Note: Descriptions are shown in the official language in which they were submitted.
WO 9~/21895 PCT/R094/00001
13 610 4
The present invention relates to a universal rotary power-generating rnachille
(URPM~ which transforms the pressure ener~y of certain working fluids in~o mechanical
15 or electric energy, depending on the demand, or changes the state parameters of the
working f~uid so that the operating principle. the construction fonn, and the efficiency
n~ay not undergo significant modifications when the working ~3uid (water, air, steam,
gases, exhaust or e~t gases, oil or combinations of such fluids) is changed, th~s machine
20 being able to run on any of the mentioned fluids.
The existing r~ y power-g~nera~Dg machines have a number of disadvantages,
such as:
. Iow ~ffici~
3 0 . they do not ~un on a diversified ra~ge of working fluids (with different machines
with dif~erent characteristics are required),
. big size and weigbt,
. high pnme cost,
. complex co~struc~on,
. big worldng~fluid consump~don,
.Ihigh de~r~e of enviro~ment pollution,
. special works and skilled perso~nel are required ~or repail~ and ma~ntena~ce,
. non-unifolm running, ~-
. e~nstance of dead centTes in operation,
. strong noise and vibra~ons,
. manu~actunng difficulhes with small-size machi~es,
. Iong spe dillg-up and bralcing ~mes.
WO 94/218~5 ~ 1 3 61 0 ¦ PCT/R094tOOOOI
The purpose of Ihe inven~ion is the development of a multifunclional URPM
having important advantages for ecology achieved by the highly-efficient utilization of
primaly and other energies due to the ad~pted func~ional and constructiGn solution, at
a low prime cost allowing its quick implementation in economy and industly.
The technical problem solved by the invention is the development of a
10 multifunctionaJ URPM of simple and rugged construction, balanced, cornpact, reliable,
with a unifonn runnillg that reduces the speeding-up and braking times under 1.5 s tfrom
O rpm ~o max rpm or from max rpm to 0 rpm), and whose efficiency is improved as
compared with existing power-generating machines ~rst of all due to the highly-efficient
15 utilisation of primaTy and other energies.
The URPM according to the invention eliminates the disadvantages mentioned
earlier owing to the fact that its constrllctions includes only a few active parts of which
20 only one is in motion~ this being the rotor which operates between two stator pla~es, an
upper plate and a lower one, where the direct transformation of the pressure energy of
the worki~g iluid into mechanical ener~y OCcUJS, which mechanical ener~y - in its turn -
is further transmit~ed to the exterior through the upper part of the machine by means
of a shaft fasteDed in the central recess of ~he rotor which has no bearing at either end,
: or is transfonned into electric ener~y, this being possible by equipping the ro~or - in its
ce~tral recess - with a magnetic circuit in ~he centre of which a sheath is fastened
30 housing the relevant winding ~the magnetic circuit7 a round magnet fil~nly attached to
the ro~or, rotates together with the latter round the windings or the winding housed in
the sheath). Each stator plate has all active sufface coming in ~ntact with the rotor and
an inactiv~ one, through which the admission of the wolking fluid eo the rotor occurs.
35 In ~eir tum, the ac~ve surfaces of the stator plates are divided into positive zones
(coming in contact wit~ the rotor~ and negative zones not coming in contact with the
rotor. The stator plates are posihoned opposite each other (mirror image) by means of
a distance ling and dis~ributing caps, which also clamp them on the distaDce ling which
40 is dimensioned so that an optima~ framing of the rotor by the stator plates is achieved
(the st~tor plates, the rotor1 and the distarlce ri~g are provided w~th a glinding stoc}c for
the cases where a readjustment of the assembly they form is desired). On the upper
distnbuting cap a stuffing-box system is mounted allowing ~he electric cable or the shaft
necessaly for transmitting the mechanical energy to the extenor to come out of ~he
machine. If the rotor is not equipped for transmitting the mechanical energy to the
extenor or generatillg electric energy~ Lhe machine can operate to change the state
WO 94/2l8gs ;~ 131~10 4 PCT/R094/00001
parameters of the worlcing fluid. The machine can be fastened, for example. on a support
b~ ~clding, on thc lo~cl- distributing c;~p. ~ flan~.c through thc holcs of ~hich th~ bol~
or any other fastening device suited to the purpose are fixed. On the route travelled by
the working ~luid before entering the distributing caps pressure gauges and spherical
valves are mounted allowing the input-parame~er control operations to be effected with
