Note: Descriptions are shown in the official language in which they were submitted.
~ hl~ inv-ntlon r-latQ~ to athlatlc 8~0--, aod, ~ore
particularly, to a 901- a~se~bly ror athl~tlc hoQ- vhich
includ~ xlbl- arch portlon~
Tho d~lgn o~ athl-tic ~ho-- requir-- con~ldora~lon or
a nu~or o~ co~plex biorochanlc~l prlncl~l-4 rogardlng prop~r
foot supyort and ~olght b~arlng ~tructur~ 6uoh 8~0e- ar-
r~quirod to ~unceion prop rly v-n wbllo eho u--r 1- ngaged ln
~tr~nuous athl-tic actlvlty ~hlch -v-rely ~tr~e~-e the ~ho-
~The ~hoeo ~houid not only pro~id- prop-r ~Ooe u~por~, ~ut ~e i9
ad~ant~g~ou- i~ tho 8~0~ o ~b~orb ehocko and provld- ~or
en-rgy roturn to th~ us~r Th- ~ho-~ ~bould achl-v- th- i
~oregolng ob~ctlv-~ vhllo r~ralnlng ~l-xi~l- ~nd llghtv~lghe
~t i- not e~y to ~atla~y ~11 o~ th aon vbst co~o~lng
ractor- in ~ lngl- ~ho- da~lgn
Th- ln~ ntlon pro~l~-o a eol- a~ bly ror an athlo~lc
d~OR ~lch ~beorb~ hoak~ an~ r-turn- n-rgy to t~- ~oot vh~l-
re~alni~g ~l~Ylbl ~ and llghtv-lght Th- eol- lnolud-o a nld-olo
wh~ch 1~ provld d vltn rl-xlng roh- ln th- ~ lght b-~rlng
ar~s~ or t~ ~oo~,, na~ly, th ~ t~t r-al~, nd eo-o ~n
outor ~lo 1- ~tt~lc~od to tho arcb~ nd th- botto~ urr-c- ot
th- out r ~o~ provld-d Yl~ Xld-r-Jl-tant tr-ad ~ol-
~t-rl~l lo eub-tl~tl~lly li ln~t-~ b-tv~-n t~- ~rc~-~ to
r-d~c- ~olght Th- rch-- provld- ~ c~rlng-lik- ~unctlon ~h~n
rorc 1- sppll-d by th- toot whlch ~b-orb- hoc~J and r-tu~nJ
~ncrgy to th- ~oo~ ~h-n th- ~ppll-~ rorc- d-cr-~-c Ir
d--lr-d, a ~-dg -ah~d cut or ~o~< oeh r 20~ o~ r-ll-r c~n b
p~o~ld d ~n t~c ~ottou ~urraco Or ~h cro~t Or ~ch arc~ eo
cr~at- ~ ~$ng- r~-ct which ~111 racllltat- rl-Ylng Or tb- ~rcn
~lthout ~o~Qment of th- l~g- Or th~ ~rch,
q~he im~ntion wlll b~ bxpl~ined ln con~un~tion wi th
illust~a~ve ~bodi~nts s~own ~ ~e a~co~panying d~awing , 'Ln
whi~h - -
an exploded p~r~*e:tiv~ w o~ a oou~t shoQ
~or th~ right ~oo~ w~ich i~ ~or~d in aot::or~arce ~l~h ~e
Fig. 2 i~ ~n ~xplod~d ~ W o~ oi~ a~e~ly o ~ ~ig-
l; . `~:
E'~g. 3 i~ ~ perspe~ti~r~ vl~w o~ bot~om o~ a m L~sole
~or ~e lQgt ~oot,
F~. 4 iLs ~ top plan v~o~ o~ outer ~ol~ ~or th~ ~ t
3 ~oot; -.
F~g. ~ i~ a bo~to~ plan vl~w of th~ out~r sol~ o~ Flg.
4; :
~ lg. ~ i~ a ~ld~ vational ~i~w Or th~ 0~ so ~ o~
Fig. 5;
Fig. 7 1~ r~ect~v- VilP~ o~ th~ éop of a ~id~t
a ~l~t sho~ i!or ~o right
Plg~ 8 io ~ top p~an ~i-w o~ ~rl out~r sole for ttl~
. r~ght ~oot:
P~g. 9 ~8 e per~octiv~ ~$~w o~ a ~idwl~ for a ~ ~t
~h~e ~or the right foot7
Pig. 10 ~ a top plan ~i~w of ~n o~te:~ ~ol- for ~ tl-t
~hoe for tho righ~ foot~
. Fig. 11 i~ a botto~l plan ~riow o~ tho out~r ~ole ol ~g.
