Note: Descriptions are shown in the official language in which they were submitted.
` -1 21~11 603
~. ah~ lolL~
Wol~r~ An51æro~
o~g sr
~lo~rt ~ller
. ~h~ lnv~nti~n con~rn~ a r~toY~ Arr~ny~ rQ~ an
ul~ctrlcal macnln~, ~p~ci~ioally ~or a t~an~Yers~l ~lux
m~chine, whero th~ rotor ~e~tur~ p~lph~ral ~lr~otion
5 a plur31ity ur polarl3~d magn~ an~ ma~n~ti~ab~e
ssollQcto~ ~la~ant3, ln 4n ~lt~rnating ~equ~ Q and
Annu~ rangemont, an~ whar~ the r~tor ~u~ r~ ln
~x$al ~l~ootlor~ G rotor dl~c ~ec to th~ ro'eor sh~r~t,
cn whlch ~iak th~ polarl ~d ~agnRt~ ~nd t:ho ~nAgnetl~nblo
0 aoll~a4tor 21~nont6 ~re re~pec'clvely mount~d i~ a
~ono~ntrlc annular arx ang~nt .
J }l~ol~:or ~rr~ng~m~n~ ~or el~c~rlca~ ~achln~s ~rs know
.' ln ~rariou~ d~lsns and ul~d, ~.~., in ~rnl~s~ r~
, ~ohihes whsre achL~ing a ~all pol~ pl~ch i~ ~Erequen~ly
. 15 ds~lred, ~or in~taJlao ~ n ~o~im~n~ ording to
, D~: 37 05 D83 C2 .
I~ rotor ~rr~g~n~J o~ l:h~ type, tn~ pOl~i
mayn~ts ~r~ provided in alte~nAt~ng~ qusnce in a~n
an~ul~r ~ n~emen'c ~rol2nd th~ ~gnotlz~blQ ~oll~c~or
~l~sn~B, whlch, a~ us~al, ar~ ~truatur~d o~ ~xl~Llly
A' ~ ez~d lam~n~t~on~- Th~ r~sp~ vo ~nnlllar arr~n~aerlt~
. ~!lre ~aount~d ln ~ l~a~ion ~o a~ to ~o ~clally 1D5U1~tOd
r~latl~ra ~o ~ch otll~r, ~03: ino~ance with th~ u~ 4
ialsul~tln~ ti~ par~.
nal-~ pol~ pitoh~ Ar~ d~ir~ in ouch rotor
Arrang~ nt~, a fililgroa ro~or ~ UG'~ O ilsl o~taine~
~hlc2h tn ~ oY m~nu~turing i~ For ~ne,
th3re 1~ a m~qh~ all~ pre~i~o ~rr~ nt o~ com~orl~nt~
~ulx~. For ar~oth0r, the n~¢e~a~ abili~y Yn-~t b4
~ur3d ~ woll. For ~hat pUXpO1~ 53 ~ombin~tlorJ~ o~ gluo
~1 '
~ 2~ 2t3~6~3
~oin~ ~n~ meohanlcal ~oln ~ with eon~tx~lot~on el~mont~
b~lng u3ed, uch ~ ~lvet~, bolt~ And BcroW~.
~w~ng to 'ch~ con~triQt~d 4p~ t~on ln th~
ro~or ~rr~ngemerltr 5Uc~ scre~ ~ave ~o ~ar be~n ~ se~
5 through bor~ in th~ la~inatlon pa~k~to o~ Gol~ or
~l~m~nt~. Thl~ de~lgn, how~ver~ hao ~ov0d éo 1~
un~avorable ln ~r~ctio~ 3ino~ DUI;;h bol~ or ocr~w~ U~d
3 ~or mountlng cau~ dl8~an~e~.
Namely~ ~incl~ the ~orew~ which ~2Xt~ t~rough bor~
10 ln ~ ~lami~at~d) coll~ctor elem~r;t~ natu~a~lly ~r~ no~
cod, th~ ~v~ll~l~ cros~ ~otlon o~ th~ magne~ic
rlUX extendin~ ln r~dial di~ec~ 0atly
constristo~. A~ a ~e~ul~, ~aturatlon ocour~ al~a~y with
o~ll ~gnatiC ~lUX~. The magnot~ r~ve~ t~
1~ ot711ec'cor element~ ~e~era~ çd~y cur~nt~ in th~ sarew~,
~hl¢l~ with ~hq r~ ed ~gn~tio r~V~A~ ær~q~en~;:ie~
to corlol~ nagn~tio r~3ver~al lo~e3 and c~tlxe~
de31r~blQ h~a1: b~l11dup Is~ roto~.
