Note: Descriptions are shown in the official language in which they were submitted.
Field of the Invention
The present invention relates generally to ~lefii~n,qtors
and more particularly related to a de~n~tor, such as on a
keypad ~rt~ tor~ for eY~mrle, having opaque side surfaces
10 and hav~ng graphics on the top surface and the y~h~elet of
the ~t~l~t~r illuminnte~
Bach~lound of the Invention
~ lect-ic ~witche6 are co~ o 1y provided with ~ctn~tor6
for data input ~p~lir~t;on~ such as, for eY~mrle~ a keypad on a
tell ~h~ e Typically, it i6 desil ~~le to vary the apl,eal~ce of
the ~rt~Mtor for a variety of reason6 such as ~.oduc~
20 di~.ç~ tion, user ~ieîerence, ae6thetic6, ~mhiçnt li~ht;ng
~eq~l..ements and di~ ~.t ~t;nn ~ L nearby ~rt~tor~
Back li~ht;n~ and llP~i~n~tors are tr~lit;~n~1ly used to vary
the ~l",eal~ce of the ~ct~tor to satisfy most app1ic~ffon~ ~ ;
DecignPtors in~ir~te and set apart the ~rt~t~r for a
25 s~,e~ rc purpose and may be illnmin~ted for viewing under
low ~ t lighting condition6 De~ign~tQr~ comrri~e a
comhin~tio~ of graphics such as nu~e~als, characters,
indicia and legends or the like, 6urface ~e~l ~n/~, m terial, color, teYture, size and shape ~or eY~mple~
30 n~elals, U0 9~, and characters, ~*n and ~#", are
characteri6tics of the de~ign~tors cQmmnnly used for
~ct~tor~ of a telephone keypad
The graphic~ may be ~. ".eEç ~ed as either a posi~ive or
a neE;~live image Rep.oc~- ted as a l,o~ ,e image, the
35 graphics appear darker than a contra~ting lighter
... - . ,. ., . ~ , ~ ... :, ,,.~ .
background. Co,lvel~ely, repres~ntecl as a negative image, the
graphics appear lighter than a contrasting darker
b~cl.~,o~ld. In some negati~e image Spp~ S~tion~, the
graphics are translucent for pe.~ll,i~.g the passage of light
5 and the bac~lo~d is opaque for blorlrine the passage of light.
FIGs. 1 and 2, FIG~. 3 and 4, and FIGs. 5 snd 6 show
first, second and third prior art t~ P8, le_~,iively, to
creste a negative image graphic ~e~rE~çnt~t;~n of a t3~P~ ns~t~r
on an Slrtv~Sltor.
Generally, FIas. 1, 3 and 5 each show a cross-sect;on
view of a keypad sl~qçmhly 100 wherein a translucent
Pl~SlPtompnc keypad 101 is sand~viched beS..e~ a bezel 103 and
a eircuit board 105. The P~ r~P- ;c keypad 101 indudes
slrt~Sl~nrs 107 protrudillg through co,~ ,o~ing hole6 in the
15 bezellOS. The~S~ct~St~rs107eachhaveatleastonec~n~ rt;ve
pad 109 for pro~v~ing Plect~icSll co~ b~t~.-En
co.,~ o~ing pairs of c~n~a~ 111 on the circ~it board 105.
Light sources 119 provide back lieht;ng for the ~rl~S~to~ D 107.
Generally, FIGs. 2, 4 and 6 each show a top view of the
20 ..e~ 2~Live image ~e~.~;..S~tors as n~e~als "1, 2 and 3" on the top
of the ~rt~l~tQrs 107 protruding l~. ou~;l. the holes in the bezel
Although each of the three prior art techniques
c ~.te~1 create a negative image de~Ri~n~t~r on the Pct~l~tors
25 107, di~.~llces exi8t in the cv~e.~ge area of t~e dark
CO~ .b~ii~ bacl~.oL,lld on the ~rt-l~tors 107 and the
ill.. ;-.~ :~n of the s~ctn~tQrs 107.
