Note: Descriptions are shown in the official language in which they were submitted.
~-RPR-1g9~ i5;5~ FRCM TO ~ 5511~ F.~8~2
: ~0 97/~A8~ PCT~US95/135 o
. .
F~ela o~ -the Invention
The present invention relates to a ~alYe ~scPm~ly in which the
flou COntrol mem~eX i~ act~ated by a rotary and ~eciprCCating st~m ~hi~h
is co~nRcted to-the ~luw control memker by a e~L~.e~Lins means that permits
the ~tem to recipro~ate zelati~e to th~ flo~ contr~l ~embor
Brie~ Description o~ P~ior Alt
In a rotary valve the clos~re me~ber is rotated ~etween op~n and
clos~d po~ition~ o~ the valv~ and the rotation o~ the closure ~,.~.L~ is
do~e by m~ns o~ a stem ~L~l~ L~ to the closure member. I~ a ball valYe,
the ste~ only rota~es and does not reciprocate In a rotary tapered plug
valve, e.~. a slee~e-lined pluy val~e,th~ stem also rotates and does not
reciprocate. I~ znother kind o~ rot~y tapered plug valve, the plug li~tS
of~ the valve bod~ ~ieats ~nd then rot~te~i wit~l the help o~ a ~e~ ~hat iS
i}ltegra 1 l~ Le~3 to the plug whi~h there;l~ore also reci~rocaT:es with
the s~e~ Hence some cavity s~ace needs to ~e provided inside the valve
bo~y to a~ A~te rhe lir~ing Or the plug. ~hen ~his plu~ is resea~ed
ont~ t~e ~alve ~ody sea~s, susD~nded particles in ~he rluid medium get
trappe~ between the plU~ and ~he valve kody sea~s ~ereby compromising
sealin~ integrity. So a l~ting Iype oS Pl~ can be used o~ly ~or clean
~luid~ without suspen~ea part~ cles and no~ ~or slurries, etc
In ma~y o~ ~he valves in use today, the seali~g i~tegrity i~
~omprom~ se~ when t~e seali~g-sUrfaCeS ~ear out With valve usa~e and the
valve starts to le, k~ The dead cavity 5pace in ~ v~l~e ~ody contrihutss
tO the accu~nulation of debris in the b~dy c~vity This i~ disadvantay-
eous par.ticularly for 5anitary appllcation~ o~ the ~alv~
~ ae a~ovQ ~re some cf the dr~acks of the prior art valves
that are in u~ toda~ Ihere~or~ thore exi~ a n~Qd for a valve ~ h
negl~g~ble dead cavi~y space in the v21~e body, for a v2lve t~at 2utoma-
tically sel~-adjus~s ~or wear of ~he sealing ~ur~ac~, and ~or a valv~
that can ~e ~s~d ~or cl~an ~luids as w411 as fo~ ~1uid~ ~ith ~u~psnde~
particles Some prior art valve~ like ball v2l~esr depend on ~luid
pressure to cause a seal and since ~he closure IL.~.~r is rotatea under
full lo~d o~ fluid pre~surs ~cting o~ it, a laxge b~e~-away ~orque ~s
,, ~
. . _ .. ~. . ,
CA 02234749 l998-04-l4
nr~ lgg8 15-5Z FRO~ -
TO 0014165951163 P.09/27
W O 97~4899 PCTruS~ 3~ 9
' rr~uired in order to rotate the closure member to the selected valve
position. Therefore, there also e~is~s ~ need for a ~l~e i~ ~hi~h a ~eal
is cau~ed i~nden~ of rlUid pLeS-~Ul~ and for a valve with lower break-
awa~ ~orque.
