Note: Descriptions are shown in the official language in which they were submitted.
, L", ~ ,"i~ rt~:~ N Ij
~' . ,
MO~J~L~3 I~B~ ~R~TE~R-A~?P~T~R :A8~3~BT~Y
: 3aCR:G~0~ 0~ T~ INYEN~rION ¦
Fie~ld o~ the ~ ~ti~ ¦
T~e pres~ in.~rerl~icn ~la~es to a mc~rabl~ la~el
p~ins~ir-ap~llca~or. Mo~ par~icula~ly, it ~el~te~ ts a 1a~Q1
prin~er-a~plicator whlch is u6ecl lrl c~njunction witr. a ~ac.l~ge
c~r~yor 3y9tem to print and ~p~ labels co ~oac.~aes. Mc~t
p~rticularly, the pre~ent application ~inds u~e in the
application ol b~r cod~d ~hi~ping lab~is h~ving cne ~ace
O ccated w~h a p~e~sure ~gnsit~re adhesiv~
cripSao~ c~ th~3 Prior Art
L~beL ap~ atcrs for a~plying label~ ~o conl~eycr horn~
p~ckages wnil e tn~y a~e in a~notiGn are known irl th~3 shipping
indus~ ~c:wn appllca~or 3yE;tQmg re~o~re a ~rin~ed ;-b~l
rom i~ ~acki.~ag~ ~trip arld r~ain i~ again~t ~:~, a~?licat~r
g~ic u;~ he artlcle ~ be labeled reache~ an appr~F~i~t2
:~ posi~~o~} on ~he~c~n~eyor. ~t ~hat ~ t, a blaa~ of g~s, suc:~
a~ a~`~, i5 u~ed t~ ~ra~f~r th~ label f~rn the ~rid tc the
surr~-~ o' the article.
~ ~raria~ion ~n the known system~ is dis~la~3d in IJ. S .
Pata~t 4~25S1 2~. Thi3 pa~nr discl~se~ a label applica~or
1~ wh~ ch a labe 1 ..~cei~r i~ mounted ror move~ ~ a
~uppo:rti2~g ~;trlct~re. A pr~nt~d la~el receive~d f~m a label
:: di~perL~e~ i~ r~ea~ably reta~-~ed o~ the label rec~i~rer. This
2~ rccel~er n~ove~ ~om a re~racta~ po~siti~a ~:3 ar ~te~ded
p~it~ on i~ lo~e proxlm~ ty to the article t~ }3e l~ele~d . A
blas~ of air ~ s~d t~ tran~, er tne la~l to ~he pack~ge.
~he labcl recei~e~!r~urn~ ~;o ~he ~e~riacced or ~ctne posit~oh i~
whsr~ i. r~cei~re~ ~he next label ~ro~n t:1a ~ abel :L- sper~ir~
3 ~ r.ea~ a~d th~3 ~equence iæ repea~cd .
ch~r l~bell~g ~ysten~ i3 descrihed i~ U . S . ~eIl~
4, 6l5,757. T~ pat~t disclc~e t~o labelers moun~ed over
a conv~yor ~or applyi~g ~wo lai:3els ~-o a~ ar~icle at ~he sa~
~ime. Sen~ors d~it~ the artlcle wid~h and boch labale~ ar~ -
~ov@d f~l~ch~r toward cJ~ 3~wa~r :ex~m e~ch othe~ the~ l~teral,
::ro~ ~sr~ yor dir~ o poslltio~ Q l~be.~. ap~ icaeora
t~ . ~ J~ O ~ ; I '.J',-i +'~3 ~ 39~ ;S . 1~ 7
alar~ the a~ de6 o~ the a~icle . Orce po~i'io~ed lat~:eally,
the firg~ labeler utilizeg a, gravity bia6ed
appllca~or head ~hich recei~res the label from a transer
;l~zzle and dr::~ps vexticllly to apply the 'l~bel to the a~ticle
~y contact. ~h~ app'' ica~¢r is ~he~ r~i~cd ~o the home label
~ceil~in~ po~ition ~o aw~it ~ e r.ext l~bel. The seco~:Ld
labeler ~ltîllz~s a ~ivotally rr.c:u~Lt~d appiicator a~m which i~
gra~rity bia~ed ~o a los~exmo~t posi~ on and applie~ the la'~
to t~e articlè by cor~tact~
While the system~ de3cribed abotte are dcpendable ~n~
~a~isfac~cry fo~ m~ny lab~llna oFt~ra~ions ~.ey have several
pr~blems. Fir~t, ~pac~ages have to ~te tu~ed and aiigned on
the~ conveyox ln c~cer to pas~ ~r.der ~he ~lxed pa~h. Seco~d,
th~ rrLovable r~cei~rer had t~ tra~el f~om tka e:~ended position
" .~
1~,; ~, : ~ -
, ~ ,
W093/23~92 ~ PCT/U~93/045
to the retracted or home position in order to pick up another
label for every package on the conveyor. Finally, these
requirements effectively limit the speed with which packages
can be conveyed past the labeling station.
