Note: Descriptions are shown in the official language in which they were submitted.
-" 1 330953 ~ ~
Eackground Of The Present Invention
, , .
This invention relates generally to motor vehi¢le prote¢tive
devioe. More particularly to an improved ¢o~p3ct, motor vehiolc auto~atio ~;
anticollision system adapted to abcorb high speed head-on collision `
impact by a rubberi~ed compressed air inflated front bu~per assembly in
four ¢o~binati~e stages snd by impsct a¢tuating at least a retra¢tible
switch, csusing a pair combustion ¢ylinder~ to produce two direeted
force~ to propel the vehicle rearwardly. Until said front bu~per assembly
. ~
be¢ame retra¢ted to deactivate all retrsctable swit¢hes. Thus providing
time for the dr~ver to apply vehi¢le brskes which making two t3nks
propellant to last~ng to counteract three times head-on collision impsct.
The Ob~eot Of The Present Invention
The primary object of t~his invention is to provide a front and - ~
a rear contractible leakage proof rubberised compressed air inflated ~-
bu~per ass~mblies, ror neutrali$ing vebicle's city speed collision
impaot ln rour aombinative stsges:
1. Tb absorb ~mpact by rubberized cover having inner air pockets
on a rectangular front bu~per metal housing; `
2. to absorb impact by two multi-ply fib0r-rubber co~pressed
air inflated cylinders; -- `
3. to absorb coll1sion ~npact by six pressurized fiber-rubber ~ ;
balls which located within three spaced bolt sleeres' rear end; `~
4. to absorb impact by two ru~berized rear bumper housings, ;`~
via pushing on the lateral chaRsis frame when said bumper ass~mbly ! ;
contracted to the end limit of three bolt sleeves' slot.
Another ob~ect o~ this invention is to provide three spaced
retractable switches for mounting at the rearside of the front lateral
.. ~ . ..:
chassis frame, ~ean~ operativ dy actuating by sai~ ~ront bumper assembly.
-;;-` 1 33~53 ~ :
Specification 2.
~ further object of this invsntion is to provid~ 3 p~ir very
compact combustion cylinders h3ving ten degree dQwnward sngle nozzle,
which p~r~llelly mounted in the underside in front two rear wheels of
the vehicle on two longitudinal ch3ssis fr~mes. ~
A further object of this invention is to provide two eaonomical ~ ;
propellants. ~ first propell~nt comprising two p~rts pressurized eighty
psroent meth~nol, twenty psrcent meth3nol soluble ~nhydride, su~h 3S
aminobenzoic ~cid, and three parts oxygen in two refillable tanks. A~ ~-
second propell~nt comprising two parts pressurized methanol ~nd three -
p3rts O~Jgen in two refill~ble tsnks, for oper3tively to produce two
opposing forces for three ti~es.
~nother object of this invention is to provide three solenoid ~ -
valves, for operatively m~nipul3ting propellant supply.
Yet~nother object of this invention is to provide time for the ~`
driver to spply vehicle brakes, me3ns to reduce propell3nt consu~ption. ,
Stste Of The Prior Art ~
Diverse safety d:evices, bumpers and braking syste~s have been - ~ -
invented. ~owevsr, most l~nd ~otor vehicles using rigid bumpers and -
hydraulic, or pneumatic brakes, because the prior arts 3re in the
c3tegory of heavy, bulky, complicated, too expensive, or inferior.
ocket emergency braking device, inventad by S. 2iZzi, U.
S.A. Pat. no. 3,064,762, d3ted on 28th June 1960. This invention is
related to use rocket motor h~ving mounted within a motor vehicle and
operated 3t s3me time ~s ths braking system, means to produce 3 strong
push in the opposite direction of the vehicle motion, 3S a me3ns to add
on ~n ~dditional brakingpower. -~
2. Pressure fed propell3nt syst~m for storable liquid rocket, ;~
invented by RDbert N. ~bild, U.S.A. Pat. no. 3,143,855, dated on 11th
. ~ . . .
--~ 1 3~0953 ::
Specification 3.
~ugust 1964. This device i5 a liquid rocket engine, which including a ;~
storage pressurized liquid propellant system, a nousing and some
exhaustive outlets.
