Note: Descriptions are shown in the official language in which they were submitted.
CA 02209057 1997-06-27
'~' ~
Ficld Of The ~vehtion.
This i~veneion relates genesrally to a clearling device, and more pa~icularl~ toa cleaning device tllat can be used m colmectio~ witll a handlo or, ~lt~.rn~tively~ a
human hnnd inserted within the dev~ce.
Back~round Of ~e Inven~ioh
~IP71~in 3 devices opel~ted in conjunction with a handle o~ t;vely,
the hand of the use~ have been pxoposed. Tb.ese devices gene~ally provide a cle~ning
head made from absorbcnt, soft material and include a means for ztt~ching one end
of a hsndle, The opposmg end of the handle is gripped by t~e user. ~ltern~tjve
the cl~hing head can be used d~rectly by the user after the handle is re~oved.
~ one ~rc,~osed cleaning de~vlce of tllis type, the çleaning head is
secu~ed to the ha~ldle or, ~Ite.rnRtively, to the user's hand by a strap ~tt~rheri at each
end to the clean~ng head and across the top of the user's ~and or across the
top of a rigid support plate attachP.d to the handle, In anothe~ pro~osed clepn;n~
device a frictional inte~ference fit bct~e.,ll a pocket in the cle~nin~ head and the
handle or, altprn~tively~ the user's ~and is util{7ed~ I~ a further suggosted C]r~nin~
device an e~r~n~able openirlg to ~ pocket in the cleaning he~d is provided which is
st~etched to receive a support plate or the h~nd of the user, and is the~e~fter released
to resume a reduced size smaller tha~l eithe~ the plate or the hand. These prioI
CA 02209057 1997-06-27
~luposed devices ca~ ~e ur~eliable in 8110Willg ei~e~ the h~nd or t~e support plate to
become separated from the cle~nin~ head, o~ are c~plex ~n their con~uction.
SurnmarY Of The I~lvention.
The p~esent ~nrention provides a cor~ nient C1P-Pnjng device having a
cle~ h¢ad or pad tl~at can be used wi~h a handle or, i~ the alt~rh~tive~ as a
cleaning mitt placed ovcr the hand of the user. T~o tevice of tlie present inverltion
provides a simple and effective means of repe~e~ly att~ehing the r~ n~ head to and
tl;ccc~ tin~ the clçz~ning head f~orn eit}ler a handle o~ the use~'s hand. Ille abllity
to ad~pt the de~ice of t~e prcsent in~ention to a cle~nlT~e mitt preveIIts the device
from bocominE cumbersome and inco~enient ih cirCumstzlnl;;e-c vvhere ~ ~;yt~ tip~l
reach is rlot require, o~ in cir~ rP~ ~vher0 corne~s or other no~-linear pathways
must be negotiated.
In the disclosed and plefc;ilcd rmbodiment~ the m~t~ 1 fom~ing the
clP-~n~ng head preferably ha~ 2bout 30% ~riscose fibess and about 70~Vo polypropylcl~e
fibers ~hd can be laundered and re-used.
Accord~lgly, the p~esent ~nYentlon provides a device for clean~ng
corn~risin~ a cleaning head adapted for use in ~r~nr~tl~n with a handle or, in the
~lt~ ;ve, in comlecti~n ~vith the hand of thc use~, wherein the çl~in,~ head has a
first layer of ~n~tPri~] joined to a second layer or pockct panel of m~t~ri~l to tefi~e
~ pocket having a pocket opening l~e pocket ant opening are si~ed to ~ecei~,re ahand or, ~lt~tively~ a suppo~t plate ~t~ch~ to the e.~t~nc;t n poItion of a handle,
ll~e second layer defines a slit e~ctlontling between the pocket open~ng and an ~pL~
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to form a flrst flap alld a sccond ~lap. The cl~ninE~ head ~her indudes a closing for partially o~ completely closirlg the slit.
The cleaning head laycrs are preferably discrete poltio~ of m~t~i~l
jo~ned together by sewing, and at least one laye~ is prefe~ably fringed ~ound the oute~
pP~ Pt~r of tho layer by slits eY~n-ljn~ from the outer edge to~a~d the central region
of the oleanillg llead.
'r~e slit closing m~c~l~ni~m ptofer~bly inçludcs a first fastenislg element
positinned on one of the flaps and a second f~5te~;nl3 element posiho~Ad on the other
flap. The fl~st and second fPst~ n~ el~m,~nt~ are prefe~ably tabs h~ing enOagoable
hook and loop projections, but can also include tape tabs eng~geable with tipe lahding
~e oloaning device preferably includes a handle having a flexible
support plate connected to an cx~n~ n po~ion at one end of the e~ctyn~;on po~tion.