In the first prior art eYs~mple, as sho~m in FIGs. 1 and
2, the negative image ~leRien~tQr is p.oduced by printing
30 (otherwise known as silk-screening) a dark colored layer of
m~ter~s-l 113 over an opt;~nS~l light colored layer of translucent
~te .;al 115. The dark colored layer 113 is partially masked to
produce an opDnine 117 in the dark colored layer 113 ~.l.c.e~ a
portion of t~e Ught colored layer 115 iB e~l-o~e~l The shape of
35 the mask p.c.duces the n eE;aLve image de~ien~t~ors as
f~rhihite~ by n~nerals ~1, 2 and 3" on the top of the actuators
Light sources 119, such as light emitting diodes,
generate light that passes through the keypad 1û1 to generally
min~te the llUlllelal6 ~1, 2 and 3" as well a6 the perimeter
of the ~rt~tors 107. By po~it;t)ning a light source 119 between
two ~ Pcent ~ckl~tQrs~ one light 80urCe ec~nr~mir~lly
contributes to the illnmin~t;on of more than nne Pct~l~tor.
Since the negative image pnnting proces~ is a two
(~im~pn~ ploce3a a narrow boarder 121, void of any colored
layer, is .,.~ D;~~ at the ~.~el,er of the top of the ~ t~rs
107 to ensure that the colored layer doe not run dovrn the sides
ofthe ~ ol~ 107. II1 80me ;~ -re~, thi6 is viewed a6
llns~c;~p! ~hle, becpl-cç it is desirable to have the sides as well
as the top of the ~ ~r6 107 e~hibit the dark contra6ting
bacl~l ou~d.
In the second prior art e~mrle, a6 shown in FIGs. 3
and 4, the negative image ~e~ien~tor is p.oduced by ~ poEine
an opt;~n~l light colored layer 305 on at least the top of the
~c~ to~6 107 followed by ~ poEirg a dark colored layer 307 on
the entire top side of the keypad 101 indulh~ all side6 of the
~t~l~tQrS 107. The dark colored layer 307 is then
coll~e~ on~lly etched ~rith a laser to p.oduce sn opPnin~ 309
in the dark colored layer of 307 ~. Le~e~ the light colored layer
26 305 i8 P~08e~ Controlled laser etching ~.oduces the nc6~tive
image APcign~t~ rs as exhibited by numerals "1, 2 and 3~ on the
top side of the o~ o, ~ 107. Thus, the dark contra6ting
bacl.g.oulld for the ne~dli~O image (lP,R;~ to~ i6 created not
only on the top but also on the 6ides of the o~ t,ol~ 107.
3û A light source 119 is ~liRpo~ed s~e- :r.- ~lly b~nP~tll each
t~tor 107 to back light the numerals "1, 2 and 3~. However,
since the entire top side of the keypad 1û1 i8 CG.~.ed with the
dark colored layer, light from the light 60urce6 119 can only
pass through the keypad 101 to illllmin~te the numerals Ul, 2
and 3~ and no light i8 ~ d to ill~min~te the ~e.. e~el of
the act~t~rs 107. Additionally, specific lighting increases
c06t, parts count, labor, culTent drain and the potential for
defects when cv~l.pared to the general lightine technique as
show and described in FIG. 1.
In the third prior art eY~mrle, as shown in FI(:~. 5 and
6, the ~e~Lve image de~ign~t~r i~ produced by a double ~hot
insert molding process. The ~l~ci~r portion of the
tll~rs 107 are molded intlpppnd~ntly of the keypad 101 then
~tt~ d to the keypad 101 a6 show~inFIG. 5. The ~ tors
107 are molded from a similar material to the keypad 101 and
moleclll~rly bonded to the keypad 101 during a secon~
molding operation. ~ ively, some ~rt~tQrs 107 are :~
molded from a di~e.~n~, m5~teriS~l firom the lceypad 101 and
adhe~ively bonded to the keypad 101. The ~ tors 107 are
1~ opaque pro~lu~ng a dark C.)nl,laE~I~g ~ack~;~vv~d on their
~ l-osed ~ e~ A light colored layer 501 i6 ~icposecl on the
top of 1 he r~ ~ ~to, ~ 107 to produce the negative image
~e~ tQr. Thus, the dark coll~sling br.~E;lo~d for the
lle~l;~ image ~eRign~tor is created not only on the top but
also on the sides of the ~ tors 107.
However, since the 5~rt~ tor is opaque, light from the -
light sources 119 only illllminS-teE the ~.;,.~ele~ of the -
s~r~ t~rs 107 and no light is pe.,.l-~Led to illllmins~te the ~ :~
l~u~c~lB~l~ 2 and 3~.
