Note: Descriptions are shown in the official language in which they were submitted.
J ' ~ 2s~
1. ~iæl~! of the In~rantlon..
Thi~ in~ nti~n genesally rel~te~ to rew~king o~ Rhalt
road ~~ces ~nd more pArl~lculArly to Z~ me'chod ~rld ~p~ArAtu~
~ol: ren~wln~ th~ ~Ur:~ACe of ~oph~Lltlc paving a'c low eol3t ~or
lmm~dlate reu~a.
2~ De~c~lp~lon o th~ Prlor Art.
~ h~ u~ o~ ~oph~lt f~r palring ~ h~ghw~y~, parklng ~re~s
~nd th~ liJee 1~ wlde~pr~A~ ~in~ thl~ m~t~rl~l pro~lde~ an
e~~tlve and reLatlvel~ low ~o~t ~urf~a~c However, ~oh
~ur~ace~ have a limited life1;lm~ du~ to problem~ ~rom hQa~
generated ~y ~ra~ia and weath~ar$ng. ~r ex~L~ler the top
~US~RC~ 0~ ~rl ~ll3p~Alt p~vem~nt m~y be~4me highly oxidl~ed or
~olmerized due t~ ~he~ h~t ~ources. t~hen thlo occur~, th~ .
normA~ re~ilien~y o~ ~che ~8~ e~ially a~f~ct~r
~ollo~ed ~y ~r~ak1n~ an~ brel~k1ng of the surfa~3. Thi~ lo~
pxo~u~e~ hol~ ~nd lrre~ul~rl~e~ In thfa pav~d su~f~ce Rn~
event~ily lead~ tc~ ~ requiremen~ ~or r~p~Ying or r~s~r3cing ~f
th~ ~ur ac~. ~t ~ kno~n tcJ ~re~k up d~mag~d a~ph~l~ pavlllg
~rfac~, t~n~p~t th~ ma~lal ~o ~ pl~ or reproc~qlng
~nd ~ddiny of n~w a~phalt, ~nd thereaft~r r~l~yln~ the aur~ac~.
. _ ,. ~ om~whzlt low~ ~o~t ~han .rep~ng wlth ~ll n~w ma~ceri~l,
~be ~o~.of ~uch m~thod i~ r~lAtively higI) And tim~ ~on~ ng,
~qulrin~ r~ YaL biE th~3 roa~y ~ er~tlc~
. ~
~ ~ 3~2~
In th~ prior ~rt, ~ number e~ method~ have been propos~
~nd u~l1ized to ~ene~v ~ph~ltic p~vlng ~urfaces wlthout th~
n~ces~ity of ~om~pletsly ~obullding ~r r~pl~ing ~he ~ur~ca~
Th~e known ~roces~e~ gene~lly in~lu~ ~he zldaitlon of new
s~phalk or other ~lmll~r mat~r~ , re~uvenAtlng compounâ~, ~nd
the llke. Al~o ~uch proce~ea inv~ pllclcing ~p o~ l:he broken
~phA1t lnto ~ ~h~mber or devic~ Por r~uven~tion and r~pl~Lng
the material on a rew~k~d ~02d b~
I~ 190 known to r~w4rk the ~ph~Al'c in ~itu t howev~r,
~11 )cnown in sltu ~roce3~e~ lnvolve the ~ of new rQ~terial
~uch as ~ç~uv~n~tlng li~uid~, re~h a~phalt, lim~ r~k, and
num~r~u~ oth~r m~te~
For example, N~ville in U.~. P~ent No. 3 . ~S, 280 te~che~
A ~ne~ fo~ t~e~ting a.n a~ph~lt pavemer~t by u~e of a l~quid
reaonditionlng agent ~l~closlng ~ nrzlk~" ~evl~e to w~rk ~h~
~urac~ ~C? ob~aln pen~t~atlon of th~ reconditloniag ag~nt. Tho
c~uac og~ th~ tlevllle patent i~ th~ u~e of hlghl$r p~netrA~iVe
radlant energy ta m~ke th~ ~ph~lt hlghly re~eptlv~ tD the
llquid r~ondl~lonlng ~gent.
1~ Paten~ NQ. ~I~2611~69 to 15~ ~ea~he~ a st~m he~tlng
mean3 ~o~ ~e~uv~nAtion, th~ methc~d dl~10sed involvas ~coc)pin~
up out--lp a~halt, h~a~lng in a h~a~ chamb~ nd l:here~t~r
~i~ah~rgin~ l~he ~alv~g~d m~terial irl the ~!orm o:E ~1ud~e.
.' .;
~ p~t~nt to Ja~on, Sr., U,,S. ~. 3,~g7,~7~, u~ b~rn~r
.... ~ ~.... .. , . ,.. ,., ., .,,.. ,.. ,~.. .
unit~ whlcll hav~ the del~t~riou~ e~fe~ o~ ~urth~r oxidlzing
th~ ~ur~a~e ~sphAlt, ~ck~on ¢~nt~mplat~s a ~achln~ :IEor
_ _
H013BY ~ ~EUSSE ORLI:~NDO~ FL P. 0'` '~
., .
~vening out ~i$~co~-tion~ 2Ind irre~ul~ritie~ planln~ of ~
oxidi~d ~nd brlttl~ p~tlon~ before re~ur:~Aelng7 w~lfyir~g
the ~ur~ce prap~r~tory ~G ~e~uEfa~lns~ applylrlg ~ ~e~uv~natln~
agent aLnd n~w re~urfac~ng nulterial~ ~nd ~ompact~on.
R~nk et al, U.S. P~t~nt No. 3,732~0~3, ~l~clt~ pp~rAtu~
whlch p~0Ce83e~1 old asph~lt by mixlng ~ith llme, c~3ment, or
emulsi~ a~ph~l~ to produ~e ~ new ~e ~or ~ new ~o~d
~urface .
