Note: Descriptions are shown in the official language in which they were submitted.
~ 7~
The present inven~ion relate~ generally to ~luld
fil~ers ~or flltering flu~d~ ~uch a~ air~ fue~,
lubricating oil And hydraul~c fluid used in inte~nal
çombu~t~on engine~ to remove lmpurltie~ ~u~h ~ d~
and metal powder~ there~rom, and ~oxe particularly ~o
1~ ~n imp~ove~ent in ~n pleated ~llter medlum of ~uch
~luid fil~er~ there~y to attain ~ hlgher fllterin~
ablllty and a longer filt~r life.
~ ~e~cri~tlon of ~he ~rior Art
. .... ~
M~t automotive internal combustion en~lne~ ~re
equipped ~ith ~lr and lubric~ting oll filter~ whose
filter ele~ent u~u~lly con~i~ta o~ ~ plea~ea fil~çr
medium formed of a ~h~et-type filter materi~l ~uch as
~ilt~r paper or non~oven f~brlc~ The ple~ted ~llter
medium i~ gener~lly annul~r ~nd ha~ ~ plu~llty o~
longitudin~lly ~xtending plea~. A palr of end
plate~ ~re ~e~lin~ly ~aohed ~o the Oppo8~ te end~ of
the annular filter medium by me~nff o ~dhe~ive,
~ecurely dispo~ing ~n inner per~or~ked çyllnder along
the inner perlphery of the annular ~i~ter medlum.
Additlon~lly, a pair o~ fluld ~ealing member~ are
~ecurely attaçhed to the end plate~, re~pe~ively,
thu~ constituting the fllter element. With ~uch ~
filte~ ele~ent, fluid ~uch a~ air or lubric~ing oil
to ~e filtered ~lows perpend~c~l~rly to the filt~r
m~dlum~ i.e., the fluld i~ introd~ced through the
outer p~ripheral face of the filter medium and ge~s
out through the inner pe~lpher~l f~oe of the fl~ter
medium ln which du~t and the like ~re remo~ed ~nd .
retained on the ~ur~ace of the ~lter medi~m.
However, varlous drawb~ck~ have been encountered
in euch conven~onal fllters ~ di~c~ed
herein~ter. tl) Since the ~ur~ce ~rea of the lnner
periphery of the ~1ter medlum i~ con~ider~bly
~maller than that of the outer perlphery of the ~ame~
flow re~l~tance of the ~luid pas~in~ through the
filter medium depend~ on the ~maller ~urfaae area of
the ~ilter medi~ inner pe~lphery~ thereby increa~lng
~he flow resistance con~iderably over a level
corre~ponding to the largeL surfaoe ~re~ of the
fllter medlum outer periphery. (2) Close çontact
be~ween t~e adjacent pleats oçcurs with pa~sage of
the fluid ~nd with pro~re~ of clogglng of She fllte~
medium. This decrease~ the effective filtering ar~a
of the filter medlum, thereby ~hortening the life of
the fllter. t3~ In ~ ~tate where the filter element
i8 installed in a ca~in~, it i~ usual that the fluid
to be filtered fl~w~ perpendlcularly to the outer
perlpher~l face of the fllter medlum and p~es
through the filter medium, and thereafter the flow
direc~ion o~ khe fluid i8 bent approximately ri~ht
anyle~ ~o get out through ~n fluid outlet plpe
provided at the c~ntral part of the ca~ing~ This
incre~e~ the flow re~l~t~nce of the fluid flowing
throuqh the filter~ t4) The ~luid intro~uced ln~ide
the ca~lng through the fluid inlet pipe cannot be
uniformly dl~trl~uted throughou~ whole the oute~
per~pheral face of t}ie filter medium ~o that the
~luid i~ ~uck~d in lar~er ~ount through a part near
the ~lr lnlet pipe and in smaller a~ount through a
p~rt remote from the air lnlet pipe~ Accordingly,
the filtration rate ~t the p~rt ne~r ~he inlet
- 3 --
becomes higher than an appropriate value while the fluid is
difficult to flow at the part remote from the inlet. As a
result, it is impossible to obtain a higher filtering
accuracy and a longer life of the filter. 5) Since the
pitch of the pleats is smaller at the filter medium inner
periphery -than at the outer periphery, the flow resistance
and the life unavoidably depend on the pleat pitch of the
filter medium inner periphery. Accordingly, if the number
of the pleats is increased and the width of each pleat is
enlarged for the purpose oE lowering the flow resistance and
prolong the life, effects thereon are hardly expected.
According to the present invention, there is
provided a fluid filter for an automotive engine, comprising
a filter element including a pleated filter medium having a
plurality of pleats, the plurality of pleats defining
adjacent pairs of first and second pleats, each pleat having
first and second sides which are integrally connected
through a first score line with each other to form an
upwardly-pointing pleat portion, the second side of the
first pleat and the first side of -the second pleat being
integrally connected through a second score line with each
other to form a downwardly pointing pleat portion, each
pleat side having oppositely located first and second end
sections which have Eirst and second edges, respectively,
which extend substantially perpendicular to each score line,
the first end sections of the first and second sides of each
pleat being approached and bonded to each other to form a
plurality of first bonded sections, the second end section
of the first pleat second side and the second end section of
the second pleat first side, of the adjacent pairs of first
and second pleats, being approached and bonded to each other
to form a plurality of second bonded sections; and at least
- 3a
one of first and second inclined walls, the first and second
inclined walls being inclined to the second score line and
the first score line, respectively, -the first inclined wall
being formed between the first pleat second side and the
second pleat first side, the first inclined wall having an
edge contiguous to the first edges of the first and second
pleats, the first inclined wall being integrally connected
through a third score line with the first pleat second side
and through a fourth score line with the second pleat first
side, the third score line connecting an end point of the
second score line and a first point lying at border between
the first edge of the first pleat second side and the edge
of the first inclined wall, the fourth score line connecting
the second score line end point and a second point lying at
border between the first edge of the second pleat first side
and the edge of the first inclined wal.l, the second inclined
wall being formed between the first and second sides of each
pleat, the second inclined wall having an edge contiguous to
the second edges of the first and second sides of each
pleat, the second inclined wall being integrally connected
through a fifth score line with the first side and through a
sixth score line with the second side, the fifth score line
connecting an end point of the first score line and a third
point lying at border between the second edge of the first
side and the edge of the second inclined wall, the sixth
score line connecting the first score line end point and a
fourth point lying at border between the second edge of the
second side and the edge of the second inclined wall
By vlrtue of the filter ~edium confl~ur~ted ~uch
that the ~p~ardly-polntln~ ple~t and ~he
downw~rdly-pointin~ ple~t are alternately clo6ed and
opened at their oppo~ite end~, the flow pa~h o~ a
S fluld ~o be filtered is formed nearly alon~ the
length of e~ch pleat in which flltr~tion i~
ac~omplished in a proce~ of the fluLd flowing alonq
the pleat length so that i~purities are uniormly
ret~ined throughout ~hole the ~ilter medium.
~ccordlngly, the fluid to ~e flltered i~ unifoLmly
di~tributed throughc~ut whole the sur~ce of th~
ilter medium, thereby unlfor~alizing flo~ of the
fluid flowin~ through the filter ~edium and fitrAtion
rate. Addit~onally, A ufflc1ent cle~r~nce ~
~e~urely for~ed between adj~cent pleat~ eYen ~t inner
periphery of th~ filter ~edium and therefore the
adjacent plea~s are preven~ed from c~lose contact to
each other even if cloyging of the fil~er medlum
progre~e~r thereby increasing effective fllt~at.~on
area~ lrhu~ ~he Eilter m~dium ~f the pre~ent
in~ention effectively impro~e~ filtr~tion accuracy
and prolongs the lLEe oE the filter elemen~.
