Note: Descriptions are shown in the official language in which they were submitted.
CA 02217327 1997-10-24
4r~ FOR 1~ RE;MOYAI, OF F~T FRCIM ~ rl:~4DS
~ he inv~r~tion undor con~idor~tlo~ conc~rns a ~tbod ~OF t~e
remov~1 of fat from dcep-fried ~oc~d~ particui~r thin ~cds,
~uch ao pot8to chip~ or other types oY de~p-~r~ed snack p~o~ucts,
s~ ao t~Ftlll~ corn chip~, and rood~ produc~d ~y m-~ 3 or
-~ynthetlc ~at, ~or exam~l~ Sorb~t~i~ or Ol~tra-.
In particul~, st~rch-contain~n~ st~rting product~, such ~s
p~t~t~es, ara excellent for d~op-~yinq in hot oils, wh~r~n good-
tastl~g--andl ir th~ products ~re deep-fried ln ~ ~uffic$ently thin
~.~y~ c~ispy protuct9 ~e pro~coA. The~ bo~t~ow~ and mo~t widoly
cold products of ~his typ~t ~re pot~to c:hips.
Present day ~tlng hab~ts tec~d mora ~nd mo~e to ~ F~ tion of
int~ke. ~her~fc~r~ e~fo~t~ h~ve ~lready b~on unde~y rOr a lorlg
tlme to roc~uce the 2at conlent or ~rled p~oducto. With~r~ tt~
~r~wor~ o~ these errort~, new r~y~ng oil~ ~e ev~luatod ~nd the
p~oces~ parameters are opti0ized. ~he co~re~ron~lngly produced fat
~-ontent, h~w~v~, is st$11 t~4 high rO~ m~ny aE~plicat~on~.
A nlethod for the removsl of ~at rrOm ~rled product6 ls lcrlown
~rom DE-A~ 15,315. ~n accord~nc~ wlth th~ method o~ the state of
'che art, the ~ied product~ a~e plAced in 4 colltainer, which i~
~ub~equently ~illed ~ h an ~q~nlc solvent. whereupoJ~, aft~ a
ve~l waitin~ ~i~e, it ~ ~gain ~1~cl~rged. Th~ extr~Ction can ~e
repeated. Tho~e ~olvents bo~ling i~ t~e ranqe o~ -5~C to 100~C ~r~
- CA 02217327 1997-10-24
dehcr~b~d ~ organic ao~vento. ~th~nol ~nd diehloro~ethane are
~entioned ~ the pr~erred solventJ. An ~rgument ~ar eth~ol is lt~
hi~h ail-d~ss~lving C~p~City at h~gh t-3~erature~ wbereln the hot
dl8salved o~l is ~galn precipitat~d ~n cooli~g t~, ~a~ ~x~mple,
room tAmper~u~e, which ~nakes pos-ibl~ an e~sy recycllng of the
alcohol ~
This m~hod of the ~tat~ of t~e ~rt worlc~ advarlta~ou~sly ~ith
96~ ethanol, wherein ~00 L eth"~ol per loo kg pot~to chlps a~e
use~ .
In oth~r aroas of t}~o food branct~ pa~ti~l~r il~ the area
of oil re,~otrery, ex~r~ction ~ethod~ ara alraady )mown. A~ overview
of such Jnethods is ~Jiv~n in L.A. John~c~n and ~.W. Lu~s~, Conpari.~on
o~ Al~rn~tlve SolVent~ ror O~ ~xt~act~on, ~PU~eS, Vol. 60, No. 2
~ rua~y l9~3~, pp. ~ 2~1. VArlou~ ~ol~ents which could ~e us~d
for th~ reco~er~ o~ oll fro~ oil-bearlng ~eed9 $nste~d ~ hexane,
which has ~ the ~ost widesp~ead ~p to n~, are di~CU~#~d in this
ove~v~w article. In ~ddi~on t~ e~e use of the ueu-l 96~ othanol,
this doc~e~t al~o di~clo~ the posa~bility of u~ing of a mor~
highly concontrated eth3nol, fo~ ~x~3pl~ eth~nol und~
pre~sure, for thc recol~ery of oil, Accordlr~y ~ 4~ ory
~xperiment4, th~ oil-di~solvlng capacity o~ anhydr4u~ ~th~ol
sho~ld be approx~ately l.9 times that ~f 90~ eth~no~. From R.K.