The present invention provides an apparatus for labeling
moving packages in which a carriage mounted, integrated
printer-applicator head prints and applies the package label.
In the preferred application, labeling information is
input for a package which is then placed on conveyor system
~ for transpoxt. Sensors check the package geometry or
~onfiguration and its location on the conveyor. An edge
sensor signals when
the package has reached a predetermined position on the
~ The package locatlon and configuration data along with the
`~; labeling information are transmitted to a controller which
receives and correlates the data. The controller produces a
label control signal which is tran~itted to the labeling
ZO station. Vertical and latera~ drive motors position the
;~ carriage mounted, integrated printer-applicator assembly in
response to the label co~trol signal. The printer-applicator
(P-A~ assembly both prints and applies the required label to
the package. ~
The controller stores the P-A assembly position so that
the P-A assembly moves directly to the next desired position
asjthe sequence described abov~ lS repeated. T~ avoid impacts
with packages that have shifted or turned as they traveled
along the conveyor, sensors are provided to slgnal the P-A
ass mbly to ~ranslate vertically.
It is an object of this invention to provide a system tha~
will quickly and accurately label moving packages.
an o~ject of this invention to provide a label
applicator which does not require that it return to a fixed
~ home po~ition between labels.
3~23292 ~ PCT/US93/04556
It is an object of this inven~ion to provide a label
applicator that moves vertically and laterally in a fixed
plane normal to the diretion of package movement.
Figure 1 is a perspective view of a package labeling
system incorporating the present invention.
Figure 2 is a perspective view of the labeling station
; assembly.
Figure 3 is a front elevation of the labeling station
~- 10 assembly.
Figure 4 is a side elevation of the labeling station
- assemkly.
- Figure 5 is a perspective of the printer-applicator
~ ~ Figuxe 6;~ is an~ elevation of the printer-applicator
assembly in the di~ection 6-6 on Figure 5.
Figure 7 ~is an elevation o~ the printer applicator
assembly in~the direction 7-7 on Figure 5.
Figure~-8~is~a pe~rspective view of a portiorl of the package
20 ~ ~labeling sys~m;~which ~illustrates ~abel applicatlon on a
Figure 9 is a fl~ow~ diagram for~package ~sensing and
labeling in ac~cordance with the preferred embodiment.
Referring to Figure~l, there is shown a label appllcator
system 1 ,~hat h~s belen!mounted over alconveyor systçm 2. At
the beginning of the conveyor system 2 there is an operator's
s;tation 4 having a key pad 5 which i9~ used to~;input shipping
fa~ a ~iven package. The package (not shown) i5 then placed
on the conveyor btelt 3 for tran~port through the label
applica~or system 1.
At the first st~tion, 10 in Figure 1, a sensor array
ho~ in phantom, is located in the housing 14 which is
supported by framework 12 and straddles the conveyor belt 3.
~ pri~nar~ co~xoller 13 i~ located w~ th~ n the ~ame housi-.g 1~ .
Th~ a~:nso~ a-ray 11 loc~t~ ~he l.ea~ing and traili~ edge~
~, each p~ckage ~nd t~n~ts this data _o the controll~r 13.
