Note: Descriptions are shown in the official language in which they were submitted.
WO 95/03975 1 21 6 ~ 2 2 4 ~CT/GB94/01606
Metho~ and device-for open~ng cartons
The invention relates to a n~,od of opening waxed paper or ,~ i'.ics
or metal foil coated paper board ca-lol,s and ths like containing liquid,
semi-liquids or po~lvders that may be poured, and to a devica for
Gp~l ~;nu such ca, lons. In particular, the invention prwides a hand-held
or wall-mounted means for e,)al)lin~ the seal closures of milk callo"s
and the like to be severed so that the carton may be readily op~ned
and r~los~ but not r~sealed, as required.
The type of paper carton used particularly for dollle3lic milk supply is
well known. The form of carton is n)a,keled under the R~;cl~r~
Trade Marks "ELOPAIC', or "TETRA PAIC'. Such ca. lul ,s are sealed by
illclin;"g the upper p~,lions of the side walls inward with two opposil~
fsces folded to fonn so called "wings", and heat t~eali.)g or
otherwise sealills~ the mating inte,l-al e,~l~,.,ities of the illclined
po.liol~s to form a ridge. This ridge may be folded flat on the upper
face of the carton, or it may be left in an ~Ipslal Idi. ~y ~ t- ~de so that the
WO 95/03975 2 PCT/GB94/01606
~ 6~4
upper fac~ of the carton apped, :. "gabled". The flat top typ~s ~ ca, lo. ,s
g~n6r~11y have tongues at each end of the folded ridge which are
detacl,d~ly secured to the side walls of the carton to k~p the ridge in
a flat folded po6ition for hanspu,latio,- and sales ~ispl-~y. r~ ted on
such cs,t~s are op~ning instructions, so".~ti",eswith illustldtion~.
However, many ,.~eG~,la find the ope, .;ng instructions difficult to follow.
People who ars not particularly dextrous find their failure to open the
~-~ns vely frus~ing. The failed dtl~ ts to open the c~,lons as
instructed, can cause the wings to be tom, badly buckled or othenvise
m~ nt~ This is hygienically ~.nd~sirabl~ and may cause the milk or
other liquid in the carton to pour badly or dribble down the o~ ~id~ of
the carton.
It is known to cut the entire ridge closure from the upper face of the
carton. This action enables the entire upper face of the carton to be
opened but not readily clQsed It is also known to cut off part or all of
one of the wings to gain Ar~2ss to the cc .~tents of the carton. Neither
solution is a s~;sf~-,to~ alL~-"dti~e to the s~ est~cl instructions on
th~ ca, lons.
Th~ pr~s~lt invention r~cognis~s that the suy~sl~cl --~U-od of
ope,~;,)g ca,t~,n~ would be sati~ra~10.r if the forc~ required to r_leare
WO 95/03975 3 PCT/GB94/01606
the carton closure by applying a force to the wings could be
signir,canlly red~oe~l The ~ se"l invention ~Acil;IAtes the open;ng of
ca,lons simply and cleanly. It severs and removes a sey"~enl of the
closure ridge of the carton so that the wings are no longer secured
to~U,er and are free to be opene~l in acco,dance with the general
Acco,di.)~a to a first aspect of the pr~senl invention there is provided a
",eU,~ of opening ca,t~"s having a body ~1nthin which a pourable
",alelial is stored, and a ~nged sealed ridge closure, cor"iJ.ising the
steps of: (a) sev~ring s~ tially haK of the sealed pulliull of the
ridge closure from the body of carton along a first line sl~sl~ntidlly
pa,~llel to the rid~e; (b) removing the seversd i~, tion of the ridge from
above the wings; (c) folding the wings back through at least 90 and,
(d) p, ~ssi"g the ~I,posed wings towards the ridge to open the carton.
The severed pGI tiGI I of the ridge may be removsd from above the ridge
by bending or a seoo, Id severing action. The line of be"ding or se~nd
savering may be inclinsd to the first line between 45 and 150.
The SeCGIld severing action may be ~:fre-~d at the same time as the
severing of the ridge from the body of tiie carton.
: ~ l{ ~ ~ ~
WO 95/0397~ " PCT/GB94/01606
According to a second aspect of the invention there is provided a
devio~ to rA~ te the open;. 9 ca, t~ns according to the first aspect of
th~ invention, which devic~ includes a guide slot for locati,)g the ridge,
a first severing means for severing a po~lio, . of the ridge closure along
a first line and l,.llitiny means for li."iting the length along the first line
that is sev~r~J.