In the three prior ~rt eY5~mrle~ described hereinabove,
the actuators 107 are provided with an illllmin~ted negative -~
image ~lA~ n~tQr. In the first ey~mple~ both the graphics and -
the ~ Fte~ of the o~ ~..A~ 0- are ill-lmins-ted but the dark
conL ~~;ng bacL~l o. nd i6 not l.res_,lt on the sides of the ~ - :
30 ~ tor. In the second ~Y~mp'e the dark contrasting
b~ch~lou--d is ~JlC~_,lt on both the top and the sides of the
o~ but only the ~l..pLcs are illllmin~te~ Finally, in the
third PY~mple~ the dark contl~sL~l~ b~loul-d i8 p,esent on
both the top and the sides of the ~rtu~t,or but only the perimeter
35 ofthe ~rt~l~toris illnmin~t~
Therefore, there i~ a need for an de~ign, t~Ar having a
dark contra~ting ba~lound p,e~_,.t on both the top and the
side6 of the ,~ tor while having both the graphics . nd the
penmeter of the -rt~-o-tnr ill ~ A1 e
S~.. A' ~ of the Inven~ion
10A uDique ~ F~ AAtOI has a E1lhEt9nti9-lly tr~nslucent
substrate. A top surface of the substrate has s~hE~tsnti-lly
tran~lucent and s~lh-tsntiolly opaque portionD. Upper side ~ :
B~ Ce6 of the substrate A~ the top surface are
sl--h8l~ . . I: slly OFIA 'lYe. Lower side surfaws of the 8ubstrate
15 s~ ;..e the upper ~ide sl~rfs-r~o~ are s--hFtsnt;slly
A ~.ef~.l.,d se~ s-~d mA'hA~l describes co~lbllu-,ling
the d~i~AAtnr using a two part insert mnl line IJ-OCC136.
6 2~187
Brief De6c.ip~ion of the Drawings
FIG6. 1 and 2 are crooD De~ n~l and top view6,
~6~_~v~:1y, of a first prior art; keypad ~R~mhly including
5 ~ Ator~ with an i~ min~t~ed negative image ~ tor,
FIGs. 3 and 4 are c.uLa E-e~ n~l and top -view8~
r~ Lv~ly~ of a second prior art keypad a~Pmhly including
t~ Qr6 with an illnmin~e l negative image ~le~ tor.
FIGB. 5 and 6 are (.1u3L ~e~ n~l and top views,
10 lea~ ,lively, of a third prior art keypad ~R~mhly including
t~rs with an i~ ed ne~aL.,~i image cle~ tor.
FIG. 7 a~d 8 are .".~E3 8~ 1 and 1;op viewB, ~i~2l~, of a 'e~ tor hav~g negative image graphiC6
aIld con~tructed in acco,.l~ce with the l~,e~_~t invention.
FIGs. 9 and 10 are cro88 seC~;Qn~l and top view8,
~e..l~ecLiv~ly~ of a t~ tor having l,o~iLive image ~,a~>h;c~
and constructed in accordance with the ~e~1,.~t invention.
FIG. 11 i8 a top pe~ e_~ e view of an Pl~ClO ~ .. ,c . ,: ': ~ ~
keypad having a plurality of ~ , some of which ~ -
h~co~o~ate the deRif~Ator CO~bl~ u.,Lon as ~hown in FIGs. 7 - ~
10. ~ ~ '
FIGs. 12 and 13 are croos ~ n~l and top news, ~ -
,~_"e_li~cly, of a keypad AR~mhly including the first row of
~nt~l~tQrs of the keypad of FIG. 11.
FIG. 14 i8 a top view of the keypad of FIG. 11 ~h
the lOCAt;C'n of light sources used to ill~ ;--Ate the keypad of -~ -
FIG. 11.
~ G. 15 is a rArlioteleFhnne including a user interface
hA..~lRet having the keypad of FIG. 11.
7 21~72J
Detailed Description of a l'le~rled ~.mho~lin~çnt
FIGs. 7 and 8 are cros6 sect;-~n~l and top views,
respectively, of a fl~cigns~or 700 hsving negative image
5 graphics 800 and constructed in accordance with the present
invention. FIG6. 9 and lO are cross sect;on~l and top views,
/,eclively, of a dPci~nntQr 900 having posiLive image
graphics 1000 and constructed in aCCOLdanCe with the present
A primary feature of the novel de~ign~tQ-s 700 and 900 i~s
that the upper sides surfaces 709 that are visible to the user are
opaque. This feature en~hleE light to travel freely through the
tors to ill~ Ate both the laphic~ 800 and 1000 on the
top surface 703 and the perimeter of the ~eRi~n~tc~r. Thus, the
15 novel des~i~n~tors 700 and 900",e the ~leff~n~e6 of the
aforemPnt;~nP~l prior art ~le~ tors. The present ~pp~ tinn
~;R~Cr~e6 various aspects of t~e opaque coverage area on the
~lecign~t~r6 700 and 900, the i~ min~t;-~n thereof and method
for ms~kinE~ the same to produce a unique and desirable effect
20 unlike any other.
