Note: Descriptions are shown in the official language in which they were submitted.
. PE-0256
q_ ~ :
.Thi~ lnventlon rel~es to an app~ratu3 ~or winding
a oontlnuo~8 w~b of fllm mate~lsl onto a core driven ln
. rot~tio~ by a spindle ~nd on~o ~hlah 3~1d we~ o~ fllm ~-~
1~ wound ln order to ro~m a oyllndrical wound roll by me~n~
of a tr~ln of lay-on roll~ for ~pplylng i~aid web ~o a
~ ~ld aore, sald train compri~lng ~irst Rn~ ~econd ldllng
! ' rolls arranged parallel to sald core the ~rst o~ s~id
rull~ being p~rtlally surrounded, durlng wlndlng of ~aid
l~ core~ ~y ~aid web and being dlspo~ed t~ngentlRlly with
respec~ to ~ald seaond rcll while ~lrmly pressl~g ~aid
web agaln~t the sur~ace t~ereof, and wlth res~ect to the
outer sur~ace o~ the wound roll to wh~ch ~ald ~llm 19
. 2~Very numerous wlnding devlce~ arc known ln th~ art,
i , ~uc~ apparatus belng used for wlndin~ ~hln web~ o~
ma~erlal~ ~uch a~ ~aper, pla~ic materlnl ~hlch ar~
supplied to u$er~i ~n roll form wound onto cyllndrlcal
j cores wbiCh are ~enerally of 'ca~dboa~d. When extremely
hin we~s are involved ln which ~he m~terl~l i3
~enerally in the rorm ~f rilm or rllm-llke ma~erlal of a
~ i re$11ient and derormable mater~al ~uch ai~ plaistl¢i3, $t
i ' is extremely dlrrl~ult to achieve re~ular ~$ndlng of
' ~ suoce~31ve layers the outer Yur~ce of whlch arc only
! 30 truly fl~t when the ~11~ ls under ten~ion. In3pectlon
with t~e na~ed eye o~ roll~ o~ s~ch ~ilm always xeve~ls
the presence o~ i~regularltle-~ produced during wlndl~g.
, .Addition~lly, the~e ls al~o a need ~o wlnd cQr~ln
; pla~tlc materlal~ ~hat h~ve been proeesse~ to ~orm thln
1 206~7~
toar-re~i~tant f llm~ lnto a roll that can be u~ed
directly a~d whl~h 15 nence brought to the approprlnto
wldth af~e~ leavlng the pla~tlc matexl~l ~ilm productlon
One o~ the o~ects o~ ~18 lnventlon ls henc0 to
provide winding apparatus ~or ~ s~rlp of film materlal
~or u~e dir~ctly ~ollowing the materlal production llne
an~ whleh enables a regu~ariy-wound roll o~ ~llm to be
. o~alnedr in whlch the wlndlng operat~ ons can be
1~ lniti~ted and monltored automatlcally through the use o~
controlled-pres8~re lay-on roll~ whlch ~aithfully ~ollow
the growth ln dlamete~ of the wlnding ~oll ~n order to
achleve regular appllca~ion o~ the ~ilm onto the o~ter
surface of the windlng xol~, and whlch can nddltlonally
1~ be regula~ed ln po~ltion ~nd wlthdrawn.
Another cb~e¢t o~ the preaent lnventlon ~ to
provide apparatus enabling sllt ~oll~ of ~hln film
m~te~lal to be obtalned in a contl~uou~ production
proces~ through the u3e Or wlndin~ ~pparatu~ whlch 1
Z~ hlghly accurate, robust and en~ures t~t completely
reproducible ~nd rellable operation of ~11 lt~ compon~nt
parts are obtalned~ leadlng to a gignl1c~nt roductlon
ln malnt~nanc~ downtlme.
A f~rther ob~ect 1~ to lncrea~e productlon~ ~pecd~
~S ànd partlaula~ly speed up the operatlon~ o~ thre~d-up
and change of windlng from one roll to anothe~ whlle
slmultaneou~ly obtainlng hlgher product ylelds and
, It 1~ a ~urther ob~ect~ of the lnvcntlon to provlde
windi~g appsratu~ wh~ch lnclude~ ~ set of feed roll~
that cooperate w~th me~ns for cuttlng the film and brlng
~t to the approprlate wldth ahead o~ the lay-on roll~ a8
well a~ ~ulta~le mean~ for evacuatlng offcut~ af~er
.._ ~
A ~u~ther ~lm of the lnven~lon la ~o provldo a
wlndi~ me~od uslng ~ppnr~tu~ which on~ble~ the start
of win~lng as well as changeover ~Lom one ~11~ roll to
~th~r to be achleved automntlcally.
In accordanc~ tO ~he lnventlon, ~pparatus 1B
, provlded f~r w~ndln~ ~ contlnuous web o~ fllm ~ t~rlal
l~ o~to ~ Core driven ln rotatlon by ~ ~plndle and onto
whi~h sal~ web o~ fllm ls wound ln order to *orm a
cyllndrlcal wou~d roll by means o~ a train o~ lay-on
rolls ior apply~ng ~aia web to a ~ld core, sald traln
comprislng flrst and second idling rolls arranged
l$ p~rallel to s~ld core ~he ~irs~ o~ sald roll~ b~lng
partlally sur~ounde~ durlng wl~dlng o~ s~ld core, b~
~aid web and b~ln~ dlsposed tangentlally wlth re~peat to
sald ~eaond roll whllo ~lsmly presslng said web aga~ ~st
th~ 8urace ther.eo~ ~nd wlth re~pect to the ou~er
~faoe o~ the wound ~oll to Wh~ ch 8aid ~llm 19 ~ppl~od
whereln, ln the ~lndlng posltlon, sald ~lr~t and second
roll~ sre ~e~pectlvely ap~lled ~o the outer sur~sce of
~ald woun~ roll ~elng ~ormed on ~ald core and to sald
~ ~lrst roll ~y ~eparate urglng' me~n~ located at each end
25 ~f oach roll and eacn ac~ing on ~ reape~tlve p~votlng
~rm o~e ~nd Of whlch carrieR a bearlng allowlng rotatlon
o ~ roll mounted therein and the oth~r end of whl4h
plvot~ on a carria~e movable along a gu~ dlng suraae,
~ guldln~ sur~ce~ of each 0-r sald rolls belng,0 mutually parallel and the movements of the t~o carrla~es
roll belng synchron~zed by mecha~lcal
synchronization means l~nklng ~ld two c~rriages.
i Accordlng to one ~e~ture, each o~ q~d ~rg~ ng means
18 adapted to act ~ the correspondlng pl~otl~ ar~ ln
. .
