Note: Descriptions are shown in the official language in which they were submitted.
~ackground of the Invention
The present lnvention relate8 to a tren~port
means for bottles or slmllar contelners and ~180
relates to a connector for use wlth such 8
transport means.
A conveying mechanism or transport mean3 is
known (DE-PS 33 48 062) that comprlses a frame,
whlch e~tends ln the conveylng dlrectlon of the
transport means, and al80 comprlses a conveyor belt
a~ well as a number of base portlons for dlsposlng
the frame at a glven dlstance above the ground.
The base portlons comprlse lengths of a square
hollow aectlon that for each base portion
` respectlvely forms two vertlcal base elements that
are interconnected by two horizontal crossbars.
Each frame-like base portlon i8 secured by two
attachment flanges to the frame of the transport
element, and in partlcular ln such a way that such
base portlon 18 plvotable over a sllght angle about
a horlzontal axls that extend~ perpendicular to the
conveylng dlrectlon for allgnlng the respectlve
base portion. The connectlons of the sectlon
lengths to the respective base portlon, as well as
the connectlon of eaoh base portlon to the frame of
¦ the transport means, are relatlvely compllcated and
~ expen81ve.
-- 1 --
---` 211S726
Another trAnspOrt means 18 known (US Patent
3,820,850) that has a frame a~ well as ba8e8 formed
from ~eotlon langths. Each of these bases 18 held
by a connector to a longltudlnal member th~t 18
formed from a sectlon length and extends ln the
longitudlnal directlon of the transport means.
Each of the connectors essentially comprises a
length of a U-shaped profiled member to whlch are
clamped the longitudinal members and the section
lengths that form the bases, with such lengths and
members extendlng perpendlcular to one another.
Thls i8 effected by uslng bracket-llke or U-shaped
holding clamps that together wlth adJacent surfaces
of the U-shaped profiled member form bracket-llke
clamping portions. To effect tightening, the two
ends of each holding clamp are provided ~lth a
thread and a nut. ~y tightening the nuts, the
section lengths surrounaed by the pertalnlng
holding clamp are held ln a secure and clamplng
manner on the U-shaped profiled member of the
respective connector. These known connector~ have
relatively large dimenslons and require a
complicated and expenslve manufacturlng process.
In addltlon, the assembly of these known conn~ctors
18 qulte lnvolved, and in particular alro~dy
becau~e ln order to connect two sectlon lengths by
-- 2 --
~' ~
~ ~d ~ ~ j~*v ~,
means of such a connector, the two brscket-llke
securlng clamps must each be gulded through two
holes provlded ln the U-shaped proflled member,
whereupon a nut must respeatlvely be screwed onto
each end of a securlng bracket and finally all of
the nuts disposed on varlous sides of the connector
must be tightened, with some of these nuts not
being very accessible.
If for storage purpo~es and/or for shlpment
reasons smaller dimen~ions for the known transport
means are desired, it 18 necessary to remove the
base portions by loosenlng the connectors. Thls
means that when the transport means is to be ~et up
at a location of use, additional assembly effort ls
It is therefore an obJect of the pre8ent
1 .
invention to provlde a transport means that, ~hile
belng adequately stable, can be manufactured in as
stralghtforward and economlcal a manner as
possible, and that 18 also easy to assemble, and ln
partlcular also ln ~uch a way that by means of a
simple pivot adJustment of the base portlons, a
universal use of the transport means 18 posslble,
also by adapting to various conditlons at the
i~ locatlon where the transport means i8 to be used.
s; It i8 a further obJect of the present
- 3 -
. ~
inventlon to provlde a connector for a clamp
fastening, wlth such a connector belng compaat and
economlcal to produce, and allowlng the reallzatlon
of connectlons between lengths of proflled members
that form the frames and/or the base portlon~ of a
transport means, with such connectlons being
possible ln a straightforward manner wlthout any
problems, and in an easy to assemble manner.