~he ~nventional I~Oll~tlOh prCaYiC~ ll a rotor
az~rang~ent ~o~ ~n ~lectrlcal ~a¢hln~ $n which ~ch
m~n~ti~ r~ver~Al loo~ h th~ r~Ultlng h~at bu~ldup
ln ~he ro or ar~ avolde~
~h4 i~Yonti~n~l ~olutlon ~all~ ~r ga~hionlng
z5 rotor arran~ nt o~ ~he init~lly n~m~d typo in ~h
w~y th~t th~ ntlng will ~e e~ected u~ing ~ n~r~ :
whlch ~xtend through P,he ~ol~r~Q~ ~gn~to e~ r~
r~d re~pe~tl~ y l;o t~ rotor dl~k or 2 ~axim~lly
~pacad in~ul~t.lng annular ~ler~nt ~ oi~d to ~h~ rot~r
~h~ prcbl~ ~ ~301~ to o~ti~ a~ n wi~h t~
in~ lon~l ro~r axran~m~n~. Slnc:e t~ Past~nor~
~xt~nd ~oug~ th~ ;?olari~d m~gnet~ no m gne~i~
r~v~al t~ plac4 on th~. In ~diti~h, thQ A~ blç
3~ cro~ on ln ~ oll~cto~ elQment~ i3 not ~dua~d or
-3- '~131~03
An aavanc~nt o:e ~h~ v~nklon~l ~ol;o~ ~:c~n~ an~ -
c~ fox prov~dlng tho pol~riz~CI magn~t~ wl~h ~xlal
throu~h bo~ or arrangl n~ th~m pai2~d ln reldlcll
dir~ctior~ and ~e-p~rs.ted by a gap through whl~h ext~nds
'Ch~ 6h2nks o~ tho ~a~t~ners. ~Qmpon~n~ o~ ~t typ~ ~ra
~a~y o re~l~æ~ ln te~m~ 0~ manu4acsu~1nsl while
nonetheless enabl~ a rel$abl6~ ~oun'clng w~th nonpo~i~;lv~
oint~ .
A 83; sci~ic d~ n o~ th~ ~oto~ c~118 ~or p~o~,ridirlg
th¢ in4ulatlng ~nnul~r ~ 3nt and ~.X~ ally axt~
'eerm~nal ~ing e~ w$th ~ ce~e~ ror~ir,g
~utm~nts ror tn3 head~ of t~e P~tan~ra. q!hlsj el,llo~
aompwt, smoo~h ~a~l~n o~ 3 rot4r. ~iv~t~, ~olt~ and
¢~peal~lly ~crews ~r~ ~ulta~l~ Pc~r u~ æa~t~n~
A ~po~ifla ~Jl~n of th~ re~or re~uir~ tha
re~pas~ inaulatln~ ~le~n~ ~nd/or tho ro~o~ X or
prostld~l t~ wlth thre~ I ln~rt~ ~or ~ece~rin~ ~crews~
Dapen~lng on tne gpeai~lc ro~or do~gn an~ th~
num~er o~ ~nnular arr~ngem~n~s ~xi~lng in axl~l
ao dl2~ctlon, ~r~vl~ion~ ar~ ~:o ol~p tha c~ t~r el~a~n~
ln ~xl~l dl~o~tlon ~etWeell t~ rotor diok and an
in3ulat$n~ ~lemE~ a~ ~tw~Qn ~ po.~r J~ ln Ulatlng rlng
ola~mt~ or l:~tw~en an in~ula~n~ rlnq~ n~ ~nd
~x1411y out~r t~inal ring ~l~montO ~n~ ~or arI~ngin~
ag tho ~oll~a~or el~ento in ~or~hQ~ dlr~ n ~ot~e~n
th~ i!a~t~n~r~
~ he ~o~ to:r ~le~ont~ in ~h~ lmr~n~lon~l r~t~x~ a~
Isu~kably ~a~b.ion~l as l~m~nated so~t ixor~ com~onent~
l~yered ln the aacial dlre~t~on o~ ~ha ro~-Jr. T~6~
~0 in~ul~ing xlng el~ment~ pr~erably ~on~ o~ plaotio
~a~rl~ and ~Inay b~ h~cnod a~ ~ompl~te C:lrCl~:9 or
olroul~:~ s~ nt~, w~lch ~a~lita~s ~he manu~actur~ o~
tho~e aom~on~nt~.
