Note: Descriptions are shown in the official language in which they were submitted.
Backqr_und of the Invention
Special needs of wheelchair users dictate an unending
variety of alterations to a basic wheelchair structure.
Unfortunately, virtually all improvements for making a wheelchair
more adaptable are limited to just one or two components~ For
example, U.S. Patent Nos. 3,815,586 and 4,073,537 describe
universally adjustable body support pads. The pads are connected
to a fixed non-adjustable wheelchair framework. U.S. Patent No.
4,592,570 describes a seat frame which is ad~ustably attached to a
fixed main frame. The frame itself cannot be altered. U.S.
Patent No. 4,595,212 sets forth a fixed side frame having means
for adjustable connection with wheel assemblles. Again,
ad~ustment of the s.ldeframe is not possible.
Addlng to the difficulty of providing adjustabillty to
wheelchair components, is the desire to make the chair
collapsible. This entails more complicated mechanisms, more cost
and more weight. It severely limits the overall adaptabllity of
present day wheelchairs.
Summary of the Invention
The present invention provides a wheelchair framework
constructed ln part by an assembly of discrete linear frame bar
sections interconneated by longitudinal and angular adjuætable
The inventlon also provides a framework for a
~ wheelchair, the framework supporting a seat, baclcrest and wheels
; and characterized by: opposing sideframes each comprising at
least three discrete linear frame bar sections joined together by
longitudinal and angular adjustable joints, and a base section
having an elonyated part and a leg part connected to at least one
of said frame bar sections.
The invention further provides a wheelchair having a
seat, backrest and wheels, and characterized by: opposing
adjustable sideframes supporting said seatt backrest and wheels,
each sideframe comprising a base section having an elongated part
with an outwardly extending leg part; and frame bars adjustably
connected to each other by link means and to said parts to form a
support structure, said frame bars having slots which contain
slidable bar fasteners.
The inventlon additionally provides a wheelchair haviny
a seat, backrest anA wheels supported by a framework, and
characterized by, opposing spaced-apart sideframes constructed of
a base section and frame bar sectlons, said sections assembled to
form at least a three-cornered structure having a fi~ed angular
corner with at least two angularly adjustable corners and
including at least three longitudinally adjustable sides.
A wheelchair is disclosed haviny a framework comprising
opposing sldeframe structures which can be geometrically varied as
desired. The sideframes may be adjustably spaced-apart by a
folding assembly. The sideframes comprise indlvidual frame
sections having track means that is utilized in forming a wide
variety of structural and supplemental connections. Link and
attachment means are used to adjustably interconnect the frame
; sections to create a stable liyhtweight framework.
-2~ 7
1 BL-ieE DeSCri~iOn OE the Dra~ings
r~ iCJ. 1 iS a perspective view of a wheelcllai.r construct-
ed in accordance with tl-le present invention with the seat,
backrest and drive wheels shown in phantom.
~ iy. 2 is a side elevational view OE the whealchair
shown in Fiy. 1.
Fig. 3 is a Eront elevational view taken along lines
3-3 oE Fig. 2.
10Fig. 9 is an enlaryed fraymentary cross-sectional view
taken alony lines ~-~ of F:ig. 2.
Fiy. 5 is an enlarged Eraymentary cross-sectional view
ta~cen along lines 5-5 OE Fig. 2.
Fig. 6 :is an enlarcJed Eraqmerl~ary cross-sectional view
talcen aloncJ lilles G-G oE Fig. 2.
Fig. 7 i9 an enlaryed fraymelltary cross-sectional view
takell along lines 7-7 oE Y:iy. 2.
Fig. ~ is an enlarged Eraymentary cross-sectional view
ta]~en alony lines 8-~ oE Fig. 2.
20Fig. 9 is an elllaryed EracJmentary cross-sectional view
taken along lines 9-9 oE Fig. 2.
Fig. 10 is an enlarged ~raymentary cross-sectional view
taken along lines 10-10 oE Fig. 2.
Fig. 11 is an enlarged fraymen~ary cross-sectional view
25takerl alony lines 11-11 oE Fiy. 2.
