Note: Descriptions are shown in the official language in which they were submitted.
Spec,:Liic~ .or~ -
~ rhe prese~t invent~on rel~tes to a m~thod of
p~oducir~ ompo~ te mesnb3rs, whereby a
pr~abrlcal;~3(1 cora, ~long `wlth ~einforc:ln~
~ilaments that ar~ gu~.ded along an outç~ surface o
~h~ core~ axe guided through a for~`, ln the cc:u~se
of wh~ch th~ reln~o~ins~ ~ilamen-l~s ~e pla~ed
agalr~æt the outer s~lrface of th~ ~ore.
Met~lod~ o ~h~ ~oxementlorled ~eneral ~ype are
kr~c~wn ~o~ pro~uci~g compo~lt~ memb~3rs ~h~$ c:omprise
a ligh~w~3ight~ ~uppox~ oore and a filamerlt-
~n~oxced sheathing, with the filament:s baing
di~e~ted in the lon~ltu~inal directlon o~ t~3
proflled mem~e~
DE 34 1~ ~01 Al disc~loses a method of th:Ls
type whero ~he ~r~a~ric~ted suppoxt cor~ ~ogether
~lth ~3inforci~ t~nds that ~re guided alon~ ~he
suxf~ce of t~l~ co~e, ax~ ilnt~,~du~ed ~n~o ~ mold
channel~ Either upstr~3am o~ down~;t~eanl o the mold ;~
ohan2~el, ths ilament are impregnated w~.~h
syn~hetlo resl~, with a curin~ subs~[uent;ly being ::
effected irl the ~on~;lnuously ru~rl$ng operation ln
~he mo:ld chax~nel, where'o~ tha ~yrlt:hetic~ re~in is ;~
honcled wit~ he su~face o th~ support core. ~hls
1s an economlaa.l me~hod o~ prc?ducing elon~ated
, , . :
3 ~
profiled composl~e numb~rs filalnents that
are orlented ~lony ~lle sur~ace~
However, for elongated members that have a
var~lng o~ irre~ular cross-seotional configuration,
the here~ofore known ~ethod cannot be utilized,
especially since the mol~ c}~annel ~-as to be
dasigned for a specific cro~s~se~tional
configu~a~ion~ :
It is th~eore an ob~ct o the pre~nt
inventlon to improve the method o~ the
a~orem~nti.oned ~eneral type 1~ su~h a way ~hat t~s
me~hoq can also be u3~d to p~o~uce composite
me~ber~ h~ving an i~egular cross-se~tional -
l~h~ object i~ invent~v~l~ realized by ~he
eatures of cl~?im 1.
~ rhe elasti~ diaphra~m ~Eo~ n expan~:ibl~ and
oont~ac~ible form o~ mold tha~ aut~maticall~
conforMs to the re~pe~ive a~os~-s~Qtlon~l
confl~u~ation of the somposite .mem~er. Thus, the
pxssent inventio~ p~ovides a m~hod wi~h whi~h,
while u~iliziny features that a~e ver~
st~aigh~forward from the st~ndpoint o apparatus,
it i~ poss~ble to produce composite members that
have a~ irxegu~ar'~ro5~-sectional aonflgu~lon and
a sheatlllrly o longlt~dinall~ axie~ted ilaments~
- 2 - .
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I ~ ~
S.~.~c~ it is po~ibl~ to carr~ 1~ out
co~tinuously, ~he-in~enti~ met~od is partic~l~rly
sultable for the mass productlon ~f ~ar~shaped,
irr~gular composite mem~ex~.
Depending upon the appllcation, the
i.n~roduction of a matrlx material can be e~fectad
by impregnatlng the rein~orci~g il~ments ox by
appl~ing the mat~lx m~exia~ to the px~fa~ricated
As a mat~ix mate~i~l, lt is prefarable to u~e -~:
a resin that ~olidifle~ or haxdans at roo~
tempera~ure. ~special~y where the memb~r~ h~ve
~o~plicated shapes, this ~rev~ts the f~lame~s.
from slidlng ~ f~om li~ing of f of the core.
.The h~rdenln~ i~ p~eferat~y ef~ec~ed ~ia a :-
~eatin~ devioe that ~s provided downstrealn of the : :
d~ap~r~gm. How~ver, 1 t 1~, o c~o~l~se, al~o
po~si~le to pï~ce the core, a~er lt h~3 been
e~cas~d with longit~ldinal filaments, in a sep~rate
he~t~llg device. .
In man~ cases, it is ~E?edient to pos~ treat
the compo~;ite membe~ in a tl~e~ma~ pr~3~s mech~nl~m,
where ~he compo~iite memher ~s provid~d witll lts
flrlal shap~ while at ~he ~;am~ tim~3 the matrlx
mat~3ri~1 is h~rd~n~d.
The ir~v~nt~e m~hod i~ partlcul~rly sulta~le
:: . .. .
fo~ p~oducing bon~ repl~cement implant~, especlally
for the pr~duction of shaf~ like impl~rlt parts, ~o~
ex~mple for ~oint impl~nts.
