Note: Descriptions are shown in the official language in which they were submitted.
Cheryl Stnl~r
53 &len~an~ lla~r
Th~ ~ ata:~o
This in~ention r~la~es to a useful .ltem whlah iaclllta~s
the transfer o~ goods ~:rom one c~ er to a~other.
~ e~ pe~ls tra~fer goods such a~ ketchup~ ~lad dre~sl
bod;y latlo~ au es~O.O usually the goods do~'t transfer quic~cly~
as would water i~ it were bel~ trans~e:~red ~rom o~e co~ai~qer to
a~o~her. So~s products a~ h~al~ler alld sloHer movlngO ~ o~e
}~ th~ t1ma ~Jr the de~irs ~ the patie~cs to 8'car.d t~e~ ~c,h an
al~ost eD~pty ~etchup bottle and wa:lt unt~1 e~ry ~ ~r-~ies
i~rom ths b~t~le~ At the 8ame time, peop1e ar~ c~ns~a~tl~-~a~s~erring
~ar at leas~ try1n~ to ~an~i~r) content~ :Erom o~e c~talner to
a~ather. Peo~ hate to ~aste the1~ hard ~ ed money. 30 tha~
oxtr~ lltt1e b~t o:e stuff 1~ the battom o~ a ~o~tle bcco~R~
7rorth tra~s~errlng- ~c~ sconomi~ as 7l011 as practi~al re~o~s,,
~ Ihen bala~ceing a }c~tchup b~t1e- 1n arder to tra~sf~r ite
le~tover lGetchup, o~l t~p ~ another si~ilar sized l~t~up b~t1a
-f~ a~1e~ n t~ ~att1a ~ al1,. Th~ l du~ to ~oblelns
~ith bala~ tlo~s~ a guick ~rush of fate, a~dde~s,, 9~ rproper
place~en~ o~ th~ to$~ bo~;tle (aMer all,, it ~u~t be placed p~ec~sely
oq~ t~ n c~d~r ~or the conten~ to tra~r succe~s~ul~)O Bro~;e~
batt1es and ~platt~d Icatc~up do no~ a ~retty pi~t~e Dal~e.
Cheryl Struzer
~3 Gl~l~man~ Way
~hor~ ntarlo 3 2
1~ 416~886 3607
_~ Contl~ued
This same problem oc~rs ~rith the tran3*errlng o~ lotlons,,
sau~e s ....
I have ~ d that these messy tran~e~lng prob:lems c~
be o~rer~oms by u~;ing the ~attle Transi~:rer device3 B~ ng the
de~l~ bet~een t~o bottles,, one can rest ~.esured that
a~ th~ luct ~ill even~ually tra~s~er
b~ there ~111 be no me3s
~ his deirice perr~ts hassle ~ree trans~srring and woIry
~rse trans~e~ng~ ~o lo~ a pe~ple haY~ to listen care~ully
f~ ~at ~g b~ttl~ ei a10I1e rush in to clea~ up the
spill o
The devlce ~an be used i~r a v~riety o~ trans~er lte~ The
d~e ltseli~ ls re~ol~a~ in i'i;3 c~ncept~ and all~5rs
eto va~3t a ~ o~ u~s-~-~rhard to transfer ltem can ~
be tra~s~erred. The devi~e Prould b~ avallable i~ a wide range
~izes 1~ crder ~o accomoda~e all~ost e~ po~slble hou~ehold,
~dustrial 9 a~r Co~e;:~Gia L ~se -
Not o~ly would t~ d~vice help ~ra~l~fer con~e~s of ~
slzc b~ttles. Thers are a vaxlety ~ models avallable9 so that
o~e r~ag trans~ex the co~tents i~roDI a large bottle ln~o a smalier
one~ a small battle i~o a larger one, ~ame slze bo~tles.~9
Also~ ~he:re are a Yariet~ of ~izes avallable ~c~ every model-
~he:reby allowlng multitudes of t~ans~ers~ m~ltltude~ of u3es~
C~eryl Stru~er
53 Gle~nclr l~a;y
~a~.ll~ ~ario ' ~l .