~o support plate is flexible enough to defo~m about cur~red su~f~ces upon the
application of snfficienJ pr~s~ure ~hile p~o~riding suppo~t for tho clP.~nin~ he~d.
The present in~ention also provides a me~hod for Is~dngr a clo~ning
device, comprising the steps of proYiding a pocket pa~el made from a sheet ~ te
fornnin~ an a~elLurc in a cent~al ~egion of the pocl~et pancl, foIming a slit in the
pocket panel eYte~;~ om the a~ ulc to an edge portion of the pocket panel
whereby flap9 a~e follned having atJa~ent, contiguous edges when said flaps are ~n a
closed position, attaching one component of a ~losu~e tn~rh~ni~rn to an unde~sidc of
the pocket panol at a location adjacent the slit, Plttpch;n~ another component of the
closure me~hRnis~ such that this othe~ component extends froln t~e othcr flap to~vanls
the first flap and extends beyond the Contiguous edge of the otheî fl~p and positioned
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such that when the flaps ate closed, the fi~st Go,.,~~ ç.~t of the closure m~rll~ni~m
ove~lies ~t least a portion of the othe~ component of the closure m~or,h~ m, and
att~r.hing the poclcet panel to a f~st fabrlc layer by s~itrhitlg the pocket panel and the
hrst layer together along a pe~heral ed~e of said pocket pa~cl except hr said edge
S po~tion.
Brief I;~cscJil~tion OF The ~:)rawill~s.
Figu~e 1 is a ~ cti~e view of a pl~fc~lt;d clP~ning head of the
present in~ention, depicting the hand of a User in ~h~ntn~n;
Figure 2 is a top plan vie~ of the cle~nin~ head of Figure l;
Figure 3 is a view ~n scction of the ~ n;n~ head as seen from t~e
pl~ne generally ;n~ ted by the line 3-3 in Pigure 2;
~ gure 4 is a view in section of the clesning head as seen from the
plane gener~lly in~ ted by thc line 4-4 ill Pigure 2;
Figu~e 5 is a view partislly in section of the cl~nihg head in
com~ination with a h~ndle;
Figure 6 is a p~ CCtiVs view of the sle~ning head and handle of
Figure 5.
Best Mode Por Practi-.inv The Invention.
The cle~nlng device of tho present in~ention provides a rl--~n;tlg head
or cieanin~ pad 10 formed from a fl~st layer of m~teri~l 12 and a second layor of
m~t~.r,t~,l 14 joined to forn~ a pockee 16 b.aving ~n opening 18, as can best be seen in
Fig~lre 3, The pocket 16 and o~ening 18 are sized to receive a su~port plate 4~
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att~ched to a h~ndlc or, in ~e altemative, to recei~e the hand of a user, A slit 24 in
the seco~d laye~ 14 ex~ondin~ from ~he pocket open~ng 18 toward the center of the
second layer 14 def~ne~ two flaps 26, 28. Mesns for closing tho s1it 24 secuIes the
suppo~t plate 42 o~, 81t~ rely, the user's hand, inside the pocket 16 whlle the
clP~ n~g head 10 is b~ng deployed to clean, dust or wipe o~ scrub as desired.
hn th~e preferred embodimcllt, the clP~nin~ head 10 comprises three
layers of material and ~ foam cushion, Thc flrst la~er 1~ has a p~ripl~ral tegion and
a pocket region 30 locatet in~asdly with ~cspect to ~e peripheral re~ion, Tho sccond
layer, or pocl~6t panel, 14 is A~tar~ to the top surface of the fi~st layer 12 overlyillg
the pocket tegion 30, A thi~d layer 34 is disposed o~ the <~os~ng side of tho first
layer 12 and colltRrts the su~face to be cleaned. The foam c~ehioJl 40 is disposed
between the flrst and third layers 12, 34. l'he three layers 12, 14, 34 and the foarn
cushion 40 a~e scwn together o~ otherwise ~tt~çlled along the periphery of said pocket
panel 14 except along a non-att~t~he~ edge pottion 20 of the seco~d layer 14 that
defines a pocket openihg 18, whe~e the s~i~rllin~ secures the ~lrst and third lzyers 12,
and the ~oam cusbion 40
It will be appreciated that the pocket 16 of the clean~ng head 10 can be
formed without the third l~yes 34 and also without thc foam cu~hio~ 40. ~ this
alte~nate ~rnbodiml~t~ e intesior s~rface of the first layer 12 fo~ms the interior
poclcet panel 3~, while ~e O~L~O~ g exterio~ surface of the fisst layer 12 co~h~t~ the
surface to be cleaned. It will further be appreci~ted that the layers of the cl~ni~e
head ate p~efe~ably formed of dis~ete and ~ continuous po~tio~s of rrl~t~ti~l, but can
~lso be formed by one ox ~otc folds of one or moxe unitasy postions of m~ter1pl
without departing from the spirit os scope of the prese~t invention.
