Note: Claims are shown in the official language in which they were submitted.
(1) A plant growth enhancement tablet weighing at
least one-half gram, for slowly feeding plants over a
period of one year, comprising:
a tableted intimate mixture of solid particles
of the following ingredients:
a combination of plant enhancement agents
that are variable water soluble and are to a
large extent capable of being broken down
into water-soluble substances by the con-
tinued action of soil bacteria, talc and mag-
nesium stearate in the amount of 3% to 6%
by weight of the tablet as a tableting
lubricant which does not interfere with water
penetration and disintegration of the tablet,
a combination of various water-retentive
polymers that are slowly biodegradable over
five years by soil bacteria, and said com-
position consisting the major ingredients of
said tablet, and
Wereby said tablet on contact with rainfall or mois-
ture, starts to slowly hydrate and form a controlled
release gel capsule containing the plant enhancing
(2)The tablet of claim 1 whereby the seed enhance-
ment agents include various water-soluble fertilizers
such as mono/diammonium phosphate, caustic
potash and KNO3. In various concentrations ranging
from 5 to 40% by weight of the tablet.
(3)The tablet of claim 1, whereby the enhancement
agents is a member selected from the group consist-
ing of copper sulfate, thiram, captan, benomyl,
metalaxyl, carbofuran, acephate, malathion,
pronamide and ethyl dipropyl thiocarbanate.
(4)The tablet of claim 1, whereby the enhancement
agents is a member selected from the group consist-
ing of sugars, carbohydrates, adenosine triphos-
phate, calcium, magnesium, amino acids and
(5) The tablet of claim 1, whereby the enhancement
agents is a member selected from the group consist-
ing of Pseudomonas species, Bacillus thuringleusis,
Mycomhizal fungi, Rhizobia species, Bacillus sub-
tilise and Actinomycete species.
? he tablet of claim 1 whereby the enhancement
agents is a member selected from the group consist-
ing of giberellic acid, cytokinins, naphthalene acetic <IMG>
acid, indolebutyric acid and indole acetic acid.
(7) The tablet of claim 1, whereby the enhancement
agents is a member selected from the group consist-
ing of denitrification inhibitors, iron chelators,
pheromones, enzymes, pesticide antidotes and which is present in concentrations of 3.50 to 5.0%
safeners. by weight of the tablet.
(8) The tablet of claim 1, whereby the enhancement (14) The tablet of claim 1 whereby the enhancement
agents is a member selected from the group consist- agents are micronutrients of agricuiturally modified
ing of soil and water conditioners, dispersants, wet- minerals veriniculate or perlite in concentrations
ting agents and pH altering compounds. ranging from 1 to 3% by weight of the tablet.
(9) The tablet of claim 1, that incorporates various (15) A plant growth enhancement tablet weighing at
enhancement agents listed in claims 2,3,4,5,6,7, least one-half gram for slowly feeding plants over a
and 8; in various concentrations ranging from period of one year,comprising;
0.002% to 99.4% of total additive content. ? a tableted intimate mixture of solid particles
of the following ingredients:
(10) The tablet of claim 9 wherein the tablets water-
retentive polymers are from the family of chemicals ? a combination of water-soluble and non-
whose basic structure is: soluble fertilizers such as nomo/diam-
monium phosphate potash, KNO3 and
P2O5 in various percentages from 5% to
? talc and magnesium stearate as the tablet-
<IMG> ing lubricant in concentrations of 3% to 6%.
? a combination of two water retentive
polymers from claim 3 and4 constituting the
major ingredient of said tablet, ranging in
concentrations from 5% to 85% by weight of
which is present at a concentration of 20.50 to 85.0% the tablet,
by weight of the tablet.
? as anti-browsing deterrent from claim 6 that
(11) The tablet of claim 9 wherein the tablet water- is present in concentrations of 0.50 to 5.0%
retentive polymers are from the family of cross- by weight of the tablet; added to deter
linked polyacrylamide copolymers; basic organic animal consumption of the enveloped seed,
chemicals synthetically produced and very slowly
? various micronutrients that are derived from
modified agricultural minerals such as in
(12) The tablet of claim 2, wherein the tablet water- claim 9, are present in trace amounts from
retentive polymer complex is made up of composi- 0.002% to 99.4% of total additive content.
tion that included both chemicals listed in claim 3 and
4; which are present in various concentrations rang- Whereby said tablet on contact with rainfall or mois-
ing from 5.0 to 85.0% by weight of the tablet. ture starts to slowly hydrate and form a controlled
release gel capsule.