3. Pneumatic buffer for motor vehicles, U.S.~. Pat. no, 3,203
,722, dated on 31 ~ug. 1965, invented vy T. Zahorodny. Said art using ~-
a switoh to control rods and in combination with pneum3tic and some
met311ic spring buffers for motor vehicles, means for shock absorbing. ~-
4. Liquit propulsion system 3nd method with fuel 3nd oxidizer ~ ;
in thernal contact, invented by D. ~ltman, U.S.~. Pat. no. 3,377,801, y -
dated on 16 ~pril 1968. This invention is a liquid propulsion syste~ j-
having a bi-propulsion system, means the liquid fuel 3nd liquid - -~
oxidizer having certain physical ch3rateristic in common, means to
introduce an improved propellant. :~
5. Dyn~nic braking system for wheeled vehicles, invented by C.
T. Peters Etal, U.S.~. Pat. no. 3,434,569, dated on 25 March 1969. Said `~
device used the train wheels and connecting system to drive an 3ir
compreasor, for to provide compressed air supply and which means to -
dissip3te some of the energy in the rot3ting axle and to utilize the
compressed air to supply 3 reverse thrust, means for to convert some
kinetic energy to provide 4ddition~1 brakingpower. -; -
6. R~cket action turbof~n engine, invented by A. Ferri et al,
U.S.~. Pat. no. 3,496,725, dated on 24 Feb. 1970. This invention is a `
gas turbine power plant, for to utilizs the expansion of a high-pressure~ -~
, high-temperature fluid energy to power 3 compressor and the driving
fluid, th~reto is mixed with the fluid energy which punped by the
compressor, for to provide a greater thrust as the mixed fluid anergy
became exp~nded.
7. Vehicle emergency stop system, invented by C.B. Marks, U.S. ;~
:, -:
Pat. no, 3,648,806, dated on 19 March 1972. This device is a braking
system used to assist in stopping a vehicle, which including a for-
:, - - -:
1 3 3 0 953
Speoification 4.
warding point ~et nozzle, a source Or a storing pressuri~ed fluld
energy and ~ m~nu~lly operlted swlt¢h, for to cause the potsnti 1 fluid
energy to disch~rge via the jet noz31e, ~e~ns to provide 3 thrust to
counteract some vshicle 3cceleration foroe.
8. Combustion type power plant having dual funotion cylindrioal
rotor ~nd steam in~eotion, invented by G.G. Sorensen, U.S.~. P3t. no.
3,688,496, dated on 5th Sept. 19?2 This d~svioe is an internal combus- ~`
tion turbine that operates at slow speed, ~eans to reduce pollution via
utilizing the reolaim water for engine cooling and using the expansion
of the oombustion gases to power the cylindrio~l air oompressor and ~
the oentrifugal impeller. - ~- -
~ 9. Retro-rooket braking system for land motor vehicles, devised
; ~ by C.C. (~ark, U.S.~. Pat. no. 3,719,256, dated on 6 ~arch 1973. ~his ~ `
device relating to the use of a rocket motor vla secursd to the oentrs-
line of the vehiole frane of adjaoent to ths underside of the vehicle
and h3ving two 5 degree acute angle outlets, means to stop the speeding
vehicle. But said device having default, beoause the rooket motor is not
abls to mount on the centreline of the frame, for said place being the
: . . :,:::
location of the motor vehicle's driving sh3ft.
lO. Vehicilar brake 3ctuating device, invented by Max. J. Nave
Sr., U.S.A. Pat. no. 3,744,588, dated on IO July 1973. This invention
providing 3 mechanism for adapting vehlcle collision impact and for - ;
actuating vshiole brakes, Vi3 bumper, oontaot bar and switoh means. ~n
11. S3fety bunper, invented by ~ntony S. Toro, U.S.~. Pat. no. ;
3,841,683, dated on 25 Oot. 1974. This invention relating to a safety
:, : ~ . ::
bumper ~or absorbing vehiole collision impaot via pneunatio bu~per tire
, ooil sprlngs and rubber shook absorbers.
12. Vèhiole safety apparatus, invented by hnin 2~elhen Saab,
U.S.A. Pat. no. 3,917,020, dated on 4 Nov. i975. This invention is an
apparatus for absorbing the shook of impact against 3 vehicle via a
, 1330q53 ~'
Specifioation 5.
road contact bar, a cushion in between the bumper and the vehicle ~ -
frame, two shock absorbing arms 3nd yieldable se~ts means.