CA 02209057 1997-06-27
The ollte~ porim~tf~.~ of the cle~l;ng head 10 is prefeta~ly frihged, to
enhance the clean~ng and wiping functiolls of ~e devicc. In the pteferred
etnbodimeI~t, the firse Elnd third layers 12, 34 are o~ the same shape and size, and both
have frlnge 36 about their respective pçr1rnetFrs prefe~ably formed by a plurality of
slits 38 ex~endin~ from the cxterior edge o~ each layer toward t~e central region of
each layer. The s~cond la,yer 14 is preferably smaller than the ~irst 12 ant third 34
laye~s, ~nd hns ~ S]l~pC tllat s~lbst~lntiAlly covers that portion of the first l~yer 12 th~t
is free of fringe. The layers of thc cl~ni~ head can also be joined by othet suitable
means such as rivets, staples ~r~d adhesives as ~e }~own h the art.
The layers of the clcar~ng he~d are preferably made from non-woven
m~te~iAI cornI-rising 30% viscose fibers and 70% polypropylenc fibers. ~lthough any
suitable soft, absol~e~ll woven or non-wo~en material co~ld be used, the ~reÇer
rnaterial can be laundeted and reused,
l'he pre~e~red no~-woven matenal l~s thc follow~ng p~u~ ties:
composition 30% viscose
7070 pol~propylo~e
(per D~ 53 854) 400 gm/~Z
tper DIN 53 ~55) ~.6 mm
tensile strength lon~itudinal (wet ant dry) 450 N
(per DIN 53 857) cross~vise (wot and dry) 500 N
tcar reQi~t~n~e longitudinal (dry) 100 N
tper DIN 53 859) crosswise (d~y) 90 N
water absorptioh
(pe~ PIN 53 923) 550%
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absorption rate 30 seconds - 45 mm
tper DIN ~3 9~4) 60 secor~ = 55 mm
120 sec~ 65 mm
~e flexible sb~ t foam pad 40 is ~ posed tcl~een the ~rst lay~
12 and tho third layer 34 in the ~ef~ ,d emhodirnPr.t T~e pad 40 serves as a
eushion to ~educe the tisk of sc~t~tr1~in~ the surface being wiped, and also p~ovides
additional a~scrl~e~cy for rl~ g yulyoses~ Thc prefe~ed foam is a flcxible u~ethane
havillg a tensity of ,95 and a grade J3~.
The pocket openlng 18 of the ~lcrGllcd ~mho~im~nt iS defincd by the
uh~tt~cl-~d edge 20 of thc pocket panel 14 tllat is Ilot stitchPd or otherwise A~t~rllP.d
to the first layer 1~. ~is opening, 18 is sized to receive a hand or, ~lte~atively, a
support 42 connected to the ~ ~en~ . portion 44 of a hsndle 46. A slit 24 An thepocket p~nel 14 extends b~tv~en tlle llnRtt~ l edge 20 snd an ~lu,e 52 to def~e
two flaps 26, 28 having conti~uous edges defincd by the slit. T h e
mer.h~;.~tn for closillg the slit 24 and jou~ng the flaps 2~, ~8 securely positinn~ the
rl~ninp head 1~ ~elative to ~e hand or the suppo~t plate 42 ~ posed ~thin the
pocket 16. The closi~g m~ h~n;.cm can be used repe~tp~lly to close the sllt 24 while
the cl~ in~ head 10 is in use, and to open the slit 24 and re~no~e the use~s hand or
the support plate 42 f~o~n the pocket 16 ss desired.
I~e closing m~ .~ni~ prefcrably coJr~ cS a first engaging elrtn~nt
48 positioned on one n~p 26 and a second ~nE~A~in~ ol~.m.o.nt 50 positjonPd on thc
other flap 28. In the ~L~ ~ embodime~t, thc flrst and second eng~ing elem~nts
48, 50 are compl~-rnPnt~ry eng~gin~ Plp~ments such as~ by ~ay of e~-nrle., one or
more butto~s and correspoIldihE button holes, one or more male snap inserts and
cor:responding fe~ale snap recei~ , one or more b.ooks and co~Lespculding eyes or
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~_J ~
one or more tape tabs and correspntlding la~dmg strips. The ~ost ~Lefeslt:d first
engag~ng ~lçrn~t 48 corl~ist~ of fibe~ loop st~uctures pS-ojecting from a woven
backing. ~e most ~rt;f~lr~ second ~n~;ng e]em~lt SO consists of nylon hooks or
other suit~bly shaped structures projecting f~om a woven backing Such hook ~d
loop st~uetures are somet~mes refel~ed to in the art ~s Velc~o.