Fig. 12 is a elevational view showiny the side-
Erame oE Fiy. 1 without auxili.ary attachmerlts.
r~ ig . 13 is a side elevational view showing the side-
~rame oE Fiy. 12 :Ln a diEEerent conEiyuration and without
~he lower Erame~ sec~ion.
Fic~ is a s:ide eleva~ional view showing the side-
Er. ame o I:iy. 13 :in an operl conEiyura~ion.
1 i~escript:i.oll o.~ tlle Preferred Embodiments
With re~erence to Fi~s. 1-3 of the drawings, a.compre-
hensive wheelcllair design is shown incorporating the unique
features of t~le present invention. Tle basic wheelchair
~ranlework comprises two ~enerally parallel spaced-apart
side~ranles 12,1~ wllich are usually configured to be mirror-
images oE eacll otller. Altllougll the sideframPs may be fixed
in a spaced-apart relations]lip by conventional cross-pieces
(not s~lown), tlley are preferably movable together by a folding
assembly 16.
With part:icular reEerence to Figs. 12-lq, each s:ide-
fral~e colllprises a base SeCti.OIl 20 alld at least three dis-
crete ~rame ba.r secti.olls showll as upriyllt section 21, upper
sect:ion 22 and frollt SeCtiOIl 23. '~'lle bar sec~iolls consist
oE linear structural elemellts pre~erably o~ lightweigllt
extruded alwllirlulll, aluminulll alloy or composite plastic.
Each section includes a ~rac]cllleans whicll, as shown, com-
prises an undercu~ slo~ 2~ extending laterally along at
least one, and preEerably two op~osing bar section sides.
Most conveniently, tlle slots extend throughout the
lenytll o~ -the inller Eace 3~ and outer face 39 o~ each bar
sect:ion. Each slo-~ has a cross-sectional shape correspond-
ing to tlle outline oE a sl:idable ~astener 25 which is re-
tained tllere:Ln. ~s best sllowll in Figs. ~-~, the slots have
a 'r-shaped cross-section and tlle slidable fasteners ColnpriSe
a convelltional nut having a tllreaded opening accessible
tllrou~ll said slot.
~s wi].l be llere:i.llaEter apparent, tlle number o~ slidable
Easteners contalned :in eacll track lnealls will be dicta~ed by
bar sec~ion connectiolls and tlle requiremerlts of supplemen-
tal en~acJe~nellt means. I~urther, i-t will be appreciated ~hat
-traclc means may include slo~ted s~rips or sliding bolt means
and tlle like, secured to one or more oE Wle bar section
- -9~ 3~7
1 Base sec t:ion 20 comprises an elongated part 28 secured
to a transversly extending leg part 29. ~ach part has an
outer end tllat includes attachlllellt means for cor~nection with
a frame bar section. q~lle attaclllllent means comprises an
ou-ter bar opening 30 at tlle outer end o~ elongated part 28
including upper openi}ly 31 and lower opening 32 at the op-
posing ends oE leg part 29. ~n end of a frame bar section
is :inserted :into a selected opening and adjusted longitudin-
ally as des:ired. Ind fastel-ters 33 extend transversly
tllrouclll tlle outer elld ~al]s ancl engage correspondirlg fasten-
ers 25 :in tlle bar sec~ion slo ~s ~o secure the bar sections
in place.
PreEerably, tlle base sectioll comprises straight hollow
structul-al par~s hav:illg luaclrilateral cross-sections corres-
ponding to, and sl:Lglltly .l.arger ~ha~ he quadrilateralcross-sec~ional ~sllape oE tlle Eralne bar sections. In this
way, ~lle bar SeC~iO~lS carl ~elescope into ~he base section
openinys and be readily adjusted longitudinally. Xt is also
preEerred to have leg part 29 extend about perpendicularly
across tlle back end of Lhe elongated part. In this manner,
a Eixed angular corner A will be formed to provide a strong
Eoundation for tlle overall sidefralne s~ructure.
