Note: Descriptions are shown in the official language in which they were submitted.
CA 02025267 1999-04-27
This invention relates to a novel distributing
apparatus and more particularly relates to a new
rotational polymeric mixture distributing apparatus.
Throughout history, one of the most important
activities in most civilizations has been the construction
of buildings for various purposes such as dwellings,
storage and the like. With primitive societies, it was
common to construct such buildings from natural materials
that were readily available. In forested areas,
structures were erected with logs or boards that had been
cut from the logs.
Where trees were less available, people used stone
for building materials or more commonly artificial adobe
substitutes formed from mud baked in the sun. To make
artificial stones or bricks more durable and less likely
to crumble, it was customary to mix straw or similar
materials with the mud. These are believed to be the
first reinforced products.
11s civ~.l~.~at~.ons devQloped, the use o~ re~.n~'araed
pacoducts has become much mare widespread. hor example,
conarate is formead .from mixturoe o~ cement and aggregat~e
sucta as r~and, crushed stone, racks, eta. ~n addition,
.for groater strength metal rode, me~rh ~'abria and the
~.: ~,~,~ema~, be incorporated therein. Wood produat,s o~ this
. .
Jli i :.
! i..
type include ;pl~e~ood and similar laa~i.nated units as w~11
set partial~ board, wader board mind the lice. the discovery o~ man-mad~ polymerrs and resin-
. ous materials, the use o.~ ~~.~.lers and re9.n~'ora~.aag mate-
~v. rials thear~in has baaom~ common. Th~so materials mar
be in e, vs.riety o~ ~'orme including partioles, fibere9 ..
rods' .~abriaa and the line.
One o~ the mayor problems is the prop~r inaorpor-
e~tion oaf the reini'oraing and/or ~3.3.1er materials into
th~ cantinuotas phase or matrix. Unl~ss a. 'higk~ degree ; j,
o~ care is ~xerc3.a~d when the snats~r3.ald ark ao~abiraed
with the prinaip~tl aosnpon~nt, they may be distributed
non-uaii>formly and/ox vc~id~ s bubbles and ether wean ap~ta
nay be cxeatod.
.~v~n fi.ller~ and re~:n~'orc'ing materials ~rhiaka
can be properly pl.s,cc~d a matrix aasil.~rq there ~ti~.1
i~ vt;he probl~na of ach~.ev~,aag un~,formit~ o.~ the ao~npoait~on
O.t the ma~rixs For ~~ICampl~' 0011a1'"~t~ '60~.X'~~ ~~l~.ah
a ,: .
~~ ce~a~nt, w~,te~ and an aggr~ghte aaxr ba~bens non--homngan~ous
a~.~ply by settling orb As a ~asu3t, the trucks
whidh deliver sash mixes inalud~ drums that aura acotated
aontinuhus~l~ in an a~tem~t to maintain uaxi;P'armity.
'i'his problem of non--unifarmi.ty :Lr~ signifiaaz~t a.n
most 'batch proaeesea. Although the obviaua solution
to th~ shortcomings o.f batch proaasses is aant3.nuoue
proacssing, mast praduats ~ev~.l~. era produced on a batch
or unit basis evs~a though. it might ba a aontinucus batrah
:~,, prons~s' t4ab is, individual units or batahos fabriaatod
ors an asae~mbly line. As s~ result, reproducabls high i
qual~.t~y remains a serious problem.
The produatian of man--made plastics and r~sins
is an industry that utili~as a high degree of automatia-
al7,y eantrallsd continuous proasssing. However, far
y units of appreciable sire, b~;tah proaass~.z~g still is
the rule rather than the exception. ~'ar sxampl~, in
W th~ production of fiberglass structures suoh as boats,
it is customs,ry to construct tk~e hulls b~ hand, build- .
ing oxa an open mold in which s: p~.uralit~ of resin and .
f~bsrglass layers are s~quential~.y ~.aminated or a plu-
ralit~ of mixed resi.nlahapp~d fiber aea~tings ors applied
a~~r the meldo
Suub hand praduets xe~ui~e a lams aa~aunt of
J.abor anc~ supervision to ~.nsurs that a rea~:~nabl.e ~.evsl
of quality is ach~.eved. T~ais greatly irrers~sa~ the cost
of tlae product. ~ ,-;..
the problems of batch bsaom~ more aom
plicatsd wh8n the ~cs~i;r~~ or pol~m~xa~ are faam~.fsrrming.
A:a a mufti--obmpansn,t mixture is pl~,csd into nn opera mold,
the .first pert of the mixture begins to fawn and grow
from the bottom of the mold a,a a resu~.t of an a~xothsrmia
ct~emict~l rAactia:~~ '~~e bubble size of tho foam is smal-
leaf ~;t th~a bottom wtaerre the raacEian bn~,ixae and ie
:Le~rgdet at the tap o:f the mold a9 tkae raactian draws
to oocnp~.e~t:Lon. '.Che resulting produot is non»~un~.form
in density ,from top to bottom and thus ~aa~ poox° utrua~ ,;
,;.~~ turs,l strength and ~.a uu~at~.a.faotory» ...,
Thes~ limitations are especially signifiosnt in
the i' off' molds ~'or melded producett~» stand la-.
bar, frequent inspsat~,ons~ aloso supervision~ eta» in
. making molds cause lengthy delays between the aomple~tw .
ion o~ the design and the start o~ production.