L4J 31
~' S~886-3607
In drawings which illustrate em~odi~n~s ~ th2 intrentlon~
F~gu~ i 1~ a verslor~ of th~ Bo~tle Transferer ~rhich flts
bstNee~ two nar~ow sized b~ttles ~ th~ same s~
Flg~ 2 is ~ d~pictlo~ o~ FUlgure i in a¢t;~on- sho~ing
th~ tralls~er o~ c02~ ts b~w~0n two ~. si~d na~ow b~ttl0~ ~si~g
the 3attle T~erer~ to D)~
~gu~e 3 ls a sa~ple o~ the Bo~tle Tran~e:rer ~hich ls
intsnd~d ~ se bet~ee~ two lar~ dDr bottles ~G to ~)
E'lg~re 4 is a depic~ion o~ Pig~e 3 in aatlo~l sho~
the.t2~a~s~er o~ ca~nt~ ~t~een two 8aDe 8:1zed ~ottl~is
of a laxger nat~eg with wider ~penlngs that those 1
usiDg th~ Bottle txansferer sho~ ln Fig~e 3
Fl~re 5 depicts a ~le T~ s:eerer in~ended ~
~t~e-n a ~ar~ and a smaller bo~tl~O This tra~s~er~x
is reverslble, and ~o~ in its reverse ~otion in :f~igure3
7 and 8,
.. .. , . . ... . ~ ........... . _ .
re 6 4g a deplctioD of lPl~ 5 in a~ sh~rl~g th~
tra~ er o~ conte~ts fro~ a large container tc a s~ r
~ontal~er balo~,
~gure 7 9hoW8 l?i.g~e 5 ln lts reverse mod~- ~gure
a depl~ion of Figura 7 ln motio~-~howing the tra~er
o~ coaten~s :~ro~n a ~maller contain~r to a larger contalier b~
Che:egl Struzer ,~
53 GleII~03: llay
1~416~886~-3607 2 ~ ~ 8 9 ~1
In o~der to i~ne ~rh~ the de~ce looka llke~ pl~ure ~dO
b~ttle ~:ap~ stuck together by their ~ tops~ Then~ gine a hole
~hich goes thr~h the eenter o:~ tl~ stuck-together middle s~a~.
Thexe are then-two ~penings- bo1;h wh~c~ can be scre~ed lilto, ~d
as well~ a hole which allows ~r trans~r o:E ketchup (far ex~le).
In dralHings whlch illustrate embodim0l1ts o~ the ln~ren~ior~7
Fi~ure 1 is a via~ o~- the device ~hen b~ t5~.~ tos~ and the b~tts
o~ the d~ce are the sa~e shape asld si2eO Thls d~ ld be
r use ln tras~e~alg iten~; ~rom SaD~ si~ed ~tle~, Figurs
i sh~s the d~ica wher~ ~ is fo~ use bet~aen r~;rr~N battle opa~i~s,
T~ ~p of th~ devi~e i~3 deplcted by ~ The btrtto~ ~ the de'Jl~
i~ depic1;ed b~ Bo C ls used to represent the hole s~hich goes
t~rou~h the devlce,, ~lowing trarlsfer o~ ~oods i~rom A to ~.
Both A a~d ~3 are to bs s~eued illto (vdable). Th~ ill ~ models
~hic}l do~'t n2ed to be s~ed ~ntoD ln ~o:der to iacillta~e tran~i~r
betwe~n b~ttles ~hich do no~ re sare~ on tops.
In ~gure 29 we see th~ 3 ln ~ction. D rep~se~s s~ sized
long~ rO~r bat~le~. T~e de~a3 is placed between ~8 tro bo~tles.
The con~ants travel from the to~> bo~tleD throtlgh A (the t~p o~
the de~rice)~ t~ough C (t;he hole throu~h the cent~r~ th:rough B
(tha bottom of the de~ce) lnto the bottc~ battle~ The bottles
are eas~ly attached to the de~ce. They are scrawed i2~o i1;,,
certain ~ ls wlll s~ply ha~e ti~ht ~lttir4 ends- The de~
~alances the top battl~ ln ard~r Por the ~OCe~33 to occur.
.. ~ . .
~er~l St~uz~r
S3 GlenmaDor ~ 0
rnhill, ~ta~io
1-416-i3~6-3607 2~ ~8~ ~
~E~ Con~inued
In ~glsre 3~. E represent~ the wide t~p oi~ a ~lottle Tr~sferer,
~ dep~ the hole whiGh x~ throu~h the ce~tar o~ the devi.ce~ and
F represents the ~ide battom ol~ a Bottl0 Trall~ferer3 This :EI~tle
Transferer is ln~end~d ~c~ use between two ~ er batl;les (G ~o G3,,
In ~i~e 4~ ~e sec the device ~rom Pig~ 3 in use. Conterlts ~rora the
top Ispside down bottle (G~ travel down thr~ugh E (the t~p of the ~ol;tle
Tran~rer) thr~ugh a (t~ hole i~ the center o~ the Bo~tle Transfsrer~,
through F (the b~tom hal~ ~ the Bo~tle 'rra:ns~erer3~ i~to the lax~e
side ~ bcrttle (G3.