~l 20~g7~
order to reQlliently bia3 ~ to a po~l~lon of maximum
angle o~ ~wlng whon sald ~ir~t or second rolls are not
sub~ect to the re~pec~lve reaotlon ~orce~ respect~cly
. provi~ed ~y ~ld wo~nd roll and by 3a~d f i~Bt lay-o~
Accord~ng to another ~eature, the urglng means
con~i~ts o~ ~ pneumatlc cyllnder h~vln~ a pi3ton mov~ble
thereln the rod of said piston pivotlng on sn ~xten~lon
o~ J3aid pivo~ing arm while the othor end ol 3a~d
10' p~eumatlc cyllnder remote from sald rod pivots on the
correspondlng carr~g~.
Accordlng to a ~urtner ~eature o~ the lnvent~on, ~n
the posi~lo~ corre8pondlng to thre~d up or lnlt~ ntlon oÇ
wlnding, the carrlages of ~ald ~lrnt cylinder are
l$ adapted to ~e dl8placed away from ~ald cyllndrlcal roll
to a retracted po~itlon at whlch ~ald ~ rst l~y-on roll
is no longer in contact with sald ~econd lay-on roll and
wlth tbe ou~er 8urrace o Qsld cylindrical roll wh~roby
a pa~sage ~etween ~ald 1r~t and second lay-on roll~ in
2~ created or allowlng introd~ctlon of t~e l~ader o~ the
fllm to be wound. Thc carrlages of the second sald luy-
on roll ar~ adapted to be held in po~itlon while ~heir
pivotirlg arma are cau~ed to plvot to a positlon o~
~ maximum allowa~le ~wlng by ~ald urgin~ me~n~.
Aacording to another ~eature, whore ~ald app~r~tu~
includes ~everal oorea each arranged on one o~ the arms
o~ a rotatable ~curret mearlE~, the carrl~g~s oÇ El2~lcl 1rst
and said 3econd lay-on rolls are adapted to move along
, their guldlng ~ur~nce~ to a retracted poaltlon romotc
30 from said wound roll to allow the arm~, carry~ng a sa~d
! ~ou~ roll or cor~ o~ ~ald turrct to rotate.
According to a further reature o~ the ~pp~ra~us ~or
wlnding a web o~ 11m~ ~ld apparatu~ includex, ~ppl~cd
to sald continuou~ we~ of ~llm ahead, con~idored ln t~
dlreation o~ aclv~ncement Or ~aid we~, Or sald 1r~ nd
~econd lay-on rolls, a traln o web eedlng and sl~ttlng
rolls. Sald traln C~f web ~e~:ding and sllttinsl rollc~
c:omprises ~I thlrd roll provldlng tr~sl~sfer to snld second
S lay--on rolly ~ ~ourth ~oll ~or ten~lonlng sald
continuou~ w~ c;,~ f llm durln5~ cuttlng zlnd a ~ifth ~oll
~or ata~lllzing ~nd maintalnlng the web o~ ~ilm d~rlng
auttlng t~ereof, ~ald third, ~ourth and ~lth rolls
b~lng ~r~ll~ly placed~ in t21e productlon posltlon o~
lq 8aid app~ratus, ln R poRltion where they are
sub~t~nt~ally vertlcally all~ned one above the other n~d
mutually ~paced, aald web of fllm belng ~ound, prlor to
engaging sald ~ccond lay-on roll, partlally over ~ald
web-~eeding rollg ln alternate dlrectlon~ rrom o~e roll
15 to the next. At least one ~cnl~e moans la applied ~o
sald web of f llm ~tretche~ between ~aid ~ourth and ~lfth
roll~ .
Accorclln~ to yet another ~eatur~, the end beetrings
of the thlrd~ f~ourth and f if ~h rolls aru each c:arrled by
20 a carrlage movable along a ~ubstantl~lly horl~ontal
g~lidlng suxface arranged la~erully wlth re3pect to ~ald
wound roll o fllm~ the two c~rrlages ~or each roll
belng 8ynchronized by meohanlcal 3y~ehronlzlng mean~ a~d
belng adaE)ted to be ~novable, *t leaa~ ~5 regard:s s~id
25 third and fi~th roll~, rrOm a posi~ion w~re t~ey nre
advanoed toward~ 8~1d wound roll o~ rllm to a retracted
i Accordlng ~o a ~urther ~eature of the ln~ent~n, ln
~he po~it~on corresponding to thruad-up or lnltiatlon o~
3!p windlngr the carrlnge~ o~ ~ald thlrd and ~lfth roll~ are
mov~le along thelr guldlng ~urface3 ln order to
approach s~ld wound roll to a ~ully-adv~nced Posltlon
~hat provlde~ a pas~age between ~ald advanced thl~d and
fi~th ~oll~ snd 3al~ ~ourth roll, allowing lnt~ductlon
o~ the leader o~ the ~ilm to be wound.
Accordln~ t~ ~nothe~ ~e~ture, the ~lve sald rollR
co~prlslng the t~o sald lay-on rolls and the three s~l~
web-~eeding roll8 have sub~Santlally the ~ame lengt~ and
wherein the gu~dlng surf~ces f~r the carrlages of ~ld
~lve rolls ~re ~upported by two par~llel vortlcal platQ~
arran~ed at a ~pacing 8ubstantlally cor~espondlng to ~he
l~n~th of ~aid roll~. S~ld two par~llel vertioal plates
1~ carry a beam ~rran~éd paral~el to ~aid ~ollB nnd at the
~ame level as ~ald ~ourth roll ~nd a~ the opposite s~de
th~re~o to ~ wound roll of film~ ~aid hollow beam
carrying ~t the upper portion thereo~ a knlfe means
mounted on a mova~le a~rrler the po~i~ion o~ which oan
1~ be ad~u~ted both i~ the dlrection par~llcl to the ~xl~
of said beam 3n~ in the dlrection perpendl~ular t~ereto
~nd whereln ~al~ kn~e mean~ ls applied to 3aid f~lm
Btretc~e~ ~e~ween s~ld ~ourth ~nd fifth roll~ ln t~e
. region o~ ~aid fl~th roll. SA1~ beam c~rrlea ~ least
2p one tube ~or collectlng the ~trlp o~ trlm cut rom 3ald
continuou~ we~ o~ $11m by s~ld ~ld knl~e moan~. Sald
trim collectlng ~ube i~ c~rrlod ~ub~tantially
horizon~ally below 8ald be~m~ ~ld tube havlng an lnlot
~r said trlm ln the ~orm o~ ~ mouthplece th~t open3
~5 ~low 9~ ourth roll. S~ld tube can lnalude chopplng
means l~r ~ld trim ~fter ln~roductlon ther~o~ into s~ld
Ac~ordlng to yet a further feature, the extreme
posltion~ o t~e carrlages Or 8ald ~ir~t, s~cond, third,
~ourth and fl~th rolls on thelr re~pectlve guldlng
~ur~ace~ ~re ad~u~ta~le manually by movlng the pos~tio~
o~ a stop me~n3 ooperatlng wlth mean~ for ~eneratin~ an
el~ctrlcal. signal ~or controlllng a dr~v~ moto~ ~or
provldinq synchroni~ed ~placement of the t~o carri~ges
o~ e~ch ~ald roll. ~echanical synchLonlzlng mean3 ~o~
the t~o aarrlage~ of each o~ sald f~rst, aecond, thlrd,
~ourth and ~l~th rolls lnclude mechanical
synchronl~atlon lnterrupting me~ns ~clupted to enahl~ th~
po~ltlon one o~ sal~ two ca~rlage3 connected to ~ld
~ynchronlz-ng me~ns to be ad~u8ted ~ndependently of the
other. The flrst roll 18 covered wit~ ~n ol~s~omeric
ma~e~lal, whlle the second roll 18 u highl~-rlgld ~lld
roll ha~ing a ¢hrome pl~ted flnlsh ~nd sald thlrd,
lq fourth and ~i~th roll3 ura in alumlnum wlth a ~lack
anodlzed finlsh.