~ ~$~. la ~ Cl A o~d~ n~l ~4~ o~ th~ ou~
: ~ig. 11;
. Fig. 13 ~4 an e~cploded v~w o~ anoth~r ~bod~D~ant or
;: ~hoe ~o~ tt.o r~g~t ~oots
. Flg~. 14 i~ an explo~ed perl~pact~e ~riew of th~ ~ol
.. ~s~mbly o~ Fig. 13;
F~ lS i~ ~ botto~ p~spoc~ive ~w o~ a ~ol~ a~ se~bly
~or th~ 1Q~ 00~
Fig. 16 i~ ~ ~op plan ~iew of thQ ~ol~ a~3~mb1y o Fig.
~ ig, 17 i~ ~ bot~olo plan ~rlew o~ ~hB ~ol~ a8se~1
~is- 15:
Fig. 18 is a botto21 poraap~ct~v~ vi~w or ~ nnar go?
o~ t~ ~ole u33e~bly o~ Flg 15:
:,1 Flg. 19 ii a bottolo pe~s~ct~v~ ~iew of tha mid~ ~a o~
;~i th~ ~ol~ as~ly of Fig. 157 and
Fi~. ~o i~ A h~ 4n por--p~o~l~OE ~vlo~ o~ t:~ out~r o'~
.', . .
of th~ ~ol~ as80ml~1y o~ Fig. 15.
,', .
~ torring ~l~cs~ to ~ig~ nd 2, ~ hl~tl~: ~ho lo
includ~ an upper 11, ~ Diid~ol~ 12, an~ an ou~r ~olQ 13. Wh~n
th- ~hoe i~ asse~bled, th~ out~ ~ol~ i~ 2tt~ch~d to ~ho
mid~ol~, and th~ mid-ol~ i8 atta~hod to th~ uppe~ d~ ~od,
an ln~ol~ can b~ in~or~-d ln ~h~ ~ho~
Th4 ~d~olQ inclut~- an elonga~ hody lS WhlCh ~ t~nd~
below ~he foot ~nd whlch includ~ ~ heel po~tlon 16, ~n ~ t~p
N portlon 1~, a ~tatar~al portion 18, ~nd a toa por~io~ 15. Th-'
b~dy ln~lud~a a top ~u~ce 20 whlGh, ~n ~h- ~bcdi~ent
lllu~trat~d, ha~ rai~od or contour d o~ o~tlo~ 21 and ~,
g~nerally ~at ~o~to~ ~urrac~ 23 ~Plg. 3~, and r~ht an~ ~ rt
dge po~t~on~ 2~ Dnd 25~
R~e~rin~ ~o Fig. 3, ~ pair o~ arch ~be~ 2S an~ 26
ext~nd do~n~ardly f~o~ the h~l portlon o~ ~h~ bo~y 15. ~t
~rch ~e~b~r 2S 1~ locat~d at ~he roar o~ t~ h~l and inc~
curv~d r~ar surfac~ ~7. Tho arch m~b~r ~ pac~d
longltudinally ~orwardly o~ t~e arc~ 2~ ~y a ~lOt Z8. Th~ rcn
25 inc~ude~ a pair o~ ba~4 portlon~ 29 ~nd 30 ~¢h hav~ ~
~onor~lly ~ bot:t:o~ s~ri~clc~ ~n~ ~n up~-dly CULV~4~ ~n-.:a ~.
'~, .
ar~h surt~ace 31 whi~h ext~nds laterally bQ~w~n ~h~ ba~e
portior~s. rh~ ~rch 2fi ~i~ilarly include~ ~ pair ~f ba~
portl on~ 32 and 33 and a ~on¢ave ar~h 3ur~aco 34 .