. In view of the abovQ discue~eion, it is olear that
pres~nt manuf'aaturing fabricating e~pg~aratus9 methods
and ~rooeclures do not provid~ the operating e~'i'icisneiss
and design poss9,b~.l.~,tiss r~quired aurrsntly and in the ,:.
future. Thus, there is a need for na~r agparatus and
procedures that si~ni~~,aantly rc~duae the ~im~ seed ~a~~ense
xequtired to get into production near ~~oduct~ h~~r~ng ~
l~~,gb degree o~ qua~,it,y ~,nd uni~'ormitye
The p~esen~ invention ~rarridea a novel ao~2tinuous
appsr~tus wbiah ~,ot only overcomes the deficiazabies of
pr~sent teohno~.o~5~~ but also provid~s ~~atures ~n~. ~dvau-
t~~es nab a~aund iza ~arlier ~~pedienta~ Tkae rotatat~l~
polymeric mixture d~.~trib~t3.n~ ap~~t~s a~ the in~~nti~n
'r:: provides a simple and caonvenventr means ~'or gss~tly re~
duGing flee tins required to get nevr ~arod~ae~ts into prt~.~
duationd Tb~ apparatus also fac~~.~.~aate~~ flee produotian
off' uniform k~~,gh qua~i~y pxoduets ~~f~ic3,entx~ aa~d inear-
v'tau~ y~aL;~m~x~:~.c s~s~..x~ux~ d~,sctributir~~ appar~st;usa ni'
t~ha p~ra~n~a~ irw~n~;lon io a~im~l~ ~.n end o~n bo
~;~a~du~~~t .~n~.r~t~~.v~Jl~ ~.~nax~~n~~.v~i~~ t~~~nm~xo~,~~,~.~ av~.:~1»
~b~~ wnt;~ri~i~ arid aampc~t~~~st~ a~rr be ~.~~,li~~~d i.n t;l~~
m~ra~a~~o~nx~ o.~ ~hs~ ~.pp~ar~s~u~~,~ Qonv~nt~.a~l ~mb~~ ,~rb~»
~i.c~~~3,~r~ pr~~~4ur~~ ~~~ b~ ~~pl~o~~~ by ~ra~~.»~~c~'il~~ ~.~~~
4 i ~:
~q~~ ~~~ ~n ~~~ ~u~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~p~~~~b
i~ c~t~r~b3.~ ~,~a acror~~~ruo~~.e~n ~acad hay ~ 'lar~~ ue~.~ca~. ~.ii'e
~a~.~trb~ a minimum c~~ ~~i~~~~e~m~a~~
~?a~ ~s~p~r~~ta~ ~.~ i~b~ inv~n~ic~~a ~s~ra bo ~e~d~.~3.~d!
~o mold a, ~rid~ ~ra~r~.~r~ o~ taw g~acuc~bu~r~~,» v~r~.~,~i.oa~~
t~a~b 9~n ~arod~ao~ mompc~~~.~~.s~~ ~~ad oat~~'i~ura~ion o~~a b~
u,~~~3ned ~3,m~ply ora~d conv~r~~.~~at;2~ ~~.~ta bho ~~~i~o~ oi'
~h~ iner~n~~.oa~r ~sv~on wit;l~ ~cacah v~sxi~~~.on~~ uxs3~,~aacaail~~
~ct~d! ~;u~l3.ty off' proc~oo~ d~,m~n~~.o~~ ~~ad oo~apo~3~ia~ ~r~~
o~ill iax~o,~.x~ed '~3'~howts d~.~~'ictul~~~
a. .
~'h~~~ ~s~dl o~hor bo~a~i'i~~ ~snd ~dv~sn~~~ s~9C ~h~
,:; Ia:
ncarrol. ~co~~~~bl~ pc~l,~m~ario ~i~~~ar~ d~.~~~iD~~~.~~p~~»
~~ c~~' the pro~~~t~ ~.~v~n~~,on ~r~.~:~. b~ ~tp~p~r~~~ i'x°~m ~~r~
~cr~.l.a~ai~x~ d,~~orip~ian end tt~~ ~soo~amp~n~i.~~ s~~e~.~a~~ ~.~a .
