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Patent 2220126 Summary

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Any discrepancies in the text and image of the Claims and Abstract are due to differing posting times. Text of the Claims and Abstract are posted:

  • At the time the application is open to public inspection;
  • At the time of issue of the patent (grant).
(12) Patent Application: (11) CA 2220126
Status: Deemed Abandoned and Beyond the Period of Reinstatement - Pending Response to Notice of Disregarded Communication
Bibliographic Data
(51) International Patent Classification (IPC):
  • A47L 5/30 (2006.01)
  • A47L 5/32 (2006.01)
  • A47L 7/00 (2006.01)
  • A47L 9/00 (2006.01)
  • A47L 9/10 (2006.01)
  • A47L 9/22 (2006.01)
  • A47L 9/32 (2006.01)
  • A47L 11/34 (2006.01)
(72) Inventors :
  • MEHOVIC, FARID (United States of America)
(73) Owners :
(71) Applicants :
  • THE SABRE GROUP, INC. (United States of America)
(74) Associate agent:
(45) Issued:
(86) PCT Filing Date: 1996-11-15
(87) Open to Public Inspection: 1997-08-21
Availability of licence: N/A
Dedicated to the Public: N/A
(25) Language of filing: English

Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT): Yes
(86) PCT Filing Number: PCT/US1996/018463
(87) International Publication Number: WO 1997030404
(85) National Entry: 1997-11-04

(30) Application Priority Data:
Application No. Country/Territory Date
08/588,436 (United States of America) 1996-01-18


English Abstract

A system and method for propagating airline computerized reservation system
TPF data (10) to a relational database platform comprising a computerized
reservation system transaction processing (12) source computer in
communication with an output data file, an input data structure, a functional
server (16) computer and a relational database management system target
computer. The relational database management system target computer is in
communication with the functional server (16) computer and an output database.
A data propagation selection means (18) is resident within the transaction
source computer and is in communication with the functional server computer
(16) and target relational database management system target computer. A
function management means is resident within the functional server (16)
computer and is in communication with the transaction source computer and the
relational database management system computer.

French Abstract

La présente invention concerne un système et un procédé de transfert, vers une plate-forme de base de données relationnelle, des données issues du progiciel de gestion de transactions (10) du système informatisé de réservation d'une compagnie aérienne. Le principe de ce système et de ce procédé consiste à mettre en oeuvre: un ordinateur source pour le traitement des transactions (12) d'un système informatisé de réservation, lequel ordinateur origine est en communication avec un fichier de données de sortie; une structure de données d'entrée; un ordinateur intervenant comme serveur fonctionnel (16); et un ordinateur cible hébergeant le système de gestion de base de données relationnelle. L'ordinateur cible hébergeant le système de gestion de base de données relationnelle est en communication, non seulement avec l'ordinateur intervenant comme serveur fonctionnel (16), mais aussi avec une base de données de sortie. Un dispositif de sélection (18) de transfert de données qui réside dans l'ordinateur utilisé comme serveur fonctionnel (16), est également en communication, non seulement avec l'ordinateur intervenant comme serveur fonctionnel (16), mais aussi avec l'ordinateur cible hébergeant le système de gestion de base de données relationnelle. Un module de gestion de fonctions, qui réside dans l'ordinateur intervenant comme serveur fonctionnel (16), est, quant à lui, en communication, non seulement avec l'ordinateur source utilisé pour le traitement des transactions (12), mais également avec l'ordinateur hébergeant le système de gestion de base de données relationnelle.


Note: Claims are shown in the official language in which they were submitted.

What is Claimed is:
1. A system for propagating airline computerized
reservation system transaction processing facility data to a
relational database for retrieval and use by an end-user
at least one airline computerized reservation system for
serving as a transaction processing source computer;
at least one data input means communicably attached to the
transaction processing source computer;
at least one output data structure in communication with
the transaction processing source computer;
at least one input data structure in communication with the
transaction processing source computer;
at least one functional server computer in communication
with the transaction source computer;
at least one relational database server computer in
communication with the functional server computer;
at least one data output means in communication with the
relational database server computer;
at least one data input means in communication with the
relational database server computer;
at least one retrieval means in communication with the
functional server computer and the relational database server
a data propagation selection means resident within the

transaction source computer and in communication with the
functional server computer; and
a function management means resident within the functional
server computer and in communication with the transaction source
computer and the relational database server computer;
2. A data propagation system in accordance with claim 1
wherein the data input means is a personal computer.
3. A data propagation system in accordance with claim 1
wherein the data input means is a terminal.
4. A data propagation system in accordance with claim 1
wherein the data input means is a resident software module using
a transaction process facility interval initiated activity
5. A data propagation system in accordance with claim 1
wherein the data input means is a voice recognition device
capable of transmitting and receiving computer compatible
digitized data.
6. A data propagation system in accordance with claim 1
wherein the data output means is a printer.