In pr~or art, only no~-rota~y valves ~ith reciproca~ing stems
are provided with stem back-seats t~a~ can be loaded wi~h ext~rn~ 1 1 y
v2~ia~le stem aeati~g ~or~ in ~rde~ to sea~ the stem passageway ~rom the
valve ~ody cavity ~or prr~entin~ ~U~itive emi~sions- So far it has been
~ouna dif~icult ~nd el~siv~ to pro~idQ back-seats on ro~ary valve stems
to ~v~-L ~ugitive emissionS. Ihe current method o~ cont~in;n~ ~u~iti~e
~m;~5i~C in rot2ry ~lves is t~ put th~ stem PA~kin~ ~nder "live loading"
uith sprlngs which provides a constant ~ sive force on the stem
pac~ing. ~hi5 ~,.~s~ivc fcrce on the 5tem p~cking i5 not a~tomatically
sel~-ad_.usting and ~erely "contains" fDgitive emiss~ons in contras~ ~i~h
"~e~ g~ 1~' ~r~r G~ there exist~ a ne~d ~or a ro~ary valve which
could ~e ]?rovided uith stem back-seat wher~y the back-sea~ing ~orce
automatically self-adjustS for wear of the se~lin~ s~rfaces in order to
~REv~NT ~ucitive emissions and not j~s~ to "contain" thQm as is the case
~ith li~e loadlng
CA 02234749 l998-04-l4
R~ o 1~;5~ FF~Or, To ~ = 0~f~lc,a~ollc,o r.
. WO 97114899 PC'r~rUsg~ 35l!J
- Brief Descri~7 on o~ t71~le Present Invention
I~.e ~.~.~ invention i~ concerned with 4bt~inin~ a better sea
in a val~e ~77-71y thnt is actu~ed by a rotary and reci~rocating stem~
~ valve comprises a valve body having a body cav~ty and a fluid
flou p~ ~way there~hrou~h in~ I.; ng the body cavity A ~lo~ control
member co~sisting ~ a rotarY me~ker or ~ recipro~ating mem~r is di~pored
in the ~ody cavity ~or selectivoly closing or opening the ~luid ~low
~,~. ~g/~ A ~alve op~ or is ~ to the ~107i~ control member ~or
selec*ively mo~ng t~e ~low control member to a ~lo~ clo~ po~ition or to
~ ~lo~ open positio~ T~e v2lve operator ccl~,~rises a stem ~ ecLed to the
flow cont_ol lL~e~Lel ~y a connec~ln~ mean~ th~t ~llows ~ial mo~ement o~
the ste~ ~41~ti~e to the ~lo~ control ~Ember but substantia~ly nc rotary
n.Jv~~~L ~t~een the stem a~d Ihe ~low co~trol m ~ r. In other ~ords, the
connectinl~ m~an~ is such t~a~ 1~ the rlow cGntr~l ~ e~ is hel~ statio-
nary, the ~t~m c~nnot ~e rota~ed ~ut can be moved only ax~lly in relation
to the ~10w cont~ol ~e~ FY~ of such connecting means are splines
or a tongue and grove joi~t as in a ~all valve. Th~ flow control ~em~er
ha~ stop means ~or arres~ing a~i~l l~.uv~nr c~ the stem tow~rds the ~low
control ~e~er t~r~by transm~ttin~ the stem ror oe ~o the ~low control
membe~ sc ~ to pro~ide a ~tter seal i~ the selected valve position.
A stem mo~ing means such as a Lirt-an~-Iurn ~h~ism is associa-
ted with ~he val~ oper~tor and the ~tem whereby l~e said stem ~oving
m~ns cau~os t~e ~em to mova in a 5equence o~ s~ePs that ~rovide~ only
axial ~otion a~ay from ~e f ow cont~ol memker and t~ rotary mo~ion in
response to movement of the valve op~rator in one Cirec~ion, and rotary
motian and th~n only axial motion towaràs the ~lo~ co~trol member in
r~ponse to ..,~v~ o~ the valv~ operator in a~other direction T~us,
movement o~ the valve opcr2tor in said one direction ca~ses the flow
control m~ber to bC s~bstanti~lly unloaded o~ axlal forc~ ~rom the stem
and the ~t~m the~ ~ot2tcd in ord~r to selectively mo~e the ~low cOntrol
m~mber, and movem~nt o~ t~e valve op~rator in ~aid ~nother direction
causes the stem to be rot~ted in ord~r to selecti~ely move the flow
control l~em~er 2.nd t~e ~low control me~ber then loade~ ~ith axial force
by the s-oem so as tc p;rovide ~ tter se~ ~; n~ o~ the ~l~id ~10w r~ ISJD--
ay in the selected v2Llve pc~sition thar~ ~hen the ax~al *o~ce ~ the ssem
has not b~en applied to the ~lo~ con~rol mem~r.
