Note: Descriptions are shown in the official language in which they were submitted.
WO92/1~23 PCT/AV91/00569
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~he present invention concern~ impro~ement~ to fork-lift~
and the like. In particular, this invention relate~ to an
attachment for enabling fork-lifts to handle drums,
machinery and other articl~s which are not readily
accommodated on the tines of a ~ork-lift.
In Australia and many other ~ountries there are
regulation~ governing the u~e of fork-lifts and the type
of arkicles which may be handled. The~e regulation~ are
principally intended to protect th~ safety of fork-lift
operators and per~onnel who work in the proximity of fork-
lifts. ~owever, these regulations al~o make i~ illegal to
u~e presently-exi3t~ng fork-lift a~emblies to lift msny
article~, ~specially article~ o~ irregular shape.
For example, if it iB desired to handle a large drum it i~
not practical (or permlssible) to balance the drum on the
tine~ of the fork-lift, becau~e there i8 a sub~ antial
danger that the drum will roll or topple off. In the pa~t,
it has been prcposed to replace the ~ork-lift tines by a
single jib from which a .hain depended, and to fix the
chain to the drum or other article. This type of
arrangement i~ prohibited by the ~a~ety r~gulations,
b~cause of the likelihood that the forklift will tip over
during handling, due to a shift in the centre of gravity.
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In addition, because the single jib arrangement referred
to above required removal of the fork-lift ti~es before
fitting the jib, the procedure wa~ time-consuming and
included the further danger that the tines of the
fork-lift may not be replaced correctly.
The presen-t invention seeks to overcome or substantially
alleviate the problems referred to above by providing an
attachment for a fork-lift having at least one lifting
tine, said attachment comprising:
at least one channel adapted to receive at least
one said tine;
lifting means provided to support articles intended ~-
to be lifted, said lifting means comprising a main plate
having at least one lug, said lug b~ing integral with
or rigidly attached to said main plate; and
connecting means adapted to secure said attachment
to said fork-lift.
Preferably, the attachment of the invention is designed to
- be used with a forklift having a pair of spaced lifting
tines and the attachment has a pair of channels, each of
which is adapted to receive one tine. For the sake of
convenience, the invention will be described hereunder
with reference to this configuration, but it is to be
understood tha~ the invention is not limited thereto.
In an especially preferred embodiment, the channels are
designed so that the fork-lift tines may enter the
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channels from one end o~ the channels or the other. In
this way, ths attachment of the invention may be connected
to the fork-lift from one side or the other.
When the attachment has one lug, it i~ preferred that the
lug is located centrally on the main plate.
In one pre~erred embodiment of the present invention the
attachment has two lugs, each lug is being located at one
of the outer extremities o~ the attachment.
In another preferred embodiment of the present invention,
the attachment has three lugs, one lug is located at each
of the outer extremities of the attachment and one lug is
located centrally. The central lug can be used to lift or
handle relatively small or light articles while the outer
pair of lugs is useful in the handling of heavy loads.
Since heavy loads can be secured to the attachment at
these two spaced points, they may be lifted in a
controlled manner. Thus, there will be less likelihood
that the load will swing from side to side, or strike the
fork-lift during lifting or transport.
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Beneficially, each lug has an aperture so that hooks, chains
or the like may be inserted into or passed through the
aperture to secure articles to the attachment.
The main plate may be adapted to receive at least one
accessory. Preferably, the or each accessory is capable of
rapid connection ko and detachment ~rom the main plate by
any suitable means.
In one preferred embodiment of the present invention the
main plate is adapted to receive a jib. Pre~erably, the
jib is rigidly attached to the main plate at one end
thereof by any suitable means and is provided with a lug
at the other end thereof. The lug may have an aperture so
that hooks, chains or the like may be inserted into or
passed through the aperture to secure articles to the
In an especially preferred embodiment of the present
invention, the jib is located centrally on the main plate
and is particularly useful when articles intended to
be lifted need be distanced from the fork-lift.
