Note: Descriptions are shown in the official language in which they were submitted.
'~ 2 ~ 68
~ ~ v~ in latex prophylactics a~red to
a Ae-f-- - a knitt~d fabric and th~ir
3~uf ~::tusing y~vc~
Fl~ld o~ th~ Inv~nt~Qn
The present invention re~er~ to a prophylactic having
a knitted fabric adhered to it from it~ clo6ed end. The
fabric is de~ormed in a lonsitudinal ~ensc in relation to
5 its axi~. This makes the condom highly resistant and
reli~ble, fP~tl~rin~ great practical advantage~. The
~n--~A~tUring procedure for the prophylactic of the present
invention is ~180 ~ ;1P~ be~ow.
Ba~ç~rQuud of the :~:nv~ntion
Condoms made out of latex or other in-kind elastomeric
material are known in the market, ali of which have heen
notoriou~ly and definitely irnproved by the subject matter
of the pres~nt inve~tion. It consists of the i~troduction,
during the condom ' ~ manuf ~cturing stage, of a layer of
15 knitted ~ab~ic, deformed in a longitudinal sen~e in
relation to the condom'~ ~xis, ~7hich iB preferably capab~e
o~ avoiding lon~itudinal st~etching and permitting
tLall~v~:L~al elasticity, thus decreasing almost to ~ero the
chance~ of tearin~.
20 O~ t8 8nd .~~ 'ry C~ th~ Inv~ntion
.~lth~ h it i5 true that it ~ee~s apparently easy to
introduce this knitted fa~ric, practice has proven chat
_ _ , . _
-- 2181968
complex means must be dealt with to obtain the best results
in the procedure ~or the present invention of the improved
product referred to above. It is ~c~ ry to develop the
followi~g ~oc6du. ~ t~; 1 ed below, consisting basically
5 in the manufact--rln~ of a machine that bear~ a rectangular
structure at which vertexes, by means of axles and
rin~s, pinions revolve and in turn move a flapped chai~
that carries supports, at which end~ there are hubs within
~hich axles slide. The axles have the condom matrixes
10 attached to one of their ends and at the other end they
bear sliding devices which act on cams. It should be
i7ed that the knitted fabric in the shape of a tube
i8 i~troduced into a cone, where two parallel conveyor
~ands having fa~tQning devices adhere to the fabric. o~ce
lS the fabric is cut t~rough the middle of both conveyor bands
it i8 guided and placed over the condom matrixes. The
axles where th~ condom matrixe~ :~re attached to slide
do~nwards, introducing themselves into the elastomeric
rings whic~ are located in compar~ment~ fixed to a chain,
20 which is parallel, and cooperates with the previously
r ~ ed flapped chain. The elastomeric rings fix the
fabric tight to the prophylactic. The fabric is cut at a
line above the elastomeric ring to allow the condom matrix,
upon ~liding upwards, to take along the whole set including
25 the prophylactic, the de~ormed fastened ~abric, and the
elastomeric ring, and thus free it~el~ from the ring
carrier chain. The set i5 then dipped into an adhesive
coating ~nd later placed in an oven for drying. The left
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over portio~ oL unul;ed fabrlc i3 then cut atoay and the
elastomeric ~ing withdrawn. The prophylac~ic is then
withdrawn ~rom the co~dom matrix to be te~ted as usual,
rolled ap, ~;11co~ d and pa ~ed.