Tht3 pre~ent~ ventiorl will l~e d~scribed in
detail ill conjunc~lon with ~mbodiments illustrated
:~.n ~he accompany~ng ~chematlc dxawin~, in which~
Fis~. lA, illustrQt~s part~ o~ ~n
apparatus used iEor car~ing
out a f lr~t stage of the
inv~ntive me~hod;
Fig. lB illustr~tes parts of an
apparatus used fox oarrying
out a f~lrthsx stage o~ the
lnvent~ve m~thod;
Fly. lG ~ 9 a longitudinal cross-
se<::tional view through a bar-
shaped ~ompos~te member ~hat
can be proc~uc:ed wlth the
~n,ventive method, wh~xel~y the
filaments Ihave b~en Cut to
~ig~ lr) illu~tra~s o~e exampl~ for a
post trea~men~ o~ ~he
compc:site mernber ~llus~rated
in Fl~ nd
~lg~ 2 & 3 each sh~w a pax~ o~ an
^ : . : ., ,.. ~,, : :
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: ' :
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2 ~ ~ L~
appar;~tus tl~at call be used for
c~a~rying ~ t the inventive
'l~hç~ inventive met~hodr b~ wa~ of e.~campl~, w~
~ubs~quentl~ be e~cplained ln conjunation with t~le
p~oclucetion of a shaft o ~ hip ~c~int
bndc~p~o~;the~;~s. ~uoh a shaft, as well as oth~r
l~one replacenten~ im~l~n~, or c~ompc,nent:s ~rom ot:hér
fi~31d~ o applica~ion, all ~11 unde~ the heading
compc)site memb~r of ~r~ryinç~ or ixregul.~r c~oss-
sec-tic~nal con~i~uxation. Such a member can, when
viewed in th~ n~ltud~ n~l directior~ e 1 inear or
Pursuant to ~he ~nv2ntive method of producing
suc~h a mem~er, a prefa~ric~t~d cor~ 3 provided
wi~h ~ sh~athins~ ~ of rein~()rCin~ ~il.ame~ts 3 that
are dls~ribu~ed in a len~thw~ se marmer abo~ t~e
core 1. The number ~nd aross~.secti<:~nal
c)onfls~uratlon of tl~e llldi~idu;~l ~eln~orcing
f ~lam~nts 3 ~s a function of the resp~ctive
applicatlon ~nd th~ stre~s of the member that
ha~e to l:~e o~rexaome.
I~ 1princlple~ the ~ore 1 c:an be mada o any
mate~1~1. Tha configuration thereof alsc) depends
upon th~ respeative appl~a~lon~
Whexe ~he co~e 1~ made of a cu~a~1e mate~1al,
-- 5 ~
~ .
2 ~ 3 ~
tlle pre.fa~lGated co~e 1 ls gene~ally subjected in
~he cuxed ox hardened for~ to the p~ooe~s o~
encaseme~ with ~he ~einforcing fil~m~nts 3.
How~ver, if necessary it is also possiblb to
~tlllze a l~ot-entirely cured core 1, or example
where ~he inal conto~r of the composlte memb~r i5
-to be sub.~equelltly provlded vla a ~hexmal and/ox
pressure txeatme~. This SimultaneOUSly
contributes to a b~t~r ad~asive connac~lon of the
core and f11a~ents.
A~er manuf ac~ure, the co~e has a shape~ the
cont~ur of which corre~pon~ largel~ to ~hat o~ the
la~er ~in~l ~hape of the composi.~e m~mber, although
with ~he outer and c~oss-seatlonal dim~nsio~s heing
reduce~ by the thickness of the sheathiny 2.
The rein~ in~ fllamen~ 3 are co~tinuously
wound on~o rollexs in a ma~zi~ ~0~ A~ shown in
~iy. 1~, an impre~nat~ny dev~ce B that co~ltain~ a
m~-trlx matexial 1~ a~sP~ d with ~he ~lnorci~g
filaments ~ e ~ ments axe conveyed throu~h
thi~ de~i~e. As sh~wn in Fl~ lB, the oore 1,
tog~ther wi~h the filament~ 3, axe guided through
the opening 15 of an ~last~c diaphra~m 14 ~ such a
way ~hat the filaments 3 are placed upon ~he
suxace of the core 1 in the lon~itudinal dlxection
t~ereof. A-ter ~ firs~ coxe 1 ls drawn -th~u~h the
- 6 -
. ~ . . ................... ..
~., ;, ' i'
diap~xagm 14, a fur~he~ ~oxe ~ i~ in~odueed
without cu~ting the ~ ments to length.
As shown ln ~1~. lA, ~his pxocess c~n be
m~ehan~.z~d for mass produe~lon by storing the
prefab~ca~ed cores 1 in a ma~zine 4, ~xom which
th~ core~ ca~ be supplied to the encasing ~echanism
vi~, for example, a~ auton~aticall~ operated
unloader 6 o a ~o~ot devlee 5
~ h~ encaselllent proae~ ~s sueh ls ef~oted
wi~h a very ~xa~ghtfoxward outla~ rom t~e
standpvin~ of appar~tus, dep.ending upon need,
addltional d~vl~es, such as h~atlng devlces ll ~nd
~oolin~ de~iees 16, can be ~eadily p~ovid~d.