U . 8 . Pa~ent N~ . 1, g5~ ~ 4S2 to Monro~ 08e~ m~An~ for
planlng an~ gradlng ~L~ph~ yp~ road ~urfac~ ~ftar h~ltlng
~n~ ~cari~ying. A ~nA~r d~ffi~ulty ~ith the llonroe ~ppro~ch 1
tha~c only th~ ~ur~¢e of th~ roA~w~y i~ broken u~ or ~c~if ied
~r~d ~he he~t~d m~eriQl i~ ~lmply s~ ed for l~veling.
Ther~or~, such ~n ~ o~ch doe~ l$t~1e m~re thAn ~mooth out
~tr~ lrr~gularl~L~ and do~ nothlrl~7 to actually r~new the
In ~ ;. Patent N~. 3,989,401 ~eo Mo~r~ch, A~ rat~
d~3erlbed ~hich ~aA~lf ie~ ~h~ h~ed ~u~~ce o ~h~ ro~dway
~h$~h 1~ ~hen l~vetL~d ~y a 0~r~ed ~e~rlae. In thl~ p~t~nt,
~empe~a~ur~E~ oi~ 2400~F ~r~s r~qul~ed fo~ op~r~tlon of the
paratu~. ~nfor~cun~tely, the~e l~gh t~mper~ture~ tend ~o
~u~ther d~gr~ the a~ph~ltl~ te~ . Other p~t~nts, auh ~a
U.S. Pa~ent No. 4,1~ 25 ~nd No. 4,17a,~73, te~ch ~he renewlng
o~ a~phalti~ ro~dw~y ~ur~A~e8 by br~Alclng up the old ~urace
Elnd g~n~rally Inixing new ~ al~ w~h ~h~ ~la~ m~te~iLal~ ~ma
.~...... ... . .
redl~Lbutinq th~ ~uppl~ nt~ t~ l o~er
~hu~, thl~ ~p~o~c:h ha~ th~ di~a~vantag~ o~ addltlonA~ *t o~
fr~h mat~rl~l plu~ th~ requlr~ment ~OI~ ~lxin~ ~he n~w
n~terials ~nd th~ materi~l~ to ~e reu~d ~
I have d~te~:mine~ ~hat the ba~c ~oblam~ with ~phal'c
paving surface~ ~t*m from the d~3terlor~ti~n ~f ~ ornall ~urfac~
thlclcne~3 o~ materiAl which becornes oxl~i~ed or p~lymerized ~u~
to weathering. When thi~ vccur~, th~ nclrmall~ r~llient
material~ y b~gin to ~rack, f~rming lr~ ul~ti'cle~3 ~nd hol~
~hlch, through rlorm~l we~Lthe~ rlAtlon~ ~nd traf~ic
conditlon~, c~use th~ ~urf~e ~ c~n~lnue to des~r~dç. I h~ve
E1130 found th~t the norm~1 p~r~ent~ge of ~ur~Ace degrade~
m~te~ ui~e sm~11 com~r~a ~o ~h~ to~al aophalt u~ed ln
the roadbed. A~ de~cr$bed above, aL number of ~tt~mpt~ h~ve
been mA~ r~u~e th~ h~l~ by br~Alsing up the ~r~e,
~crapin~ aw2~y the ox1 dlzed ~pb~lt o~ mixing in fre~h
mA~r~la, and ~$mil~r a~pr~hes, nor~e o~ h have ~e~n very
su~ u1. A m~or probl~m wi~h prlo~ art ~ppro~he~ Ari~
~rom ~he u~e o~ ~1Ame type burn~r~ ~ produ~e he~t f~r
~oft~nln~ o~ the a~pl~A1t. ~he hlgh burner ~mp~rature6~ An~
high te~rAtu~e~ pro~u~d ~n th~ a~h~lt ~ntrlbuta to
e.ddi~1onal ~xi~a~lon and polym~rlz~tion ol~ th~ ~sphAlt. I h
~et~rn~ ed th~ th~ very high tæmpe~ature~ ~omm~nly u~ed Are
not nec~a~y ~n~l ~h~t lower t~mp~ra~uEe~ ox exA~nple~ not o~.tar
~00'1F~ ~r~ ~c~ory. . ~emp~rAtu~*~ Ln thlo s~ng~ may be
gener~ted with ~eam ~rom a ~PAm bolle~. These lo~r
tenperatux~ wlll ~u~icl~ntly so~ en ~he ~ur~ac!e of an asp~
p~v~en~ ~ p~mlt r~e~eneratlon, but will not produ~a
additlon~l d~r~d~tion.
HOBI~Y ~ ~EUSSE OI~Li~ iO~ F~ p ~7
My nov~l mel:hod ~f r~3uxf~çing ~sphalt l?a~ing include~ the
followinq ~ItepB
¦ 1 ) The ro~dw~y BUr~aQ~ i~ he~e~l Above ~OO~Y and
¦ pre~er~bly ln the ~Ang~ of ~00 $~0F.
¦ 2 ) The surfa~e o~ th~ aqphal~ Eoken thrc~ugh l~y
¦ suit~bla m~An~ g~tlexally to ~ ~epth o~ about two lnch~ rhi~
¦ ~tep produ~e~ 4roken piece~ o~ ~phAlt which ~re lr~ th~
¦ m~terial'~ oxig1nAl re~lllent conditlon ~ln~e th~ deg~Aded
¦ ~uxE~ce portion~ q~dom exc~ed a thlckn~a6 of AbC)-lt 1/4 inch.
¦ 31 ~oothed c~llnd~r~ pick ~p ~h~ bro~c~n ~h~lLtl~
¦ matqrial ~n~, th~ough ~ mixlng actlon, tho~4ughly mix the ~
¦ volume o4 ~eg~aded t~p ~ur~G~ m~ter~l in ~l~u wlth th* f~eah
¦ low~r portlor~3 o ~he ro~dway.
