Note: Descriptions are shown in the official language in which they were submitted.
eye invention royalty to tel~copic Salem pip
to be located in ho ground, aompri~ing lower and upper
5 pipe element B, the upper pipe element ox wow ho a
thread over at least part of thy ~lrcumfer2nce eureka
Jo be di~place~le axially in relation to the Lowe plop
eliminate by a rotational motion.
An adeptly Mooney on~truction, ~ompri~lng a
10 tele~cs:~plc plop of the typo erred to avow it
dew iced in U. I. patent puke Pun 3 ~33 lug thy
upper pip elernont ~ormll~g on outside thread slowed bong
crud alto ho lower plop lunate, wow ha on Ned
Trudy, such that to Al ox to upper ode of he
I upper pip element can pa Audit by rating ho upper
pipe lent on ration to ho tower wipe elemorltO In
I, o'er roared, the upper pip Lyman awry into ox
out TV the lower pipe ether A airlock thus poor
art aon~truatiQn it t unheeding trial may
I penetrate rot ha thwacks grooms ox the lower pup
Len Jo that ~latlve rotation of thy pip laminate
onto awoke place. Moreover, any ~d~u~tm~nt Utah ye my
by rotating to upper pipe elegant on r~xlatlon to the
low pip 31~nt s no axial do pluck t Walt
25 militancy outline ox the use pope element it
pox to, Wylie Ryan that the upper pipe element c~nho~
hollow wound mos~em¢nt~, of any.
Tulip column pipe Fox Lowe in wills of
diaphaneity types such a essayer well end nailer And 1
30 keynote valve eta, are Lowe orbed preboil or
ampule in the Audi lid open publication 7414696~0
(publication No 3~4 23B), the upper pupa ellamer~t bet
prodded with a top covering to be duped
aub~t~ntially at round level, and g azalea
35 dlspl~ce~bl~ in thy lower pipe nsnt. one, thy top
,, .
cavern it a old lotting cover which can be
raise arid lowered simply by removing or compact
re~pectlv~ly, n~a~erlal blow thy up hovering. By this
procedure it it possible to audit w ' thou do us
5 the top over to a proper level when ad~u~tlrlg or
exempt e an asphalt surface of a Roy or rood, When thy
top aoverin~ I in a lowered pox on ho l:ele~opic
column pipe ~aailitat~ reconstruc~4On of a Tracy or
rood, partially err the top covRxlng it Audit to
f final puff on Burr the try or toad it ~urfZ~ed.
Moravia - no hi it Allah impor~an~c w ho top averring
can follow movement ox ho ground, any, at ~ttlin~
I Howe ration oil thy Rowland duo Jo ho aye aye thy
top hovering ~loatir~g on thy try ox rood
I ~3ur~a~1ng. queue top cover sly ~c~ordlng,ly will remain a
the ground level independently of round n~ovomen~s, 1
an~f0 us with a ~e:L~s~:opla ~O1UT~n it thy
con~tru~tlon it next Norway rye normally owe eEf~a~
adamant d I hi I neverthale~3 Noah ted ho
20 Roy or road work, thy adiu~men~ can by mode in
relatively imply Norris
In thy present embodlsnent~ the top covering
~erlerally I mad c3~ cat iron with A Moyer hut Cal be
tra~icated, the top caviling Boone o~n~ctsd with
pluck pipe forming part ox thy t~le~copl~ column pip.
by sail plush pipe King ranked onto tug top
hovering, or ~orm~n~ a neck duplicable Reid lay
plastic plop
It it Dodd that Allah the top overlain old be
30 mad ox a plot Assyria at bscau e it will thin be
one rely llgh~r and can be handled manually without
y Litton arlfl tran3portl~ :Lmplem~nt~ y by
n~ce3~ary in aye ox cat iron top cov~rln~, Moreover,
a top cov~rlng of pl~otic~ matorlal on be manicured
So a lower kowtow Han a top coY~rls~g ox await iron
suitable plastic Mattel TV hi purpose are
volubly. However, the low weight ox top cov~r~nq of
plastl~ material prude roebuck as to thy unto
thereof because to top covering ox tel~acop~c column pipe will no clue grourld r~c,v~ment~ arid easily con be
essay reloan the popper purl 2'C ground level my Wright
act ion Of other ground Monet .