An Advan~ ent o$ th~ lnventional ~otQr provid~c for
35 ~on~ctin~ th~ compc~non~ o~ th~ rotc~r ~rr~ngement
?,.~ 5, ~ . . ~ ' ' ,
, !
'4~ 2~!31gO3
~ddltlon~lly by wz~y o~ ~luz3 ~oint3 an~/o~ ~orm- ittlng
~In a ~p~cl~i~ d~sign o~ th~ ~nv-snt:iohzll rvtor,
'J prov islon~ are ~o~ rrang~n~ to ~ea~ure ln ~xlal
f~ 5 ~lroct~on a roto~ dl~k arranged 1" the oe~ r ~n~
c~n~i~t~ng Or non~gn~t~z~blQ ma~rlal, u~ tO ~eAtur4 o~
both 81~ at lea~ one annular ~ ny~m~ wlth
:3 a~cern~tlng ~olloc~o~ ele~ent and polar~zea m~gn~e~ th~3
armular arrarlg~ment~ ~eing on ~ ~e ~l~e o~$se'c by ona
pol4, in p4ri~al Rir2ction, relatiYa t~ th~ao
on th~ oppo61t~ side, whilo th~ ~a~t~ner~ ar~ prçvlded
altcl,~natel~y fr~m ~hQ two ~id~ o~ th~ rol:or, o~ t by
one pole. ~:
An n~van~nent o~ such a ~otc~ ~quiz~e t~o
~ten~r~, ln ~n ar~ang~ht with two ~nntlla~
r~ang~ nt~ on both ~ide~ os~ the rotor ~l~oX, to ~cure
the ~ially ~nn~r pol8ris~ mAgr.~ts ~nd thQ ln~ tl~
mt3nts to th~ rotor ai~x ~lt~rn~t~ly ~n p~lph0~a
~ix~ctl~n, whilo ~ecuring t~e AXi~lly out~r l?olarizod ~:
magnets ~nd th~ ~xlally o~r tor~lnal ring ~lement~ t~
th~ ln~ula~ r~ ng ~la~nt .
creatQd tho~eby i~ an ~xt~nYiv~ly ~ xio
~r~ang~snent w~th tn~ ~a~ten2r3 even~y di~trlb~lt~d ln 'ehe
rotor ~rrang~ment. ~or ln~t~n~, ln pl~n ~ia~, evary
a5 o~h~r polo.ri~s~ magnet or ~v3ry ~0cond pair Or pol~ e~
:~agn~t~ u~d w~th ~As~ner8 ~o th~ rotor
~rrGn~ nt-
p. ~pocl~ eelgn ~ th~ lnvQn~iorl~l rotor providQ~
:~ :Eo:c the ~ t~n~x~ ~o ext~nd th~ou~h At 1~0.5t; ~WO axial~y
~uco~a~ annulAr a~rar2g2~n~ pas~ny ~hro~gh th~
.3 pol~ri~d ~nagr~et~ And ~h ~lzul~ing ~n~ nt ~hat
1E~ ln~ oecd ~xl~lly, ~n~ ~or ~l~ctr~c~lly ln~ula~:ln~
th~ ~a~tene~r~ in p~rit~haral ~lrootlon ~lati~e to ona
n~thor. ~ho ~Jt~n3rs on th~ on~ 1d~ att~ch to A
3 J t~r~inal ring ~lement and on the ot!hor ~ur~ to th~
rnt~ k,
:: ~
s : . .. , :
A ~ur~cr e~ n~ent ~ th~ lmr~ntion~l ~o~o~
pro~ld~ ~or insulatlng t~3e 4~ n~r~ el~otri~ally
~qalnat ono ~no~er as wall a~ in~ F~lQri~
m~gnets and ~he collocr:or ~l~m~3nt8.