The fitst and second en~7~gill~ cl~rnRnts 48, S~ caS~ be id~ cal
e~ ih~z elel~enls if fotmcd to cooperatively interlock, such as, by way of exa~nple,
engageAble hook sttuctures, os~ t~pe tabs with ba~k;ng surfaces such that the adhesive
su~face of ono tab can bo affi~ed to the bacscing surface of the othe~ tab. ~urthe~, at
least one of either the flrst en~aging clern~ nt 48 or the second ~ ng~in~ el~tn~rlt 50
can be eitller a discrete structure ~tt~rhed to eithe~ flap or a surface of the flap itself.
I~e first en~a~ing element 48 of the pr~r~sl~d embor3im~--t c~ns;sts of
a strip of loop mate~ial sewed to tshe firs~ flap 26. The secont e~E~ae;t~ ornent 50
os' the yr~f~ed embo~limrllt cnnsi~ of a str~p of hook m~tprial sewed to the s¢cond
flap Z8. The hook strip 50 is sewn along tho second 1ap edge so that thc strip
e~t~ds into ~he slit 24 with the hooks projecting away f~om the ~nterio~ of ~e pocket
16. I~e loop strip 48 ls sewn to the interior su~face of ~e filst flap 26 with ~e
loops exter~l;ng toward the inte~or of the pocket 16. The posjti~nin~ of
the first a~d second e~g8ging ~ y 48, 50 allows for the el~m~n~ to be
advantageously ovcrlapped to close the slit 24 and snugly secure the user's hand or7
altematively, ~e support plate 42 of a handle 46, to tl~e clc~nin~ head 10. Illeamount of overlap can be adjusted depcrl~lin~ on the size of the hand, or the support
plate, inse~ed ~ith~n the pockct 1~. The size and position~ng of ~e ~f~ d
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,1 ~
eng~gln~ en~ tS 48, 50 can ~e advahtageo-~sly pr~r.~ted to a~o~rnodate a wide
range of hand sizes and support plate si~es.
In an ~lt~nRte e2nbo~ nr~t, the closLng compr~ses 8n
~t~totnPric ~t~ip (not ~hown), secured at onc end to the flrst flap 26 a~d at a secoTld
end to the second fl8p 28. The gtrip can s~etch to ~ecQ~ .. n~l~te a ~ange of hand and
support plate sizes.
The support p~nte 42 of tlle ~ref~rrl d embodiment comprises a flexiblo
plastic pl~te in ~e gencr~l size and shape of the pocket 16. I~e ends of the flexible
plate ate preferably shaped so as to rni~or thc pocket shape regardless of which end
of the plate 42 is flrst inse~ted into the pocket 16. An e~rt~n~;on pOItiO~ 44 is
p~efer~bly rotatably cor~ected to the centrsl poItion of the support plate 42. When
it is desired to use the ~le~;n~ head 10 ~ith the handle 46, the slit 24 is opened and
t~e support pl~te 42 is ~nserted into the pocket 16. I~e PYteJ~io~ portion 44 igdisposed ii~ a generally p~rl?endicular alignment with the plane gene~lly defined by
the cles~ine head 10, and the slit 24 is cloged by eng~ing tb.e hrst ~nga~ el~m~nt
48 and the ~econd e~gaging e~ t 50,
I~e terminal slit end 52 of the ~rerelrcd etnhor~imPnt provides a
~enerally circular ope~irlg to accomTrod~t~ the cyli~lrir~l shape of the extPn~iQll
po~tion 44~ A teinfo~ce~ent panel 54 defines a circular ~Pe~in8 and a slit e~tet~;nR
from the edE~e of the ~anel to the reinforc~ng opening. l~e panel 54 is preforably
stitched to the second layer 14 at the t~ in~lslit end 5~. The ci~cula~ opon~ng and
~lit oP the reinforccmcnt panel 54 are aligned ~espectively with the circula~ op~ning
52 and ~ length of the second lay~ slit 24.
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The flexible plate 42 of the preferred ~nbo~impt~t provides support for
the cl~ning head 10 ill ope~ation. ~dditional~y, th8flexible plate 42 will defo~n in
re~ponse to the applic~tion of sl~ffi~irnt pre.,;,~c by the user, causlng the exterior
surface of the cleanln~ head 10 to defor~ about the shapo of the surface being
cleaned. This deforl~ation of the ele~ninE head 10 increaseY the surface ~ea of the
cleani~g head 10 in contact with the su~ace to be clc~n~A ~.n~b];tl~ increasin~
officiency ahd effectiYeness of t}~e cleaning device of the present in~ention.
Mahy other modifiç~ti~n~ and vari~tinJl~ of the in~ention will be
h~ t to those sl~illed in the art in the llght of the foregoing disclosure and
drawin~s. Therefore, it is to be understood that, within the scope of the apRended
claims, the invention ca21 be practiced othc~wise than has specifir~lly bee~l shown and
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