Note: Descriptions are shown in the official language in which they were submitted.
w~ 91/13529 PCI/llS90101152
Cookine ~it ~or Microwave Oven
Field ol the In-~ention - The present invention concerns a
cooking kit tor use in a microwave oven. The kit has
invertible cool{ing members and optional in~ertible accessory
pan members.
The members may be employed in a variety o~ combinations. The
invention ior cooking various ioodstuiis via microwave energy,
e.g., baking, boiling, broiling, crusting, irying, pressure
cooking, searing, steamin~ and toasting.
Descri~tion o~ the Prior Art - U.S. Patents ~,701,~7~ and
:~,777,0~ describe preheating metal plates by means o~ a
microwave-absorptive heating member ~or use in microwave
~cQoking. U.S. Patents 3,731,037 and 3,3~'1,0~7 describe cooking
t~od in a container which is in a preheated, heat insulated
microwa~e chamber. ~'.S. Patent 3,~`~5,~ 0 describes the use ot
a microwH~e shielded ch~mber, pertorated on its ~ood recei~ing
sur~ac~, to permit reco~ery ol by-products o~ cDoking and to
u\ilize the later1t heat ~t ~aporization which is normally
disxipa~ed in microwa~e cooking techniques. U.S. Patents
3,~5~,0'~ and ~ 5,'~.1 describe methods and apparatus ior
mic1~wa~ cooking in metal containers. ~'.S. Patent 4,0~7,13
~escribes micro~a~e cool{ing a ~rozen pizza pie. U.S. Patent
4,3U-j,133 describes microwa~e cooking a truit pie ha~ing a
WO 91113529 Pl~/lJS90/0115
2~ ~ 39~ 3 ~ ~
double crust. U.S. Patent 4,'~ ' describes microwave sot't
cooking eggs. U.S. Patent ~,~Y~,5~ describes meltine and
det'rosting ~'ood. U.S. Patent ~,~]~ describes ~icrowave
heating grill constructior1x. U.S. Patent '~ 7 describes a
microwa~e o~en pre~sure cooker.
~icrowa~e Goolcin~
~icrowa~e cooking is conducted in microwave ovens that have
appropriate boundarv walls to cont'ine microwaves therein. In a
microwa~e oven most ~'oods and certain microwave absorptive
materials beco~e healed when exposed to microwave enerOy. Many
col)king utensils are avaiJable that are specially designed ~'or
u~e in a microwave oven cooking chamber. There are steak
makers, steamers, browning di~hes, egg cookers, pizza pie
cookers, bacon cookers, et cetera. Each ot' these special
p~lrpose de~ice~ employs its own unique operatinOa se~uence to
~ook a particular ~'ood proauct.
~ ~rincipal object ot' tnis invention is to pro~ide a kit oi'
multi-pur~oxe members that can be employed ~'or practically all
oi' the t'amiliar cooking requirements ~uch as baking, boiling,
broiling, crusting, t'rying, pressure cooking, searing
steaming, toa~ting.
It is anothel object ot' this invention to provide a kit which
can be used in a microwave oven t'or cooking materials such as
so~'t cook~ ggs and ~'ried eggs; nleats and ~egetables; ~'rozen
t'oods including TV dinners, sout'i'les, pizza pies, meat pies and
~'ru;t pieq, both one-crust and two-crust; bakinO~ cakes,
cookies, rolls, ~'ruit turnovers, biscuits, breads; heating and
pop~)ing po~corn; ooc)kinO deep t'ried pre-prepared i'rozen ~'ried
~'oods such ax i'ried chichen, ~'ried shrim~ and the like.
Accordi na to the present invention, a cooking kit i'or use in a
microwa~e o~en, consist.s oi' ~ngageable, invertible, cooking
meDIberx. Tn~ kit, in its simplest embodiment, includes an
invertible, microwave-absorpti~e, ~'irst cooking member, hith a
l'irst sur~'aoe t'abricated to cook a tood thereon; an invertible,
WO91/13~29 PCT/US90/01152
~ ` ? z ~
second cooking member with a second sur~ace ~abricated to cook
a $'ood thereon; a steam-con~'irling, cooking chamber de~ined b~-
said ~'irst and ~ecor~d members; and means to retain said t'irst
and second members in engagement (a) when said tirst member is
the top memb~r, (b) when said second melnber is the top m~lnber
and (c) when said ~'irst and second cooking members are inverted
together. Tht- weigr~ ot' the t'irst and second cooking members
can be choxen to duplicate low-pressure~ pressure-cc)oker
tesult.~. O~)l.iorl~l accessory pan members include a per~'osated
mic~rowave-ret'Lective, invertible, accessory pan member ancd an
impert'oral:~, microwa~e-re~lective, invertible accessory pan
The micrc)~ave-~bsorpti~e Yirst cooking member includes a
homogerleous, mic~rowave-loss~ material, e.g., it ma~ be a
comyound Illelnber, ~'or example, a metal grill having microwave-
~b~orptive coatir~g mounted in a microwave-transmissive bowl.
The second member may be either microwave-rel'lective, partially
microwave-trarlsparent or microwave-transparent. The second
member may consist o~' two distinct cooking containers, one
microwave-transmissive and one microwave-re~lective, which can
be employed together or inclividually.
In one embodiment, the ~econd cooking member is a microwave-
t.ransmissivta howl made $'rom glass, ceramic, ~lass-ceramic, or
heat re~istarlt plastic. The bowl has a which is engageable
with the t'irst cooking member to det'ine a steam coni'ining
chamber. Microwave energy passes through the microwave
transmissive cooking menlber to heat t'ood wi.thin the ~team
cotll'ining chamber b~ direct absorption o~' the microwave eneray.
In an alternative embodiment, the second cooking member is a
mierowa~e re~'lective bo-~l or pan member ~'ormed ~'rom metal such
as xtee~ or aluminuln al!oy. Tnt- microwave ret'lective second
c~l)king alelnbe-t !las a rim which engages the ~'irst cookin8 member
1,) de~ ste~lll con~'inirlg chamber. Food which is prepared in
t.he ~lt.ern~ t- embodiment will receive all o~' its heat t'rom
t.~ t'irxt coc)kirlg menl~er because the steam-con~'ining chamber ol''
. .
WO 91/13529 PCI/US90/01152
4 ~;;
the.second em ~ ~ ment is entirely suzrounded b-- microwave
r~t'lective metal. All o~' the microwa-e energy is absorbed b~
the microwave-loss~ substance o~' the t'irst: cooking member which
sup~lies all ot' t.he cooking heat t'or the t'ood. The ~'ood ma~ be
in direct .~ontac~ with the cooking sur~ace ot the ~irst cooking
memb~r or ~he t~irst cooking member may be on top ot' and
suppolted b~ Ihe second cooking member. In this embodiment the
l'ood on the cooking surt'ace ot' the second cooking member will
be hr-at.ed b- radiant erlerg~- enlarlating i'rom the heating sur~'ace
r,t' the t'irxt ~ooking member.