¦ 4 ) A~ter th~ mixln~ a~tlon pro~uco~ by the toothed
~yllnder~, th~ m~rlAl 1~ ~4ub~ectod t~ ad~itlonal h~in~ ~o
¦ p~rmlt eu~n~ o~ the helated m~ture int~ A bomogeneou2l ~urfa~e.
. ~ re~d bo~rd~ then are utili2ed ~o l~vel th~ rem~e~
¦ ~nd ~ehe~d ~ur~ace~
6 ) P1nR11Y~ ~ corlventional ~oa~ roller Colr~p~G~ tha
~mooth mix~d ~nd rehezlt~ mat4rl~l1 into a ren~wed r~ nt
roAdway sur~ee. A~ m~y no~ ~ unde~oQd~ th~ ll an~unt of
.. ~ ...... ,,.. .....
d~gr~ded ~u~f~2 m~t~rial~ i~ thoroughly n~lxed ~1~h Lc~we~ ~r~h
ma~ o orm ~ part o~ the binde~ or lnert ~rtlon~ o~ ~he
a~ph~ltO A ~r~h~ fully re~illent asphalt ~ur~c~ 16 then
~ posed to th~ vehicular ts~~i~. Due to the ~ela~lvely low
tem~er~tuxe~ use~, ~he road~ay ~an be pla~ed ir u~e very
q~lckly a~er ~e~u~f~cing.
The ~ucce~sful ~c~omplibhm~nt o~ th~ a~osre ~ep~ i~ mad~
pos~ibl~ by a nov~l ro~dway ms~hine in accorda~ wlth the
inv~nti~:an. Although th~ VArioU~ o~era~lc)n~ d~rib~ CBn be
~c~mpll3h~d wi~h ~ number o~ kn~ chAnl~l a~sng~3ment~ ~ ~n
~ner~ ~a~rlng, low ~ chin~ may ~ncorl?orA~ ~n ~long~t~d
l:ru~c b~d havln~ a cab and drivln~ engine at the fo~w~rd eT~d.
The erlg~ne 19 praferably a dl~el ~ype, At khe ~vrwQrd ~nd ol~
the m~hlne, I ~$~t p~ovide an ~chau~t m~niold whioh dlr~ct~
the ho~ exh~u~ rom thç3 truck ~ng1ne to prnh~t tile asph~lt.
N~tXt, ~I prop~ne burna 1~ provlded for bu~n1ng o~f the oll ~!ilm
whl~h ~7111 not mix with the a~ph~lt~ The buxner 1~ ~ontrolled
~ n inten~ity for ~he fcrw~r~ v~loci~y o~ th~ b~n~ ~o a~ 'co
prevent any addltlonAl oxidat~oll fro~ t~lcing plAc~ hough lt
use~ul h~t ~o the as~h~t. Followlng the burner i~ a
~te~m manl old. ~rh~ ~team m~nl~oïd i8 ~i~ed ~I:o ~over A de~ir~
areR o a ~oadw~y, for ex~m~ls, .from 10 to 15 fe~t ln w~dth.
The marlifvld 1~ ~u~rounded ~ 21 ~lexl~l~ pl~tlc or ~imilJ.x
~kirt w~s~eh ~erv~ to m~niml ~ le~k~y~ o~ th~ ~k~Am. In
~p~elt:1C~ h~8 mAnlfold i~ lqw~ d ~o ~:he point where the
~neirclin~ ~kir~ ~usts con~t~ the ro~d~ray ~ur~ace. A stQam
~oller mount~d on ~he ch~s~ of the vehi~l~ provide~ the
de~ir~ m to the rnhnlold e~t pr~ure~ whic:h will produc~
th~ d~sired a~hal~c temp~raturea in the 400F rær~e to a de~th
.... . ... . , . .. .. .......... .......... .... . . .
o~ 2 - 3 ln~h~ a Th~ chine will ~ ren along. one lane o~!
a roadwAy at a rat~ ~uiEf lcien~ ~o pro~u~o the de~lre~l he~ting .
A~ wlll be under~tood, the 3t~i!1m tQlnp~r~ture re~uir~d ~ill b~
function of th~ ~ate whlch ~he m~ch:Ln~ 1~ drlven down the
. ~o~dw~y .
Next, a ~et :7 bre41s~ r~ ia pro~lde~ ~nd dlspo~ed
imm~iat~ly behind the ~t~am manlfold. The br~ak~r b~r3
~e~ip~o~ate later~lly ~c:~o~ the r~adl~d ~g the ~pp~r~'cu~ ~v-
~orw~r~. The~ br~3~kar bar~ h~ve ~ ~e~le~ o~ ~own~rArdlly
deper~dillg t~th and ~:~e hydrauli~lly contr~ a to ~a~u~t th~
de~ Qt ~rhi~h the teeth ~re ~ermi~d to pl3n~t~a~ th~ AOphAlt:
~ur~Ace. Gene~ally, a ~ n¢e of a~u~ t~o inch~ h~ be~n
found ~uf lclent . A~ th~ breaker bA~ ~e~lprocate l~ter~lly
and th~ mA¢hln~ move0 ~orw~d, th~ a~phalt IElU~f'ZlC~Q lt~ Ari~!lea
~nd ~oken up ln~o rel~tlvely smAll piec~
. It ~houla be noted a~ ~:hl~ p~lnt th~t th~ breaker ~ 3
perform th~ ~un~lon of bre~kln~ up ~he ~often~d A~phal~, but
mAin~inlng e~entially th~ ~m~ 0t~tl1qa~ion . ~h~Lt ~ ~, the
degr~aed mA~eri2l ~ ~he ~urf aca ~s~ntially remain~ ~t th~
sllr~ qh$1~ tho fr~h, ~e~ilient ~sphalt lower ir~ the ~d
tena~ to ~em~ln ~t theL~ l~vel.