Th~ featuref~ and advan es of the fl.uid ~ilter
~ccorclinc3 'co the pre~ent 1nvqn'cion wi11 ~e more
c~eArly appreci~ ea ~rorn ~h~ ~ollowing descriptiot-
taken ln conjunction with the accompar~y1ng draw1ng~
in ~hiah like ref~r~nc e numeralg de~lgnate
corre~pon~ing elenlen~s and y~ts, in wh1cht
Fig. 1 is a vertical ~eoti~nal vlew of ~ flrst
embocgiment o~ ~he ~luid f ilte~ in accordance with the
pre~ent lnvention)
Fig. ~ plan view of a $~1ter ~lement of the
fluld filter of Fi~. lJ
Fig. 3 i~ a front elevation of ~he ~ er
element of Fig. ~;
Fig. 4 i~ a fragmentary perspec~lv~ view of a
~ilter mediu~ u~ed in the filter element o~ ~19. 2;
Figs. 5A to 5C are illu~ration~ fihowing a
method of fo~min~ the filte~ medium by pleating a
flat fllter ~aterial, in which Fl~. SB i~ ~ plan view
of the flat filter material with ~core~ and ~dhesive
applied thereon, and Figs. 5A ~nd 5B are side view~
of the ~ilter m~terlal after ~eing ple~ted,
Fig. 6 i~ a plan view o~ a ilt~r element of a
~econd embodiment o~ the fluid filter in accord~nce
with the pre~ent invention;
Fig~ 7 is a ~ront elevatlon of the fllter
element of Flg. ~;
~i~ . 8 iR a ~ide view of the filter elemen~ of
E'ig. 7i
Flg. 9 i~ a fragment~ry per~pective view of a
~ilter medium o~ the fllter element of Fig. 6;
Fiy. 10 i~ ~ vertical ~ectlonal view of ~he
second embodiment fluld filter;
Fig. 11 i~ a plan vie~ of ~ filter element of a
third ~mbodiment o~ the fl~ld filter according to the
p~e~ent lnventiont
Fiy. 12 1~ a front elevation of the ~ilter
3o element of Fig . 117
Fig. 13 i~ a fragment~ry per~pective view of a
filter mediu~ of th~ ~ilter ele~ent of Pig. 11;
Flg. 14 i~ a vertical ee~tlonal view of the
third embod$ment fl~id filter:
Fi~. 15 iB ~ verti~ c~onal view o~ a ~ er
element of a fourth embodiment of the fluid filter
according to the pre~ent inven~ion;
Flg. 16 is a front ele~ation of ~ flltex elemen~
provided wi~h a ~ilter ~edium ~uppor~ ~truc~ure~ of a
fith e~bodiment of the fluld filter according to the
present inve~tlon 7
Fig. 17 i~ a fr~gment~ry per~pective view of a
filter medium of the f ilter element of Flg. 16~
Fig. ~8 1~ ~ plan vlew of the filter element of
Fig~ 16 showing the ~t~ture of the filter medium
and the ~upport structure;
~ig. 1~ i6 a front elevation of the ~upport
~truçture of Fig. 16
Fig. 20 is a pl~n view of the fi~th embodiment
fluid filter ~ccordlng ~o the present lnvention;
Flg. 21 a vertical nectional view of the $1uid
fl~ter of ~ 07
Fig. 22 i~ a vertical ~ectional view of a ~ixth
embodiment of the fluid fllter ~ccording to the
peesent inventlonJ
Fig. 23 is a vertical ~ectional view oE a
~eventh ~mbodiment o~ the ~luid fil~er in accordance
with the pre~ent lnvention;
Fig. 24 ia a vertlc~l se~tion~l ~iew o~ an
ei~hth ~mbodiment o the fluid Eilte~ in acco~dance
with the pre~ent invention7
Fig. ~S 1~ a per~pective view o~ A Eilter ~edlu~
o~ a filter element of the ~luid filter of Fig. 24J
Fig~ 26 i~ an illu~tratlon ~howing a pleating
pattern of A fl~t filter material to form the Pllter
medium of ~ 5;
- - -
Flg. 27 1~ a f rag~entary per~pec~ive view of the
filter medium a~ter plea~ed according to the pleating
pattern of Fig. 26;
Figs. 2a to ~o ~re illu~trations simi~ar to
F1~ but -~howing ~u~ther pleating p~tterns of a
flat filter material to form filter medium~ simll~r
to tha~ of Fig. 25;
Fig. 31 is a vertic~l ~e~tionAl vlew of a nlnth
embodiment of the fluld filter in accordance with the
10 pre~en~ inven~ion; and
Fig. 32 1~ a ver~ical sectional view of a ten~h
embodiment of the fluld fil~er in accordance wi~h ~he
present lnvention.
Referring now to Fig~. 1, 2, 3 and 4, there 1
~hown a ~ir~t embodiment of a fluid filter in
accordance with the present in~ention. This
ern~o~lment i~ directed to ~n air filter 10 ~or an
automotive lnternal aom~u~tion engine. The air
2~ filter 10 comprise~ a ca~lng 12 w1thin whlch a filter
element 1~ ec~rely di~po~ed to remove dust
contalned ln alr to be ~uppli~d to the en~ine. A~
shown in ~ig~. 2 and 3, the ~llter elemen~ 14
con~i~t~ of a plea~ed filter medium 1~ formed of a
~heet-~ype f1lte~ m~terlal ~uch a~ a fllter paper or
a nonwoven ~abric. The ~llter medlum 16 1~ formed
annulAr in ~hi8 embodiment. A~ clearly shown in
Flg. 4, ~he filter medium 16 ln~lude~ r~llty of
plea~ 18 which extend ~dlally bet~een the inner and
outer perlpherle8 oE the filter medium 16.
The ~tructure o~ the filter medium 1~ will be
di~cus~ed herein~ter p~rticularly with re$erence ~o
Figs. ~ in whlch ad~acent two tfir~ ~nd ~econd)
pleat~ ~A~ ~B al~e sho~n forminr~ part o~ the plurAlity
of pleats ~ ch pleat 18A, l~EI lnclude~ fir~ and
~econd ~ides 20a, ~Ob which flre lnteyfally connect~d
or contl~uou~ thro~h a upp. r or f lr3t main ~core
7 lin~ 22 thereby to form an upsJardly-poini:ing pl~
correspon~lng to that ~A~ ~dditionallys ~he second
slde ~Oa of ~he first pl~at l~A i~ int~gr~
connected or ~ontiguous through a lower or s~cond
main score line ?4 with the ~lr~t slde 20~ o~ the
second pleat 18B ~hereby to form a downwardly-
pointing pleat (not identif ied) ~ ~ch ple~t ~ide
Ob has outer and inner ~first ~nd se~orld~ end
~ectlons 2~a~ 2~b which contain outer ~nd inner flrst.
and ~econd edges ~6~ b, rq~p~;:tively, edye 26b is best seen
1~ f rom F ig ~ ~ . It wlll b~ under3tood that e~h e~e
26a, 26b is perpendicular to the upper main score
1 in~ 2~ .
~ e outer end sectlon~ 2~a, 24a of the ou~er an~
inner slde~ of e~ch ~leat 18 ~l~A, 18~) are
~pproached and bonded with each other by means of an
adhesive, thus forming ~n outer or fir~t bPnded
section ~1~ The inner end Bection 24b of the second
slde 20b of the ~ir~t ple~ A 1~ appLo~hed an~
bonded to the inn~r end ~ectl~n 24b oE the fi~t ~ide
20a of the second ~le~t 18B by mean~ of ~n adhe~ive,
thu~ ~ormlng ~n lnne~ or ~econd bonded ~ec~ion s2.