~ he lnve~tion also provides a method ~or wlndlng
contl~uou~ web o~ film material onto ~ core drl~en ~n
. rot~lon by ~ spindlo and onto whlch s~ld web ~s wound
lS in order to constltut~ a cyllndria~l wound roll by means
of ~ traln o~ l~y-on ~ilm application rolls oon~lstlng
o$ flrst and -~econd rolls pres~ln~ s~ld web o~ lllm
partlally wound ~round ~uld fir~t roll respectlvely
~galnst the outer su~faoe o~ sAid wo~nd roll ~nd agalnst
2D ~d flrat roll~ ea~h one of the end bosrlngs o~ the
fir3~ and sooond roll~ are mounted on n plvot ~ ~g arm
carried by a carrla~e ~vable on a guldln~ ~u~aoe ~nd
the movement~ Qf ~he two carria~cs of each roll being
~ynchronlzed, each o~ sald ar'm3 l~ ~ctod on by
lndivldual urglng means to c~uso plvotlng thereof
whereby ~aid flr~t roll l~ ~rged agaln~t said wound roll
of ~llm and sald ~eoond roll 1B urged agalnst ~id ~lr3t
roll~ and in ord~r to ln~roduce said wcb onto ~ald core
prior to said windlng oper~tion, t~e two carrlage8 0Ç
~0 ~aid first ~oll ~re retracted on their guld~ng 3ur$aces
away from sald core ln order to establlsh a p~sags
~et~een sald flrst and ~econd ~olls thro~gh wh~ ch the
end o~ 8ald web of ~llm to be wQund i~ introduaod and
whe~eln berore the start o~ wlndlng, S~e s~ld c~rrl~ge8
'I 2~6~7~
are returned to ~helr ~tarting poslt~on ln order to
pre~ ~id web Or film a~lngt said wound ~oll a~d onto
~ld ~irst roll. Wlth several core~ be 3 ng ~a~h ~rra~ged
0~ one arm o~ a revolving turr~t, prlor to rota~lo~ o~
~id ~urr~t~ the carrlages o~ ~ald ~lr~t and second
roll~ are ret~acte~ on the~r guldlng sur~aCe~ ln order
to move them ~way ~rom said ~oll o~ ~llm ~o p~ovlde a
free pa3sag~ ~o~ ~n arm lo~ded with a core or a wound
roll o~ ~llm o sald turret.
1~ Accordlng to another ~eature o~ the method for
w~ndlng a web o ~il~ in w~lch on~o ~ald web of ~ilm, a
train of web ~eed and guldlng roll~ o~er whlch aald web
passes ln alternate dlrection~ 1B provided ahead of sald
, lay-on ~ilm applica~lo~ rolls, each one o the end
lS bearlngs o~ ~ lea~t one of two ~lternate o~ ~ald web
feed ~nd guldlng rolls ls mounted on a movable c~rrlag~
movi~g llnearly on a guldin~ ~urface in mecha~lcal
8ynchronlz~tlon wlth the other o~ the ~wo csrrlagos o~
. each o~ -~ald roll~, sal~ alternate lndlvidual rolls
2~ belng displaced throug~ moving o~ the c~rriage~ th~reof
on ~ald ~ulding sur~ace~ ln order to bring them ~109e to
~ald wound ~oll of ~11~ and ~o open up a p~ssage between
a~ld alternate rolls throu~h whlch the l~ador end o$ a
web to be wound 1~ lntroduce~ and wher~ln, a*ter the
25 ~tart oS windin~ said carrl~gea ~re returned ~o thelr
st~rtlng po~ltion ln order to bLing said web o$ ~ilm
in~o contact with ~ald ~eed ~nd guldlng rolls.
O~her ~ub~ects~ ~eatu~e~ and ~dv~n~age3 of ~he
lnvent~on will beaome more cl~ar from ~he de~crlptlon
30 that ~ollowR of various embodlments o~ the lnventlon,
provided by ~y o~ non~llmltlng ex~mples and wlth
reference to the at~uGhed d~awl~s.
In the drawln~8:
Figu~ chematlc ~lde vl~w lllu3tratlng tho
. wln~lng app~ra~us of ~he lnventlon ln the normal
5 p~o~uction po~ltion, in other word~ in the proces3 of
wlndlng f~ lm onto a core to ~orm a roll.
Figure 2 ls a~ e~d vlew ln per~pectlve o part o~
th~ ~pp~r~tus 0~ Flguse 1.
. Figu~e 3 i~ a perspectlve vlew simllar to ~iguse 2
lq ~ut viewe~ from lnQide and ~103er tO ~he ~r end thereo~
and ~rom a ~llghtly dif~eren~ angle enablln~ the roll
drlYing ~n~ s~uldlng me~hanlsm~s to ~e seen in grea~er
~ Flgure 4 i$ ~ 80hema~ic Ylde vlew o~ the apparatus
Bimilar to Figure 1 ~ut on a slightly reduced ~cale ~nd
i11URtrating the po~l~lon o~ the varlou~ pnrta dur~g
initl~l thre~d-up.
Flgure S i8 a rear vlew ~howlng the ~llm cutt~ng or
81ittlng arrangemen~ o~ the appax~tus ln Flgure 1.
2~ Fi~u~e 6 ls a more detalled alde vlew on n l~rger
~c~le o~ part of Flgure 5 showlng the ~llm slittlng and
trlm or offcu~ removal means of the ~ppar~tu~ 1~ Flgure
1, ~ well as the po~ltlon of the~e means wlth respeat
to the throe upper ~runBrer ~oll~ e~ the app~ratua.
Figure 7 show~ in a schematlo alde vlew ~lmllar to
Fi~ure ~ the windlng apparatua o~ Flgure 1 with wlndlng
o~ one roll completed and the tr~na~er roll~ of the
appara~us retracted ~o allow th~ turr~t to rotate and
re~cly to wind a new oore.
Figur~ 8 ~now~ the devlce of E~lgure 7 at the
~ nstant when wlndlng o~ a complete roll ha~ been
terminated and windlng of ~ ~reQ~ core l~ g~artlng.