i ~ ~h~r~3for~s, I ollo~ ~h~ b~eak~r ~ rlth ~ ~e~ o m~xlng
cyli n~e~3 . ~h~ clng ~ylln~ y b~ ~rm~ rom ~ pair o~
1A~ ylinder3 ~xt~n~ln~ the ~ld~h o thi3 m~hln~ cha~
~a~h ~ylinder h~ in~erl~ck1 ng rows o~ de~ndent te~th . The
cylind~r a~s3m~1ie~ m~y be ~ais~d and l~w~r~d, de~enaent upon
~h~ d~p~h 'co ~h~h th~ a~phalt h~ been ~rok~n. Thu~, the
.,~ ...... ,. . ~
d~p~d~nlt te~h w111. nqrln~lly b~ . ~d~u~t~d ~o ~x~n~ ~o ~hq
daPpe~ po~n~ o~ th~ br~ak~r bar a~ttln~. Th~oe ~ylind~r~
rot~t~ A~ 21 rell!ltlvely lo~ rat*, ~uch ~ ne t~ two rpm, as th~
~pparatu~ moves along the ~oAdway with the optlmurfl ~te
detQ~mlned by th~ heat avail~bl~ ~n~ ~h~ fo~ard ~p~ o~ the
machlne. Th~ te~th o~ ~he mixing ~yllll~le~ plck llp th~ broken
~phAl~ ~ie~es and thoroughly mlx the m~erl~ u~h th~ the
Rm~ mount~ from the degr~d~a t~p ~u~ace matarlAl ar~3
lntlmR~ely m:l~ed ~ith ~le ~reater volume o~ fre~h~r, l~dex
materlal~ he machin~ pro~re~e~ along th~ road~7~y, ~he
mlxed materl~ de~o~i~ed to the ~e~F o~ thel mlxing
~yllnder~ ~
JU0~ to ~he re~r c~f th~ mlxing cylln~e~s, ~ p~ovide A
9~cond ~team n~nlfolfl ~lml1ar to th~ ~orwArd ~t~m n~nifold
havi~ urro~n~lng ~klrt for mnlml~ing th~ h~t lo~a. ~e~m
from ~hig rn~nlfol~ dlrecteâ onto ~he mLxad a3ph~1tic
m~terial to brlng 'che tamperAtU;t~e ~ack to the optimum ~ e in
the r~ng~ o 300 - 5~0~Fo I~anediat~ly behind the ~eaor~d ~t~Am
m~nifold l~ An exhaust tnAni~ which lltl1~ zes hot exh~u~t
q~e~ ~ro~Q 2 ~a~ond ~ngine u3~d ~o dri~ the b~eal~er b~r~ an~l
mls~ln~ cyllnd~r~. To ~he re~r o~ thi~ manl~ol~l 18 ll 1!~ of
l~t~rally ~eqlp~oc~lng sq~e~fl ba~:s whi~h ~r~ Ad~U~t~b1e ~nd
~6~r~tæ ~ mookh and ~l~t~en tha mlxe~ asph~1t
~onq~ntlonal .
The v~rlou~ mech~nlc~l devi~ u~t de~c;~ibQ~I dre
controllalb1~ ~rom the aAb o~ the ma~h~ne and ~y be driv~n ~om
th2 prime m~ver thIough ~ ~uit~ble power 'cake~off ~ or
~l~ern~tl~r21y~ ~i d~e~ ngirie m~y b~ nwllnted OA the ~eAr of
the ch~s~i3 for op~rhtlng '~:he va:c~iou~ hanlo~l ~evic~ A
hy~lrAul~q ElyEIt~m may b~ c~upl~l to ~l~e die~1 en~ne ~or
.' I
I il 3~42S~
c~ont~olllng the ~e~h snd ~ettf ng~ o~ the v~rious d~viee~ . To
protrld~ A min~mum operAtlng ce)~t ~ox t:he m~hin~ of t~
~nventlon, I utlli2e m~t o~ the nor~lly wAat~d h~t frohl th~
dle~l engines an~ ~t~m bolle~ to p3ri~0rm u~eul w~rk~ ~r
example, th~ manli~ol~ att~hed to tho drlvlng engin~ ~xhAuot
manlold permits direct~n$ o~ the hot ~xh~u~t gAs onto th~
pavement surf~c:e imrn~lAtely ~head of the ~te~m m~nifola ~rlo~ .
to any other oper~tion~ O ~hu~ re~ov~rlng othe~wise lot3'e he~t .
Where ~ sep~rated d~s~l ~ngln~ ~ utili~ o~ oper~tinS~ 'çhe
~yst~m, ~he m~nlfold ~xtenâlng ~aro~ th~3 wlath o~ the ~h~o~ ~
i8 conn~ct~ ~o ~h~ engin~ exh~uot ~nd disp~e~ dl~tely ~o
the ~ear of the scr~ed bAr~ and pr~ e~ addition~l h~At A8
mention~d ~bove ~hu~ ~ wa~te he~t ~!rom thl~ engln~ 18 d~ rec:ted
onto $h~ ~cr~ded Qsph~lt to n~ntAln it3 temp~ratu~e for
rolling~ I al~o conn~a~c the ~lu~ g~ ~tack from the ste~m
~iler to th~ t~o exh~ust ga~ mani~old~ to utlY ~e the heat
f~om th~ combu~ion gAseæ.
tely following the ma~hlrle a~ lt move~ ng ~he
ro~dwRy i~ ~ ~on-~ntlonal ~OAd rolle~r or ~he like to comprea~
~nd qn~oth th~ newly ~u~a~t road~7~y.
Du~ to the r~ y low te~perat~re~ o~ the ~ur~ce
a~teY rollinq, lt may be r~cognl sed tb~t th~ ro~lw~y ~r pa-r~a
~urf~e ma~r be quic)cly put b G~S lnto ~ervi~ h~re.~or~, my
app~rAtUg pe~mlt~ re urfaclng of p~rklng lo~8, roaa~, And th~
li~e ~ithu~ removlng ~:he are~s ro~n ~e~vi~3 for extended
peaiod~ of ~ a~ hA~ be~n n~e~Ary ~n ~e prlor ~r~.