; Brlef Description of the Drawlngs
10These and other ob~ects and advantages of the
present lnventlon wlll appear more clearly from the
followlng speclflcatlon ln conJunctlon wlth the
accompanylny schematic drawlngs, ln whlch:
Flg. 1 18 a slmpllfled cross-
3 sectlonal view of the frame of
} one exemplary embodlmeht of
the lnventive transport ~eans
~ together wlth one of the base
:' portlons thereof:
. 20 Flgs. 2 and 3 are cross-sectlonal vlews of
~ further exemplary embodlments
.i . of inventive transport means
havlng greater conveying
. Fig. 4 18 a partial slde vlew of the
transport means of elth~r Flg.
- 4 -
1 or ~lg. 2:
Flgs. 5 and 6 are a slde vlew and ~ front
vlew re~pectlvely of a
connector for use wlth the
transport means of Flgs. 1-3:
Figs. 7-11 are cross-sectlonal vlews of
f urther exempl ary embodlments
of lnventive transport mean~.
Summary of the Inventlon
The present lnventlon provldes a transport
means for bottles or slmllar contalners, lncludlng
at least one transport element comprlsed of at
least one frame and at least one transport conveyor
or conveyor belt. The transport means also
includes base portlons that are respectlvely
connected to the frame by at least one connector
havlng flrst clamping portlons that vla tlghtenlng
means are clamped onto a length of a, for example
metal, proflled member of the at least one frame
20 such that ln a posltlon of use the base p~rtlons
proJ ect beyond an underslde of the frame . Each
frame, ln the vlclnity of the base portlons, is
provlded wlth a transverse member that forms the
length of a proflled member and 18 dlsposed at a
rlght angle to the longltudinal directlon of the
tran8port meens, wlth the at least one connèctor
- 5 -
-` 211~7~6
that connects a respectlve one of the base portlon~
to the frame engaging the transverse member ~uch
that loosenlng of the tlghtenlng means ellows the
base portlon to plvot about an axls of the
transverse member.
The present lnventlon also provldes a
connector for use wlth such a transport means for
interconnectlng at lea~t two lengths of a proflled
member. The connector comprl~es two parts which,
for being clamped onto the length~ of a proflled
member, are secured together by tightenlng means.
Each part of the connector i9 formed from at least
~` one portlon of steel plate to include, vla
permanent deformatlon, a first shell-shaped
clamplng portion and 8 ~econd shell-shaped ol~mping
portlon. The flrst clamping portions extend ln a
I first axis and, when the parts of the connector are
securely interconnected, extend tightly around at
least one of the lengths of a profiled member that
is also extending ln the first axls. The second
clamping portlons extend in a second axls that
extends perpendicular to the flrst axis. When the
parts of the connector are securely interconnected,
the second clamplng portions extend tlghtly ~round
one of the lengths of a proflled member that forms,
for example, a portlon of a frame or base portlon
- 6 -
of e transport meens, 80 that when the psrt~ of the
connector are securely lnterconnected, e~ch of the
parts 18 held in a clamping manner on all of the
length~ of proflled member that sre lnterconnected
by that connector.
The inventlve tranqport means i9
characterlzed, among other thlngs, by a
stralghtforward and economlcal constructlon,
especlally al~o wlth re~pect to the securement and
plvotable adJu~tment of the base portlons on the
frame. By means of the plvotable adJustment, the
posltlon of the base portlon~ relatlve to the frame
can be adJusted through a large angular range and
can, for example, be adapted to local condltlons
where the transport means 18 belng set up, thereby
provlding a unlversal use of the transport means
that 18 capable of being adapted to local
In prlnciple, it 18 also posslble to provlde
~0 thls angular ad~ustment such that the base portlons
can be pivoted between a posltlon of use, ln whlch
for the state of use of the transport means the
base portions necessarily pro~ect beyond the
underside of the frame, and a posltlon of nonuse,
ln whlch the ba~e portlons ere dlsposed ad~acent to
the underslde of the frame. Thus, when the
- 7 -
; . ~ ?~
. ~
transport meens 18 not being used, for example
during storage or shipping, the base portion~ can
be folded against the underside of the frame 80
that they no longer pro~ect downwardly beyond the
transport means or the frame.