The lnv~ntlon will b~ more ~ully ~xplairl~
h~o~ r, a~o w~th ragard ~o ~urth~r ~Atur~ ana
advanta~e, wit~ l:h~: aid Or tne d~or~ptlorl oP
~odi~0n~cs and wlth r~erenc~ ~o t~o attach~ ~rawin~,
~hor~ln: :
FL~ a sectlon ~o~3~3h ~ ~r~t ~odiment o~ an
in~entio~ o~or ~ ng~nent along lin ^B ~n ~lg- 2
Fig. 2 i~ 3ctlon through th~ Sirst e~Dbodl~snt o~
th~ inv~ntlonel rotor ~rang~Dent along l~na A~
1~ ~Lg. 1J
~ig. 3 1~ ctl~n througn ~ s~cond ~mbod~memt o~
~n ln~vontlonal ro~o~ arr~ 3o~n~nt ~long line ~ in
~g. ~;
Pig. 4 i8 ~11 8~bctl0n throu~21 t~e ~econd ~ ont o~
th~ ~n~n~lonal ~otor ~rrang~n~ o~ C~C J n
Fig. 3:
Fig. 5 16 a ~¢tlona~ lr$~v o~ ~ ~onventlon~l dl~ign
o~ ~ rotor ar~ng~ae~n~ ~k~n along~ lln~ E irl ~g. ~;
an~ :
~g. 6 1~ e~ tlon th~ough a ~onven~ion~l roto~
ar~gem~nt alon~ lin4 F~-F ~a~ Fig. ~.
The cverall ~it~atlon ~ h i~ con~ren~lcnal ~ n o~
~ rotox arrang~ent i~ ~che~na'ci~ally lllu~r~ted in
Flg3. 5 and 6. ~. 5 3how6 a cl~cola~ ~æ~lon c~ 4
rot~r 10 ~eaturing '~n l~rl;phhral direotlon a pl~ llty o~
pol~rized ma~ to 12 ~n~ IRAgn~iz~ oll~tor ::
~sm~n~ 14 whioh ~r~ provid~d ~lttarna~ly in Ul Annul~r
~rranoo~nt. ~llsod by t~a~ nun~r o~ polarizc~d
3~ ~Ag~ta ~.2 ~nd m~gln~tlzablQ collo~;tox e30at~nt5 1~ ig th~
p~l~ plto~ de~Lrl3d in ~Uch xot~r arr~ng~nk~.
i ;
; ~
...,. : ~,.: ~.
. ,~... ,,,,, :. .
- 6-
J 2~3~03
In th~ ombo~ en~, every oth~r CDll~oto~ ont 14
i5 p~oYa~ed with ~ ~ch~m~tio~lly lnalcated hole 16
rving to ~ccom~no~ate a ~a3ten~r, 8~ o en~ure t~a
nsco~sary ~irm m~c~nl~l cosm~c~ion o~ the c~on~ng-~ o~
~ho t~otcr arrangement.
3, The ~ounting ln ~ ~onv~ntLon~l ~e~$gn OP 'Ch~ r~or
J, ~rr~ngement 18 i~lu~tr~t~d ln Fig. 6, ~ho~lng a cro~3
~e~ci~n through t~ rotor 10. ~ ro~r dlsk 1~ ~atuxoo
:, ~n ~rea whlch pro~crude~ r~lally islw~rd ~n~ is seauredl to
th~ rotor ~h~t ~lt~ RUlt Q ~3'cenOE, not sh~ h~
geometrio ~xi~ o~ the rot~ arrAng0~ent i~ r~r~nc~d 30.
~n thlo con~r~ntlon~l d~ a~ten~r~ 2~ ~tta~h,
~or on~, to an Ln~ul~ting rin~ olemer~t 26, ~xtond throu~h
a o~lleotor elBment 14 and ~nga~ the perip~eral ~sea o
kh~ x~tor disk 180 ~h~a ln3ul~tirlg ~ing elemen~ 26 also
ro~c~ln~ th2 polarized ~agn~ats ~itua~sld in pe~lpl~aral
dirw~on b~ldo the aollecto~ em~nt 14, ~orc:in~ ~he~
~xl~l ~galn~c th~ roto~ dl0k 18 . ~ tua~ed Axil.411y
o;.;t~id~, on th~ l~tt-h~nd 6~lâe of ~hi~ oonv~ntlonal
ao ~rrangement, is ~ c~llec~or al~nt 14 ~oYe~ed ~y a
tsrminal ~ ele~nt 2~ a~t~nlng o~ th~s~ ~xi~ly
outer compcnent~ is illu~r~tsd in ~h~ righ'C-hand arQa o~
th~ ar~angement ~Gor~lnq to Fig . ~ .