HO~BY 1~ BEUSSE ORLRl`i~O~ FL ~.10
1 9L3~
¦ It 1~, therefore, ~ prlllclp~l ~b~e~t o~ my lnv~ntivn to
¦ provlde ~n lm~ov~d methotl foi: rençwin~7 the ~urfacç of a~ph~lt
¦ ~oadway~ and ~he like without the neae~ y of break~ng up the
¦ ~ph~lt, tran~pc1 ~cln~ to a proc:e~ng plRnt, addlng n~
¦ ~nat~rial~ ~nd, in effect, rf3surf~cinq the ro~dw~y.
o ~nc: th~r ob~ of my lnv~ntlon to p~ovlde ~pp~r~us
~hioh may be driverl do~n an ~ph~l~ top~ed road~ay which ~
hes~ ~nd l:~e~k uç~ de~a~led ~ur~A~e mAteri~l ~nd fr~h m~teri~l
below the surfAce ~ tbo~ou~hly nlix i~ e~h material and the
degr4d~d mat~rlal ~n the ro~d~ nd ~re~ th~ mi~ed ma~e~ al
~co ~orm ~ r~h 5UrfAC~ whlch mAy b~ nedla~ely ~olled and put
b~ck intc~ u~e
I~ 1~ yet ~nother ob~ct of ~ny in~ntlon to .pro~lde a
m~th4d and appar~tu~ for rea~fa~ln~ a~ph~Rltl~ p~ving ~ur~ac~8
wlthout requirement of new m~terL~l~ to pro~rt~e A gr~tly
l ~xt~d~d ro~dwAy ~ fA~e ll~e ~1: a VR~y low c:~8t 4
r I
l ~t i~ ~tlll ~noth~r ob~t o~ ny invention ~o provlde a
¦ meth~d ana ~ppArAtu~ ~or br~kin~ u~ and r~h~bili~cAtln~ ~n
~sphal~ ~oad 8~f~c:~ throu~h the u~e of ~elAtlv~ly low
t~mper~tur~s to pr~ten~ ~!u~ehe~ degrad~t~bn of ~he a~phalt
au~ing th~ op~ra~icn.
., . .
.~ The~e and o~her ~d1Jant~g~o And t~b~e~ of n~ invent~on
wlll )~eeome ap~aren~ f~om the ~ollow~ng c'l~talled de~ript~on o~
the prq!~rr~d embodim~nt wh~n r~ad wl~h re~rd to th~ ~r~wlngs.
................ ,........ ............ - '' , ''''~.
. -10
~ 5~
, _ ,
Figure 1 ir~ a si;J.e Vif~W of ~I typiC::!Ll t~ppArAtua for
pra~ticing the method o~ my lnv~ntic~n ahowing A v~hlcle Ch~L0~
having A ~xlvlng ~3ngine, ~ ~team bo~l~r, ~na ~ ~y~t~nn op~rating
2ngine mc~unted th~reon wlth th6~ v~riou~ op~ratiY~ element~ u~ed
for r~clalm~ n~ a~phAltic ~oAd ~rface~ in ac~;:Or~lAnCe with 'che
method o my ~vention~
Figura ~ is a ~impli~led pl~n vlew sh~ring the ba~l~
ope~ative ~lement~ of my inven~lon ~hown in ~he ~IppAr~tus o
Figur~ 3 i~ A parti~l vl~w of a b~k~ bar too~b sh~win~
the Rref err~ ~h~pe thQr~o~
~ igur~ 4 L~ ~ schemAti~ th~ ~ppA~atu~ O;e Figur~
~howing th~ m~nner in whlah ~h o~ ~he op~ e,t1t~e ~lement~ i~
~ontrolled in hs1ght ab~oe th~ d ~ur~ace ~y me~n~ o
hydr~ulic ~yl1n~ç~
F1~ure 5 ~9 A ~qhetna~i~ diagrAm ~wing the u~ o~ ene~gy
in pra~1c1ns the method o~ en~1On in whi¢h oth~rw~
~a~ta~ hea~ ~om ~he vehi~l~ d~ glr~e, rom ~h~ ~y~eem
dt1ve ~ngill9~ and ~r~m th~ ~t~a~ ~oiler i~ gA~es l,a
ef f~ ly Utill 2~;!1 î And
F1guxe 6 i~ R ~chemat1c dia~r~m o~ the d~ving ~nd control
.. ~ .. , . ., .. ..... . . ... ...... ~
~ ay~t~m~ i~or opera~ing~ the v~rir~U~ ~evi~es ~f ~e ~pp~ratus ~n~
~or con~rolling th~ e~ And ~o~it1Ona.
: ,' .
' ll-
~ 42~
a~y inven~Lon involveg the ~equer~ial oper~lon of ~ev~r~l
elemonl:~, each of whlch perform A p~rticul~r ~per~ion in ~
de~ired ~querlce on an ~s~h~lt ~o~dwR~ or th~ llke. ~ ~ill 4e
hpp~r~nt ~o tho~e oie ~kill in th~ ~t, there ~r~ A numb~r of
me~:hAnl~Al Rr~ngemen~ whicll A~ 0Atl~ ory. ~owever, I
p~e~er to utlliz~ a ~ingle, ~lf-powered v~hicl~. A t:yp~aL
vehl~le Arrsn~ement i~ ~hown In ~lde vle~ ln F~g~re 1 in
aome~h~t simpli~ied for~ tc~ illu~tra~ the aequence of th~se
elqmenta wlth Fl~ure 2 ~hob1lng e~ bottom vi~ o~ the el~men~s.
