Note: Descriptions are shown in the official language in which they were submitted.
L~ndfill ulld Process ~or l)eveloping Samc
Technic~l Aspect:
The in~entior, deals in generlll wilh the stora~e of residual m~l~erial; sp~cifically, ~he invenliondeals with a landfill and a process for developing same.
Basis of the Technology:
5 It is customary to transfer biogenic residual matter in its original st~te to a landfill and to store
it there. Condensation measures aid in the reduction of volume (residential waste) or the technical
man&geAbility (sewage). The storage of fresh biogenic material leads to lhoroughly wetled
decomposition, the creation of decomposition gases ~me~hane, hydrogen sulfide) and a broad
spectrum of odiferous matter. Expensive landfill safety measures are necessary to be able to
I0 contend with these drawbacks.
It is known, for example, from the document "Techniques Sciences Methods, 81 (l), 31-34
(1986)" - GARRIDO, LE~ROY, that fresh organic matter can be compacted for tl1e purpose of in-
situ composting. This composting, also kno~vn AS direct composting, is designed to avoid the odor
burden or the development of insect populations. With disinte~ration of the material, the
15 condensation or compaction process proceeds in such A manner so as to preserve aerobic
condi~ions. Anaerobic conditions are reluctantly accepted. Over the years, a compost-like product
is generated. The process cannot be considered as having a biological foundation. The illustrated
: process is similar to that of conventional trash compaction, with îhe diff'erence that the
mechanically reduced volume of the biogsnic maîerial is more or less accidentally linked with
20 the in-situ composting process.
Disclosule of the Invention:
With thc problems associated witl1 conventionally man~ged landfills in mind, it is the purpose
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of the invention to make an alternative manner tor Ihe slora~e of bioL~enic or~anic wasle malerial
This ~oal is achieved by a landfill thal distin~,uishes itself fiom olhers by utilizin~ compac~ed
storage of previously microbially stabilized decayed matler of varied ori~in (Claim 1).
5 As it relates to the process, this L~oal is achieved via a melhod for developing a landflll, in which
previously microbially stabilized decayed matter of varied orighl is slored in a compacted manner,
resulting in a stabilized compost (Claim 13).
The microbial stabilization is a component of the process of decay arld is achieved prior to
stora~e. Tlle addilion of various microor~anisms intlerent in the compost flora to the slarlin~
10 material is not usually necessary but may be beneficial in rare instances. The subsequent
compaction may be accomplished before stora~e if possible; e.g. if contaminated material exhibits
cohesive properties and is allowed to be compacted with tl-e stabili~ed compost material. As a
rule however, the stabilized compost is rolled firm in a layer-wise manner.
The basis for the science utilized in the invention is ~he deliberale meshin~ of physical, chemical
15 and biolo~ical mechanisms of Ihe terrestrial eco-system whilst keepinu environmenlal objectives
in mind. Tlle landfill described in the invenlion will subsequenlly be hlown as aul eco-landfill
or as an inerl-landfill~ It extracts organic matter and toxic subslances from the naturally occurring
~ycles and enders these materials inert amidst volume reduction. When composlin~ unburdened
rnaterial, tlle eco-landfill can serve lo make Ihe resulting microbially stabili~e(J, decayed matler
2G a desirable product. It may also serve as a decontaminalion pool for the removal of toxic
substances, provided these can be mixed in appropriate proportions with tlle stabilized composl.
The composting, alonL~ with the subsequent compaction, is associated with a volume reduction
which is not achieved with inechallical compaction at conventionally managed landfills. With
conventionaJly managed landfills, the high backpressure of spon~y, often bulky material, reduces
~S the efficiency of the volume reduction.