Pursuant to one preferred speclflc embodlment
of the present lnventlon, the connector 18
comprised of two parts, each of whlch 18 preferably
- made from a portlon of steel plate by permanent
deformatlon to form a first and a second ~hell-
shaped clamping portlon. The first clamping
portlons of the connector extend around the length
or lengths of a proflled member that form the
transverse member on the frame. When the two parts
of the connector are securely lnterconnecte~, the
base portion iB tlghtly connected to the frame.
When the interconnectlon of the two parts of the
connector is loosened, it i8 po~sible to pivot the
base portion relatlve to the frame, and ln
particular not only about a small angular range
about the axls of the transverse member, but rather
in such a way that the base portlon can be folded
against the frame 80 that the entlre length of the
ba~e portion 18 dlsposed ad~acent to the frame or
the undersl~e thereof.
The lnventlve transport means 18 furthermore
, - 8 -
~. l
.. l
;. ~ .
characterlzed by e partlcularly stralghtforward
conflguratlon, economlcal manufacture, and easy
assembly wlth the aid of the preferably two-part
connectors. These connectors ensure a secure and
rellable clamping connection between the lengths of
profiled members that are disposed at rlght angles
to one another. Furthermore, the connectors can be
produced economlcally and are easy to assemble.
Pursuant to another preferred speclflc
embodiment of the present invention, the profiled
member from whlch the lengths are produced has a
circular outer cross-sectlonal conflguratlon. In
other words, this proflled member i8 a tubular
proflled member. In conformity therewlth, the
concave, shell-shaped clamping portlons of the two
parts of the connector are curved in the msnner of
an arc of a circle.
By means of the shell-shaped clamping portions
of the two interconnected parts of a respectlve
connector, not only are the lengths of a proflled
member that are to be lnterconnected surrounded ln
a socket-llke manner and are held on the connector
when the parts thereof are securely lnterconnected,
ln addltlon the two parts of the connector also
have a hlgh rlgldlty due to the shell-~haped
clamping portlons, l.e. by the shapa of these
_ g _
clamplng portions.
Wlth e two-part conflguratlon of the
connectors, the two parts are preferably pivotably
interconnected, and in partlcular preferably
detachably by lnterlocklng or positlvely
interengaging connecting means. Such a plvotable
connection enables a partlcularly slmple assembly.
The connectlng means are preferably formed by
having at least one edge portion on one part extend
about an edge portion or shoulder on the other part
of the connector.
By uslng the inventive connectors and lengths
of a profiled member, a great varlety of
configurations of transport means with pertalning
base portions can be reallzed, includlng ln
particular such configurations where the transport
means, on the same and~or on different level9, has
a plurality of trensport elements that are each
formed from at least one frame and et lea8t one
transport conveyor.
Further speciflc features of the present
lnventlon wlll be descrlbed ln greater detaii
Descriptlon of Preferred Embodlments
Referring now to the drewings ln detall, the
transport means 1 lllustrated ln Flg. l es8entlally
, -- 10 --
comprlse~ a frame 2 that extends ln the
longltudlnal dlrectlon of the trAnsport meanh ana
ln thls embodlment 18 lllustratod only
schematlcally. The frame 2, and lts frame elements
3, whlch ln the lllustrated embodlment are lengths
of a C-shaped proflle or sectlon, do not ~ust form
the carrylng portlon of the transport means, whlch
carrylng portlon extends ln the longitudlnal
dlrectlon of the transport means rather, gulded on
the frame 2 or the frame element~ 3 are the non-
lllustrated conveyor belt (hlnged band chain), and
the slmllarly non-illustrated gulde ralls, gulde
pulleys, drlve means, etc. are also provlded
A base portlon 4 i8 provlded at the speclfled
locatlons on the underside of the frame 2. These
base portlons 4 hold the frame 2, l.e., the
transport means 1, at the regulred dlstance above a
base or the floor. At the locatlon where the base
portlon 4 18 provlded, the two long sldes of the
frame 2 are each provlded with a respectlve
mountlng plate 5, the upper end of which 18 bolted
or otherwise sultably secured to a frame element 3
that determlnes the pertalnlng long slde Of the
frame 2: the lower end of each mountlng plate 5
extend~ downwardly beyond the frame elemont 3.