I~ will be under~tood that the outer end ~ect~on ~4
~ont~ining the oute~ edge 26a) of the pleA~ side
20~, 20~ extend~ ~ro~ the upper main sco~e llne 2~
~o and h~ a length ~lighkly ~m411~r ~h~n th~ ~idth w ~f
the pl~t ~ide~ ~imilarly, the lnner end ~ection 24b
contalnlny ~he lnner edge 26b of the ~lea~ slde 20~,
20h ex~ends from the lower m~in score llne ~4 ~nd h~
a len~th ~ htly ~mallel th~n th~ width W of the
ple~t slde~
As clearly shown ln Flg~ 4, an out~r or fl~t
inclin~d ~all ~8 of the ~hape of ~n is~sceles
trian~le is ~ormed ~etween ~he firs~ ~nd second
pleats 18A, l~B on the outer peripheral ~ide. ~he
outer lncllend wall 28 ha~ an ed~e ~0 contiguous to
the outer ed~es 26a of the plea~ f ir~t and ~econd
eide~ 20a, 20b. The ou~er inclined wall 28 ls
integrally connected or contiguo~s ~hrough a fir~t
obli~ue score line 32a with the second side of ~he
fic~t pleat l~A and throu~h ~ ~econd ohllqu~ s~ore
line 32b wlth the first ~ide ~Oa of the 6eGond pleat
~, The fir~t obll~ue ~core llne 3~a conn~cts an
end point 34 (on the ou~er peripheral side) of the
lower mAln ~core line ~4 and a point 36 lying at the
border of the outer edg~ 26~ of the ~econd side ~Ob
o~ the flr~t pleat lgA and the edge 30 of the outer
inclined w~ 8, ~he second ~blique score line 32
connects the end point 34 o t.he lower main ~ore
llne 24 and ~ p~int 38 lyiny at the border of the
outer edge 26a of the fir~t side 20a of ~he ~econd
pleat l~B and the edge 30 o~ the first inclined wall
2~. .
In addition~ an inner oe ~econd inclined wall 40
o~ the shape o~ an iso~c~les tri~n~le i~ focmed
conti~uoUB to the upper main score line Z2 and ~o~ed
hetween the f irs~ and second sides 20a, 20b o~ each
plea~ A, 1~) on the inn~r peripheral ~ide.
30 Th~ inner irlolln~d wall ~0 ha~ ~n ed~e 42 c~o~ltlguou~
to ~he outer inner edge~ 26b of the fir~t And ~:econd
slde~ 20a, ~Ob o~ ea~h pleat 18 ~lBA, l~B). ~he
inner inclined wall 4~ i~ inteyrally ~onnected or
contlguou~ through a third oblique ~c~re lln~ 44a
wlth ~he fir~t ~lde ~O~ of the pleat and through a
four~h obllque ~core line 44b with the second ~ide
~Ob of the pleat. The thlrd o~llqu~ ~core llne 44a
conne~t8 ~n end poln~ 46 ~on ~he inner peripheral
side) o~ the upper maln ~co~e line ~2 and a point 0,8
lying at the bo~der between the inner ed~e ~6b of the
f ir~t ~ide 20a of th~ pleat and ~be edge 42 o~ the
inner inclined ~all 40. The four~h obllque ~core
10 llne 44b connects the end point 4~ of the upper maln
score llne 22 and a polnt S0 lying at the bo~der
between the edge 42 of the flecond inclined w~ll 40
And the edge ~b o~ the second ~ide 20~ o~ the pleat.
To facllltate unde~tanding the ~ruc'cure o~ ~he
15 f ilter medium 16 ~ a me~hod of m~king the ~llter
nedium will l;e dlacu~sed with re~rence to Fig~0 5A,
5~ and 5c. A f il~er material F such ~ ~ f llter
paper of the b~nd type i8 ~c~red l~y suit~ble me~n~
~h ae roll~ ~not ~hown~, aacording to a pattern of
20 Flg. 5B in ~hich solid llne6 indlcate ~cores formed
on the front ~lde Sl tcorre~pondlng to the ~ho~n side
of the filter medium in Flg~ 4 o~ the filter medium
1~) while ~roken line~ indicate ~core~ formed on the
~ever~e ~lde s2. Each Y-;h~ped ~core~ on the front
25 side S~ include a long atr~lght score a, ~nd ~wo
oblique ~hcrt scoreB a' ~ a~ haviny the ~ame l~nyth.
The ~core a corre~pon~s to the lower maln ~core line
~4 in the f llter medium 16 8hown ln Fig . 4, whi le the
scores a I, a" corre~pond to th~ f irst and ~econd
30 obllque ~core lin~ 32a, 32b, respectively. Each
Y-shaped ~aores on ~he reverse side S2 lnclude a
long 8traight ~core b, ~nd ~wo o~lique short ~ores
b ', bn having the ~ame length. The ~core ~
- ~LZ~
corresponds to the upper m~ln score line 22 of ~he
filter medi~ hown in Fig~ 4, while the score~
b', b" co~re~pond to the third and fourth oblique
score lines 44a, 44b, re~pectlvely.
An adhesive S~ is applied in the ~orm of ~ band
h~vin~ a predetermined width onto the front side s~
at a continuous end sectivn 54a extendlng alon~ an
ed~e 56a~ The ~dhesive is also applied in the ~ame
mann~r onto the rever~e side S2 at ~he other
continuo~ end section 54b extending along the other
contin~ous edge 56~ Th~ ~ajor part of the
contlnuous end ~ection $4~ forms the inner end
se~tlon~ 24b of the fir~t and secon~ si~e~ 20a, 20b
o~ the pleats 18~ Simil~rlyt the major p~rt o~ the
other contin~ous end ~ec~ion 54b ~orms the outet end
sectlon~ 24~ of the fir~t ~nd second sides 20a, 20b
of the pleat~ ~8,
Thereaft~rt the bAnd type fil~er m~teri~l F is
pleated by sui~able means such as a pleating machine
~no~ shown), ~here~y ~eing hent along the ~cores into
a zig-zag shape as seen ln Fi~ SA and SB in which
the ~core a form~ thQ top of th~ upwardl~pointing
pl~at while the s~ore b form~ the bottom o~ the
downwardly-polntirlg pleat. Th~n, the ~ection~ c', c"
f l.h~ ~rJ~ s~ctl~n 54~ with th~ adh~sive ar~
approache~ and bonded to e~ch uther except for the
section between the score~ a' ~ ~" in ~uch a manneL a~
~hown ln F1y~ sc ln which a part oE the i809celes
trian~le sh~pe ~ormed by the ~core~ ~ ', a~
3o corre~pond~ to ~he outer lnclined w~ll 28 of the
filter medlum 1~ ln Fi~. 4. It will be under~tood
that th~ ~e~tions c ', cl~ cor~e~pond to t~)e outer end
~ection~ 24a, 24a of the ple~t fir~t and ~econd ~ides
202, 20b illustrated ln Fig. 1~ Slmilarly, the
~ectlon~ d', d~ of the end ~e~ions S4a wlth the
adhesive are appro~hed and bonded to each other
except fo~ the æection between ~he sc~res b', b" in
~u~h a manner a~ ~hown in Fi~. SA in whi~h a p~r~ of
the iso~cele6 trl~n~le shape formed by the s~oe~ b~o
b" corre~pondq to the inner inclined wall 40 sho~n in
~ig. 4. It will he under~tood th~t the sectivns c~;
c" corre~pond to the lnner end ~ections 24b, 24~ of
1O the pleat fir~t and ~econd slde~ 20~, 20b illus~rated
in Fig. 1. ~he thus formed fllter medlurn 16 wlll
~ake a Rhape having ~ longer outer periphery and a
~horter lnner periphery. This i~ becua6e ~he len~th
of the edge 30 of the outer inclined wall 28 i~
larger than ~hat of ~he ed~e 42 of the inner inclined
~all 40. Sub~equently, the inltlal end 60 and the
~erminal end 62 ~shown in Flg. 2) of the fll~er
mediu~ 16 are bonded to each other, thereby forming
the annular filter mediu~ 16 ~ ~hown in Fig. 2.
Accordinyly, ~he length o~ the outer periphery
of the annula~ fllter m~dium 16 corre~ponds to the
total of the length of all the ou~er lnclined wall
edges 30 ~nd ~he th.ickne~ ~f ~11 the outer bonded
~ectlon~ Bl, while the length o~ the inner periphery
f the same filter medium 16 ~o~e~pond~ to the ~ot~l
o~ the length of ~11 the inner inclined wall edges ~2
and th~ thickne~6 of ~11 the inner bonded ~ec~lons
B~ will be under~tood that the length of the
edge 30, and of ~he first and ~econd obllque ~core
3o lines 32a, 32b ~efining each inner inclined wall 28,
and the length of the ~dge 42 and of the third and
fourth oblique ~core llnes 44a, 44b defining the
inner inclined w~ll 4D are suitably 6electable f or
the purpo~e of altering lenyth o~ ~he inner and ou~er
peripherle~ of the annula~ filter medium and/or ~he
width ~nd length of the 8pace formed between the
ad~ace~t pleat~.