,, , :;
>~hioh a
:~'~.~ur~ 1 ~,~ rrt~~ ~;~ p~~~p~o~~.v~r t~~t ~~a~ ~'o~aa off'
r~ots~~~b~~ pe~l~~~~r m~.a~~~x~ d~.~t;r~.bu~~~.n~ ~pp~rbs~cat ~b~
r '. ~.~'ltP~ll~'~ ~.Ox'i D
:,; -;
~'~,~t~ro A~ i~ ~n ~,nl~r~r~ ,~x~~v~~n~~rp ~id~ vi~~t pa~°~~
~iall~r in ~~~~~.c~~ ref' tabs r~~r mab~r~°3.~s1 mixl.~e~ ~aad
m~r~.o m9:~r~~x~~ d~.~~r~.b~a~in~ ~r~d ~oo~pt~.n~ por~~.o~a~ ~at
' ~b~ ~~ps~~r~Gu~ ~t~ca~n ira ~'3.~~a~~ ~g
Figure 3 is a .further enlarged fra~~oentary section-
al view of portions o.f the apparatus shown in Figures 1
and 2 taken along lin~ 3 - 3 of figur~ 2;
figure 4 i~ a sahematio of one form
,,~', of oontrol portion of the a~ppr~rat~a~ ~f thd invdntion;
e Y.,
~l. .
tf .,t
figWra ~ ig an anlar~ed .~ragmantary cro~~-~adation--
s:l view off' ,~ molded unit of 'the inventian
A~ elaown in the drawings, and form of mult~.~-axis
ratational polymeric mixture di~tribut~.n~ appara~tu~ 11
of the present invention inol.uda~ a raw ms;terial au~pply-
ing pardon 13, a support~,n~ pardon 1~, e~ ra~r mat~rial
. portion 15, a polymerio ro~is~tur~ distributing .
por-~ .
tioxa J.6, a polymdric mixturd acc~pting portion 1.~ arid
~ CantrOl partiOn 1$0
' a
.: r~ ~,a.
The ra~v m~trer~.a1 ~upp~,y~,ng portion I3 of the m~.x~
~6d1"'~ d~~~X'~.bll'ti~LYl a
~ ppar~tua 11 0~ thd invanti~n ina3,udea
a', a plurality O~' reaervoirta 20, 2~.'~ 22~ 2 j9 ~'~. a~ad
fha~~ resarvair;s may ~.ncluda at~ra~d cbamb~ra f~r resin-~'
forming mater3.~l~.~ ,filler, rai~a~ore~ment~ ~ oolar~
~ oats-
ly~ts, .edam-~~ormi~g matarialn, other ~:ddit~:va~, inert
mixtuacad end the like. Ha~~~vo~,ra 24 and ~~ ax~~ conn~o~-
tsrd witri r~ae~svoir 20 fear premixing o f itaext ma~ar~al
t~e~e~.n prior to trs~nnf~r to t~a~ ~nixi~~ portion 1~~
Ra~arvoira ~~, ~1i ~~ end ~~ at' ~rh~ ra~~ ~a~t~rial
supplying por~~an l~ are independe~atly conndc~ted to the
. -6-~ ,
.. ~ ~ ~
raga materi.fil mixing 'portion 15 through conduit means
26, 2?, ?t3 and 29. Advantageously, separate bypass r~-
turn condtait means 30 extend from one end of each con~-
duit ~6 ~- ~9 ad~aoon~ flee mixing portion baa~c to the
renpeative Te~e~rva3.r ~0 ~ 23 as i.l~.u~trabed in Figure
the supporting portion 14 of ap~ar~tcue~ 1.1 of the
prey~nt invention inaluda~o a l~ae~~ eeotion 3~ wi~t~ gen-
era'i'ly para11e1 upstanding and aaationa 33 and 3Wm
",. plurality a:~ frame members 3~0 3?r 38 e.nd 39~ eaoh with
a large open oentral ar~a 47;~ 42, 43 or t+4 aa~t~nda be--
twaan the upstanding and sections and is ro~e~~abl.y aup-
ported ther~On. :E~aoh of the inner frame ~aambere 3'7'
38 and 39 ~-a progre~ee~.vely smaller in ai~e and ie dish-
posed within an open c~ntral area off' the nest le,rger ,:
game me~ber. ,
alternate frame mewbarg ~hown in the drawings ae
mamber~a 3~ and 38 are rotatable about aligned a~ae ~6
and ~~e ~h8 game mel~b8rt~ t~l~~'8betla~$n 37 and ~9 ~~''~
r~tatabl~ about aligned a~c~a 47 end 49 g~nerall~r peril~n~
d~;cular to the first ax~e ~+6 and ~+8~ The game
member 39 includes ~otatabl~ hnldin~ ~eat3ona 51 and 52
that extend inwardly along an axis 53 that al~co is per-
pendiCUlar t0 axi~a 49 0~ that fsama member.
Advanta~eoualy, the ~~e,liar ~ra~n~ c~~~bere ~'7a 3~
end 39 axe generally centered the op!era oentr~l
e,rea 41, ~~? and 43 of the n~~t 'i~rg~r fry~a oaambe~a 36,
i., , 3rd and 38 reapaCtivel~rs ~.~he outer largest ~rar~e m~mb~r
36 preferably included a cross frame section 54~~ The
cross frame section 54 advantmgooualy is disposed in
a planer ~ubatantially to a plan~ through
the outer frame member ~E~. ~ftao cross frame section pre-
fere~bly ~.;~ disposed aymmetrioally of the out~r fraa~e
uaombor 36.