1 206~7~5
With rererence ~o Flgure 1 which la ~ ~lde v~w o~
the complete wlndlng apparatu~ 1 f or a ~trlp o~ ~llm 2
~f ~ mnteri~l sl~lta~le ~or rormlng thln or extremoly
thln ~tr~pB of ~ilm~ uch a~ polye~ter plagtic mater~al
~ilm, it will be seen that the wlnding apparatus
con~lYts es~entlnlly or a turret a~3emb1y 3 and an
a~embly ~ Por supportlng the varlou~ rolls that ~eed
lQ and apply the ~lm 2, ~nd trim lt to th~ npp~oprlate
width. The turret 3 carrle~ ~n as~em~ly 9 of lndexed
arms 1~ and 1~ onto which empty co~es 6, generally
made o~ cardboard, can be ritted. A core 6 i~ drlven ~n
rotation by rot~ting th~ ~pproprl~te splndlel here
1~ splndle 13~ by driving mean~ which are not shown, ~or
wl~d~ng ~ film wound roll 5. Arm 11 i~ carrylng an
e~p~y core 6 on lt~ 8plndle 15, the core on arm 12 1~
being wound and arm 10 1~ carrying o~ lts splndle 14 a
wound xoll 5 that i~ ready for remov~l o~ the turret
2P will be ~e~erred to by tho term "wound roll" regardle~
of whether wlndlng 1~ finished~ only ~tartlng, or ln
The tu~ret a8~emb1y 3 ~ur~her oomprlse~ a ~rame 7
~ ~ecured to a ba-~epl~te B carry~ng the 30~ 3 o~ ~rms 10
ll, 12 dl~t~lbutod regularly around a ~ppor~ axi-~ 9a
secured to frame 7. The ~et 9 o ~rm3 ~n rotato around
axi~ 9~ ln order to move the roll~ 5 ~ro~ a wlndln~
po~ltion on ~plndle 13 to an unloadlng posltion on
~pindle 14. Ater removal or a roll 5, ~ new core 6 can
~0 be mounted on arm 10. Consldering the ~a~e o~ a ~ur~et
with thrse arm~ 10~ 11, 1~, arm 10 wlll move to ~n upper
~t~n~by posltlon 11 ~ft~r rotatlng ~bout ~xl~
ObviQu8ly~ lt wo~ld ~e po~ible to uQe a turret ass~mbly
.... ~_
3 havlng two dl~m~trically OppO5~ ng ac~lve ~xms, or even
provlde~ uith more than three arm~.
Th~ wlnd~ng appara~u~ also lncludes an arc~te
enveloper roll arm system 16 whlch cooper~te~ ln
5, automatlc roll wlndlng c~angeover ~nd fllm cu~tln~ and
~e~a~ 1~ Or it~ operation wlll be g~von below.
The as~embly 4 ~or supportlng t~e various roll~
that feed and ~pply the film 2 15 ~upp~rt~ by t~o
parMllel vertlc~l columns or plates 17 an~ 1~ whlch ~re
lU e~sentlally 81mllar ~n de~lgn - only aol~mn 17 18 fihOWn
ln Flgure 1~ bo~h belny 3~0wn in Flgure 2 - whlch ~re
mounted on a baseplate and malnt~lned at a determ~ned
~pacing~ e~sentlally dlctated by the wldth of the ~ilm
to be wound~ by cross mem~ers whlch Rre not ~ho~n. The
1~ upper top half of the plates 17 ~nd 18 c~rry gulding
~urfaces fosmed by horlzontal lln~r gulde3 lg, 20, 21,
22~ 23 along whlCh corre~pondlng carrlage~ ln tho orm
; o~ car~lage~ 191 to Z3a and l9b to 23~ c~rrled ln the
. llnear gulde~ o~ ~he reapeotlve plates 17 and 19 ~re
able to roll or ~llde.
~ ach one of the 81idlng aarrier~ is fitted wlth an
end bearlng me~n8 for one o~ the trans~er roll~ or tho
strip oi illm. A~ ~hown ln Flgure 1, the~e tran3fer
roll~ oan be con81~ered a~ con~ti~utlng two tr~lnn or
~5 SetB the functlon~ Or which ar~ genernlly dl~eront. A
dual ~rackin~ lay-on roll tr~n or ge~r 2~ con~lsts o~ a
~lr~t a~tu~l lay-on roll 2S con~i~ting, *or example, o~
a hollow metal tube provided wlth ~n el~tomer co~er~n~
on it~ outer ~urface and w~ioh~ in t~e produotlon~ ~ar-
forward windlng posltion ~hown ln Fig~re 1~ is~ur~ounded over ~bout l~OD or lt~ ~ur~ace by the ~trlp
of fllm 2 and ~8 applled tangenti~lly along a parallel
line (actu~lly a narrow ~trlp) onto tho o~er ~ur~aoe o~
the roll 5 ~ or o~ the core 6~ ~t t~e ~t~rt o~ w~n~lng.
2 ~
~he dual tr~ckln~ roll train 24 lncludes a ~econd rolL
26 provldlng tracXlng whlch ls ~pplied tangentlally to
the flr~t roll 25 and whlch, ~or example, conslsts o~ a
highly rl~id rnller whlch i~ chrome plated on lts outer
surf~ae to re~is~ abraslon and to p~ovide optlmum ~llm
~ 0118 25 and 26 rotate idly, l.e., non-drlven, on
thelr corres~ondlng end bearings. In Flg~re 2, 1~ can
be 8een ho~ tbe end portlons 25b a~d ~6b o the-ee two
1~ roll~ ar~ ~ournaled in t~ese end bearlng3 at one of the
ends of the rolls; the bearlng end~ 2Ba ~nd 30a of the
tw~ rollR can be ~een ln ~l~ure 3. The end bear~ng3 of
rolls 25 and 26 are not d~ rectly c~rrled by ~he slidlng
carrlers supported on ~he line~r guides but rather vla
1~ plvotin~ armS 27 tO 30 on~ end of whlch carried a
be~r~ng ~or ~ roll ~roll 25 belng c~rrled by arm~ 27 and
2~ and roll 26 hy a~m~ 29 and 30) the other end of whl~h
piVots on one o~ the ~lldlng carrier~ nd l9b for
: a~m~ 27 and 28 ~nd 20a ~nd 20b ~or arm~ 29 and 30).