Irl ~ I'urttler enlbodiment, bot.h the microwave-transmissive second
cc)r) membr-r and the mi.crowave-ret'lective second cooking
m~mt)er rna- br- mombinPd to pro~id~ l.w~, steam con~'ining chambers,
it' the miorowave-relLectivr- second cooking member
~i.lJ. ~'i.t ~it~i.n t.he microwa~e-transmissis~e second cooking
Thr- t'i7rst. and se(orld in~ertible oookirlg members may be employed
in various combinations. Optional accessor~- members may be
empl.oyed indi~ with one or the other oi' said t'irst and
second members as well as with both ol' said ~'irst and second
in~ertibl.e cooking members in various combinations. In some
applications, the t'irst member is the bottom member; in other
appli.catioos, the t'irst. member ix ~he top member. Similarl~
in ~onle ~pplio~tions, the ~econd member is the bottom member
~rlri, in rther applications, tne second member is the top
The a(l~ant.~es arld benet'it~ resultin~ t'rom the described
elemerlts wiJl benl)me apparerlt t'rom the t'ollowing detailed
de~(riptiorl b~ relerr-n-e lo thr- actompan~-ing drawings in which:
FT~?IJR~ 1 ix ~ (~n(~x-se~tiorl illustr~ti.orl ol' a t'irst member1 a
heat element.
FIG~IRE '' ix ~ croxs-secti.orl i'llustratiorl ot' a second member, a .
ch;~ t)r-r -t'ormi n~ ele!nent.
...... ... . . . .
' ~ ' :' :~' ,
W091/13529 PcT/Us9~/olls~
~ 5 z-~5~
FICURE ~ is a cross-secti.on illustration ot a third member, a
collector element, including, as shown, three
FT~,URE ~ is a closs-section illustration ol an optional tourth
member, a pan element.
F~GURE 5 is a cros~-section illustration o~ an assembly o~ the
tirst and second elements.
FIGURE ~ cross-section il.Lustration o~ an alternative,
i.e., in~erted, assembly o~ the ~'irst and second
FIGIJRF. 7 i~ a cI-oss-section illustration o~ an assembly ot the
secorlt~ and third elements.
FIGI;RE ~ ix ~ cros~-sec~i~n illustràtion ot an assembly o~ the
lirsl. and third elements.
F~GURF. Y is a ~ross-section illustration o~ an assembly o~ the
lirsL eLement and arl optional pan element..
FICURE 1~ i~ a cross-section il.lustration ot an assembly o~ the
Yirst, second and third elemen~s.
FICURE 11 .is a cross-section illustration oi an assembly o~ the
tirst and second elements and an optional pan
FIGURE 1'~ is a cro~s-~ec~iorl il.Lustration ot an assembly o~ the
~irst and second el.ements.
F~CURE ~:~ is ~ ross-section il.Lustration.oi an assembl~ o~ the
: - lirs~ and second e.lements, similar to Fi~ure 5
cl.u(iirlg a cross-section view ot a two-crust pie and
FIC~RF ]~ i.s a cross-section i..Llustration ot an assembl~ ot the
tirst., second and t-ourth elements including a cross-
se-lit)n ot a pi~za pie.
W091/13~29 PCT/US90/01152
~375~ 3 ~ ~
FIGURE 15 is a cross~~ection illus-tration ot' an assembl~ ot' the
Yirst and second elements similar to Figure ~
including a cross-section view ot' a pizza pi.e.
FIG~!RE 1~ is a cross-sect.ion illustration ot' an alternative
construction oJ' the ~'ourth e.lenlent Yor cake baking.
FIGURE 17 is a cross-section illustration ot' an assembly ol'.the
t'irst, second and ~'ourth elements wherein the Yourth
element. correspon~s to that illustrated in Figure 1~.
FTGURE 1~ is a cross-section illustration ot' the t'ourth element
similar to that ol' Figure 1~ containing a baked cake.
FICURE 1~ is ~ cross-section illustration o~' an assembly ot' the
~'irst an~/ 1'ourth elements with a baked cake in the
l'ou~rl elelllerlt.
FIGURF, '~ is a closs-section ot' the ~'irst and t'ourth elements
with a t'rozen t'ond illustrated in cross-section on
the l'ourth element.
FIrJURE ~1 is a cross-section illustration oi' an assembly oi' the
~'irst and ~econd elements and Yourth elernents showing
a t'rozen t'ood, in its tray, contained on the t'irst
e.l elnen t, .
FIGUR~ is a cross-section illustration ot' the Yirst element
: with an inverted, two-crust pie and pie pan
illustrated in cross-seotion.
FICIJRE ~3 is a cross-sect.iorl illustration ot' the Yirst, second
and t'olJrt.h elements wherein the ~'ourth element is a
pie pan and the pie pan contains a two-crust pie,
shown in cross-section.
F~CITRE ~ is ~ rross-section illu.stration ot' an assembl~ ot' the
~'irxt and secon~ elemerlts including a conical Yrustum
sleeve t'or heatin~ popcorn.
- - ~ -: ~ :
W091/13529 P~TtUSgO/01~52
~' 7 ' z~7~
FIGURE ~5 is a cross-section illustration ot' an assembl~ ot' the
t'irst, second and ~'ourth elements to provide a baking
chamber t'or biscuits, breads, rolls, etc.
FICURE ~ is a cross-se~tion illustration ot' a nested kit ot'
elements t~or shipping or storage.
The present invention will be described in several ditf'erent
and us~t'ul elnbodinlen1;s.
heat-gerleratirlg memt~er, ~'irst cookin~ member ~L~ is
illustrated in Figure 1. A microwave-transmissive, second
oooking member 1'~ is illustrated in Figure ~. A collector
assembl~ 1~ is illustrated in Figure ~. An optional pan
e~ement 1~ is illlJstrated in Figure 4.
All ot' the elements 1~ , 14, 1~ are intended to be ot' such
sha~e that the~ can be employed in ~arious combinations as will
be more t'ully set ~'orth.
The heat generating, t'irst cooking member 1() may be constructed
ot' a homogeneous, microwave-loss~ material, t'or example,
Garbot'ra~, a si~icon carbide compound manu$'actured by General
Re~'ractories ~ompan~, or ma~ be a compound member, as a metal
grill havina h microwave-absorptive coating mounted in a
rnic~rohave-~ral1smissive vessel. The i'ollowino pre$'erred
embodilllents will describe the compound member.
The heat generatin~, t'irst cooking member 1~, as shown in
Figure 1, comprises a microwave transmissive vessel 1~, a metal
grilling plate '~, a microwave absorpti~e substance ~'~ in
oontaot a xur~'ace ~)~' the m~tal grilling plate '~, a perimeter
sealing ring ~-~ an(1 an interior chamber '~ preterabl~ ~'illed
~ith ~ microwa~e-n()rl-absorptive heat insulator ~ which can be
a p~lr~iol~la~.e ~ rm~l insulatirlg substance such as vermicuLite.