A~ seen from ~lg q 1 to 3, an outer annular
resilient ~ealing ~ember 64 is ~o provided th~t the
radlally outward ~ection or outer peripheral section
of the outer lnclined w~ 28 and the lower part~ of
the outer bonded ~ection~ Bl ls embedded thereln.
The outer ~eallng member ~4 extends radi~lly and
ou~wardly in the ~hape of a flar~ge. Add~tlonally~ an
inner annular re~ilient ~ealing mem~er 6~ i~ 80
provlded that ~he radi~lly out~rd ~ection or the
outer perlpheral ~ection of the inner inclined walls
4~ mbedded theeein. $he inner ~ealing member
extend~ r~dially ~nd inwardly in ~h~ shApe of a
flang~. ~he inner ~ealing member is ln parallel
relatlonship with the outer ~ealing me~ber ~4. The
inner and outer ~eali~g members 64, 6~ are formed of
a relat~vely ~oft plastic ~uch a~ foamed polyurethane
or polyvinyl chloride. It i~ prefer~ble to form the
~ealing me~be~ ~4, 66 of soft ~oamed polyureth~ne
thereby improving i~ sealing ability. ~hç inner And
outer ~ealing members 66 ar~ molded lnto the
above-mentioned shape ~o that part~ of th~ annular
fllter medium 16 are em~edded therein, th~ forming
the fll~er el~ment 1~.
The filter element 14 ~ shown in Figs. 2 ~nd 3
are dispo~ed withln the ca~ing ~2 in a fashlon ~hown
in Fig. 1. The ca~lng 12 includes a bowl--like body
6~ which 1~ formed ~t it~ central ~ection with an a$r
outlet pipe 7~ through which alr i8 sucked into the
en~ine. ~he alr outlet pipe 70 i8 loc~ted coax~l
with the bo~y ~8. The body ~ further ~ormed at
it~ outer periphery wlth an annular ~lange 72
extending radially and outwa~dly. Additionally, the
body 6B 1~ provided with a b~idge member 74 extend~
ln the oppo~ite direction ~o the pipe 70. An annular
flan~e member 7~ is secured onto ~he top ~ection of
the bridge member 74. A cover 78 is det~chably
conn~cted to the body 58 and ~ormed with an air inlet
pipe 80 through which ~lr is supplie~ in~ide the
c~lng 68. The cover 78 is Eormed at the lowe~
perlphery with a radlally inwardly extending annular
flange B2 facing the body annular flange 7
Additior~ , the cover 78 i~ depre~ed at it~
central ~ection to form ~ fl~t portion 78a facin~ the
Annul~r ~l~nge m~mber 76l Ag illustrated in Fig. 1,
the outer je~llng mem~er 64 of the filter e}ement 14
i~ disposed between the body annular fl~nge 72 And
the cover annular fl~nge R~ while the inner ~ealing
member ~6 iæ di~po6ed ~etween the body ~ide annular
2~ flang~ momber 76 and the cove~ flat portion 78a~ The
outer and ~nner sealing members 64, 66 are ~ecured ln
position by tightening ~ bolt 84 pas~lng through the
cover aentral ~lat port.ion 78~ and the body ~lde
brldge ~embex 74 ~o ~e engaged with ~ nut ~6 located
25 beneath the bridge ~ember 74. A~ ~een from Fi~. 1,
the air inlet pipe 80 And the ilter element 14 i9 in
such a relatlon~hip that the ~xis of the ~lr lnlet
pipe 80 i8 in an im~gin~r~ horizontal plan~ parallel
with an lmaglnary plane contalnlng the upper main
score line~ 22. Additi~nally, the alr lnlet pipe 80
i8 loc~ted in such a level that a maior part o~ the
outer bonded section Bl of the pleat 18 i~ within the
exten~ion of t~ in~ide openin~ of the air inlet. plpe
~ ~7;~
Wlth the thu~ arran~e~ air ~ilter 10, d~lrlng
engine operatlon, a~r containing du~t and the like is
~ucked through ~he air inlet pipe ~0 into the insi~e
of the ca~in~ 12 and guided along the outer pe~iphery
5 of the annular filter medium 1~ thro~gh an annular
~çe ~ormed between the inner peripher~l ~urf~ce of
the cover 78 and the outer perlphe~y of the annular
filter medlum 1~. The thus guided air flowY n~rly
along the length o each pleat 18, accomplishing
filtering o~ dust and the like. Addltionally, ~he
guided air ~low~ throu~h the upper face tcontaining
the upper main score lines 22) of the filter ~edium
15 and directed nesrly along the length of each pleat
18, accompli~hing ~ er of dust. In other words~ -
air to be fil~ered by the filter medium 16 i9
intro~uce~ ~rom the vlcinlty o~ the outer bonded
~ect~on~ Bl o ~he pleats 18 then to flow through an
~longate space ~ormed between the ad~ac~nt pleats 1~,
lB, and pa~se~ khrough the filter medium 16 in ~he
2~ vlclnlty of the inner bonded ~ection~ B~ to be
supplied to khe englne. Acco~dingly, the air
in~.roduced into the ~ilter ca~iny 12 flowa ne~rly
alony a gentle parabola connecting the air inlet pipe
80 and the air outlet pipe 70.
Therefore, according to the fir~t embodiment
fluid ~ er, the ~ollowing ~lgnlfl~ant ~dvsntAges
} ~re obtained by ~irtue o~ the filter medium
con~igurated ~uch th~t the upwardly-polnting pleat
and ~he downwardly-pointing ple~t are alternately
alose~ and opened ~t thelr oppo~ite endE~. ~1) The
~d~ent pl~ats ~re ~epAr~te fcom e~ah other to form
a clearanae therebetwe~n even at the inn~ periphery
o~ the annul~r fll~er medium, Accordingly~ although
the pitch of the pleat~ ~t ~he filter medl~m inner
periphery i~ oon~lderably ~maller a~ compar~d wlth at
the filter medium outer periphery, a ~u$ficient
~urface area can be obtained ev~n at th~ fil~er
medium inner periphery~ 80 that ~he flo~ ~esi~tance
: o~ fluid to be ~iltered and the li~e o~ ~he ftl~er do
not depend on ~he pleat pitch at the inne~ periphery
o~ the filter m~dium. T~is m~ke~ effect$ve lowering
fluid flow re~istance a~d prolong filter ll~e by
1 o ~ea~ure~ of lncreabin~ the width o~ each ple~t ~nd o~
increa~ing the number of th~ pleats~ (~) since the
fluid pa6sing th~ugh the ~ilter medium flow~ nearly
~long the ~entle p~r~bola, the dire~ion of flow of
the ~luid doe~ not a~Fuptly change in the ~ er,
~hereby lowering fluld flow re~istan~e. ~3) Even in
c~se wher~ the fluid pa~e~ through the ~ er medlu~
a~ a high ~peed or cl~gglng of the Ellter medlum
progre~se~, the adj~aen~ ple~t~ ~re prevented from
clo~e contact wl~h each other, there~y maintaining a
highe~ ef~ectlve ~llt~rlng area. t4) Sln~e the
fluld ~low~ ne~rly along the length of ea~h pleat,
the fluld i~ unl~ormly di~tributed throughout whole
the sur~ace of the ~llter medl~, 80 that filtratlon
~ate i8 uniEormalized throughout whole the filter
media. Thi~ ~mproveU the filtering accuracy and
prolong~ the li~e o the Eilter. ~5) In a state
wh~re the fil~er ele~ent i~ in~t~lled ln the ca~ing,
l~ge ~olume spac~s are formed on the re~p¢ctlve
up~ream And downstream slde~ of the filter element,
33 and therefore pr~s~u~e di~trib~tlon i~ ~nlfor~llæed
on the upstr~a~ ~nd down~tre~m ~ldes.