In Fi~ , prior ~o the e~t~ thr~u~h the
diaph~agm 14, ~ hea~ln~ dev~ce 11 i3 provlded fo~
heatin~ the matxlx ma~e~i~l of ~he xeln~or~in~
filaments 3 u~tll i~ beeomes vl~ao~s. I*
~c~ssary, s}lield~ 1~ ca~ be provided o~ th~ i~ner
~ide o~ th~ me~t guldes to prevent thermal
~dia~lo~ Prom reaching th~ co~e 1. The diaph~g~
14 ls hel~ in a plain f~rm via a rln~ 13 ~hat ~ s
~ecured to a ~pport.. A coolin~ de~i~e `16 is ~hown
down~tr~am o~ the ~iaphraym 14 w~en ~lewe~ ln the
d~re~tion of feed o~ t~e filaments 3.
Durln~ the ~ncaseme~t of the cor~ he
r~lnfo~cln~ ~ilamen~s 3 are ~sically all
_ 7 .
. : . , :,; ~ . ............... , . i
, ' . ' . ! . .
simulta~eously and indlvldually withdrawn from
~heir rollers in ~he m~azine 7 at a sp~ci~lc feed
v~locity, and if necessar~ are o~nv~ed throu~h an
impregnat~ d~vic~ 8. The filamel~ts are g~ided i~
su~h a way that the~ are dls~ri buted about the core
1. For this pu~pose, as sho~ in grea~er detail in
~ rl~g 9 havin~ an appropriate n~mber of
fil~m~nts eyes 10 is p~ovided; ~hes~ e~e~ a~e
unlformly distribu~ed on the xlng ~ ~ne o~ more
~ilament$ can ~e simultaneousl~ gu~od through
s~ngle filam~nt eye 10.
When ~xpanded, the d~phr~m 14 forms a
funn~l-shaped guide openiny 15 and a~ the s~m~ time
rests against the reinfo~cin~ .Fil~ment~ 3, whereby
to ~he ~ten-t that the re~n~or~ln~ filaments 3 are
impregn~ted with matrlx matexial p~i~r to being
gulded throu~h the d~p~agm 14, ex~e~ matrlx
material is skimmsd off ~nd the s~rface of the thus
resulting ~urace l~ye~ is ~moo~hed. The mat~1~ ls
~ener~l~y a mat~ri~l ~ha~ is s~l~able fox the
~pecti~e ~ppllcatlon~ In o~der ~ the gre~tes~ :
e~tent posslble ~o prev~nt the f il aments f rom
~lldlng on or belng l~ft~d ~rom the core, a h~t~ng
sys~em i~ propo~ed tha~ ~eoomes soft to ~lscou~ at
temperatures a~ove xoom tempe~at~re, a~d at r~m
temper~tuxe alre~dy be~ins to ha~de~. In th~s wa~,
., : , :; , ~ . .:
:.: ~ : ~
already shortly ~t~r le~vln~ the d.iaph~m, the
~ila~ents can be ade~uatbl~ and ~cu~ o~d~d t~
the cor~, ~o tl~at the positlon of the fil~me~ts on
the oor~ ~s m~intain~d~
Fig. lC shvws a fini~hed composite mer..~er 1,
2. If r~c~3ssary, ~;u~h a menlb~3r that ha~ been
wi~l~d~?n fr~m the erAcasemerAt m~c}~anisn~ can bc~
sub~ected to a pos~ t~eatment.
Fi~. lD shows s~c~ a post ~reatme~t i~ a ~:
~h~mal pl~s.S meo~anis~ 18 ln which ~he *inished
member 1, 2 is bxou~ht i~to its ~lnal ex~ernal
shape by bein~ subjeot~d ~o h~at and pxes~ure, with ~:,
th~ mat~ix ma~erlal o~ the sheathing ~, and if
prov.tded also that of the ~o~co 1, are
slmul~aneously c~x~d~
F~n~lly, Fig. 3 ~hows a plan vi~w o~ the
diaph~a~m 14, w~ich is held ln ~h~ ring 13 that i~
mo~nt~d on a suppo~, and that has a~ opentn~
for ~uidiny th~o~gh ~he member that i~ to be
Tha enc~se~en~ o~ a preabr~oated ~ore 1 oan ;~
al~o b~ e~ec~ed onl~ p~rti~lly by not guiding
relnf~cin~ ~lament~ 3 ~hrou~ a11 o t~e filament
e~e~ 10. Thu~, ~o~ example, lt would be p~s~ible
to provide ~he ~llament ~y~s 10 o ~nly ha~f o t~e
~ing 9 wit~ fil~lnents. Alte~nat~ely, i~ w~uld
. .
, ,: . , , .",: , . . ..
:: , , ,. : ~
also b-3 possibl~ to p~ovlde respec~lve filament
eyes ~lth dif~erent r~umbe~s o~ filaments, scs that
~t~rtin~ ~rom the pro~ of the finished m~mbe~, a
sheathillg :2 haviny a vary~ ng thiokness oan b
. .,
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