~ 2181968
D~riPtion of D~winas
Figure 1 is a ~3ide elevational view of a prophylactic
eondom being formed in accordance with the pre~ent
s S~i~ure lA is a close up view of t~Se weaYe of the,
prophylactic condom as in Figure l;
F~gure 2 is a plan view of an apparatus forming a
plurality of prophylactic condoms, such as the condom in
Fig. 1;
Figure ~ i8 a ~ide view of the apparatus ~or forming
a plurality of prophylactic condoms as in Fig. 2;
Fig~-sre 3A is a close up view of the weave o~ a fabric
used in making th~ condom as in Fig . 1, bef ore the
prophylactic fa'~ric is longitv~;n~lly stretched in
accoL~l~ss~ee with the pre~ent invention;
Figure 33 i~ a close up view of the weave of a ~abric
used iIl makin~ the prophylactic condom as in Fig. 1, after
the fabric is longitu~;nA~ly stretched in accordance with
the prese~t invention;
Figure 4 i8 a ~ide elevational view of the
prophylaetic corsd~m made in accordance with the pre~ent
S~igure 4A is a close up view of the weave of a fa~ric
used in making the proFhylactic condom as in ~ig. 4, after
the fabric i3 l~7n~7itl~;ns~lly stretched in accordance with
the present invention;
Figure S is a side elevational view of the
~ . 2181q68
prophylactic condom o~ the present invention, shown with
~abric adhered thereto;
~igure sA is a clo~e up view o~ the weave o~ the
prophylactic co~dom as in Fig. 5;
Fig 6 i9 a side elevational view of an alternate
S ' :!Al-- - for an apparatus for making a prophylactic
condom in accordance with the preserLt invention;
Fig. 7 is a side view of the prophylactic condom being
formed in accordance with ~he alternate ' ~;m~nt as in
Fig . 6 i
Fig. 7A is a close up view o~ the weave of the ~abric
o~ the prophylactic condom as in Fig. 6;
Fig. 7B is a close up side s~c~ n~l vlew of the
prophylactic condom a6 in Fig. 6;
Fig. 8 i9 a top plan view of the alternate ~
for the ~rparatl~ for making a prophylactic condom as in
Fig 6 i
Fig. 9 is a top plan ~iew of the cone portion of the
apparatus as in Figs. 6 ~ 8;
Fig. lo i8 a side view of the apparatus as in Figs. 6,
8 and 9;
Fig. lOA is a close up view of the weave o~ the fabric
a~ ~n the alternate ~mho~ ~ for the condom as in Fig. 6,
, before longitudinal stretching of the fabric;
Fig. loB is a close up view of the weave of the fabric
as in the alternate ~mhodi~~nt for the condom as in Fig. 6,
after longit~inal stretching of the fabric.
~ 2181968
D~t~iled D~33cript~02~ of th~ Drawin~~
It is noted that Figure3 1-5 ~how ~he preferred
t of the pre~ent invention. Moreover, Figures 6-lO
show an alter~ate ~ ';r ~ for providing a prophylactic
in accordance with the present invention.
Figure l is a 3ide Yiew showin~ the condom matrix (l)
Re~erence numeral (la~ 3how3 the prophylactic placed over
the condom matrix. Re~erence numeral ~2) show3 the axle
10 whe~e the condom matrix is attached to, and refe::ence
numeral ~3) ~how3 the hubs within which the axle ~2)
slide~. Reference numeral ~4~ show~ carrier set for the
hubs (3), which i8 fa~tened, through screw3 ~5), to the
chain (6) by means of flaps (6a). Pinions ~7) move the
15 chain (6). Wheel ~8) hold3 the carrier set (4~ in a
horizontal position. Re~erence numerai (9) shows the wheel
restin3 on the cams ~10) thu~ allowing the axle (2~ to
~lide. Reference nume~al ~ hows the two conveyor band~
having an adhering ~urfac~ to which the fabric (12) becomes
20 fixed. Reference numeral (13) shows the ~lapped carrier
chain which, ~y mean~ of screws ~14), i8 fastened to the
~et ~15~ which in turn carrie~ an elastomeric ring ~16).
Pigure lA shows the ~abric (F) deformed in a
longitudinal 3ense in relation to the axle o~ the condom
2 5 mat~ix .
Figure 2 i~ a plan vi~w showing the chain (6) carrying
the carrier ~ets (4), where the condom matrixes with their
corresponding hub~, axles, cam~ and wheels are found.
_ _ . _ _ . , . _ . . _ . . . _ _ .