Flg~. ~ to 10 illufitrat~ ~ ~econd embodiment o~
the flu~d ~ilter ~air ~ilter) ~ccordlng to the
presen~ inventlon, which i~ ~lmilar to the flr
embodiment of Fl~. 1 to 5C with the exception tha~
t~ ~llter medium 16 i8 arr~nged ~tralght and ~lat ~o
thAt th~ ~pper ~nd low~r ma~n ~core line~ ~2, 24 are
par~llel with e~ch other~ In thl~ e~bodimen~, ~he
fir~t ~nd ~econd bonded section~ B1, B~ ~re
~ubstantially the ~ame in length. Addltlonally, the
edge 30 and the edge 42 o~ the flr~t and ~e~ond
inclined wall~ 28~ 40 ~re ~early the ~me in length
wlth each other. ~he fir~t an~ second oblique score
line~ 32a~ 32b of the flr~ incllned wall ~ e
ne~rly the ~me ln length a~ t~e thlrd and fourth
oblique ~core lines 44a, 44b of the second inclined
wall~ 40, re~p~ctlvely. As best seen from Flg. 9,
the initial end 60 and the t~rm~nal end 62 of the
filter medl~ 16 iB ~0 bent ~long a line conne~iny
~he point 36 and the po$nt 50 to be l~ter~lly extend~
A rectan~ular frame-like resilient sealing
member S0 1~ provlded to ~e incorporated with the
filter medium 16 thereby to f orm a rectangular ~nd
! 1~t filt~r element 16. The resillent ~e~ling member
1~ fo~med of a rel~tlvely ~oft pla~tic ~u~h a~ ~o~med
polyurethane re~in or polyvlnyl ~hloride, and
ln~lude~ flr~t ~nd ~econd parallel elon~ate ~ections
90~, 90b, and thlrd and ~ourth par~llel elongate
section~ 90c, 90d. A~ 6hown in Fiy~. 6 and 7, the
outwar~ ~ection of each fi~ inclined wall 28 ~nd
the lower-mosk po~tion of each first bonded ~e~tlon
Bl are embedded in the fir~t elongate ~ection 90a.
Simil~rly, the out~ard s~c~ion of each eecond
inclined wall 40 and the lower-most portlon of each
~econd bonded ~ectlon B~ are em~ed~ed in the second
elongate ~ection 90b. Additionally, the ini~i~l and
terminal ~nd~ of the fllter medlum 1~ ~re embedd~d in
the third and fourth ~lnng~te sec~lons ~Oc, 30d~
re~pectively, The fr~m~-like se~lin~ mem~er ~0 i~
lo~ated incl~ne~ relative to a pl~ne containing the
upper or lower m~ln scor~ 1 ine~ ~2, 2~ as be~ ~een
from Fig. 8~ I~ will be under~tood that the ilter
m~dium 1~ of thi~ embodl~en~ is forme~ ~nd
in~orpo~ted with the sealin~ member 90 in ~ slmil~
m~nner ~o o~ the first e~odiment, thu~ producln~ ~he
filter elemen~ ~4~ The thus produced filter element
14 is ~ecurely and ~e~lingly in~t~lled in the c~ing
12'. The ca~ins 1~' aon~i~t~ of a bo~y 6~' provided
wlth an air outlet pipe 70' and formed at its upper
p~riphery with a rectangular fram~-like flange 72lo
A ~over 7~ provided with ~he air inlet plpe eo ~
and formed ~t i~s lowee periphery with a rectanqul~r
frame~like fl~nge ~2' facing ~he flanye 7~' o~ the
body 68 ' . The rectangul~r ~r~me-like ~eallng mem~er
g~ ls interposed between the 1~nge~ 72 ', ~2 ' and
2~ ~ecured in po~ltion by u~in~ connecting mean~ ~u~h ~8
: wlre-cllps 92
Fig6. 11 to 14 lll~l~trate ~ third embodimen~ o~
the fluid filter ~alr filter) simllar to the ~r~
em~odi~ent o~ Fi~s. 1 to 5C mainl~ with the exceptlo~
: 25 that the filter medium lfi 1~ generally of the
fr~to-conic~1 ~hApe. In or~er ~o form the filter
medlum 1~ ~ru~o-~onic~l, the l~ng~h ~f the outer
bonded ~ec~ion B~ m~lle~ ~h~n that o~ ~he inner
bonded section B~ h~ the len~th of the edge 30
3o o~ the ollt~r in¢llne~ wall 2~ rger thnn that of
the edge 4~ o the lnn~r ln~lined wall 40 a~ ~een
~Lom Fige. 13 ~nd 14. Additionally, in thi~
embodiln~nt~ ~he length o~ the EirYt and 3econd
obllque score lin~ 32a, 32b defining the outer
in~lined wall 2~ i~ lar~e~ th~n tho~e in the flrs~
embodiment. Such ~ filte~ ~edlum 16 iB incorpo~te~
with the ou~er ~nd inner re~ilient ~eal mem~ers 64
6~ ~o produ~e the f ilter element 14 a~ shown ln
Flg~. 11, 12 and 14, ln which the outer peripheral
~ectlon of each outer inclined w~ll 2~ and ~he
lower-most portlon of the outer ~onded ~e~tion Bl ~re
embedded ~n the outer ~eallng mem~er 64 while the
iO inner perlpheral aectlon of eaçh inner in~line~ w211
40 and the lower-most ~ection of the inner bonded
6ectlon B~ are em~edded in the inner ~eallng member
66. The filter element 14 i~ ~ecurely and sealingly
ln~talled in the caslng 10 in such a manner that the
outer ~e~llng member 64 i~ 6e~u~ely put be~ween the
annul~r flanges 72, 82 o~ ~he body 6~ ~nd the cov~r
78 while the inner ~eal~ng member 6~ ecurely put
between the body ~lde annular flAnge 76 and the
~epres~ed flat portion 7Ba of the cover 7~ as shown
in Flg. 14. ln thi~ embodiment, the c~ln~ 12 lg
formed deeper to hou~e the fru~o-conical filter
element 14, thu~ obtaining dirty and ~lean ~ide
~pace~ o~ l~rger volum~, formed upstre~m and
d~wnstrea~ o the ilter element 14, respectively,
wlthln the aasing 12.
Fig. 15 ill~trate~ an e~ential part of a
four~h em~odiment o~ the ~luid ~llter ~ir fllter~
~aco~ding to the pre~ent lnv~ntion, whlch 18 ~lmllar
to the third embo~lment with ~he exception that a
rigid annular plste 100 i~ embedded i~ the lnner
annula~ re6111en~ ~enling memb~r 6~. ~his ~ealing
m~mber 66 lc lnserted together with a part of the
filter medl~m 10 durin~ moldlng of the lnner ~e~ling
member 66. Accordlng to this embodlmen~ the inner
~ealing member ~ ~ay be directly atta~hed to the
~idge member 74 or directly put between the b~ld~e
~ember 74 and the inner ~r~a~ of the ~o~er 7~ ~o be
~ecured ln position, for ex~mple, by ~ean~ of
bolt-and-nut connsction,
Fig~ to 21 illu~rate ~ f if th e~bo~lment o~
~he fluld fllter ~ir fil~e~) aocording to the
pre~en~ lnvention, which is simila~ ~o ~he ~hird
e~odlment of FigB~ 11 to 14 ~lnly except for
provislon of a generally frus~o-~onical ~eletal
~upport structure 110 on which the ~ener~lly
~ru~to-conlc~l filter medlum 16 i8 8ecurely dlBpO~ed
to for~ the filter ele~nt 14. The ~uppo~t ~tructure
110 of thl~ embodiment i9 in one-piece con~truction.
As shown in Figl 17, each inner inclined wall 40
oon8i8t8 0~ a trlangul~r ectlon 40a and a
rectangulat ~ection 40b~ The ~ectangul~r ~ection 40b
1~ de~ined by two nearly parallel score llnes ~1~ L~
~hich form part of ~h~rd and ~ourth obllque ~core
line~ ~4a, 44~, resp~ctively~ ~he score line~ Ll, L2
may be not p~r~llel. The parallel ~core 11ne~ L~
have ~he same length ~nd exten~ nearly parallel (or
wi~h a ~ligh~ inclination) with the upper main sc~re
~2 of the ple~t lB ormed ~ith the rectan~ulDr
~ect1on 40~, ~hereby making the r~ctangular ~ec~ion
gene~ally ~lat or generally par~llel wl~h ~he upper
maln ~core lin~ 22.
