Note: Descriptions are shown in the official language in which they were submitted.
Fleld of the Invention
Tnls lnventlon relates to the speed control of D.C.
motors, ana more partlcularly to such speed control using
a feedbac~ slynal representatlve of the D.C. rnotor armature
voltage for generatlng an error slgnal lndicatlve of the
error ln the motor spee~ whereln tne motor armature voltage
lS accurately measurea during a time interval in which the
l~ motor excltation lS delayea or alternatlvely samp1ed at an
optlrmum tlme.
Prlor Art
U. ~ patent 3 t 55~,551, Dlgltal Speed Control Apparatus
lssued to Arnold àlscloses the applicatlon of pulses, the
frequency of whlch are representative of the motor velo-
city, to both a variable time delay circuit and to a switch-
lng circuit. A predetern,lned time delay lS used, the
length of whlch corresponas to the tlme between the pulses
of a pulse traln representatlve of the correct motor speed.
The ~elayea feedbacK pulse traln is compared wlth that of
tne measurea pulse train. The rrlotor lS tnen caused to
elther speea up or slow cown in aepenaence upon whlcn of
the pulses ls first sensea.
U.S. patent 3,950,6~2, Digital DC Motor Velocity Control
System, issued ~o Dohanich, Jr. utilizes a delay to ensure that a
counter has had time to respond to a feedback signal, thP period
of which represents velocity. The motor pulse drive width is
adjusted to maintain a constant motor speed.
U.S. patent 4,288,729, Control System for DC Electric Motor,
issued to Anzai et al, discloses a time delay for opening a
switching circuit controlling the energization of the motor to
eliminate noise components in the power input to the motor. The
time delay is preferably approximately one-fourth of the natural
oscillation period of the system.
Prior art will be discussed with reference to the
accompanying drawings, wherein:
Figure 1 illustrates a known prior art feedback control loop
for regulating the speed of a DC motor;
Figures 2a and 2b respectively show voltage waveforms for a
running DC motor and a stalled DC motor;
Figure 3 is a block circuit diagram of the feedback speed
control loop incorporating the delay feature of the present
Figure 4 is a schematic diagram of the delay circuitry of
the present invention; and
Figure 5 shows another embodiment wherein the current to the
motor is monitored to determine the optimum time when the motor
armature voltage can be accurately sampled.
Figure 1 shows a known typical feedback control loop for
controlling the speed of a DC motor. In such a typical feedback
control loop the motor armature voltage is compared to a
reference voltage representing the desired speed of motor 10 in
summator or comparator 12. The error signal E is amplified by
amplifier 14 and power amplifier 16, the latter including an SCR
controlled power circuit and the necessary firing circuits
therefor. Typical waveforms of the SCR drive circuit
representing rotation of the DC motor and a stalled DC motor are
respectively illustrated in Figures 2a and 2b. The complsx
waveform shown in Figure 2a is the armature voltage signal that
is fed back to the summator 12 of Figure 1. The only region in
Figure 2a that shows the actual motor speed is region f.
However, it is readily apparent that the average voltage is
somewhat higher than the actual voltage produced by the motor
armature. Even in Figure 2b, where the DC motor is stalled, it
is apparent that the armature voltage is not zero due to the
presence of the SCR pulse excitation signals. The
aforementioned voltage errors cause errors in the speed of the DC
motor from the desired speed as represented by the reference
voltage at summator 12.
One known method of overcoming the foregoing problem is to
use a separate tachometer/generator 18 shown in phantom lines in
Figure 1. However, such a tachometer/ generator adds cost along
with the benefits it provides in DC motor speed regulation.
The primary object of the invention is to provide an
accurate signal representative of the speed of a DC mctor
without the necessity of special sensing transducers such as
Another object of the invention is to provide accurate
measurement of the speed of a DC motor at least equivalent to
that obtained by tachometer/generator type feedback control
Yet a further object of the invention is to provide delay
and sampling circuitry enabling modification of the feedback loop
for existing DC motor speed control systems.
The modified feedback loop of one embodiment of the
invention provides a delay to prevent motor excitation, such as
the firing of SCR drivers, during which delay interval the
armature motor voltage can be sampled to obtain an accurate
measure of the true DC motor speed.
In accordance with that one embodiment of the invention the
feedback loop for controlling the speed of a DC motor is modified
to include delay and sampling circuitry which prevent5, for
example, an SCR power circuit from being actuated for a short
interval such as 10 micro-seconds, and the generation of a sample
pulse to measure the armature voltage of the DC motor and thereby
obtain an accurate measurement of the true motor speed.
In another embodiment of the invention the current in the
motor, the speed of which is being controlled, is monitored to
determine the optimum time when the motor armature voltage can be
accurately sampled.
The above features, advantages and objects of the present
invention are readily apparent from the following description
taken in conjunction with the above drawings representing a
preferred embodiment of the best mode of carrying out the
Figure 3 illustrates a block diagram of the essential delay
and sampling circuits of a first embodiment of the present
invention and the manner in which they are included in a feedback
loop for controlling the speed of a DC motor. In Figure 3 the
power amplifier 26 of the prior art speed control loop has been
disassembled and the line that would normally fire or trigger the
SCRs is routed to delaying and sample circuit 18. Delaying and
sampling circuit 18 functions to prevent the SRCs in circuit 26
from being triggered for a short time, for example 10
microseconds. During that delay interval, delay and sampling
circuit 18 generates a pulse to sample the armature voltage of
motor 20. Because the SCRs in circuit 26 are OFF during the
sample perlo~, an accurate nleasurement of the true motor
speed lS o~talna~le because the DC motor armature voltage
lS proportlonal to motor spee~ slnce tne ~C motor produces
its own voltage ~acting as a generator) when lts armature
is rotating. ~elay an~ sampling clrcult 1~ rece1ves zero-
crossing pulses from ~C~ flring circuit 24, and in turn
provldes a delaye~ triggering signal to SCR power circuit
2~ for triggerlng the SC~s to ~rlve the motor accoraing to
a deslre~ speed represented by the reference voltage input
1~ to comparator or summator 21. Surllmator 21 generates an
error signal ~ lnput to ampllfier 22 as descrlbe~ prev-
iously w1th respect to the feedback speed control loop of
Fiyure 1.