ho pro in nailer no usually prude on
aon~ntional cent son top coven thy purpo~ of
10 which it to anchor the top govern on the round oilily
by used alto with top ~overillg of play c mates ill but
in tot cay an Darryl d~awb~ok that rt:iaal
ad just no ox the top cov~rirlg cannot by of essayed
without dug oat the top coring. Moreover, l9c it
I necessary x toll Lyon lo rat on, it Support ~10
31~ to unchain a upper Lang-
The pry ox thy lnv~ntion to awoke po~æibl~that alto a fight top covering of plot Motorola
arranged a a Lyon top t!ov~rlng on ox to oily
20 ground maven no, no that the varietal pun
Thor can be dotted withal thy east ox dlys;~n5;
. kiwi the top curing
or B purpoe~3 thy t~le~opic ox my E: ape
cordon Jo the iJ:a~entlon I ah~r~c~tes~ do on that ho
I ode ~hrllaa~ of the upper pipe en it loomed to
portion ox pipe lent agent spy covering
prove thy upper end thwacker 'co be located
~ub~t~ntially at ground level, 'Shea ret ox the upper
pipe eye nut having a Snow outed urea and b~tngf
30 it to wow thy Moe portion unto the lower pipe
element to be ~lspla~ea~le axially ill relation to the
lower pipe eliminate Jo that thy upper pi pi element Jan be
deployed axially I I ion TV the lower pipe element
by thy routinely motion ~ol~sly by the hangmen ox ho
I thread in the su~rolln~ing ground my tat .
on odor to explain the invention in more Doyle
rink is mode to the ~ccon~panying drying;, in which
Figure 1 it a perspective view ox thy upper end
port on ox the upper pip element ox a tulip
columrl pipe, and
Pharaoh 2 is a vertical equational view ox who upper
partaken by the slowpoke column pipe.
Ike column pup shown is thy? wrung it acted in
two ground A will be eerily rum Pug no compare a
10 vower pipe ~slom~nk I which can bye my oily plot
Myra and can aonnect~d a the tower end thereof
for example to well ox any typo, which it neat shown
Helen. The column pipe compare BY on upper pipe
lunate 11 which Also can ye maws ox plaz~ic m~tsrial
I and I ;ns~rte~ unto to lower plop element 10,
resilient sealing ring 12 by p~ovidad between two
pip Alma c 5h~B eating ring Allah pla~enlont ox
the upper pipe e? spent LOWE the lower pow elamen~ no
alto allow royalty sling ox thy pipe 31em~n~.
I hollow I 13 it one to to us
the upper pipe slem~nt 11, and they'll out Tokyo Jan pa
mode ox play marl and or lop corralling rum 14
a the Lop no kiwi I we n
twitted end priorly I aye ox two Motorola.
I but awn be mad alps: ox await iron Lo a conventional
conduction I uproot by ho cop swearing run The
lower end the out I to byway at 16 TV a rot
Jo obstruct downward mc7vem~nt of the pipe emanate 11
into the ground. It Chad by nod hut thy plop
30 element 11 in a riddled embodiment Jan continue
direly up to ~h43 top covering rim 14 which in that
cay toad inkwell with the pip Rl~ment 11. A
~ompo~-ite s:on~trllction shown in thy drooling
a~coxdingly it no nurse rye but my e preferred
I Boyce the oock~t 13 Jan be omened wow pipe Sweeney
03 I
cut to thy desired length. the ~ntorconne~cion ox thy
pup elen~nt 11 an thy ~cX~3t 13 Jan bet mode in an Jay
Apple to the in~arcon~ec~lon ox eleman'c~ ox pl~3tic
retrial .