The de~ien~tors 700 and 900 may be used in a variety of
~rrlirs~tion,. to in-lic~t,~ nd set apart user interface features
such as the keypad ~ tors and nnnn~tV~ting display
in-licP~,Qrs, for example.
The de~i~nt tQrs 700 and 900 each have a ~--hE~ lly
translucent substrate 701. A top surface of the substrate 703
ha~ a El~h6t~nti~11y translucent portion 705 and a gubstsnti~lly
opaque portion 707. Upper side ~u, ~ceR of the 6ubstrate 709
adjGillil~ the t,op surface 703 are sllhstsnti~lly opaque and
30 preferably extend bet~.een one and three millim~ters below the
top surface of the sub6trate 703. Lower side surfaces 711 of the
substrate ~dj~inin~ the upper side surfaces 709 are
8llh~t~nt;~l1y translucent.
The tr~nRlvcPnt 705 and the opaque 707 portions on the
35 top surface 703 on the deRi~ or 700 produce negative image
, ,
2~1 ~72_~
graphics 800 as 6hown by example as a white tnangle vnth a
dark bacl~lou"d. The translucent 705 .~nd the opaque 707
portion6 on the top surface 703 on the de~ign~tor 900 produce
yosiLi'vd image graphics 1000 as shown by PY~mrle as black
5 lettering "SND" with a light bacl~g,..)"l~d. Thus, the preeent
invention benQfiri-o-lly produce~ two new graphic pre6entations
wherein the ~loRtgnAtor~ 700 and 900 each have opaque side
surface6 709.
The dP~ no-tJ~rs 700 and 900 are preferably, but not
1 0 nPcee~so-rily~ formed from two parts. A first translucent part
713 having top 703, bottom and side 709 surfaces is formed. An
opaque substance, such as c(~l~v~ rnol ink, i6 ~i~pOBed on the
top surface 703 and the side ~u~faces 709 of the first formed
part 713 to l"od-lce the opaque portion 707. A second
1 5 sll~e~ont;-o-lly tr~nRlnrent part 716 having tr-o-nRlllrent top and
side 6~. f~-- e~ is formed. The fir~t 713 and second 715 parts are
preferably made from any of a vanety of elastic mater.ials
re~e~nhl;..g rubber. I~te bottom surface of the fir~t formed part
713 and the top surface o~the second formed part 715 are
20 co~rled together to form the deRi~n~to~ 700 and 900. Either
before or after the first formet part 713 and the second foImed
part 715 are coupled together, some of the opaque s~ -h~ re i8
~elecL~ ely removed fi om the top surface 703 to reveal the
translucent portion 705. Selective removal of the opaque
25 substance iB preferably ~ccompli~hed using conv~ l laser
etchir~ techniques.
A tr~nclvrPnt a-~h~' 701, such as collvenl~io~lal ink,
is opt;~ nAlly rli~pssed on the translucent first part 713 before
the opaque s~lh~tsnc~ is AicposeA? Thus, the translucent
30 portion 705 having a tr~n6lvrPnt sllh~?t~?nce ~ pose~ thereon is
revealed during the laser etching process. The translucent
svh~t~nce 717 advantageou~ly provides cvl~ sl, ~epin~t the
opaque portion 707 under sllh~??tsntislly illllmin~ted ~?mhiPnt
lig.h~ine conditions such as Eunlight during the day time.