Rao et a,~., Alcoholic ~xt~act$on o~ Veget~ble Oils. V. Pilot Plant
Ext~act~on of CO~ronbc~d ~y Aqueouo Ethar~ol, ~be ~ou~al of th~
~e~ican Oil ch~i~t~ Society, V~l. 35 (J~e 1958,
pp. 217-2~0), a ~ nt cited in the ovorview ~rticle abov~, it ls
clear that wlth d~led ~la~ee, that ls, those with less th~ 3~
r~3~usl m~stura, th~ oil res~du~ t" the ~lakes is approx~m~tely
~che s~e when us~ng 95 . 4% etb~r~ol and 99 . ~ ethanol, und~ the a~e
CA 02217327 1997-10-24
p~oce~ corldition~, and for this roa:~on the u~e o~ 95~ ~thanol 1
recc ~ d.
This go~l o~ tha ln~entlon u~r cor~alderatlc~n was tt~ dov-lop
an ext~actior~ process ~or da~p-t~led product~ ~n whlch the ~terial
t~ ~e extracced re~lns the teXtu~e ~tta1r~d by t~e frylng ~cl ls
pr~era~ly n~t damaged ~ec~anlcally, ~nd whicl~ ~o~ks with the
low~st po~slble expendlture o~ enc~gy, a~d to m4~e aY~ilable An
app~r~tus sultable ~or carr~rlnq oue th~ ~ethod.
'rh~.~ goal ~ attained by ma)cl~lg ~vail~blc ~ method in which
a~y~ro~s alco~sol is used.
A un~t ~uitabl~ ror tl~e c~rrying aut of th~ method in
~ccord~nce with the invontlor~ iS ~hown in the ~ e.
Since it is an extractio~l process rOr food, ~lcohol~ ap~ove~
for thi~ p~pose, ln ~rticular, ethanol, A~e pr~f~rred.
A~solute ethar~ol ln ~Irlnlcing quality i~ t~le prsf2rr~d ~olven~
with this m~hod. Surprisingly, it was dl~cove~ed ~hat in the
appl~cation tcl ~rled pzoduc~ with a ~ofature cont~nt ~elow 3 wt~,
p~e~er~bly be~ow 1 wt~, the use o~ absolute et}l~nol, ln cam~a~ison
to 969~ ethanol, offors surp~ g ad-t~t~9e8. Thu8, the oil-
dis~olving cRp~city ~f ~s~ t~ alc~ohol ~ bolllr~ ten~e~a~ in
th~ applicatlon ~o ~ried product~ i~ a~;p~oxl~t~ly lS ti~e~ better
th~n that o~ t~e n~n~al 9~ ~lcohol. ~b~ol~ t~ ~thancl, however,
also o~fer~ other advanta~ts. Thus, for exa~le, the ~rylr~ tim~
for th~ products is shorter, sir~ce the pr~duct ~annot a~so~b any
additional water durir~g t~e ex~ract$o~l, wherein it ~ ~dsr le88
stress, and absolute eth~nc~l, ln ~o~pA~i~on to o~r !Iclvents that
ar~ usu~lly pre~ent ar~hyd~ou~, JUCh as ~exane, ha~ ~he advant~¢ of
~elng i ~self a co~ ent ~ ood. Furth~nnore, ch~ps ~etain tbeir
cri~pln-ss w~n absolut~ eth~nol is usod and do not b~ e ~ither
~ott or rra5~11e. Du~ to the 2lu~p~igingly h),5~h oil-di~ao~ving
CA 02217327 1997-10-24
~apac~ty al~ady at boll~ng tempe~ature, work ~nd~r pre~aure ls
aloo unr~e~:e~ y ~nd aince the po~ibility o~ w~t~ 1nt~ke fro~ the
s~lveT~t doe~ no~ ~xist, the resi~-rce ~i~e of thin chip~ ~n the
~olvent iJ not crlt~
Th~ e~t~sc~ion can be c~rri~d out i~ principle with ~y
extr~ctor 1, ~or ~xam~e, by i~or~on or opr~yi~, A~ extr~ctior~
in a ccur t-~c~r~nt o~ cros~clurr~t ~xtr~c1~r, ~ow-v~r, la
pre f err~d .