As be~t ahown ln Fig~. 18 ~nd 19, the ~upport
~trua~ure 110 iB gene~ally ln the fru~to-conical
~hape and includes an ~nnular beam ~e~tion 112, A
plurallty of ~r~ight b~am ~ections 114 are
int~g~ally connected wl~h ~he annular beam ~ec~lon
11~ . The f il er medium 16 iB mounted on the beam
~ctions 11~, 114. In thi~ regard, each ~traigh~
beam ~ection 114 i~ formed incllned relative to an
lmayinary radial vertloal plane tnot identif ied) in
or~er th~t the downw~rdly-pointlng pleat ~ B preven~ced
from coverlng wi~h the straight beam eectlon 114 an~
that m~ny downwardly pointlng pleat~ can be supporte~
by each str~ight beam #ection 114. Ea~h straight
! beam ~ect~on 114 h~ a rec~angular cros~-section or
may ha~ a ci~cul~r ~ro~ ection ln order to reduce
flow re~lstance of the fluid p~ing ~hrough the
fllter element 14.
~ lower ~upport ring 116 ~ ~o provided to be
ln~egrally connected with the lower ends of the
respecti~e ~tralght beam ~eotlon~ 114. The lowe~
~upport ring 116 ic formed with a plurality o~ long
PrOieCtiOn5 11~Q And ~ plurali~y of short projec~ions
118b. Bach long p~oje~tion 11~ extends along the
lower ~upport rin~ 116 and located midway between two
20 portion~ to ~h~ch ~he low~r end~ of the ~Jacen~ two
~traight beam ~ection~ re inteyr~lly connected.
E~ch ~hort proJec~lon ll~b is located at a portion to
whlch the lower end o~ each ~traight be~m ~e~tlon
114. Addi~ionall~, the lower support ring 116 i~
formed with a plur~lity of long through-hole~ 120~
and a plurality oP ~ho~t ~hrough-h~les 120b. Each
long through-hole 120a i~ positioned near the long
projectivn 118~ and on the ~l~e of the outer
periphery of the lo~er ~upport rlng 116. Eaeh short
3o through-hole 120b i~ po~itioned ne~r the ~3hor~
projection llab and on the ~lde of the outer
periphery of the lower ~upport rln~ 116~ A upper
~upport ring 1~0 is eo provlded a~ to be inte~rally
conne~ted wlth ~he upper end~ o~ the respe~tive
~traiyht be~m ~e~ion~ 116. The upper support ring
120 1~ lnteyr~lly formed wlth a plurality of
vertically extending pilla~ eectlon~ 122 each of
5 whioh has a outwardly pro~ecting bend portion l~a.
~dditionally, an upper rla ~eation 1~4 i~ provlded
inside the plllar ~eatlon~ 1~2 in such a manner ~ to
~e integrally connected with the pillar ~ection~ 122.
The upper rld ~e~tlon 124 i8 formed at lts central
part with a bolt-hole 124~.
The ou~e~ ~nnular resilient sealin~ member ~4 i~
m~de of a ~oamed polyureth~ne ~nd ~o provlded th~t
the lower pa~t of the o~ter peripher~l ~e~tlon of the
f$1ter medlum 16 ~nd ~he ~upport s~ruc~ure lowe~
~upport ring 116 are embedded in the ~e~ling member
64. I~ 1~ to be noted that the periphe~al ~ec~lon
lower part o~ ~he Pil~er medlum 16 1~ in ~ont~t ~nd
engaged wi~h the projections 118a, 118b as best seen
from Fig. 16~ In moldlng the o~ter sealing member
64, flowable polyu~eth~ne h~ving a r~l~tively h$gh
vico~ity 1~ poured into ~ met~ mold loca~ed at a
predetermined position in which the filter medium 16
~nd the ~upport ~truc~ur~ lowe~ support ring 116 are
lo~ated in re~pec~ive pred~termined po~ition~. The
thu~ poured polyurethane i~ fo~med and thereafte~
solidified~ ~n thls proce~ ince the poured
polyureth~ne ls lower ln flui~l~y, th~ projections
ll~a, ll~b ~re formed intermittent along the lower
support ring 116 ln order that the 10wable
30 polyurethAne c~n b~ ~u~lciently lntroduced ~rom the
upp~r ~ide to the lower ~lde b~ the lower ~upport
rlng 116. Th~ throu~h-hole~ l~Oa, l~ob are al~o
provlded for ~he ~ame pu~poseJ thereby facilitating
~upply of the flowable polyur~th~ne from the upper
slde to the lower ~ide of the lower ~upporS ring 116
Thue, the arran~ement of pr~ection~ 118a, ll~b and
the through-h~les 120a, l~Ob ~ontributes to
facilltatlng the mol~in~ bf the outer eeallng me~ber
6~ and ~o form~tion of the lnteyral 6tructure of the
ou~er ~ealing member ~4 in whlch the ~ealing member
upper part located on the lower support ring and ~he
seallng member lower part loGated bene~th the ~ame
are seaurely integral wlth eAch other, thu~
preventlng the ~eallng member 64 from ~eing peeled
off from ~he lowe~ ~upport ring 116 while ~voiding
falled fluid seal.
The annular resilien~ inner ~ealing m~mber ~6 is
made o'f a ~oamed polyure~h~e and so pro~ded that
the upper part of the inner peripheral ~ection o~ the
fllter medium 1~ ~nd ~he uppe~ portion o~ the ~upport
~tructure pillar ~ectlon~ 122 ~re embedded ln lnner
qealing member 6~ will be under8tood ~hat th~
outer peripher~l por~ion of ~he upper rid ~ec~ion 1~4
i~ also embedded in the upper sealing member 66. The
lnner ~ealing member ~6 1~ molded ~imilarly to ~he
outer sealin~ member 64. It wi~l be under~t40d th~t,
ln thls embo~iment, the bent portion 122a o~ each
pillar ~ec~ion 12~ embed~ed in the inner sealing
member 66 ~ecu~e~ the connection between the ~ealiny
member ~6 an~ the support structure 1~0, therehy
preventing the ~ealing mem~er ~6 from being peeled
of from the support ~tru~ture 110 while avoiding
~iled fluld ~eal.
A8 ~een ~ro~ Flg~ 20 and 21, the filt~r ele~ent
14 iB ~ecurely ~nd ~ealing in~t~lled withln ~he
c~ing 12 formed of ~ pla~tic material. The c~in~
~ 2'~
12 include~ a rectang~lar ~ox-shaped body ~' formed
~t lt~ centr~l part with an air outlet opening 68'a.
: A rectangular box-~haped cover 7~' is enga~ed wi~h
the body ~l and ~ecured in po~ltlon by mean~ of
bolt~, thu~ inaoeporatin~ the ~dy 68' and the cover
78'~ The body 68' i~ $n~egrally formed with An air
lnlet pipe ~over 78'a. An ~ inlet plpe 80' i~
~ecured to the incorpor~ted ~ody 68' and cover 78' ~o
that the ln~ide of the inlet p~pe ~0' i~ communicate~
wlth the lnslde of the casing 12 through an openlng
1~8 formed 1~ the ca~ing 1~. The air lnle~ pipe 80'
i~ formed by incorporating upper and lower
counterparts 80'a, 80'b by means of pre~ ~it~ A
vaauum mo~or or vacuu~-operated act~tor 130 1
mounted on the air lnlet pi~e upper counterpart 80'~
~nd mechanic~lly aonnected to a damper valve 132
adapted to open or clo~e a he~ted alr lntake plpe 134
throu~h whi~h heated air is ~upplied to th~ the air
inle~ pipe 80'~
The filter element 1~ 1B e~cured ln po~ltlon ln
~uch a manner that the ~upport ~truat~re upper rid
~ection ~4 i~ forced to a ~tainer l~fi fixed to the
body 68' by ~ean~ of a cent~r ~olt 138 pa~in~
through the cover 78' and located in the bolt-hole
124~ of the ~pper ri~ ~ection 124. ~ ~hown, ~he
outer sealin~ member 6~ i~ di~po~ed to be ln tlght
~ontact with the lnner ~urface o the ~ody ~' under
the actlon of ~ownwardly e~endin~ parts of the cover
7~' and of the air inlet pipe 80'. The inner ~ealing
member 66 i5 ln tight contact with the lnner ~urf~ce
of the cover 78'. It will be un~er~tood that the
~ilter element 14 can be installed without any
trouble even within ~uch a fl~t C~Bir39 12-
~lg. 22 illu~rate~ ~ six~h ~mbodiment of th~
fluld ~ilter (alr ~ilter) accordlng to the pre~en~ -
lnven~lon which i~ ain~ to the fi~th embo~lm~nt of
Fig~. 16 and 21. In thls embodlmen~, ~he fllter
element 14 a~ same aæ in the fi~th em~odim~nt i~
se~u~ely and 6ealln~1y ~i~po~ed within the ca~ng 12.