-- 11 --
Provlded on ~uch lower end~ between the mounting
plates 5 18 a horlzontal transverse member 6 that
extends at rlght sngles to the mountls~g plates 5:
each end of the transverse member 6 18 respectlvely
secured to a mountlng plate 5. In the lllustrated
embodiment, the transverse member 6 comprlses a
length 26 of a tubular proflled member, each end of
which 18 provlded with a respectlve attachment
flange 7 vla which the ends of the transverse
member 6 are bolted to the pertainlng mountlng
plate 5.
By means of a connector 8, the upper end of a
post-llke base element 9 18 secured to the
transverse member 6, whlch llke the mountlng plfltes
5 18 part of the frame 2. The base element 9 18
formed from a length of the tubular proflled
member, and at lts bottom end ls provlded wlth a
support element 10, the helght of whlch 18
ad~ustable and whlch comprlses a spindle and a base
plate, the:base portion rests upon the ground by
means of this support element 10.
As can be seen ln particular from ~lgs. 5 and
6, the connector 8 compri~es two part~ 8' and 8"
that are each formed from stainless steel plate by
stamplng and drawing or presslng, and in partioular
ln such a way that the lnterconnected par~s 8~ and
- 12 -
8" are dlspo~ed essentislly symmetrlcal to a plane
El that forms the interface between the parts 8'
and 8" (Flg. 5): furthermore, each part 8' and 8"
i8 also symmetrlcal to a plane E2 that lntersects
the plane El as well as the axls of the transverse
member 6 at,right angles.
As can be seen from Flgs. 5 and 6, the
connector 8 18 formed ln ~uch a way that ln lts
upper portlon a plpe clamp or shell-llke
semicircular clamplng portlon 11 18 formed that
extends over the entlre wldth B of the connector 8
ln the dlrectlon of the flrst axls Al, whlch 18
dlsposed perpendlcular to the plane E2 and ln the -~
plane El. Furthermore, each part 8' and 8" forms a :~
~econd pipe clamp or shell-like semlclrcular
clamplng portlon 12, the axls A2 of whlch 18
dlsposed perpendlcular to the axls Al ~nd 18
determlned by the llne of lntersectlon of the two
p~anes El and E2. For each part 8' and 8~, the -~.
clamplng portlon 12 termlnates ln the clamplng
portlon 11, and ln particular ln the mlddle of the
connector 8, and, wlth respect to Flgs. 5 and fi,
also extends to the lower edge of the connector 8,
l.e., of the parts 8' and 8".
On eaoh slde of the clamping portion 12 e~oh
part 8' and 8" 18 provlded wlth e flat ~langè 14.
- 13 - -
- 211~726
Each flange 14 18 provided wlth two hole8 15 that
are offset from one another in the dlrectlon o the
axis A2. In the reglon of the flange 14, l.e. on
both sldes of the clamplng portlons 12, the parts
8' and 8" are lnterconnected by bolt~ 16 thst
extend through the holes 15 and by nuts. In the
vlcinlty of the upper edge 17, a~ vlewed ln Flgs. 5
and 6 and dlspo~ed opposlte the edge 13, the parts
8' and 8" are positlvely interconnected ln that a
C-shaped or U-shaped bent edge portion 18 on the
part 8', which extends over the entire wldth B of
the connector 8 along the edge 17, extends ln an
interlocklng manner over a strlp or rldge-llke
angled-off portlon 19 of the part 8" that slmllarly
extends over the entlre wldth ~ and 18 essentially
disposed ln the plane El.
When the two parts 8' and ~ are
interconnected, the connector 8 has essentially
cylindrlcal channels. One of these chsnnels 18
formed by the two clamplng portions 11 and extends
over the entlre wldth B ln the dlrectlon of the
axis Al. The other channel 1~ formed from the two
clamping portions 12 and extends in the dlrectlon
of the Axls A2 from the lower edge 13 lnto the
ohannel formed by the olamplng portlon~ 11. The
lnner sldes of the clamplng portlons ll and 12 that
- 14 -
- 211~7~6
face one another when the part~ 8' and 8~ are
connected have a respectlve conoave conflguratlon.