Sl~e ext~a~:ti~n c~n occU~, for ex~, in ol~o or ~re stag~:
'chis one ~t~g~ or sever~l ~tage~ car~ bc ~e~ected ~om the
~xt~e~ n ~ethod6 1) ~p~inkling Or th- perhsps preh~3a~d chip~
~pre~er~l~ p~eh~ated to extr~ctian temperature) with ab~olute
lco~ol or ml~c~lla a~ an elevated ~po~ature (ror absolute
~t~nol ~t ~pprox~t~ly 50-77~C) or ~ loc~ ng the ch~p~ with
~oolute alcohoL or ~sc~llo,, U~u~lly, thq ~xt~t~ction 18 csrrled
out at temp~at~res that lie in the ~ange of 25~C b~ w the b~lling
po~nt of thc solvent and ~lu boili~ ~oir~t of th~ ~lven~. Tho
alcohol or the mi~cella, bel~w eall~d t~le sol~ent, can be pl~c~d on
th~ ch~ps d~rlng sprinlclinSI wlth o~ witho~C p~essure, ln lic~uid
~orm, wh~R the solvent di~solves the ;~u~fac~ c~ll and ~ d~ipped
off as tniJcella Ml. With ~n extr~ctl~n il~ sever~l stage~, the chip~
'~h~t ~a~re unde~gone a ro~lg)~ oval Or th~ fat have a re~idual oil
conte~t o~ ually 10-20 wt~ a~tel: the firs~ ~tage.
Adv~ntageou~ly, a flooding of the C~ip5 with ~olve~t is
provid~d ~o~ in ~t least one ~ag---e~pecial~y pr~ferred, ~he last
st~ e. After ~t le~st this one stage, the re~ldual oil contont is
usually distr~uted homogeneou~y o~J~r the ctip~. Thls is the
iTqpo~t~t second~ry effec'c Or thi~ flao~ing method; th6 o$1
cont-~t standa~diz~tion. A~ter the ~,oo~ing, a ;~cell~, mi~cella
M~ also di~ç~ar~ed.
CA 02217327 1997-10-24
As wa~ alr~ady ~nt~o~od ~bov~, th~6e ~xt~ctlon m~thnd~ c~n
also be carried out ln ~ ~in~lo countercur~ent unit. A prefe~red
counterc:urr~nt ~xtracto~ i6 the so-called cro~s~u~r~nt extract~r,
in which th~ 301~ent is s~pplied ~y ~oan3 o~ sprl~kli~y.
T~ re~ld~nce tim~ o~ ~he p~oducts in ~acl~ stage ~ t~e
extractlon i~ not c~itlc~l.
In orde~ to keop tho ~hod co~ts a~ low ~5 pos~ e an~ t~
~tt~ln minimal ~nv$~oa~Pent~ pollution, th- Jolvent i6 recycled
lnta the extraction. So that the s~vlce li~o o~ the solvent ~3
optim~l, the d~p-fry pr~coss of the chipa should b~ c~trollod in
such ~ m~nner that the c~ips h~ve a maxi~um water conten~ ~f
prefcrably 1~ wtlen th-y go into th- ~xtr~ct~on. ThiS en~uro~ that
no water or ~ imal ~o~t of wa~er ~ro~ tho c)-ipo goo~ over into
the ~olvent. ~he ~o~ dilutcd the aol-~e~t, tt~o ~orse i~ ~to
~olu~ility fO~ t~e oil, ~nd the mar- -~olvent per given ~uantity of
chi~8 l~ nece~sar~ for tho desired r~oval Or ~at, and the ~ore
s~lv~nt mu2~t be hc~t~d to the cxtr~ction t~ ra~ure or d~hyd~tcd
or r-Flaced by absolute 6011v~t, which incroa~e~ the w~it and
~perating costs.