the view of the self-suspension phenomeDon being obtained at the ro~or. As URPM runs
at high rotational speeds, its friction losses are very small due to the w~y the suspension
of the rotor9 which may be hydrodynamic, pneumatic or a colnbinati()n of ~he two, is
achieved. The extra quantitative losses (leaks) are elimiDated by the hydrodynamic
be~rings,which are lealcproof. The rotor h~s double blading and s~nmetrical admission
on both faces, which allows the compensation of the axial travel (appearance of self-
suspension) and the way the rotor and the stator plates come in contact ensures the
radlal cumpenation (if the rotor is balanced during manufacturing, the compensation of
15 its axial travel is achieved pe:fectly). The symmetrical construction of URPM. the shape
of ~tator plates, the rotor shape, the way the rotor and the stator plates come in contact,
the admission of the worhng ~iuid to the rotor"he uniform loading of rotor blading, the
angle at which the worl~ing fluid jet enters the rotor blading, the absence of axial
bearings1 t~e absence of conventional radial bearings, the dynamic balancing of the rotor
2 during manufactunng, the value of the deviation angle of the working-f~uid jet
determi~ed by its inlet and outlet from the rotor blading, the angles of the working-fluid
jet at the outlet from the stator plates, the distance ring and the dis~ributing caps, the
ratio of the positive surfaces of the rotor to the negative ones, the ratio of the positive
surfaces of the rotor ~o the `positive contac~ suffaces of stator, plates, the matenals out
of which the whole machine is made or associated matenals (metals, metal alloys, non-
metals, glass, ceramics alloyed with Si or Ge, basalt, plastic materials, sintered powders,
all of these with or without ma~netic properties etc.), as we31 as the absence of deac~
centres in ope~ation, ensure URPM a number of advantages, such as:
. absolute uniform running~ which can be controlled manually or automatically;
3 0 absence of secondary effects conductive to modifica~ion of the static and dynamic
bala~ce of the machine;
. shonening of speeding-up or braking times u~der 1,5 s;
. relatively great practical possibili~y of execution a~ very small sizes;
. simple construction;
. small size arld weight;
. Iow plime cost;
. eliminabon or reduction of environment pollution, epending on the working ~uid used;
. small noise and ~ibratio~ls;
. small vvorking-fluid consumption;
Wo 94/21895 ~13 ~ 1 0 4 PCT/R094/00001 ~;
. elimination of a numbe~ of problems pertaining to running and maintenal.~e l-
~oll;s due to thc f~ct th~t n0 spcci~liæd personncl is necd~cl to pcrform thes~
. running on a diversified range of workin~ fluids, without the operating principle,
construction forrn or efficiency undergoing significant modifications
URPM allows the solution of a whole series of ecological and financial problems
caused by the high ener~y demand of both big and sma~l companies. dwellings.
household, tourism etc. as i~. mounting and dismounting do not require special
facilities. Braking is effected quickly and simply by closing ~he supply with working fluid
totally or partialy. ln the case of totai closing. braking is done in m~ s. irrespective
of the rotational speed and mass of the rotor, since it depends on ~he speed at which the
total closing of the working fluid supply is performed ~with automatic closing, braking
is ~erformed very quickly because the cIosing speed is high). The working ~uid is allowed
to pass through the machine only if the rotor is in motion. If, on purpose or accidentally,
a load bigger than the power resulting from the action of the working ~uid on the rotor
is applied to the latter, it stops aDd the circuit of the working fluid is interrupted due to
the absence of rotor motion, which makes it impossible for the rotor to carry the working
f~uid from the space of the positive zone of s~tor plates to the space of the negative
zo~e of st~tor plates with the view of its evacuation to the exterior through the distance
ring and ~he distributing caps. The tightness of the rotor in motion or at a standstill
relative to the active surfaces of the stator plates is perfect and achieved continuously.
An example of realisabon of the invention is g~ven ~e10w, jD cor~junction with Fig.
1 to 10 represeDti~g:
. Fig. 1 - Cross sec~ion of URPM for electric energy;
3 0 . Fig. 2 - Upper stator plate;
. Fig. 3 - Lower stator piate;
. Fig. 4 - Rotor,
. Fig. 5 - ~istance ling;
. Fig. 6 - Upper distributing cap;
~5 . Fig. 7 - Lc~wer distributing cap;
. Fig. 8 - Cross section of URPM ~or mechanical energy;
. Fig. 9 - Cross section of URPM for changing the state
parameters of the working fluid;
. Fig.l O - Schematic diag~am.