In another preferred embodiment of the present invention,
the main plate is adapted to receive a clamping plate. The -
clamping plate may be rigidly attached to the main plate
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~y any ~uitable means. Preferably, the clamping plate i8
provided wlth an aperture ~o that hooks, chains or the
like may be insexted into or pan~ed through the aperture
to secure articles to the atta~hm~nt. Typically, the
clamping plate i8 provided with two or more apertures and
i~ particularly useful when a large number o~ ~rticles
intended t~ be lifted.
In a further pre~erred e~bodLment of the present invention
a ~ling hook i~ rigidly atta~hed to the main plate ~o that
hook~, chain6 or the like may be inserted into or passed
through the hook to secure article~ to the attachment.
Preferably, the sling hook i6 located under the or each
channel. The 81ing hook i~ particularly use~ul when a
hanging support needs be provided for arti~le~ intended to
- 15 be lif ted.
Furthermore, the main plate ma~ be adapted to directly
r~eive chains or the like. Preferably the aperture~ are
pre~t in the main plate 80 that chain~ or the like may bs
pa~sed through to secure articles to khe attaohment. ~his
arran~ement may be particularly ~uitable for use where the
lifting distance i8 lLmited.
The oonnecting means may compri~e any suitable meAns
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capahle o~ connecting the attachment tc the fork-lift in
an acceptable manner. Preferably, the connecting mean~
include a bar affixed to the li~ting me~ns at one end
thereof. The bar may have a ~oupling at the other end
thereof for connection to the fork-lift. More preferably,
the bar i8 mounted on ~he attachment in the centre thereof
and iR adapted to be coupled to the ~rille on the Eront of
tha fork-lift. In this way the attachment may be ~ecured
st~bly to the ~ork-lift. The bar may be rigid or
The bar i8 preferably pivotably mounted o~ the attachment.
It was mentioned above that the ahannel~ may be de~igned
~o that the fork-lift tlnes may enter from either end.
When the connecting bar is pivotably mounted o~ the
attachment, it may be connected to the fork-lift from
either side of the attachment.
Ths coupling may consi~t of any suitably secure
arrangement, but it i~ pre~erred that the coupli~g
providos rapid connection to and detachment from the
It should be appreciated that when one or more
acces~orie~ are a~fixed to the attachment of the present
invention, li~ting of the or each channel from the or
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each tine may occur. Ther~fore, ~tabili~ing meanB may be
providad to prevent lifting of the or each channel from
the or each tine during operation of the fork-lift.
Preferably, the ~tabili~ing means compri~e a pin
tranaver~ely ~panning the or each channel. Typiaally, the
pin i8 located under the or eaah tine when in place in the
It will be appreciated that the attachment of the
inv~ntion has a number of advantage~ over the prior art.
The attachment of the invention iB capable of handling
irregular article~ or non-~tandard pallets with ~af~ty and
of maintaining the standard and safe centre of gravity of
any fork-lift. Almo~t any irregularly-shaped article may
be ha~dled by the u~e of hooks and/or ahains attached to
the lug or lug~.
In~tallatio~ of the attachment i8 ~imple and fast and
there i3 no need to remove or alter existing fork-lift
part8- Con~equ~ntly the danger that part~ will be
reinstalled i~correctly i8 elLminated.
The fork-lif~ retain~ it manoeuvrability; there is no
protruding jib to change the fork-lift'~ original ~hape or
working configuration. ~eavy load6 on the attachment tend
to inGrea~e the ~tability of tha attachmsnt/fork~ t
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combination rather than t~e reverse.
The attachment does not require any significant
maintenance and represent~ a practical and ~imple ~olution
to the problems experienced previou~ly.
By way of example only cer~ain preferred embodiments of
the present invention will now be de~cxibad with reference
to the accompanying drawing~, wherein:
Fig. 1 i~ a perspective view of an attachment of the
pre~ent inventlon.
Fig. 2 is a perspective view of the connecting means of
the present invention having a telescopic bar.
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Fig. 3 i~ a per~pective view of the attachment of Fig. 1
having ~ jib ac~e~ory.
Fig. 4 is a perspective view of a clamping plate acces~ory
of the pre~ent invention.
Fig. 5 is a per~pective view of a sling hook acces~ory
of the present invention.