sto ~h~t th~ ~a~t~n~r~ aa on ~ t hand 3id~ of
th~ rotor ~r~ng~nt Ar~ p~riph~rally o~ bs~ on~
coll~a~r ele~t ~ or~por~ding t~ und~r~id~ in
th0 illuotr~tion aGc~rding to ~ig. 5. In oth~r wo~de,
~he ~a,e,~,t,~,ner"l ~a,~ are lr~ x~ lternat~,1y ~rom th~ t,c,p
~ bo~toln ,~,id,a o~ r~e,to,x ln ~he r~ ,ec~lv~ y~r
c~' th~, Annulaz~ ngement. In thi,~, ,.. ,on~en~ional
~r2nge~nt o~ th~, fA,~,t,~,n,~e,r3 a2 ~'~ah~on~d A'f BOr'aWIEI
,nding through ~h,~ collector ~le~,ent~ 14, th,~r,~, occur
th~, inltially deecrlbed probl,~r,~ h~,s, Aver,lla~lo, ,~roe,~"~",
~O~r~tin31 5~' ~h,e, ~f~iA11y ,~xtendlng m~g~nQti,., flux i~
35 he~Ylly conatriot2,~, and ,~ddy ~urY~ent~, Ar~ gene~,~t~ by
m"l,~nQ~ ro,ver~s"~ n the s,cr~w~, u3e,~ ~o ~'~s~f~Qr~, a a,
I ~,
~nt~lling e~stremRly undQ~lrQ~l~ heat bu~ldupo ~n thG
~otor, ~inee ~3uch t~oken~re~ 22 ar~ ~iotr~but~d in the
ro~o~ ln a ~rQat plurallty.
~ig~. 1 and a o~ th~ drawln~ show a fir~t
3 ~r~bodlDIent o~ th~ inve3~lkional :rotor ~rremge~m~n~. In :
Fly. 1, 2~ ~o~or O,i~k ~8 1B ~cured wi~h ~ulta~lo
~3~t~nar~, not ~hown, to th~ ~ot~r oh~t, w~lcn 13 . -~-
indlca~d ~ohe~lcally ~nd re~r~n~a~ 30. Ao c~n 1~
~n ~ aetf3nor~ ~o nLot. ~xt~n4, tnro~gh ~ ~ .
0 ~0114~atc~r ele~en'c~ 14i in~t~ad, th~ collecto~ men~0 14 .
are ~tru~tur~d ~om~geno~u~ly a~ ~r~ iron p~ o~
a~ y lAyelre~CI lamlnatlon~ arld ~ar~ o~
another in ~x1al dir~ ion by ~n insul~t~r~g ring a~.
Corr~opondlng e~mlnal ring el~mant~ ~ 8 ~ o~ con~ t o~
nonmagnG~lzablo ~a~t~rl~ re provided on th0 axiAlly
outo~ 0ide.
A~ rAte~ lg. 1, ~he pol~riz~d m~ ts 1
~nd 1~ a~e in 'chi~ ca~ pa~a~d ~r~m ~h oth~t~ ln
r~di~l ~lr~t~on by ~ ga~ 32. ~p 32 pro~vide~ a condult
aD ~or th~ ~'nank Or ~ t~rle~ 2~ d 24 o~ ~a~n~r a2
n~ay~ an ~n-lllat~1ng rirlg ~lam~nt 26 ~n a ro~o~ 3~ ~nc~
i~ ~¢r~0~ into th~ mat~rial o ~h~ r~tor ~1B)C 1~ . For
tha~ puxpoo~, thread~ ~re cut lrl the roto~ ~ek 18 ~r
throa~d inEt~r~fi ar4 ~itt~d in/ pr~er~ly in
~ot~tlonA11y rix~d ~hion, to ao~c~Doda~ ~cre~d~ su~h
~a3~n~r~ a~ 4~ ~our~a, ~ an ~ltern~l;lv~ to ~r~w~,
o o~ rlve~ i~y b~ u~d ~ w~
blo on tha r~ght-~an~ ~ld~ o~ thQ ro~or
~rr~ng~nt ~cording to Fi~. ~, anot:h~r ~xlally outsld~
~lr ~ ra~lall~ ~p~ced pola~ d Tla~net~ 12~ and lab Ls
~eparat~d ~om ~ach other by ~ q~p a2 ~n~ ~ov~red on ~he
~ut~ y ~ ~3r~1n~1 rlng~ Ql~men~ aB. SUCh Qxially
outer rln~ e~emen~s 2~ d pol~ agn~ lab ~a~e
Ynounta~ g ~p~:roprl~q ~a~t~n~ which, howbvor,
~5 ~re porlph~rally 0~6et, suitably ~y ~u~h a pal r o~
2 ~ Q 3
, ~ .