In the Figs. 1-12 em~odinlell~ of the sideframes, upriyht
sectioll 21 e~tends upwardly from opening 31 and a lower
bar sectloll 2G exten~.s downwardly Erom the lower bar openiny
32. r~ e 1ollgitud:irlal ax:is of ~oth sections and the leg part
àre coextellsive Eormirlg a straight bac~cside to the sideframe.
Note tllat tlle upr:igllt and lo~er sections llave identical
cross-sect:ional shapes and, in Eact, the lower sec~ion 26
Illay simply be a contillua-tion of upright section 21 that
extends througll lecl part 29. Be aware also that use of the
lower section is optional and it functions primarily to
secuL-e tlle lower end oE a brace means in a manner to be
hereinafter descr:ibed.
1 'relescop~ g out Erom bar opening 30 is optional hottom
frame bar sec~i.on 27. T21i.S bar sect.ion serves as a linear-
ly adjustable ex~ension o~ elongated part 28. Xts' const-
ruction is -the same as the lower and front bar sections.
It includes slots 2~ and slidable fasteners 25 which serve
to adjustably secure it ~o opening 30 with end fasteners 33.
The outer end of the bottom section is joined t~ front
section 23 by a lin]c means 35. ~ltllough ~arious types of
~I brackets, yoke bars, clalllps and braces could be used for
tlle link mealls, tlle preferred mealls is sllown as connector
elements 36 witll lin]s ~asteners 37. The connector elements
are Elat yellel-ally rec~ançJular p~.ates llaving spaced-apart
or:i~i.ces ~lro-lc3ll wllicll tlle :L:ink Easteners extend. The link
Eastenel.s preEerably colllpr:ise bolts whicl~ are tllreaded to
en~acle tlle EeJIlale~ r.eads of ~lle sli.dable Easteners. Of
course, other types of lirl]c Easteners could be used as
dicta~ed by tlle particular link Ineans and track means being
utilized sucll that the invelltion sllould not be limited by
any spec:i~ic fasteninc3 systeJn.
rrlle link fasteller orifices are arranged to include at
least two at a securement end portion oE each connector ele-
mellt and one at an OppOSillCJ pivot end portion thereof. As
so arranc~ed, l;.nk fas~erlel.s extendiny tllrouyh the securement
end oriEices into engac3elnellt with tlle respective slidable
Easterlers, w:i.ll serve maillly to firmly ix the element to
tlle elld of a bar section. Ilowever, -~lle lin~ fastener ex~end-
ing through tlle pivot elld orlEice into ellgagement with a
slidable Eastt~rler on tlle adjacent connecting bar section9
will func~ioll as a pi.vot ullt:i.l t:i.glltened. Thus, an angular-
ly acljustable joint is Eornlecl between the connecting barscctiolls. ~`urtller, the joint will be lonyitudinally acljust-
able as a result of ~he slidable ~astener on tlle adjacent
bar sec~iorl. Still Eur-ther, ~lle connector elements can be
reversed Eor allow:incJ ei~ller bar section tv be pivotable.
1 Witll reference back to tlle connection of bottom section
27 to Eront sec-tion 23, a connector element is secured ~o
tlle bottom sec~ion outer end with -two securement end link
fasteners 37. ~ pivot end ~astener 37 extends through the
pivot end orifice and enyayes a slide fastener from front
section 23. Before the asteners are tightened, the angle B
between the bottom and frollt sections can be varied as desir-
ed. ~lso, the front section can be moved lonyitudinally
relative to tlle bottom section ou-ter end. Clearly, this
aïlows ~Ol- unlimited variety in siæe and yeometric arrange-
ment oE eacll sidefranle st~^ucture. ~urther, no-te that to
strellgtllell tlle jo:ints, the linlc means may be used, as shown,
on botll the inller and o-lter bar .section faces.