7. A data propagation system in accordance with claim 1
wherein the data output means is a monitor.
8. The method for retrieval and use of propagated data
comprising the steps of:
an end-user inputting data structures to the functional
server computer;
receiving the input data structures by the functional
server computer;
selecting the input data structures having an update
generating applicable SQL statements;
appending the applicable SQL statements to the input data
passing the input data structures and the applicable SQL
statements to the relational database server computer for
subsequent processing;
retrieving the generated SQL statements and executing
relational database server computer applications;
sending the executed applications output to the end-user.

9. A computer readable memory containing a computer
program for data propagation comprising:
instructional means for propagating input data structures
from a transaction source computer to a functional server
instructional means for processing the input data
structures on the functional server computer;
instructional means for capturing each input data structure
provided to the transaction source computer by a data input
instructional means for comparing each input data structure
against a propagation management master table;
instructional means for analyzing the data input structure
to find qualified input data structures and unqualified input
data structures;
instructional means for propagating each qualified input
data structure to the functional server computer for function
management processing;
instructional means for releasing the qualified input data
structure for non-propagation processing by the transaction
processing source computer;
instructional means for bypassing function management
processing of the unqualified input data structure; and
instructional means for releasing the unqualified input
data structure for non-propagation processing by the transaction

processing source computer.
10. The computer readable memory for data propagation in
accordance with claim 9 wherein the instructional means for
processing the input data structures further comprises the steps
instructional means for receiving the input data structures
by the functional server computer;
instructional means for selecting the input data structures
having an update function;
instructional means for generating applicable SQL
instructional means for appending the applicable SQL
statements to the input data structures;
instructional means for passing the input data structures
and the applicable SQL statements to a relational database
server computer for subsequent update processing;
instructional means for receiving the input data structures
by the functional server computer;
instructional means for selecting the input data structures
having a load function;
instructional means for generating applicable SQL
instructional means for appending the applicable SQL
statements to the input data structures; and

instructional means for passing the input data structures
and the applicable SQL statements to a relational database
server computer for subsequent load processing.
11. The computer readable memory for data propagation in
accordance with claim 9 wherein the instructional means for
processing the input data structures further comprises the steps
instructional means for receiving the input data structures
qualified by the functional server computer;
instructional means for selecting the input data structures
having a retrieve function;
instructional means for generating applicable SQL
instructional means for appending the applicable SQL
statements to the input data structures; and
instructional means for passing the input data structures
and the applicable SQL statements to a relational database
server computer for subsequent retrieve processing; and
instructional means for using the data structures with SQL
statements to execute related database server computer


Note: Descriptions are shown in the official language in which they were submitted.

CA 02220126 1997-11-04
WO 97/30404 PCT/US96/18463
~ This invention relates in general, to electronic data
manipulation, and in particular to, a system and method for
propagating, retrieving and using airline computerized
s reservation system Transaction Processing Facility data
propagated to a relational database platform thus enabling the
execution of relational database functions using the propagated
Transaction Processing Facility data.

CA 02220l26 l997-ll-04
WO 97130404 PCT/US96/18463
Transaction Processing Facility ("TPF") is a term
recognized throughout the data processing industry, and refers
to a highly specialized, real-time, transaction processing,
S operating system such as the American Alrlines' SABRE
computerized reservation system ("CRS").
The American Airlines' TPF based CRS is utilized to
maximize hardware and software resources for the purpose of
processing real time transactions efficiently. Unfortunately,
10 current TPF based airline CRSs fail to respond adequately to
critical data accessibility and application independence
requirements of today's competitive business environment -
requirements addressed by the instant invention.
The intrinsic value of any airline reservation system's
15 TPF based data repository is that it represents an inventory of
information that is maintained in as current a manner as
possible. Such information is typically referred to as real-time
information. Unlike information governed by a Relational
Database Management System (RDBMS), currently TPF based CRS
20 resident information may only be accessed and utilized by
applications managed through the limited purpose TPF control
program. Consequently, though a TPF based CRS maintains huge
volumes of real-time data resources, it is woefully deficient in
its ability to present these resources in a timely and effective
manner for use by non-TPF based applications.
As an example, should non-TPF applications require data
stored within an airline TPF based CRS environment, such data
could be (l) copied into the non-TPF environment via a batch
processing scenario, or (2) retrieved from the TPF based CRS via
30 on-line c~mmlln;cation channels. If the RDBMS application needs
real-time data, option ~l) becomes unfeasible due to processing 5
delays and data accuracy impact, associated with host processor
and storage device overhead. Option ~2) becomes equally

