Note: Descriptions are shown in the official language in which they were submitted.
F ELc-~-QE-T~-!E ~ JJrLI~ I.C!~
The in~ent.iqn r!31i3t.~ generr~ J t:, oIl~rl~irli3~ n ;3nc:tl:lrinll
s~!l ten-l~; slIiti3tl1e for rnoclring se~rli .utlnlersitlle drill pl3tt~0rms 3rld clther
ocei~n-clclincI ~essel~; in cdeep wi~ter-;. I~l:re spel:ific:i311!J the in~entiI~rl
t.o the con~.e~i3nc.e of 3n hor liner ccn-;i-;!~ of f ire rop~ 3nd c:i-I~ in 0i3t~1
c~ er- e.hei~e-lik.e ..truct.urec;r suoh i3s Fi3irlei3d she.~e.s i3nd o h~Iirl wheels
.~ithcll.~t. e~rces~ .e rope tIendincl ilni to th3 pro~ isiorI c,t i3 pr3c:t.iri31
nI-ln-ciiscc~nRect. ccm~ini3ticIn ~n horing s!lst.em.
~AC:k~ U~ OF1HE I~ E~IT10~i
The i~d~i3rlti3ges of emplcI~ing i3 c:clmtlin3tion i3not-lc~ring lin~
I or,sist.inl of i3 lower length ot I hi3in 0i3ble i3nd ~n upper length of .~ire rope
i3re wel l rec ogni re.d. I n pi~rti c:ul 3r ~etter arlc t-Iori rlg o hiari3I teri sti o s c 3n tlc
chie~.~ed i3t o erti3irl w~te.r depths th3n is pcssibl~. thrIlugh use of ~ ire. rope
or c;hi3in 310ne and an o~eri311 c:i3pi3tdlit~ of moorincJ in deep~r ~i3ters o i3n be
otltiained. Use of oomtdn3tion i3nchoring line~ ho~ .err introduoecl protIlems
not enoountereli ith pri~:lr slJstems in~ol~inI~ either .it-e t-ope or c:h~in
atlle exclusi~ely.
~ pi3rticul-.3r protllem rel~te~ to t.he. con~e~no~ oF the iunotion
of t~-~e ~Jire r ope i3nli ch~in c:~le o~ r stle~e-lik;e structures. ~t is c1ei3rly
iesirat~le t.o hi3ul in i3nci p~y out the i3nchoi- line from the deck oF i3n i3nohoreli
struoture~ usinc~ ~ Y~ino h ~ncl windli~ss appt~opri~ttell;l mollnt.ed on th~
~tructure. HO~Ye~eI-~ SIIeh r~peri3ti:,n norm.311y rer~uires the ~Tire rope-c.hi~in
03~1e )unl tion t:~ be cen~.eyeci o~.~et- i3 f3irlei3ci ~he~e Wit.ilOUt Unrille tlen~ing
of the ~Y i re t-ope ~t the j unc ti on.
The pro~lem ot ocln~.~eyincl a ocltll~in~tion i3nl h~ring lin~ o~er ~
fi3irle3rI shei3~.~e ~ 3s i3ddressed in U.S. pi3tent number ~ 7~ .. hio n isslIed
t,:~ dtke l:lr~ tn~e~ r~"~ t~ rllent lie51~r~ "l atl~ ri t~
~,~c;t ~ i n ~ Y~ l r3 ~:;pel: i ,3'~ i rf~ lt~ l, i3t, 1 e ~ FIf.!~ t~:lt- je~ ~e ~; to C l~t'l','fJI,J
the illnC:tiOn tiPt:/,'eerl ','~it-Fi t-CSpe atlC~ C:hi3it'l 0i3tll~ e-r a speçii31 fairlt-!r3li
s~l~Si3~t-~ Ttlfs fi3i~-lei3c' ~h~S,3Ye tlrS~ri ,3 rl~pe Cit-OCI~fS f~lt-trled i~ c, hl.itl, i3n
intf!t-rlS,edii3te ~qt-OI~.'e at~ lit thti '~/'irfi rope groo~ e~ which l::on~Jel,s 0~5"3itl linke,
with alterni3te links sei3t.i~S,!~, in the wirfe rope qr,:l,~ e/ a,tld arl nutfrr~ r.t
rclcS~.~e defitled t,y intet~illt~ Sllt t'acec; of the shei3~.~e fli3~ ec:, ~ liCFI Set-'~'eC; to
c on~.~çy th~e conneçtor The ecr,neetl~r i~; forl-fleci with i3rl en'h3rJeli
pi3rt. ripheriei31 en,i) and the out.ermc~rjt yrol:l~e ef the f~irlei3d shei3~e hi3e. i3
e~S.nfcr~SiS~ing ~hi3p~S cO thi3i ,iurinq tri3n~ition from wirfS. ropfS tc, chi in 0i3~le theS
tontiectclr pi~.~CIts freel!l in the outer l~rl~o~,~e under tne inflliet-lce ot' t.he wirfS;
rope Thi~ arrarlqemfnt. reclucei rope ~encdinq, tS.ut. hac; the noSta~S.le
disad~,~i3nti3cJe that. a ~,~ery large and cunltler~ome fi3irlead is requit-eli Al-;os,
~since the system de~critSed in the ~ p~3tent jr, a liisccSt-lnfict sl,ritem, in
which the rope jr; r~ir;ccS.nnected frot-ll thei ehain ei3ble dllrinl~ hal.llin~ anci
pi3!lin~q out~ the protllem of coFl~eyin~l the .;peciisl connectclr con~enient.l!J o~,~et-
-l witicilass, chiain wheel is tlOt addrfS.S~;ed.