App~ u~ 10 ln thl~ Q~empl~y v~r~i~n compr~ se~ ~ truck
be~ 11 havlng a dle~el enginq 14 a~ its forw~rd ~nd And a cAb
12 for th~ operAtor. ~h~ variou~ element~ u~g~ to process th~
a~phalt d~pend from the chassi~ sh~wn. Th~ elemen~
wlll be d~aribed in the ~ueno~ ln whl ::h th~y perform ~heir
oper~tlon~ upon an ~phal~ ~oad 5. Fir~t, ~n ~xhau~ ni~old
1~ 15 connec~ed to ~e exhau~ of di~s01 engln~ 14 ~n~ the hot
exhaust g~ dir~ct~ from manl~old 1~ l:o the a~phalt .
~urP~. Whll~ khia h~t 1~ no~Ally in~u~ nt to gYeAtly
~ai~e th~ temperAtUre o~ th~ ~ph~l~ 5, it is h~t th~t would
o'ch~rwl~ w~ed ~nd i8. here utili~ed. Imm~al~tely to the
s~r oP th~ e~hAust mAnl~old 1~ urner ~1~ Burn~r 2~ d
by a prop~n~ ~nk o~ ~lmil~r fuel ~ p~du~ A ~l~me In
aoc~ordan~ç! wi~h my ln~en~lon, ~h~ ~lam~ d~usted to ~urn off
tra~ oll ~llm ~rom ~he roAd~y ~urfac~ ~nd t~ add ~ddi~ionAl
h~t to ~phalt 5, bu~ wlthout ~ur~he~ oxld~tioz~ t~ th~
. . .
. . ~ur~eO P'ol:lOwlng burner 21 la a ~t~Aln ~ lnl ICol~a 20 . M~n1fol~
20 irlclude~ a ~lexi};~le ~kirt portion 2~ . A8 ~ e cle~cribed
ln Inore detail h~relr~t~r, m~nl~ld 50 is aa~us'c~
erticzllly ~uah that sklrt 22 gu~t contacts the ~sph~lt ~ur~ace
5. ~klrt 2~ s~rve~ to confine th~ h~a~ ftom th~ ~t~Am m~nlf~ld
to tll~ ar~a covered. A paak~e~ unlt ~8 h~vlng a bolle~
mount~d on 'che 2~e~r of ~ruck cha~ r~ may b~ ~ny ~u ~ t~bl~
packaged boller . Howev~r, ~: prefe~ t~ u~llize ~ Mod~l
HP~T-1$-250-S-G boiler m~nufactu~ed by the Columbla Boll~r
Compan~ ~ Pott~tQwn h~vlng a lS ho~epow~3~ ratlng. soile~ 2B
pr~~r~bly utllize~ en oll burner 27 for burning fuel ~11 whlch
m~y be stored ln t~nk 34, ~lthough I.P g~s n~y be u~ed. Water
ls ~t~red in tank 35. The slwunt o:~ ~teRm fadl to manl~1fl 50
i~ c~n'crol1ed such th~t the a~phal~ e heated ~o A
~em~e~Rture in the 3ao - sno~F r~r~ge ~or a del?th o~ 2 - 3
~ncheu .
: To ~he ~e~ m~nlold 20, I provi~e A p~lr of
reclproc~tlng breAker b~r~ ~hown genernlly ~t 4~ which comprl~
mount~ng ~t u~ture 41, b~ 2; ~nd ~ plur~1~ty o pyr~ldal
~hARe~ t~th 43 pr~ectlng ~m b~r~ 4Z. BreAk~r b~ro 40 ~Lr¢
Ad~u~t~bl~ v~rti~a1y and ~re ~dju~ted to penetr~te the ~urf~c~
o~ ~he ~s~hAl~ ~ deslred ~ep~h dep~n~lng upon the c~rld~ tion o
th~ ro~dwAy. For exampl~, ~ depth of about ~ In~h~ h~ b~n
~ound to be ger~er~ly s~t~ sf~ tory, ~rh~ rec~procating bar~ 42
~rve to ~re~k the ~oftened ~halt 1nto ~11 pl~ce~. To th~
reA~ of th~a br~ker bars 40, I provide ~ ~t of tooths~ mix~ ng
~ylinder~ 4~ hav~g py~m~ dAl sbAped te~h 45 pro~e~in~
ther~f rom. Mixir~g aylinde~ 44 ~e rc~atabl~ ~unted on ~unt
49 ~d AXe v~rtl~1y ad~u~tAb1e. P.~ mixlng cylln~r~ 44 ro~
in ~he ~lire~tlon ~ ~h~wn by ~he Arrows, ~h~ br~ken ~ph~
pioked up 4y ~h~ o'c~tion ~nd ~he ~o~rd mov~-nent o~ th~
',' ,'
.i -13-
';' ,.
appara~u0 10 ~ thorollghly mlx the rela'civ~ly fr~h lvwe~
portlon~ o~ ~phal~ with the ~ma~l amount. of degraded ~urf~
m~t~rl~l prev~ou~ly bYoJcen up by th~ bre~k~r b~r~ ~0. As ~y
be now undere~ood, the port~on oi~ the A~ph~lt ~vemené 5 tv th~
rear oi~ rotAtins~ inS1 cyllrlder~ 44 ~ill have pr~do~in~t~ly
fx~ah aRp~)Al~ i~rom the 4elow the aurf~c~ port1on~ ~nd the s~all
mount of degr~ded ~nd o~sidiz~ mAt~ri~ om ~h~ ori~lnal
~urfac~ wlll be mixe~ ln ~1~u w~ch ~he fre~her mat~rial
b I nder,
Ju~ o the rear of cylinder~ 44, I prov ide ~ ~econd or
rear ~t~m m~nifold 29, iden~ical ln con~tru~tion to ~ron~
mRni~1d ao previou~ly d~rlbea. Maniold 24 i~ ~a ~eAm
from ~oiler 25 through ~t~Am ~lpe 32~ Manlfold ~4 also
ut$112~ ~ iElexible ~kirt 26 ~or maint~nln~ the he~'c direat~a
to the asphalt. The purpo~e of manlfol~l 24 i~ ~co add heat ~o
th~ mix~d ~r~8~ asp~ t,o ~ompen~t~ for tha~ lo~t durirlg the
I:~eaking up proce~. N~xt, to ~he ~e~r i~ ~ound scre~d bar~ ~B
in moun~ ~l7 . A~ be~t ~en 1R Flqu~e 2, scre~3d bar~ 4a
reclproc~t~ lAterAlly ~nd, a3 ~pp~r~tu~ 10 move~ f~rw~x~,
produ~e~ ~ ~mooth ~ur~c~ from the l~ok~rl and ~ot~ne~ ~phalt.