~tl a s:imilar Easll:ion, ancJul~r ancl longitudinal adjust-
able link ~astener jOilltS call be Eormed with upper section
22 at the upper ends oE front section 23 and upright section
21. ~s sllowtl~ the securemellt portion of each colmector ele-
nent is secured to the bar sectioll upper ends. The pivot
link Eastellers 37 engaye respective slidable fasteners
at OppOS:illy ends of ~he upper bar section. Angle C bet~
ween the Eront and upper bar sections and anyle D between
tlle upriyll-t and upper bar sectiolls can be varied in the
same mallller as anyle B. ~11 three angles will also vary
in accor.clallce w:itll tlle des:ired spaciny between joints on
the upper section and Eront section and, per the amount the
bottom section and ul~right soctions extend Erom the base
section parts.
ln tlle Fiy. 13 embodilllerlt~ lower section 26 and bo~-
tom sectioll 27 are omit-ted. trlle frollt sec-tion 23 is rotat-
ed :illwal-dly formincJ an acute angle C and is attached to
the elonyatecl part 2~. ~s Sl10WII, tlle securelnent portion
of the conncctor eleinents are Eixed to the outer end o~
part 23 and to the upper end oE frorlt section 23~ This
permits securement anywllere alony tlle longitudinal extent
1 oE tlle rrollk sect:ion. 'l'lle sideErame configuration of Fig.
13 may be appLopriake where leg suppoxk is not required or
where obskruckions a~ khe wheelc]lair fronk must be mini-
mized for desk or counker work.
F:ig. 1~ illuskrakes khe basic s:;deframe construction
oE Fiq. 13 :in an open configuration. ~lere, the ~ront sec~
~ion incl:ines outwardly frorn iks' upper end forming an
obtuse angle C wikhout connection to elongated part 28.
'lhis eltlbodilllellk prov:ide~s an ul~ra lighkweiyh-k structure
suitable for use by cllildren or in spor~ applications.
I t should be noted kllat upper bar sections 22 have a
~reater cross-sec~ional arca ~llan khe ~rollt, boktom, up-
ri~llt arld low~r bar sectioll~ whicll, otherwise pre~erably
have idenkical cross-scc tiOllS . rrlle increased area allows
for klle addikion oE a seak keyway 3~ on inner faces 3~.
rl'lle sea~ ]ceyway ex~ends tllrouyilouk the length oE ~he upper
bar section and includes an enlarged inner area ~4.
qihe enlaryed area provides a means for retaining the e~-
panded side edges ~7 oE seak 85.
Wikh refel-ence ko ~iys. 5 and G, seat ~5 prefexably
comprises a durable pliable makerial khat spans khe area
between opposillg uppel- bar sections. ~ sea-k engagemen-t
means is provided whereby klle makerial is folded 130 to
~orm khe oppos:ing edyes ~7,87 and, rekainer rods 86 axe
inseL^ked bekween khe Eolds ko expand khe edges. The edyes
are khen gu:ided simul~aneous]y inko respec~ive open ends
oE klie seak keyways on each upper bar section. Free ends
0~ tlle edCJL' folds ~no~ sho~ll) may be secured by hernrning
or be drawn kogekher by lacing or khe like.
Since khe seak ma-terial is pliable, SUCil as with
canvas, leakl~er or reinforced Nylon Eabric, it will flex
and crease along iks' midportion when khe sideframes are
drawn kogekher inko a wheelcllair closed posikion. It will
be appreciaked, however, ~`hak if the wheelchair is non-
collapsing, a rigid seat with engagemenk edges could be
3~3~ ~
1 used in place o~ tlle pliable seat material.
For heavy du-ty wheelcllair applications, it may be
desirable t:o strenythen tlle sideErame structures with
brace means ~0 as shown in -the Fiys. 1-12 embodiment. The
brace means may comprise an elongated member that connects
upper section 22 with base section 20 or lower section 26.
Most basically, it may simply consist oE a shaft conven-
tionally secured to the aEoresaid sections. ~owever, it
is preEerahlt ti~at the brace means include means to accomo-
date tlle variable geometry oE the sideErame. To this end,un:iversal joint n~eans are used to connect -the brace to the
frame SCCtiOIIS at vary:iny ant3ular adjustments. Longitud-
i.llal adjustlnellt nlt3alls may ~lso be usecd to vary the brace
lellt~tll ancl Eacilitate attacl~mell~ alont3 tlle lellgtll of a
Erame bal section.