The device may include a seco"J severing means for severing the
ridge along a sec~(ld line l"eati"~ the first line s~ d;ally in the
middle of the length of the ridge and at an angle between 45 and
1 50.
Piefer~L,ly the severing means is a thin cutting blade, aKhough it may
be ~I ,ea, ing maans, ~ ,e means, or, snipping means. The
~e,i,)~ action may be achieved by the foroe a~ l,e:l between a first
and a sec~, d I ,a. ~le, or by a motor, or by ~aclio, . between th~ device
and the carton in line with the ridge. The device is pl~ f~ y
constructed to achieve a mechanical advanta~ sufficient to enable a
relaffvely w~ak foro~ to be ~ lisd to the devioe to eff~ct ths ~quired
severing action.
The dsvice may include a tongue zli~,~ed with the guide slot for
suppo,liny the device in the requir~d aliy",~,ent during the savering
action. The tongue fits under the ridgc Iwl~cn the wings to ensure
WO 95/03975 5 PCTIGB94/01606
that the blade severs the carton along the first line below the sealed
portion of the ridge.
The first and s~. ~d means for severing may be f~ -ed tog~er so as
to sever the ridge along the first and seo~nd lines simullaneously. The
severing means may be for ræ,~ oe.nent, xl.a.~ ening or
The device may include a secollJ guide means for ~ on the
edga of the ridge ~...ote fflm the first line of severing to maintain the
first line s~ sl~-ltidlly pd,~llel to the edge of the ridge. This ensures
that the sealed ~o. lion of the ridge is removed to leave the wings free
to b~ ~"QJ.
The invention will now be des~ iL~.I, by way of example, with
r~ference to the accor..~anying ~id91~llllllatiC dr~.~;. ,gs in which:-
Figures 1 to 6 illustrate the stages of opening a carton according to theinventiu",
Figure 7 shows the o,~tio--al range within which the carton closure
ridge may be folded or severed;
Figures 8 and 9 illustrate blades for severing the ridge closure of the
WO 9~;/03975 6 PCTIGB94/01606
Figures 10 and 11 show a hand~ld device for opening ca, lo" using
a sl .ea, i"y action;
Figure 12 illu~lales the operdtio,~ of a guide ",e"~l,er to control the
dspth of severing;
Fis~ure 13 illusl,aies an alte-. ,~i~/e form of guillotine CuttQr device with
a r~c~a~le tongue guida;
Figures 14 to 18 illustrate two forms of hand-held devices for running
along the ridge of a carton to ~ffect the savsring;
Figures 19 and 20 illustrate a~ of a wall-mountable deYice with a
rotary sevsrin~ action; and,
Figures 21 to 24 show the ~Illpo~elllt part for asse..~ling a pr~fe"~;~
embodiment of the device.
The ,I-eU.od of p~ru--.,;ng the invention will now be des~iL,ed with
reference to figures 1 to 7 of the drawing. Figures 1 to 7 illustrate the
upper po~ liGI I of a milk carton 1 having a body ~"..ed by a
5~ t slA- ~tially square base four side walts and a sealed foided flat-top.
Opposi~ side walls 2 are fûlded inward to pe~mit the G~J~Josile side
walls 3 to be inciined lc~U,er to m~et in a ridge 4 which is folded flat
and held in place by tongues 5 which are secured to the side walls 2.
In such ~. tl~l ,s the sl .o, Isr side walls 2 are folded inward although in
the ernbodiment shown the carton is of s~ 7l~-~ti~11y square cross
s~tiun. T~e inclined t)o.lions 6 and 7 of the side walls 3 may be
wo 95~03g7s ~ ~ ~ 8 ~ 2 ~ PCT/GB94/01606
.- ~ '; " ~
longer than the width of the side walls 2 so that the top of the carton
form a ~abled top.