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unacceptable due to c~mm1lnlcations delay - most particularly
when the application requires reference to more than a single
element of real-time data. Option (2) bears the further
significant detriment of requiring extensive modification to
s applications within the airline TPF based CRS environment to
facilitate presentation of such data.
The optimum solution to this long standing problem is a
means by which real-time airline TPF based CRS data is
propagated upon demand to a RDBMS for retrieval and use by the
infinite variety of user friendly RDBMS in use throughout
today's data processing industry.
The present invention provides the framework within which
TPF based CRS data is propagated to a RDBMS for subsequent
retrieval and use in a transparent manner by the end user.

CA 02220126 1997-11-04
WO 97/30404 PCT/US96/18463
The present invention provides a comprehensive system and
methodology to automate the migration of data structures from an
airline TPF based CRS processing environment and, in particular,
S the American Airlines' SABRE TPF based CRS environment to a
relational database management system (RDBMS) for transparent
retrieval and use by the end user. The invention thus provides
a unique solution to a long standing data processing dilemma -
how to propagate real-time airline TPF based CRS data quickly,
directly, and transparently, from the airline TPF based CRS
processing environment to any relational database management
system (RDBMS) supported by Structured Query Language (SQ~)
command processing for use by the end user.
As an overview, the invention can be viewed as consisting
of the following elements:
~ 1) hardware components sufficient to satisfy routine
airline TPF based CRS and RDBMS requirements;
(2) data propagation code embedded within those airline
TPF based CRS applications utilized to update or construct data
to be processed within the source airline TPF based CRS
processing environment;
(3) transmitting such data asynchronously via readily
available commlln;cation protocols to a function management
25(4) a function management processor to identify, parse and
convert such data to an appropriate relational representation;
(5) submission of such converted data to a target R~BMS;
(6) loading and updating the airline TPF based CRS
propagated relational data.
(7) direct RDBMS or TPF facilitated retrieval and use of
the propagated airline CRS relational data by the end user.

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Other aspects of the invention and its advantages may be
appreciated with reference to the following detailed description
taken in conjunction with the appended drawings in which:
FIGURE l is a schematic representation of the airline TPF
t based CRS data propagation system;
FIGURE 2 is a logic flow chart of the airline TPF based CRS
data propagation selection process;
FIGURE 3 is a logic flow chart of the function management
10 process;
FIGURE 4 is a schematic representation of communicably
linked remote hardware components attendant to the airline TPF
based CRS propagation system;
FIGURE 5 is a schematic representation of commlln; cably
15 linked hardware components attendant to the airline TPF based
CRS propagation system with the function management means
residing exclusively within the functional server computer;
FIGURE 6 is a schematic representation of commlln;cably
linked hardware components attendant to the airline TPF based
20 CRS propagation system with the function management means
residing exclusively within the target relational database
management system computer; and
FIGURE 7 is a schematic representation of commllnicably
linked hardware components attendant to the airline TPF based
25 CRS propagation with the function management means residing in
both the functional server computer and target re~ational
database management system computer.
FIGURE 8 is a schematic representation of commllnicably
linked hardware components illustrating the retrieval and use o~
30 the propagated TPF data.
FIGURE 9 is a detailed schematic representation of internal
processing conducted by the Functional Server as it relates to
rthe retrieval, translation, and use of the TPF propagated data

CA 02220126 1997-11-04
WO 97/30404 PCT/US96/18463
by an end-user. - '