Figure 4 represents an exemplary preferre~ em~oaiment
of ~elay an~ sampllng clrcuit 1~ illustrate~ 1n F1gure 3.
The ~C rrlotor armature voltage appears at term1nal Tl.
~hen a tr1gger pulse from SC~ firing circuit 24 of Figure 3
appears at term1nal T2, ~-type fllp-$`10p 28 lS SWltChed SO
that the ~ output thereof lS hlgh. The ~ output of flip-
flop 2~ passes throuyh ~ yate 30 to the clocK input of
monostable flip-flop 32 to open sample ano hold circuit
3~ thereby enabling a sampling of the motor armature volt-
age at terrninal T1. Thus the ~ output of monostable fl1p-
flop 32 has a pulse wi~th equal to the desired sampling
per1o~ an~ the ~elay 1n the firlng of the SC~ drlvers in
SC~ drive clrcuit 24.
When monostable fllp-flop 3~ swltches, the ~ output
goes hlgh ana the ~ output goes low. After the delay,
wlll return to a hlgh state ana ~ will return to a low
state. The translstlon of ~ from low to hlgh is used to
trlgger the SC~s ln the ~C~ power clrcu1t of ~'lgure 3, an~
the aelayea trlgger pulse lS ~ellverea through AND gate 34.
The zero-crossing pulses from ~C~ flrlng clrcult 24 of
Flgure 3 appear at termlnal T3 ana perform the aual func-
tlon of resetting D-type fllp-flop 28 as well as to clock
monostable fllp-~-lop 32 throuyh ~ gate 30, wnlch affords a
sarnpllng of the ~C motor armature voltage in that case
where a trl~ger pulse has not been received from terminal
T~. The trlgger pulse mlght be absent if the input spee~
reference has been reduced and the DC motor is coasting
uown to a new spee~. The zero-crossing slgnals at term-
inal T3 reset the D-type flip-flop 28 at the start oi a new
power line cycle.
Anot~ler emboairnent oi the lnventlon lnvolves the monl-
torlng of tne motor current ana then sampllng the ~notor
armature voltage at an optlmulll time as aetermine~ by the
rnonltoring of t~le motor current as shown in Flgure 5~ In
thls embodlment there lS no delay as wlth the flrst embo~l-
ment, but the motor current i5 lnsteaa monltored, an~ when
the motor current is substantially zero, a sample of the
motor arnlature voltage lS taken as the nnotor ~rlve circults
are ~FF.
In Flgure 5, lf ampllfier 4~ measures the voltage
across reslstor 4~, the voltage wlll be zero when the
current through lt ~and motor 44) is zero. Ampllfier 40 lS
designe~ to nave a very hlgh galrl, such that it is effect-
lvely a swltcnlng ampllfler, and thereby cause a sample of
the voltage of motor 44 to be taken at that tlme by con-
trolllng sample ~ hola clrcult 4~. The gatlng can be terrn-
lnated wnen tne motor arlve clrcultry ~not shown), lnclua-
lng elther ~C~s or power translstors is again triggerea.
Tnus, wnen swltcnlng amplifler 40 swltches, sampllng of the
armature voltage of motor 44 can ~egin under control of
sample ~ nold clrcult 4~. When the motor drlve circuit 48
is agaln trlggered as a result of the feedback control, for
example as described, supra with respect to the emboaiment
of Flgures 3 ana 4, an SC~ trigger signal from motor arive
clrcuit 48 causes sample ~ hold circuit 4~ to close, there-
by preventin~ the measurea armature voltage of motor 44
from belng sample~ ana lnput to surnrnator 50. ~un~lator 5U
recives a reference voltage to provlde an error slgnal to
rnotor ~rlve clrcuit 48, whlch operates ln a well known
manner to control the excitation of nlotor 44 to control its
From tne above aescrlption it lS apparent that elther
the delay and sampllng clrcult of the ~irst emboalment, or
the current monltorlng and voltage sampllng of the second
embo~lrllent, ln the feedback control loop of a DC motor
spee~ control circult ellmlnates the presence of the
effects of power to the DC rnotor, thereby obtaining a more
accurate measurement of the armature voltage of the DC
motor and lts speea. Ivloreover, the enhanced armature volt-
age measurement lS obtainea by the use of well Known, inex-
1~ penslve circu1try whlch can be easily lncorporatea lnto thefee~back loop of a ~C motor speeà control circuit.
~ oth the first an~ secon~ erll~odiments of the invention
are capa~le of belny used wltn motor drive circultry otner
than that incorporatlng ~C~s. ~'or example, a power ampll-
fler uslng transistors in a pulse wldth modulated ~P~M)
system can ~e use~ wlth ~otn embodlments oi the lnventlon.
~owever, both embo~lments require a perlod during the motor
power cycle wherein the motor lS not being excited.
The above emboalments of the invention have been de-
scrlbed solely to illustrate the function and operation
of the invention, and those skilled in the motor speed con-
trol art wlll recogni~e moaifications of the invention as
being equivalents of the components set forth in the append-
e~ clalrms, such tnat tne lnvention is not to be limited to
tne particular emboalrnents describe~ herein, but is to be
accoraed the equivalents of the clalrned components.