In the embodlment lllu~trated ln Flg. 1, the
transport meAns 1 18 assembled ln such a way that
the clamplng portlons 11 of the connector 8 extend
around the transverse member 6, whlle the clamplng
portlonY 12 extend around the upper end of the ba~e
element 9. The radil of curvature of the clamping
portions 11 and 12 are not only the same, but
rather they are adapted to the outer dlameter of
the tubular proflled member that 18 used for
produclng the transverse member 6 and the base
element 9 in such a way that when the parts 8' and
8 N are posltlvely lnterconnected at the upper edge
17 and after the bolts 16 have been tlghtenedj the
connector 8 18 held by a clamplng flt on the
transverse member 6 and the base element 9 18 held
in the connector 8 by a clamping flt.
The connector 8 18 characterlzed by the
possiblllty of an economical manufacture and, among
other things, also by an easy assembly as well as
by an effectlve and rellable connection of the base
element 9 with the transverse member 6 of the frame
2. A further advantage 18 that, for example by
loosenlng the bolts 16 that are provlded ln the
holes 15 dlsposed lmmedlately adJacent to the axls
- 15 -
Al, the clamplng effect of the connector 8 on the
transverse ,member 6 can be reduced to ~uch an
extent that the base portlon 4 can be plvoted about
the axls Al. In other words, for example ln order
to reduce the space that i9 requlred for transport,
the base portion 4 can be pivoted on the frame 2 ln
such a way that the ba~e portion 4 18 dlsposed in
the direction of the frame 2, ~hile the upper end
of the base element 9 1~ stlll adequately held on
the connector 8.
Fig. 2 shows a further inventive exemplary
embodiment of a tranQport mean~ la that essentlally
differ~ from the transport means 1 in that it has a
greater conveying wldth, ln other words, the frame
2a of the transport means la has a grester width
than does the frame 2 of the transport means 1. In
place of the base portion 4, base portions 4a are
provided that are each held on a tran~verse member
6a of the frame 2a, and ln partlcular by two
aonnectors 8.
The transverse member 6a is comprlsed of a
length 25 of the tubular proflled member and each
end 18 provlded wlth an attachment flange 7 vla
whlch the transverse member 18 seoured to the two
mountlng plates 5. In conformlty wlth tho greater
wldth of the transport means la, the tran8ver8e
- 16 -
` 211~72~
member 6a lb also longer than the tran~verse member
6 of the transport me~ns 1.
The base portion 4a comprlses two vertl¢al
base elements 9, the lower end of each of which 18
provided wlth a support element 10, and whlch are
interconnected by a crossbar 20. This crossbar 20,
which slmllarly i~ comprlsed of a length of the
tubular proflled member, extend~ parallel to the
axis of the transver~e member 6a and has its ends
connected to a respective one of the base elements
9 by a connector 8. The clamplng portlons 11 of
the connectors 8 for the crossbsr 20 extend eround
the respective base element 9 whlle the clamplng
portlons 12 extend around the crossbar 20.
Agaln wlth the transport means la, each base
portion 4a 18 pivotable about the transverse member
Fig. 3 shows a further inventive exemplary
embodlment of a transport mean~ lb, which has a
conveying width somewhere between that of the
transport means 1 and of the transport means la.
Transverse members 6b are held on the frame 2b by
mounting plates 5 where base portions 4b are
provlded. In thls embodlment, the re8pective
transverse member 6b 18 one of three lengths of the
tubular pro~lled member, namely a mlddle length 21
- 17 -
.. . . .. . - . . . , . . ~ . , .
that extends between the two mountlng plote~ 5, o~
well as two outer lengths 22 that each extend
beyond the outer side of the pertelnlng mounting
plate 5. Each end of the length 21 i8 provlded
wlth an attachment flange 7. Furthermore, the
inwardly dlsposed ends of the lengths 22 are also
each provlded with an attachment flange 7. The
lengths 21 and 22 are secured to the mountlng
plates 5 by the attachment flange~3 7 and are
10 lnterconnected ln such a way that the lengths 21
and 22 extend coaxlally.