A~t~r th- la~t ~xtraction stage, ~h~ chips go i - ~i ately lnto
the b~ic rl~vor~ st~ye 2. Tho chips can be- :~prink~d Wit~l a
ery flavoring, ~n ~'nicb. only temperatur~-~en~itiv~ nen~
~dJor pr~cu~or~ are c:ont~ l n~ he precursor~ p~oduce a roaJ~c~d
~romo. ~t the ~ollowing dxyin~ te~e~at,u~2s~ ro~ coW~ensatoo
for any ~roma 104s~ due to th~ ~oval of a~ cont~lining oil.
~ho t~p~r~tur-- u~d in thig ~tag~ i~ ~ot :;rltic~l, b~t i~
advant4g~0ualy ~nd 4pproxim~t~1y equival~t to that o~ the
oxtr~,ct~onl ~o that 3fterwa~ds~ ddition~l he~tirlg i~ need~d ~o~
~he dry~ ng.
CA 022l7327 l997-l0-24
Surprisin~ly, it then b~ce~e ~vl4en~ that wlt~ low-~at clllps
or wlth c~lps wbo~e ~at had ~e~ removecl, th~ 8~ lavorlny 2 can
alno be carrled out lr~ the form of ~ 41urry, t~ is, w~th
t~nces ar~d/or p~ecur~c~ dl~p~rsed ln the ~olvont ~nd not
~en~ti~ to the teA~por~tu~e~ thi~ ne by spraying th~ slur~y-
~ uid OA~ 'che chips ~r by i~mer~in~ the chips in the lurry-
liquid. Thi~ ~u~y ~lavorin~ c~n take plac~ wit~ sl~rry, which
qtr~ ~b~t~ bient temperature, wbe~eln ~n ~ner~ nten~ve
he~tin~ o~ the slurry is avold~4. ~owever, thi9 requireS a ~ra
lnt~ln90 ~eh-ati~g of th~ chips durlno tl~ dry~g. Anhydrou6, low-
boilins~ sol~ents, ror exam~le~ apolar Yolven~cs~ suci~ ~ hexane,
diethyl et~er, pet~o~eum eth~r, etc., anhydrou~ ~lcohols, ~uch ao
propanol, 180propa~ol, ethanoi, e6~B ~r also ~ixtl~r~s ~f low-
boilinq, ~nhydrous disp~ants~ ~e ~U~Ablç ~s ~olvent~" o~
What is.esse~ti~l ~o~ the sel~ctio~ o~ the disp~rsant is tha~
it i9 li~Uld ~t tbe appllcatlon te~operatur~, fo~ example, ~bd~
tQ~r~ture, and--ln ~iew o~ th~ aU~4~quent dryl~ h~ a bolli~g
point o~ ~re~orably b~low lOO~C.
r~ order to d~ig~ th~ ~ecvv~y of th~ s~lven~ ~nd it~
recycllrlg into the ext~act~on as simply as po~sible, ~t is
p~e~e~abl~ 1~ the a~ olv~nt i~ u~d ~ ~ disp-roAnt ~ in the
ext~action m~thod, that ~8, in t~ ~ fat-remov~l proco~s u~der
conald~tion, ~-bsolu~e eth~ l or, ln ar~y ca~e, eth~nol-rich
~scella .
The ~urp~isir~gly l~.omoge::ecu~ roring of tho chip~ rc~t
advan~a~e o~ th~ slurry rl2~vo~ing. The homogerl~ity ~n bo
add~tionally Lmprovod i~ th~ y andJor C~O dofatted ~od~et ~r~
k~pt ~vinq.
CA 02217327 1997-10-24
0~ rs~, thc b~oic $1~voring 2 c~r al~c~ bo ~ ccmbi~tlon or
tr~ditlonal b~eic rlavorin~ and alurry fl~voring.
