Note: Descriptions are shown in the official language in which they were submitted.
Thls Inventlon relates generally to Internal combustlon
englnes, and more partlcularly to means for prestart heatlng of
Internal combustlon englnes.
The Inventlon can fInd appllcatlon In motor vehlcles
powered by diesel englnes and operated In wlnter tlme of year
under low temperatures.
Operatlon oF motor vehlcles durlng wlnter and englne
startlng at low outslde temperatures requlre that the englne be
warmed up for a conslderable length of tlme. Thls Is dlctated by
the speclflcs of englne deslgn, as well as by conslderable chan-
ges In the physlcal propertles of fuels, lubrlcatlng olls and
englne materlals at low temperatures. Therefore, a problem whlch
Is yet to be solved Is to speed up heatlng the englne prlor to
startlng and reduce the amount of fuel consumed for such a star-
On the one hand, new types of lubrlcatlng olls have
been developed to satlsfy the requlrements posed by low tempera-
tures, whlle on the other motor vehlcles Intended for low tempe-
rature operatlon are normally eciulpped wlth powerful englne pre-
heaters, or means for contlnuously malntalnlng a heated condltlon
of the englne durlny parklng. One of posslble ways of ensurlng
Z5 easy englne startlng Is to preheat the lubrlcatlng oll before
startlng an Internal combustlon englne.
There Is known a prestart heatlng system of an Internal
combustlon englne (c.f. U.S. Pat. No. 2,470,972, publIshed May
11, 1949) comprlslng dlsposed In an englne oll pan a source of
heat in the form of a heatlng coll to heat the lubrlcatlng oll
before englne startlng. Such heatlng enables to reduce resls-
tance of the englne crankshaft to turnlng. However, even the
thus heated oll fails to pass through all the oll condults of the
lubrlcatlon system due to relatlvely small cross-sectlonal areas
thereof and formatlon of ol i clogs.
i 3 So
Also known Is a startlng preheater system of an Inter-
nal combustlon engine (cf. U.S.S.R. Inventor's Certlflcate No.
8Z3610) comprlslng a source of heat for heatlng oll In an englne
oll pan, an oll pump for supplylng the lubrlcatlng oll to a
crankcase communlcatlng wlth a pressure oll condult of the englne
lubrlcatlon system, an Input oll condult of the oll pump provlded
wlth a plurallty of nozzles faclng bearlngs of the englne crank-
shaft, walls of englne cyllnders and tops of englne plstons.
Although the above system Improves the englne prehea-
tlng efflclency,,reduces the amount of fuel consumed for englne
startlng and the tIme requlred for preheatlng the englne, effl-
clent and unlform preheatlng Is imposslble due to conslderable
mass and slze of the englne Parts to be heated. Thls Is espe-
clally the case wlth respect Jo connectlon of those englne parts
whlch fall to be preheated to a temperature necessary for brlng-
lng down reslstance of the crankshaft to turnlng.
The present Inventlon provldes a startlng preheater
system of an Internal combustlon englne whlch would enable to
Increase the effIclency of englne preheat and reduce the tlme
requlred for heatlng parts and unlts located Inslde the englne
2~ Accordlng to the Inventlon In a startlng preheater
system of an Internal combustlon englne comprlslng a source of
heat for heatlng a lubrlcatlng oll In an englne oll pan, an oll
pump for supplylng the oll to the Interlor of a crankcase com-
munlcatlng wlth a pressure oll condult of the englne lubrlcatlon
system, an Input oll condult of the oll pump dlsposed In the
englne oll pan, and a pressure oll condult of the oll pump havlng
a plurallty of nozzles faclng bearlngs of a crankshaft, walls of
cyllnders and tops of englne plstons, the pressure oll condult of
the oll pump communlcates wlth the pressure oll condult of the
englne lubrlcatlon system by way of another oll condult.
Preferably, the system comprlses two non-return valves
one of whlch Is dlsposed In the oll condult, the other - In the
pressure oll condult of the englne lubrlcatlon system before It
connects wlth sald oll condult downstream of the flow of oll.