With part:icular reEerence to Figs. 2, 3, 6, 8 and 11,
the brace mealls includes an elongated llollow brace member
91 llaVillg OppOSillCJ upper and lower open ends. Tl~e lower
end is provided Wi~il a stationary plug 42 which is secured
therein by pin 43. ~t-taclled -~o tl)e outer end of the plug
i9 a lower universal jOill~ assembly 41. This includes a
ball Eastener ~5 havillcl a ball end and a shaEt end which is
threadably engagtd to the pluy end. Surrounding the ball
end and Eorm:ing a universal join~ tllerewith is annular
2~5 ~asteller ~6. rhe jOillt ~as~ener includes a threaded
portiol-l ~llat extends through base section oriEices and
engages correspondiny threads in a section slid-
able fastelltr. ~ set nut ancl washer assembly 97 inhibits
loosenillg oE the Eas-teners.
rhe upper open end oE brace member 91 contains lon-
g:itudinal ad jUStlllellt nlt'anS ~ i.Cll, as shown, comprises
sliding sllaEt 50. l`lle .shaEt i.ncludes oriEices 51 that are~
axially spaced-apart and correspond to brace melnber oriEices
52. ~ releasal~le pin 53 ent:~ages selected aligned oriEices
(~ -
l oE tlle shaEt and brace melnber in accordance with the desired
axial e~tent oE tlle plug (and overall brace length).
]:n tl~e same malln~r as with stationary plug 44, an upper
universal jc>int assembly 5~ is attached to the end of slid-
iny sllaEt 50. 'l`he uppeL- assembly includes a ball fastener
45 secured to the end oE shaft 50. ~ joint Eas-tener 46
Eorms a universal join t with the ball fastener. However,
tlle tllr~aded end oE t}le joint Eastener is secured to a
joint block 5G. rllle bloc)~ ~acilitates a strony connection
wi-tll upper sectiorl 22 and il~cludes upper fasteners 57. The
up~er Easteners engage upper sect:i.on slidable ~asteners to
s(?c~lre ~lle upper end o.E tlle brace means to -tlle desired
pO~:i.t:i.OII aloncJ ~lle Ipper secl::ioll slo~ 24.
Ln 50~l1e W]leelCIlair applical::ions, il: may be desirable
to move tlle upper asselllb].y Eorward. ~lternately, tlle
sid~Erame lleigllt or width may be increased which, in turn,
al-ters tlle variable corner angles B, C and D. In all of
tlle above cases, simple adjustment of the brace means length
wi.ll be all ~lla-~ is nceded Eor di.sposing -tl~e brace means in
tlle IllOS~ suitable aliglllllent. 'l`llis is because -tlle universal
jOill-t connecti.ons perlllit automatic angular movement at the
point oE connection. Consequeltly, tlle s.ideframe of the
inVelltiOll :iS provided W:itll an eEEective strengthening means
WhiCIl does not at all detrac~ Erom the sideErame's ability
to change conEiguratiorl.
Tlle Eolding assembly lG of tlle invention is most con-
veniently attaclled to opposing sideErames via the above-
descrlbed brace means. 'l'hiS eliminates additional multiple
collnec~i.olls to ~lle appropr:ia~e Erame sections, saves cost,
mirlilllizes we:i.ght and prevents in~erEerellce with sideErame
adjustability. ~rhe assembly includes at least one pair of
llinged spacer bars having lateral adjustment means ~or tlle dis~ance betweell siclefrallles.
With reEerence -to Figs. 1-3, 10 and 11, an illustrative
Eolding asselnb].y is SllOwll comprising a pair of upper spacer
1 bars 60,61 and lower spacer bars 62,63. Each pair includes
overlapping inller erld porti.ons haviny aligned openings
through which a pivot sha~-~ G~ extends. The shaft is secur-
ed hy nut G5. The outer ends oE each bax are secured to
respectlve opposiny brace melllbers 41. The bar connections
to each brace member pre~erably occur adjacent to the ends
oE the !nell~ber. In ~h:is way, grea~er leverage occurs to
pivot the asselnbly and move the sideframes in and out.