Provided on the outwardly proJectlng lengths
22, i.e., on the outwardly pro~ectlng portlons of
the three-part transverse member 6b, 18 a
respective connector 8, and ln particular in the
same manner as the connector 8 on the tran~ve~8e
member 6a. The clamplng portlons 12 o$ each
connector 8 extend around the upper end of a base
element 9 of the bsse portlon 4b, whlch corresponds
20 ln construction to that of the base portlon 4a and
also has the crossbar 20.
A~ shown by dashed llnes ln Flg. 3, the base
portion 4b can also be embodled ln such a way that
in place of the base elements 9 that extend f~om
the respectlve support element 10 to the tron8verse
member 6b, lt is also posslble to use only greatly
-- 18 --
~ - `, .r ' .~ 'M ~
- 211~7~1;
~hortened base elements 9' thst extend only te the
respeotlve conneators 8 vla whlch the cro~sb~r 20
18 connected. By meAns of a further aonneotor 8,
the clamplng portlons 11 of which extend around the
crossbar 20, the lower end of a post-like base
element 23 is held on the crossbar 20, and in
particular via clamping portions 12 of this
connector 8, which clamplng portlons 12 extend
around the lower end of the base element 23. The
upper end of the base element 23, whlch is agaln
comprised of a length of the tubular profiled
member, is connected by an upper connector 8 to the
central portion of the transverse member 6b, l.e.
to the length 21. The clamping portions 11 of this
connector 8 extend around the transverse member 6b,
while the clamping portions 12 of thls connector
extend around the upper end of the base element 23.
This ~ust-described embodiment with base elements
9' that are far shorter than the base elements 9,
and with the additional base element 23, can of
course also be used with the transport mean~ 1Q.
As a variation of the embodiment de8cribed
above, it i8 also possible with the transport means
lb for the transverse member 6b to be formed by one
oontinuous length of the tubular proflled momber,
with two attachment flange8 7 being di8po8ed on the
-- 19 --
tubular profiled member at a di~tance from the two
ends of the length thereof for securement to the
mounting plates 5. Furthermore, it is aleo
possible for the central length 21 to use a tubular
profiled member havlng an inner dlameter that 18
large enough that a length of the tubular proflled
member can be lnserted therethrough that also forms
the two pro~ectlng reglons (lengths 22).
Fig. 4 shows a slde view of one of the
10 mounting plates 5, together wlth a base element 9,
for example of the base portlon 4 or 4a. Flg. 4
also shows bolts 24 via which the attachment flange
7 is connected to the respectlve mountlng plate 5.
What the embodiment~ illustrated ln l~lgs. 1-3,
where the base elements 9 extend from the support
elements lO to the respective transverse members 6,
6a or 6b, have in common 18 that the connectors 8
at whlch the not lnconslderable loads of the
transport means are transferred to the ba8e
20 elements 9 are disposed in such a way that the
upper ends of the respective base element 9 ~lthln
the connector 8 are supported on the outer 8urface
of the trangverse member 6, 6a or 6b: thus, for the
greatest patt the loads are ellready tran8mltted by
this support and not via the alemping of the frame8
2, 2a or 2b on the ba8e portlon8 4, 4a or 4b.
-- 20 --
` .
' '' " ' ` ' ,., ` ` "' ': `' `, . j''- '', '.. ` ,,
~.,, j~, .
Flgs. 7~ how that by uslng the conneator~ 8
wlth approprlate lengths of the tubular proflled
member wlth an sttachment flenge 7 provlded at
least psrtlally on one end or on both ends, it 18
also posslble to reallze a great varlety of
transport means.