The casing 1~ con~ist~ o~ the rel~tively 1a~ body
68' fo~med at lts cen~eral par~ with the alr outlet
opening 68'a. The gener~lly bowl-like cover 7~'
1~ provided wlth ~he air inlet pip~ 80' is securely
mounted on the body 6a' upon tiqhtening th~ ~ol~ 13
eng~ged ~it~l the ret~lne~ 13~ ~ sp~cer mesn~er 15n
i8 interpo~ed between the cover 78' an~ the up~er rid
~e~tion 12~ of the filter m~dlum ~upport stru~ure
1~ 110, so that the upper r~d ~ection 1~4 i~ hrou~ht
into tight contact with the retainer 136 while
providing ~ ~luld tlght ~eal for ~he ~olt-hole 12~.
The outer se~ling member ~4 iP di~posed to ~e in
tlght conta~ wi~h the peripheral ~ection of ~he body
2-, 68' und~r the preP,~lng action of th~ lower peripheral
~ection of the cover 7~ ~ ~cc~rdingly,
illustr~ted, air ~ucked lnto the alr Ellte~ ~a~lng 1
flow~, for example~ ~long path~ A1, A2 ~nd A3 to be
~ed ~o the en~ine during engine oper~tion.
~ig. 23 lllu~trate~ a ~eventh embodlment of the
fluld ~lter ~alr ~llter) flccordlny to the pre~ent
inventlon which i~ ~imilar to the ~lxth embodiment of
Fig~ ~ with the excepti.on th~t the annular support
b~m 112 section And the s~raight ~upport ~eam
~ectlon~ 114 o~ the skeletal filter medium ~upport
structure 110' are ~rr~nged to ~e qener~lly flat~
The fllter medium 16 lle~ fl~t on the thus fl~tly
arranged beam ~ctions.
. ~~,
In the thus configurated air filter 10, air
~ucked to the inside o~ the ça~in~ 1~ flow ~lan~
path~ B~ nd B3 to ~e supplied to the englne.
Figs. 24 to 27 lllu~rate an elghth em~odiment
of the fluid filter (air fllter) a~cording to the
present inventlon. In thi~ e~bodl~ent~ th~ rilter
element 14 is ~ecurely ~nd se~llngly disposed within
the ca~lng 1~ a~ ~hown in Flg. 1. The fllter medlum
1~ of the filter element 14 1~ ~ener~lly ~ylindrlcal
~o thaS the pleats 18 exten~ pArallel wi~h each other
~o have a fir~t or ~pper end El and ~ second o~ low~r
end E2~ The upper end El cQntain~ the edge 30 o~ th~
first inclined w~ll 28 and the upper e~ye of e~ch
first bonded ~ect~on ~1- The lower end ~2 contain~
the edge 42 o ea~h ~eaond inclined wall dO and the
lower edge of each second bonded ~c~ion ~ hu~,
~he flr3t inclined ~all~ 28 ~re form~d ln cont~ct
with the uppec end E~ and the ~econd i~çlin~d walls
40 are ormed in contact wlth the lower end E2. In
thi~ emhodiment, each fir~t inclined wall 28 con~i~t~
of an l~o~cele~-tri~n~ular ~ectlon 28a and a
generally rec~angul~r se~tlon 28b containlrly the edge
30. It will be unde~tood thAt th~ 6ur~Ace of ~he
rectanyular ~eation 28~ i~ lncllned to th~t of the
trlangula~ ~eç~ion 28a. Similarly, e~ch ~econd
inclined w~ll 40 con~i~ts o~ an lsosceles~~iangular
~ection 40a and ~ generAlly reçt~ngul~r ~¢~lon ~0~,
The ~urf~ce of the rectangul~r sectlon 40~ i~
inclined to that of the tri~n~ul~r sec~ion 4na~
Fl~. 26 ~how~ a ~and~type filter m~terial F
~lmll~ to ~h~t of Fig~ 5~ with the exception ~hat
the 11ter mAterial F is ~hown up~lde down rela~ive
to that of Flg. 5B. Fig. 26 depict~ ~ plea~lng
~ 27
- 27-
p~ttern of the ~ilter m~terial F to 4b~in the fileer
m~dium ~ho~n in Fl~ , ln whiah the core~ ~, a'0
a" indiaated by ~he ~olid line~ are depre~ed to form
the downwardly-polnting pleats while the ~cores b,
b', b" lndicate~ by the ~roken line~ are rai~ed to
form the upwardly-pointing ple~t~ A~ illustr~ted,
th~ Adhesive S2 i~ applled on ~he ~ront slde Sl ~t
the lower continuoua end secti~n 54~ except for the
~ection~ each being put between the ccore~ b, b~.
Addltlonally, the ~dhe6ive S~ i8 ~pplied on the
reve~e side S~ ~t the uppe~ continuou~ end sectlon
54b except for the section~ e~ch being put ~etw~n
the s~roe6 ~ In this pleating p~ttern of
Fig. 2~ t ~ach o~ the score~ ~', a" i~ bent to have
fir~t ~nd ~econd portions Pl, P2~ The portion~ Pl,
Pl of the Al, ~" deine an iso~celes-triangular ~re~
whlch correspond~ to the iso~cele~-trlangular ~ection
2~a of the first incline~ w~ll 28 of the fil~r
medium 16 Ghown in Fig. 25. The portion~ P2, P2 ~
the ~cores a', a" define a rect~ngle-llk~ area Whlch
oorre~ponds to the gener~lly triangul~r ~ection 28~
of the Plr~t inclined WAll 28 of the filter medium lg
shown ln Fi~. ~5. As ~hown, the portion P2 of the
score~ ~', a" l~ ~o ~ormed thAt the ex~n~lon thereo~
25 pa~e~ through a point where ~he ~cor0 a inter~ects
the lower edge of the upper continuou~ end se~tlon
54a. Slmil~rly, eAch Of the ~cores ~', b~ i~ bent to
h~ve third ~nd ~ourth p~rtion~ P3, P4. The portion6
P3, P4 of the ~cores b ~, ~" def ine an i~oacele~-
30 triangulsr area whlch cor~e~pondc to th~ i~o~celes-
~rian~ul~r ~ectlon 40a of the ~e~ond in~lined wall 40
of the filter medlum 16 ~hown in Fig, 25. The
portion~ P4, P4 oP the scores bl, b" define a
--~0 -
rectangle-like area which ~orre~pond~ ~o the
gener~lly ~ec~ngular ~ec~ion 40b o the ~e~ond
lnclined wall ~0 of the filter medlum 16 shown in
Flg. ~5~ A6 ~hown in Fig. ~6, ~he portion8 P4 of ~he
~core~ b', b" is ~o formed th~t the exten~ion
~indicated by ~ dotted line) t~ereof p~eG through
polnt where the score b inte~ect~ the upper edge of
the lower continuous end ~ec~ion 54~ The fllter
~ateri~l F i~ pleat~d along the ~core~ patterned a~
~hown ln ~ig. ~6 to be ~haped a~ shown in Fl~ 27.