Also, as a result of ~he bars beiny connected at spaced-
apart locations on -the brace Illember, a stronger more stable
alignlnent occurs between tlle opposiny sideErames.
~ he pivoL sha~ Opell:illCJS 6G are located at the inner
elld oE ou~er G0,G2 ancl a~; a loca~ion inwardly oEfset
Erom tl~e ellcl o~ :irlner bars 61,G3. l`he o~set port:ions o~
~he inrler l~ars Eorln :loe]c.illg arllls G~. rrhe arms swing beneath
overlapping :inner end por~:iolls oE outer bars 60,6~ when ~he
bars are i.n straight alignmellt corresponding to a wheel-
chair opell pOSitiOII To secure the bars in straight align-
men~ ~lle loc]~ing arnls are provided with a lock pin 67
wllicll is bi.ased outwardly by spring 71 in~o corresponding
lock open:inys 72 on the inner faces of outer bars 60,62.
Iock riny 70 i.s pulled to withdraw the lock pin and permit
the bars to pivot toward eacll o~her. This action results
in ~he sideErames being drawn towarcl each other and dis-
poses ~he wlleelchair :in a closed inopera~ive position.
Tlle Eolding assembly lateral adjustment means comprisescorresponding openillgs 66 wh:ich are spaced-apart at pre-
determ:ined locat:ions along -the length of each bar. The
desired spacincJ betweell sideframes can thereby be varied by
insertillg p:ivot shaEt 64 tllrough openirlys aligned in cor-
responderlce to the desired spacing. In such case, the
an~oullt o~ bar overlap will vary accordingly. Tllerefore,
equally spaced-apart lock openings will be required to allow
en~ry o~ tlle lock pin to secure ~lle bars in straigllt align-
~ \
~ l o enllallce la ~eral s ~abil:i.ty of the wheelchair when inan open pos:i tiOII, tlle foldincJ assembly can include strut
means ~o interconllec~ a spacer bar. -to an opposing sideframe
In F:iys. 1-3 and 10, crossing stru-t members 75,76 are shown
5 connecl :ing upper spacer bars with sideframe base
sec~ions. Ball joint means are usecl for end connec-tions -to
allow unrestric ted angular movelilen-t oE the s tru-t members
wi. th tlle spacer bars .
Wi-(~ll par~icular reEerenc~ ~o ~:igs . 3 ,10 ancl ll, the
10 upper end oE s tru ~ member 75 is conllected to upper spacer
bar Gl by uuper ball jo:in~ 111eanS 77. 'l'lle ball joint means
illcludes a round lleacl and ball as~ener 78 that threadably
ellcJacl~s s~rul; ope~l:LIlcl 7'~) of I:]le spacer bar. I3all ring 30 erlgacJe.C~ tl~e rouncl head and includes a ring
15 ~as ~ener ~:l tlla 1~ ex~ellds axially by threaded engagement in-
to ~he ou ter end oE the s ~:ru t nlelllber .
'l`lle lower end oE s tru ~ rnember 75 is shown as connected
wii ll the outer end oE elongated part 28 on -the sideframe
wllicll is opposi~e oE spacer bar Gl ~::E desired, l:he lower
20 connecl:ic)n could be I:o l:he adjacellt botl:oM section 27 In
~lle lower conllection, ~he ball jOillt IlleanS iS the same as
in ~he upper conne~cl:ion. Ilowever, ball fastener 78 engages
a sl:rul: bloc]c ~2. 'l'l-~e st:rut block, in turn, includes strut
fasteners ~3 whicll engaye l:llCe slidable fasl:eners eontained
25 in bol~l:om section 27.