An arch ~o~e~ 36 ext~nds downw~rdly froD~ ~
m~tatar~l portlon of ~ body lS~ The met~t~r~ rch 1n~ ~ludes
a ~as~ po~lon 37 ad~aq~nt th~ le~t ~dge o~ o~ ~nd a bas~
portion 38 ad~acent the right ~dge of ~he uole. In t~Q
pa~ ular e~bodlmerit lllu~rated, th~ arch 3~ p~ovide~ w~th
a la~er~lly ex~elld~ng notch 39 whi~h cli~ld~ t~ ba~ ~o~t~ on 38
into ~orward ænd resrv~rd po~lon~ 38~ ~nd 381~. Howov~r, t he
notch 3~ can b~ omit~d if d~ sd. Tha Ylld~le illust~t~ d ~n
F1~. 2 i~ ~or the l~ft f~t, and th~ t~n h~-~ por~ion~ ~nd
i'. 38~ ~e looat~ ln the port~on oP th~ ole whi~h support ~ the
ball o~ th~ ~oot. A concav~ arch ~ur~a¢~ ~0 ~rt~nd~ ~t~ra l~y
be~w~en th~ b~e portion~ 37 and 38 an~ o lnt~r~l-ct~ ~y
th~ notch 39.
An aroh m~er 42 sxt~nd~ ~own~dly ~o~ th~ toe
. portion ~ body lS. Th~ ~o~ a~ch 42 includ~ ~ight ~n~ l~rt
ba~ p~lono 43 and 4~ a~ c~nt th~ r~h'e aJIa l~t ~sdgnJ c ~ th~
bo~y ~n~ an int~ t~ b~ portlor. 4~. A concav~ arch
~ur~aco ~6 ~tXtQnde b~t~een th~ ~a~e por~lon~ 43 and 45, an~
~on~v~ ~roh ~!a~o ~7 ~xt~ w~n ~:h~ ~:~a~ po~ ~n~ ~S ~nd
44. Th~ to4 areh ~a ~nd t~ atar~a~ ara~ 36 ar~ sQpa~ ~ by
. a ~lot 48~
, Th~ two eonca~rQ ~ch ~urtaco~ 46 and J,7 pro~rld~ t-, o
arche~ ln ~h~ ~oe ar~ del-ir~ e t~ ~e~ an b~
provid~d with only on~ arch d~nding upon th~- 8port t:9t~C ry or
~; the ~articula~ sho4 ~or wh1ch th~ Dlidsol~ unl~ is de~ .
,.~. R~ght ~rld lQ~t longitudinally ~ nding rlb~ Sl an ~ S2
; ~re a~t~c~sd to th- body lS betwe~n the h~el ~rch 26 and t~
~etatar~al arch 36. ~n th~ nt iLllu~ra~4d th~ ~or~ ~r~
end~ o~ ~he ribs merg~ with ~h~ t~al are2~ 36 and th- ar
~n~ t~rmin~t~ in lat~rally o~ltwardly ~ nding por~on~ S~' and
21 1 620 6
54. A p~r of later~l~.y extQnd~ng rib~ 55 an~l 5~ extond ~ le~ween
th~ longltudi~al rib~. EAch of th~ l~t~rnl r~b21 ~n~ludes an
arch~d bot~om ~llrfa~e 57. . I
~ h~ m~d~ol~ can bR ~ dad in~egr~lly, or it can ~ e
~on~d ~ro~ ~ep~rat~ part~ w~ich are ~u~t~bly ~ocu~d, as ~y
adhe4iY~. ~he Dlateri~l o~ the ~sidsol~ o~pre~ible and
re4ilient, and ~uitable ~ rial~ ln~ thyle~ Yinyl a :~tate
~E~.tA3, compr~s~ion ~olded rul~b~ nd p~lyur~than~ ( PU).
Som~ flexi})le y~t relatively rigi~ co~po~its ~a~4r~ uol~ a~
X~vlar, graphitQ, or Hytrol co~lld b~ lan~inat~ to ~ho inn~ ~ or
lower surfac~ of th~ ~rch~ t~ incr~a~e ~uppor~ ~nd
porfo~a~c~. S~ch c~npo~ito Dlate~al could ~l~o ~ u~d t
an~;~ t~ ~1 ~4~: ~t~.