S -
Tk~e .frame members ~6 - ~~ advantag~oualy ar~ of a ~ '
generally multi~-angular oonfigura.tiona Preferably, the
frame members are of a quadrangular confl.guration and ,
moat preferably a square aonf~.guration as ahow~a in the
. :~,~ C~raw~n~,~o ~.'hA ~ram8 m9mb~a."'(! ~d'V$ntag0olaft~~"y
t4~'~ ~oI'm8d
of tubin,~, pr~forably with a quadrangularg a.g. square
arose aoat3.on. .~dvantageoualy, the raw matexia,l conduits
2f~ - ~~ and eloatrical conduatore for energi$ing drive
means are disposed slang the frame members.
:,, The raw material mixing portibn 15 0~' the diatri~~:..
biting appaxatu~a 11 of the invention inolud~a ~ mining
chamber 55. The misting chamber is mount~d ad~aoent the ~i-
sm~lleat frame member 39: Ttaer mia~ir~g ah~~nber id mounted
.for aoxatro~.lod move~ent subatantiall~ p~ral,~a7. t~ the ' :;
xot~tion~al axis oI tie h~ldiza~ aeot~.o~aa ~1 end ~2~ i'
Th~ mix3.r~g portion 15 inalude~ a plurality
of spaced defl~ator ~oo~Giona 5?s The ~Ieflector- creations
are poaitioxtable a~~.~ativel.y rithin the aha~nbax
,; s"
5S along the length of the ~tiamb~r. Maana ~e ahowt~ as
drive ~~aa~mbliea . 39 and p~ovi.c~od for
:= the : :::
d~.flector s~~tiona fram the ah~,mbarr
piston means E~1 is seleetivQly mavab~.e ~,rithin the
mixing chamber alon6 the length thereof when the doff~c-
for sections axe wittad:cawn thare:~rom. Advanta~aoum~,y, tho y paca~r3.d~ rotation or ah~zn~tng of the orien~.
lotion of 'the deflector secatiaraa when they are diapaeed .
within the mixing cheamb~r. The defleetar aectians pre- .
ferably ~xtend into the mixing chamber radially of the
axis of the chamber.
Th~ polymeric mixture distributing portion 1H of
the apparatus 11 includes delivery means ~~ which is
movable in a oontral~.ed motion. The delivery means ~?
extcanda from the ruixing ohamber SS toward the axle o.~
th~ holding sections 51 and S2. The distributing por-~
. lion advantageously includes extendable flexibl~ conduit
means 63 to facilitate positioning of thm d~livery means. .
Preferably, the extendable conduit means is ~seleativ~ly
;~oin~bhe with a pasea~g ~. extending ~hrou~h a holding
section 51 ax' S? that communicates the polymeric
mixture aocepting portion 17 as described hereafter
fh~ polya~exio m~:~ct~a~e ~ac~~~ing part3~n l~ ~,nolc~d~~ x'; ,-
~ profile member fC s~~th a eur~aoe ha~rir~g a desired con- ~',
fi~ux~htian. The profile member ~~ ie poeitionable be--
tweeza the eeetione 51 and 5~ inwardly . :t .
from th~ smallest frame me~aber 3~; The holding agotio~a~
aeaua~a the
profile r~embe~r in place during rotat3an thereof sF
a~xd the deposition of the polymex~.o ~ni~tux°e th~reon~
mhe pro.~',F:'~ m~mbex~ may innlud~ one or snnr~ ~aaeagea t~aere-
throu,~h camr~unic~t3ng eaith holding section pa~~aa~e 6~.
for delivery of the polymeric miacture.~hereinm
.. ...
'.the profile member C6 advantagsouQly includes a
.flexible c~urfaae covering 6''~ with a plurality of surface
auppoxting ~lamente 68 bearing against the aur.faae cover
ing. Tb~ surfaa's uupporting olsmon~s 68 provide changes
in the pra.~ils of the surife.ce severing;, fr~ferably, th~
~ux~'aaa sup~drti~ag e~.sment~ oars a~dvabio ra,d~.a~,ly of the y,'~. .
ax~,~t of the prof ils member. Mast preferably, the move- ;;':
went 'of the surface supporting clear~nta i,s produced through :r,
driv~ means 69.
The eurfaa~ supporting e1~menta ~8 may bs disposed the aur,~e,ce ~aovsring ar inside the surface cavnr-
ing. (~rsate~r v~rsatility is aahievsd a profile
mdmber including two(outer and innsr)aurfaco caverings
67 and 70 with the auxface aupparting elements diepagsd
therebatw~sn as shown in figure 3.
The control poxtion 1F3 of the rotatable d3.str~.bu--
ting apparatus 3.l of the ~.nvention inaluds~ pump means
~1~ 72, 'r'3 end 74~ valve ~eari~ r~~a9 '~'~, "r8 and 79 algid
.tlo~ monit~a~ing mans 81, 824 83 and 84 dis~po~edslang '
tla~ 1~~8th of each raw m~te~ial co~eduit ~eana ~6, 2'7a
2.8 and 2 ~. .~Iso, ind~pend~nt drive means ~~~9 ''~6~ P~7
and 88 are disposed ad~e.cen~ the axih of sash Exams mem-~
ber ~6, 370 3g aid ~9~ ' The dx~a,ve m~an~ pravid~ rotation
of ~ach frame member .. i:ndapendsntl~r of the other frame
~~btionar Advan~e.geota~ly, tta~ frame ~m~mbsx drive meaaxe
ar~ ~evereib~.e t~ faai~at~~~ the c~~' the
po~.ymeric mixture ~ver the ~urf~cs of they praf33.e ~~m~
ber 86~ .