~- 2181968
Refere~ce character tC~ shows th~ pinionE~ that move tha
chain (6) . Chain (13) bears the ela itomeric ring carrier
sets. Re~erence nurneral (14) represents the adh~sive
coating. Reference character ~G~ show~ the oven used for
5 drying . Reference character tX~ shows the f irst cutting
device uqed to separate the unused remains of the fabric
that cover~ the prophylactic, which is placed on the
corresponding condom matrix. ~nother clltting device (Xl)'
perfo~Tns the cutting of fabric one mi ~ l irl ~er above the
10 ~lhP~i~ line in order to di~pose of the grcate~t possible
amount of fabric not adhered to the condom. Pinions (~a~
move the chairl (13~. Roller (B~ regulates the height of
the cU~ yuL ~ands (1l~. Rollers (20) mOVe the bands (ll).
Zone ~'A~' show~ where the ela~tomeric rirg as well as the
15 ~in; Rh~d condom are withdrawn. Zone "B" qhows wherc the
prophylactic is placed on the condom matrix, Zone "C"
~hows the place where the el~stomeric ring~ (16) are once
again placed within the ~et (15).
Figure 3 iq a side view showing ~he fabric (l9) as it
20 enter3 into the cone (D). The fabric ~l9) adheres to the
cor.v.:yul bands (11~, and i~ then CUt along the rl~iddle of
both bands ~18). Rollers ~20~ mo~e the co~v~yor band~
, which band~ ) in tu~n carry the ~abric ~19)
towards a co~venient position on the condom rnatrixes, ac
25 can be appreciated by the drawing. Roller (B~ iq used to
re~ulate the conveyor bands ~ 80 that the knitted fabric
ca~ hold on tight, deform itself and re~t on the
prophylactic. Chain ~13~ hold~ the el~stomeric ring
, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,, , ., ,, . , .. , _ _ , . , . _, , , _ , _
~ 2t81968
carriers (7). ~inions (7a) move the chain (13~. Wheel~
(9) act on the cam (10) 90 that the prophylactic, which is
placed on the condom matrix and covered by the knitted
fa}:ric, may slide ~ . ds to introduce itself into the
5 elaseomeric ring chus keeping the ~abric (19) fastened to
the condom. Reference numeral (16) shows the ela3tomeric
ring at its best point in ~astening the fabric (19).
Refere~ce character (K) shows the complete illustration of
the condom matrix, the ~abric ~19) and the elastomeric
10 ri~, which matrix slides upwards talcing along the
el~ct~. - c ring (16) and detaches it~elf ~rom the chain
and from the device that cnnt~in~ t~e ela~tomeric rings.
Re~erenc~ rh~r~rt~r (J) shows how the cam (10) moves
~pward~ so that the wh2el (9) can perform this operation.
15 First cutting device (X) is used to separate the ~, ;ning
portion o~ the unused fabric and thus is able to separate
the whole set from the co..v~y~ bands ~11). Two rollers
~Zl) are used to withdraw the unused rem~ins, adhered to
the conveyor band3 (11).
~s is show~ in Figures 3A and 3B reference character
(E) ~hows the fabric i~ its natural state as i~ enters into
the cone (r)) and re~erence character ~F) shows the defor~ed
~abric already placed over the prophylactic.
Figure 4 i~ a side view showing the condom matrix (1),
the axle (2), the ela6tomeric ring (16~, the parallel
~:C~v~:yvl bands ~11) which adh~re to the iabri~, the first
cutting zone (X), and the de~ormed ~abric (F) placed over
the condom. Reference numeral (la~ shows the prophylactic
.. . ... ,, . , .. _, .. _ _ , , ,
~ 2181968
placed on the condom matrix.
Figure 5 is a side view of the propbylactic already
bearing the adhered fabric. Reference character ~F) showg
an enlarged v~ew of the deforlned fabric.
While Figures 1-5 uhow the preferred .Qrnhorli - t,
Figures 6-10 8how an alternate: '- r~ It for forming the
prophylactic of the present invention.