', The 6pecific ~o2~iguration of the ~nsor a~r~y 1~ 19 not
impor~nt t::> th~ pres~t ~ nventlon and ,~hero are a n~rr,ber of
1 O commer~lal~ ailakle~ d~vic~s Lor ~chis ~urpc~,e, ~we~.rer, i_
i~ nece~ary to have some n~,eans o~ initial Fa~age
,, , i~e~t~ fica~ on.
~t the ~c~d sta~i.on 20, a ~ a~eral lc~cation s~n or 21
checlci3 the lateral loc~tion o~ the pack~ge on ~he con~-eyor 3
anu ~rans~nit~ a sign~l to the primary ccntroll~r 13. L~cat2d
t the thlrd ~tation 3~ is a packaae profil~ sensor 31. This
en~or 31 i3 ~om~ri6~d o~ light emit~er 32 ~nd 1 ight
,~ su-~in recei~ver 3~ e em~ tte~ 32 ar~d resc2~er 33 a-~
;nounted orL oppc)~ing ~ides o~ e conveyor belt 3 in ali~men~
with ei~c~ othe~. ~s the pac}ca~e p~es between ~h~ emitta~-
: 32 and ~ recei~rer- ~3, it is profilec~ and the data ~r nsmitted
r5 ~:n~ primary ~cQnt~ol'e~ 13 . In the p~ ~er~ed ombad~ment,
rhe l~ gr~t cur~airl ~mi~ter 32 ~nd ~eceiYer 33 are Pa~t ~0~ 5 .
XPS6u018X and XPS:;301 8R ~rom S<~ a~tific Technol~gies, I~c .,
` 25 ~ t~o:t~pQ~3te ~ead~uarter6, 31069 Genst~~ Road, Xay~ardr CA
A~ ~h~ ~c?ur~h s~ati~n ~ 40, he: s~nso~ 41 de~e~ the
leading edse o~`the app~oaching package. Thi~ esta:3lishes t~e:
ac}~:~ge' s arri~ral at a pred~3~ermined p~ alang the conveyor
30 :: 3~ The pri~na~ ontxoller ~3 r~ceire~ d ~or~lare~ the
7acka~e locatios~ :and ::on~iguratio n da,a, a~d tra. s~nits a
p~ter con~crol si~al to:th~ labeli~g s~arion a~emDly 51~
~: Sism~ ar~ cran.~mltt~d through a~d tran~ 3icn
ca~lea! (n~ Yho~r~ whic:h.are 'n~u-e~ in c~l~. ~trou~h 6 that
nlIl,s be~w~n the 1~ ~nd the labe~ling st.-.. ion
51, I,,isFhting ~uppor~ nd ligkts 8 E.~addle th~ c~n~eyo~
: ~el~ 3 ~t rPgular intex~als and ~3uppo~ th~ ca~le t~ou~h 6.
Fig~re~ 2,: 3 and 4 .~h~.w more de~tailed ~rlew of the!
lab~lirag 3~ation a~ mbly 51. ~ef~re de~crl~in~ th~ ope~aticn
4~ ~ th~ labeling ~a~i~.n sa, it will }~e beneicial t~ descri}~e
th~ camponents which com~r~6~ ~he pr~exred a~.~errbly.
~ ~ A~.EN~O SHEE~
93/23292 ~ 1j3~ P~T/US93/04556
.` .
Tne assembly 51 is comprised of an open framework 63 which
straddles the conveyor belt 3. The framework 63 is comprised
of four vertical frame members 133, 134, 135 and 136 which
. define the four corners of the framework support assembly 63.
The vertical frame members 133-136 are flxed in posi.tion on
the sides of the conveyor 3 at 137. The longitudinal frame
members 139 and 140 are respectively affixed to the vertical
frame members 133 and 34 at upper and lower positions. A
~;~ second pair of longitudinal frame members 141 and 142 are
affixed to the second pair of vertical frame me?~bers 136 and
¦~` 137 in like fashion. Straddling the conveyor belt 3 are the
cross membe~rs 144 and 145. The cross member 144 connects the
- top vertical frame members 133 and 135. The cross member 145
~ connects the tops of ~he vertical frame members 134 and 136.