OFIes norl-dic.;connert. sy~ttim WiJs;tili itl u.rS. pigtent tlUm~set-
3,91~ whioh i~suPd tcl Petty et i31 on Oetcl~er 14,1~5 in which the
junction ~etween wire rl~pe and chain c,stile i~ con~eyed o~er tloth a fairlei3d~he,3~e ancl a windliass ohi3in wheel The i3nohoring s!~ te~rl in~.~ol~es i3
.~indli3ss ha~ing a ohi3in wheel with i3 circumfererltii31 qroo~.~e for con~e~in~
'f~'it-e rOpl~J b winoh wllietl hi3uls in blld pi3y~ out the ~ ir~ l-Ope o~er the ehain
wheel, and a ~hea~e positioned withirl b ohi3in locker ,3 sut't'ioient di~ti3ncetlelow the winch tlli3t ,3cc:epti3tl1e fleet ,3nl~1e~ ,3re mainti3itled at-ld in arl
orientbtion th,3t pet-rmite the ohi3in to tle deposited inside lhe locker withclut
die.encl~ging th~w i3n~ 0ring lirlw frl:ltrl th~ ini.~3ril;r e.tle,3~ i3. -r,'-le prCIt~ fl 0~
'ir~3 rope tlendinl3 dllring tri3~ oYer tilt:' s!l~twrn ti3irle~31i Cwhbi3~q i~nli thl3
wirllila~ci c~ in ~f,lhwel lil-l rlot. i3ppei3r to Ihi3~.~e beel1 sirlecwifio~lllJ adcires~eli in
ti'1i3t pi3tent/ bllt o.uc:h a w~lr;it.erfl is belie~ed t.~ e tle. implementwli I~Jwin~ i3
~ ire rop~w-chi~in owtll~P oorlrlwct-or hi3~,~in!-, i3 I,iml~31-n~ol.,rltPw,i sooket. i3rl,i i3
pi3rt-spheriwi31 shell, j3c; dQc;c ritied in ll ~ pi3twnt nurntler :~,Y77/ l ~ l tQ
O ~ J rd rG i" !1 ~; rO !~i r~
rlther non-clisoonnect systems hi3Yi~ ~,een prllpo~eli/ for exi3mple
in Ll ~.~ pi3twr!t nurn~er ~ 5/~ fhieh iwwSUeli to Eiliem orl Oet.otier 1~ 7
11~.. p,3tent numtier 4,07~7~C~ hicwh iwwsued to k~rogcwti3d et i31 on I li3reh 1 4J
1~713 i3nd 11.5 pi3tent rlumtier 4J47~ F2,0 1 whic:h i ;-.ueci to Fowter wt i31 on
Oc:totier 1 c~ 4. Although ~3 nurmtier of non-dis,.onnec:t sywt.wmW hi3~Je ',~een
propclc;4d, non-liiwonnc!cwt syC;t.etrl; ili~Y~e rlot l3e ye.t t~een i3~.0iwpted t~
~wwwel O~ffnwrS~ de.~pite thwe simpler op~P.ri3t.ion int-ler4nt in ;uc.h e.y ;tems. A
princip~l proi~lrwrn to ~e one. of finc,irll-, ~, c.~tisf,r;otory w~l of
,-:on~eyin g i3 ootn~inutior, i3nchor line o~,~er the she~P~-like. struc ture~ present
in sllch ~ci~ystern ;, pi3rtiel,1,3rly chi.~in whe~lc;.
It is one oi~jei-;t of the~ pt-e.sent in~.~e.rnticn trl prcl~id~P., in ~,
L~ini3ti~n ~,nehcri,ng slJst4m~ ire rope-ch.,~in c:~t~le e.onnP~ctiQn ~Yhic.h
c:~,n ~e con~enient.l~ eon~,~eye.d o~,~er c;~e~,~e-lik~P. ~trueture~ whether pecketei.,
e2r smoot.h without undlle ~en~ing ot thc~ ir~ ro,cIe.
It is ,3nother o~ieet o~ the present in~ention to prcI~.~id~ i3
pri3c:ticdl non-disc.onnec:t i3nrhoring com~in;3tion system.
3 EF ~ lAF~ OF T HE I ~ 'ENT I CIhl
In one i3;pect, the in~,~ent.ion pro~,~ide; i3 c.omt,in~tion i3nc.hor line.
comprisirI9 J,ire rope, ch~in 0i3ble, ~nd ,oonnection me~ne. ~,Yhieh define. i~
jllrll.til~n tl~t ~r~r~ opr~ i~t~l,i C:t1i3i~ 3tlle i3di3clt4~i f,~r l l:lrl~ 3~ r~ rl~r:r i3
~tlr3i3~r~-l i k:r~ ~t~-UC:t~ .t~ i3 ~ l ei31i - h~ t~ Ntl~!e l . I~JI.I~t
c.hei3~e-lihe tur~.C~i norm311y hi3~e i3 pi3ir ot oirl urrlferentii31 tli3nl:iecj
tletween wtlil h t.hri i3nr:hor line j~ c:on~. ei;ir d ei3, h fli3nr~ie hi3~linq i3 fli3nge rim.
