Note: Descriptions are shown in the official language in which they were submitted.
198g-10-25 16:5~ ~10LIN5 TOBflCCO LTD. 084 44 3688 P.03
1 IYII/3~65
Improvements ln corrugatlng ~achlnes
Thls tnventlon concerns l~provements tn or relating to machlnes
for maklng corru~ated board, and ln partlcular to the machlnes
descr~bed and lllustrated ln Australlan patent app11catlons Nos.
62323/86 and 2Z~ 5, ln the name of AMCOR L~mlted, to whlch referenc~
~s dlrocted ln thelr ent1r0ty.
Accord~ng to one a~pect of the present ~nventlon there ls
prov~dQd a machlne for m~k1ng corrugated boa~d comprlslng means t~
feed two separate webs between two respect~ve palrs of corrugat1ng to foPm two corrugated layers, a f~rst adheslve appllcator for
applylng ~dheslve to the pea~s o~ at least one of the two corrugated
layers~ means to brlng the two corrugated layers together at the
peaks of the corrugatlons, means to convey the ~olned corrugated
layers past a second adheslve app11cator for apply1ng adheslve to the
exposed peaks of one of the corrugated layers, an~ means to apply a
llner web to the corrugated layer havlng the adheslve on lts peaks,
and lncludtng means for pneumatlcally urglng the corrugated layers
lnto contact wlth the second adheslve appllcator as the jolned layers
move past the second adheslve appiy1ng means.
tn a preferred constructlon, the ~oined corrugated layers are
conveyed by a roll along a path whlch; ~n the absence of pneumattc
pressure, would result 1n the exposed peaks of the corrugat~d layer
betng spaced from the second adheslve appllca~or, the ~olned
corrugated layers be~ng urged pneumatlcally away from the rol1 by a~r
pressure applled from wtthln the roll so as to engage the adhe~lve
appllcator, Th~s en~ures untform contact of the peaks of the
corrugated layer wlth the adheslve appllcator, whlch ~s preferably ln
the form of a roll coated wlth a thln layer of adhes1ve.
Other aspects of thls lnventlon, each Use~1 ln lts own rlght
and descrlbed ln detall below, are concerned wlth the ~se of alr
pressure to llft one corrugated layer from lts cDrrugatlngroll and
lnto contact wlth the other corrugatedlayerj a constructl~n of the
second adheslve appllcator lncluding a welr over whlch a ~ontrolled
flow of adheslvc l5 arranged to pass lnto a gap between a flx~d mcmber
and a ~ovlng roll arranged to convey adheslvc from the gap and to
~pply lt to the corrugated medlum (preferably any excess ls removed by
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l9eg-10-25 16:54 ~10LII`~5 TOBf:lCCO LTD. 084 44 3688 P.04
; z IYII/3565
a doctor roll or other doctorlng ~evlce)j and the mountlng of hedters
and of the second adhes1ve appltcator on one or more subsldlary fr~mes
separ~te from the maln frame, preferably wlth means for moving these
s~bstdlary frame or frames automatlcally away from the roll carrylng
the ~nlned corrugated layers ~hen the machlne stops.
The ~nventton ~ttl now be descrtbed, by way of ~xample only,
wlth reference to the accompanylng drawlngs ln whlch
~ lgure 1 ts a dlagrammatlc s~de v~ew of a machlne for mak~ng
corrugated board~ and
Flgure 2 ls an enlarged deta~l of p3rt of the machlne of Flgu~e
The mach1ne shown ~n the drDwlngs ls slmlldr to that shown ln
f1g~re 3 of A~strallan patent appllcatlon 2271/85 referred to abo~e-
Referrlng to Ftgure 1~ a ~eb ~1 ts corrugated~n known mannerbetween fluted corr~gatlng ~olls i and 2, and a web W2 ls s1mllarly
corrugated between sl~tlar rolls 3 and 4. Adheslve ls applied to the :;
peaks of the corrugattons by an appllcator roll 5 and the corrugated
~ebs W1, ~2 are brought together between the rolls 2 and 3. Ihe webs
Wl,W2 are he1d to thelr respectlve rolls 2,3 by suctlon appl1ed
through chambers 6 and 7 respectlvely. The Jolned layers ~re then
carr1ed on the ro11 3 towards a flUted carr1er roll 8, As the
~dheslve at thls stage ts not yet tacky, the transfer to the roll 3 of
the corrugated layer on roll 2 ~s dsslsted by alr floW radlally ~rom a
pressure chamber 9 1n the roll 2.