'!1` ;~ 15 An intermediate cross member 143 also connects the vertlcal
frame members :133 and 135 at an intermediate position which
above the maximum expected package height.
As can be seen~from the: above~, the framework 63 is
essentially a box frame which straddles the conveyor 3. While
2~0 ~ the spe;ci~ic construction is not important, it must be
remembered that the frame 63 has to withstand rapid movement
of the P-~A as~embly: and:must be sturdy enough to permit
: positive location~of the P-A assembly over the con~eyor 3.
The linear actuators~ 146 and 147 are affixed to the
~} ~, :
respective lo~gitudinal frame members 139 and l~O, and 141 and
142, on~either side of the conveyor a~d in front of the
respective vertlcal~frame member 133 and 13~. The linear
actuator 172 is horizontally attached, via a pair of mounts
~: 173, to the vertical linear actuators 146 and 147. In the
pré~erred embo?~imen~', the linear actuators 14~, 147`and'1t2
are Part NO. 1251001 from Macron Dynamics, Inc. t 405 Caredean
Drive, Horsham, PA.
The carriage assembly 170, rides on the horizon~al linear
actuator 172 and i9 moved acro~s the conveyor 3 by the lateral
direction drive motor 178. Mount~d on the lateral drive motor
178 is a rotary encodex or position sensor 179 which
: csn~inually transmits the position of the carriage assembly
170 ~o it can ~e tracked by the secsndary controller 160. In
W093~2329~ ~ ~ ~ P~T/~S931~5 ~, ~
, . i
the preferred embodiment, the lateral drive motor 178 and the
.; rotary encoder 179 are Part No. R34JENC-R2-NS-VS-oo from
Pacific Scientific, Motor and Control Division, 4301
Kishwaukee Street, P.O. Box 106, Rockford, IL 61105-0106.
~l~ 5 The horizontal l~near actuator 172 and the carriage
assembly ~70 are raised and lowered on the vertical linear
actuators 146 and 147 by the vertical drive motor 150 which
is attached to the support assembly 63 by a motor $upport
bracket 148. The dri~e pulley 151 on the vertical drive motor
is coupled to the shaft pulley 156 by bel~ 158. This
combi.nation drives a transverse shaft 154 which engayes the
upper ends of vertical linear actuators 146 and 147. -Rotary
- :encoder or position sensor 157 tracks the turning of the
~:~ transverse shaft 154 for: the secondary con~roller 160 which
~: 15 controls`the vertical dri~e motor 150. An electric brake 153
is attached:to the opposing end of the transver e shaft as a
safety feature~. In the~ preferred embod1ment, the ~ertical
;drive motor lSO and rotary encoder 157 are Pacific Scientific,
:Motor and~Control Dlvision, Part No. R65HENA-R2-NS-~S~00. The
20~ vertical dri~e;; brake 153;is Part No. 1-055-541-006BF from
Rexnord, Stearns:~Division, 120 N. ~Broadway, Milwaukee, WI
The~printer-applicator support bracket 174 is affixed to
-the::~carr~iage asse ~ 1y and ~supports~ the:printer-applicator
25~ assembly 200. The~printer~controller~202, Figure:4,~ is aIso
attached ::to the carriage :assembly 170. ~ Mounted on the
printer-applicator support bracket 174:above~the P-A assembly
2:00 are a label supply reel 18~4,~which~supplies labels on a
tape 190, and a take up spool 18~. An~external air supply
line 164,~extends ~rom pneumatlciline~ filter 163 to the head
assembly 200.:~:: An external air :supply is attached~ at
connection 162.~
The following de~cription will refer to Figures 5, 6 and
7 which are enlaryed views of the P A assembly 2Q0. Contained
inside the P-A housing 205 is a print head 204, which receives
th~ labels on the tape 190, prints them and delivers printed
label~ 191 to the label dispen~er 207. In the preferred
~; embodiment, the printier 2~4 and the printer con~roller 202 are
~, , , . , , ~ - .- ,
~ 1 3 8 5 ~ ~
S Paxt Nc:' ~ . 45245-US~S ~rcrn Sato America~ Inc ., 27~1 Marir~e
Way, Moun~aln View, CA 94043. Attached to ~e P-~ hou~ing
aO5 ab~ve~ ~he ~ ~p~e~ ao7 iY ~ ~u~pc~rr ~ra~ket ~0 .