Tt-le oonner tion mei3n.-s inc:lucie rope reti3ining mei3rl~ ~t-lic:h rrit.3in i3n enci of
the ~ire rc,pe 3nri ~hir:tl perrnit uni~rer~i31 pi~ o~.tirl~a ot t.he rope enli 3t tt-le
junc.tion. The r.onner:til-ln mei3ns alc;o inclurie ..uspen.Ciicln rrlei3rls whil h ;er~e
t.o eiu~penr~ the rl:lpe-ci3tlle iuncticln from tt~e fli3n~Fe rimC: during :on~blii3nce
of the junc.t.ion o~.~er lhe shei3~e-lik;e struleture. The su~;pension mei3ns
include ~ mult.iplicitlJ ot projections climensione.Fi i3nri i3rri3ngei t:l en!~i3ge the
fli3nFe rimsi. The term uni~.~ers311ll pi~ot.ting 3C; I.l~ied in thiCi ~;pecifici3tion
is intendeci t.o clenote i3 t~ipe of c onnec.t.ion or mn~ern~nt hi3~/ingi the
riegrees l~f fre.edom of mcl~erl-lent. itl 1~ bi311 jOitlt or tlrle decirees of freedclm r,~
mcl~.ement normi311~l existin~l tlet.v~een tw o r.h~in linl~s vhen irlterli~ ecl.
Such i3 r onnection en~ure; thi3t the rclpe encl ci3n pi~ot in the gener~l pli~ne of
the shei3~!e-lik;e struc.ture r~.3rdlee.s whi3t. orierlt.3tion the junctiorl i3ssume
when suspended frorn the fli3n~e rims.
Thi arr~nlaement. has a num~er of note . orth~ adllrarltalaes. The
jUI~etiOn can be rei3clill~ c:onveyed c.l~er i3 pocketed or ~mooth fi3irleaci shei3~e
th~reby permitting a vessel owner the option ot intn his
anc:horin~ system iS pooketed fi3irlei3d shclulcd he ~ ishJ for exi3mpler to moor
for e.~ tended periods clf time on chi3in cable. The iwnotil~n ei3n be ccln~.~e~ecl in
~ imili3r mi3nner oS/er both i3 fi3ir~eisd ~nd tile o hi3in wheel normi311y
i3ssol:ii3tecl ~rith i3 ~-~incdlassr and ~cc:orcding~y i3 nOn~CiiCrl'Onrlel-t moclrin~
~yertem 0i3l1 be ol~rl~.~eniently pro~ided. Additioni311yr inc:e tt-le t-ope-l i3ble
junoticln is swspended frclm the ~lan~e rim~i of the f~irlead or ch~in Yheel
r.3ther illi~tl in i~l c~lr~ e defin~cd tlet. ~,~e.erl .;urt'i3l;e.s clt' the fl3rlcie.;
t'clt-l::ee. t~ dirlc~l lo c;epi3t~ te t~le t''h3~ e~i 3t-e 3~Joide~ h:li3ds heing rei3c:t.ecl
ri3~ 311ll intl:l t.he c;hei3~,~e fli3nries.
The. tet-m "pclc:h~et.r!~ 3c; u.cied in thi~ C;prleitiei3ticln i; itl1.rlFIded t.c~
,iqnclte i3 shei3~.~c~ .e. :ltruc:ture.l inc:ludinJ ~l~t.h f3irlei3l:i ~hea~,~qs i3nli win~ 3c;e
rhi3jn 'ffheelS, adi3pteci to Con~l~el;i etl.3irl lirlk;s. Aecc,t-ciit-,cillJ~ t'or the purpq~c;eC;
of thi~ spec:ifie.3tic,n, the tqrlt-l may ~e rqc~iarciqci 3~ clesrt-ipl.i~.~e c,f thrJ t.~pe Clt
ehi3itl ~;heel t-efert-ed tcl as i3 "~,ildc:i3t" l3rlci clt' the type. of c:lli3i~ heel
t-rJf qrt-r~.d t ,~ j3c~ aypc lJ
Th~ in~.~e.ntil~n will tle ~etter uncie.rstrlclli .~fith reference to
,iri3win~ie. illustratin~ i3 pretferr~ci emtlcldiment irm;fhioh:
t i q. 1 i ci .3 perciper ti ~r~ ~i e f~ i l l ucJtri3ti nr;i a ~;emi ~u'clFtlerc i tll e
irill pli3tfortn;
fi,g. ~ is i~ fracimented sicle ele~i~ticlnisl ~.~iew of a le~ of thq
semiciu~mersi~le illue.tri3tinJ cotnponetlts ot' ~n i3nehorit-lrJ ;ystem em~cldyin~a
the inverltion;
fiJ. 3 is a fri3gmentecl elQ~ ticlrli31 ~ie~i~ deti3ilirlJ winc:he~: i3ncd
other i3nc:hclrin~ citem c~mponente. illu;.t.ri3ted in t'i~
fi~as. 4 3ncl 5 i3r~ ~ri3~mented side ~le~Ji~tioni31 ~ie~f.~ ~hcl~.~;in~
~fire rO,C~ eh3itl 1~i3bl4 junl~.t.ierl ~ein~ c;on~qyqcl cl~.~er syetem c:hisin .~heel in
1tet-rli3ti~.~e ot-ie.nt~tion~;;
fi~ and 7 ~are crclss-sel::tioni31 l~lieSf~: irl a hori2clntal pl~an~
conti3inin~l the rotistioni31 i3XiS ot' the c.h~in whQel illu:st.ristinla hrlw 3clet'lectc,r pliste i~ useli to ene~ r~ thi3t the ~5~ire rope-ch~irl cs~le jlln~ tion jc
~.oncitr~itlQd to i3e~urllQ a p~rticuli3r orie.ntist.ion when c.on~.~Q~d O~JQt- the ohigin
'1"~ t 11~ ; i3 11 li,
f j~jc B~ -;tt-~t~ Ir~ s fllrF~ rlg i3i1 ;31tf!~-tli3ti~e ~ffit-~
rclpe~ohi3in ci3tl1e jutlctic~ i3nd i3re ~ ie ele~,~i3tioni-~ls ~ jf!~f~ ot the i31terni3t.i~e
~UnetiCIn b~incl C:OII~ yed rl~'C~ 3 1'hi3ill '~r'~r'tleSl ~iFI crcl'-'s-CeCtic~ni.