Use oE ~he s ~ru l: bloclc provides a s ~ronger connection
and allows movelllent oE the lower connection onto and along
the bol ~om Eranle sec~ion. In l:lliS re~ard, the upper spacer
bal-s include addi.~.ional s~ru~ opening.s 79 and, the strut
30 nlelllbe]. lencJ :ll can be var:ied l~y roiaiion oE the threaded
ring Eas teners . 1 l: w.i.ll be Eur l:her appreciated that all
oE I he a)~ove discussion applies equally i o strut member 76.
q lle only excep~ion i.s ~ha t l:lle upper end of strut member
7G :is a ~ ached to spacer bar G0 and tlle lower encl is con-
35 nectecd ~o part 2~ orl ~lle s:ide~rame opposi~e spacer bar 60.
l r11e wl1eelcl1air backrest meal1s will now be described
w11ic11 denlons~rates sonle o~ tlle unique advantages o~ ~he
novel side~ralTIe structure. The backrest means includes a
pair o~ upstanding backrest frame bars 90,9l each joined
to a respective upper bar section ~2 by backrest link
means. ~`he cross-sectional sllape oE the backrest frame
bars and upper bar sections are substantially identical.
There~ore, the bac]~rest link means can include connector
elemel1ts 36 with lin]~ Easteners 37 and pivot end ~asteners
~ s best Sl10W11 in ~`.iy9 . l and 2, connector elements3G are posi ti.oned a~ oppos~ cl sicles oE the lower end oE
~clCIl bac~cres~ ~r.~ c bal. Li111c Eas~e11ers 37 engage corre-
SpOllC~ CJ gl.i.clable ~St-ller.5 cot1taincd withil1 slots 2~ ln
tl1e salne Inallller as wi~l1 t11e s:ideEran~e bar sections. The
pivot port:ioll o~ eac11 connector element extends beyond the
end of the~ ~ackrest bar and overlies respective inner and
outer faces oE the upper ~ar sec-tion. Pivot link fasteners
are thel-1 used to encJage correspondi11c3 slidable fasteners
in the upper bar section slots.
To strengt11e11 tl1e backrest joints, the backrest link
neans n~ay .include a1l angle bar 93. l`11e upper end of each
ar1clle bar is ~05i ~iol1ed to ovcrl:ie tlle upper end o~ an
outer ~ace con11ector elen1el1t. :It is then secured, alony
~5 witl1 th(- col1l~ector ele1llel1t by a link fastener conunon to
botll. llle ancJle bar lower end :includes a pivot fastener 37
-that enclages a correspondil1g slidable ~astener in 1-he upper
bal- sect:iol1 slot. Witl1 the above arrange1nent, it can be
seen t]1a-t tl1e bac]crest bars n1ay be readily mo~ed longitu-
dinal.1y a1Ony the upper bar sections. rhey can also betilted as de~ired to vary anyle ~ with the upper section.
l`o provide upper backrest support, a pair o~ hinged
support arnls 95,96 are used to interconnect with opposing
upper portiol1s oE the backrest bars. The arms are hinged
at inne-r encls ~y support p:in 97. ~r}1e arlns inclucle a lock
1 Ineaalls to releasably Inailltain an open colinear position.
I'he loclc nIealls compl^ises hoo]c 9~ at an extended portion oE
arIn 95 tha~ enyayes a hooIc pin 99 pl-ojecting from arm 96
whell the arms are in longitudinal alignment.
'i`IIe oppos:ing outer elld oE each support ann is hinged
to a respec~ive arm bloc~c 101,102. Each bloc]c is provided
with arm ~asLeners 103 thcl~ engacIe slidable Eas~eners in the
bac~resI: ~ars. ~l~his conIlection allows adjustmen-~ and move-
meIlt oE the sul~port arms up and down ~he backres~ bars.
1~ 1Il IIle sanI~ same way as with tl-e upper bar section
seat Iseyways, tIIe bac]~rest bars include bac~crest I~eyways
109. A bacIc su~uolt structurc 105, sIIo~ll in uhalltom in
FiCJS. 1 allCI 3, inc:lucles enlal-gecl opL)osiIly sicle edyes which
s~.icle in~o ~IIe ~eyw~ys a~ e open eIld oE each bacXrest bar.
'l`Ile bacIc suppor~ s~ru~ure~ can be rigid as with a non-col-
lapsinc~ wIleelcIlai.r, or i~ can be Elexible such as with the
seat material.