Wo 94/2l8ss ~ ~ 3 61 0 4 PCT/R094/OOOOl
The universal rotary power-generating machine (VRPM), according to the
invention, is composed of: supply nipple 1. distributin,~ cap 2. stator plate 3~ rotor 4.
distance ring 5, cap 6, inner packing 7, outer packing 8, stuffing-box 9. magnetic circuit
I0, winding 11. sheath I2, electric cable ]3, centring bolt 14, adjusting screw I5, shaft 16.
ln accordance with the invention, the working ~luid enters tangentially through the supply
f nipple 1. the distntbllting cap 2 ensunng the supply with working fluid through the stator
t plate 3 of rotor 4, the positioning of which is prvvided by the distance ring 5. cap 6
il prevents the working ~uid from entering the centra1 zone of rotor 4, forcing it to pass
through s~ator plate 3 to come to work in the blading of ro~or 4, the stator plates 3
ensure a uniforrn loadi~g of both f~ces of rotor 4, which - togetber with an ~dequate
control of t~e input parameters of the working fluid - makes it possible to compensate
the axial travels (appearance of self-suspension) and to set rotor 4 in motion. Tbe
rotational motion of rotor 4 allows the filling and emptying of the blading three times
duling a full rotation. The filling of the blading occurs in the active zone of stator plates
3 and the emptying - in the negative zone of stator plates 3, and, as a result, rotor 4 has
a big carlying capacity relative to its size. Rotor 4 transforms the pressure energy of the
2~ working fluid direc~ly into mechani~al energy, which can be transmitted to the extenor
according to Fig. 8, or in electric ener~y in accordance with Fig. 1. If the change of sta~e
parameters of the worl~ng fluid is intended, the machine will look as shown in Fig. 9.
Rotor 4 has the form shown in Fig. 4, with the blading symmetrically made on both
: faces, on each ~ace there are eight cells shaped like sphere quarters, placed equidistantly
and symmetrically on a division circle of radius R and forming between them an angle
= 45, the space be~ween two conseeutive cells - measured on the division circle of
radius R - is equal to ~he radius r of the sphere of which the sphere of which the cell
fonns a part, between the length of the divisioD circle of radius R~ the cells~ and the
spaces between them there e~sts the re3ation 2 II R = 16 r. Stator plates 3 are
. represe~ted in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3, according to which the active zone of stator plates 3 is
divided into SLY sec~ions, of which three - which come iD contac~ with rotor 4 - cover an
a~g3e ~ = 65 and are called positive su~faces, and the other three - which cover an
angle ~B = 55 each - are called negative surfaces. The ~ransi~io~ from a positive sufface
to a negative surface occurs at an aDgle ~ = 45. Stator p}ates 3 have three nozles each,
placed at an a~gle y = 120, one on each positive sec~ion of stator plates 3 andpositioned on a division circle of radius R. The nozles are tangent to the division circle
of radius R and folm an angle ~ = 45 with the positive surface OD which they are
3 8 located. The distance ring 5 is represented in Fig. 5, acc{)rding to which it has six sections
wl) ~4121895 f'' ¦ ~ ~3 ~ PCT/ROg4/00001
Of which three ensure the outflow of the working fluid and cover an angle ~ = 65 éa~n~
and thc other thrcc cnsurc thc optimal framing of thc rotor ~ between the t~40 stator
plates 3 and the dismountable assembling of the m~chine by means of distributing caps
2; they cover ~n angle ~3 = 5~ each. The working ~uid which has worked in the blading
of rotor 4 undergoes a deviation of 180 (at the impact a~ainst the bladin~ of ~rotor 4).
i~s parameters can also be controlled via the spherical valves and the manometers
mounted at the machine inlet. On the surf'aces of rotor 4 there are not points which,
during a full rota~iQns, are in permanent contact with stator plates 3. The ratio of ~he
10 positive surface on the faces of rotor 4 to its negative surface is 1. The ratio o'f the
positive surfaces o~ rotor 4 and the positive surfaces of stator plates 3 with ~ hich the first
come in contact is 1. The rotor faces bave a taper ~ = 6,5. and the positive surfaces of
stator plates 3 - its conjugate ~ - 6.~). The negative surfaces of st~tor plates 3 also
h~ve a taper ~ = 6,5~, so tha~ between the positive sur~ace and ~he negative surface of
15 stator plates 3 there is an angle ~ ~ = 13. For a good taking over of the working fluid
which has worked jD the blading of rotor 4 and its routing to Lhe exterior. the angle ~
= 6,5 also exists on the distance ring 5 and the distnbuting caps 2. The inner packing
7 prevents the working ~uid from entering the central zone, and the oulher packing 8
? 0 prevents the working ~uid from f~,lowing out to the exterior ~efore it has worked in the
blading of rotor 4. A stuffïng -box system 9 ensures the ~ransmission to the exterior of the
electric energy through tbe electr,ic cable 13 or of the mechanical energy by means of the
sbaft 16 in accordance with Fig 8. In the central recess of rotor 4 a magnetic circuil I0
25 can be iixed, which - by rotating round the wiDding Il housed in sheath 12 - be~ns to
produ&e electric ener~y. and the sheath 12 is fas~ened in a cel~tred manner relative to the
27 magDetic circuit I0, via tbe caps 6. the ~olt 14, and the adjustin~ ~re~