To open the carton the tongues 5 are deta~,ed from the side walls 2
and the ridge 4 is lifted in the d;.e~tion shown be the arrow 8 in figure
1. The next step in o~,en;.,g the carton is shown in figure 2. The
sl~ded pulli~ll 9 of the ridge 4 is removed from above the wings by
sev~ring the heat seal~d closure s~gment along lins 10 and folding or
severing along the line 11. Then, as shown in figure 3, wings 12 and
13 are folded back by at least 90 onto the incline.i po, liull9 6 and 7,
as ye~ldlly instructed by the opening instructions and illus~dti~lls
p~ led on ths carton. The final step i8 to press inward in the dil ~t;of~
of arrows 14 and 1~ towards the ridge (as shown in figure 4). This
pressurQ ~p,i.~ the wir~s 12 and 13 open in the direction of the
arrow 16. The top of the carton 1 is then in an open ~osition as shown
in figures 5 and 6 iHlla~dtillg the form of pouring lip 17 fol---e~l by the
ope,.~d wings 12 and 13. The carton may b~ r~losed but not
resealed, by pushing the pouring tip in the ~i. e~io" of the ridge.
R~r~ )u now to figure 7, the lines 10 and 11 along which the ridge 4
is severed or folbed is shown in figures 1 to 6 as c" ll ,ogo"al. However
the angle between the lines 10 and 11 is not criticat and may be varied
by inc~bdsing the angle by an Ad~i1iG"al angle 18. The angle the lines
10 and 11 may lie between 4~ and 150, although it is ,~"ere,d~ly
limited to 60 so that the remaining part of the ridge 4 does not
WO 95/0397S 8 PCT/GB94/01606
~ ~ t.. ''
2 ~ ~
i,.~e,rar~ with the ope,.i.-~ of the wings 12 and 13. By s~le~ti.)g the
angle 19 between the ~ines 10 and 11 tha (ellld;n;.,U part of the ridge
can assist the re~losi. ~y of the carton by holding the wings 12 and 13
in a closed position.
Figures 8 and 9 show a form of cutter blade 20 co...~..isinU a se~;lion
21 for severing along the line 10 which is s~ )tially p~r~llel to the
ridge 4 a s~tion 22 for severing across the height of the ridge 4 alcng
tha line 11 which is ~. U .o~onal to the line 10 a se..ti~n 23 which bears
on the edge of the ridge to act as a guide to iimit the length o~ the
severed l~o.lio., of the ridge 4, and a badc plate 24 having a post 25
which is u ed to co~ tly locate and help to secure the cutter blade in
a carton opening device. The cutting angle along the line 10 is shown
by the angle 26 and the cutting angle along the line 1~ is shown on
figure 8 by the angle 27. lllese an~les are set to assist the cutting
action and to reduce the force rcquired to sevQr the ~.o.~ion g of the
Figure 9 shows an ~Ite..,dti~e forrn of cutter blade in which the intega.
which pe~ the same function as those J~ il,ed wi~ rare-~ to
figure 8 are given the same .~a~.)ce n~ ef~ls. It will ~ seen that the
angles 26 and 27 in figure 8 are reversed in the all~,-,ali~e fonn of
b~ade. This reversal of the angles hBlpS to maintain the ridge within the
carton opening device whilst the severing is ~IT~taJ.
~ 2 2 ~
WO 95/03975 9 PCT/GB94/01606
Refe"i"y now to figures 10 and 11 which shaw a hand-held device
I~F jrAlly COIllpfis;lly l,ar,dles 28 and 29 joined by a link arm 30 which
act against a spring 31 to close jaws 32 and 33 which pivot about a
post 34. The jaw 32 has an arcuate blade cutting edge 35 which co-
op~rate~ with a co"esp~,di.,g edge 36 on the jaw 33. The edges 3~
and 36 detennine the lateral line of sever of the carton along the line
10' shown on figure 10. The ",a~i",~m length of cut 37 as shown on
figure 10 is cl~tell"i"ed by the length of the cutting edge 35 howevar
this is set by the posilio";ng of a guide 38 which fits below the wings of
the carton. The vertical line of ssver of the carton along the line 11'
shown on figure 10 is determined by the edges 40 and 41. The
ma~im~m length of the cut 3g is determined by the length of
upstanding edges 40 and 41 on jaws 32 and 33 ,~spe~ ely. The
"~ depth of the cut 39 may be set as desc.;l~ iater with
el loe to figures 12.
In an ~lle" ,ati./e device (not shown) the severing blade or blades may
be r~r~ ~d by a cut and pinch jaw asse"l~ly. The severing action
provided by such a device is suited to a static surfac~mounted or wall-
mounted device.