;eFendi~g ~om th~ ~upp~rt bra~ket 210 i~ a ~atch pla~
upport 215 to wh~ch a ca~ch ylate ~16 ls pivo~a~ly mcunted.
An air cylind~r 2~1, wi~h ~ cle~is 212 attach~d to i~s lower
t end, is p~vot~lly at~ached to t~e catch plat~ ~16 wlt~ ~in
213. ~t its up~er e~d, the ~ir cylinder ~ pi~rotal'y
at~ached ~o tne su~po~t bracket ~0. An ai~ su.~pl~ e 22~
supplie~ the air nozzie 221 which depcr.d~ from the aupport
lS bracke~ 210 ~ve~ the label c~isper.ser ao7. ~o~k-dow2l ~en~or
J~ 222 ~d photo ~ye 2a~ ara als~ moun~ed ~ w ~he supp~rt
brac~e t 2 ~ O .
rticulated ca~l~ carrierY 188 and 1~9, ~ee Figure~ 3
and 4, route cc.bles and air (not 3~10Wn~ ~etwe~n the
~ontrolle~ 160 ~r.d the P-A a~seTnb~ y 2û0,
The printer control ~ a~ gex~e~ated from the ~ac~cage
c~nfigura~ia~ ~ and l~Gation data i~ t_ar~.~mitt~d to the
seconda_y~ n~roll~r 160 at the l~ell~ station 50. This
ecoxidary cont~:oilex 1 60- c~ntr~ls ~ertical dri~r~ mo~or 150 ~nd
l~eral dr~ moeox 178 to reposition ~h~ carriage aE362tl1bly
:.~y ~ 170. I~:~hE! prefe~r~d embodi;nent, 'ch~pri~ter-applicat~ he~ad
ao e~i~ly 20û ~: ~lo~ated 1.25 to 3 . g c~n~imet~r~ ne-half to
: o~e and one-h~l,. inches~ ~bo~J~ he pack~ge ~urface ~he
3~ ook-dowr~ se~qor 2~ c~nfi~;l~ the P-A assem~ly po~ o~. The
3q p~ima~y :cont~olle~ 1 commar.ds, -h-ough the print~r co~trolle~
2C~, the print~hè~d 20~ to D'~ a shipp~ng la~el ba~3~3d on ~h~
shl~?ing data. ~ Wit~ th~? pre~erred as~ ly, th~ printing can
bc dGn2 on the mo~re, ~ince a home ba,~,e lccation i~ no~ n~e,d~d,
d ~hei l~bel~ ~ar-!~ be applied aln~ t ,~,lmult~,E3Qu~ly ~uppn
3 5 ~acX~ge arri~al . Th~ label~ ~g .di~p~nse~ ~07 peels th~ ~abel
f~ it~ ka~ ng 1sa, and a, blas~ ~rom a1r nozzle 221 blc~
~he }~1 onto tk.ei p2L~kage. The packa~ ~h~n prQce~ds u~der
~am rol~e~ a~crnb'y 18C which ~ rex th~ eil to e~ure
h~ ,eat~d on th~ ckage.
c ,~t~iX"e s2,nsor~ 180 ~re mcun~,~,d on t~.e 3,uppor~ bracke~3 18~
to ccn~ixrn 'c,ha~ ~he, ar~ ring pac~ge has no~ ti~ped or shift~d
in'c~ a p~ltl~ll th,~t ~rill c,~usc lt to ~ ka the P,-A as~e,~ly
,1 W093 ~ 8 5 ~ ~ PCT/US93/~5 ~
., - .
200. If a package has shiftedl the strike sensors signal'the
secondary controller to raise the P-A assembly 200 to avoid
possible damage to the assembly andjor the package.
If for any reason a label l91 cannot be applied to a
package, such as strike sensors 180 indicating that ~he
package has exceeded the height limitation, the controller 13
activates the air cylinder 211 to swing the catch plate ~16
into position under the label dispenser 207. The label 191
is then blown onto the catch plate 216. I~ the catch pIate
0 '216 is full, photo eye~ 224 signals the controller that
operator assistance is required.