2~ In order to en~ure correct qui~ln~ of rO119 2S and
26~ the two ~lldlng carrler~ of a glven roll belng
mova~le along two corre~ponding llno~r guide~ 19 and 20,
these gu~des are arranged parallel to each otber on the
two ~erticul plates 17 and 18. T~ese slldlnq carr~ers
~5 th~t ~upport ~he arms are advanced ~nd retr~oted whlle
slldlng along th~lr r~levant llnenr qulde~, by lead
screws running parallel ~o the llnear guides, rot~t~on
o~ which e~uses the carrier~ to advance or retr~at. In
or~e~ to ens~r~ the axe~ o~ the tw~ soll~ 25 and 26 are
~0 con~tan~ly kept par~llel to each otber ~nd to the
wlndlng gplndle (wlndlng spindle 5, core 6, ~nd thelr
support arms 13, 14~ 15), di-~placement of the two
slldlng carriers of a glven ~ylinder are meahanlcally
4ynchroni~ed by ~ynchronizin~ me~n~ th~ ll~k two
lidln~ carrler~. The ~ynchron~zlnq meana ure~ ~or
exnmple~ constltuted ~or slld~ng carriers l9a ~nd lgb ol
roll 25~ by a synchronlzatlon shart 31 runnlng ~etweon
the twO vertical plate~ 17 arld 18 ~or connected two
~evel-gear gear~oxes 31a and 31b ~only gearbox 31a c~n
be ~een in Flgure~ 1 and 2) linked me~h~nlcally by
. gearlng mean~ or the llke to the corre8pondlng load
sarew ~32 ~or ~ear~ox 31a) thAt dl~pl~ce~ the ~lidlng
oarrler l~a ~or l9b at the otber end). 8crew 32, w~lle
i6 generally con~tltuted ~y a low frlatlon ball screw,
i3 ar~anged ~tr~c~ly parallel to the llnear gulde 19.
For slidlng carrler 20a~ Flg-~r~ 1 Bhows ~he geur~ox 33a
me~hanlcally lln~ed to a lead 8cro~ 33 p~r~llcl to
linear gulde 20.
The rol~s 25 ~nd ~6 ~re blasod by thelr
aorrespondlng plvoti~g arms 27, 28 and 29, 30 ~or
applylng them ~espectlvely onto roll 5 and roll 25 as ~
r~ult o~ swlnglng o~ the plvotln~ arm~ ln the cloo~wl~e
: direction by the applicatlon o force ~rom urging menns
~nioh cHn ~on~l~t Or ~pring~. In ordor to obtaln a
` ~ubstantially constant loading on the rolls 25 snd 26,
! the urging meang ~or each arm shown ln Figure 3 conR~st
of a pnRuma~lc actuato~ 34 or 35 con~i~tlng of ~ pla~on
moving ln a cylinder ~etwcen éxtreme ~butm~nt po~ltlon~
2~ and int~ral with ~ pi~ton rod 36, 37 pro~eotlng
externally. In the embodiment ~hown ln F~gure 3, each
aGtuAtor pivot8 at ono end o~ lts cyllndrlcal body, for
exAmple at 35~ ~or actuator 35~ on tho aorre~pondin~
slidlng currler ~here ~lidlng carrier 20A) whlch
3;0 support~ lt whlle lt~ piston rod 36 or 37 ~lvots by
means or a ~orked ~rm and ~ plvot pln ~at 37~ on sn
exten~ion 38 o~ ~rm 30 for actuator 35). ~t w~ll be
3een that the pl~ton and the pl~ton rod ~re only ~ble to
have ~ llm~ted stroke wh~n the pi~ton 18 at the bottom
.... ~
. 2~6~75~
0~ the ayll~der Or the aotuator where~y, a~ ~oon ~ tho
~lr~t and~or ~econd roll~g3 cease to ~e ln ¢ontact w~th
~heir correspondlng supportlng ~oll ~he roll 5 ln the
proce~s Or b~3ing wound or lay-on roll 25~ ~t come~ to a
5 stop posltlon wl ~out contact, b~lng malntalned by lt3
pl~ton .
A aecond traln o~ rolls 24~ provlding ~n S-3haped
path *or ~ilm trans~er and ~preadlng ~ore ~nd after
sllttin~ 3 provicled ahead of the du~l 'crnck~ng lay-on
lQ roll traln and consl~t~ 0~ three rolls which, ln the
wlnding positlon 8hown in Flgure 1, lay substantlnlly
one on top o~ the other and mutually sp~ced ~om each
other. ~ne len~th of the Rpan of web ~etw~en each of
t~e~e roll~ ~a~ been ~ound to glve t~e best re~ults when
15 thls length ls le~s than one-quarter of the wldth o~ the
rilm~ sn~ is p~eferably one- eighth ~ this wldth. Th~
roll traln c0~81~ts o~ a thlrd roll 39 provldlng
tran~fer ~o the aecond roll 26 and having ~ ~mo~th
sur~ce, ~or exam~le, ln ~lack anodlzed alumlnum, for
Zp en-quring good adherence to the ~trip o~ fllm 2. ~hl~
thlrd roll 39 i~ mou~ed ldle on two end bearlngs oach
one of whlch i~ c~rrled b~ a re~pectlve carr~agc 3uch a9
a slidlng carrler Zla ~nd 21b Qlld~g in n g~ldlng
~ur~ace such ~a llne~r guldes'21. The ætr~p of ~llm 2
pa~e~ over a portlon o~ the ~urfaoo o~ ~hl~ th~rd
cyllnder 39 ln ~he ~ame diFectlon a3 ov~r ~he s~cond
cyl~nder 26.
The thir~l roll 39 i6 preceded, ~ll:h re3pect. tc:, the
dlrection or ~dvance of 11m 2~ by a ~ourth ~oll 40 the
~unction o~ whlch 1~ ~o ensure fllm spreadlng n~d
tr~ln~l~er rollowlng trlm sl~ttlng of the f~ilm. ~hlæ
fourth ~oll 40 1~ o employed for me~3urcment o~ tbe
~ilm tension, the ~*arlng~ thereo~ belng mounted at eao~
~ide in sult~ble ten~lon measurlng cells, 3uch ~8 a load
. _
cell~ ln order to provlde ~ signal to a t0n~10n control
module. ~he roll qO i~ mounted ldle ln t~e s~ld
- ~earings e~ch one of whlch 1~ ~ltted onto a ~e3pectlve
Blldlng cArrler 2~a and 22b whlch slide~ ln lin~ar
gulde~ 22. ~h~ ~trlp o~ ~llm 2 p~s-~es o~cr thl~ 80urth
~oll 40 ln t~e opposite dlrectlon to th~t o~ the thlrd
and ~econ~ rolls 39 and 26, and ln the ~ame dlreotlon ~8
ovor the Pir~t roll 25.
The four~h roll 40 18 preceded by a ~lf~h roll 40
the ~unCt~on o~-whlch ls to ~pread the ~ilm ~nd
~ta~illze lt prlor ~o trlm ~llttin~. Thl~ ~lfth roll io
mounted ldl~ on two end be~rlng~ each on~ o~ whlch i8
hou~d by the ~e~pective slldln~ c~rrler 23~ ~nd 23
' movlng ln linear guldeg 23. ~he s~rlp o~ fllm 2 19
lS wrapped nround t~i8 flfth roll 41 in the ~ame dlrectlon
a~ over roll~ 26 and 39 arter leaving a ~eed roll 41n o~
larger diameter than ~he ~ive rolls ~or ~ lm feeding And
applying strlp 2 be~ore lts winding onto roll of ~llm 5.