ConveIltional wheelcIIair drive wheels 107 (depicted in
pllaIltolll in Figs. 1 and 3) are secured to -the elongated part
2~ oE respective oppos:iny base sections. The extended axle
109 oE eac}l drive wlleel extends -tllroug~l an opening 110 in
axle plate 111 and is E:ixed thereto by axle nut 112. Plate
EasteIlers 113, ~hat extend ~llrough clamp plate 114 and
threadably encJage the axle plate, draw the plates against
25 OppOSillCJ sides oE the eloncJat'ed part. 'rllis clamping action
secures tlle wheels in place. It also pern~its adjustmen~ oE
wheel location arlyw~leare along tllea lenyth o~ the elongated
~a r 1: .
'l~o exe~ liEy tIle advanta~es o~ the invention, i-t will
be appreciated tIlat a-ttacIlIlleIlt oE adjunct wheelcllair as-
sen~blies (such as EOOtL-eStS~ casters, arInrests~ handles and
boc3y SUPPOL-t pads), can all be accomplished Wit}l supple-
me~lltal conrlector meall.s :in conjunc~ion with the slidable
EasteIlers oE the novel EranIe bar sections. Use oE the above,
in cool~el.atiIlcJ relatiorl w:i~Il EraIlle bar track IIleans, allows
1 all sui~plelllell~al connections ~o be semi-permanent and ad~
justable. This feature together with the ill~initely var-
iable s:icleframe yeometryf makes it possible for a single
wheelcllair to be adap~able ~or an endless variety of special
needs alld uses.
To illustrate the abovc, note conventional caster
asseln~lies 11~ w]licll are secured to the Eorwarcl portion o~
bottolll bar section 27 by a cas~er bloc]c means. Such means
prov:;des a sul~pleme~ l colliecl:or junc~ion whereby a caster
assembly is connected to cas~er block 115. The block, in
tllrll, inclucles bloc1c ~astener~3 llG whicll engaye slidable
Easteners in ~he botto~n bar section. lhe combined assem-
bly can be nlovccl, as cles:irc!cl, anywllere alony lateral slot 24.
Siln:i:larly, }landles ll~ are jo:ined to the Uppel^ pOrtiOIl
o~ respective baclcrest bars by supplemental means compris-
illg a hallclle connector bloclc 119. l~he block is split to
Erict:iollally engage -the -tubular handle base. Threaded
halld:le ~astellers 1~0 ~icJh~ell ~hc bloclc to the llandle. ~`he
Eas teners also erlyage correspondin~ slldable fasteners in
tlle backrest bars.
:I:n a silnilaL- Easllion, supplemen~al connector means,
sllowll as Eootrest bloclc 122 Wit]l Easteners 123, intercon-
nect Eootres~ pla-tes 12~ to slidable fasteners in ~ront bar
sect:ion 23. ~ven more simply, a toggle bra]ce assembly 126
includes brake ~astellel-~s 127 WhiCIl pivotally conneet brake
arlns directly to the upper bar section via engagemellt with
correspondinc3 slidabIe Easl:ellers.
:In a more de-tai.led Inanrler, arlllres~s 130 are joined by
a supplelllental arlllrest moul~ing means to respective bac~c-
rest bars 90,91. rlle Inoull~iny rmeans includes a split block131securillg a transverse shaEt 132. The sha~t rotatably
supporl:s tlle halldle by enyagelllent with llousing 133 at the
halldle base. l~ecJ 13~ extends from the slla~t into the slot
and imp:inges ~he slot end to lilnit, in a predetermined
marlner, up and down rotal::ion o~ the handle. The split
, .~.. , ,.. ,~, . ..
bloc]c 131 :i.ncludes armrest i:asteners 135 whicll engage cor-
respond:ing sl:idable Eas teners in -the bac]~rest bars .
Wll:ile the inven tion has been described Wit}l respect
to preEerred emboditllen~s, :it will be apparent to those
5 skilled :in the art that various modiEications and improve-
nlents may be Illade Wi thout depar-tiny Erom the scope and
spirit o:~ tl~e invell~iotl. I~ccordlngly, it is to be under-
s -tood t:ha t the invell tion is no t to be 1 iloi-ted by the
spec:iEic illustrat:ive e~ od:i.lllell~s, but only by the scope
10 oE tlle apuended claims .