Because the P-~ assèmbly 200 can both print and apply a
shipping label, it is not necessary to have the P-A assembly
, 200 return to a retracted or home position befor'e printing and
15~ ~ ~ applying~a label~to the next package,on the conveyor 3. The
P-A~àssembly~;2~00;proceeds~directly from~its last'position to
the~ next ~de~slred~pos~ition~ased on~the location~ and
-"~ conf~iguratio~ data;;coll~ected ~for ~the~next package on thé
'` ;~ conveyor.~ In~ the~preferred ;embodiment, the~ P-A assembly
,,~ 20 ~ prlnts~'thè label as~it travels to the, nex~ desired position.
!~ '~ The;~P-A~asse~bly~200~,utilizes labéls~l91~as~described ln
~ 1~ U~.S.~Pat~ènt No. 4~,724,166. The label 91~can be peeled away
'.7 '~ fr~m~ t~e:~clear ~dhesive~layer that aff~ixes~it to the packag
v `~ wi~thout damsge~to~ar obstruction of any informstion whlch may
.~, ~ 2'5~ be~unde~r the-label. ;~This, makes the~label posltion on the
pa~ckage~;inconseq~ential to other info~mation~ on the~package
surface.~ Once the~package has reached its ~destination, the
,. label 191 can be removed, leaving only its~ clear adhesive
' layer behind. ';~
'3~0 ~R~ferring to~Figure~ 8, there i5 shown a portion of the
' con~eyor~;system;~ and~the~labellng ~tation~ass~embly~51~. Three
packages ~are~shown~on the conveyor belt 3.~ These packages
represent some~of ~the types ~of packages ~that have been~
~r~S~ succe~s~ully labeled with the pre~ent invention. The firs~
35 ~'~ package~71 is an unevenly profiled soft pack envelope which
~s~, '' ~simula~es a sweater. It is shown on the conveyor belt 3 at
`~a posi~ion past ~he labeili~g station as3embly 51 with a bar
code printed label~l91 successfully applied. A second package
~, ~
~, , ~
~ ' ~ t
.' "'~'' i, ' ~.'' '
72, shqwn at ~he labelirlg statio~ 51 under ~he P-~ assembly
'il 200 i~ a pri~m with th~ !abel 1~1 ~pplied. ~ t~:Lird
'~ ~ackage 73 ~ s shown between iigh~ curt~ emitter 3a and
r~c~iver 33. The third package 17~ is an o~rer ~tu:~fe~ ~oft
pack en~relop~. In the cu~rent ~n~J30dimç3n'c, maximum pac~age
size is lin ited ~ 6 cent~ me~srs ~ nch~3! high and ~he ~1
cen~imeter~ (24 ir~,ch) con~eyo~ ~idtk. ~Icweveir, othAr
; co~figurations are po~3ible. Due ~o the pre~e~t package
~dentirica~ion and t. a~ ng sy~t~m, the la~el applicator
a~se~ibly ~3 sen~itive ~o package geometry and loca~iGn. 'rhu~,
ec~ch pac}~age ~'~ tr~ated indiv~dllally wi~hvut the n2ed ~or ~he
P-A ~ssen~.ol~ ûO ~ r~turn: to ~ome ~ixed home ba~e. These
fe~tu~-s com~i~e ~o pro~id~ ;ot~ ,ea~ea 3F~ed and increased
>, _n the pr~3f~red em~cd~ent, th~ c~nveyor ~stem ~ i~ made
.~.J'~ : 2 0 up of a series oi~ 1 ndl ~idually controllabie belt ~egment -
which ~E~er~e at 3peeds that i~.crease along the conv2ycr ~rom
appro~ na-~ely 7C to '20 me~ers per sec~n~ ~24~ t~ ~0 fae~ ~r
m~ nute) at th~ ~-~ as~embly 200 . The p_ imary controllPr 13
regul~;es the ~l~w ~f ~,ackase6 ~h~oush ~ he sy~;~em 1 ba~ed ~r.