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The invention seeks to set ilself apart by offering stora~e of stabilized compost in a suitable
landfill in a physically, chemically and biologically inelt manner. ~labilized compost is achieved
in this case throu~h the biochemical transformation o~` the bio~enic, or~anic waste Matter. The
biochemical process u!ilized is tlle well-defined compostinL~ process, which transforms the
5 biogenic, or~anic waste matter h~to a permallent or stable compost whicl- h~ turn, under anaerobic
conditions, is deprived of Ihe process of microbial transt`orMation of matter. The compacted
storage of the stabilized compost results in the environmentally neutral stora~e of biogenic
organic waste matter. This differs sharply t`rom conventional landfills with respect to construction
as well as management. The waste material ~reated with lhe afore mentioned process is endowed
10 with characteristics which are environmelltally sound. In Ihis manner, the current elaborate sat`ety
measures directed towards soil, wa~er and air pollution created by reactive biolo~ical material are
supertluous and can be replaced with substan~ially cheaper measures.
The invention has the followin~ benefits:
- the Deutral p~l of the compost promotes the immobilizulion of heavy metal ions eilher as
15 insoluble bonds to- or throu~ll adsorption ~o- the permanent humus, i.e. the stabilized compost.
The compact storage of the stabilized compost compleles tbe immobilization of the heavy metal
- the compaction of the stabilizesJ compost fllso leads to ~he immobiliza~ion of nitro~en and
phosphate. The same is true for harmful aromatics.
20 - due to its environmentally nelltral properties, ~he eco-landfill can be managed wi~hout
underground sealing barriers and without a sealed under~round foundation.
- the immobilization of reduced carbon in the inert stabilized compost is viewed as an added
benefit towards the reduction of the ~enerally well known carbon dioxide problem.
- finally, landfill space is conserved to volume reduction associated with ~he stabilized
25 ~ompost.
The invention will subsequently be elaborated more extensiYely with the help of examples. The
included illustrations will be referred lo.
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A SllOlt descril)tioll Or tl~e illl~tralioll~:
The illustrations depict:
Illustration I the dyllamics hlvolved hl material Iranst`ormalioll durinL~ composthlg;
Illustration 2 the transformation of ma~ter within lhe eco-landfill, and
5 Illustration 3 the developmenl of an eco-landfill for sewage waste compost
Methods for applying the invel~lion:
Decayed matter is obtained from compostin~, particularly Ille decay of organic màtter under
natural conditions. Along ttle way a microbial matter transforlllation takes place per a well
defined scheme depicted in Illustration 1. The transformation of matter may be intensified with
10 technical measures and lhrou~h control of ~he manner in whicll the process is carried out.
Initially, the easily utilizesl carbon and nitrogen bonds are mineralized. Since this is a rapid
process, an increase in temperature up to 80 ~C occurs. This phase of the compostin~ process
serves to sanitize au~d reduce the odi~erous matter.
After the reduction of s~id matter, pref~sably by mixe~l bacterial flora, cross-over populations are
15 created. Thes~ consist of bacteria and t;Ulgi, as depicted in Illustration 1. The composting process
subsequently enters into a state of virtually total decay. Durin~ this phase, mostly aerobic funL~al
flora are involved in the slow reduction of lignocellulose.
It is characteristic of the composting process to initially convert malter both under aerobic and
anaerobic conditions. This is precisely the reason why the decay of fresh matter leads to the
20 formation of foul gases. The composting process leads into a matter transformation whicll
necessitates strict aerobic conditions, as depicted in Illustration 1. At this staL~e the microbial
transformation of the matter ceases whell Ihe oxygen supply is removed. Ttlis may be easily
demonstrated. Stabilized compost pncked into an airtight plaslic bag takes on the appearance of
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a vacuum-packed ba~ of peanuts a~ter a wl)ile. Due lo tl-e consumptiol- of oxygen by Ihe
microflora, a vacuum is created within the plastic bag. Ilad the conditions ~or a s~abilize~i
compost not been reached, i.e. under present conditions ~ulaerobic microflora could still flourish,-
the established development of ~ases (carbon dioxide, melllalle, oùorous malerial) would have
5 occurred. The bag would have inflated.