On aye outed ox toe oat 13 Thor provided
h~llca,l Lange 17 which fork a I;: few thread extending
over sub~t~n,tially one urn end ha ape edge. This
helical flank anchor to upper pip lent 11 in thy
round witch toe top cavern 14, 15 urn fly at
10 ground level a roared wow the top ovine
fight construction, and alto I po~lbl~3 that the
vertical po~i~clon I thy top ovine i easily audited
simply by rotating thy top Avery and thus the ~oek~t
13 an thy pope ele~n~n'c 11 in one Darlene or owe o'er
30 that to unit fumed by 8l3 1 I elan I movies up and
dew in relation to the lower lye lent 10 at the
Zion inn thy Hoyle a 17 us no
a w they'll Welch I coopf~rat in hQlie~l
rove Al thy ~urround~nq ground uteri o Allah Tokyo
ZOO the outwit, the top over rim 14 hove
p~oj~at~on~ or r~ce~g~esl~or Jo Manuel: with a fever ox
Blair which it Ted or thy rotation and Ear~vld~ levy
arm ox Us No let h on six kiwi the eye y
power can applied mu Jon a us lo ugh a
I an awful axe On the grout urea it applied or
moved it cordingly puzzle to raise and lower
the top covering rim 14 a my ye Nasser, my ~ota'cing
the top covering Al an thus cruller the unit
connected to old Ryan, up or down
ha helical flange 17 should logy im~adlat~ly
blow the top covering Jim 14 Audi hull wend over owe
turn buy it Jan also extend bookend on urn It it
possibly to r~plao~ the continuously ~xt~ndlng helical
lung by a number ox indivldu~l Ann, or example
your , distribute around Thea circ~mg~r~n~ ox
'I ~33~ 3
thy socket 13 and being mutually pow aid flel~g~;
Borg angled to a triune plan ox the ~ock~3t, These
Lennox ran extend along a helical pith although Thea 1
nut near In this ~rrF~ mint, not only ho
p~rlpheral dug ox the Lange buy alto the end joy
thesauri Roy priorly owned a ho edge.
In eye owe the ~mbodlmen~ merl~iorl~d above eye
flange 17 or the flunk, r~p~c~ivAly~ if vow
lunge ye provided uncanny a few thread which
prevailed zoo place ox the pipe laminate 11 and
Yemen kinked ~her~l4ith, when the top corralling rim
14 I being wrecked, by operation with the ~u~roundl~3
ground marl When Lyon or evil Lennox ore
arrange a proposed according Jo the is~vell~ion it it
nut Norway that the top covering rim 14 precut frock
the gocXe~ 13 own I to drawing Jo support the
top kern on the round auxfac:e. Sup nut up pox
it provided by ho age or lye nun thy run
trial in order to male ho top averring a Lyon
pa overwilling allowing to movement ox the ground,
on ho conv~n~ion~ opt column pip having a
lo tong top overwilling to upper pope element I
d~cending by gravity it awing in thy ground or will
by preyed down into thy Rand by ha 'coup oaring
28 being loaded Yeas trough irked . In ho column pipe ox the
invention to upper pip element it politely Corey
along by the ~inlcing ground malarial at titling Sue to
thy eny~gemen~ ox the Lyon 17 into thy surrounding
ground material This feather an tag Asia so by
the in~en~lon, Waco is of particular importunes when
the top covering Lo ox a sigh stroker a in cue ox
top coving; my ox a plats material. Alto in I
of top CGv~ring~ having no plying rum the upper pipe
Mooney surely weld the dwelled pox Lo by toe
36 lunge 17 sly move with the surrounding ground m~terl~l j
7 I 3
although bald pope Lomb nut upper n the
ground 3urfa~e at the upper Rod ox thy column pip
In eye manu~tuxe ox the tel~op:Lc column plop
duskier the ~ocXe~c 13 with the top ~ovelrLng run 14 end
6 thy helical Lyon 17 can ye irl~eatlon newlywed Jo elm to
be combined lottery with o section ox on axtxuded
plastic pip us it. I of court alto pueblo, a
mentioned above, that thy plop elm or it ha top
overlain rim 14 a will a ho Lyon 17, old pup
10 event briny ideation molded with thy Dwight