13. Occup3nt restr~int system, inventsd ~y Trevor 0. Jones,
U.S.~. Pat. no. 3,718,332, dated on 27th Fsb. 1973. This invention is
an infl3table occup~nt rsstraint system via switchss, prsssurizsd
fluid and the bumper me~ns to provide different level of cushion, for
absorbing vehicle colli9ion impact. - ~-
14. Collision sensor for fender bumper operated vehicle safety ~
~ . , , , . . , .:
devioe, invented by Kenzo Rirshima and shunji Matsui, U.5.h. Pat. no.
3,853,199, dated on 10th Dsce~ber 1974. This invention is a motorcar
safety devioe h3vin~ a pneum3tio switch 3nd a shock-absorbing bumper.
hen collision impact 3gainst the fender bumper oausing the elongated - ~
retractable member h3ving att3ched to a permanent magnet to retr3ct on ~ ~-
a buffer mechanism for absorbing impact.
15. Installation for the energy absorption of vehicles, invented
by Ulrich Bez, U.S.A. Pat. no. 4,050,537, dated on 27 Sept. 1977, is an ` - ;
invalid one, for this invention is an energy 3bsorbing meohanism for
motor vehicles having a switob, 3 source of explosive and a telescopic
type ho Uow bumper. The device operatively having imp3ct action to
ignite an explosive source to provide a high dyn~mic pressure ~3ves into
said hollow telescopic wall structure and as the bumper contracts
causing the holIow wall structure to deform for 3bsorbing vehicle impact
at 3bout thirty miles per hour. Meaning this device became a destruotive
devioe when a vehiole having 3 head-on collision at sixty miles per hour
causing said bumper wall structure to go beyond deformation, means an
. .
explosion, that d~molished the vehicle 3nd killed occup3nts. For the
vehicle collision impact foroe equal to the vehicle weight x aoceler3tion
/ gravitational constant or thirtytwo feet per second squared.
16. Bnergency brakes, invented by Hans-Guenther Stade~mayr, - :~
West Germany, Pat. no. 2,132,657, dated on 18 Jan. 1973. This invention
rA~ 5 `;~`
```~ 1 330q5;~ :
Specifiaation 6. ~-
ussd a br3ke pedal's lowest position to actuate a switch to supply
electricpower to four vertical rockets having mounted on four vehicle
wheels, me3ns to produce upw3rd thrusts to actuate the vehicle brakes. ~ ;
However, this invention is inferior to the known electric oper3ting
hydraulio br~kes, bscauss this rocket br3kes is good for one time only.
17. L~nd motor vehiole anticollision devioe, invented by H.R.
~ongh, C~n~dian Pat. no. 1,082,250, d~ted on 22 July 1980. This device ~ ~-
h3ving a front 3nd ~ re3r pressurized rubber tire on steel bu~per
frames with five ~nnul~r bolts and eaoh enciroled by a heavy coil spring
to provide two contractible bumpers, 3 p3ir combustion turbulence
cylinders with mounting ~ppendage 3nd used two g3ses fuel, for producing
two opposing forces to counter~ct sixty percent of the vehicle he3d-on ~ ;
collision impact at sixty ~iles per hour. This device is he3vy, bulky,
; 3nd said pressurized rubber tire bumpers 3re subjected to 3ir le3k~ge.
~lso this device only can protecting a vehicle de~olished once, thereon
it required to rep3ir and to recharge fuel supply. ~lso U.S.~. p3tent
applioation no. 06/516,706, filing date 25th July 1983. This application
now re~ected, beoause over time limit 3nd h3d some deficiencies.
~` Brief Su~mary 0f me Present Invention
Automatic motor vehicle anticollision device is 3n improved,
compact automotive protective system. The apparatus hsving a pair
contr3ctible, rubberized 3nd pressurized bumper assemblies, three
retract~ble spaced switches and a rigid rectangul3r hollow chassis
frime having a p3ir p3r311el combustion cylindèrs. This device becane
operatively a¢tive 35 s3id bumper assenbly having a head-on collision
causing it to contract to eightyfiv~ percent of its tot31 contr3ctible
dist~nce, actuating a retractable switch to Open three solenoid valves ~-
to supply propellant 3nd igniting said pair combustion cylinders. Fbr
providing two ten degree downw3rd directed forces to propel the vehicle
'A ` ~i
ii-` 13~0q53 ~ ~
, :,.. .