For example, the transport means lc
illustrated ln Flg. 7 has two transport conveyors
or frames dlsposed one above the other ln a
vertlcal directlon: the upper frame corre~ponds to
the frame 2b of the transport means lb, althou~h
with the transport means lc this frAme has a
somewhat greater conveylng wldth. Thus, ln
addition to the mountlng plates 5, the upper frame
2b also has a transverse member that corresponds to
the transverse member of Flg. 3, and 18 hence A180
deslgnated by the reference numeral 6b. Where the
respectlve base portlon 4c ls provided, th~ lower
frame 2c of the transport means lc, on the non-
deslgnated frame elements, agaln has the mountlngplates 5, the lower ends of whlch are held on a
transverse member 6c that 18 embodied ln the same
manner as the transverse member 6b. The two ends
of the transverse member 6b are conneated to the
vertlaal base element~ 9 via a re~peotlve connootor
8, and ln partlcular ln the same manner as the
- 21 -
,r: . ` ' : ., . ., ' ~ :, ~ . . ,
211~7~ ii
arossbar 20 of the transport means 1A and lb. The
trsnsverse member 6c also ha~ the funotlon of thls
Fig. 8 shows a transport means ld that ha~ a
base portion 4d. The transport means lb dlffers,
for example, from the transport means lb
essentially in that in the region of the base
portlon 4d, the lower ends of the mountlng plates 5
are connected to a transverse member 6d that on the
right ~ide of the base portlon 4d illustrated ln
Fig. 8 18 embodied in conformity wlth the
tran~verse member 6b, l.e., proJects beyond the
outer side of the mounting plate 5 st that
locatlon, whlle on the left slde of the base
portion 4d the transverse member 6d 1~ e~bodled ln
conformity wlth the transverse member 6a, i.e. at
that locatlon the connector 8 18 disposed Oh the
lnner slde of the pertainlng mountlng plHte 5.
Speclflcally, the transverse member 6d comprlses a
length 25 of the tubular proflled member, wlth both
ends of the length belng provided with a respectlve
attachment flange 7 and hence corresponding to the
transverse member 6a, as well as a length 22 of the
tubular proflled member, with only one end of the
length 22 being prov~ded with an attaahment ~lange
7. The two length~ 22 and 25 are lnteraonneated to ~ -
- 22 - ~
form the tren~ver~e member 6d vla the attachment
flanges 7 and the rlght hand mountlng pl~te 5 ln
Fig. 8.
The two base elements 9 are egaln connected to
the transverse member 6d by connectors.
Furthermore, thls embodiment i~ also provlded with
the crossbar 20 that interconnects the base
elements 9 below the transverse member 6d.
Flg. 9 18 a slmpllfled lllustration of a
transport means ld that at the same level ls
provlded wlth two parallel transport elements and
the pertalnlng frames. The left hand transport
element of Flg. 9 corre~ponds to the transport
element of the transport means las the
correspondlng frame 18 therefore deslgnated by the
reference numeral 2a. The rlght hand transport
element of Flg. 9 corresponds to that of the
transport means 1 and 18 therefore deslgnated by
the reference numeral 2. At the base portlon 4e,
2G both frames have a common transverse member 6e,
whlch comprises three coaxlal lnterconnected
lengths 25, 26 and 27 of the tubular profiled
member, wlth both ends of each of these lengths
belng provlded wlth a respectlve attachment flsnge
7. The length 25 agaln corresponds to the
transverse member 6a, whlle the length 26
- 23 -
-` 211~726
corresponds to the transverse member 6. The length
27 forms a spAaer ln order to provlde a prescrlbed
distance between the two frames 2 and 2a, l.e.,
between the transport conveyors. Secured to the
left hand attachment flange 7 of Flg. 9 i8 the left
hand mounting plate 5 of the left hand transport
conveyor or frame 2a. The right hand attachment
flange 7 of the length 25 i8 connected vla the
right hand mountlng plate 5 of the frame 2a to the
left hand attachment flange 7 of the length 27.