1'ha control portion In ~xlso includes programmable
m~mory means 91 and actuating means 92 responsive there~»
to, advantageously ~.n aomb~.nation w:lth moans ;a,
g~ to oantroi the aparati.on a~' the pumps' valves and
dr~,vas» Pre~'srabiy, the means includes
a pran~a~a aontr~lxar 94 that in~.t~.atas changma 3.n the
':..:\k'. ~~'~"s
~~.owm off' materials and speeds o~ dr~.ves to var~.a.-
tio~.ns thera~.n bac~C to the rates sp~a~.~'~.~d ~.n the programs
present in the memory 91~
~°h~.~e coardination commonly ~,s achieved through
the transmission of informat~.on suoh as d~.gitai poises rv
.roar the monitoxs and/or w~erasors at the control aompo-
nente to the proc~ss control.ler 94. Th~ opera'~ing ~.n-~
~ormat~.on 3,e compar~sd with the pre~ee~.ected programming:
parameters stored ~,n the memary. Tf d3f~er~naes are
detected, ~,nstruotions from the contrail.~r change the
op~,rat3on o9f the components to restor~ th~ various op-
erat3ona tv the pre$elected pracessing spaci~icat~.onsw
In the use off' the polymeric mixture d~.str3.but3.n~,
ag~a~r°atu~ 11 rah' the present laav~r~tiara, tbs o~ th~
°, '"~:
prod,uc~ desires ~3.rst is estabhished~ the dd~ign den ;,i
be ecipied 9fro~n a sample ~~' ,~ s3,m31or prc~duc~» .
Copying a product samp~:e aan be ~,GCOmg~.ished 3.n
s~v~a~l ~ray~: the s~~ple ma;y be pos~aioned and aehur~d ~.
between ~h~ holding aea~3.ohs 5i and ~~» ~herea~ter,
a Polymerio ~n~.~~ure ~.s depo~it~d on the ~am~~.e
such as bar d~po~iting a pniymex~ r~.bbon continuously over
the sample prot'ile in an ov~riappin~ p~ztt~r~: wit~~w~~.~.'c~s,
a~ux~ir~~, and aubhsc~ua~n~: to ~;tm d~positi.on a~' tb~a
palyu~s~ry ~ha c~x~.v~a morane 8-~ a$ ~'ar tMe wpdo~.l"i.a .~xau~e
w~ar~bsrn>~ -» y sra sati.vstsd ras tc~ .flow the
p~a~,yr~sr~.a un~.xt~ure av~ar tlae swr~was end ~a~cca m ~ub~~s~a-
isla~~.~.y wr~~,Barca po'lymar~,n 'ls~so avea~ tkas saa~irs ~ampls~
l~a~ pa~.~r~sr aavsrsd sss~ls ~n~,~ bs r~~c~sd ar'~~w ~hs ~~1~~~
,,,,a~, ,~.e .
msr9,a~ ~s,ysr is suf~':~csiontc~,y a~t~~ed tcs be ss~.f'«sw~amr~9,n~ ','': d3.s~ax~9.n~ the ~xo~' ~bsrsa~'m ar ~t~s ds~as~,w
~iaz~ a~' ttaw ~olymeria m~.x~~ars mny hre oontimusd bo bw,~.l,d
s ~tD~~.a~ swpport be~a~i,n,~ t;bersove~rp
~~bsn tbs aawered s~mp'~~ is r~~ntwsd f~ro~ tbs ~pps~
xatus, ~~as outer pdlymsr3.o she'll i,s dlv~.dsd ~.~t'~c~ sts ls~s~
twa ~asat~.o~ae. Tk~e sa~n~~.s ~,s re~a~red Brad tlns esotiorr~o
' o~ tbs pa~.,y~reric~ shell becoa~e s mul~t~.~g~ieae ~03.d ~aes0~o~
bl,y:.~hlab rare be xein~araed ~'w~ba~r i.t dssi,red~
c~oxe ed~rnnt~~~ataely~ ~sbs design off' a ~radwat tea
bs aradwc~sc~ can bs g~ra~ra~med laatc~ ttbs ~ra~'~.le me~~csry
~~ ~~~~~~.~~ p~~~~.x~ ~~~a~~~ ~~ ~.~ ~b~ ~~~~~~~~ xa. ~~~,~s~~
hwldl3.sscat~.o~~, ncad 5~b alt tbi.s ~afaa~,~ h ~rod~mst
~~.s is hn~s~sd ~.~b~r' tk~s ~x°a~i,le ~s~ahsr ~~r, tb~ d~c~,~~
mr~s f~9 mave~x the ew~pas~in~ els~~nts ~9 s~s~.n~b ~~ea
~3.e~ibl~ ~,tatert~e~, sw~~'s,as aovsr~.n~ '~0 ~~xd sdv~nass ~r
~.m~tca int3,~t~ ao~xt~aat o~3.trta t8~s ~~~rir~ ~w~~'nc~~ a~ fibs
~o~~apl~~ Vibe meenor~ ~~~~ 91 r~~ ttae e~ax~tr~~. ps~rt3.tbs~ .