CA 02220126 1997-11-04
W097/30404 PCT~S96/18463
The system for propagating airline TPF based CRS data and,
in particular, American Airlines SABRE TPF based CRS data to a
relational database platform and enabling the execution of
relational database applications using the TPF data is generally
designated as 10 is shown in Figure 1. The airline computerized
reservation system transaction processing facility 12, ("TPF
based CRS") of the present invention is a series of mainframe
computers such as an IBM ES 3090 coupled together in a
centralized processing complex to form the heart of American
Airlines' SABRE CRS. A user terminal 14 is commllnicably
connected to the TPF based CRS 12. The user term;n~l 14 thus
serves to interface with applications executing under TPF based
CRS control and may be configured as either a dedicated terml n~ 1
or a personal computer.
A functional server 16 is comml-nicably linked to the CRS
TPF 12. The functional server 16, is a software concept and as
such, may be one or more computers. Propagated data 18 from the
TPF based CRS 12 is propagated in real-time to the functional
server 16. A database server 20 receives Structure Query
Language ~"SQL") statements 22 generated by the functional
server 16. The database server 20, like the functional server,
is a software concept and may be supported and resident upon one
or more computers. The database server 20 may operate in any
open relational database environment, for example, DB2, Oracle,
Ingres, Informix or Sybase. The database server 20 interprets
the SQL statements 22 and performs the desired SQ~ functions
against a relational database 2~. The relational database 2~
may be one or more digitized storage devices attached to one or
more computers in a relational database processing environment.
The operating system for the database server 20 may be Unix or
an equivalent system. The database server 20 may execute upon
, for example, SMP (symmetric multi-processors) such as IBM's

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RISC System/600 Models J30 or R30, or a MPP (massively parallel
processors), such as I-BM's SP2. The functional server 16 hosts
relational database input translation applications which act
upon propagated data 18 from the TPF based CRS 12. A personal
computer ("PC") client 26 uses the data from the relational
database and database server 20 to transparently execute non-TPF
based CRS applications using the propagated data 18 from the TPF
based CRS 12.
A logic flow chart of the data propagation selection
process 28 resident on the TPF based CRS 12 is shown in Figure
2. The process comprises a series of steps for data propagation
that occur immediately after the TPF based CRS 12 updates the
data or at definable intervals of time, in which case data
updates are saved in a log until the next propagation event.
In Step 30, an application program processing request from
an end-user or PC client is received by the TPF based CRS 12.
The application program processing request is dispatched by the
TPF based CRS 12 in step 32 which passes control to the
application program. The application program performs routine
processing in step 34. In step 36, the system determines
whether a TPF based CRS 12 data update is indicated. If no TPF
based CRS 12 data update is indicated in step 36, the system
determines whether a miscellaneous function management
processing is indicated in step 38. If no miscellaneous
function management processing is indicated, the routine
application program processing is completed in step 40. Control
is returned to the TPF based CRS 12 operating system in step 42.
If a TPF based CRS 12 data update is indicated in step 36, data
is sent to a function management process in step 44. In step 46
function management processing is completed. Step 48 returns to
routine application program processing. Routine application
program processing is completed in step 40. Control is returned
to the TPF based CRS 12 operating system in step 42. If

CA 02220126 1997-11-04
W097/30404 PCT~S96118463
miscellaneous function management processing is indicated in
step 38, a miscellaneous function management processing request
passes data to the function management process in step 50. In
step 46 function management processing is completed. Step 48
returns to routine application program processing. Routine
application program processing is completed in step 40. Control
is returned to the TPF based CRS 12 operating system in step 42.
A logic flow chart of the function management process 52 is
shown in Figure 3. A request for function management service is
received in step 54. A det~rm;n~tion of whether the request for
fuhction management service is a propagation request is made in
step 56. If there is a propagation request, the propagation
data is parsed in step 58. SQL statements are created in step
60. The parsed propagation data and the SQL statements are sent
to update the target relational database management system in
step 62. Step 64 determines whether the update of the target
relational database management system was successful. If the
update of the target relational database management system was
not successful a reply message of resend is sent in step 66.
The function management process 52 then waits for a new request
for service in step 68. If the update of the target relational
database management system was successful a reply message of
success is sent in step 70. The function management process 52
then waits for a new request for service in step 68.
If there is not a propagation request in step 56, a
determination of whether the request for function management
service is a function request is made in step 72. If there is
a function request, the function co~m~n~ and data are parsed in
step 74. SQL statements are created in step 76. The SQL
statements cont~;n;ng relevant parsed function data are sent to
- search/update the target relational database management system
in step 78. Step 80 determines whether the search/update of the
target relational database management system was successful. If