For example, Figure 6 is a side~ view depicting a
flapped chain ~1) which is fixed to a carrier plate (3~ by
10 Inean3 of a screw (2~. At the other end of the plate ~3)
there i9 a wheel (4) that re~t~ on a support ~5) to
~-int~n horizontal stability. The axles are marked with
le~te~ ~A), which s~ide on the plate ~3) where point~ (A1~
are present to hold tight and guide the convayor bands (B)
15 that at point ~B5) have fastening devices, such as VE~CR0~-
type to hold the ~a~ric. At reiere~ce character (C~ there
i6 ~hown the ~abric adhered tO point BS. Re~erence
character ~D) ~hows the axles sliding on the plate (3) and
at one o~ it~ ends there lies an elastomeric ring (D9~ used
20 to deform and ~it the fabric tight ~C) to the matrix (10),
which i~ cov~red by the condom (11). Ther~ is al~o shown
the axles (E) that slide on the plate (3) bearing, at one
of its ends, a ring in the shape o~ a blade ~EG) which i~
electrically heated and ~s appropriate ~or cutting, by
25 means of heat temperature, the Ll in~r o~ the fabric ~hat
did not ~dhere to t~e condom. Letter (J~ shows all the
u~pport point~ of the sliaing axles that work in their own
cams (F).
~' 2181968
~ igure 7 is a side vlew ~howing that once the rod~
ha~re ~lid over to the bafie of the condom matrix ~10),
carryillg the Cvl~Ve:yu~ band ~B) that has the fabric (C)
fastened to it at point ~B5), it is maae ea6ier ~or the
5 elastomeric ring ~Dg) to deform and fit the faoric tight in
a longit~dinal sen3e i~ relatio~ to the condom's axle (11).
In ~rame ~C1) there is 6hown the fabric thus de~ormed.
Figure ~ is a plan view that 3~0ws the ~lapped chain
~1) whic~l, by mean~ of 3crews (2~ fixe3 a plate (3~ at
10 which end the wheel (4~ acts t~po~ the tra~k (5~. These
~eatures are all moved by pinion3 ~15) located at both
end~ ~igure 8 also shows two cuYlv~yur bands ~B) that
rotate by means o~ the pulleys ~G) and rest on the cor~e ~R~
to adhere to the fabric through a fastening system ~B5).
Pigure 9 is a plan view of the cone (K~ where th~
fabric in the ahape o~ a tube i8 P~t:~rn~ y i~troduced.
~wo parallel conveyor bands ~B) that have fa~qt~nin~ de~iceQ
(BS) are adhered to the fabric. I~ the middls of both
band6 there is provided a cutting device (~ which works
20 ~ t~ly after the fabric i6 adhere~ by the mentioned
devices ~B5~. Figu~e 9 al~o shows how the ~;v~v~yu~ bands
~ B~ come apart to adequately locate themsslve3 on the
matrixe6 .
Figure lo is a side ~riew in which is showr~ th~ c~ain
25 ~1~ mûved by the pinions (15~ that ca~ry the condom
~atrixes ~10) upon which the elastomeric rings (D9~, as
well as ths c~tting ~lades (~G~, act. ~abric (C) i~ ~ho~n
., _ . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ .
~ 21~1968
being introduced into the cone (R). ~igure lO also shows
th~ c~"veyo~ bands (B) that, through ~heir devices ~B5?,
adhere to the fab~ic, which after beLng cut, i8
conveniently located on the condom matrixes (10) . Once the
5 ring~ (D9) do their job, the prophylactic i8 all introduced
into the adhe~lve coat (12~ and later dried in the oven
(l3~ . That part of the fabric which has not become adh~red
to the condom is separated ~rom it by meanC o~ cylinder.~l
shaped afi blades (EG), after which the c~linder~ ll4) take
10 away tlle ~ ;ning portion o~ fabric ~rom the machine~s
c~rc~lit .
Pigur~ lOA show~ t~e fabric (C2) as it i~ introduced
into the cone ~R) in its natural state. In Figure lOB, the
~a~ric ~Cl1 is ~hown deformed and fitted ti~htly to the
15 condom by the elastomeric ring ~D9).
Other modifications may be made to the present
invention, ~ithout depar~ing from the scope o~ the
i~e~eion, ~ Dc-e~d in th~ r~rp~d~d cla~