If th~ ridge 4 (shown in flgure 1 to 6) is to be severed across its entire
height i"~lead of being folded back the depth of severing rnust extend
~rom the top edge of the ridge 4 to the root of the ridge so as to remove
th~ sealed closed pu, lio, l of the ridge. This depth may be ~nt, ulled by
æi~2~ ~
WO 95/03975 10 PCT/GB94/01606
a guide 50 which rests on the top edge of the ridgQ 4 as shown in
hgure 12. Tha l~ositioning of the carton opening devicQ is Assi~ l by
the tongu~ guide 38, which holds the severing blade yd,all~l to th~
ridge so that the carton is seYered below th~ level at which the carton
ridge is sealed.
Figure 13 shows a further form of device for sQvering a po. lion of the
ridg~ of a carton. In particular the device incl~ ~des a f~t~a~lable guide
73 pivoted about a pin 74 so that a IQg 7~ of the guide fits under the
wings of the carton and is (el~cled to clamp a guillotine ass~ bly 76
in ,~sition after it has been lo~t~ on the top of th~ ridgQ 4. This
ensures that the lateral line tO is accurately aligned to saver ths
carton along thc ridge lin~ of th~ carton. Tha device has a handle 77
which is moved against th~ rQtum action of a spring (not shown) to
cause the cutter blade 641o~ on post 78 on the handle 77 to co
op~r~le with the fixed cutt~r guillotin~ blad~ ~o s~ver the ridse 4. Tha
ridge 4 is ~o~ition~d by a spring st~el pressurQ p~ate 79 mounted on a
back plate 80 and the guide 73. The guide 73 has a l~per pin 81
which is de~ss~ by the initial movernent of the handle 77 causing
conlacl with a ~ dl~ J rarnp 82 on th~ handl~. ThQ guid~ 73 is
sprung to retum to th~ open ,~sition. Th~ pressure piate 79 bears
a9-~;nal a post 78 on the cutter blad~ 64 to maintain co.ll~t pr~ssure
on the cutting edge.
~ 8~ WO 95/03g75 11 PCT/GBg4/01606
It will be appr~ci-~'e~l that the severing of the ridge of the carton may
be &rfiecieJ by shealil,y m6"l1~er~, snipping ",e"lber:~, guill-~ti"e
",e"l~ers or, cutting ",e"lbe,~. The device may be hand-held or
mounted on a fixed s~rface such a wall or work surface.
A simple form of davice is shown in figures 14 to 18. In a first form of
the device illu- lld~el.,l in figures 14 to 16 the severing is achieved by a
fine cutting wheel 83 mounted at the foot of a side Jimb 84 of a U-
shapecl chan"el 85. A cross ~uide 86 is secured between side limb 87
and the side limb 84. An end stop 88 ten,l;ndtes the cl)a~ 185.
~n use the cha""el 85 is pushed along the ridge of a carton. The guide
86 holds the ridge against th~ wheel 83 which severs the ridge alon~
the line 10 (shown in figure 2). The length of cut pa.f~n"e~ by the
wheel 83 is limited to the line 11(shown in figure 2) by the end of the
carton ridge b~alill5a against the end stop 88. The device is then
wit hd~dWIl from the carton and the severed ~, liol, of the ridge folded
back to free the wings for opening in the "o""al way.
As shown in figures 17 arld 18 the cutting wheel 83 and the guide 86
may ~ f~placed by a single or opl,os~i pair of blades 89 and 90
acting in co~pe,dtion with a tongue guide 38 which loG~as betw~en
the wings below the ridge as des~ ibe~l with l~rere-lce to figure 10.
WO 95/03975 `' ~CT/GB94/01606
The severing action may be linear or rotary. As shown in figures 19
and 20 a w~rk surface or wali-mounted rotary device incl~des a first
seYering btade 91 for a~r~lin~ the cut along the line 10 (shown in
figure 2) and a sec~nd severing biade for ~ecting the cut along the
line 11 (shown in figure 2). The severing blades 91 and 92 are
rnounted in a housin~ 93 having a tongue 94 to locate under the
gabled ridge and to limit tha length of the ridge that is severed. It will
be appr~'ec/ that as the ~llu-ls are s~ slAnt;al!y square the wings
project haK way into the ridg~ from both sides. Ther~for~ the ~i-..itation
for s0vGring is s~ stAntially haH way slong the ridge. The blades are
utat~ within the housing 93 by a wheel 95 or an el~cb ic motor. The
device is mounted on a wall or s~ ~,t~ on a work surface by a
bra~e~ 96.