CA 02220l26 1997-ll-04
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the search/update of the target relational database management
system was not successful a reply message of error is sent in
step 82. The function management process 52 then waits for a
new request for.service in step 68. If the search/update of the
target relational database management system was successful in
step 80, a reply message of the results is sent in step 84. The
function management process 52 then waits for a new request for
service in step 68.
If there is not a function request in step 72, a
determination of whether a default action has been defined is
made in step 86. If there is no default action defined, a reply
message of error is sent in step 88. The function management
process 52 then waits for a new request for service in step 68.
If there is a default action defined in step 86, the de~ault
action is performed in step 90. A reply message o~ success or
error is sent in step 92. The function management process 52
then waits for a new request for service in step 68.
A schematic representation of comml~nicably linked remote
hardware components and propagation software attendant to the
TPF based CRS propagation system o~ Figure 1 is presented in
Figure 4. The TPF based CRS 12 is comml1n;cably linked to an
input device 94 of the user termi n~ 1 14. The input device 94
may be a keyboard, a mouse, a touch screen or other suitable
input means, including resident software modules such as TPF
based CRS elapsed interval initiated activity. The input device
94 of the user termi n~ 1 14 is used to create an input data
structure 96 which is sent to the TPF based CRS system 12. A
data propagation selection means 98 as described in reference to
Figure 2 is resident within the TPF based CRS 12. The data
propagation selection means 98 is in commllnication with the
functional server 16 and the database server 20. The database
server 20 has RDBMS operating software loaded for operation of
the database server 20. The database server 20 has an data

CA 02220l26 l997-ll-04
WO 97/3~404 PCT/US96/18463
output means 100 in comml~nication therewith. The data output
means may be a computer monitor, a printer, a fax machine or
other suitable device. In addition, PC clients 26 and data
storage means 24 are commlln;cably linked to the database server
A schematic representation of com~l~n~ cably linked remote
hardware components and function management software attendant
to the TPF based CRS propagation system of Figure 1 is presented
in Figure 5. The propagated data 18 from the TPF based CRS 12
is received by a function management means 102 residing
exclusively within the functional server 16. The function
management means 102 receives requests and creates SQL
statements which are sent to the database server 20 as described
in reference to Figure 3.
In an alternate embodiment, as shown in Figure 6, the
propagated data 18 from the TPF based CRS 12 is received by a
function management means 102 residing exclusively within the
database server 20. The function management means 102 receives
requests and creates SQL statements as described in reference to
Figure 3.
In an alternate embodiment, as shown in Figure 7, the
propagated data 18 from the TPF based CRS 12 is received by a
function management means 102 residing within both the
functional server 16 and the database server 20. The function
management means 102 receives requests and creates SQL
statements as described in reference to Figure 3.
Turning now to Figure 8, there is representative schematic
of how the TPF based CRS data 12 is retrieved and used from the
3~ relational database 24. Note that SABRE end-users 104 may access
the relational database 24 either through a VAX front- end 106
or through the functional server 16 and then subsequently
- c~m~llnicate with the relational database 24. Alternatively, the

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end-user 104 may communicate first through the VAX front-end
106, second through the TPF 12 and then subsequently to the
functional server 16. Note also that other non-SABRE users 108
may either access the functional server 16 and then commlln-cate
with the relational database 24 or directly with the relational
database system. Access to the functional server by SABRE and
non-SABRE users may also be performed by voice recognition
so~tware that activates the RDBMS software 24 merely by use of
voice co~m~n~
lo One of the primary advantages of the present invention is
the ability of the SABRE end-user 104 to access the TPF based
CRS data 12 after propagation to a relational database
management system 24 using already known language structure
comm~n~ and without the need to upgrade, buy or purchase any
additional hardware or software. The SABRE end-user 104, thus,
has the ability to utilize the previously TPF based CRS data 12
now existing on the relational database 24, as though the data
was still residing on the mainframes. This feature provides the
end-users 104 and 108 with the flexibility and adaptability to
retrieve and use propagated TPF based CRS data now residing on
relational database 24, as if remained resident on the TPF Host
CRS (12) at all times. Turning to Figure 9 therein is
disclosed in more detail the ability of the end-users 104 and
108 to input c~mm~n~c 110 which may be SABRE commands, English
2~ c~mm~n~, SQL language or any other type of input queries. The
input comm~n~q 110 are received by the receiver 112 of the
functional server 16. The receiver 112 passes the c~mm~n~ that
are in non-SQL language through the translator 114 which
converts it into the structured query language (SQL~ and then
through the sender 116 that produces an output 118 which is
compatible with the relational database server 20. The output
118 is then used by the relational database 2g in the execution
of any relational database server applications.