In on~ ~oe$fi~ ent oX ~ ol~ t~ ~hl kn~s5
o~ th~ ~ody po~tion 15 wa~ t 3/1~ inch, th~ vqr~ig~1
d~en~on o~ th~ h4Ql ~rch~ 5 an~ 2~ w~r~ about lS/1~ inc , 'cho
v~rtlcal di~nslon of th~ tatA~a~ ~rch 3~ wa~ a}~ou~ g/8 lnch,
and th~ v~rtlca3, di~ n~lon o~ tho toq arch 4~ ~a~ about ~/
in¢h. Th~ thickr~ h~ arch ~ at ~ top ~ thc ~rch
wa~ about 1/4 inoh. Tha body port~on ~her~for~ wa~ ~ncslln
mid~ol~ wa~ support:-d by th~ o~tlon~ oS th~ a2~ch~4. Sh~
' botto~ ~dg~4 of the longl~udln~ b~ 51 ~nd 5~ 810p~ lldl ~lly
upwA~dly ~ro~ botto~ 8U~IC~ 0~ th~ ~t~tar~1 arch 3~ t~
the ~ott~ ur~ce Or th- hQel ~r~h 2~ ~co ~pport ~h~ ~gu o~ :
th~ ln~tep portlon c~ th- ~d~ole. Th~ ~or~go~ng d~m~n~lol ~ ~Y
va~y according to th0 ~po~ ~hown fc~ drawing ~o~ wh~c eh-
~hoe i2~ d~gned~
~ ~h~ outar 8018 13 i~ ~ub~tantlally ~ t ~nd r~l-t v~ly
X th~n ~4~ 1!'~g. G) . ~b~wl~ tho o~to~ Dol~ cu~llsl havo ~ 1~ a--
wall ~truc~ure whic:h coul~ int~r~ac:e with ~ho ~reet o~ th~
arche~. Tho out~r 801- ~ncludes a bottom ~ur~ac~ ~9 whlch ,~
: provid~d wi~ch a s3c$d-ra~stant tread (Fiq. 5) and
'; -5-
substan~ially flat top sur~ce ~;0. Th~ p~ ular tread
illu~trat~d in Fig. 5 is d~ign~d ~or U8~ on ~ cour~: 4hoe su~h
as a b~s~c~tball shoe. ~ho weight 0~ tha suter 801~ d uced
by a ~ent~al openlng 61. Th~ centxa~ openlrlg could be~ f il ~d
with t~an~parsn~ rubb~r or o~her ~e~ hich would ~llo Ir th~
Z~rch ~y~tem ~o ~ vi~ilsla.
Th~ t~p ~ur~a~0 60 of th~ out~r aol~ i~ provid~ 1 litll a
plurality or ~levat~d rld~e~ or ~ld~ wall p~rtion~ wl~ch
~urround ~he ba~ pox~ion~ ot' tth~ ~rche~ on th~ ~dsol~ Po~ .
po~itioning the out~r 501~ relativo to ~ Did~ole~ ~sn~rZ Illy
ohapsd ridg~ 62 and ~3 al; tll~ ~sa~ ~nd Or ~h~ hsel ar~ ~ Ihta~d
Z nd ~ized t~ extend along the ~n~d~ ~nd ~on~ 8u~face~ ~ t~h~
ba~e po~ion~ 29 and 30 of th~ h~ rch ~5. U-ohap~d r~d$ ~ 6
and ~5 ~xtond along the xear, in~de, ~nd rrOnt ~ur~a~ ol ~s-
baso port~on~ 32 and 33 o~ th~ ~ort he~l a~ch 26.
R~dgo ~ is ~h~ped to e~t~nd around th~ ba~e po~t1 on 37
o~ Qtatarsal arch 3~. Ridge~ 67 and 68 a~e ~haped to
e~Rnd around th~ ba~ portlon~ 38a And 3~b, r~pectivoly, o~
th~ D~otat~ rch~ Ridg~s ~, 70, ~nd 71 at tl~o ~oe and ~r~
~b.aped to oxt~nd around th~ b~e portlor~ 43-s5, r~pec~lv~ 1~,
o~ ~ ar~ ~2.