Speoification 7. i~
rearwardly until said ~ront bumper bec3~e retracted, means protecting
.., ..,.,, . -.,
the vehlcle d~molishment and passengers death ~nd providing time for
the driver to apply vehicle brakes for reducing propellant consumption. `--
Erisf De~sor1ption Of The Drawings
me drawings show: ~ig. 1 i9 B front view o~ a rubberized front - -
bu~per housing; flg. 2 i5 3 oross section~l side view of a bumper
as3embly taken ~t an air valve section; fig. 3 i9 a cross seotion31 side
view of a bumper a5sembly t~ken at ~n elongated bolt; ~ig. 4 is a hatched
sids view of a bumper assembly for show~ng the rel~tionship between a
locking bolt and a bolt sleeve; fig. 5 is a cross seotional view of a
rstractable switch; fig. 6 is a cross sectional riew of a co~bustion
oylinder; fig. 7 is a cros~ 3actional view of a solanoid valve; fig. 8
is a t~p view of a 13nd ~otor vehlcle underside h~ving an automatio `
, ..:, ~
motor vehhcle anticollision devioe ~nd fig. 9 is a sohematic dia~ram of
two combu~tlon cylinders having a propellant supply system and an ignitlon
system- i; `
Detailed Description Of The Invention
The oharacter of the automatic motor vehicle anticollision
devi¢e de~criblng in full in aocordance wlth the whole e~bodim~nt having
asse~bled, a~ shown in the att ched drawings.
~ Fig. 1 ~showls a front view of a rubberized front bumper housing
; (2) comprising a reatan~ular multi-ply rubber bumper ~ver (l) with a
rearward edg9 havine mounted on a met~l bumper frame. Said cover~s front
surrace h~ving four ~3paced built-in nuts (3~ for license plate mounting.
Fig. 2 sh~ a cross sectional side vlew o~ a rubber1zed a~d
pressurized bumper a~3sembly taken at an air valve section. ~ said bumper
-'.."''...,', ,'. ~' ;~;
1 3 3 0 9 5
~:"~ ."
Specification 8.
assembly comprising a front bu~per housing (2). an air inflated rubber - -
core, means two multi-ply n ber-rubber having oompr0ssed air inflated
cylinders (6) and two rectangular multi-ply fiber-rubber rear bumper
housing (5). Said front housing (2) having a rubberized bumper COVer (1)
with inner pDckets (4) and a rectangular etlge mounted on a metal bumper
frame. Said housing (2) havlng partially encompassing two reotangular
multi-ply fiber-rubbcr rear housing (5), which each houges a multi-ply
fiber-rubber cylinder (6) having inflated with fifty p.s.i. to one
humdred p.~.i. compressed air ~ia an air valve (7) which each positioned
within a hollow rectangular front later41 chassis frame (8), means tD
provide a self-prDtective and leakage proof bu~per assembly.
Fig. 3 ~h~ws a cross sectional side view of said retractible
bumper as~embly (15), t~ken at an elongated bolt (lO) for showing the
movement and the relationship between components. Ssid bumper assembly ;
for neutrali~ing the vehicle's rear end or front end collision imp~ct
at city speed. The front bunper housing (2) having an outer rubberized
cover on a rectangular metal bumper frame w~th three rearw~rd extending
and spaced eliong3tcd bolts (1~) having partiaIly encompassing two rear
-:: ,- :, .:
bumper houqing (5) which each houses a pressuriz0d rubber cylinder (6). -
However, only one of said three elongated bolts shows fften~ing through
the rear bumper housing sleeve (9), mounted in a bolt sleeve (12) and
secured by a locking bolt (11) via an openable plate (16) or the front
lateral chassis frame (8) which positioned at above each said three bolt ~-
slee~es. Each of said three bolt sleeves' rear one half having housed
two pressurized rubber balls (14) and sealed by a screwron lid (13) for ~ ~
absorbing any said three elongated bolts rearward motion. ; ~ ~;
Fig. 4 shows a hatched side view of a compressed air inflated
front or rear bumper assembly (15), taken at a bolt sleeve section
showing its contractibility limited to the limit of ~aid three bolt
slee~es' slot. Said bumper assembly having structurally connsctsd to `
,~ "~"
i 330~53 ~ -
~pecifioation 9. -
provide one integral unit. Once again to describe the plurality Or said
bumper assembly's components, means sho~ing only one of each kind. The
front bump0r housing (2) compri d nt 3 rub~er cover on a metal bu~par
frame with a re~rward rectangular edge and seoured by bolt3. Sald bumper
housing (2) having partially enco~pa~sing two reatangular rubberized rear
bumper hou~in~s (5) which each houses a pressurized rubber cylinder and
h3ving said bu~per hou~in@'s three rff3rw3rd extending elongit0d bolts ~;
extendin~ through tree rear bumper slee~es ~nd h~used in three bolt
sle~ves (12) whioh e~oh sealed by a screwron lid ~13). Said three ~ -
~longated bolts having secured in three slots by three locking bolts (11).