After arrl~a1 oh the roll 8~ the ~olned corrugated layers are :
held on the fluted per1phery of the roll 9 by suctlon applled thr~ugh
a chamber 10. The transfer from roll 3 to roll 8 is asslsted by
pressure air applled through a chamber 11' ln the roll 3, As the
~olned layers a~e conveyed ln a clockwlse dlrectlon by the ~oli 8,
adheslve ls applted to the exposed (outwardly fact~g) peaks of the
corrugated layer N2 by an adheslve appllcator unlt 12.
Refer~ing now ~lso to ~1gure 2, the unlt 12 comprlses an
appllcator ro~l 13 whtch ls posltioned so that therels a small gap
between 1ts per~phery and the peaks to wh1ch adheslve ls to be
applied. A contalner, tn the form of a square tube 14, extends across
the machlne and has a ~ole 15 tn lts ~pper wall. ~ plate 16 ~s flxed
to the tube so that lts top edge 16A is hlgher than the top of the ~
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1989-10-25 16:55 ~OLINS TOB~CCO LT3. 0134 44 36a8 P.05
tube~ and a small gap ls formed between lt and the roll 13. A further
plate 1~ ls also flxed to the tube 14, opposlte the p1ate 16l so that
lts upper edge ls hlgher than that of the plate 16. Th~s the edge 16A
of the plate ~6 forms a welr, so that the amount of adheslYe flowlng
over lt and lnto contact w~th the roll 13 ~s substant1ally constant.
Adhes~ve ls ~ed from a tank (not shown) along a plpe 1a Into thQ
tube 14 and out through the hole 15, so that lt flows over the plate
16 ~n~ onto the ~oll 1~. EXCQSS adh~s1ve flows ov~r the plat~ nd
returns to the tank. The amo~nt of adhes~ve carrled on the roll 13 15
metered by a roll,er 19 whlch~ ln turn, Is cleaned by a doctor bl~de
20, and the adhestve ls ~eturned to the tank, As the roll 13 rotates
wlth the correct amount o~ adhes~e thereon, the ~olned layers be1ng
conveyed by the roll 8 pass a pressure chamber 21 ~n the roll 8 from
wh1ch alr ftows through sultabie radtal passages 50 as to ~rge the
Jolned layers outwards towards the roll 13. Thls causes contact wlth
the ~ol1 13 ~nd adheslve to be app11ed to the peaks.
A llner W3 ls fed around a roller 22 and apptled to the
adheslve-coated peak~ o~ the outer corrugated layer formed by the web
W2. Bondlng of the llner to the peaks ls ass~sted by heaters 23 and
?4. The ~olned corrUgated iayers and the attached llner are then
removsd from the roll 8 by pressure alr from chamber 25 and are fed
o~er a plate 26 towards further pro~esslng mach1nery whlch forms no
part of the present 1nventton.
Pressure alr ls applled at chamb2rs 27 and 28 provlded ln ro11s
2 and 3 respectlYely so as to keep the suctlon holes 1n those rolts
cle~r of any debr~s.
The adhestve un~t 12 ls carr~ed by a fra~e Z9 ~hlch can mo~e
alon~ a plate 30 on whee~s 31. The frame has ~ toothed rack 3Z lxed
to tt whtch ts engaged by a plnlon 33 drlven by a motor 34.
The heaters 23 and 24 are' carr~ed by a frame 35 hav~ng wheels 36
whlc~ run on a plate 3~, A toothed rack 3~, ~lxed to the frame 35, 1s
engaged by a plnlon 39 drlven by a motor 40.
the corrugatlng rolls ~nd roll ~ are dr~Yen from a separ~te
motor 41. The ~otors 3~, 40 and 41 are connected to a central control
~nlt 4Z, of a sultable kno~n form, so that when the machlne ls
stopped, the motors 34 and 40 are energ~sed to rotate the respect~ve
plnlons 33 and 39 and thus cause the adhes~ve un~t 12 and the heaters
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1989-10-25 16:56 ~OLINS TO~CCO LTD. 084 44 3688 P.06
2n~ rt~
4 IYH/3565
23 and 24 to be moved ~way from thetr respectlYe operatlve p~s~tlons.
A manual ovcrrlde ls also provlded so that the varlous unlts moy be
nloved as ond when tho operator ~lshes.
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