rh~ rldg~a ~on~l a ~ o wlthln ~ich th~ t Or e
arch~ can r~t. In the ~ nt illu~tr~t~d thA ~e~t r- ~t
wit~in thf~ ~or~ete~ Or the ridge~. ~lt~rnati~ly, t~- ~ t
could b- provid~ wl~ noteh~s- or yroov~aa and ~oqld r~-t on t~
ridgo- with a ton~u~ and groov~ or do~ t~il e~¢t. In w
ca~, ind~ntation~ lnst~ad or ~idg-~ coul~ b- ~q~ed in ~ ~
ou~er ~ol~ $nto whlch pcr~ion~ o~ th~ f~et o~ arch4- ~ol ~d
out-3r ~ol~ old~d ~roD~ ~at9ri~1 ~hic~ prov~, 1--
the d~rabl~ propex~le~ o~ w~r r~ist~nc~ an~ skid
r~si~t~nc~. Suitabl~ ~ats~ial~ are c:onvontlon~l ou~sol~ r~r
`.;~ compound~ or polyursthan~. Any foot~ar soling ~o~apound ~htch
of~sr~ de~i~ed proporti-~ of dur~illty, tr~ction, anc
~lex{on would be approprlat~,. The out~r ~o~e is p~nex~t ly
al:tached ~o th~ qolo by ~ oslv~ lon, or t~ lik~.
Figur~ 7 and 8 il~ tr~t~ ~ ~ld~ol~ and an outer ~ole
~or a running ~ho~ ~or a ri~ht f~ot, and Figur-s ~-12 i~u ~rate
a nl~d~ole and an ol~ter ~ol~ ~o~ a ru~nir~g ~b.o- ~or the 19f'
foot. ThQ mld~ol~ 7~ tan~ally tho ~ ho ~ld ol~
12 ax~Rp~ that th~ top 3ur~a~ 76 ~ sub~t~nt~ally ~lat an dses
el~ po~:~n~. R~r~rrlng ~:0 Flgure
th~ ~id~ole 75 siJallarly in~lud~ a body po~tion 77~ ~ pa~ o~
~e~l arGh~ 78 and 7g, ~ m~tatar~al qrch 80, ~nd ~ toe arc 81
which c~re~pc~nd to t~o arch ~ha~bar~ pr~viou~ly d~cr5b~d.
Longi~udlnal r~ght and le~ r~b~ nd ~3 ~rtond b~tw~n 1 jh~
m~ta~Ar~al ~rch 80 ~nd the h~ r~h 79.
Th~ out~r ~41~ 84 ~or th~ ~lat ~o ~ sub~'can~ia ly
the sAm~ a~ e outer 801- 13 ~x~pt 1;h~t th~ ~ottom ~urr~ ~S
~hereo~ (Fig. 11) i~ provid-d wi~ A tr~ad ~hlch i8 ~uitab ~ ~or
rlat oho~ upp-~ sur~a~- 86 o~ r ~ol~ 8~
prov~d~d Yith rai~q~ r~dg~ u~t~t~d 1~ P~r~ ~. wh~c h ~r-
d~ignad ~o ~urrou~ ase port~ons o~ arch~s on th
tid~o~o 75.
~ ar~h u~er~ in tha ho~ et~ta~l, and to~
portion- o~ ~ole a~o locat-~ under th~ prlmary
welght-b~aring a~a4 o~ ~he ~ol~ d po~ion~ o~ th~
arches h~v- le~ ~at~r~al th~n th~ nd~ or ba~ ~ort~or~ 1~4
~h~ ~idportlon~ flex as dow~w~r~ ~o~¢~ 1- a~pll~d durin~
runn~ng~ p$nS~, ~tc. ~h~ xlng o~ e co~o~r~ ibl~, an ~
re~illent m~rlal o~ th~ archo~ orb~ 4hook ~nd cu~h~on~ t~4
~oot. ~he r~ $ent ~at~r~al o~ tho arch-- al~o ~c~s a~ 4
~pring ~nd r~urn~ ens~gy up~lrar~ a~ t ~ r~as sn~ ~o~o~ -
~x~ted ~y ~h~ 'ç d cr~
Since th~ w~ h~ o~ tha uae~ BUppO3~l by the a~ct~
~c,~-~Ya, ~:hu ~-~t4rl~1 o~ 'ch~ ~ic~ffol~ c~n be~l su~tcu~tlal ly
. .
elimina~ed in th~ are~s b~tw ~n th~ arc~e~ tiv~l y thin
bo~y portion p~ovides su~ ont ~pp~t rOr the ~oot in t ~Q
a~ea~ b~tw~n th~ arche4. ~he ~idsole i~,th~r~or~ eYtr~m~ ly
li~h~weight yR~ ~tll pro~ide~ ~xcell~nt ~uppor~. ~rh~ voi~ Isd
area~ betw~n ~ arch ~o~r3 ~l~o ihlpro~r~ Yqn~ ion th~ ough
t}~4 ~idsole7
A ~odi~d ~D~odl~nt o~ ~ ~hoe 1~ illustrated in ¦ Figs.