The front and the resr lateral chassis ~ra~e~' upper end providing three ~ ;
openable sp3c~s which located at abDve each of ~id three bolt sleeves
(12) and which each sealed by a plate (16) for said bu~pers assembl3ge.
Fig. 5 shows a cross sectional view of a retractable switch (1
comprising a one half threaded cylindrical housing (18) with a screw-in
lid (20) having housed a ¢entr31izad contact pole (19) that its mid~le
having two rectangular wings, for operatively connected to a ¢oil spring
(21) at each side of said win~s therebelow~ means t~o oontact points
(21) and, at said pole'~ lower end which supporting by a coil spring, ;~
means a retracting device and ~t said pole's upper end having extendin~
through said lid t20) for operatively actuated by a locking bolt's ;-
rearward motion. Said auto~-tic anticoIlision device having three spaced
retractable switches having partially screwed into the rearside of said
front lateral chassis frame. Tbe centre switch ~17) became operativQly
activated by a lo~king bolt when the ront bu~per ~ssembly contracted to `~
eightyfive percent o~ its tot~l contractible distance. The other tw~ side
switohes bec~me activated when said bumper assembly contracted to ninety ;~
percent Or its total ¢ontractible distan¢a. E~¢h of said s~it¢hes (17) for
qctuating three designated solenoid val~e~ und onargi~ed two spark plugs
to ignite the admixed propellant in two d~signated ¢ombustion cylinders.
1 3 3 0 q 5 3
Specificati~n 10.
Flg. 6 shows a cross section~l view Or a combustion cylinder ;~
(22), co~prising an outer cylindrical housing (23) wlth some ventilative
holes ~24) at its lower one half for pro~idling an air cooling oircular
.- . .::
channel (25) having encomp3ssed a ¢ylindrioal lnner hou~ing (26) for
providing an internal cylindrical combu~ticn ohamber ~28), said inner
housing h~ving seoured by a screwrin rear lid (27) and a front lid with
an exhaustive coupling (31) having a ten d~gr~e do~nw~rd outlet no~zle
(32) and said rear lid (27) having an operstively a¢tive spark plug (30)
and a propsll3nt sprayer (29). In this automatio anticollision device
having two operatively aotive parallel combustion cylind~rs which are
p3sitioned at the underside Or the vehiole in front two rear end wheels
on two longitudinal ~rsmes, ~eans operatively providing two ten degree
downw3rd directed opposing foroes to propel the vehicle rearwardly, until
their oontrolling retraotable switches became deactivated.
Fig. 7 sh~w~ a oross sectional view of a sol~noid valve (33)
comprising a oyllndric~l upper housing (34) that houses a wire coil
(35) on an iron core t36) having a ~upply wire (37), means an electric - ~ ;
magnetizing core. for operatively m~gnetizing a retractable vllve (40)
therebelow to go upward to supply propellanti and said upper housing ;~
having s¢rewed onto the middle housing (38) that houses the upper part of
said retractable v~lve (40), including a cylindrical iron head with two
rubber o-rings ~nd att ched to the lowermost rubber valve disk (43) via a
screw-in sha~t and said shaft having inserting through the valve guide
(39) and a coil spring (41); said coil spring is positioned in between
the lower side Or the valve guide (39) and the surface of said rubber ;~
valve disk (43) to provide a self-closing valve via recoiled springpower
when the electricity supply is off; said middle valve housing having
screwed into the lower valve housing (44) having an inlet aonduit (45) ;~
and an outlet conduit ~46), means operatively oonveying propell~nt to a
pair designated combustion cylinders.