The two slldln~ carrier~ of ~ach oPe o~ rolls 39
40~ 41 o~ thls second S-~haped roll tr~ln can move
hori~on~ally ~n parallel llnear guldes wlth synchronised
movement~ ~u~t llke tho~e of the ~wo dual track~ng
rolls 25 and 26 of the fir~t roll train. Th~a
; synchronizatlon meBnB for the~two 311~1ng carrler~ o~
2~ givon roll con~ist~ a~ already described for roll 25, o~
a ~ync~ronlzlng s~rt whloh llnk~ ~ee oynahronlzlng
~h~t 42, 43~ 44 cGrrespon~lng to roll~ 39, 40 ~nd 41
re~pectlvely~ two gearboxe~ each mounted on one o~ the
, ve~lcal plates 17 or 18, the gearboxes being linked by
3P mean~ o~ a rotating lead Ycrew to the cor~eopondlng
~lidlng carrier~. In Flgure~ 1 ~nd 3, ge~rboxe3 42u~
~3a and 44a have been shown mounted on ver~lcal plate 17
and respectively corre~pon~lng ~o ~ynchronl~lng sha~ts
42~ 43 and 44. In order to enable ~he ~ta~tin~ po~tlon
o~ a slldln~ c~xrler to be ln~lvidually ad~ust~d~
synchronlzl~g sha~ts 42 to 44 ~gether with the
aynohr~l~in~ ~h~ft~ of the ~lr ~ two rolls 25 and 26,
are provldo~ wlth ~ mechanlcul meanB ~or lnterrupt'ng
~ynchroniz~tlon, th~e, for ~xample, conslst~ng of ~
~o~41e t~readed ~leeve w~ich ~oln~ t~o portions o~ n
~ynchronlzln~ sh~t. In Flgureg 1 ~nd 3, such ~leeve~
~5~ 46~ ~7 and 4B are lllu~trated the~e be~ng
re~pectivel~ provlded on synohronizing shAft3 31, 42,
43~ 44. Such a ~leeve c~n be rotated together w~th one
sln~le portion o~ a ~ynchro"l~lng sha~t and then onae
~galn locked with re~pect to the other portion of the
~h~ft ln order to enable one o~ the roll slldlng
carrlerA tO be shlrted wlth re~pect to ~h~ other ~llding
lS carrler~ and ~hen~ after the sleeve ha~ ~een locked onto
tne synohro~izing ~ha~t, to en~ure ~ynch~onized movement
o~ the two ~lidlng carxle~s of A glven roll.
It wlll be notlced ln Flgure 1 that ~lidi~g carr~e~
22a which lncorporates one o~ the be~rlnga of the ~ourth
roll 40 ~aces ~he ~urret 3 carrylng the wound rolls 5
rather than belng ~lrected away there$rom. ~hls reverse
~rranqement o slidlng oarrler 22a ~and of ~lldln~
; carrier 22~ whlch 1~ not lllustrated) comes a~out due to
the ract ~hat ~llding carrler 22a only movoa ~y sm~ll
amounts, malnly for ad~ustment purpose~, unllke the
other slldln~ carrlers, and al80 as a result of th~ faot
that lt i8 nece~ary tO house a hollow be~m 49 of
relatively large dlameeer, arran~ed ln the tran~verse
sen~e between vertloal plate~ 17 and 1~, behlnd the
30 ~ourth roll 40. The purpose o th~ hollow be~m 49 1.8
dlacus~ed ln detail below. Beore le~vlng the roll
mountlng arranqe~nents, lt should ~:>e mentloned thAt
movement of the roll slidlng carrlers can be ~chloved by
tl~e u2~0 o~ s~cepplng e~ec~rlc motors c>r d~al-speed
pneumatic motor~ coupled to t~e ~bove ~a~d ge~rboxe~, 1
wh~ch~ a~ter ~vement o~ a roll~ th~ alr feed ~ ~
~ n~cerruptea and the ~lldlng carsle~:s ~re m~int~lr~sd ln
place by a braXe mounte~ on ~he pneumat~c motor or by an
lrrever~lble transml~slon 8y8tem.
The h~llow beam 49 1~ used to ~upport o~e o~
several knl~e~ or cuttlng elements 50, the~e belng
employed to sllt the ~llm 2, ~nd are lllustrated ln
Plgure~ 5 and 6 ln rear and cros~ - ~ectiona~ ~lews on
differlng ~cales. In Flgure 5, the hollow beam 49 c~n
be seen linklng the two vertica~ plates 17, ~nd 1~, this
carrying ~or, ~or example~ two mova~le cutting carrlage~
51 and 52 whlch can move by rolllng on rollers 53 at the
, upper portlon ~ beam 49 th~ough rotatlon of ~
lS di~placing and ad~u~tlng screw 54 whLoh 18 p~rallel to
the beam 4g and csn con3~t o two co~pled h~lve~, one
of which ls le~t-threaded an~ the other rlght-threaded.
Thls ~crew 54 can be oau~ed to rotate m~nually by
turning an ad~ug~ment handle 55 whlch acts mec~anlc~lly
on ~he ~crew 54 through a gearbox S6. Llke for the lead
8crew~ o~ the ~lidlng carrlers~ each of the cutt~ng
carrlageR Sl or 52 can be moved~ through a
de-~ynchron~ zatlon 81ee~e 57, l~dependently o~ the o~her
for adj~s~ment purp~es, tne cor~e~ponding ~n~ve3
2~ normally belng set to remove a trlm or o~fcut ~t the two
~ldes o~ the advancing web.
Wlth reference tO Flgure 6, thi~ shows the cuttln~
oarrlage 52 carryln~ an upper sliding gulde ~a on wh~ch
a knife 811din~ carrler 60 1~ able to move trAna~ersally
3p to the longi~udln~l axl3 of beam 49 by mean~ of mo~ing
means such as a handle 59 ln order to brlng the c~t~lng
edge 61 of the relevant knlfe 50 lnto contact wlth the
film 2 whlch 1~ tensioned between thè ~our~h cylindes 40
and the fif~h cyli~de~ 41. The knife sliding carrl~r 13
adv~noed or retrRcted ~y ~ ~ho~-stroke pneum~tlc table
~or the purpo~e o~ enterln~ and wlthdrawi~g the knlie 50
~rom ~he ~ilm 2. The ~nife holder ~a~ be retrr~cted $rom
the rear o~ ~he apparatus well aw~y ~rom tne ilm
wlndlng mechanlsm~ allowlng it to be repl~ce~ wlthout
dlsturb~n~ the ~etup.