Th~ heat gerler~ting, t'ir~1- coo~ing member 1~ also has
a~l)r-opriat.~ ~landLe elem~nts :~ which are t-abricated t-rom
nliorowa~e tranxparent h~at-inslllatin ma~erials. Pret'erably
' . ~ ~' ': ',: ' '
WO gl/13~29 2~ 3 PCT/US90/01152
~ . K `^`i: J
the metal grilling plate ~ is ~'lat but in some embodiment
the grilling plate '~ may be dished, i.e., concave, to
t'acilitate t'rying eygs, inf'ra or baking cakes, inf'ra.
PreS'er~bl~ the microwa~e tr.~ansmissive vessel 1~ i.s t'abricated
t'r(>m a sut)xt~noe such as he~t resis~ant glass or glass ceramic
or high t.emperat.ure resistant plastic. The metal grilling
~late ~ ix ~le~'erabl~ l'ormed t'rom aluminum alloys although
ste~l, copper or other metals and metal alloys may be employed.
The meta~ ~ri.l.lirlg plate '~ must transmit heat energy cluickly
and pro~-ide a rugged, reusable, cleanabl.e cooking surt'ace.
Th~ microwave absorptive substance ~'~ pre~'erably is a
di.spersion o~' Yerrite particles in an appropriate carrier such
as ~ siLicone rubber or ot.her temperature resistant carriers.
Tn a prel'erred ~mbodiment, a silicone rubber coating
oon)positiorl is t'illed with t'errite particles and applied as a .
reJativel- thick coating (up to about. 5 millimeters) to the
inner surt'~ce ot' the metal grillin~ pl.ate ~. The size ot' the
metal plate ~ establishes the size oi' the other
elements in tne kit. Typically the metal grilling plate '~ has
a diameter i'rom ~ to l~ inches, pre~'erably about ~ to 1'~
The mi.c:to~ve-transmj.ssi~e, second cooking member 1~, as shown
in Figure '~, is impert'orate and has an essentially t'lat base
~ , la~erirlg ~idewalls ~, handle members ~, an~l a peripheral
ct)pLanar rim 3~. The peripheral rim ~ pre1erably is adapted
t.o engage the perimeter xealing ~4 ot' the heat generating,
~'irst cooking member l~ 'hereby, as illustrated in Fiyure ~, to
~slablixh ~ I)erime~er ~eal t'or a chamber 4~ that is bounded by
t.he mi_rowa~e-transmissive, second cooking member l~ and the
heat. generatir~y, i'irst cooking member l~. The rim `~ o~' th
microwave-t.r~nsmissi~e, second cooking member 1' rna~- engage the gril.lirly ~ e ~().
Tt. is an importar~ 'eature o~' this in~ention that the
mi~rowa~e-t.rarlsmissive, second cooking member l'~ have a
s~lt)starltial mass, prel'erabl ~t' t'rom about 1.~ to ~ pounds whereb~-
,. . .~
WO9lJ13529 ~75~ 3 PCT/US90/0~152
a reliable ctealing engagement between the rim ~ and theperimeter seali.n_ ring ','~ can be, ~u~'t'icient to
permit development ot- superatmo.spheric pressure in t.he ohamber
4(). The sealing engagement. may be deve.loped between the rim ~
-~' the miurow~ transmissive, seoond cooking member l'~ and t,he
surt'a~e ot' the metal yri.ll:i.nO plat,e '~. The microw~ve
t.ran.smissive, seoond oooki.nd member 1'~ pret'erably is
t.ranC;r).qrent t.o Iight,. The microwave transmissive, second
rooking member 1~ can be t'ormed t'rom heat resistant glass,
gl~sx-oerami~ or ~.enlperature resistant plastic.
An v~)tiorlaJ ~ xsory met,al pot 44 is analogous to a t'rying pan
havirlg ~ b~.txe 5~, ~.apering sid~walls ~ and an outwardly
e~tenrling upper rim l'Lane ~-~ that rests upon the shoulder 54
ot' a microwave t.ransmissive pot 4-~. A pert'orated metal pan 4~
has a pert'orate~ bas~ ~ and tapering sidewalls ~ that permit
engagement. with the inner slJr~ace ot' the tapering sidewal,ls
o~' the metal pot 44. ThP metal pot 44 is ~-ret'erably ~'abricated
trom a.l~lmirlum or ~luminum alloy and has a thickness ot about
1.5 mil.limeters. The pertorated pan 4~ is pret'erably
tabr~ic~ted tr-om al.unlinlJm or aluminum aLlo- and has a thickness
ot' ~hollt. 1..S milLimeter~. The pert'orations ot' the pert'orated
pan 4~ mUC;~. he smAll enough to block passage ot' microwave
ener-g~; and large enough to permit t'ree passage ot' steam and
rerl(Jered h~-product. The pertorations are distributed over the
bas~ ~ in a prPt'erred embodiment. Alternati~el~ the
pert'orations are provided solel~ i.n the perimeter region ot' the
base ~, in which case, xome by-products wil.L remain in contact
wit:h t'ood on the pan. 1'he per~'oration area is about ~ to ~5
sq. millimeter. The total are~ ot' all ot' the pert'orations is
!'~om 1~) t.o about ~% nt' the total area ot' the base ~.
~ircllL~r perl'orat.ions t'rom a~out ().5 to IU millimeters diameter
are pret'erre-l.
The )ptional p~rl eLemerlt 1~, Figure 4, includes a base 7U and
~pxt~ln(1irlg xi-1e~al,ls 7'~, pret'erabl~ outwardl~- tapered. The
optior)~l par) ~lement 1~ pret'erabl~ is t'abricated t'rom aluminum
or ~lumir)um allo~. The ~ptionaL pan e.lement 1~ t'unc~ions to
WO91/13529 PCr/US90/01152 '
2~7~ t'~
. .. ' 1~
prevent spread ot liquids and cooking juices ~'rom l'ood products
that are being heated in the present apparatus and also as a
serving or eating dish. The base 7~ o~' the optional pan
element 1~ pret'erably rests in direct heat exchange engagement
with the exposed sur~'ace o~' the metal grilling plate ~ as
shown clearly in Figures Y, 11. Optionally, the sur~'ace ol' the
metal grilling plate ~ may be coated with a ~'ilm o~' cooking
oil or other liquid to improve the heat trans~'er between the
metal grilling plate '~ and the optional pan element 1~. A
similar t'ilm ol' coo.king oil, melted butter, or other ~'luid may
be placed in the optional pan element 1~ to cover the base 7U
and improve the heat exchange ~'rom the auxiliary cooking pan 1
to its i'ood contents.
Assembly o~' Elements
The elements o~' the present cooking assembly can be combined in
a variety o~' novel and use~'ul cooking utensils.