,. ~
3 3 0 9 5 3 ;~
Specification 11. ~. ;
Fig. 8 shows a top view of a land motor vehi¢le underside having
an 3utomat$c motor vehicle anticollision d~vice ~nd showin~ the location
and ~he ralationsh~p between components of said device. ~ compr~ssed air ,~
inflated rubberized bumper assembly ( 15) having ~ounted on the vehicle's ,
front latsrsl chassis frame (8) and on the vehicle's rear lateral ch~ssis
frame (48). S~id rear bumper ~sse~bly for absorbing city speed collision
impaot with a vehiole hitting from behind. Said front bumper asse~bly
(15) wPrking in oo~bination with a pair combustion oylinders (Z2) having ,, -
parallelly mounted at the un~erside in front two rear wheels of the
vehicle on two longitudinal chassls rrame ~47), for counteraeting the
vehicle'~ high speed head on oollision impact and providing ti~e for the
driver to apply vehiole brakes, means to r~duoe prop611ant oonsu~ption. ,,~ ~
Sald front bu~per ass~mbly became operatively aotive when it oolliding ~ "
with a foreign ob~eot that causing said front bumper housing (2) to s~lide
rearw~rdly over said tWD pressurized rear bu~per housings (5) which
absorbed some impact. The residual impact are 3bsorbed by two opposing
. . .
foroes o~ said c~linders and by said bump0r's three elongatsd b~lt's ~ ,
rearwardl,y motion on six pressur1~ed rubber balls whioh located within ~- ,
the rear one half of three bolt sleeves and whioh each sealed by a
screwron lid (1~ s s3~id bu~per asse~bly operatively contracted to
eightyrive peroent of its totsl contractible distance bec3me actuated
the centre switch (17) to open three solenoid valves to supply propellant ",
from t~o tanks w~thin the vehiole to said cylinders (22) and igniting , , ;~
said prop01lant to provide two ten degree ~own~3rd directed forces to
prop d the vehiole rearwardly, until said three switehes (17) are off.
FiOE. 9 sho~ a schematic diagram of a pair p3rall~1 combustion
cylinders ~22) h~ving a propeIlant supply ~ystem and an ignition system. ~ ~;
Said propellsnt supply system and said ignition system ~re operativ01y ,,,~
attached to provide a pa~r eleotric oontrolling combustion cylinder~. In ,~,, ~; ,,
this drawlng shows the batterl~ (53) having OEround0d (49) and ¢onnected , = ,
1 3 3 0 9 5 3
gpecification 12.
to a control switch (51). Said switch (51) operatively conneot~d to a ~ ~ -
pair high capacitance varlable cond0nsers (52). three retractable;
~witche~ ~17) having a common positive wire (37) connected to a pair
spark plugs (30) and three solenoid valves (33). Whereupon the front
bumper assembly operativ~ly colliding with a foreign ob~eot that causin6
Raid bu~per a~e~bly to contract and as it contractet to eightyfive
percent of the total contra~tible distance became actuated the centre ~ ;
retractable switch (17) to open said three solenoid valves (33). A first
solenoid valve conneoted t~ the mi~ing block (53) ~nd the connecting
block (54), means to prevent propellant leakage, the second solenoid
valve controlling the oxygen tank (55) and the third solenoid valve
controlling the pressuri~ed methanol-anhydride or prassurized methanol
tank (56) and said t~nks havin~ mountsd within an appropriated place o~
the vehicle. When sadd propell~nt entered said two oombustion cylinders'
combustion chamber via t~o fuel sprayers (29) comprising three parts
oxy~en and two parts of eighty percent methanol, twenty percent methanol ; ;- -
soluble anhydride, or three parts oxy~en and t~o parts methanol. Said
a~mixed propellant igniting simult3neou~1y by each of tw~ said cylinder~
spark plug (30) to provide two direeted opposing forces via two ten
degree do~nw3rd outlet noz~les of said t~o eombustion cylinders' ~ ~
exhaustiv~ couplin~ (31) to propel the vehicle rearwardly, until said ~ ;; ;
bu~per ~ss~mbly became retracted to deactivate all said retraotable
switches (17). Whereby the technological improve~ent in this present
invention which contributed toward to ~ave m3ny lives and many vehicles
demolishment, means thi9 automatio motor antiGollision device providing
the consumers with maximum utility return.
A ;~