~,, ,
d S ~~ ~r~~mmed ~'aar the atr'~ttrf,o~n tit' bhp ~~a'~'~s~ srs'~
t:, ~.
~tCg~~, ti~~ ~~~par~~,r~~ . ~lsmo~t~ r~~.tbd~~~ ~s~~9.#tln~ t~a~
~~~a~~ dave~in~ ,~~ to rs~:~a~s ~°ra~ the e~~,s s~arsas
ea thw s~~p~.~ aura 3~~ ~ep~°at~d Pram the pra~'~.l.s ms~bsr.
Zn t~a9.~a wsy~ s aao~d ~,s~~~bly ~'ar dt~~li.a~t~.the ~roduat .
saoa~~ple lass bean arse;tsd qw~,ai~'~y end
~.l~r ,
,/' ~
.'I~ i_f; ~.~ to make n p:roducti_on mold to brs
used :fox an extended Iaariod of t;imeq a mold assembly
raxx be made vein g t~ pxoftlo momber an external sux-
face covoring 67a ~L~hua, vahen the internal surface covr
ar~.n~ ~ja ;Lm in aloes contact with the nnb~.x~s surfaoa .
yu;, a ,f. the samp;Lo, the ~xtexnal. suri'ace covering f~'~ is ;'~n=;
or~.en- .
~, :;;.
', .
:~_~''~ ted in tho same conf.~.gure~t~.on. A po7.ymeric mixture
i .v
b~ deposited on the ;~urfaoa covering in the ~eaaa~ way W~:
~~~ as described above with the direct coat~,ng o~ the sample
to produce a mold asagmbly with an internal cavity for
molding duplicat~s of the sampl~. .
Another procedure :Ear producing a mold assembly
i;~ to gen~rrate a desired design in a computer directly
a~ad then tranai''er the design in.tarmat3oa~ into the mem~-:5'
ory o~ the control. portion 18 so it oan sub~s~c~uent7.y
shape the euxface covering oi th~ pro~Eile membe~c 66 as
daecribed above using the sampl.~~
~'o ets~rt the operatian of the ~.ppa~~tua ~.1, but
tone and/ox ~~r~.tohes 96 '0~ a control. pa~~~. 97 are ddp~eaa~d
to aciiivai;e th~ a~~mor~ gl and ~~aa ai;her ccamporaent~
th3 C011t~'b~, p0~.'tj.C)n ~.8s ~h~ G4~tax."d~,ll~ting !11~~.n~
~~ 071
ergiz~a t'rame member drive meanz~ 8~ ~- 88 and
~ben pro~i2e membar 6f~ i~ emp~.ayad ~nar~i~aa ~u~'pp~rti,ng
~l~rme~at drive mans 6~a
H r~ .
x Also, the pumps 71 ~ 'T~9 th~ ~ralvea '~6 - '~~~ and
tie ~~.ow ~a~~~mx~~ 81 .. s~. ~~~ ~~~~~~:~~d ~~ t~~ ~~o~d~.-'
n~t3n~ m~arts 9~ in the: p~'es~~3.~et~d ~~q,uenoea o~ the . '
grim stored ins the memory 91. Thin c~ugea thg taut materia3.s,..
~1~~ , ,
in r~servoirs 2Q - 2~ to advance along the conduits 26 --
29 toward the mixing pardon 1.5. For example9 to mold
rx 'product including a roamed polyurethan~ resins reeex~-
vo:~r 20 may oonta:i.n a pr,ovious~.y p~spax'ed mixture of
an isouyanate acrd gravel a;~ a filler from
,~ , .
~, ~~ a~ad ~~i ra~~aacvolr ~1 may oantain a paiyo7, ~ re~~svoir
22 fotxm forming matexials and ?3 and other reservoirs
colors9 catalysts, etc. as required
4: ..
~o pxoduce high quality mold~d units of the inven-
tion, it is important that the raw delivered
to the mix~,ng ahambew5~ be unifarm in volume and com-~
poc~itionw , ',~h~.s aan be facilitated by providing a .
~~.rauous ~Clow of raw materials to the mixing portion
yh~ immediate transfer of the mixtur~ therafrom onto
th~ polymexic mixtur~ acoepting surfaas~ Ho~a~var~ th~
va'lum~ o% the mixture delivered will vary d~pending upon
the p~ticu~ar incremental area being covered at any
instant. Also' the delivery will be terminated camplet~-
7.y ~rh~n a mo~,ded unit i~ being removed from the a~pa-
re~~ ua a
v .. :r
Advan~a~;eous7.y, as show~a in ~igur~ 4, a ~~pdr~,t~
bypass oondui~ 3~ 3s utilized from the end of each ~onm
duct 2C -. 29 at a po3.rat ad3acent the mixing chamber.
:~ ba,olc ~o th~ r~spec~~.~~ re~exv~ir 2~ -~ 23; ~hia constr~o~
> ::
=s~,; ~~.t~n ~T.av~d0~ for the t~~~.~v~~C'y ~~ ~. f~'~gh~~ .~6~~'m~d, ,.;
'~ c un~,~ ..