A~ter the l:~olc rl~o~lng, t~e chl,~ go to d~ylng 3.. D~ylns1 3
~a,n b~ ~rle~l out ln one ~ ~or~ st~g~o. ~o red~lce ~ ~tBk clr
explooion, th~ ~ying c~n take place und~r ln~rt gas ~r in a
v~cuum, w~e~ prefe~bly at loa~t one ri~c ~t~ge, perhapg also
second ~t~g~, ~hould ~e carrled out wlt~ gr~tly r~duced c~xygeFl
~ntent. ~il~ the dryln~, the work ~ ~ o.dva~t4geou~1y done ~n ~c
l~ast on~ st~ge under vacuulu or At te~perstures above 100~ w~th or
without ~ high gas s~eed, ln ord~r to retnove the re~idual solvent
d~wn to a l~gal and s~n~orl~lly accept~ble r~a~nd~t~. Tbis
r~ r i~ us~lally bas6d on tl e ~ood OrAln~ce and lie~, ior
ex~apl~, b~lo~ 0. S w~9~ for et~anol ln Swltzorl~nd. Ad~r~ntaq~ously,
th~ dryir-g ls ~arried out in two o~ th~ee sta~es. In a flrst st~g~,
~r example, nei~he~ g~ n~ addition~l hoat C~ b- au~pl~d, tha~
~, a part of ~he ~lcohol ev~por~tes spontaneously and C~n eaJll$r
be roco~rered. ~n a ~econd :~tage, the hea~ or e~c~snple, cen }~e
6uppll~cl by ~:he r~dilltion o~ hot uall surfacQ~, but nc~ ~as, ~o that
~ ~u~the~ pn~t o~ ~he solvent is yield~d in an ~asily recovor~ble
ma~n~r. Sln~e 1J1 these two lnitial s~4ge~, no hot gaa is supplied
and thU~ the so~vent ~ap~s are a~so nCI~ o~peclally dlluted, t~ey
ca~ b~ s~ppl ied to the solvent ~ecovs~y . Alt~rnately, in the ~scond
stage o~ in the third ~tag~, the ond drylng take~ place. Her2, warm
alr, p~rhaps pred~led, o~ in pa~ticular iF~ ~h~ ~econd ~ta~e, a
protect~vo gas, rO~ exa~e, nlt~ogen, is suppll-d. In anothe~
a~t~nativo, th~ t ~ta~es ~wi'ch thr~-st~g~ dr~ing, two qtauesl
4re carried out ~lth th~ supply o~! hot inort gas--po~hap~ with 4
simultanaous u~e of an ~ddltlon~l h-~ating. ~ ohol removed in
~hose r~rst two Ytag~s o~ a tllr~o-stag- procesa can be ~eco~ere~ ~n
~ntitio~ o~ up to 993, ~lo1n~ ~on~1Er~6a~ior~ a~d/o~ ad~otption or
CA 02217327 1997-10-24
~b~orpt$on ~ethod~. Tl~e ~pen~ ~ir fLo~ ~ thl~ ~t~ge u~ually
contain6 ~uch ~1 low contont of sc)l~ent ~at it~ rocov~ry i~r~d r~tU~n
is g~n~rally not ~con~- ical. It c~n, in ~ny case, b~ u~ed as a
_ b~;~tion ~r. Th- proee~ve ~aJ can be u~ed in clrculatIon. ~o
~duce the explo~ion rl~k, the entlre unit 1~ ~dv~nta~eou~ly
op~rated ~nd~lr inert 9~;. An eventual wo~k-up is b~od on the type
of ~Z~S. The ~t~tire dry~nSI is c~rried out ~hleld~d ~ron~ moist air,
i~ orde~ not to obtain water conder~tlon lr~ t~e ~olve~lt rscov~y
13, or wat~r-containinSI solvent ~d thus aolve~t which 1
unfavorable for the extractlon.