' ,
. I On the re~ o~ tru~k ~h~ is 11, ~ provl~e 21 ~e~ond ~le~el
engine 16 ~or d~i~ing the n~vLnq part~ of the app~ratu3 10. It
wlll be ur~der~too~, Cl~ ~our~e, ~h~t a pow~r t~ke-o~ frc~m th~
.~ vehl~ glne 14 can be u~d a~ ~n ~lk~rn~ve s~ur~e of p~wer
~or ~he moving p~t~ o~ ~he apparatll~ 10. ;tUBt to the ~r o~
scre~d~ 4~ po8e an exh~u~t m~nl~old to ~e~iv~ thæ ho'c
~xh~u~ g~ fr~m die~el ~nglne 16 ~ add sXt~A h~t t~ the
~r~ed s3ur~c~. It 1~ ~ontempl~ted th~t, a~ onv~ntlonA~,
; '
I ~ 3~L25~
¦ A road roll~r wl 11 follow ~pp~r~tu~ 10 i~ diat~1~ and will
¦ ~mooth th~ ~o~tened a~ph~l~ lnto ~4 flni~hed ro~dwsy ~ur~a~
. I
¦ R~errin~ p~rticul~rly to ~igure 2, ~ bottom ~ r o~ ~h~3
I ap~a~atus lO 1~ ~hown~ A~ m~y be no'ced, ~3xhau~t m~nlfold 18
¦ ln~l~d~ a chambe~ h~ving ~ ~rle~ o~ down~r~ly dl~e~ted
opening~ ~or dl~ecting th~ ~xhA~ 8e~ th~ p~vemen~
¦ ~urfaoe. N~xt, burner 2~ n~ay b~ a ~ubul~r burne~ with
¦ multlplicity of ~urne~ hole3 ~ ~ho~n. ~te~m m~nl~old~ 20 ~n~
24 m~y b0 f~med from A box~ tIucture h~ving ~ perforated
bottom plate wlth the ~eam i~uln~ ~rc1m the p~rl~o~ation~ to
I th~ pave~ent ~ur~ac~. The mounting struc~u~e for the
¦ r~lprocA~ing breaker b~rs Aupport tha br~aker baI~ ~4~emblie~
I ln 910t~ a~ ~ ndlc~ted to permi'c th~ ~re~ker b~r~ to reclpLoc~te
¦ laterAlly R~ lndic~tad by the arrows. Mlxin~ cylinder~ 44 ~r~
~een ~ n Pigur~ ? to have th~ ceeth 45 in a ~tAgg~ed patterr~ to
I prov~d~ tho~uyh Inixlng of the bro)c~n u~ a~phalt. Scre~d bAr~
¦ 48 recip~ocate later~lly ln vertlcal ~ ln th~ unt 47 1
the di~e~tion~ ~hown by the a~ows~ Rear exhau~t m~nifold 3
ls identi~al wlth m~nif~ld 1~,
. I
I Ao may now b~ r~co~ni$ed, I~y in~entlon re~u~re~ a drlv~ng
¦ m~n~ l:o rot~t~ ixlng yll~ld~r~ 44 ~nd to r~clprot:s~t~ ~rea3c~3r
bArs 42 ~nd ~qreed b~r3 48. Pie~el ~ngine 16 nla~ oupled to
¦ ~he~e ~lemen~s by nny ~u~Able And ~ell kno~ n~an~ pr~e~:nbly
l through vari~ble ~r~nsml3~ion~ ~uch tb~t the x~e o~ teD~n~
¦ zlnd ra~e of rot~tion can ~e ~d~u~t~d ~o~ ~ptimum o~eratl~n~ o~
I the appar~tlla lO.
''''- ""'' " ' "'~ ' ''I '" ' '" . .,
I -lS-
~ I
1 ~3~1LZ~;~
. I
In ~igure 3, A par~ l vlew of Jl bre~Ak~r b~r 42 i~ sho~nindic2~ g th* preferred ~hape fo~ teek~ 43. The p~ram~d~l
ah~e provid~ ad~au~te ~treng~h ~or tlle toc~h to ml~lmlze
rr~ing now t~ Figure 4, a sch~natl~ d~gram i~ ~hown
illu~t~gting ~he m~tho~ o~ ve~l:tical ~d~lsstment~ of th0 ~arlou
~l~m~ntR . Although the ver~ l ad ju~tm~nt~ n~ay b~ m~de
utlll~ng me~h~ni~al ~nean~ au~h ~ d ~ w~ raEer to u~e
~ hydrauli~ t~m Rnd to operat~ the ve~l:icfil c~ntrola th~ough
the use o~ a plur~llty o~ hyd~ lic cylin~er~. A~ m~y 1~e noted
~rom Piqure 4 ~ e~h ~lement hAs lt~ own indepen~en~: hydr~ullc
cylind~r~. For example, exhaust m~nlieold 18 io contrc~lled by
two hyd~ulic ~ylinder~ 53 wi~h only one ~hown for slmpllcity
I~ wlll be und~r~to~d that the r~mainde~ of the Ql~m~nt~
lnclude addi~lonal ~ydrauli~ cyt ~n~er~ not ~h~wn, ~urner 2~ i~
oper~ted 4y a ~et ol~ hyd~aullc ~ylin~e~ 50 and 2team man~old
20 i~ op~r~ted by a set o~ hy~rAuli~ ~yllndQro 52. ~ ilar~y,
br~aker ~ 42 a~ e v~r~ically aentrolled ~ a ~t of hydrauli~
~ylind~r~ 54, mlxing cylin~lel~ 44 by ~ set o~ hyd~aulis
y~in~aer~ 56 and sl~am Is~nifc~ld 2~. by d Bet oi~ hy~lraulic
cylind~ 58 ~ ~cr~ed b~rs 48 ar~3 con~olled by A ~et of
cont~Qllad b~ a ~et oF hyd~atali~ cylind~ 61.