' ~1~~
,form mixture from tha mixing e~ham'b~~ ~t~en
d3etance is oons~.derable betwe~ra the reservaira and the
mixing cha~b~r ro~hich ~a l:oaat~d cloy~1y ~d~acent ttae
m~.%~Idr81 aCC~pt:~Tr~ f~irrf~tl~. '.L~~lh! OOIItx'ol portion
.v~l.~,.. '
oaordinatsa the operation of Ghe various system eompo-
nmnto as the rec~uirad formulation can ,flow owbo the ds--
uixad arsao.
1 .
Wlaan the d~~3rad voJ.uma o~ the mixture lass bean
:~; d~paa~.~tad, tba da~'laotor ~aeat~.on~ 5'7 axe witl~draan ,,''
'~y~ ' the mixing a~ha~ab~r 55~ T3aon, th~ piston m~a~b~r 61 mav~~y,.
forward ~,nta tbe~ ahambar pu~l~ing out any mat~ria~l
,, s
tlaorein and a$as~~ning the mixing ahambor for rao~iving
v the next ingrodienta. With tho pi,~ton 61 disposed in
tho mixing ohamb~r, rotation of the ~ramm aact3ona ~6 - t
59 is c~aa~tina~d to oomp$ete the flow of th~ mixtur~ over
ali aurfaoae being aoverad~
, .;;j
'i'h~ rotations era eontrolled within the para~aatera
ntox~~d in tho m~mory 91. liar particular u~aitu, the ro-
a~~ 1
tatiana about the reap~otiv~ aacea ma,y be continuous and/I
or intermittent at changing rates. Also, it may ba dew
disable to ~aaro~rid~ a~euat~ rotations t~aat ia, ~o~aa~ent' 1
' I
about ~xa era:: sash as a roaring motiOnd ~rdvantag~oualy,,-
oa~oa~itor~ 98 loaat~d ~d~acen~ the a~3.xbure ~a~~p~in~
~~,o~ ~,n~'orsn ~ha pro~~a~ c~ntro~:~.ex~ 94 wboaa the
hay fl.ov~~d aver all, s~ar~~aeoo
S. ~ The oompa~t~rnta of t~a~ palymsxie mixture!, that boa
. J',. ,. ...
been d~poa~a~d q,uiol~$~e. ;'begin to reset ~Q dorm a ~b~;~;d
.t.t, . n . ,.1 a
,T ~t~~totur~t wb~.~.~ rotationai a~ov~~aar~t of tlaa pr~t'il~
ber cc~ntintt~a'm . Sao m~.~tur~r dap~aitod
a herd cwer$ng w~.'~h a hi~t~ doaa~itay ~a~t~~.~
or na
Y,,, bubb~.e ~ara~tion. Aa tk~o r~action rata inareaaaa duo
to the ~xotb~rm~.o r~a~~ib~ of the rein f~rm~,t~,on, t~aa
~o~m i'oxmed d,sex~~aoa in dsnsity~
Y .. :n.l 5.. ~ .
'.~la~a .~'au~u den~~.ty dour~a~~~~ ~ub~~nn~3~ull~r uni~'arm--
l.y ~,~ ~h~ ~paro~,za~ ~x~om ~k~o ~sur.~apea ~.nor~~~eu~ '~h~,~
d~ar~n~t~ ;L~x d~nni~~ t~aaa~~.nuun ur~~.~~u Lh~ ~~pa~nd~.a~~ ~o~amn
~16f~~ ~I~tc~~~~~C' :~0~1~t1a .~Q'~ ~k~k~l~~9 ~U~lIld~l~$H~t~~ ~ wkl~.~
de~~ran~.~~ ~~~atra~a~~, b~.rri~r i~ ~'o.a~~~rd~
,:;,,~; , .
't~~n ~b~ paccad~aa~ ~,~ ~u~'~~.~~,~n.~ly au~sr~d4 ~h~ xo~u~
~~:c~n is n~a~pp~d urrad ~ta~ ~ld~d r~~a9~~ 9.~ .~~c~~d 'ram ~b~
=av n~pp~a~un~ ~~ n~p~x~~~d ~crld~d unit i~ n~~ ~~~,d~o to
~ncu~r~~~e ~h~ ~onaa ~' ~~ad~'~r ~ba~ aur~ra~ r~~' ~3~~
a~~~in ~har~ir~~ Duz~ixa~ than p~~riad9 ~h~ ~"~.n~.l ~~~.on
c~~' b~~ ~~e.m' ~r~~ of .the maid ~ ~ re~truint 9 ~tx~~~~u the
~a3.~h d,en~~ty aut~r ~~r3,ra ~x '~n~~r n~" the pradwc~t~ 9.u
sts~~~in~ c~~' tie ~t~~.~a in~r~u~au the qtr~xeg~th u,nd p~,na.~ .