i~etersnce jc; m3cirJ ts fic; 1 ~ hil::tl illustri3tec; i3
semisubmer3it~1e rlrill ri~:; 10 "~hir.h hi3s two ;JnchorincJ C.ysterl-s emb,:,dyit-
t.he preseFIt. in~.~entil:ln i3t e3sh rornet~ The prinoipi3l c:omponents of clne sl~ri
i3n~hot-in~i systenl! ;;rneri-~lly inclioi3tecl t,y the reference numer~ ! i3re
illust.l-i3teri in fjyc; ~ anri ~. The i3nc:horillc~l s~stetn 1~ inclucdec; 3 ~,~Y'indli3$C;
mounted on the dec~ 1 of the 3etfli wtln-lerc;itlle iq and i3 tri30tion w irloil 1
l~oci3t~ t the tlott.rlm Or i3 le~c ;~l~J Or thr~ s~misllbmar.sitlle 1~. The wineil i3nd
~in,ilsss ;er~.~e to h~ l in i3nl~ pi3y ,-,ut i3 comt,inistion i3nohoriny line 2~ ~fnich
cc,nsicits ,:,f 3 lenl-;th qf ~flfire l-Ope ~4 connected kl 3 lenyth of ch3in c:3ble
the oh3ill ci3ble ~ bein~; tern~in~ted ~ith J3n i3pproprii3te 3n,::hor The 3nohor
line ~2 is yllicie,i to i3nd from the semisubmer~ible iO by 3 fi3irlei3~i she~e
molJnted on t.he extel-ior of the semislJbmet-c;ible lec~; ~0 A oh3in loci~er
~0 is prc,~ iecl 3t the bottom of the le!3 ~C~ for ~tor.3ye c,t the eh3in ei3t~
~n~i a citora~e winch ~5~ ser~.~es t~a oclllect and stor~ wire rope haul~l~ in
~h~ tr~oti cJn '~f~.~i n~h l
The ano~orinl~ ~ystem 1~ i~ ot the non-dic~;connect type ~urin~
retrie~ l of the 3nchor line ~ the tr~tion .~inl h 1~ is u~eci initi~lly to
h3lJl in the ~f.~ire rope ~4 o~ er 3 p3th ,iefineci ~y the fi3irlei3cl sh4,3~,~e ~i! i3
win~li3ss ch3in wheel ~ hich h3s a circumferenti31 ~ ire rope qroo~.~ei
i3nd ~ ~ieflector she~e ~ Clper~tion oF the tri3ctiotl winch l~i is
discontil-llJcd wilen a ~ock;et ~cli~rusc;ed belo ~ i3ssooii3tecl ~,~ ith the
rCipq-~ablF! jliln~ti~:~t-l ~t~ ar=~ rl~l ot ~ ock~t. i3t-t F~l-:t~it~ tilt ~ t~ iCt
the ~A,irs rnprJ :~4 i~. ntherwise ~3uided. Lirlk:s nf the~ ellain niJtJle ~f~ l ha'~
tlec,-."ne enl~,acled ~ith the pclc:kets of the ehaitl ~ eel 34. Aceclrliirlclly onl:e
op~ri3tion ot' the tt-ac:tion ~inc:h 1~ hae. brerl disc~lnt.inuecl the ,~in~ 3-s-; 14
c:arl ~e nperateli to hi3l.l1 itl ti~,~ rhi3irl r 3tl1e intri thQ ch.3in lol~et- 30.
~ oth ~ire rope 3nd et-lain c atllFI are h~ led, tht-o~ ,h ,3 eh3it-l pipe
40 lyiny in the r,:~pe patil clet'inecl tly the f~,irlea,i .s.ilei3~e r!~ ,::hain ~heel :~4
and deflec:tor silei3~.~e ~. The chi3in pipe 4~ er~e~ to guicle t.he rhi3itl ei3tl1e
:~, dl.lrincl hauling itl and paying nut/ ,3nd cdl~rit-ll~ retrie~/~al clf the r~ 3in e atlle
~61 the catlle simply depl-l~it.s from the tlottl:lm of the c:hiain pipe 4~ adji3c:ent.
the defleet.c~t- shea~r. ~ int.n the ehi3in lnc:k:er ;~0. Pi3yinl~, nlit l~f the an(:hclr
line ~ is e~senti311y ri rC~'er~ l of the proce.-;s c,eseritlecd atlo~e.
The junction 4~ nf the wire rnpe ~14 and ~.hi3in c.atile ~, is
illucitri3t.eli in !~rei3ter deti3il in the. ~ie~A~C; of ti~s. 4~ hel-e the juncticin is
~hr~ n l.cln~ y~li in ~,i3riciuC ,^lrient.stiotl.~ o~,er the winciliss.. r h3in wh~l 34.