In ~gura 5~ ~le see a Battle Tra~s~rer iut~nded ~ar u3e ~ een a large
~tle and a ~maller one~ lS reE~reSe~8 a wide top of the Bottl~ Trans~erer~
C represents t~ hole ~hich runs through the de~rlce, and B represen~s the
na2~cHer bottom o~ the device.
gure 6 lire ~ee the device ~rom ~g~re 5 in use. Con~en1;s travel f~om
upside do~n large battle[G) in~o E (the 6rider openin~ G sxre~ lnto ~ and
then through C (the hsle which ran~3 through the center of the device~, and
then th:rough B (the narrc~ r ~pa~ng ~ the botto~ of tha d~ ) lnto
D (thc D~aw bcrttle at th~ bo~tom, ;rhich is ~rlgh~,, and ~raitlng ~r
the tra~er o~ good~ rom the bo~tle abov~
C~ryl Struzer
53 Gl~rmaDG~ Wag
Thar~hill ) Ontario
I~J 3A3
~lgure 7 is th3 revers9 vers~o~ o:e Figtlre 5, w~th the ~roN t~p
and wide botto~ s.nstea,d o:f a ~ide top and n~ bo~oJQ,, ~G~ the
~nl;e~rts and purposes o~ thi.s aesc:r~ptio~, and f~ the sln~ ~tio~
of the dra~ , T have u~3ed letters which represen~ parts which h~Lve
beerl dlspl2~d Irl ather *ra~i~gs~ Howel~e:rg bol;h Fig~e 5 and Figure
7 are a~railable in a varlety o~ si~es~ t:o ~lt a wi~ ra~ge of bo~tles
a~d containe~s. S~ ~ho~h I ha~re illustra~ed ~gure 5 and Flgure
7 as re~erslble ~rersloDs o~ each other~, please ~eep in D~d that
there are other slzes of Bottle Tra~sferer~. ~ th~ c~ ~ let;ters
~ a~d B~ and B a~d F, al~h~h 'the~ en~ cal slze~ I have
used dii~erent letters ln a~er to dJesi~ate TO!PS a~aa ~1311~TO~;. A a3~d
B a:re the ~an~ 81ze~ d ~ d F are the 3al~ 3i25~
~Ll o~ the wlde t~ attom and na~ 7 t~de bat~om Ba~tl0
rer~ a;re ~ course re~r0rs~ble~ ~gare ob~riousl;~3 Fig~ d
E~g~e 3 can ~ used upslde do~m ar rl~ ld~ up.
Ih li~g~e: 8~ we se~ tha device from ~g~ 7 i~ actloII~ Co~tan~s ~rom the ~pslde
do~n narrawer bo~tle (D~ pass through t~a rlarraw ta~ of the Bo~tle
Tran~arer (~3 throu~h the cen~ar o~ tha devlce-the hole(~ d
through the w~der bo~tom o~ the Bo~tle Transferer (~ nto the
wider right side ~p bottle (G~,,
Cl~l Stru~r
53 Gle~Dano~ Wag
Thar~hil l ~ O~a~o
3~3 ~ u
1-~16-886 ;~ 3607
~ Oontirlued
TherR ase a va~et;~r of ~a~5 tha~ th1s 'in~tlve id~a r~
be used ar pu~ o ~per~tion.
This ~4vic~ ls n~t ll~lted to the homa. Ncr is 1t lilnited
to the kitche~,
q~his device c~rald be used ~or th~ trans~er of cosmetic lo~io~s.
It c~ld ~e used i~ re~a~rants ~r the tra~s~er of kel;ohu3p alld
~stard etc....
It car~ sed ~ar--~ trans~r o~ paint.
Because t~s devic0 u~uld be ~Yailable ln a ~ra~lety of sl~es~
there really iS ~o li~t to what lt can be use~ r, The
device ls ~ i~ted ~o bottlesq It ls adaptable to all
~xrts o~ containers. ~s ~;nclude pla~tic Oal~tai,n2r59
tin contaiTIers~, ,, . . O
~Ehe de~ce ls also no~ ted to ssrew-on-ables9 It will b~
ma~ with a wld~ ran~ o~ c~ces, A person CaD buy the version
with~st the 3~8W 0~1 abillty lf they desi:re a trans~ere:r ~hieh
s~n~ply fits on tight between co~ainers~ bu~ not by a screwOon
~sthod. These ~vloes would plainly fit closely o~1;o the ~penlngs
o~ the contalners usedO They could ~lt o~ as do plas1;ic lld~,
And the devices u~ald be av~llable ln r~etal ar pla~tlc~ i~ a
wide range o~ colon~rs a5 well as 8hapesO There wlll be ~ran~erer~
~lth rouxld ~penlngs a~ well as hexa~anlca:L etc....
',' '