~ ollowlng th~ dry~ng, the chips ~er~aps ~Jo to a ~l~uld
~l~vorin~ 4. The d~lps ar~ there~y ~pr~yed with llquid or ~sper~d
arom~, in Which temper~turo-sonsitlv~ and l~quid co~ponents Are
contained. T2~e liquld flavorlngs ~ay not cc~nt~in e~Cner wate~ or
alcohol; on tho oth~ ~d, the ~lavorlng~ ar~ di~ol~ed in oll
andJor s~peT~de~ and/or dispor~ed . The oi 1 aCts ~multaneously e.s
~luent and i~ added until ~r~y c~p~ility i~ ~t~c~.ined.
It 1~ self-ovlde~t ~cha~ ~e, e ~n~ on tho do~l~e~ prod~ct:, the
ba~ic flavorlnçl or the ~l~Uid ~lavo~ng, i~ pa~tlculsr the liquid
flavo~:iny, Can be omltted.
Alre~dy above, ~t ~4~ mention~ ~h~t a recycling Or ~lverlt 1
provlded for durin~ ~e extracelo~. Thls recyclinq c~es P1aCq ~Y
sub~ec~ing t~e indlvidu~l m~scell~, ~itbe~ d or unmixed, to a
rough separatio~ S. ~n t~o roU~ paratio~, the ~1sc~11a is ~r~t
scree~e~ or fil~ered and t~en coolsd, pre~r~ly tQ ~lo~ 20~C.
~aner3lly~ t~e solvent should be cooled by approxlm~tely 50~C,
~referably even by approximately 70~C, ~o ~ to ~t~in as ~ood a~
p~ible an oil ~oparation. Durin~ this ~ooling, the ~iscella
deco~po~e~ spontanecl~sl~ lneo two ph~se~; an oll-rid~ heav~ ~a and
~r. oll-poor, ligh~ ph~e ML. T~e~e phaaes--depending on thelr
CA 02217327 1997-10-24
va~lou~ p~ci~ic ~igbts~ n be ~aparat~d by, tor ~x~le,
~dlmensation o~ centri~ugation. The oll-poor ~hase ~L can once
ag~ be retu~n~d to the extzllction dir~ctly ~ th~ sc~lv~-nt.
I~ th~ fryiA~ pr4c~ co.rriod out w~t~ fae or wlth ~lt-
cor~tain~ng oila, then a rcugh ~pa~a;ion int~ an oll-r~ch and an
oil-poor ph o~ ~y d~st~llatlon i~ pre~er~e~, lnstead ~r the
separ~tion descr~Rd abCVfl.
The oil-~$ch phase i5 co~u~ted to th~ ~in~ paratlon ~. T
~lne ~ ration 6 t-ko$ plac-, ~or ~xawple, wlth vacul;un
distilla~on. ~rhe vaçu~n ha3 t~e pu~pcse there~y that no oxyg~r,
co~Les ~nto Con'cact Wlth t~ - oll, so th~t it is :~pared ~nd ln this
w~y r~a~ns bett~ od for ~torage 7 and reuae durir~g th~ frying
pr~ce:~s 8. ~he dlsti d-o~f ~lcohol can also ha ~xt~n~ y
recove~ed ~y Pean~ o~ cooll~g trap~ and agaln be conducted to th~
IA orde~ to a~oid ~e~ha~lc~l dama~ to ~b~ chip~, they are
preferably tran~o~ted ~o~ one ~t~g~ ~o the n-xt by ~an~ o~
co~ya~ce ay~t~ms t~t a~e gon~lo e~ to inhibit bre~k~gg~ Such
b~e~ka~e-in~ibiting convey~r sy~cm~ ar~, So~ ~xa~ple, chutes. 1~ a
~eterin~ is to bc simul~oou~ly c~rried out by the b~eaka~e-
inhibit~ng oonvoyes ~y~em, ~h~n a conveyer systcm ~ ef~rably
s~l~cted from ~ho group co~pri~1nq ~olt co~v~yors, ~ck~
conveyer~, vibration co~veye~s, drum convoyer~, or ~ combln~tlon of
two o~ ~or~ o~ th- ~a~o.