'.?, . ~ ' :~. ? ~: . ", ~, ' ' "~
- 9 21~7~
The first formed part 713 and the second formed part 715
are preferably co~rle~ together by inserting the first molded
part, having the opaque sl~h~o-~-ce ~ pose~ thereon, into a
second mold for mnl~linE the second molted part whereby a
5 molec~ r bond i6 fonned b~:L~ n bottom surface of the first
molded part 713 and the top fiurface of the ~econd molded part
715 when t~e second part i6 mnlde~ ~lt~o~eh two part insert
in~ is generally known in the art, the prior art ha6 not
lliR~loSell the gurface tre~t~n~nt of the first formed part prior to
10 its insertion into the second mold. Thu6, an eccnomical and
r~ct~rable mPt~od of proclllrinE t~e ~le~ tors 700 and
900 with opaque upper fiide a---fi ce~ 709 is ~liP~lQse~l
Alk.,,dLvely, the fir6t molded part 713 ~y alffo be
con6tructed from a conve~ ~ nns-l pla6tic m~l~er~ surface
15 treated and co~pled to the second molded part 71~ using an
applop.;ate adhe6ive ~ po6e~ b ~ n the first and the second
parts. The plastic material offers a tactile feel and/or look
di~e..t from the ela~tic material and i6 6uitable for the same
A translucent subsLance 717, 6uch as c~ :on~l ink,
i6 opl;nns~lly tliRpoBed on the top surface of the s~ ,e 703 to
provide contlE~L p~Pinct the opaque portion 707 under
BllhEst~nti~lly illllmin~ted omhi~nt light;ng conditionB.
Therefore, the ~eRigno-t;on i6 easily viewed under both dimly lit
and brightly lit con~it;on~ such a6 night-light and daylight,
E'IG. 11 i6 a top pe~ D~ecLiv~ view of an eloctom~ric
keypad 1100 having a plurality of ~ ors, 60me of which,o.dte the ~e6if~no-tor con~L. ~cLion a6 shown in FIGs. 7 -
10. The ~l~Ri~o~orD 700 and 900, for ~ le, provide a unique
look that di6tinguish the keypad o-rtn~tors from the prior art
keypad deRi~n~tors per FIG6. 1-6 and the typical l,osi~ive
image graphics shown as 0-9, *, # and ~END".
The plqCl~ ~-.el;c membrane keypad is typically molded
from a translucent material. The ~rt~l~tors having the unique
' 211~721
rlPsiens-tor construction each haYe top, bottom and side
Rurface6. The top surface has a ~ub~t~n*~lly translucent and
opaque portion~ rO,~ the positive image graphics 1000
(SND) or lle~ ative image graphics 800 (PWR, FCN, RCL/ST0,
5 CLR, NAME, MSG and up and down arrows formed as
triangles). An upper 6ection of the side ~urface6 713 adjoin~ng
the top surface are E.,h~ ~ Y.. I ;Qlly opaque. A lower section of the
side su*ace6 715 -s-d~c~inirg the upper side 6~ es 713 are
sllhEtontiQlly translucent.
The novel ~ipR~ t~r6 700 and 900 are bPT~pfiri-9~lly
inte~;ldted into the keypad 11G0 with other types of ~i~sien~t~rs
thu6, Pliminstjng t~e need for mQlring a aeparate ~Ri~n~r to
achieve the new look aR seen by the user.
FIG6. 12 and 13 are croR~-6ec~;~n~l and top views,
5 l~,L~e~,l,ivdly, of a keypad A~Rçmhly 1200 including the first row
Of Art~lAtor6 of the keypad 1100 of FIG. 11. The keypad
AR6~...hl~ 1200 t,O..~p~;SCB a hollRir~f~ 1201, a circuit board 1203 pairs of cont~~tc 1205, light sources 1206 A~d 1209 and
the els~ton~eric membrane keypad of FIG. 11. The el-s-Rton ~nc
.~ ~le keypad 1100 is ~liRpo6ed beS.. et,l- the h.)l~Ring 1201
and the circuit board 1203 such that ~e~ignn~rR, 700 for
~Y~mple, protrude through a collf,s~o~ ng hole 1208 formed
in the hou6ing 1201.
A switch iB ~liRpoRecl between the bottom surface of the
~ct~l~tor and the circuit board 1203 for prollnçin~ electrical
signal c.~t~ when the ~ tor is ~ct~ The ~witch
includes cle~Ll;cally con/lllrtive means 1207 ~liRpose~l on the
bottom surface of the ~ct~l~tor and the oppo~ing CO~-eEI~O~ g
pair of c--nt-~ ~ 1205.
The opaque upper section of the side surfaces 709 need
Gniy extend between one and three millimeters below the top
surface of the substrate BO that the tr~nRlurent side surfaces of
the lower 6ection 711 cannot be seen from out6ide the housing
12û1 by the user.