The microwave-transmissive, second cooking member 1'~ and the
heat generating, Yirst cooking member 1~ can be combined as
.shown in Figures 5, ~. In each o~ these examples, the rim ~
o~' the microwave-transmissive, qecond cooking member 1~ engages
the perimeter ring ~4 on the metal grilling plate ~ to provide
a steam con~'ining chamber 4~. When the microwave-transmissive,
second cooking member 1~ is ~'abricated ~'rom transparent
material such aq heat resistant glass and the temperature
within the chamber 4~ is above the steam condensa-tion
temperature, then the inner walls oY the microwave-
transmissive, second cooking rnember 1~ will be t'ree o~'
condensed moisture and the content~ cooking in chamber 4() will
be visible through the tranqparent walls o~ the microwave-
transmissive, second cooking member 1~. In Figure 5, the
weight o~ the microwave-transmissive, second cooking member 1~,
pret-erably 1.5 to ~ pounds, urges engagement ol the rim ~ and
sealing member ~4 or metal grilling plate ~ to pro'vide a seal
to conl'ine steam at slightly elevated pressures above
atmosE)heric. In Figure ~, the inverted combination ot' Figure 5
can be employed in a variety ol' l'ood heating sequences
WO91t13529 PCT/US90/01152
11 % ~t5 ~ 3
depending upon the nature o~ the ~'ood and the desires ot' the
cook --- the weight o~ the heat generating, t'irst cooking
m~mber 1~, pret'erably about 1.5 to ~ pounds, urges engagement
t... I~ro~ide a sea.l to con~'ine steam at slightly elevated
pressurex above atmoxpheric.
The mi.crowave-transmissive, second cooking member 1'~ may be
combined with the collector assembly 14 as shown in Figures 7,
1() wherein the rim ;~ ot' the microwa~e-transmissive, second
cooking member 1'~ engag~s the upper rim 5'~ ot- the microwave pot ~'~ to ~'orm a chamber ~
As shown in Figure 1~, three ot' t.he members are combined in an
~ssemt~ly including the microwave-transmissive, second cooking
member 1'~, the colLector assembL- 14 and the heat generating,
t'irst cooking member 1~.
The heat generating, t'i.rst cooking member 1~ can be combined
with the collector member ]4 as shown in Figure ~ with a ~'ood
i.tem 7 ~, ~uch as a steak, resting upon the ~eri'orated plate
and supporting the metaJ grilling plate ~0.
The o~1:ional pan member 1~ may be combined with the heat
generating, ~'irst cooking member lU as shown in Figures ~, 11
wherein the .t'lat. base 7~ o~' the optional pan member 1~ rests
u~)orl the metal grilling plate '~0 oY the heat generating, ~'irst member IU. In Figure Y, the optiona~ pan member 1~
t'l.lnctions as a ~'rying pan, griddle plat.e, pizza-pie pan or cake
parl. In Figure 11, the o~tional pan member l~ is con~'ined
within a steam chamber 4~ and supports t'ood items
(n(:)t snown in Figure ]1) t.hat are being cooked.
Figure 1'~ t.he heat. generating, i'irst cooking member
1() an~ the micro~:a-e-transmissi~e, second cool~ir.~g member 1'~ as
an assemt)l~ in ~hi-h the he~t generating, t'irst cooking member
1~ is heirlg he~ted .qnd the contents oi' the microwa~e-
tranxmi~si~e, second cooking member 1'~ (e.g., soup, t'rozen
t'ood, et cet.era) is being heated b~ microwa~e energy. The
assembly o~' Figure 1" suggests that two di~'i'ering t'unctions o~'
:::: : . :, , : .
~ . , . ' ' : : , ' i .,,~, . '' .. ' : :
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Z~ 3 1 ~
the cooking member~s can be'carried out conc~lrrentl- in a
microwave oven chamber.
Other uset'ul combinations o~' the elen~ents are hereinafter
described as the~ are employ~ in ~ariolJs cooking operatiorls.
T. ~..Fro~e!! Two-crus_ Ple
.~ t'rozen two-crust pie ha.s presented di~'t'iculties in microwave
~ooking hecallse ot' se~era.l dit'~'erent. requi.rements. The
bol.tom oru~t an~ the top crust requir-e temperatures t'or
baking the past.r~ and browrling it to an aestheticalLy pleasing
apllearan~e --- wit.hollt burning. The interior ot' the t'rozen pie
ix largel.~ (e.g., appLe pie, cherr~ pie, meat pie, etc.)
th~t re(~ es thawirlg and sut.)se~tllent heating to oomplete its
eooking e~ole.
The asst-mhl~- ot' elements shown in Figure 5 has been reproduced
in Figure 1~ to il..Lustrate double-crust pie cooking with the
pr~serlt. kil;.
A l'rozerl two-cru~t pie, typically a t'rui.t pie, can be baked
successt'ully b~ initially heating the assembly ot' Figure 5
unti~ the metal orilling plate ~ rises to t~5~-5~() degrees F,
i.e., sui't'ioient. to bake a pie crust. The pre-heated assembled
unil: ~-nsixting ol' the microwave-transmissive, second cooking
member 1~ and the heat generating, ~'irst cooking member 1~ is
removed from the microwave oven b~ means ot' the ju~taposed
handles ~ . A t'rozen t'ruit pie 7~ is introduced, Figure
1:~, into the chamber 4() in its ple plate 7~ which is
E~laced directly upon the metal grilling plate '~. The
mitro~a~e-transmi.ssivel ~second cooking member 1~ is replaced
and the axsembl~ ax ~shown ;r~ Figure 1~ is returned to the
mit.rt)~ e o~en arld ~po~e~ to m.icro~n~e ener~--. The er-- ilign
~emper:l1ure ot' tht- metnl pl~te '~ is transmitted
nlire~tl~ l..hrol~h meta.L r~ie plate l~ into the t'rozen pie
callsirlt (iet'ros~ir)g and act~la~ baking of a bottom pie crust ~.
~licr(-)-;a~e ~n~r~ ent.ers through the top pie crust ~ and bahes
the t.or) pie ~r~l~st ~ / an~l det'rost~ and heats the pie t'i.Lling ~4. -
The ~it~ t'illin~ ~ is n~so heated b-- heat c:onducted from the
WO91/13529 P~T/US90/01152
f ~ 7.~ 3;
metal grilling plate '~() through the metal pie plate 7~ and the
bottom crust X~. It' the upper pie crust X~ is imper~'orate, it
is easier t'or the trust X~ to rise upward.Ly and bake Llnil'ormly
in a dome shape.
In ~peration, ~he coolc considers the thermal capaeit~ ol' the
he~t generatin~, i'irst cooking member 1~ and chooses the amuunt
ot- t.imt- tn preheat the heat generating, i'irst cookin~ member 1
s~ t.hat, iherl the pie 7~ contacts the preheated metal grilling
pLatt- '~U, ~ s~litat)le amount ot' st.ored heat will be available
tor deli~er~ tt. the bottom crust X~. For some l'oods such aa a
'~ oz. t'r~ozell t'ruit pie, preheating the heat generating, i'irst
c~(loking membt-r 1() to s~.ore heat may not be necessary. While
t.hl~ pie del'rostx, it.s t'i.lling heats and its top crust browns,
t.he heal. gt-ner~l.i.rlg, t'irst cooking member 1~ has adequate time
~o heat ~.n~i brown the bottom crust. A small X oz. meat pie
wit.h a liqui/i 1'il1ing ma~ require more preheating or standing
time on a hol: ~t-~taL grilling plate '~.
Tn ~ll cases, the pie is con~'ined ithin the chamber 4~ while
in the baking prooess.