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By way of example, the present invention for a system for
propagating TPF based CRS data to a relational database platform
and enabling the execution of relational database applications
using the TPF based CRS data is now described in reference to
the propagation, function management and use by an end-user of
- an American Airlines' SABRE CRS Passenger Name Record ("PNR").
The original PNR is stored on the TPF based CRS 12. The
PNR, as TPF based CRS data, is a mix of textual and parametric
data, stored as a text object. When the PNR is entered into the
TPF based CRS it is propagated to a functional server and
subsequently stored in a relational database. The information
is stored in four logical entities or tables in the relational
database which are: Reservation, Segment, Passenger, and Ticket.
15Table Reservation contains the actual PNRs. The PNRs are
stored as Table Reservation Attribute PNRs, as specified in
Table 1 below. Attribute PNR Status specifies whether the PNR
is in error, and if so, what type of error it is (N for no-
error, C for data corrupted error, T for data corrupted error
with PNR truncated, E for other types of error). Attribute PNR
Locator, Purge Date, and PCC contain parameters specified in the
PNR itself. PNR Locator is the unique PNR code used by travel
agents and customers to quickly locate the PNR. Attribute Purge
Date is the date the PNR was scheduled to be purged from the CRS
system. PCC stands for Pseudo-City-Code, the location code of
the agency which booked the reservation. Archive Date specifies
the date the PNR was archived, i.e., stored in this table. PNR
Number is the unique identifier for the PNR when stored in the
-Table 1: Table Reservation

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Attribute Data Type Description
PNR Number ~ - Number Archive-Unique PNR Number
Table Segment contains flight segments stored in the
original PNR on the special segment lines, as specified in Table
2 below. Each flight segment consists of Airline Code and
Flight Number, DCC (Departure City Code) and ACC (Arrival City
Code), and Departure Date. Flight segments can be canceled or
still active. Attribute Segment Status represents whether the
flight segment is still active. Attribute Segment Status
represents whether the flight segment is still active (OK) or
canceled. If canceled, it shows the reason for cancellation,
such as AS, SC, or XS. The PNR Number speci~ies which PNR a
particular flight segment (a row of the Segment table) is
associated with. There can be several flight segments per PNR
Attribute Segment Number specifies the segment number within the
PNR. The combination of PNR Number and Segment Number
attributes is unique.
Table 2: Table Segment
Attribute Data Type Description
PNR Number Number Archive-Unique PNR Number
Table Passenger contains passengers for which reservations
are booked, as specified in Table 3 below. This information is
stored on special lines within the original PNRs. Each line
contains the common last name of one or more passengers, or the
name of the organization for which the reservation is made.
This name is stored in attribute Name. Attribute Passenger Type
indicates whether the passenger is a person or persons (P) or an
organization (B, C, or I). Attribute Passenger Count specifies
how many actual individuals are represented by this PNR line (by
this Passenger table row). The PNR Number specifies which PNR

CA 02220126 1997-11-04
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a particular passenger (a row of the Passenger table) is
associated with. There can be several passengers per PNR.
Attribute Passenger Number specifies the passenger number within
- the PNR. The combination of PNR Number and Passenger Number
attributes is unique.
Table 3: Table Passenger
Attribute Data Type Description
PNR Number Number Archive-Unique PNR Number
Table Ticket contains tickets booked for all reservations,
as specified in Table 4 below. This information is stored on
special lines within the original PNRs. Each line contains the
ticket number and ticket type. Attribute Ticket Number is an
array of digits. The first three digits represent airline code,
and the rest represent the unique ticket number within the
airline. The entire ticket number, however, is treated here as
one single array of digits. Ticket Number is unique. Attribute
Ticket Type can have several values, as specified in the
original PNR, such as AT, CY, EG, TC, TCN, TK, T-TK. The PNR
Number specifies which PNR a particular ticket (a row of the
Ticket table) is associated with. There can be several tickets
per PNR.
Table 4: Table Ticket
Attribute Data Type Description
PNR Number Number Archive-Unique PNR Number
Each of the tables Segment, Passenger, and Ticket, is
related to the Reservation table, because rows in those three
tables correspond to specific reservations in the Reservation

CA 02220126 1997-11-04
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table. For example, one reservation contains zero or more
flight segments while one flight segment can be associated with
only one reservation. This Reservation-to-Segment relationship
is of type one-to-many. One reservation contains one or more
passengers ~in the sense described above) but one passenger can
be associated with only one reservation. This Reservation-to-
Passenger relationship is of type one-to-many. One reservation
contains zero or more tickets while one ticket can be associated
with only one reservation. This Reservation-to-Ticket
relationship is also of type one-to-many.
The parsed PNRs as described above are sent from the
functional server computer to the database server with appended
SQL statements. The SQL define the logical database schema,
i.e. the four tables. Below, the SQL statements are represented
1~ by the terms Character, Date, Number, and String, where String
represents an array of characters and stores text.
The last one or two lines of every definition specifies the
primary ~ey and possibly a foreign key for each table. For
table Reservation, the primary key is attribute PNR Number. For
table Segment, the primary key is the combination of attributes
PNR Number and Segment Number. For table Passenger, the primary
key is the combination of attributes PNR Number and Passenger
Number. For table Ticket, the primary key is attribute Ticket
Tables Segment, Passenger, and Table each contain one
foreign key (the last line of the definitions of those tables).
The foreign key for each of the three tables is PNR Number.
This is defined by specifying what table the foreign key
references (each references table Reservation). Tables Segment,
Passenger, and Table each contain one foreign key ~the last line
of the definitions of those tables). The foreign key for each
of the three tables is PNR Number. This is defined by
specifying what table the foreign key references (each