E~C~ knl~e ~old~r 51 or 52 carrle~, ~la uprights 62
and 63 which ~urround be~m ~ectlon 49, a tube 64 f~r
. collecting an o~rcut strip 65 o~ ~llm 2 ~hl~ can also
be seen ln Figures ~ ~nd 3) . The of~cut o~ trlm atrip
! 65 ls formed lmmedlately downs~ream ~ ~ife SO nnd
pA88e8 over t~e ~ourtb roller ~0 ln o~der ~o ~ollow a
c~rved path into the mouth 66 of a trim colleotin~ tube
6~, the lnlet mout~ opening below the fourth cylinder
40. ~e trlm collection ~u~e 64 i~ norm~ ub~ect to
pneumatlc suctlon bu~ ln order to more readlly d~w o~f
the 3trlp o~ trim 65~ the collec~lon tube 64 13
a~soclated wlth a cuttlng ~nlfe 67 operatlng ln the
: lo~glt~dlnal sen~e which cuts the leadlng end o~ the
o~f~ut strip~ enablln~ it to be re~dlly lntrod~oed in~o
tube 64 ~rom whence lt 1~ read~ly drawn o~ and oarrled
to a storage ~nd rec~cllng circult ater pa~s~ng throu~h
shredder ~an or chopper aom~on to all the tr~m
collectlon tu~es and whlah l~ ~ot ~hown ln tho dr~w~n~.
nlt~ ~e~erenoe to Flgure 3, ad~u~table stop~ S~tP3
68 ~nd 69 on llnea~ g~lide 20~ stop~ 79, 71 und 72 on the
respeetive llnear ~lde~ 20~ 21~ 22) ~re ~hown 3ecured
onto the 1~ near guldes of vertlcal pla~e 17 and the~e
are de~ gned to cc,oper~e with a cont~ct o~ an
3~ electrical and~or electronic: swl1;ch mean:~ ~or stopplng
~he drlve motors whlch de~ermlne the movement of the two
~lldlng carrlers for each roll. In Flgure 3, tho
txansmlsslon mechani3m~ 73 ~nd 74 f~r d~l~lng ~ha~t~ 43
~nd 4~ ~or li~lng ~nd ~imuit~neou~ly drlv~rg re~peotlve
' ;
p~lr~ o~ ~lldlng carrlers 22~ 22b and 23a, 23b can bo
seen. ~he drive motorg ~not ~hownt for auch mechn~l~ms
are, ~or example, ~langed onto the ge~rboxes ~uch as 43
~nd 44~ ln the ex~m~le ~hown. Flguro 3 nl~o ~hows
g swltch me~n~ 75 mount~d on ~lldlng ca~rler 23a which 1~
d~sl~n~d to cooperate wl~h gtop 72 in order to brlng to
n sha~t the moto~ that drlve~ the glldlng c~rrlers 23a
~nd 23b provldlng ~he horlzontal movement of the fifth
roller 41. By ad~u~ting the po~ltion o~ the stops 68 ~o
72 on the llnear gulde~ or on the vertlc~l plntea~ lt i~
pos-~lble to ~tabli-~h an automatlc stopplng posltion o~
t~e ~lld~ng Garrlers for e~ch roll .
Tlle opera~lon o$ the ~llm windln~ app~ratu~ wlll
now be descrlbed with reference to Flgure 1 whlch ~ho~3
~he apparatu~ ln the productlon~ ln other word~ ln thc
windin~, ~osltlon, to Figure 4 which show~ the ~pp~r~tus
lnto positlon where wlndlng 1~ about to ~t~rt and wlth
r~*erenae to Flgure~ 7 and B whlch ~how thc sa~e
apparatu~ respectively in a posltion where ~utom~tlc
ch~ngeover to wlndlng another roll lo oacurrlng~ ~nd
lnally the appar~tus at automatlc Fe8~rting of windln~
on ~ new core.
Con~ld~rlng ~lrst Flgure ~ whioh alao lll~str~ten
the thread-up operation, and oompuring it with Flgur~ 1
showln~ t~e apparatus d~ring norm~l produc~lon wlndlng~
sllding carrier~ l9a and l~b o~ the flr~t roll 25 aro
moved by thelr respec~lve drlve mOtOrD to ~ wlthdruwn
posltlon ~n whioh the f~rst roll~ lay-on roll 25~ le no
longer ln conta~t wlth the 8econd roll~ traekln~ ~oll
3~ 261 and with the outer sur~ce o~ the co~e 6 o~ ~ roll
to b~ wound~ the arm 11 o~ the turret ~av~n~ rotated
with respéct to the pOBitiOn ~hown in Flgure 1. A wldc
pass~ge 76 h~ thus been opened up between the f~
~oll 25 and the ~econd roll 26 the slidlng c~rrler~ 20
~nd 20b of whic~ have not moved. ~he pl~ton o~ actuator
35 has now reach~d lt~ xtop po~lt~on ~nd rotatlon o~ ~he
plvotlng arms 29 and 30 has ceased ln order to
. immo~ill~e ~he ~econd roll 26 ln the positlon ~hown ln
a Flgure 4~ ~h~ ~liding carrler~ 21a and 21~ and 23u and
23b ~r the r~sp~ctlve ~hlrd ~nd flfth roll~ 39 and 40
are advanced by ~h~lr drlve motor~ ~the dr~wln~ show
motor 73 ~or the ~lrth roll 41~ ln order to ~dopt the
po~ltion ~hown ~n Flgure 4 ~nd to provlde a clcar
1~ pa~B~ge ~6 extendlng to the top of the apparatus.
A rigld 11m gulde 78 whlch i~ mov~ble ln the
vertical dlr~ion as lllustrated ln Flgure 4, and whlch
is normally retracted durlng productlon~ 1~ then lowered
: to the po8itlon illust~ated ln Flgure 4 at which lt~
dl8ch~rge end ~ close to the rear outer ~urfnce o~ a
pr~vlou~ly mounted core 6, ~he pa~age 76 p~ovlded by
retracti~ of rol~ 1 and a~v~nce of rolls 3 and 5
allowlng the g~ide or thread-up tube ~8 to p~s wlthout
impediment. Clo~eness to the coro~ or to a part~lly-
2~ wound rllm ~ur~aGo, lx pref~rably detectod ~y proxlmlty~wl~oh mean~ which h~lt ~ tB downw~rd movement. It c~n
thus npproaoh the core vory cloBely~ The appar~tus 13
: now in ~ posltlon at whlch actual threud-up can start.
, The leader 77 o~ ~llm 2 i3 blown through the
thread-up gulde 78 b~ a blowlng tube 69 and the leader
77 ls caught by the core 6 whlch can be electro~
~tatically charged i~ nece3~ary. Other manners of
attractln~ the le~der ~o the oore may be u3ed such ns
, introductlon of ~lne droplot~ 77a of a 11~uld such na
water ln an nlr stream by me~n~ sltu~ted cl~se to the
core whlch are not lllustrated, lead~ ng to the
productlo~ o~ *ine ~roplets on the sur*aco o~ the fllm 2
w~lich aets as a hort of adheslve between th~ core 6 and
the ~ilm 2 or between two uuperposed layer3 of ~llm 2.