(16) The tablets mentioned in claims 1 through 8,
whereby the inert tablet binders, disintegrants,
(13)The tablet of claim 1 with the addition of various lubricants, and diluents do not react with any of the
non-toxic chemicals that deter animal and birds from tablet nutrients, fertilizers, polymers or seed physiol-
ingesting the nutrient gel;the ant-browsing complex ogy.
has the structure:
? The tablets mentioned in claims 1,2,6,7, and 8, a combination of water-retentive polymers
with inert tablet binders, disintegrants, lubricants and that are slowly biodegradable, and are able
diluents;wherein the tablet water-retentive polymers to absorb, hold and release over time, up to
are from those listed in table 1 excluding these 400 times their weight in water,
polymers in claims 3,4,and 5.
whereby said structure, upon planting either by
(18) The tablets mentioned in claim 1, wherein the ground or aerial means, starts to hydrate upon rain-
tablet gel polymers are from table 1, and the seed fall or moisture contact and forms a gelled capsule.
enhancement additives are from table 2 herein
before mentioned, in various concentrations ranging
from 0.01% to 85.0% by total weight of the tablet.
(22) The encapsulation structure of claim 21
whereby the structure includes pellets, capsules,
(19) A method of replanting of seeding areas that tablets, caplets, briquets in various circular, rectan-
otherwise would be to costly, labour intensive or gular, triangular, square shapes in both short and
inaccessible; comprising using an intimate mixture elongated forms, the structures may be completely
of water-retentive polymers, soil enhancement addi- solid, contain one hole, or contain many holes.
tives and in a tablet form: Whereas the tablet in dry
form is an intimate mixture of dry solid particles, that (23) The encapsulation structure of claim 21
are transformed into a cross-linked gel mass encap- whereby the structure is made of anywhere from 2
sulating and solubilizing the fertilize, nutrients and to 100 different components, all required to be inter-
other soil additives present. linked to achieve one functional encapsulation
media, that achieves all those claims stated in claims
1 to 20.
(20) A method of promoting seed growwth in green-
houses; comprising placing a bow expansion gel
tablet, directly into styrofoam containers soil, the (24) The encapsulation structure of claim 21
tablets comprising; an intimate mixture of solid par- whereby the enhancement agents include various
ticles of a water retentive polymer having low expan- water-soluble fertilizers such as mono/diammonium
sion rates, that is very slowly water soluble and to a phosphate, caustic potash and KNO3. In various
large extent capable of being broken down into water concentrations ranging from 5 to 20% by weight of
soluble substances by the continued action of soil the tablet.
bacteria, said polymer composition consisting the
major ingredient of said tablet, tab in the amount of (25) The encapsulation structure of claim 21,
2% to 5% by weight as a tableting lubricant which whereby the enhancement agents as a member
does not interfere with water penetration and disin- selected from the group consisting of copper sulfate,
tegration of the tablet, a combination of various thiram, captan, benomyl, metalaxyl, carbofuran,
fertilizers and soil enhancement additives. acephate, malathion, pronamide and ethyl dipropyl
(21) An intimate mixture of dry solid particles weigh-
ing anywhere from 0.05 grams to 50 grams in weight; (26) The encapsulation structure of claim 21,
compressed into a variety of shapes, comprised of whereby the enhancement agents is a member
one or more parts that connect or fit together, and selected from the group consisting of sugars, car-
contain the following ingredients: bohydrates, adenosine triphosphate, calcium, mag-
nesium, amino acids and micronutrients.
a combination of plant enhancement agents
that are variable water soluble and are to a
large extent capable of being broken down (27) The encapsulation structure of claim 21,
into water-soluble substances by the con- whereby the enhancement agents is a member
tinued action of soil bacteria, selected from the group consisting of Pseudomonas
species, Bacillus thuringieusis, Mycorrhizal fungi,
a combination of various binders, disin- Rhizobia species, Bacillus subtilise and Ac-
tegrants, lubricants and diluents that do not tinomycete species.
react with the nutrients, fertilizers and
polymers contained within the encapsula-
tion structure,
(? The encapsulation structure of claim 21,
whereby the enhancement agents is a member
selected from the group consisting of giberellic acid,
cytokinins, naphthalene acetic acid, indolebutyric
acid and indole acetic acid.
(29) The encapsulation structure of claim 21,
whereby the enhancement agents is a member
selected from the group consisting of dentrification
inhibitors, iron chelators, pheromones, enzymes,
pesticide antidotes and safeners.
(30) The encapsulation structure of claim 21,
whereby the enhancement agents is a member
selected from the group consisting of soil and water
conditioners, dispersants, wetting agents and pH
altering compounds.
(31) The encapsulation structure of claim 21, that
incorporates various enhancement agents listed in
claims 2,3,4,5,6,7, and 8; in various concentrations
ranging from 0.002% to 99.4% of total additive con-
(32) The encapsulation structure of claim 21,
wherein the water-retentive polymers are those
listed in table 1 in various concentrations 0.05% to
85.0% of total encapsulation structure weight.