. . ~
: - . ' . .. : -: - - . : : .: : ,,
'~ . . ' ~ ; ~ '. . .:
1~ 211~72 ~
The light source 1206, such as a conventional light
eitting diode, illllrnin~te6 the translucent portion 705 and the
perimeter 1301 of the top surface in the air gap between the
side6 of the 709 and the hole i n the ho~-e;ne 1208.
5 Although a b~cl~ligh~;ng technique i8 shown, other light;ng
t~chniques, such as edge lighting ofthe (3~~ Ator, may be
used to produce the s~me look. The light ~ource 1206 i8
advantageou61y po6iti~np~l to effect the illtlmin~ti~n of more
than one i~rl~
Thu6, the appea,dnce of the novel ~ieci~tQr di6play6
opaque side surfaces 709 to the user but the lower 6ide surfaces
711 are translucent en~line filn~ n~lly l)ninhihif~d
b~rl~lightinf! of the graphics and the ~ ;...Ptnr of the
de~ t~r 1301. One light source can opti~n~lly be positioned
15 ~ c~lly under one ~p~ignsltor as 6hown in FIG. 3 for the
min~tiQn of an display in~lir~tQr~ for aY~mple to
illl.m;ns-te both the graphics and the ~t .;,l,eter of the
FIG. 14 is a top view of the keypad 1100 of FIG. 11
20 61-o~.~,~ the locPtion of light sources 1206, 1209 and 1401-1406
used to ill~...;n~le the keypad 1100. Each light source
contributes to the ill~min~ti-~n of four ~r~ to~6. For eY~mpl~P,
light source 1401 is po~it;onP~l at the inte.~e~ion of ~rt~nt~r6
dePi~;..A~ nu~l~eldl8 4, 5, 7 and 8. Since the keypad 1100 has
25 only three columns of ~rt~tors to meet the needs of a specific
t~le~!honr s~pplirs~t;on, two light sources contribute to the
min_t;~n of six ~rt~l~tQrs. For eY~mple, light 80urces 1401
~d 1402 illltmin~te ~ctuAtQrs ~l~Aign~ting l,u..,eials 4, 5, 6, 7,
8 A~d 9. Such general bAr~light;n~ reduce." u-llcnt drain,
30 partD count, pot-nt;-l for defectD and cost while providing the
desired novel i~ min~t~ iF.~Atcr.
FIG.15 is a top pe,~live view of a r~~iotel-rhnn- 1500
"~clu.l"~g a user interface hAndl~etl5o7 having the keypad
1100 of FIG.11. The rA-liotvc-l~Aph.~ne 1500 comprises a
3~ hdl~ ,llel and a ~ece;~ shown as a transcei~el 1501, a
: ! . ' : " . : . ' ' ' . . . . .'. ' : . ' : .
.''~ , ' , .
' -- 12 21187
power source such a~ a battery 1503, an ~ntennst 1505 and a
user interface shown a~ a hsln-l~et 1507. Such generally
~felled to el~m~nt~ are well unde.~lood in the art, and hence
no s~ it;onsll d~ac :pl ~m need be pro~rided here e~cept as may
5 be nPceqqPry to in~ir~t~ inteYaclion bet-. een t~e~e typical
r~ .Pnt~ of a radio ~L~.sce;~,~. and the l~le~.~ed
- e~ho~ of the pieGen~, invention.
The hs n~et 1507 inr~ the keypad 1100 having
St~t~tS~tors colisLl ucled with the novel de~ t~rs 700 arld 900
10 and s~emhl~Pd into the h~ ine 1201.
The r~-liot~ephnne 1500 i8 P~S~pted for use in a moving
vehide or for hand c~.,~ by a user. The p.~s~.~ ven~on
elso may be h.~,o~. ated int~ any t ype of cle~ll onic e~ ;p ~-P- -t
Lequilil~ data or control input or visible in-lirs tir~n ~uch a~ -
1 5 portable rSa~liot~lephonPs~ cordless radiotele~ , data
termins~ COI~lpu~:16, pocket ol~izel~ and remote control
Thw, the novel deRif~n~tor ha~ opaque side ~urfaces.
The graphics and the perimeter of the ~'- 3ignAtor are
20 ec~ r~lly ~ min~te~l with general bn'Ll;~l-t~ . The
structure ofthe ~lecign~toris lmiq~ y snd eco~ lly
ed for a variety of uses.
Whst i8 rl~imetl i6
~ .