The right hand attachment flange 7 of the length 27
is connected vla the left hand mounting plate 5 of
the frame 2 to the left hand attachment flange 7 of
the length 26. The rlght hand mountlng plate 5 of
the frame 2 i9 held on the rlght hand attachment
flange 7 of the length 26. The connectors 8 that
connect the transverse members 6a to the two base
elements 9 of the base portion 4e are provlded on
the transverse member 6e within the two outer
20 attachment flanges 7. -
Pig. 10 shows a transport means lf that
differs essentlally from the transport means ld
only in that a further transport element havlng the
frame 2f is provlded below the transport element
havlng the frame 2d. To aocomplish thls, in place
of the crossbar that connects the base element8 9,
- 24 -
n trnnsverse member 6f 18 provlded that 1~ formed
from a length 27 of the tubular proflle~ member
with an attachment flenge 7 et one end, from the
length 21 of the tubuler proflled member wlth en
attachment 1ange 7 at each end, es well as from
the length 22. The ends of the lengths 27 and 21
that do not have an attachment flange 7 are
respectlvely connected with a base element 9 vla a
connector 8. The two attachment flanges 7 of the
length 21 that 18 dlspo~ed between the mounting
plates 5 of the lower transport element are
connected to these mountlng plates 5 as well as ~o
a respectlve attachment flange 7 of the length 27
or 21.
Finally, as a further exemplary embodlment
Fig. 11 shows a transport means lg having an upper
transport element that is embodled in conformlty
with the transport element of the transport means
la and hence is provlded with the frame 2a having
the transverse member 6a. Below the upper
transport element, a further transport element is
provided on.the base portion 4g and corresponds to
the transport element of the transport mean3 1, 80
that the fr,ame thereof is therefore de~lgn8ted by
the referenoe numeral 2,
A base element 9 i8 8ecured to the tran8~er8e
- 25 -
member 6a ln the vlclnlty of the ba~e portlon 6g
via 8 connebtor 8; ln particular, the ba8e element
9 is secured ln the reglon of the left slde of the
frame 2a of Flg. 11. By means of a further
connector 8, a shorter base element 9" 18 secured
in the vicinlty of the rlght side of the upper
frame 2a. The lower end of the ~horter base
element 9" ls connected to a crossbar 28 vla a
further connector 8. As shown ln Flg. 11, the left
end of this crossbar 28 18 connected to the base
element 9 via a connector 8, whereas the rlght end
of the crossbar 28 extends to the side beyond the
connector 8 that 18 connected to the shorter base
element 9". By means of an attachment flange 7
that 18 provided at that locatlon, the frame 2 of
the lower transport element 18 connected at the
side, and in partlcular ln that the attachment
flange 7 of the length 26 that forms the transverse
member 6 ls connected via one of the mountlng
plates 5 to, the attachment flange 7 on the length
28. The upper end of a further, short base element
9 "1 i8 secured vla a connector 8 to the transverse
member 6, i.e. to the length 26 that form~ thls
tran~verse member. It 18 to be under~tood that the
two shorter base elements 9" and 9"' as well a8 the
crossbar 28 are al80 eaah comprlsed of a length of
- 26 -
the tubular profiled member.
The present lnvention has been descrlbed ln
con~unction with speclflo exemplary embodlments.
It 18, of course, to be understood thst
modlficatlons thereof sre posslble without thereby
deviating from the basic concept of the lnvention. -
For example, with the transport means la of Flg. 2,
in place of the tran~verse member 6a or the length
25, two lengths 22, each having an attachment
flange 7, can be used, whereby the outwardly
disposed attachment flanges 7 of these lengths are
then secured to a respective mounting plate 5, and
their free ends are respectively grasped by an
upper connector 8. Furthermore, lt i~ also
possible to eliminate the centrsl length 21 of the
transport means lb.
It i9 furthermore possible to produce the
connectors 8, which comprise the parts 8' and 8n,
a3 a single piece, whereby at least one groove or
notch 18 then preferably formed in the steel plate
at the transition between the two parts 80 that the
parts 8' and 8" are "plvotable" relatlve to one
Internal threaded elements (e.g. nuts) for the
bolts 16 can be provlded on one of the part~ 8~ and
8" o the conneators.
- 27 -
~ `b
The present lnventlon i8, of course, ln no WAy
restrloted to the speclflc disclosure of the
speclflcetlon and drawlngs, but also encompesses
any modlflcations withln the scope of the appended
- 28 -