Durin~ compostin~ carried out under volume reducing conditions (approx. 50% loss due to
decay), a permanent humus is ~enerateà, which is based on the following path of matler
transformation. The oxidative reduction of Ihree-dimensionally linked macromolecules evolves
from fragmented debris which l-as eitl-er been completely mineralized or has been re-polymerized
10 to humin matter with the aid of microbially formed auto-oxidative phenols. This biologically
induced and chemica!ly catalyzed process is in this way enveloped witl-in Ihe dynamics of matter
transformalion so that a compost is produced who's orL~anic ma~ler displays an increasing
resistance so microbial reduction under aerobic conditions. This slaL~e is the premise for the
invention-based inertness of the stabilized compost. The compacled storaue of the eco-landfill
15 leads to the inert condition of the ma~ter. 'I lle compacted storage permits anaerobic conditions.
The stora~e of the stabilized compost in a con-pacted state eliminates tlle conveclive exchanL~e
of ~ases Once Ihe matter conversion activity of the aerobic fi~n~al flora subsides, tlle system
rapidly converts to anaerobic conditions. Tl~e oriL~inal oxygen dependent, livinL~ biomass moves
into sutolysis, wherein nitro~en- and sulfur- containin~ bonds are liberated. The producls of
20 autolysis serve as nulrients for the resullin~ anaerobic flora, which are hardly relevant due to Iheir
lacl~ of useful, or~ulically bound carbon. As a result, ammonia is liberaled, wl-ich at pl~ 7.0 is
predominately adsorbed as ammonia-N to ~he permanent humus- see Illustralion 2 (1-3). Under
these conditions, hydro~en sulf;de is produced whicil in lurn forms insoluble sulfides with Ihe
heavy metal ions- see Illustration 2 (4). Subsequently, the stabilized compost moves into a s~ate
25 of absolute microbial quiescènce, since the compaction prevents lhe relurn of aerobic conditions.
The compacted, slabilized COII-pOSt may be compared to a peat bed. Aside from its ability to
naturally render or~anic substances inert, there are also examples of anthropological preservation,
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i.e. humin matter as relics from ancient seltlemellts. E~ven intact liL~nocellulose can be spared from
microbial malter transf`ormatioll as ill~lstrat~d by dallls located hl clay d~posits (lack of air), wooLI
kept underwater (piling constmction) and cily foundatiolls, e.~. Bru~ge ~Bel~ium), Venice (l~aly).
Storéd timbers may be préserved by weltinU.
5 The neutral pH values of the stabilized compost l`avor the immobilization of heavy metal ions
through insoluble bonds or via adsorption to the permanent llUmUS- see Illustralion 2 (4). For tllis
reason it is difficult to leacll the heavy metal ions out of the decayed malter used t`or enrichmel)t
of the soil. With the compacted storage of the stabilized, decayed matter, i.e. the stabilizeJ
compost, this immobilization is completed, since neilher microbially in~luced mobili7ations nor
10 water storage are present. The relatively hiL~h water retaining càpacity of the composl sur~:dce
prevents aqueous infiltration Or Ille deeper layers durin)s lleavy rainfall. The capillary action of
the compost surface promotes evaporation.
The compaction of the stabilized compost also leads lo immobilization of nitrogen and phosphate-
see Illustration 2 (3). The same is true for harmful aromatics-see Illustralion 2 (5)- whicll are
15 either bound via adsorption or have already been absorbed into tlle process of microbiul
transformation of maner durhlg compostin~.
The aromatic-reducing enzyme systen~s are non-specific enougl to also irreversibly bind syn~hetic
aromatics to the permanent humus.
The eco-lau~dfill, see Illustration 3, can essenlially exist withoul an underl round barrier seal.
20 However, to exclude any possible risk to the ouler perimeler, a buffer zone loay be installed,
providinu ad~litional protection from the leaching of toxic matler. In contrast lo the riuid system
employed in conventional under~round barriers, the above mentioned buffer system is able to
adapt and react to shifting. Due to its physical and chemical properties it can act in a self-sealing
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In regards lo ~he carbon dioxide problem, the eco-landfill possesses an environmelI~ally relevanl
aspect. It is well known that no pl~ysi~al or chemichi metlIods exisl whh:l~ remove carbon dioxide
from the actual gaseous content generaled in the matler transf`orma~ion cycle. The immobiliza~ion
- of reduced carbon in the inert permanent humus has a siglliflcallt impact on the reduction of
5 excess carbon dioxide-see Illustration 2 (7).