From fi~s. ~, atld 7 it. ~.~ill be i3pparetlt that the r.hi3irl heel ~ has i3 pair Ct
cirl umfrJrentii31 flstn~es 44/ 4~ Thqs~ tlsnc~,e~ 44/ 4~ hs~e ig pair of fl3nle-ims 4~ 50 nf e.uti~ti~ ltisll~ ilienticcl dii3mqter anc"-c~t.i~,tinr, cl:l-i3xialllJ
i3~01~t the ~hgi~ fhe~l rclt.~til~nsl .g. i.~ 5~. A, ir, umf4renti~ fire t^Op~
c~ro"~e 54 fclrrrled in the hlitl ,~f the c~ in ~heel ~4 permit~ c:cin~,~eyi,~c:e ci~
thr ~ir~ rl~pe. 14 ~ rld ei!~ht pi3irs of fl~t.t.en~cd whe.lcl.s/ onq whelp Cit eal.h pi3,ir
loeatec, to either C:id~ of t.he wire rcpe grocl~e 54 ciefine ei~lht
~irl~llmterl~ntii311y-~:p, pockc!t.s. dimqnsionqli tcl con~y the ~ hain link~. c,f
the c.~i3in c.i3~1e ~ ne ..u~h pair of ~Lfhelps 5~1 ',u is indil i3ted in fj~C~; ~, and
Thq junl tion ~t~ inc.ludes a detacha~le eh3in linl{ tl~l ha~.~ing i3
pi~if of oppclsin!~ erl~l pOI-tiOIl~:; 6~, f; :l i.illli i3 l,:lngit.u~ir~ Xi~ xtenliirlg
tlet'.'~et3n the erlcl pl~ ticlrll; fl,', f.l4. A c:oll,~ fitteli i3bol.~t. the o~,ual lirlk f:~J
int~rme~iate l~f trle eppcl~;irl~cl lin~ ~nli pclrtiorl~; t.l,J, ~4. rfle eC~ ir ~;~ ei~rf-i~
;~ mult.iplieit~ ot prujectil:lflc; ~hich ser~,~e t.o cu~penli the 0~,~i31 ohi3irl lin~. 6
from the tl,3nge rims 54/ ~ liuring ol:ln~e~af-lce clf the junl,t.iclfl 4~ o~.~er the
ohi3i n ,~,~heel ~;4 The 0~i31 link; enci ,c~c~rt.i on 6~ i; intef-link~ ith a suiti3~1e
link ~ irl the chi3in ci3t,1e ~ acl,3pted to r4cei~t3 the li3r!~e cl~al lirllc, theretly
iefiflirl~ a uf-li~,~erci,311ll pi~.~ottin~ rhi3in ci3tl1e eof-lnel:ticln A ,~ire rclpe encl
i~ recei~ed an!i reti3inecl in ,3 con~.~ent.iclni31 e.c~t kete~ eonnec~tl:lr 74 h3~,~in~ a
tli31~ ~6. The tli31e 7f~ i~; intef-lirlkecd the c~ al link enli pc"-tic"-, ~t theret,~
pro~,~iclincJ a uni~er~;,311y pi~lottinl~ conneetion t!etwe~n the .~ire rop~ ~n,i 7
an~i the 0'.',31 link encd pclrtion 64
Trle prrljeetic'fls ot the c011,3t- ~ af-e arri3nl~eli in t.~ et~ ~i3,
C-iO/ each c:onsietincJ c~ projecticlns The projecticln~ ot t.he first ciet 7i ire lol i~ted c-7dji3cerlt. the c~i71 link encl portil~n El~' i7n,i ~re equally-spi3cecl
~ir~.umferef7tii711y in i3 ~qeneri311~ ircl.lli3r i7rri3n~qsmerlt reli3t.i~e to c7 pl.3ne
tr~7ns~erse to the 0~71 link s loflJituclinal axis E,~. The secQnci of
p~-oje~:ti,~ns ~0 i~ ~;in~ili3rl~ i3rri3n~ecl i7clji3~ent the other 0~,~i31 link erlcl portiQn
~14 AS ~flf~ e ~7ppi3r~nit fronl fi9S. 4-~J the pr,~jec:ticlns exten~ sufti, iet7t.1~l
ri7di~711y from the 0~,~91 link s lc"lcgituclini71 sxis ~i t.hat"il~rin~q p~7~.si3Je clf the
iunct.i~n 4~ cl~,~er the ehi3in f,heel :~4J i3 dismetf-ie~lly-QppQsin3 pi3ir Qt
projPctii7ns ot esoh set 7~, ~iO enl~i-7Je'i the flsnle rim; 4~, 5~, sus.penciin~
the 0'~i31 c:hain link~ ancl c,tfler prl~je~ticlns rlei7r of the c:hi3ii7 ,~,rPIeel
The prc,~ision of twcl s~tci c,f proje~t.iQns ~ ,0, ~"le set
i3dj,~cent either o~ the o~.Ji71 link end portions ~,r~J ~4, ensure~ c:c7ntac.t ~ ith
the fli3~ ae rims 4." 5~ 7t tw~ ,:ircumferenti~ spsl::eci-i3psrt posit.ions.
~rh~ JllnGti~ liit~ t-i i~ ti3.~1lJ 1151l~t ~ ol.lter pr~.~ iphG.t-~ f t.h~
~h~ 4hl3r~ r-~ t.~lr~ al lil-l.L. ~ c;FI13~-ldeli fl-l:lrr~ tl-ll~ fl~ r-! ril-lls
~,4, ~io soC.l~eter~ l::ol-lneet~ 74 a.rlli ~,Yire r~F~3 end 7~1 ei3n pi~-lt.
sut,.~itanti~ treely t.heret~ r~lilrlin3tirl;l e ceC;C.i r- rl:lpe benliirll~. The
~unction 4~ is ~ue.-i thi3t a crc~p~.r t-.c-p-~-edticn of tne eolli3r ~i~ is
not. i31.~T3~ls initii3lllJ o.~tain~c. one enli rhiincl displi3c:ec. fr:lm t.~-le fli3rl!~e rirn~
~partieuli3rly durinl.l pi3ying c~ tlut thie. i~ not. unriull.l eri.-.iei~l.