'3',~ 25 ~ ~ ~he ~irne rec~uire-d for i~pu~ting o~ labe ing l~Lform~ n a6
weil as ~ ts GolTlpiete~e~sJ he ~n31a~io~ ~and prini tim~
res~uir~d~ by the P-A ~s~embly, and ~ the position ~ ~ther
pac:kag~ prececlina ~h~ curren~ pa~kage on thB c~nveycr.
:~ : Fi~re ~ show~ a in~orrn~tion f low diag:~am for the
3-3 ~ pre~ex~ed e~nbodiment of ~he dl~ lo6ad labe~ ing ap~raltus
'~ 6y~t~3~.... B~ w~y ~f e:~rolanation, ~he diagxam shows the
oper~ions pe~L rm~d i,~ re~p~c~ tc~ ~he pac~age ~low alo~g the
eonYeyor path. ~t ~ be un~e:~stood by ~hos~ ~killad in =h~
ar~ that ~some ope:~a~ orlsl~nay accur ~simulca~eous~l y and -hat ths
,~ : 3 5 ~ec~e~ce o~ evcnt3 ls not limi, ed ~o tnis examp' e . ~ox 5how~ t~ ent:ry o~ labelinç; dzL~ d a sec~s~Lry operatlon,
de~igna. ~d bc:x 571~ 6how~ the package ~eing plac~d o~ ~hc
o~Yeyo~. }3axc~ 10, 2~, 30 ~d 40 ~how th~ varic:u~; packag~
a~ uxation a~dp~tion det~::t~ng o~xation~ that oc~ur a~
o ~ta~ , 20, 30 and ~0 re~pec~ ely a:~ ~reviou~;ly
dl0cu~d. The po3iticn ~nd ~on:ciguæ~ion ~ata is ~ran6mi~ted
~ 'che~ p~imary controller 13, ~iahQWrL in box 70. Th¢ seco~da~
,~, ,
,~C~V. ~ f:El'A .~flL'E.~fCff~ ?~ 4~ '5 .-~f~f8 ''~9~ +~9 89 ~ 6-~ t~l I
~ 13~SI~
1 - 1 o -
f 5 con~roller 1f60 and t~e prinff 2r c~ffntroller 20~ axe al fo 3hf_ffwn
in box 70 w~ffff~h the priff~ary cortrcf' ler f~-~d f~ e;eerred to
collecf~Sf ~rely. The control_erf rec~f~ive3 the packfage lGcatiofn
arld ccfnfifsllration data, c3frr~ia~es i~ and dfatermi~fes the
ref~ired t~anrffl ation ~'o~ the P-.~ as~fef.~ly 200 t-~f f~ nterC9pffff ffff he'
4'~ 10 package. As the packa~e ~;froceed~3 t~ }~e ;a~eling ~ lorl 50,
a strl~fe se2~s~r sh~wn in:box 50.1 check3 ~h3.t the Ffack2~gf~f fdoe.~Sff
not exceed maximu~n hei~3~ d/or pfO6i~. 'o~ requixf~ments. Ir
:~ ~herfs ~fC~ff a f~f~blem, the ffs~Lso_ res~ r csf ln fa 3ignfa~ t;ne
!,~ ccffrlff~ol~ cr box 70 whic'h mo~es .,re F-A assembly tc a ~naximum
, ~ 15 hei~ gh~, 3tops ~he ccnveyor -~ i o i d ~ colii~i~n ~nd ac~i ~rates
the lase: cc~tch pia~e ta remove ~;~e un-~ ed l~kei. If ~he
pacKage doei~ ~ot ex~eP~ max mum heig~t, the cont~lle~ isi~nal~
~ ~ the P-A asiseT~ly ~00, as srown in box ~2.2, ~o labe~ th~
~ac}ca~e a~ ~rc~eedi, dow~ t~e conv~yor .
20 ~ ~ Aa wili ~be apprecla~t~d ~y tho~e ~kil~ed ~r~ the a-t, ~he
re~;~nt l~bel ~irintex-app~icator~apparatu~ all~ws fQr rai~it~r
: pxc~_es~ir.g cf packag2i6 than ~ose label ap~;icatora prevLou&ly
1 ~ :
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