When the leader 77 of ~ilm 2 h~ been o~ught by tbe
core 6 tO be wound~ ~he rl~ld 11m gulde os thread-up
tube 78 1~ r~tracted and the ~llm 19 l~ld onto the largo
dl~meter reed ~oll 41a~ an~ the ~i~th ~nd thl~d rolls,
$ 39 and 41, re~pectlvely~ are retracted to ~helr ~ur rea~
posltlons by oper~tin~ tbeir regpeotive motors while the
fir~t ro}l 2~ i8 advanced to lt forw~rd po~tlon to
adopt the po~ltlons for normal productlon ~unnlng
lllu8trated ln Flgure 1 or rathe~ in ~lgure 8 becau~e
1~ only the startlng layer o~ ~ilm~ and no~ a plurality of
layer~ ha~ b~en wound onto core ~ ~nd the plvotln~
arms 27-30 are in the lower po-~ltlon, us ~hown in Flgure
8. I~ the fllm 1 to be sl~t or ~dge trlmmed, the
~litting Xni~eY S0 are ~d~anced, poasibly ~fter wlndln~
of the film 2 onto ~he core 6 ha~ start~d, t~ the
poaltlon lllustr~ted ln Flgu~e 6.
Productlon of a roll 5 now starts ~nd the trlm~ 65
lf 81~ttln~ 1~ employed~ ure drawn o~ by the pneum~tlc
tu~eB 64 and a~ter belng cut by knife 67 are p~ssed t~.
2~ the common ~hredder ~n a8 mentlone~ ~bove. The r~ts o
travel o~ the ~ilm 2 can seach 2 to S m per ~econd.
Edge Ylltting 1~ generally applie~ and an extremely
strai~ht cut ~ achieved which, together wlth the dual
trac~ing arrangement of ths lay-on roll train 24 and the
2$ positioning o~ the ~lxst roll~ lay~on roll 25~ over more
than 180~ o~ ~he ~ur~ace of whlch the ~llm 2 pas~es, the
~ilm ~trip 1~ ~pplled onto tlle precedlng layer wlthout
lnclu~lon o~ air and a wound roll 5 i~ ob~lned in which
lat~rDl sunout c~nnot be dt~tingui~hed by tho n~ked ey~
hlghly regular wlnding o~ roll S being thu~ obtained
whlah 18 a signl~icant improv~ment wlth roqa~d to
8y8tem~ employed to ~te ln whlch a ~urther procc3~ing
step i~ nece~ary to obt~ln ~he ~me result.
...... .
- 2~6g7~
When wound roll S re~che~ it~ m~xlmum r~qulred
~iamete~, ~utom~t1c ch~ngeover o~ uindlng onto ~nother
core 6 whlch h~ been pre~lou~ly mounted on urm 10 o~
the turret 1~ ready to t~ke pl~ce, To ach~eve thl~, the
lay-on rolls 25 ~d 26 ~re ~ully ~etracted to the
posltlon ~own in Figur~ 7, and, ~lt~ the ~llm
; con~tantly main~sined under ten~n, the roll~ 39 and 41
of the ~eed ~nd gulding tr~ln 24a are also retracted ~n
order to allo~ tne turxet 9 to rotat~. Immedlately
after all the ro~lR are retract~d, the turret 9 Lota~es
in order to ~rl~g the ~lnl~hed rol~ 5 ~5~ ~igure ~) ~o
a positlon wh~re lt ls ready to ~e unloadod nnd un empty
c~re 6 to posltlon where it is ready for wlnding. As
illu~tr~ted in Flgure 7~ the empty core 6 beur~ agains~
l$ the ~ilm 2 whi~h 1~ stre~ched between the flnished roll
5 and the second l~y-on roll 26 which 1~ in lts
; r~tracte~ po~lt~on. ~he fis~t lay-on roll 25 1~ no
longer in contact with the strlp of f~l~ 2.
The l~y-on rolls 25 and 26 ure then ad~anc~d to the
2~ po~ltlon ~hown in Figure 8 ln order to ~ppl~ th~ film 2
flrmly again8t the core ~ ~nd nn en~eloper roll 16a
aarrie~ by ~rm~ 16~ ~he side end of which c~n be seen at
the free end 81 o~ arm~ 16, is advanced by the arcuate
: ~haped arm~ 16 to the pesltlOn lllustr~ted in Fl~ure 8
by ro~tlon of a aam-shap~d drlve member 80 and suitable
~uiding of its movement by moun~ whlch are not
; lllustrated. The ~ilm 2 is now applied to the empty
core 6 over ~bout 300~ of i~ ~ur~ace ~nd adhere~ firmly
. to the sur~ce o~ co~e 6. A transverse knife B2
provlded at the end 81 o~ arms 16 m~kes a t ansverse cut
throug~ the strip of film 2 and the tr8111ng end qf the
i wound roll 5 a~n now be wound, for ex~mplc, manually,
; . onto thls roll 5 whlch wlll be ~emoved whlle wlndlng i8
~ ~ contlnulng on new core 6. ~he envelop~nq dcvlc~ 16 1~
~hen retracted ~y rotation o~ drlve member 80 and r~ll
: productlon contlnues on the new core 6.
~ t ~hould b~ noted th~t lt 1~ not necessary to
w~thdr~w tho ~nl~es 50 w~en ch~nglng productlon ~rom ~ne
roll ~o another as the ~llm 2 1~ err~ctlvely kept under
ten~lon durlng t~ whole roll changeovar operatlon. The
duration of thl~ r~ll ch~ngeover oper~tion 1~ e~tremely
brle~ th~nks to the use o~ a ~o~t~e progr~mm~ble
. log~c~l controller wh~ch sequen~e3 the control and
movem~nts o~ ~11 the elements o~ the appar~tu~, a num~ar
o~ fail3afe devlce~ en~urlng tha~ no operatlon c~n
proceed before ~ ~rtlcipntlng components are ln the
c~rreot positlon, while the tenalon in the ~llm i8
permanently monitored ~nd regul~ted.
The pre3ent lnventlon ~ obvlougly not l~mlted to
the embodiments whlch h~ve ~ust been desarlbed ~nd
~llustr~t~d but m~y be ~ub~ct to numoro~ v~rl~t~ona
~ccessl~le to tho~e ~kllled ln the art wlthout ~hlS
however l~adlng to B departure ~rom the 3cope Of tho
~0 invention. ~hus~ ln~tea~ o~ only using two edge
slitters 50 to o~tain wound illm roll~ having a
por~octly strDight edge it would be pooslblo to Uso nt
loast ~n additionnl c:o~tor sheet trlnl ln ordor to
prod~:co ~cwo lillt rollq d~lrin51,wind-n~.