I.t Y~'ill t.e rr~aciily .3pparerlt. thi3t the colli3r ~ ei3n 3C;eume
e~sentii311~ t.inree. Iiistinet~ rreli~t.i~l~ely sti3ble orienti3t.ions t.c, the
tli3nge rirn; Cl~r 5G. Fic~l~;. 4 i3nli 5 illllstri3te tWCI su~h di ;tinrt orienti3tillrlC;
In t.he orienti~ticn ~f Fig. ~;J the 0.~i31 linl lies irl i3 ~.~ertil~al pli3ne 3nc. ac;
illustri3tei~ a.ij3eent e.ili3in lirlk:~ e.3n prcipr~rly seiat in the pclc:ket.s of the
c:hi3in ~ heel 34. The .ire r-lpe end 7~ ciu~perllieli i3YYa~ fr lm the hu.~ ot the
~ehi3in ~Theel 34 arld r~nn~;equently freel~ pi ~ottincl. In th~ orient3tion of fiq.
4 the link 60 is ancllec. i3t ~0 .ieJrees to the gener.31 pli3ne :,f the
eh~in wheel ~4. T.he link ~ f .3ni immrdii3.i.el~l tollowincl link roti3t.e ;
their lcfnJitudinal i3.~;es to i3cro~rllf'~te the ~r.f declreee of rnti3ticln theFetf!~
permitting the i3dji3eent chain links to prclpel-ly ~eat in the poc:ket.~ of ther.~h~in wheel ~54. The ~.sme is t~-ue rlf the rem.sinin~ cli.~:tinet clrie~lt.i3tion.
IF the l~hain link~ i3re n~t orientecl for ~ync:hrclni~i3ti~fn ~Tith the
poc:ketc: of the c:hi3in wi-leel ~4 when the wire rope-c.h3in ei3~1e jun:tion 4~ i~
su~penderi frl~m the fli3n3e rims. 4~ 50J the c.hi3in link~ ci3n ride tne top~ tthe ct-li3in whr.el whqlp~ an~ ill e.ync:hroni~e in due c~clur~e ciue to the
difter~nee in the pitch dii3meter~i tletween the pc~c:lete. i3nd the ehi~in lin~.
To permit emclrJther ~nc:hroni~i3til:ln of the h~in link~ with the o h~in wheel
34~ mei3n~ mi~ tle prl~ ideli to permit the ~ ire rclpe when .reatecl in the c:hi3in
`` ~LZ~3~
,~Y ,'~ l 's ~-clir~ c,~ 54 t~ t i3t t~ 3t.i ~ t c, t,~ Y,~-I,r-~l pC;. Tl~ ;3 ~ n~ 3
-c ~ ,r ~lei3~ c, C~i3~1 tle i ~l~t~ .cl ~ t.~e ,~ ,t":lf t ~ r hir~ -1 t "r
c:oa;~:i,31 rclti3tilln wilh the~ C~ in Wi,t3el r~ ~:hi3ttJ ~tle t~earirlla efteoti~
de,'ininll, the tlcltton-, ot' thc.~ ire rllpe ~,rllc~ e ',4 Tlle t,e,3rirlc~l, eho,l,ld hi3~ e a
hi iher c:oir.ftil ii-nt. Ilt trirticln thi3n tile tleari~n~2r-; C~t,ller~,~isi-! -;,l-, the
c:hi3i,-l wheel ehi3ft F;~ so thi3t rlu,natnic; 1l~,3,ds i3risirlg c',llrin,!~, eron~Y~e!,i3,l0e of the
~ ir,3 ro,rle in the rclpe ~,ro,o~e 54 tenl, tc, t,e ~,orrle primarilll tly the ,~lore
rcltluC;t ~earingc. i~,s.srocii3led w ith th,3 ehi,in wh,eel .-~ 3ft. AGel,rc,in,1,ly, a ,~nar,k
mi3,~, ~e pli3c:eli on o"le o~ the chi3in Y,~,heel fli3nc,,~; 44, 4~, tc, inc.',ie,3te thi~,t
por~itiqn of the. junc.t.icln ~ril relati~4 to the ehain wheel ~4J requirec!, tc,
ensure imme,:,iate c-il~nchroni~iS~ticln ,::f the ohiain lin,ks with t,-he poc:ketci If
the junc:ticln 4~1 ,ie,es not. i~,lic~,n with the rrli3r,'cer clurin,~ i3ncho,- line retrie~Y~alJ
~rakr~;; c:an t^,e a,rpliec', to, th,e chain whe,el ~4 i3ncl, the tri3c:tinn whlc:h lci uC.eli
either to haul in or pay out t.h~ wil-e rl~pe 24 n~,~er the eirl::~ Sr ~earin~ until
proper rel~ti~,~e i31iJnment. of the jllncticln 4'~ i3nd the marlf.~r oc:curs.