btaac~e ru~~.~tnnaa~ tb~rea~" send ~lns~ tb~ ~i~ruatra~cn~. ~tx~n~th
~~ tb~ mald~d product 9.tnelata ~h~ ~truat~r~,7, ~tr~n~t~a
~t ~ta~ prad~ac~~ ~~n be ~aa~caa~~~d ~°urtla~r b~ ~,na~.udix~~ ~ ~-
r~rii~~rso~a~~rat ~taokr as m~t~.l ear ~'~b~~°~le~~~ ~"ib~r~s i.n the
~i~tu~~ pawiax to caoldir~~~ ~7:na~ px~~a~~ae~d r~iniCc~rn~~ue~n~~
~~~i ~~. a~~~~l wiry ~naa b~ utv~~,~~dm ,,.,
. :~~.~u>~~ ~ ~.~:~.u~~x~,t~~ nn ~n~.nar~~d ox~~s-~n~atl~~a~~.
v~:~w c~;~ ~ mc~~d~d ~an~.t ,~~ ~la~ prd~uc~d a~p~esy-»
~a~ t~~ ~pp~.r~t~a~ and m~~h~d~nerib~d abnv~~ ~.~ i~h~~a~
the t~n~t ~.rral~ad~~ ~, high d~~~i.t,~ u~~~~~ed ou~~r ~.~~~~ .
~,~ ~~,~h ~ 1~~~ d~n~~ ~~~~r lt~~. ~~y~~di~n~ tta~~~~~~ , ',
e, ;,
-' ~'~,~~,~~' ~~."~~,t3~.~~1 ~.~~ ~i,~ld, ~.13~J~" 7C'~~i~~"6~~l~lEl~'~~.~~
7C'~ ,
d~l~"~~lY~'~d ~l3r~ld~$1(~~'~ ~r11~ ~9C'~Itd~~'~.s I~~~~~ 6B~~iJC~:~ ~.~i
~o~o~~~n~~ ~:~~ ~r~d ~~~ub~~~~ z~~~ _ _
~dvanta~,eouslyq the stressed outer layer 100 i.n-
clud~~s a somewhat greater cavaQntration of hard
part;iales 1.02 and the :foamed layer 101 includes a some-
what ~;xaater aonoentration of tt~e fiber rain:~o:roeman~
1(73 'l.'hus~ t2ae proeent invention pravide~a a navel molded;
praduat that ie a unitary stx~uoture with an ~.nte~ra7,
n. hard out~r surface av~ar a more flexural ,strong booking
and inal.udee proportions of fillers and/or rein.
,toraemente. A s.,
T,'b.e above deeaription and the accompanying. drawings
above that the present invention provides a novel rotation-
a1 palymeria mixture distributing apparatus which not
only overaames the deficiencies and ehartaoming;~ o.f. ear-
liar expedi,ants~ but in addition provides novel features
and advantages not found in previous apparatus. The
~~C '~ .'n
T '_
diatributin~ apparatus of th~ inv~ntion provides a eim~.
ple and convenient means for reducing e~.gnifiat~ntly the
time required to advano~ .from a design to the p~roduation
sta~e~ This ~.s true w~aether the d~sign .is embodied in
a pratatype~, ~.~ a aonventiona'1 drawing or is a coaaputer
~~n~rat~~ ae~~:~~.
~.'he apparatu;e ~o~' tl~e imvdn~~.on ~.~ simple in design
~: ~~a .~r~ia~~.v~iy w:~~~.~p~n~~.~~. ~va~~ab~.~.
terials and components can be utilized i.n the :fabrica~
tion off' the apparatus usira~ conventional. metal. working
t~ehniquee and procedureaa
~':caduCte Qan be produaact eff~Iciantl.y with the ap~
parE~tus b;,~ operaturv with limited experience and apti-
tude aftor a short period o.f instruotian. The apparat~
us is durable in construotivn and has a long useful lif~
with a minimum oaf ruaintene~z~as. , ' .
r ;:
~~4 Y
The apparatus of the invention can be utilized
to mold .a wide variety of d~.~~erent products. Variatians
~.n composition, struvture arid configuration off' the pro~
duots can be achieved simp~.y and quial~~.y with the apps-
ratus of the invention. .
Tt will be apparont that various modi~icat~.ons
can ba caade in the rotational poi,ymeric mixture dlstri-.
bating apparatus descrilasd in detail above and shown ;
in the drawings within the scope of the preeerat inven-~ .
tion. The, con iguration a~ad arrangement o~ cam-
pon~nts and mataria3:~ can be changed ~o megt opeai~ie .~.'
~requ~.remen.~se rv~ ex~mplo~ the number off' Components 1-'
and r~s~rvoire may bg dii'farent m Also, the hpperatus ;: 1;.:,
m~;~r 3nalude oth~a.~ dri~~ end actuating oom~ra~aent~ end
~~_~ s~~char~i~ms. ' These and other ch~ngo~ c~h beg ~ad~ ire the
sppara~us a~eorib~d provided ~h~ ~'unc~k~.on~.n~ arid oper:~
e~ti;o~ ~?~~reof ax~~ not adversely a~'~'ect~Q~ ~:'her~~ore,
the gc~ope off' the preoent ~:nverati.on is to be 1~.m3.~ed on~.y .
b~ the follgwi.n~ o~.~ir~~.
' d
~ ~