In a production unlt i~l ~hi¢h tho ~in~ pe~form~e and th~
~xtrsctc~ per~ C~ ~r~ not opt~mally coo~dl~sted Wi~h on~
~not~ , it is ~dvant4g~!0u~ i~ th~ p~oduct~ ~c~ the ~rying 8 are
conv~yed via a bln 19 to ir~tc~netl~te ~to~age ~nd c~en~t~on c~
production ~luctuations, ~y ~anY o~ a ~r~akage-inhiPiti~g and
mete~in~ oor~r~ye~ ~y~tom l5 to axtra~tiw~ l.
CA 02217327 1997-10-24
If t~c extractlo~ 1 t4~a~ p~ace ln a continUOuB~y op~r~t~
e~traceor 1, for ex~mpla, a coun~rcUrrent o~r cros~cu~:rent
extractor, but the l~ lc rlavcring 2, ttak~ plac~l batchwi~c, and
ehe d~ying p-~h~ps ~g4in c~ntlr~uously, t11en, once ag~ln, mete~inq
and ~esk~g~-l~ib~ting convaye~ sy~te~s (rl~t ohow~ ln t~- rlgurel
are ~e~or~d ~etw~n the~c 8ta~es.
It i~ not ~port~nt w~sether the chlps use~ in thl9 me~hod are
rlat ~r st~u~tur~d. In order to ~ir~ lzo thelr fracturing
susceptiblllty, however, it 1~ adv~ntageou~ to cut th~m thlcker
tha~ u9u~1 and/or to ~ake a, wavy CUt. S~ice thicknesse4 for flat
chip~ usulal~y flu~uate in ~h* order o~ magnitude between 1.1 to
1.5 mm.
If the solvent attalns a ~ c o~ sollirlq" which ~akes i~
~nsultat~lo fo~ rocycling, fo~ ~x~le, an exc~ssiv~ly hlgh water
cont~nt or too mal~y e~ul~lried a~ea~panylng sw~stance~, then it ~n
be çon~ cted to ~ wor~c-u~, com~ inq a ~l~cqll~ distillatlon 9, a
rectification 10, and perhap~ a stage o~ convor~lon to abaolute
~o~nt 11 with a subsequer~ r~t~l~n t~ a ~olvent s~ply 1~.
va~iow units are ~uit~le ~o~ the car~yi~ ut of the ~-thod
i~ accord~nc~ with the inventlon. ~o~ allor ~uar~titl~ he
s~thod c~n b~ carri~d out entlrely in a vacu~ ler of ~h~ p~
d~ier ~od~ uitabl~ d~ier, fo~ example, is ~ IST I~OX
sta~d vaeuum drier, as ~t can be obt81ned ~o~ the INOX G;,A
CaMPANY in Schon~nw~rd, Swltzarla~d ar~d is described ln th~
prospsctu~ ~CWM DRIE~ il 9S ~s~ue of the ~ompany
montioh~3d A~oYs~ wh~in t~o dl~rg~ ~p-~r ing (d~scr~od ln t}le
pro~p~ctu~ as "0Disch~rqe v~v~"~ ~u8t ~e ~nlarged, in order td
en~u~e ~ fr~ctionl~ss ope~ation. ~urtb~ e, va~ious ~olv~nt
o~ nd o~ltl~t~ mUJt be add-d, which se~ve to conduct 'c~le
extraction solvent to and ~ro~ a specin~ ~t~nd~dizin~ solution,
CA 02217327 1997-10-24
the 3~ ry fl~vorin~, atc, All p~duct-ralatod proc~ ateps ~e
e~rrled out i~ this ~pp~Fatuo or~e ~ter the other ir~ ~ batch
proce~, th~t i8, or~e o~ moro e~ctr~ctiorls, stand~rd,lzi~q, ~lu~ry-
~l~vo~ng, and drying.
Th~ ~loual appara~us for the ~t~lv~t work-up, ~rying ~rld
sto~ge ~pF~rat~se~, etc., can of c~u~e b~ co~ne~ted to t.hi~
appa~atu~ witl~out any p~o~