TT1e asst?mb~.- ot' Figure ]:~ may be employed to bake t'reshly
~repared tWo-orlJSt pies, i.e., pies which ha~e not been ~'rozen.
The appRratlJs ot Figure ]~ may be employed to cook one-crust
pies (top crllst.) by placing the t'rozen one-crust pie in its pi.e plate into the chamber 4~ and the assembl~ in
a microwave o~en ~'or e~posure to mi.croha~e energ~.
TT. T'izza P_es
The asxemt)l~ ol' Figurt- ll, reproduced in Figure 14, ma~ be
emplo~eli ~.o prepare ~ trt)zer1 pizza pie wherein the optiona.l pan
elelner,t 1~ is place(1 on t.he metal grilling plate '~() and a
l rOZerl P;Z7a Pi~ X~ iS placed on an accessor~ pan e.Lemen~
The axsembl~ ot' Figure 11 is preheate~i without the pizza pie to
~uil:able ele~ated temperature, pret'erabl~ ~'rom about ~5~-5
.ie~ree~ F. The pi z.~ pie X~ on thf? optional accessor~ pan
eit-rner1t l~ ix pl~ee~ .in a heat t.ransi'er relationship with the
: - .: .: , :: ' : .: : ,.
WO91/13529 PCT/US90/01152
metal grillin~'plate'~t) and the a.ssembl- is exposed to
microwave energ~. ~1icrowave energ~, entering through the
microhave-transmiss;ve, second cooking member 1'~, heat~ the
t(:)ppirlg ~ oi' the pi~.a pie ~tj and causes moisture S'rom the pie io l'orm st.ealn within the st.eam eonl'ining chamber 4U.
The ~tealll is corlt'ined at a slight superatmospheric pressure
determ;ned by the weight. ot' the microwave-transrnissive, second
cooking member 1~. Tt the trozen pizza pie ~(j has its own
aluminum l'c-il pan ~t), the op~ional accessor~ pan element 1~ is
not required and the assembl~ ma- be used as illustrated in
Figure 1~. The pi~za pie ~ ma~- be app.lied directlv to the
metal gril.ling plate '~(), on its aluminum ~'oil pan ~t). To
achi.e~e ~Init'ornl heà~ing ot' a piz7.a pie, it may be desirable to
app.t~ ~e-eral (irops ot' cooking oi.L to the top ot' the metal
grilling plate ~t) to ~chieve more ~nit-orm thermal contact
bet.weerl the meta~ gril.ling plate 'Lt) and the optional accessory
pan e.lement. 1~ (Figure ]~) or the aluminum toil pan ~t) (Figure
: 15)-
Tn Figure 11, n pert'c~rated pan 1t; may be used in place ot' the
r)ar, ltt on the metal gri.lling pl.ate '~t~. The peri'orations on pan
~tj ~to not hin~1er the crusting and browning ot a pizza pie
TII. ~ot ! t'.o(?ki~_and_Fr~
The combi.nation o~' the optional accessory pan member 1(j and the
hea~ generating, i'irst cooking member 1t~ is illustrated in
Figure ~ wherein the optional. accessory pan element 1ti
t'unctions as a griddle or t'r~ing pan. The combination ot' the
two members ot- Figure ~ is p.laced into a microwave oven and
heat:e(i unti.L an appropriate temperature is achieved. The unit
i5 then removed t'rom the over1 and its stored heat energy can be
emploved t'or ~'r--ing eggx outside the microwave oven. The meta.l
grilling plate '~'t) ma~ be conca-e t'or this embodiment to direct
the e~g tc~ard the c:enter ot' the plate.
1~. is known that i'resh eggs are serlsitive to microwave oven
cooking and, it' heated in a micro~ave oven, are ~'requentl~
: : ~ : ~ : : :
W091/13529 PCr/US90/01152
i 15 z~7~
cooked unevenly with some parts ~'irm and other parts
essentially raw. The unevenness can be o~'i'set in part by
providing rotating tables or b~ t'requentl~ opening the
microwave oven and manually mo~ing the cooking egg to dii't'erent
locations within the microwave oven chamber. However when eggs
are cooke~ according to the present invention, the heated
optional aCGeSSor~ pan member 1~ in combination with the heat
generating "'irst cooking member 1() retains appropriate heat to
eom~let.e coQking o~' a raw egg to the degree o~' t'irmness
out.side the microwave o~en.
Tn operati.on, when heat generating, ~'irst cooking member 1~,
the mi.crowave-transmissive, second cooking member 1~ and
accesxory pan 1~, as shown in Figure 11, are preheated, the
preheated alumi.num pan 1~ can become a i'rying pan to i'ry an egg
thereirI. The heat geoeratirIg~ l'irst cooking member 1~ is
heated to a suitab~e temperature and sui'i'icient heat is skored
in th~ assembIy. A she.Lled egg is applied t.o the heated
accessor~ pan 1~ and the cooking egg is not exposed to
microwa~e energy which could "harden" the egg yolk.
When heat., ~'irst cooking member 1~ and microwave-
transmissive, second cooking member 1'~, as shown in Figure 5,
are prehe~ted t'or a predetermined time, the assembly is
avai.Labl.e to soYt cook (e.g. coddle) an egg placed on the metal
~ri.IIing plat.e '~) or in a metal accessory pan 1~ (Figure ~).
~'ot~ that (1) the time required to preheat the metal grilling
.Late '~ in order to sot't cook ar1 egg is a t'raction ot' the time
re~uired to ~ry an egg; (~) the aluminum accessory pan 1~ is
rlot preheated empty; and (~) no oil is used to make good
thermaL contact. The egg is slowly so~'t cooked to indi~idual.
tast.e, i.e., about. t'i~e minutes, solely ''rom the heat energy
st.o~ed in ~the heat generating, ~'irst cooking member 1~.
~ther t'o~dx ~-hich ma~ be ~'ried or grilled can be placed on the
heated combination oi' the heat generating, ~'irst cooking member
1~ and the o~Itional accessor~- pan memher 1~ as shown in Figure
aI~d in Figure 11. The assembl~ o~' Figure 11 is prei'erred
W~91/13529 pCT/US90/01152
~75~3 1b
becaue (1) the heat collected in the chamber 4~ is not lost;
(~) any ~plattier is contained; and (:~) the Yood is ~hielded
trom the cooling action o~ circulating air which is present in
most micro~ave o~en chambers; and ~41 a hea~, glass,
microwavt--transmissive second cooking member 1~ increases in
microwave losxiness as it heats.
IV. Cake Bahin~
......... _. .. ._ .. . .
Baking cakex irl microwave ovens in th past has been ditticult
because o~ the unevenness ot the heat application. Cakes tend
to rise unevenl~ and to provide irregular top sur~aces which
are undesirable.