13-20~ hlGti~: ~ho~ 90 includ~ ~n upper ~l anA ~ ~
a~sembly ~a. The ~ol~a a~se~bly in~ludQ~ a m1dRnl4 ~3, ~ !u~ r
~ole g4, ~nd a llnor g5 wh~ch is ~n~wlch~d l:~'cwe~ the mi~ ~ e
arJd th4 out~r sole.
Flg~. 13 and 14 ~llu~t~at~ ol~.a~ambly g2 ~or
r~ght sho~, ~nd Fi~. 15-~0 lllu~t~at~ a siJIilar ~ole a~o~ bly
for a l~t sho~.
Ro~e~ring~ to ~g. 18, t~ ~ld~ol* 93 includ~s ~ h~ 81
portioJI 96, an instQp port~on 97, 2 m~l~at~r~l port~on 9S, nd a
to~ po~tion 9g~ A pair o~ ~rch ~ra lO0 and ~01 ~ nd
downw~rdly ~ro~ t~- h~cl ~o~tlon. Tho arch ~o~r 100 lncl l~d~
an upwardly curvad ~rs:h 8U~IC~ 102, ~nd t~ cch ~ r 10
lnclud~s ~ ~w~rdly~ csunr d ar~ ac~l 103 wh~c:h i~ corru ~at~d :~
or ribbed. Th~ eomlg~t~on~ a~t a~ an accordior~ pl~t and
W~ ~tRria~ to ~l~x and ~o~.
rch ~ 105, ~06, ~nd 107 extend downw~ ~ly
from th~ to~ por~ion o~ the n~d~ol~. A surf~¢~ 10~ ext~nd~
b~tw~en th~ arch m~ 05 and 106 and 1~ ~red a~
unctU~e with the q~;h lao~r~ urfac- los ex~ d~ b~év~ I-n
tho arch ~e~or 106 and 107 an~l i8 ~ur~red ad~aG~nt ~h~ arch
A xib 111 ~ nds along th6 ~ight 3~d6 of the Dlid~ 31
b~twaen the in~t~p po~tion and ~he ~etat~r~l po~tion. A n ,ec~l
112 i~ ~or~ed in the rib i:l ~e ~t4tari~al are~. A ~hort~r rlb
113 extends ~long ~he le~t s~d~ o~ tho Dl~d~olQ. ~ho rib~
and 113 are ~o~n~d by cro~ rib~ and ~15. R~cs~sed ara~-
116, 117, and 118 ar~ provided bet~sn tha rib~ 111, 113, 1~,
., ,
~ I '., .
and 115. l~he lang~r rlb~ and 113 proYid~ great~r ~a~ lity,
and the no~ch 112 f~cil~tat~s flexing.
The ~otto~ 8ur~ace~ o~ the a~ch~ 100; 101 and 10 -107
and the ribs 11~ and 113-115 li~ in ~1lb4tan~i~11y ~h~ ~am~ plane
and are ~uppor~d by correspondingly ~hap~d ~ortion~ o~ ~h~
liner gS. Ra~erring to Pig~. 14 and lg, th~ linor in¢lud~ a
botto~ 120 ~nd a ~ida w~ 1 wh~qh exts~nd~ upwa~dly arc~u~ ~ the
~id~ and he~l of th- ~id~ola 93. q~ bo~to~ con~or~ to ~ he
bo~tom ~ur~ace ot ~he Jaid~ole and include~ heel arch po~tic n~
122 ~nd 123 which 3re shap~d to abut th~ h~ rcb ma~b~r~ loo
~nd lol and arc~ r~o~ 102 and 103 o~ th~ ol~; to~ a rc2~
po~t$on~ 1~4, l~S, 4rsd 1~6 ~rhich ar~ ~hapeB t~ abut tb~ to~ arch
me~bor~ 105-107 and sur~a~ 108-109 o~ th~ ~id~ol~, and rl b
port~on~ 127, 128, ~9, ~nd 130 ~i~ a~ Ghap~d to ~ut th l
r~b~ 111, 113-115 an~ roo~G~ 118~ Oponlng~ ~3~, 132, 1 3,
~nd 134 a~ ndod through tho }wttom o~ ~:h~ m$d~ol~. Th ~
heel ~xch port~on ~S inolu~ oorrugat~ ~rch ~35. Tho ln~r
is s~iff0~ t~an t~h~ r~lati~toly w~t mid~ol- ~md E~ov~do~
4tabil~ty and ri~ldlty ~o t~ d~ol~
out-r ~ol~ g4 lnelud~ otéo~ sur~aed 138 ~n, I an
upwardl~ ding Ji~l- WAll 13~ botto~ ur~z-c~l o~ e
~d~o~,~ 1~ p~o~r~d~ wl~.o, ~ Mt,~n~ tr~ tFig. Z~) ~ .sn..