An alt.ernat.i~ pc,ssit,lr~ orientaticln of the l,l~llar ~c; relati~.~e t,:,
the flanc~le rims 4CjJ 5~ jS illustri3ted in fi~cl. 6. In that clrient.,3tionJ twc,
Ptr~]~rt1OrIr;; ~j4J Irj~U not in riii3metrie~ CIPPOSjn9 reli3tion~;hipJ bl.~t
r~jrrum~errentii31l~ ~ip~reecl ~ de,~reesJ are shrlwn en~jsclin~ t.he tl,3nJe
rim~. 4~i~ 5CI The jllnc.ticln 4;/13OCOrd;nC~I1Y ~ feeP~; thrOll;1tl ;3 r;~re;3te;~ r~3C;;USJ
,Yhioh is undeeiirs~le it' clearance ~etween the c:hain wheel ~ ,3nd other
corl-lponent~ of the tr~etion ~finl::h i~ criti,e~l. Al~qJ ~.~er~; su~sti3nt.ii31
~prr~i3clin,~ forc.e~ are applied tcl the flan~e3 44J 4r:, ArI 3n~1ed def1ec.tor,c~lste ~ ccordinc~ 3t.tached to t.t~e frame ot' the ~ incllss., l4J ,3nd lie~ in
the higher r~dius psth of the junc:tion 4~?J osusin~ the jl.lrlcticltl 4~ tcl ret,3te
into an orietlt.i3tion suc.h ~s illu~:tri3teli irl fi~q. 5J ~efllre ~ec~min~q firrnly
3,a~l~ Wi ti l ttl~ c~ 3i ~ hq~ 1. All ~l t~:!t-l1.3t i ~ f lJI- ~i ,3.~ i rlla ~.hl3 .c, prl~pe~-ly clri~t ~ til~. t'li3~ flcj j.; t,n i~ fl t,'-le ~-cl~
~ilii ch~ pclekatC clff ei3nt.rl3 t~hi3t i~s, C~;pi3ce,~ c:lcls~r to c,ne ,~f the fl;~n~i3c
Ael orditlglllJ liuring frl:lm ~Yire r~pe tl~ ,::hi3in c,3tl1e o~,~e.r t.he ehi3irl
rs~heel, the 0~,~i31 link ~0 i3nd pr,:lj~c:t.ions tenci to strih~e one clf tile fl~nge rirnC
fir~cit"ni3mely~ the. rim l~t the. fli3nge elclset- to th~! rope ~roo~,~e! there~y,
forl:ing the juneti~n 4~ t~ sei3t properly tlet,~Srebn thb t'l~ngec;. This rrletllo~
of ~ii3sin~ ei3rl ~lso ~e used in respect of the f,3irlei3ci ~hei3ve :2~.
F~irlei3d e.hei3~.~e ~; hi3s sutisti3ntii311l~ the si3me con.~;trlleticln ~JS
t.he. c,~1i3in wheel ~. Açrc,rliin~ly, thq ri:lpe ci3tlle junctic"~ s eonve~le~iove.r the fi3irlei3cl sh~ e ~ in ~sl~sti3ntii311y the si3mq mi3t-lner i3s h,3~ tleen
de.s.c:ri~ed in respiS.ct ,:,f th~ ohi3ill wheel ~. It sholllli tle noted th,3t ch~ir
lir,k s.ynohrclni~i3ticin is not p~rticuli3t-l-J l~.ritir:i31, i3S the f.3irlei3d shei3S,~q ~
only p~rtii311y wri3pped tly tt-le anc:hor line 2~ i3nd is free-S~Yheeli~ ri3ther
than clriS,~en. Tci ensllre proper orienti3tic,n of the colli3r ~ ,3nd the
projections on the fairlead fli3ng~ t-i~ns, tlle wir~ rope larcioS''e of the ti3irlei3cl
3nd wi'lelps oi3rl t"q off~et reli3tive to the fli3rll~e; tor i3 ~itriotly l~entr31
,posit.ion t,etS~,~een the fi3irle3,i fli3ncles, i3s pre~Svieuc;ly de~c:ritied. It Y~ill tle
i3pp~r~nt th~t the oon~truI~tion c,f tho junI~tiorl 4~ oh thi3t not ~nly c~n i3
ocln~.~enient non~cliscorlIlect s.ystem tle proS~~icIecl/ tlut i3 fi30ility for moorin~ on
ohl3in i310neJ tly rnqi3n~ of i3 pocket.ed fi3irle.3d shqi3S~~e is al~o ocIt,3inqci
The ~unc:ticln ~2 ci3n ~e U~b~ in a ~i3ribtll ot applic:ations. In
p.3rticuli3rJ the fi3irle,3d shei3S.~e neeIi not. ~e. pock.eted. It is sufficierIt f~r
exatnpleJ if the f,3irlead s~lea~b has i3n irInet- wire rope !~roo~eJ i3ncl a t!ro,3der
c~lroove surroundinl the wire rope cgt-oove whirh 0i3n c:onSS~e.y rhainljnke",
perhaps with i3lt~rtll3tive links supported in .he wire rope ~c!rclcl~e hlso, the
1 .;
;3nC:tlnr 1 jnQ f~f~ .h it~ ~peciti ~llncticlrl flff e ~n be lJ'.~f'li in a l.'~ C:CItlt'lf,.','C:t.
~y~tt~ tl-a~ itil:ln l:lf ttlt-~ -lc:tio~l ~f~ t~ the fili~-lt3~ tlf3i3~e tlf3in~
eriticial in ~ ch circlJmstiance~; Ont-! i3cl~i3rlt.i~gfj cl~tiaine~i in lJ~'irl,~ ~llC:t'l i3rl
i~n~h~ line ~f' irl cnnnecticln ~ith i3 cii~;corlrlect ~ysten-l i that i3 pccketeli
f ai rl e 31i ~:hei3~e c an t3e a - nmrnoli~teli
Fig~ str3te i3n ;31terirli3ti~e ~a!l nf fnrmincl the
rtlpe--c~1,3 llnctinn nf tt-le ianctll-3rlinte ff~. Mllre specifi~ l'lly firjs ~Stlll~Yr~ ~ucces~i~f~e ~t~ge~ in the -nn~.~ey~nce clf ~ rl3pe-ci3ble junc:til:lrl ~.-f~f c~,~er
the l~hi3in wheel ~f4, ~ Jring pi3ying OlJt of the i3nchorin!~ line ffff.
TrlP. junction clo is fllrmeli ~IJ rope--stle )-onnection rnei3n~
incll.~ciing ia .r3cketteci rclpe cc!nne~Str3l- rJfff ~hictl ret.ains the ~ire rnpf3 en:l ~'ff.