According to ~.he present invention, a cake batter Y'~ is mixed
and intr-oduced into a lightl~ grea.sed optional accessory pan
mem~er 1~', pre~erably having generally vertical or slightly
sLoping sidewalLs 7~', corresponding to a conventional cake tin
shc)wrl in Fiyure 1~. The quantity ot cak~ batter Y-~ should be
sutticient so that the baked cake will rise slightly above the
level ot the sidewalls 7-~'. The combination ot a heat
generating, tirst cooking member 10 and ~ microwave-
transmissi~e, seoond cooking member 1~ as in Figure 5, is
preheated in a microwave oven beiore placing the cake batter Y~
and the optional accessory pan member 1~' therein. The
combination ot heated heat generating, tirst cooking member ~,
a~cessor- pan member 1~' ~ith cake batter Y'~ and the microwave-
transmissi~e, second cooking member 1~ shown in Figure 17, is
~eturned to the microwave o~en wherein the cake bakes because
o~ t1) exposure to the microwave energy in the microwave oven;
(~? b~ conducti-~e heat trom the heat generating, ~irst cooking
member 1(); and (~) b~ the superatmospheric steam in the chamber
4~. Atter the cake ri~es above the le~el ot the rim ot the
optional acc.~exx/)r.- l~an member 1~' and completes.its baking, the
tol~ SlJrtaCe ol the cake ~, Figure 1~, wilL be irregular and
n~ither crlJsteli nor bro~ned. The assembl~ ot- Figure 1, is
relllo~ed trom the microwavt- o~er1 and disa~sembled. The heated
heat, tirst cooking member 1~ is inverted and placed
on tol~ o~- the ~ake as shown in Figure 1~. The cake Y'~' ~ill be
"" : .:: - . . . - .,
- . : -
; ~ - - ~::
:: : ,
!~ 17 ~ ~ 3
browned, crusted and t'lattened to a unit'orm top sur~'ace by
direct contact with the heated metal grill plate ~.
The we;ght ot' the heat generating, ~irst cooking member 1~ does
not crush the oake ~' and it results in a t'lat top t'or the
cake coplaner with th upper rim o~' the optional accessor~ pan
member 1~'.
~dditional hrowning and crusting is possible bv exposing heat
generating, t'irst c~ooking member 1~ resting on top ot' pan
member 1~' t'or an additional period ot' time to microwave
energy. During this additional period ot' time, microwave
energy carlnot reach the baked cake becallse it is shielded on
its tol) b~ metal griL13ng plate '~ and on its sides and bottom
by actesxory pan member 1~'.
et'r(?s_ing_and Heat_ng_TV_Dinners
A t'rozen ~'ood, conventionally packaged on an aluminum l'nil tray
or on a high temperature resistant plastic trav or on another
heat-resistant support, is placed in an assembly o~' the type
shown in Figure 5, i.e., a heat generating, t'irst cooking
member 1~ and a microwave-transmissive, second cooking member
1'~. The t'rozen t'ood ~ can be quickly and conveniently heated.
T~' the assembly was not preheated bet'ore the ~'rozen i'ood was
placed therein, the microwave-transmissive, second cooking
member 1~ ma~ become coated with condensed moisture on its
inner surt'ace. The condensed moisture will run down on to the
surt'ace ot' the metal grillirlg plat.e '~ ot' the heat generating~
t'irst cooking member 1~, where it boils and ~'orms steam that
increases the total heat content o~' the assembly. At some
stage, Lhe ~ham~er ~ is heated above the dew point ol' its
steam oorltents arld the oondensation on the inner sur~'ace o~' the
microwa~-tr-arlslnissi~e, second cooking mem~er 1'~ disappears.
Thereat'ter the cook can ~isu~lly obser~e the t'ood and decide
wh~r) the t'o~d h;ls properl~- h~ated. The e~perienced cook will
recognize and take into account that some at'ter-cooking ot' the
t'tozen t'oo-1 m~ occur.
. . ~ .
WO91/13529 PC~/~S90/01152
i~7~3~.~3 1 ~
The ~'rozen l-ood ~(j ix heated by a combirlation oY heat conducted
t'rom the metal grilling plate '~t) through ~'rozen ~'ood container
Y4 and into the bottom portion~ oY the ~'rozen ~'ood ~t~.
~im~lltaneousl5 microwave energy entering chamber ~t) ~hrough the
microwavæ-transmissive, second cooking member 1~, penetrates
into the t'rozen t'oocl ~ causing volatili~at~ion o~' moisture and
heating ot' the ~'rozen ~'ood ~tj. The amount o~' dehydration o~'
the t'rozen t'ood Yt; is controlled because the volatilized stearn
is con~'ined at sli~htly superatmospheric pressures within the
chamber ~. Tt. may be desirable to spray selective areas o~'
t.he upper sur~'ace ot' the i'rozen ~'ood Y(j with moisture prior to
deYrostir1~ and heatir~g in order to reduce the hydration
tendencies oJ' peas and carrots, ~'or example, relative to the
meat l)()rt~i.ons. ~dding moisture is more ~'ully described in U.S.
Patent 4,~,555.
~'l. AlterrlaLive Techni~ue t`or Bakin~ PIes
An alternative technique t'or baking pies carl be described in
connection with Figures '~ and 1~. A i'rozen meat pie or other
moist ingredient pie having a bottom crust which is di~'~'icult
to bake satis~'actorily, can be baked in a novel manner with
sel~cted members o~' the kit ol' this invention. In Figure '~, a
t'ro~en pie ~ includes a bottom crust 10~, a top crust It)4 and
a mois~ure containing $'illing 10tj. The ~'rozen pie ~ is placed
on a metal pie pan lt)t) which may be aluminum i'oil or other
met:al. The ~'rozen pie Y~ i~ placed upside down with its top
crust lt)4 against the metal gril.Ling surt'ace ~t) ot' the heat
generating, ~'irst cooking member It) and covered by the
mi.crowave-transmissive, second cooking member 1~.
The asxemt)ly as ~.hown in Figure '~'~ is placed in a microwave
o~erl and e~posed t.o microwave energy. Microwave energy canno+
perle~rate 1he mel:al pie pan lt~ and aGcordingly ~'unctions to
heat. t.he microwave absorbent substance ~'~. That heat is
corl(il1cted to L~le metaL gril.ling plate ~t) and thence directly to
t.h~ top pi~ crust. ]t)4. The t.op pie crust 1~4 thaws and
~artial.l~ bakex to a xuitab.Le brown coloring. Thereat'ter the
assemh.Ly o~' Figure ~'~ is removed ~'rom the microwave oven. The
WO91/13529 PCT/VS90/01152
f;'~' lY Z~9~;3 ~;
~'rozen pie ~ has its top crust l~4 partiall~ baked and its
bot-tom crust 1~'~ del'rosted and heated ~'rom the steam e~ol~ed
during the partial baking o~' top crust 1~4. This partiall~-
baked ~)ie is placed on the heat generating, t-irst co~hing
member 1() in its normal position and the assembly ix covered
with a microwave-tran~missive, ~econd cooking member 1~ to
produce the assembL-; o~ Figure '~'~. The aqueous pie i'illing 1
r-emains ~-ro~.en throughc)ut the partial baking o~ the top crust
1~4. Thu.s the pie Y~ remains essentially i-rozen and can be
easil~ ; nv erted.
