizes of particles before erltrainl-,ent
and a substantial range of sizes at the t.ime of im~act. Wi-th
the ranges as given herein, maximum eEfectiveness of the proccss
o '~
is realized in the minirnum tirne. The -techno]ogy here:in
represents the bes-t mode Gf practicing -the invention as
presently known.
The single figure of the drawillg (~:ig. 1) show3 a
siinplified exemplary form of the device in which the invcn-tion
can be practiced al-though it will be understood that the
invention can be practiced in other types of equipment wilich may
be different, or more elaborate. In the figure, numeral 10
de~ignates a body having a boss 12 at one end having a ~ore
10 14 in which is received -the end o~ a tube i6 whicll can be
any type of Elexible tube ~Irough which ordinary wa-ter, such
as tap wa-ter may ~e admitted to the device uncer pre~ure.
rhc body 10 has an internal venturi nozzle 20
-that extends forwardly from the bore 14 to the venturi nozzle,
having a bore 22 which is within a venturi chamber 23, in
the body 10 as shown. The body 10 has an ou-tlet paxt 28 which
has a bore 30 which receives a nozzle fittinq 34. I'he nozzle
has an :inner end portion 36 that is received in the bore 30
and i9 sealed by an O-ring 40O The nozzle fi-t-ting 34 has a
circular member or part 42 for rotating said nozzle which fi-ts
up ayainst tho end part 28 of the body 10. Mozzle fi ttiny 34
has a bore 46 leading to its discharge end 50. The body 10
has an openirlg 52 :in it as showrl in a position so that th:is
opening can be closed by the user's thumb when the device is
held in the hand while treating the teeth. Removiny the thum~
breaks the vacuum created by passay~ of water Erom nozz]e 20
and entrainrnent o~ particles is discontinued.
At the lower part of the body 10, -there is an extending
boss 56 which is externally threaded and which has a bore 57
and counterbore 58. Mumexal 62 designates a container for the
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pellet material. Thc upper end oE the corltairler 6~ h~ls arl
opening which is internall,y threaded as des:i~nated a-t 64 and
this end of the container :i~ threaded onto -the boss 56 as
shown. Fitting in the counterbore 58 in the boss 5~ is a tube
66 which extends down into the container 62 which holds -the
pellet material. The upper end oE bore 57 has a chaml)er 70
forming a va:Lve sea-t for a check valve which includes rubber
ball check 72. Numeral 74 designates a wire mesh retainlr Eor
hall 72.
Th~ m0thod o the invention is prac-ticed as Eol:Lows.
Thc tube 16 in the figure connects -to any suitable
supply of water under pressure ~uch as tap water or a separate
pump system. The pellets of hali~e are placed in con~ainer 62.
The supply volume and pressure of water may, of course, be
controlled by a Eaucet or other valve. The wa-ter passing into and
-through the nozzle 20 and exitiny through nozz]e 34 has a
venturi effect producing a partial vacuum, or reducecl pressure
in the chamber 23 within the body 10, when the user holcls a thumb
-over the aperture 52. The lower pressure causes the solid
particles within the container 62 to be picked up through tub~
66 and entrained within the stream of water which is discharg~d
through the nozzle fitting 34.
At first the user directs the stream of water over
and between the teeth to flush out foreign matter without
covering aperturc 52. After foreign matter has been flushed
Erom mouth by the plain water jet the thun~ is applied to
vacuum chamber orfice 5~. This creates a vacuum which siphons
halite pellets into the chamber 23, entraining the pellets
with the water stream and projecting them against t:he tooth areas.
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As explained ln the foreyoing, the veloci-ty oE the strecltrl of
wa-ter with the entrained pellets is sufficient that the pellets
have enough kinetic energy when -they strike the teeth's
surfaces or other areas with point impact to remove -the plaque
on the teeth. After performing their function in this manner,
the particles and material will then be flushed ou-t of the
mouth with the water as it is removed therefrorn.
From the foregoing, those skilled in the art will
readily recognize the manner in which all the characteris-tics
as described in the foregoing are present and how the objectives
of the invention are realized.
rrhe invention is able -to achieve its basic purpose
in the manner as explained in the foregoing, the inven-tion
not being subject to any of the drawbacks or deficiencies of
the prior art. Although the invention is simple, i-t is ex-tremely
effective for its purpose.
flaving described the best method by which -the
invention may be performed it will be unders-tood -tha-t the
invention may be par-ticularly defined as follows:
In a sys-tem for cleaning the teeth and removing
plaque from -teeth, in combination, means for providiny a
s-tream of liquid and nozzle means whereby a ~et oE -the
liquid can be directed against teeth, a supply of pel:Lets,
and means for entraining the pellets in the liquld stream
and for discharging them against the tee-th with the liquid,
-the pellets being formed of ma-terial which has sufficient
mass when in pellet form to have enough kinetic energy when
striking the teeth to rernove plaque, the liqu:id being wa-ter
and the pellets being particles formed Erom halide, the
pellets being in sizes ranging from 0.010 inches -to
0.030 inches.
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The invention further comprises in a sys-tern for
removing foreig~ ma-tter includiny pla~ue from -tee~h
comprising means for providing a stream of liquid, nozzle
means for directing the stream of liquid con-taining
particulate solids against the teeth, and container means
for said particulate solids, the combination comprising a
container of particulate solids in the form of pellets of
particle sizes ranging from about 0.010 inches -to about
0.030 inches, and means Eor injecting said pelle-ts from said
container into said liquid stream and entraining -the pellets
in the stream of liquid for discharging them agai.nst the
teeth with the liquid, the pellets being formed of a
material which has sufficient mass when in pellet form in
the above size ranges to have enough kinetic energy when
moving at the velocity of said -fluid and s-triking the teeth
to remove such foreigll matter, said pellets bei~g soluble
in the liquid.
The foregoing disclosure is representative oE a
preferred form of the inven-tion and is to be interpreted in
a illustrative rather than in a limi-ting sense, the invention
to be accorded -the full scope of the claims appended hereto.
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