botto~ Or th~ ol~ ha~ a ~h~p~ corr~ponding to the ~ctl ~ of
th~ liner ~S. T~ out~r ~ol~ ~ncl-l~e~ a E~r o~ posk~t por :lon~
140 and 141 which ~ceiv~ and ~uppo~ th~ ba~ pa~on~ Or :h~
heel arch 122, a pair o~ ~wket port~on~ ~a and 1~3 whlch
r~ceiv~ and BUpport th~ b~ po~ion~ o~ th~ he~31 arah 123,
pock~t portlon~ 144, 14S, and 146 which raceiv~ and ~nlppOrt t~l-
toe arch po~ion~ 124-126, an~ pocXQt po~ion~ 147 ~nd ~4~ ~ rhlch
rec~iwl ~md nuppo~ th~i r~ portion~ 127, ~nd 12~.
Ths botto~ o~ ~ha out~r ~ole ii~ provid,~iid with a c~ al
opening~ 14g ~rhich expo8e~ thQ Cro~S rib~ 129 and 130 o~ t'n~.
lin~r (Fig~. lS and 17) and 'c)~e portion~ o~ th~ ~dsole whl~h
ar~ expo~d by th~ opening~ 134 ~n th~ lln~r.
. .,, _9_
21 ~ 62 ~
Th~ 801e a~se~bly 92 Sunction~ in th~ ~ay a~ ~B
sole As~ es illustrat~-d in Flg4. 1-12. ~he ar~:h m~obQ; . of
the mid~ol~ and t~a liner in ~Q he~l and,to~ ~e~ anq ~h~ ~ ~ib~
111 and 113-115 of the ~nid~ nd 127;130 o~ liner in the
~et~t~r~ d instep are~are lo~te~ in tha p~a~y
Weig~t-~Qa~ing ~r~s of t~ol~. Th~ portion~ o~ th~
arche~ and the area~ b~we~ ib~ n ~l~x downwardly
forc~ ar~ ap~l~ed durins~ g, ~ ng, et~ Sl~x ng Or
th~ co~pre4~ nd re~nt ~t~r~al ~bsorb~ ~hacXs and
cu~h~on~ th~ feot an~ ret~rn~ energy upw~rdly agalnst th~ oot
a~ downwa~d ~orce d~r~a~
~ forward portlorl~ o~ ri~s 111 an~ 113 ot th
mid~ol~ 93 cor~ pond to ~ho ~tatar~ ro~læ~ 37 an~ 38 o~ e~
midsol~ of F~g. 2~ The upward~y ex~d~n~ re~:4~d po~tlon ~
~ th~ ~ld~ol~ 93 ¢orre~pond~ to t~ a~ch wr~ca 40 O~r Flt~ 2
and can fl~x downw~dly und~r load~ awll~d to the ~ol~
a~R~ y-
Th~ ~at~r~l o~ d~ol~ ~3 ~nd thq ~uée2~ ~ol~
can b~ tha ~ a~ pr~ u~ly do~cr~bed. Th~ ~terial ot
l~n~r 95 ~n b~ t~n~, nylon, or ot~r p~a~ltic~. S~ 1
lin~r i~ ~dvanta~-ou~ly ~n~ea~lon ~old4~. . j
l~hil~ ln ~ ro~go-ng ~p~ci~l~ztt~on a dæ~lls~
d~c~lpttnn ~1! ~ o ~bodla~n~o ~ nt~ o~ w~ I rt
fo~t~ for th~ pUrpO~Q of lllu~tratlon, it ~ill bo und~ra'coo !
that Dlany o~ d-t2112~ h~r~n gi~Qn m~y b~ ~rari1~d con~ ~ly
by thOS~ skill~d in ~ nrt ~ithout de~arting fro~ ~h~ ~lt t
and v¢op~ of t~ inYantion.
"'.~ , .