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references table Reservation).
Note that all attributes in all four tables can never have
nulls, i.e., there always has to be a value for each attribute
- in each row of every table.
Create Table Archive.Reservation (
PNRNumber Number Not Null,
PNRLocator String Not Null,
PurgeDate Date Not Null,
ArchiveDate Date Not Null,
PCC Char String Not Null,
PNR String Not Null,
Primary Key ( PNRNumber ) )
Create Table Archive.Segment (
}s PNRNumber Number Not Null,
SegmentNumber Number Not Null,
AirlineCode String Not Null,
DCC String Not Null,
ACC String Not Null,
DepartureDate Date Not Null,
SegmentStatus String Not Null,
FlightNumber Number Not Null,
Primary Key ( PNRNumber, SegmentNumber )
Foreign Key ( PNRNumber ) References Reservation )
Create Table Archive.Passenger (
PNRNumber Number Not Null References Reservation,
PassengerNumber Number Not Null,
PassengerCount Number Not Null,
PassengerType Character Not Null,
Name String Not Null,
Primary Key ( PNRNumber, PassengerNumber )
Foreign Key ( PNRNumber ) References Reservation )
Create Table Archive Ticket (
PNRNumber Number Not Null References Reservation,
TicketNumber String Not Null,
TicketType String Not Null,
Primary Key ( TicketNumber )
Foreign Key ( PNRNumber ) References Reservation )
The following is the SQL syntax to express end user
functions against the database. For example, the end use may
search for PNRs knowing the PNR Locator Number. The SQL

CA 02220126 1997-11-04
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statement below finds reservations with specified reservation
locator number. The term prefixed by a colon specifies an input
variable, so PNR locator is used as input value. Note that PNR
status is also returned so that we know whether the reservation
is in error or not. The name of the first passenger is returned
as well so that the end user can have more information when
deciding what PNR to actually retrieve.
Select PNRNumber, PNRStatus, Name
From Reservation R, Passenger P
Where R.PNRNumber = P.PNRNumber And
PNRLocator = :PNRLocator And
PassengerNumber = 1
Similarly the end user may search ~or PNRs knowing the
Ticket Number. The SQL statement below finds reservations
containing specified ticket number. The statement joins tables
Reservation, Ticket, and Passenger by equating the PNR Number
attribute in all three tables. Ticket number is used as input
20 value.
Select R.PNRNumber, PNRStatus, Name
From Reservation R, Ticket T, Passenger P
Where R.PNRNumber = T.PNRNumber And
R.PNRNumber = P.PNRNumber And
TicketNumber = :TicketNumber And
PassengerNumber = 1
The end user may also search ~or PNRs knowing the Airline,
Flight, Name, and Dates. The SQL statement below ~inds
reservations given passenger name, airline, departure and
arrival city codes, and departure date(s). The statement joins
tables Reservation, Segment, and Passenger by equating the PNR

CA 02220126 1997-11-04
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Number attribute in all three tables. Airline code, ~light
number, name, begin date, and end date are used as in put
values. Note that the name input value is pattern matched (by
using the keyword Like) and not exactly equated. This is done
so that even just partial names could be supplied to the search
statement. Both Name and Departure Date attributes are also
returned, to give the end user more information when making
decision which PNR to actually retrieve.
Select R.PNRNumber, PNRStatus, Name, DepartureDate
From Reservation R., Segment S, Passenger P
Where R.PNRNumber = P. PNRNumber And
S.PNRNumber = P.PNRNumber And
AirlineCode = :AirlineCode And
FlightNumber = :FlightNumber And
Name Like :Name And
DepartureDate Between ( :BeginDate, :EndDate )
In addition, the end user may search for PNRs knowing the
airline, airports, name, and dates. The SQL statement below
~inds reservations given passenger name, airline and flight
number, and departure date(s). The statement joins tables
Reservation, Segment, and Passenger by equating the PNR Number
attribute in all three tables. Airline code, departure city
code, arrival city code, name, begin date, and end date are used
as input values.
Select R.PNRNumber, PNRStatus, Name, DepartureDate
From Reservation R, Segment S, Passenger P
Where R.PNRNumber = P.PNRNumber And
- 30 S.PNRNumber = P.PNRNumber And
AirlineCode = :AirlineCode And
DCC = :DCC And
ACC = :ACC And
Name Like :Name And