,...` :-'
~ol~ od ~ , an~ ~n~a~0 th0 ~xlally bor~e~ln~
~n~ulating r~ng ~ ent.
~r cour~e, ~oe ~ t~ner~ ~ may ~eQ b~l
dis~ri~ut~d p~ripher~lly at a gr~at~r s~cin0, ~ro~la~d
S ~he re~ulred ~t~ ity o~ 1:ha r~tor ar~ ge~an'e r~a~n~
~Isnu~d. Yor th~t pu~o~, e.g., additionsl glu~ joint~
ar~or po~ltlv~ ~oints o~ ~e~hlng part~ o~ th~ co~pone~
Qk! 1:~4 r~7tor ~ra~g~ment ~ay ba ~ploy~
For t}l~ ~ak~ o:~ple~-n~ also po~ ntl~d oy~
th~t the t~r~in~l rlng el~m~nt~ ~8, tho rol;o~ k 1~ a~d
a~t~n~s 22 oon~ o~ nonma~tl~ Ra~ial Bl~
a~ 'co provi~e for exactl~ defin~d ~agno~G oondition~
the ro~or arrango~nent.
W~ ln th0 ~mbodim3nt accordlng to ~ n~
pol~ri2~d ~ t~ 12A ~n~ 12b a~ ~epa~a~ed ~rom o~h
o~hor ln rnd~al ~ra~tion b~ ~ gap 32, i~ 13 ~lao
go~lbL~ to u~o ~uit~bly ~hap~d polarlzed ~nagn4t~ ~
~aa~urlng ~:K4aliy ext&ndlng ~h~ough ~oar~ to ~caomm~te
the ~p~tiv~ f~t~nars 2~.
zO ~rh~ rokor arrang~inent ~ ur~o ~t 1~ two ~nnular
nq~ffln~ o~ pol~rl2ed in gnet~ ~n~ magna~s~l~
~olle~or 41erssnt~. ~6 lllu~t~at~ ch~ati~lly in the
zlrrango~nent J~ccor~ing to Pi g. 1, ~nu~ ~uoh ~nn~lar
~rr~ns~ement~ ar4 uDually u~e~. Nata~ally, i~ ~s ~l~o
po~olbla to u~e a grea~e~ nu~ o~ au~h ~nrlul~r
~rran~en~nt~ ~n 3x~1 dlr~c:kion~ ~or ill3tanC8 E~iX, oi~
~rhich ~U1~a~ly thr~ ar~ pro~ od on ~c;~ o~ ~he
~otor 4il~1X lB and ~eparat~d ~ronl on~ anoth~r by
app~opa~ 'ce in~ulat~ng rlng el~Qents ~.