The r~.atet1 assembly o~- Fjgure '~ is returned to the microwave
oven and taking ol ~he pie is completed. Durin~ the i'inal
stage ol the t,~.;ing, the bottom crust 1~'~ is heated primarily
b~ conduction ot' heat energ~ i-rom the metal grilling plate '~
through the pie pan ]~U. The aqueous pie ~'illing 1~ is heated
primaril~ by microwave energy which penetrates the microwave~
transmissive, second cooking member 1'~ and penetrates the top
erust 104. The prebrowned top crust 1~4, r~ow i'ree to rise,
wil~ rise, crust and turn brown. The chamber 4~ become-~ ~'illed
with superatmospheric steam, which combines with the ~5~~5U~
degrees F heat that is released by the metal grill suri'ace '~
to complete the neating and baking oY the side and bottom crust
1()'~ .
T~picalL~, in the operation described concerning Figure '~'~, the
pre~'erred dei'rosting and partial browning ot' the top sur~'ace oi'
th. pie occurs approximatel~ two minutes a~'ter the time
normally required ~'or the temperature o~' metal grilling plate
'~l) to ri~e to a temperature ot' about ~5~ degrees F. For
e~an~ple, i~' ~ne me~al grilling plate '~ required seven minutes
to rise to :~5l) ~teyrees F, then in contact with the l'rozen pie
orust, lhe m.--tal grilling plate ~ wilL heat in about nine
~'IT. Po~corn
~ number o~' pro~esses l'or bakin~ popcorn in rnicrowave ovens are
describe~ in the literature. ~'.S. Patents ~,Y7'~,~45;
' ~ " ' , ' ` ' ~ ` . , ,
' .`
WO 91/1352~ PCI/US90/01152
: ` if. .;
4,'~Y~ ; 4,4~5,~ ; 4,45~ . The kit ot the present
invention provides an improved popcorn making ~'acility as shown
in Figure '~4. The assembly ot' Figure 1'~ is provided ~ith a
~'rustoconicaL sleeve 1~ which is placed With it~ nar-~ow
opening on the metal ~rilling plate ~. The sleeve lO~
restricts unl)opped corn to the central region o~' the metal
~rilling plate ~ which is the hottest region. A supply 11~ o~'
unpopped popoorn is placed in the bottom o~' the ~'rustoconicàl
sleeve 1~. The microwave-transmissive, second cooking member
1~' is plaeed on the heat generating, ~'irst cookin~ member 1
and the assembly o~' Figure '~4 is placed in a microwave oven.
Heating the sllpply ll~ o~' unpopped popcorn causes popping to
occur to produce popped pop~orn 11~ which rise~ in the
~'rustoconical sleeve 1~ and over~'lows onto the cooler
perimeter o~' the heated suri'ace o~' the metal grilling plate ~.
A~'ter the popping is completed, the assembly oY Figure ~4 is
removed ~'rom the microwave oven and is inverted. The
microwave-transmissive, second cooking member 1~ thereai'ter
i'unctions as a warm serving di3h ~'or the popped popcorn 11'~.
The i'rustoconical sleeve 1~ is removed ~'rom the microwave-
transmissive, second cooking member 1~ a~'ter it is inverted to
its open top position. Pre~erably the Yrustoconical sleeve lU~
is t'orm~d ~'rom heat resistant glass.
VIII. Steam Cooking
____ __
Re~'erring to Figure 7, the present kit may be assembled to
produce a steamer type cooking utensil wherein a supply o~'
water is introduced into the chamber 41 beneath the pert'orated
accessory pan 4~ and the metal pot 44. The metal pot 44 ma- be
dispensed with or the metal pot 44 may be inverted over the
per~'orated accessory pan 4~. The water vaporizes and the
resulting steam is oontained within the chambers 4~, 41. An~
t'ood positioned on top o~' the per~'orated pan 4~ will be steamed
and thereby cooked in the manner o~ a steam cooker. This
technique is use~'ul 1'or sea~'oods (lobsters, shrimp, etc.),
dessert.s (plum puddings, iig puddings, etc.), steam heating
bakery goods (rolls, buns, et(.).
~, :
W8 91/13529 ~ ~9~ ~ Pcl/us9O/01152
When.a per~'orated accessory pan 4~ is employed as a shel~'
wjthin the chamber 4~, a t'ood can be exposed to microwave
erlerg~ on a per~'orated accessory pan 4~ or directly in the
mi(ro~a~e transmissive pot ~. When a per~orated aecessorv pan
~ i.s used as a shell', water can be boiled beneath the
per~'orated accessory pan 4~, and the steam ~'rom the boiling
water will be contained within the chamber 4~, to steam cook
c~ntairled ~'ood. Stearn which contacts heated metal grilling
plate '~() becomes superheated.
To st.eam t'oods, ~'or e~ample, to cook ~'rozen lobster tails, the
cook ean t'irst. dip the ~'rozen lobster tails in water be~'ore
heating in the microwave-transmissive, second cooking member
1'~, in the assembl~ sho~n in Figure ~. Alternatively some
wa~er (:ould be ~'irst boiled in the microwave-transmissive7
second cooking member l'~; thereat'ter the t'rozen lobster tails
are placed in the boiling water and covered by heat generating,'
t'irst cooking member 1~. The t'ood is then e~posed to
superatmospheric steam, i.e., steam heated by the metal
grilling plate '~ and by microwave energy.
Another example ot' steaming is cooking a t'rankt'urter (hot dog)
in the assembl~ ot' Figure ~. The ~'rankt'urter is placed in the
microwa~e-transmissive, second cooking member 1~ and heated by
microwave energy and superatmospheric steam. Steam ~'rom
t'rank~'urter juices or t'rorn moisture added to the chamber by the
operator becomes superheated upon contact with the heated metal plate '~(). When the ~'rank~'urter is heated, the
assembly oY Figure ~ is inverted to create the assembly o~'
Figure 5. The t'rankt'ur-ter t'alls onto the hot metal grilling
plate '~ and is grilled to the desired degree o~' browning.
Frankt'urter rolls also ma- be placed in the microwave-
transmissive, secorld cooking member 1'~ with the t'rank~urter ~'or
heating in t.he Figure ~ asseDlbly. ~'hen the elements are
inverted, the 1'rankl'urter rolls are toasted on the metal
grilling pla~e ~ ~hile the t'rankt'urters are being grilled.
.: ' ' ': ' - - --
WO 91/13~29 ~ ~,5~3 ~ PCT/US90/01152
IX. Frozen Fried _ oGdsA novel process ~'or heating and cooking ~-rozen pre~ried Yoods
such as ~'ried potatoes, ~'ried chicken employs the heat
generating, ~'irst cooking member 1~ and the microwave-
transmissive, second cooking member 1~ assembled as shown in
Figure ~. The assembly is preheated to an operating
temperature labout 5U~ degrees F) by exposure to microwaves in
a microwave oven. The assembly is removed and a i'rozen ~'ried
~ood is placed into the chamber 4~ on the base 3'~ o~' the
microwave-~ransmissive, second cooking member 1'~. The
preheated assembly is returned to the microwave oven and
exposed t.o microwave energy until the i'ood dei'rosts and heats
to a temperature approaching a desired serving temperature.