Fig. 6 is a plan vie~ of the attachment of one preferred
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embodLment of the present invention having a main plate
adapted to di~ectly receiv~ a chain.
The attachment, indicated generally at 1, has a pair of
channelE~ 2 and 3 welded or oth~ e fixed to main plate
4. Bach channel 2 and 3 i~ a y etriaal and open at each
end thQr~of. Depending from main plate 4 are three lugs~
5, 6 and 7 aontain~ng aperture~ 8, 9 and 10 re~pectively.
Connecting mean~ 11 consi~t of bar 12, pivotably mounted
on axl~ 13, and coupling 14 having coupling block 15
adaptod to re~eive ~-bolt 16 secur~d by clip 17. Chain 18
prevents 1088 of clip 17 and i~ atta~hed to mount 19 i~
which ~oupling block 15 i~ pivotably ~ecured.
In one preferrsd embodLment (~ Fig. 2), telescopic bar
12 iAcludes inner mem~er 12a and outer me~ber 12~. Memhers
12a and 12b are e~gaged by way of L-bolt 22 in~rted
through one of apertures 23 and seeured by a clip (not
~hown). Chain 36 prevents lo~ of L-bolt 22 and i~
attached to outer member 12b.
When it i8 de6irad to lift or handle an irregularly-~haped
article, the tins~ of a fork-lift are in~erted in channels
2 and 3 (from either end~ and bar 12 iB swivelled around
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axle 13 BO that coupling block 15 i~ adjacent the
fork-lift grille (not shown). Clip 17 i8 removed from
L-bolt 16 which in turn i8 freed from coupling block 15.
Arm~ 20 and 21 are then inserted through the fork-lift
grill and locked therein by reinsertion of L-bolt 16 which
is then secured by clip 17. The whole operation may take
30 ~econds or less.
Depending on the configuration o the load to be lifted,
chains or other ~uitable ~upport~ are secured around the
load and are pa~sed through or hooked onto one or more
apertures 8, 9 and 10. AR indicated above, relatively
light or small load3 can be adequately handled by annexing
the loads to middle lug 6 via aperture 9. The location of
lug 6 in the ~lddle of attachment 1 and between channels 2
and 3 maintains An even weight di~tribution when the load
i8 lifted.
In the case o~ large or heavy loads, the load will be
~ecured to both outer lug~ 5 and 7 via apertures 8 and 10,
re~pectively, ~o that the load may be lifted ~afely and
without swivelling.
As indicated above, main plate 4 i8 adapted to receive
one or more accessorie~-
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Ra~erring now to Fig. 3, jib 24 i~ rigidly attached to
main plate 4 in the middle of attachment 1. Ji~ 24 i~
provided with lug 25 having ~perture 2 6 . Depending on the
configuration of the load to be lifted, hook~, chains or
the like are pa~ed through one or more aperture~ 8, 9, 10
and 26. Jib 24 i~ particularly u~eful when articles
intended to be lifted need be di~tanced from the
fork~ t.
When a relatively large number of item~ iB required to be
handled at lea~t one clamping plate 27 (see Fig. 4) i8
~igidly attached to main plate 4. Clamping plate 27 iB
provided wlth two apertures 28 and 29 ~o that hooks,
chain~ or the like are pas~ed therethrough~
Referring now to Fig 5, sling hook 30 i~ rigidly attached
to main plate 4 below channel 3 ~o that hooks, ~hain~ or
the like are pas~ed there through to ~ecure article~ to
the at~achment. Sling hook 30 i8 p~rticularly useful when
hanging aupport needs be provided.
Referring further to Fig. 6, main plate 4 i~ provided with
aperture~ 31, 32 and 33 to directly receive chain~ or the
like. This ~rrangement i~ parti~ularly suitable for use
where the lifting distance i8 lLmited.
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Re~erring again to Fig. 3, pins 34 And 35 tranE~versely
~pan channels 2 and 3 re~pectively ~o a~ to prevent
lifting of channel~ 2 and 3 from the tines. Pins 34 and 35
are located under the tines when in place in channel~ 2
and 3.
Other embodiments o~ th~ invention and modi~ications
thereof will be apparent to one skilled in the art and
ar~ within the ~cope of thi~ invention.