A fire~t n~i31 ch.3in linlf ~f4 jc; interlinkPIi Yith the tliale l~fc~ rlf the ;~cketeli
cnnne,:tcr ffff, permit.tin~ uni~ersi31 pi~.~nttin~ cf the sIJcketed ccnnectnr Sff
ncl ~ire rcpe erlli ~'fl i3t thf' jl.jnCtjr3rl '?f~ A c~lin~irici31 colli3r I~ is i3tti3ched
tc the ch~in linl; CJ4 intermcliii~te cppcsin~ en,:i pcrtions of the ch~in linl 1~4
i3nli Ci3rrieC; i3 first. set IOC:~ cf ~ prIljectiolls cirieIlteli in i3 Cirl'Uli3r
~rran,~er,lent in i3 pli3ne tr~ns~erse to the lcngituliini31 ~is of the ,-hi3in link;
C14. A ~econli 0~.~i31 chi3in link l 0~ int~rlink~ wi th th~ ohi3in link ~4 i3nd i3
thirci chi3in link 1f.~ tC '~YhiCh i~; i3tt~3che~i i3 coll3r 1~6 ci3rryincy i3 seconli set
cf six prcjecticns 10u As with the jllnetion 4~ the sets 100 lO~i of
prc,jec:ticns sue~penci the ~uncticln cl~ frorm the rim~ 4~ of the ch;3in wheel
fli3nr~es 44 4~1 It will ~e 3pp~rent in ficl ù th3t the scc!~Ind set 10~ c~
projecticlns is 3~ially ~liqneci ~it~l the tirst set ot prnjectil~ns 11~0 tc
ensure thi3t tlcth sets of prcljecticns ci3n siml~lti3nec~ sl~ e!ngi3c~e the fli3ncle
rims ~lsc~ it shclllr~ ~e nilted thi3t t.he prl~ jecticnC 1~ i3re pcsit.iclneli tc one
~ilie cf the oclll~r ~1 ;3dji3cent the ~i31e I~ the socketeIi rcpe ccnnectcr 1~2
~;2 5374
I ~
t l e~ 3~-lc e If.~ tti ~f~ lf t,`~rJ l i rl~ Jf~- tt-le j ~f l l lf~f~l f ~ f ti lf~ 3 i tl ~r ~d
~ftecti~elll p~ irlf~ i3 lclrlc~ler lel~llflr ~3r~ll tl:lr pi~ottinl~ r ~ i3i~ t~f
~ .31 li~k g4t.f~ lf~s t~ C;.~ ea p~-clperf:l~-ie~lti3til:1,r~ tillf~. ;hf!i3~fj fli-.ltll~f.-; 44
4f~. Tne sec:ond C;et of pro~f otiorlr. i3re ~;in~lil3~ d di.~pla ecd frl:lm the c:ent.rf qf
the link 104 t-r s.i~rlili3r purposf s.
1~ ~rf~ Iltf-!f~ t~ 3t t.hf~ linkc; ~4 1 ~J4 i3~-f~ 1:lYi3l i3~-ld
sifdniti:i3ntly lorlger thi3n the other ehi3irl linl;~ of the c:h~ in ci3tile r~t; i3s i3re
the ch;3in link l~ l i3nd a c.hi3in link lCI~i immelii~telld interlinkincl the
of ~ 3red c:h~3in link 104 l~ith the regul~3r links :,f the chr3in -r3tlle ~. Thl encJth. t of the ~ i3ri ouC. c h 3i n l i nks 3re scl sel ec:ted tni3t t.he regul i3r ehdi n
ei3tile lin,kr~ teni tc sei~t prclperly in the pockets of the c:hlr-3irl wheel ~4 i3s the
jurlc:tilln ~f.~ is ron~.~e~QIi sl~spenr~QIi tt-om the tli3ncle rims 4CjJ 5f~1~ 3C;
illuc;t.t-i3ted in fi~ 11. The junetil:ln 1~0 ci3n cnc~ i3gr3irl ~e corl~eyec,
the ehi3in wheel :34 in r~ ~i3riety of clri~nti3tions~ onl!J orle ~;uc:,h clri~nt~tion
tieinl~ illustri3tei in firls. 8-11.
The ju,nc:til:ln ~0 is oon~eyed o~er the ohdin ~heel ~4 in
sll~sti3ntii311~ the ~dme mi3nne,~- i3s the jurleticin 4-1 Hcl~ e~er~ the i3diitioni31
flexii~ility or free~orrl of piYot.tinl~ rnc~ rnent pro~. idecl ,~ll mo~nting t.he first
i3nd ~c;ecclnd set~ of pr~ieotions 100 10~ ~n sepi3r~te ohi3it~ k; ~4 104
interlinke~ .~,it~ n intermediat.e link 11.l~ ensures t.h~t tloth sets of
pl-Dj4et.ions ~.i3n simult~neously sei3t i3gi3inst the fli3n~e rim; p~irtic:uli3rly
during pi3ying ollt. Ao, ordin~ly the junction 9~ tend; to rem~iin eloser to
the ~.h~in ~he41~4.
The junetion ~ e.3n tie tdi3e.e.d ~ mei3ns of ~ 3n~1ed detTel.tor
pli3te or tly the rope qro~ e ~nd whelp; l~ff-centre tor prope.r ;eiiting i3~i3inst
the fl~n~e rims of the ohi3in wheel.
``` :a. ;2S37~
It ~ ill be ,3ppre,::i,3teli th~t. emt,c,dirrll3nl.i clf th~
f3nticln ~ tleell ciecicritl~3d i3nli ~.i1i3t ~ r~ lJ tl~3 milli~3 t
',Yithl~Ut. ~p~rtit~ rl~m the ~pirit of th~3 itl'~alltil:ln ~ thC! C,l:op~ 'lf t~-le
ppendeli rli~jm~