CA 02220126 1997-11-04
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DepartureDate Between ( :BeginDate, :EndDate )
Similarly, the end user may retrieve PNRs using the PNR
s number. The statement below displays reservation selected from
a list of reservations. PNR number is used as input value.
Select PNR
From Reservation
Where PNRNumber = :PNRNumber
The following is the SQL syntax to express administrative
functions against the database; for example, inserting today's
PNRs. The set o~ SQL statements below inserts today's
reservations into the database. After the Reservation row is
inserted, all Segment rows, Passenger rows, and Ticket rows are
inserted which are related to that reservation. This set of
statements is executed for each reservation purged today from
the American Airlines SABRE CRS.
Insert Into Reservation
Values ( :PNRNumber, :PNRLocator, :PurgeDate,
:Today, :PCC, :PNRStatus, :PNR )
While ( more segments )
Insert Into Segment
Values ( :PNRNumber, :SegmentNumber,
:AirlineCode, :DCC, :ACC, :DepartureDate,
:SegmentStatus, :FlightNumber )
While ( more passengers )
Insert Into Passenger
Values ( :PNRNumber, :PassengerNumber,
:PassengerCount, :PassengerType, :Name )
While ( more tickets )
Insert Into Ticket
Values ( :PNRNumber, :TicketNumber,
:TicketType )

CA 02220126 1997-11-04
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Similarly, the ~m; n; strative function of purging PNRs from
the system is accomplished by the set of SQL statements below.
First Ticket rows, Passenger rows, and Ticket rows related to a
specific reservation are deleted, and then the reservation
itself is deleted. This is done for all outdated reservations.
Delete Ticket
Where PNRNumber In
~ Select PNRNumber
From Reservation
Where PurgeDate > :DeleteDate )
Delete Passenger
Where PNRNumber In
( Select PNRNumber
From ~eservation
Where PurgeDate > :DeleteDate )
Delete Segment
Where PNRNumber In
( Select PNRNum~er
From Reservation
Where PurgeDate > :DeleteDate )
Delete Reservation
Where PurgeDate > :DeleteDate
Although the invention has been described in detail, it is
to be clearly understood that the same is by way of illustration
and example only and is not to be taken by way of limitation,
the spirit and scope of the invention being limited only to the
terms of the appended claims.

Representative Drawing
A single figure which represents the drawing illustrating the invention.
Administrative Status

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Inactive: IPC expired 2019-01-01
Inactive: IPC expired 2012-01-01
Inactive: IPC deactivated 2011-07-29
Inactive: IPC from MCD 2006-03-12
Inactive: IPC from MCD 2006-03-12
Inactive: IPC from MCD 2006-03-12
Inactive: IPC from MCD 2006-03-12
Inactive: IPC from MCD 2006-03-12
Inactive: IPC from MCD 2006-03-12
Inactive: IPC from MCD 2006-03-12
Inactive: IPC from MCD 2006-03-12
Inactive: IPC from MCD 2006-03-12
Inactive: First IPC derived 2006-03-12
Application Not Reinstated by Deadline 2000-02-07
Inactive: Dead - No reply to Office letter 2000-02-07
Inactive: Status info is complete as of Log entry date 1999-03-17
Inactive: Abandoned - No reply to Office letter 1999-02-05
Inactive: First IPC assigned 1998-02-12
Inactive: IPC assigned 1998-02-12
Classification Modified 1998-02-12
Inactive: IPC assigned 1998-02-12
Inactive: Courtesy letter - Evidence 1998-02-03
Inactive: Notice - National entry - No RFE 1998-01-29
Application Received - PCT 1998-01-28
Application Published (Open to Public Inspection) 1997-08-21

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Basic national fee - standard 1997-11-04
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Number of pages   Size of Image (KB) 
Description 1997-11-04 21 915
Abstract 1997-11-04 1 52
Claims 1997-11-04 6 186
Drawings 1997-11-04 5 113
Cover Page 1998-02-17 2 75
Representative drawing 1998-02-17 1 6
Notice of National Entry 1998-01-29 1 193
Request for evidence or missing transfer 1998-11-05 1 110
Courtesy - Abandonment Letter (Office letter) 1999-03-01 1 172
Correspondence 1998-02-03 1 33
PCT 1997-11-04 5 215