Figure 5 ~ho~ ch~m~ti~ r~m of th~ dl~ributlon vf
heat in my inventi~n to the paY~m~nt belnç~ rew~rk~d. Front
~xhRu~t m~nil~ol~ 1~ ~y be not~d to fed by ~n~ine exh~ t g~se~
~rom v~h~ driv~ gine ~ And ~l~o from t:he b~ r ~lue
gR~R~ f~m ~t~m ~q via flu~ 29. ~imilarly~ xear
l ~3~ 412~
I .", ,
~xh~u~t mani~old 3~ u~llize~ engln~ exhAust g~e~ from the
~ystem drive englrle 16 And al~o boll~r ~lue gase~ from fluq 2~,
TherePor~, ln ~ordance with my lnv~ntlorl, all of the
normally w~3ted energ~ la ~pplled ~o the p~Y~ment and perfonna
u~eful work th~reon . ~t~m ~rom, ~team ~llq~ 2g 1~ fe~ to bo~h
for~rd ste~m nn*nlol~ 20 ~nd r63~r ~tel~m m~nif~ld 24 vla
~ontrol ~al~e~ ~3 and 6~. ~uln~r ~ ed pr~p~n~ or slmll~r
fuel ~rom uel tRnk 31 ~ia control v~lve b7.
It i~ nece~a~r~ in the op~ra~ion o my ~nv~ntion to
properly ~d~u~t th~ varlou~ el~ment~ to lproduce the mo~t
ef~ nt oper~tion. ~or ~xAmpl~, the ~rlou~ m~nifold~ Ana
the 4urner mu~t b~ contxolled to rai~ th~ temperature oiE th~
~phalt tt~ ~I v~lu~ not to ~x~e~d 500F 50 els to nc)t ~u~th~r
th~ A~phalt due to oxid~tion t Th6! verti~l po~ition ~f
the v~rious elem~nts wlll l:her~fore ~epend upon th~ ~orw~ra
~p~ed of th8 app~rAtU3 10 a~ ll A~ ~he amount o~ fuel f~ to
~he burn~r 21 ~nd the ~ n~ And qu~lity of the staam ~e~ to
the ~e~m m~nl~old~ 20 and 2~ h re~p~ to the b~aak~r
h~r~ 42, the mixing cylinde~4 4~, ~nd the ~r~e~ bAr~ 48, th~
operatin~ ~p~d of the~e ~l~m~nt~ mual~ also be sontr~ d to
pro~uc~ tbe opt~mum ~e~ulta ~ In Flgu~e 6, ~ a~l~em~:lc d1A~r~m
o~ the pr~e~ed c~nt~ol ay~tem of th~ inven~lon io ah;ow-~. Th~
~y~tem drive ~ngin~ ts corln~c~d ~o drive thre~ ~arl~bl~ sp~d
ge~r ~xe~ 68, 70, ~nd 7~ An~ hydr~u11c pump 74. ~earb4~c ~8
~urrll~hed p~w~r to the re~ipr~atlng ~ive 6~ ~or b~ker bars
42.. varlable ~pe~d t~Anam~ion 70 pro~ es powar to ~
rotary cha~ d~ive 64 whi~h op~x~es mixlng cyl~nder~ 44, 4n~ ;
vari~bl~ ~peed drive 72 ~per~te~ the re~ipr~tlng drlve ~6 ~or
~r~ad bar~ 44~ A plur~lity ~f h~lght ~ont~ol~ Bl-9~
iL3~ 1L
provided W~ th e~ch con~rol ha~ing A ~ever31ng valv~ And ~ flow
valve. A~ wlll be noted, ~ provlâe 2 ~epara~e c~ntrol or the
hydraulic cylinder~ on ~he l~t sids of the srehicle and th~
~i~bt ~i~e o~ the vehlcle. ~hi~ permit~ th~ ad~u3tm~rlt of th~
elements to compen~Ate ~or ~ny ~lop~ of l;he pavem~nl~. For
~xhmple, control ~1 ~ontr~l~ the hei~ht o~ the left ~lde of
breaker bar~ ~2 ~bove the l?av~ment while control~ 82 c~ontrolo
the hel~ht of ~h~ siqht ~id~ o~ b~ealcer bar~ 4~ . Thus t yreat
flexibility 1~ glven to the oper~'co~ to Ad~us~ f~r any
ir~egul~ritie~ in the pavement. ~ydraullc fluid 1~ dr~wn fro~
re~ervolr 76 by p~Jmp ~4 vl~ ~llter 7~ to the height con~ol3
91-96 wi~h line BO p~ovidlng ~ ~eturn llne to re~e~voir 76.
A~ may no~ b~ ~cognized, I ha~ di~clo~ed a m~tho~ ~nd
~ppar~tu~ fo~ re~uri~Acing asphalt pavement~s, parking l~t~ and
'che like qulckly ~nd economically, u~lng f~e~h A~phAlt f~om
belob~ the p~v~ment surface~ m~xed ~ith brok~n up sur~
mat~rial whlch may be oxidi ~d . ~lthough I h~ shown
pref~rr~d embo~iment of th~ a~?pAYatu~ of ~y 1nv~r~tlon, ~t wlll
be obviou~ to tho~e o~ ordinary 3klll ln 'che art to ~dify ;rq,r
~mbodlmen~ without ~ep~r~lng ~om th~s ~plrilt and ~cape o:~ th~
in~!sntlon .
... ,.. ,,........ . . ~.