The thu~ ~haped filter mate~ial F i~ there~ter
formed lnto ~he ann~l~r shape a~ ~hown in Fig. ~5 by
bonding the initial end ~nd ~he terminal end of
~ilter materlal ~. AB ~een from ~i~7 ~4, the ~ir~t
~upper) annulAr resilient ~ealing member 64' iB 80
pr~vided that ~he gener~lly rectangular secticn 28b
of e~ch flr~t inclined wall ~8 and the radially
lnw~rd portion of each flrst bonded ~e~tlon Bl ~e
embedded ln the upper ~eAling member 64'~ The upper
~e~ling member 54' extend~ radlally inwardly ~nd
par~llel with the upper end El ~f the annul~ er
m~dium 16. Addi~ionally, the ~econd ~lowe~) annular
resillent ~e~lin~ member 6~ so provided that the
genç~lly rectangular ~eation 40b of each ~econd
inelined wall 4~ and the r~d1Ally ~utw~rd portion of
e~ch ~çcond bond~d ~ectlon Bz a~e em~edded in the
lower ~e~ling member 66'~ Th~ lower sealing member
66' exten~ ~adially outw~rdly ~nd parallel wi~h
l~wer end E2~ ~B ~hown in Fig. 24, the upper ~e~ling
member 64' l~ ~ecur~d through ~ p~aklng 160 to the
b~idge 74 by tl~htening a cen~er bolt 16~ engaged
wi~h ~ bridge l64 ~ixed in~ide the air outlet plpe
70. The lo~e~ ~ealing member 66' 18 put betwe~n the
outQr periph~?rAl ~9Ct~Onsl of t he hocly 6R and the
cover 7~ throu~h a p~ck.lLn~ 160 . ~cco~din~ly, ~ r
sucked through ~he Air irll~t piE~ ~0 flow~ a~
indlc~ted by arr~w~ and pa~ffes thr~ugh the ~llt~r
elemen~ 14 to be ~upplied throu~h the ~i r ~utlet pip~
70 to the engin~.
Fig-c~ 28 to 30 ~how a varlety of pleating
p~t~erns of the filter m~terial F to form ~nnul~r
f ilter medium 1~ llke one shown i n ~ ~ g . 2' ~
The pa~tern of Flg~ 2g i~ ~imllar to th~t shown
ln Flg, 27 wi~h the excep~ion ~h~ the ~core~ R ', ai~
are omitted while the ~çore n e~tend~ to re~h the
lower edge 5~ o~ the filter ma~erlal F.
The pattern of Fig~ 29 iB similar to that ~hown
in Fic~ wi~h ~:h~ exceptlon that the s~ores ~, b'
and hn are omi'cted and repl~c~d w:Lth s(:ores g, g '
ea~h exten~ing f ~om the f ll~er m~terl~l lowe~ edge
56a to the lower e~ge of the upper continuou~ end
s~ction S4b . The scores ~, g 1 de~ine ~n
lso~;cele~-trlang~lar area whlch corre~pond~ to the
second inclined wa:Ll 40 formed on the top of e~ch
pl e~t l 8 .
The pattern of Flg. 30 1~ ~ln~llar to ~ha~ o~
Fig. 27 with ~he exception th~ the ~cores a, a' ~ a"
are replaoed wi~h ~çore~ h, h' each extendin~ from
the ~lltec ~n~terl~l upper edge S~ ~o th~ upper ed~e
of the lower contlnuous end ~ection S4a. The BCOre~
h, h' defines an i~o~cele~-tri~ngul2lr ~rea
corre~pondln~ ~o the flrst inclined wall ~8.
Fig. 31 illustrate~ a nlnth embodlment of the
f luid f ilter ~ai~ f llter) accoralng 'co the p~sen~
ln~ntlon. In ~his embodlment~ ~llter medlum lff
~lmllar to tha~ of F.ig~ Z5 ~the elghth em~odlment) i~
~eGurely atta~hed on the skeletal f llter ~nediunn
~upport structur~ 110 similar to th~t of Fi~ (the
f lf~h embodlment) ~o form ~he f 11~eK elemen~ 14~ The
filter medium l6 of this enlbodlment .i~ q~nerally
fru~to-conlcal and 10CA~ed on the generAlly
~rusto-conlcal sectlon 110~ of the s~pport ~tr~ure
110. ~6 se~n, the inner p~ripher~l sec~lon o~ the
filter medium l~ at the ~lr~t end E~ i~ embedded in
the ~lr~t sealing mem~er 6~' ln whlch ~he top ~ection
19 of th~ ~uppo~t ~tucture 110 1B embedded~ ~h~ outer
peripheral ~ec~ion of ~he fllte~ mediu~ t ~he
~econd end E2 ls em~edded ln the second s~alin~
member 6~' in which the bottom peripher~l $ec~ion of
the support ~tru~ture ~lo 1~ embed~ed. In thl~
embodiment, the thus configur~ted filter elem~nt l4
i~ se~ured and ~ealin~ly di~posed in the deep
bowl-like body ~8' in ~u~h ~ manner ~hat the ~econd
~ealing mem~er 66' i~ in tight contact with ~he inner
ur~ace ~f the body 68' ~ The body 68' is provided
w~th the ~ir inlet plpe 801. The flat co~er 7~'is
det~ch~bly in~alled to the hody ~' by means o~ th~
bolt 150 engayed wlth the ret~iner 136. A~ordingly,
~ir ~ucked into the c~lng 12 ~low~ ~long p~th~
indicated by Cl, ~2~ ~nd C3 to be supplied to the
Fig. 32 illu~t~a~e~ ~ ten~h emhodiment of ~he
fluld filter ~air fllter) acGording to the pres~nt
lnvention whiah i~ ~imilar to the ninth embcdlment of
Flg, 31 wlth the exception th~t the annul~r filter
3o medium l~ ormed flAt ~nd ae~urely di~pooed on the
~lat ~ec~lon llO~ of ~he ~kelet~l fllter medium
~upport ~t~u~ture llO to form the filter element 14.
The low~r ~e~tion o~ th~ ~ir~t ~inner) en~ ~l ~ ~he
r !I j'
:. , ,
~nnular fllter Tne~ium 16 1~ securely connected
through the fir~t ~eating member ~4' to the inne~
~ect~ on of the ~upport structure 110 . The upper
section of ~he ~econd (outer) end E~ of the annular
fll~er medium 16 i~ ~ecurel~ ~onnected through the
~ew nd ~ealln~ mem~er 56' to the outer peripher~l
section of 'che ;upport ~ructu~e 110 . In the thu~
configurated alr ~llter 10, air sucked into the
ca~lng 1~ flows along path~ lndicated by Pl, D2, and
D3 a~d 6uppl ied to the englne.
While the ~d~e 30, 42 of the firat or ~econd
inclined wall 2B, 40 has been shown and de~ribed ~8
belnq 6trai~ht, it wlll be understood that the edge
may be bent upw~dly or downw~rdly upon incre~ing
15 the leng~h of the edge while decrea~ing the length of
the ~lr~t and ~econd bonded ~ec~ion~ 2.
~dd~tlonally~ ~t ~ea~t one of the ~lr~t and ~eco~d
incliend w~ 2~ 40 may be cut off ~nd therefor
covered with the ~ealing member 64, 66~ It will be
appreciated th~t the angle formed between the ~lr~t
~nd ~econd ~l~e~ 20a, ~Ob of each pleat 1~ i~
~uita~ly 6elec'cablç depending upon kind and amo~nt of
$1uid to be ~iltered, and allow~ble ~pace for the
fll~er element, and that an ~dditional seal member
25 may be u~ed ln c~e where ~he seal memb~rs 64, 6~ are
fo~med of a m~te~l~l havlng no re~iliency~ Although
only air f ilter~ have been ~ho~n and de~cribed a~ ~he
embodiment~ ~ccording to ~he p~esent invention, it
will be appreclate~ that the principle of the pre~ent
inv~ntion is ~pplicable to a variety of filter~ ~ch
A~ lubricating oil, hydr~ullc ~luid, and fuel filter~
used in automotlve lnternal combu~tion englne~