~n th~ CQ~ a o:t ~u~4 ~ desiqn th~ p~r~ o~ polnrl~
~a~ne~ 12a, 12b, c~r pol~r~e~ ~4AS~leltE~ 12 wil:h th~su~h
boro~, ~re th~3n aeaur~ in th~ re~ootiv4 ~x~ nt~
po~itlon ln su~h a w~r ~hat ~h~ f~ten~rs ~2 clamp ~:h~e
polslr~ ~d m~g~ts ~n pla~e b~tw~n a p~i:r o~ ~n~ul~lkin~ I
3~ rlng ~ n~3nt~ 2~ amQ Appll~ wn~n optirlg ~æ a ,J
rotor ~rr~ngem nt with ~ight annular arran~e~entql, wb~lc:h
ui~bly provl~ trlG~lly on bath ~l~e~ o~ t}a~
~otor disk 18. ~ t~n~l in~41a~ing ring el~nt~ ar4
~en u~ed, which in khe ~nrer d~crlb~d al30vo ~o~e to
~eeur~ the magnotl~ collector ol~m~nt~ arl~ th~
5 pol~riz~ Ina~ts, employ~ng ~ inclpl~ ~e~02~ d
Flqs. 3 and 4 ~ho~r a ~ooon~ 2R~1ment o~ the
inventional rot~ rrarlgem4nt, r~rencin~ n'610z~1
p~es the aa~e a~ in E'1~7~. 1 And 2. ~n ~ ~odl~nt,
1~ the ~a~ cr4 22 ~re or a through-go~n;~ d~ulgn, c~U~;h that
~n th~ arrang~m~nt Ao~ordir~g ~o Plg. 3 t~y ~ nd
throug2s ~wo aa~ially ~u~oessive ~nnular ~rrAn~ont~ ~0
~sten~r~ 22 ~xt0n~ ~ough ~h ~ ~lr~t ~r o~ :
2~gn~ 2~ and a ~0cond ~alr o~ ~agnot~ 12a an~
15 w~ x~ rad1 ~11y epao~a. A~ tne ea~ t~m~
~'concr~ 22 ~xtend through ~n ino~ t$ng rlng
~le~ent ~6, whl~h lrl ~hl~ ca~ p4~6e~ nerely a ~ :
cyllnde~h~ped throu~h bor~ Allern~tl~rely~ ~ alr~dy
30n~1On~d, ~agnet~ ~eaturln~ an approprlak~ o~agh boro
20 ror ~he ~ast~n~ a~ D~ay bo u~e~ ~ w~ ln~oad o~ tho:
pellr~ of ~gn~t4 ~ta~ 12~.
In 1;hl8 ~nbo~i~en~ ~o~rdln~ to Flg~. 3 an~ ~, th~
~a~to~or~, wh~ ultably m~y ~o ~hion~ r~wo,
~nga~ with th~ir h~ado ~4 th~ tor~lnal rlng ~ nent a8
;25 whil~ on ~hei~ ot2~er ond~ ~oln ~o ~ho roto~ dl~k 18, ror
inat~n¢la Wi~ ~aohined. ~hr~ading~ or i.n~ert~d ~eaded
Y~, a~ ~lr~ady lllu~trat~d abov4. ~ho t~rmlnal ring
ol~ma~t~ ~8 ~nd tha ~ompon~t~ of the ~otor ~rrang~m~n~c~
r~talned by th~ ta~min~l rln~ ontl~ 2 B are 1
30 ga~hi~n nonpoE~ ely ~olned ~o ~he ro~or di~
~ h0 do~lgn o~ the ~4t~r ~relng~m~n~ 071tn ~. n~le-
ce or ~h~ough-~in~ ~a~tener~ in th~a ~orm oP ~ar~w~,
~olt~ or rlv~s, both ~impl~Pi~ tho :4~nura~tur~ o~ th~
compon--nte a~ a~ r~llltat2~ the a6ee~1y o~ ~ah
3~ ro~or a~rang~m~n~ as ~ X par~ o~ ~a ~ a~s~obl~d.
It 1~ ~mpo~nt in thi~ con'cext, how~rQ~
~a~teners 2~ in ~ho ~or~ o~ ~rew~, bclt~ or ~ivet~ a~o
in p~rlph~ral ~lrQc~ion o~c rically in~ul~d ~rom on~
~nother ~nd ~ul~iy also ~ro~ tn~ po~arlz~d Taagne~ la,
la~, ~z~ a~ w~ll a~ th0 collecto~ Ql~nt~ ~. Fo~ that
pur~o3e, in~ul~ln~ co~t~ or pla~tic ~lee~o~ y b~ u~d
~or th~ ~a~l:e;ler3. In~ulating 3~a~ar~1 or a'c l~
insulat~ng aoat~ ~y be ~d ~o;r lth~t ~U~084 lil~ 0 ~r '
th~ ter~ln~l ring ~l~men~6 ~8 ~nd ~ho roto~r dl~k 113-