The hereln startlng preheater system of an Internal
combustlon englne mazes It posslble to substantlally Improve the
efflclency of engine preheat In low freezlng temperatures thanks
to a more unlform heatlng of parts and unlts of the englne loca-
ted Inslde the crankcase. Lubrlcatlng olls have a hlgh thermalcapaclty to actlY,ely transfer heat and thereby reduce reslstance
of the crankshaft to
turning and facilitate warring up of co~bvs-tion chambers,
which în turn results in a such speed up and efficient en-
gine preheating before starting. .he connection of the pres-
sure oil condui-t of the oil pup to the pressure oil conduit
of the engine lubrication system allows to more uniformly
heat -the engine because the hea-ted oil it capable of pene-
tra-ting ~lany of the engine parts and units. In addition,
such a preheating of the engine lubri¢ation system ensures
a longer ~er~ioe life ox the engineO Application of the pro-
posed tenting preheater system wakes it possible to start
the engine in cold tir~ae of Lear at practically an ambient
he invention Jill now be described in greater detail
with reference to a specific e~bodi~ent thereon taken in
conjunction with the acco~panyi~g draying, the sole ~'igure
ox which illustrates a cros~-sec-tional view of a star-ting
preheater system of an internal co~bus-tion engine according
to the invention
A starting preheater system of an internal combustion
engine comprises a source 1 of heat fashioned as a heater
of any known conventional design generally used ~lith inter-
nal co~nbustion diesel engine, the 90urce 1 of hea t iS in-
tended to preheat oil 2 in an engine pan 3, or a Gore ef-
ficient- heat transfer the engine pan 3 has wins washed
over by -the flow of hot gee conveyed trot the source 1 ox
heat. the system also col~prises an oil p~np 5 for weeding
oil into a crankGase generally indicated by 6~ the engine
pan 3 acco~odates an oil intake conduit 7 of the oil pup 5.
the oil pup 5 is driven by an independent electric drive 8
connec-ted to an electric system of the motor vehicle,
he engine lubrication sys-te~ fur-ther comprises an oil
pulp 9 with a preqsure oil conduit 10~ an oil radia-tor 11
and an oil filter 12.
A pressure oil conduit 13 of the oil pup 5 has outlet
openings or nozzles 14, 15 and 16 racing Cain bearings 17
of a crankshaft 18, walls 19 o e cylinders 20, and tops 21 of
pis-tons 22 ox the engine. the pressure oil conduit 13 of -the
oil pup 5 co~unicate~ with -the pressure oil conduit 10 ox
the engine lubrica-tion sys-tem by way ox an oil conduit 23.
he starting prehea-ter sys-te~ is also provided with
two non return valves 24 and 25, one of these being posi-tion-
ed in the oil conduit 23g -the other one - in the pressure
oil condui-t 10 ox -the engine lubrica-tion system before it
is joined with the oil conduit 23 downstream of the :Elo~l of
oil. the co~unication of the pressure oil condults 10 and
13 ekes -it possible to supply hot oil into the engine lub-
rication system -through a main oil line 26 during engine
war up which extends the service live of the engine.
he s-tarting prehea-ter s~ste~ of an internal combus-
tion engine according to -the invention operates in the fol-
lowing manner.
he hea-t souroe 1 act to heat the lubricating oil in
-the engine pan 3. hereafter -the independen-t elactric drive
8 is energized to se-t it mo-tion the oil pUlnp 5~ the oil
heated -to a -te-nperature of 80 -to 100C enters the in-take oil
conduit 7 and then the pressure oil conduit 13 to be led to
- 5
toe nozzLes 14, 15 and 16. the not oil warms up the main be-
arings 17 of the crankshaft l walls l 5~' the cylinders
20 ana the tops 21 ox the pistons 22~
the oil having transIerred the heat is drainea into
the engine pan 3 providing a forceful circulat.ion of the oil
by means ox the pump 5. this ls accol~panied by that the out-
er walls 19 of the cylinders 20 9 the tops 21 of the pistons
20, as well as the outer surfaces of the main bearings are
warmed up.
Simultaneously, the pressure produced by the oil pump
5 acts to open the valve 24- whereby the heated oil is con-
veyed along the oil conauit 23 via the filter 12 into the main
oil line 26 wherefrom it iS distributed to all oil conduits ox
the engine lubrication system to warm on the inside all the
friction ports. the valve 2~ inched in the pressure oil con-
D duit ~3 beYore the point of connection of he oil conduit 23acts to prevent the supply of heated Oil to the oil radiator 11
and the oil p~np 9 of the engine lubrication system.
the .hot oil fea to the interior of the engine provides
quick and uniform heating of the iction pairs and elements
ox one engine thereby rsducing the resistance to turning,
as well as heating the air in the combustion chamber to pa
cilitate a reliable burning ox the fuel. josses ox heat to
the atmosphere are thus reduced, while the amount ox energy
and time required for warming up the engine are brought down
to result in fuel sa~i~g and improved efficiency of the mo-
tor vehicle.
Subsequent to warming up the engine the oil pump 5
stops operation and the engine is star-ked~
Y`~hen -the oil pu~np of the engine lubrication sy~te~n is
engaged, -thè hot oil is forcea into -the pressure oil conduit
10 to paæs through the oil coo]ing radiator 11 and -the oil
filter 12 -to the friction parts of the crankshaet 18 and
B o-ther units ancl parts ox the engine The non-return valve-2~--
arranged in -the pressure oil conduit 10 before it join with
the oil conduit 23 downstream Oe -the flow o oil act to pre-
vet the flow o oil prom entering the oil conduit 23J