Figures 21 to 24 show a pf~led embodiment of the invention. The
carton opening device shown in its c~m.~one,~ parts in figures 21 to 24
inoltJdes means for Iffling the tidge of flat top ~,tons, a shrouded
blade for safety, hinge rneans for providing a l.,ect~anical adva- It&ge to
assist tne severing action, and, cleaning po.~ts to prevent a build-up of
waste "Idte~ial within the shrwded cavity of the device. The device is
suitabl~ for opening 3abled ~(lons and brick type ~-l~ns such as
those m~. ~t~ as "COMBIBLOC" .
The device is fo.")ed as a two part pl~lics moulding with a thin
surgical steel blsde secured in an Op~51`dtiO9 handle. Figure 21 shows
~ 8224
WO 95/03975 13 PCT/GB94/01606
an op~,~ling handle 97 with a r~cesse~l area 98 to f~C~iYQ the thin
sev~ring blade (not shown). The end of the handle 97 is p~il~l with
a slot for Iming the ridg~ of flat top ca,lons. Four pivot pins 99 are
moulded into an annular hinge 100 at the boss end of the handle 97.
Figures 22 and 23 show the two parts 101 and 102 of the housing
which ar~ secur~d log~tl ,er about the handle 97. Figure 22 shows the
upp~r part 101 of ths housing. The part 101 con~;_;s of a handle
pGI lion 103 and a head ~,o- lio-, 104. The head t~GI tiOI 1 104 iS ~eC~S~
to permit un,~s~i~led p~5~? of the blade across a slot 105. The
outer walls of the head po, liul ~ 104 have ports 106 and 107 to p~nnit
the r~rnoval of wasto ",dl~.ial which may b~l-~ Iodged within the
rec~sse~ po, lio" 104 of th~ d~vice.
Figure 23 shows the ~ope,h,n,a part of the two part housing. The
oUtlinQ ShapQ iS S~ 1 St~- Itially iCJ~ ~ti~al with the part shown in figure 22,
so that l~atin~ pegs on one part co o~r~te wrth cc--- s~onding blind
holes in the other part to accurately position tho hv~ parts of the
housing about th~ annular hinge 100. A bifurcated tongue 108 projects
from the lJIl~lelaiJe of the part of the housing shown in figure 23. Th~
slot 105 is al;~--ed with the slot in the tongue so that the carton ridge
may be ins~.l~ into the slot 105 with the tongue 108 I~ below
the ridg~ and bchveen the wings of the carton.
A cross se~.tiondl view through an ass~"lbled device is shown in figure
24. As shown in figure 24 a blade 109 secured to the handl~ 97 moves
WO 95/03975 14 PCT/GB94/01606
about the annular hinge 100 within the ,~cess~l upper part 101 of the
In use, the tongue 108 is ~io"~ betw~en the wings of a carton and
the rid~e is pushed fully into the slot 105. The lensth of the slot 105
ensures that the ridge is severed below tha sealed closur~ for hatf the
width of the ridge. A force is then apl~lied~ bet~wa., the handles 97 and
103 so that the ~lade 109 ,~luyf~ssively severs the ridgs along the line
10 (shown on figure 2). At the end of th~ cut the device is withdrawn
from the carton and the severed portion of the ridge is folded back to
fr~ the wings 80 that the carton may be op~d by tlpply;n~ pressure
to the wings (as shown in figure 4).
rl~ld~ly the device is made from a plastics acetal copolymer
t~,ial available from ll~sc;l~t under trade name "HOSTAFORM".
Suit~hle blades are available hom Swann Mo- t~n Limited of S~ lJ.
It will be a~)pr~ci -'e~1 that if the two part housing is made so that it may
be .I;~"~arlUed, the blade may be r~l~d when wom. As U~ d~vics
p,o~/ides a sin~le cut action thero is no requirement for a r~tum spring,
however, a return spring ~,-a--~e..,~nt may be readily i"co~ t~.
I~eFer,i"g to fi3ures 21 to 24 an ~d~lit;onal bi~urcated ton~ue may be
provided on the upp~r part 101 of the housing to fonn a mirror image
of the tongue 108 on the lower part 102. As the blade is s~ An~ially
wo 95/03975 ~1 ~i 8 ~ 2 4 PCT/GB94/01606
sy",n,~l,icdlly ,~ositio"ed in the housing such a device can be used
equally well by le~l Idl ~d and right-hand~cl people.