The inert landfill operates on the premise of storage of COll)pOStS in a permanellt humws condition.
The process of making the landf~lll inert possesses not only a high degree of ecological value but
is in itself particularly economical. 'I`he flchieved volume reduction conserves landfill space,
reduces the cost of landfill construction and facilita~es site selection.
10 Prerequisite for the development of the eco-landfill (as described in the invention) is the
formation of stabilized compost, i.e. permanent humus which has preferably been removed from
the anaerobic conditions of malter transformation. This condition is determined with appropriate
analytical methods.
With the aid of machinery, the stabilized compost is preferably compacted in layers tl-rou~hout
15 the landfill so as to achieve a high degree of condensatiolI (Claim 14). As per an a~ditional
working example of the invention, the stabilized compost is pre-condensed and/or rolled firm at
the site (Claim 15). Taking the technical aspects of the compos~ing process into account, a pre-
condensation of the stabilized compost is particularly desirable when additive matter (Claim 6)
is effectively mixed in under various conditions prior to fmal s~orage.
20 The compacted, stabilized compost is preferably stored in al least two compartment of the
landfill. It is benef'lcial to separate these IWO compartments with an intermediate layer containing
or constructed of materillls which possess soli(lifying, adsorptive an(l/or buffering properlies. The
above mentioned measures serve as additiollal envir~nmental safegllards and offer advanta~es
towards the storage of contaminated compost (Clain~s 2 and 16).
25 The sam¢ holds true for the landfill foundation, where Illese measures afford prolection against
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leachin~, from the waterlo~ged land~ïll (Claims 3 an~l 17)
An additional advantage is the fact that Ihe surface of Ihe eco-landfill is composed of a malerial
which also possesses solidifyhlg, adsorplive and/or bufferillg properlies Willloul such a surface
cover, the eco-landtlll presents as an open-air syslem hl a state ot` lransilioll lowards ve~elalion
S This means that root growth, rodenl activi~y or atmospl)eric h~ Jellces n-ay elicit changes in the
peripheral zones of the landfill The above mentioned surface cover prevents these ullcontrolled
influences or at least works a~ainst them (Claims 4 and 18)
As per an additional workhlg exarmple of tl-e invention, the stabilized compost is Ireated wilh
compaction-promotin~ substances, especially condensing and cross-linkinL~ materials l`hese
10 materials improve the condel-satiol- properties of Ihe stabilized compost, especially where
condensation and con-paction are mechallically acl-ieved ~CIaims 5 and 19) The structure-lendh
condensinu substances contaill malerials whicll pos~ess soli~lifyillg, adsorplive andlor bufferin~
properties l`he measures also serve to provide additional environmental protection (Claims 6 and
15 As per an a~iditional preferred workin~ exiample of the invenlion, organic and/or inGr~aniC
additive malter is contained in the inlermediate layer, the landfill foundation, Ihe landfill surface
and/or 1he structure-lending condensing material Particularly suitable additive malter is shredded
wood, lignocellulose, mineral Inixtures, clay or a mixture Ihereof (Claims ~ and 21)
Processed construction debris is an appropriate mineral mixture, especially for the intermediate
20 layers separating landfill compartments In prhlciple, the hlclusion of foils between compartments
would be possible~
As per another preferred working example of ~he invention, Ihe calcium-containmg mineral
aclditives are comprised of either lime (calcium carbonale) parliculate andlor gypsum (caicium
sulfate) particulate~ The lime-containin~ mineral compositions are preferably mixed wi~h
25 additional additives such as iron sulfate Such additive materials promote not only the
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immobilization of displace(i or~anic and inorL~anic compost compollenls, bul also promote (wilhi
Ihe framework of tlle inYen~ioll), soli ;lificalion (~ue lo re~ional hardenin~. Re~ional hardeni
customarily occurs when humin matter creates alumhlulIl-, iron- and calcium- hunlus' by formh
- colloids wilh soil components in ~he landfill foundalion ~CIaims 9, I0, 23 and 24).