Thereupon t:he heat generating, ~'irst cooking member 1~ and the
microwa~e-transmissive, second cooking member 1~ are inverted
to a position shown in Figure 5 so that the warm, ~'ried ~'ood
~'alls by gravity onto the metal grilling plate '~U where the
t'ood bakes, browns, crusts, t'ries and/or se~rs as the case may
be in surl'ace contact with the hot metal grilling plate ~.
Dee~ ~'at t'rying can be simulated by applying a small quantity
ot' cooking oil to the t'rozen ~'ood to replace some o~' the oil
~hich may be dri~en oi'~' during the dei'rosting and heating.
When the heated 1'ood drops onto the heated metal grilling plate
~ at the moment o~' inversion o~' the assembly, there is no
signit'icant loss o~' temperature on the metal grilling plate '~,
as happens when a 1'rozen ~'ood contacts a heated metal grilling
In either the Figure 5 or the Figure ~ coni'iguration, the i'ood
can be stirred conveniently by removing the assembly ~'rom the
mlcrowave oven and ~'irmly holding handles 3~ together and
sha~ing the a~sembly to agitate its ~'ood contents.
. Steak Broiling
In Figure ~, a xteak 74 is shown supported on a per~'orated
aluminum accessory pan 4~ over a ~icrowave-shielded by-product
' condensation chamber ~1 de~'ined by the metal pot ~4 and the
'` ~
WO91/13529 PCT/US90/01152
%~,7 ;3~3
per~`orated cake pan ~. The steak 74 contacts and ~upports the
heat generating, l'irst cooking member 1~. The weight o~' the
heat generating1 l'irst cooking member 1~ urges t~e metal
grilling plate ~ into engagement with the top o~' the steak 74.
The heated metal grilling plate ~ heats and grills the top
sur~'ace o~' the steak 74. Liquid by-products o~' the steak
process ~'al~ hy gravity into the by-product collection chamber
41 ~'rom where they may be recovered i'or use as gravy.
Microwave energy may enter into the steak 74 directly through
the sides o1' the s-teak to heat and cook the meat. Pre~'erably
any bones are remo~ed t'rom the steak 74 because bones might
interl'ere with the required surl'ace contact oi' the metal
grilling plate '~ with the upper surl'ace o~' the steak. Note
that the microwave-shielded by-product condensation chamber 41
is microwave-shieldecl which prevents microwave energy heating
ol' the by-products o~' cooking. The cooking by-products may be
saved ~'or subsequent cooking or may be discarded.
~I. Sausage Cook_~
Figure 1~ illustrates a microwave-transmissive, second cooking
member 1'~ on top o~' a collector assembly 14. This
con~'iguration is u~el'ul l'or rapid dei'rosting and heating l'ood
such as sausages which yield large quantities o~' liquid by-
products during cooking. Where the microwave transmissive pot
4~ o~' Figllre 1~ is ~'abricated i'rom glass or ceramic, it can
rest directl- on the metal ~rilling plate '~ whereby the heat
generating, l'irst cooking mernber lU is preheated while the by-
product producing $'ood is being precooked. A~'ter the product
xuch as sausages is adequately precooked, ~ia microwave energ~,
the collector agsembly 14 is removed and the assembl~ ol' Figure
is reconstituted to permit the searing and ~'inal grilling o~
th~ x~ux~ge on l.he heate~ metal grilling plate ~. The
prerheated sausage, i'or example, may complete its cooking on the
met:~l gl~illing plate '~ concurrentl~- with ~'rying an egg on the grilling plate ~. The egg-cooking and ~'inal sausae
~o(JI~irlg Hre pnel'erably condl~cted ;ithout microwave energy ---
i.e., outside the microwave oven.
~091/13529 PcT/~s~o/o~ls2
~ ~;7 5 ~
XII. Biscuit Baking
~iscuits may be baked with the assembl~ illustrated in Fi~ure
'~5 including a heat generating, ~'irst cooking member t~, a
microwave-transmissive, second cooklng member 1~ and an
in~erted metal pot ~. The met~l pot 44 and the metal grilling
plate ~ combine to del'ine a steam-coni'ir1ing baking chamber
~1. In this embodiment, the inverted metal pot 44 -t'unctions as
a microwave-ret'lective, second cooking member because it
combines with the heat generating, ~'irst cooking member 1~ to
create the steam-cont'ining chamber 1~1. Individual biscuits
~ are placed in the baking chamber 1~l and are protected t'rom
expos1lre to microwaves because they are surrounded by a metal
enclosure consisting ot' the inverted metal pot 44 and the metal
grilling pla~e '~. The metal grilling plate '~ may be at room
temperature when the biscuit baking commences or may be
preneated The biscuits 1~ are heated $'rom the heated metal
grilling p.late ~0 b~ conduction and rise ~e~pand) upwardly.
~-ter the biscuits have risen and the bottom suri'aces become
brown, the assembl~ may be removed t'rom the microwave oven and
~.he biscuits 1~ may be inverted on the heated metal grilling
plate ~ and the assembly oi' Figure '~5 reconstructed and
retl~rned t.o the microwave oven to brown the other sur-t'ace ol'
the biscuits The presence ot' the microwave-transmissive,
second cooking member 1'~ prevents any signit'icant heat loss
i'rom the s~stem and th~rther coniines the superatmospheric
pressure in the ~hamber 1~1 during the baking operation.
......... _._
~n a prei'erred embodiment, all oi' the elements ot' the present
cooking kit, namely, the heat generating, t'irst cooking member
1~, the microwa~e-transmissive, second cooking member 1~, the
coll~ctor asxemt,ly 1~ and the optiona1 pan element 1~ should be
nestable ~'or ship~ing an(l storage purposes. Note that the
optional pan element l~ is also a microwa~e-rei'lectivt- second
cookir1g member. ~ typical nested ~it is shown in Figure '~.
Prei'erabl~ all ot' tne elements in their nested condition should
t'i~ into a microwa~e o-en ~'or storage therein when not in use.
~esting requires appropriate design ot' the slopes ol the side
WO91/13529 PCT/US90/01152
~ r'7~ 3 ~ '~5 ~ !~
walls o~' the various element~ and appropriate selections ol'
depths and widths. It may be desirable to pro~ide mor'e than
one metal pot 4~, ~'or e~ample, to devel~p ~ larger baking
chamber 1'~1.
CenPral Comments
, , ~, ., , . . .. ,.. _. .. .. .
When cooking is complete, t.he second cooking member 1'~ may be
le~'t i.n pLace on top ot' the heat generating, ~'irst cooking
member IU as shown in Fi.gure 1'~ to keep the l'ood warm during
It may be desirable to pro~ide additional use~'ul accessory
metal par1s ot' dit'l'erent sizes and shapes. Pret'erably the
cross-sectioll shape ol' the elements ot' the present kit are
circular. Other cross-sectiorls are t'easible and sometimes even
desirable, t'or e~ample, general.l- square, prel'erably with
rounded cornels; rectangular, pre~'erably with rounded corners;
o-~al; and other xhapes correspor1ding to the shape ol' the
anticipated l'ood ~rticle or container.