S Waste materials which contain predomhlalllly li~nocellulose are suitable for structure-lending
condensation matter. 1nclIlded are Ihe previously menlioned addilive materials, wood chips and
organic waste matter. Asbestos-like products are useful as inorlganic additives. The stabilized
compost rnay also be compacled or condensed by mud-linL~-up (clog~inL~ wilh mud or silt). In this
manner, Ihe surface of Ille compost layers may periodically be mudded over and end up hi~hly
lG condensed (Claim 27). The addilion of liL~nosulfonic acid or lJecaying mud improves compactioll
(Claim 28). The mixin~ of addilive matter wilh lhe s~able compost has been proven as beneficial.
In this manner, the additive matler is enriched by ~he humin matter (Claims 8 and 22).
As per an additional working example of the inventio(l, materials or additive matter treated wilh
the DCR (Dispersed-Chemical-Reaction)- process make up, either wholly or in part, the
15 intermediate layers betweetl compar~ments, the landfill fowldatioll, ~he landfill surface cover
and/or the structure-lending condensatioll malerial (Claims l l and 25). The DCR-process was
developed by Bolsing and is described in EP 326 561-A. We specifically make reference to Ihe
contents of this publication. Ilarmful orL~anic and inorganic matter (e.L~. mineral oils, aromalics,
heavy metals) are immobilized throu~ll tlle application of hydropllobic calcium oxide combined
20 with an appropriate carrier, e.~. clay and waste reagents. The alterna~ion belween hydrophobic
and hydrophilic conditions includes the chemical reaclion with loxic matter.
Tlle additional safety measures presenled in claims 2 Ihrou~ll lO and 16 throu~h 24 may be
carried out more efficienlly when combined with Ihe DCR-process. The added benefit lies in lhe
fact that the size and guAlity oP Ihe safety layers does not rely solely on their inherent properlies,
25 e.g. the formation of insoluble calcium bonds wilh humin acids. The safety layers can be variably
instituted based on the potential toxic burden on each compartment. Towards this end,
stoichiometric calculations are used to determine the concentration of the rea~ents to be applied
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(e.g. iron sulfate; sulfide). l`he combination of a chemical foulldation with appropriately reacting
and chemically synthesized molecular dispersion malrices presents a dynamically functioning,
synergistic system. The çalcium oxide contained in lhe addilives lo Ihe landfill foundation, the
landfill surface cover or the intermediflle layers is converted to calcium carbonate after treatment
5 with the DCR-process. This leads to increased hardening of the respective layers. Together with
a high pH valtle, these layers take on an addi~ional f;mc~ion as a barrier.
The principle of molecularly dispersed distribulion of reagents in the foundation, the intermediate
layers or the surface cover of the landfill also applies to lhe stabilized compost. Moreover, auto-
stabilizing systems can be established to select reagents and to compensate for the changes in the
10 system. In this manner, a buffering system can prevent a drop hl p~l value which would lead to
altered solubility of precipitated or immobilized toxins or perhaps favor îhe initiation of microbial
activity in response to a slowly changing landfill.
With these considerations in mind and as per a preferre(l working example of the invention, the
stabilized compost is treated wi~h a broad spectrum of arresting reagents or specifically targeted
15 reagents, even after DCR-processing, to create insoluble sulfide compounds or metallorganic
complexes. In this manner, one can render toxic burdens inert, neutralize introduced matter and
peripherally rnonitor the cessation of microbial activily (Claims l2 and 26).
A per an additional working example, Ihe stabilized compost is exposed to a drying s~age prior
tô compaction, perhaps via a naturally occurrin~ drying of the stacks or possibly under cover or
20 by forced ventilation. This facilitates the compaction process at the landfilll site(Claim 29).
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