-- 3 --
- ~
CA 02234749 1998-04-14
s9a 1~:~ FRO~ Tu 0~ 1~ r
W O97/l~99 PCTnJSss~l3s~s
In on~ embo~i~cnt o~ the pre~nt in~n~ion t ~he valve ~ody h~s a
~tém seating suI~ce surrou~ding the stem r~cag~way which i~ in ~lui~
communication with the valve body cavity- The stem which paSSes t~rough
the stcm F~Ss~Vay~ has a ~ack-seat that s~alingly engagOEs the ~tem
seating sur~ace SO as to ~eal th~ stem pi~e5age~ay from ths valY~ bo~y
ci3vlty lor ~v_.~Ling ~ugitive emlssions ~round the stem.
In another ~m~oA;m~nt of the ~L~5~11t inven~ion. the ~lOw cont
me~be~ ha5 a hollou conduit th~rethrough alignabl~ with ~he ~luid ~lo~
passageway in ~he ~alve oDen po5ition- A stem movins m~i~n5 in t~e ~orm
of a L~ft-Turn-and-~eseat ~h~n; ~ cau5e5 the ste~ to mo~e in a se~uence
of steps that pro~ides onlY ~ al motion ~ay fro~ ~he ~low control
member, then rotary mo~ion, i3nd t~en only axial ~ution towar~s the ~lo~
cont~ol me~ex i~ respoDse ~o mOVement Of the valve cperat~r in one
direct~o~- The sai~ stem moui~ means ca~ses t~e stem ~o move in a
~ ~u~.~e o~ steps that provides only axial mot~on auay ~rom t~e rlow
control u~L~ , then rotary motion, an~ t~en only zx~al motion touaras
th~ ~lo~ co~trol mcmb~r i~ response to ~..J~ht o~ t~e valve ~perato~ in
~nother dir~ctio~ Thu~, by -sing a L~t-TUrn-and-Reseat Me~h~ni~ ~o~
the ~tom moving m~an~, th~ ~luid f~ oW passage~ay can be sealed f~om the
valye k~dy cavity in the valve closed pQSition as well as in t~e valve
open po~ition, w~en ~o de~ired
In the pre~ent in~entlon the ~te~ reciprocates relati~e to ~e
~10~T control member, b~t the f1O~T cont~ol ~ember ~eed not reciprocate
with the ste~ ~hen the stem moVeS away from the flow control memker.
The~o~or2, ~h~ bonnct can be placed ~TDry clo~ to the top of the ~1O~T
control ~ember in the ~alY~ ~ ~O a~ to minimi~ the dRad cavity
~pace in t;he valve body This is particularly impor~ant fo~ ~anitary
applicatlons o~ the valve ~s~mhly The present in~ention there~ore
a n~w ~alvc i~ which the ~lo~ control ~ember doec not ha~e to
l~ft cle~ o~ the valve bvdy s~ats, th~r~by pe~mittin~ the u~e o~ the
v2lve ~or h~ljng clean ~lui~s as w~ll a~ fluids h~ving particles in
suspension, e.g. slurr~ .
e ~l~w co~t~ol m~mber i~ provided ~ith a rotatable ~run~ion at
~he bottorn ~or a rotary ~alve to render sealing i~dep~n~t o~ fluid
pressure ~ithout the trunnion, s~alins ~unction is aide~ by ~luid
ea~ul~ acting on Ihe Slow control member, but the bre~k-away toraue
in~rehsC~. On the other hand, when th~ flo~ cont~ol ' ~ ~ith a
runnion i~ unloaded o~ axial ~orce ~r~m t~e stcm, the sealins load on
the downstream sea~ ls ~ubstantially ~ ~ed an~ the break-awiy ~orque
is also reduced f~r rotating ~he ~low control member.
- 9 -
CA 02234749 l998-04-l4
~o--f~PI~--1998 15:~ FR01;1 TD OE31~.~1659511c,a P. 12~27
W097/~899 pCTAUS95/13~29
In ~ ball valve thc ~11 i~ rcteLtcd und~r rull loa~ ~ct~ng on the
doun~reaM scc~t. Therefore, thc ~low ccnt~ol membcr With a trunnion o~ the
preser~t ill~t.2ntion has a lowe~ ~reak-away tor~ue than in a ball ~ralve.
e stop me~ns on the ~low control ~ember ~ the ~ i~vention
~rrcsts ~ci~1 lLI~V~L~ of thc ste~ tL7V2rds the ~low cc~ntrol .,~ t~ere~y
t~nsm~tt_ng the stem ~orce to t~ flow co~t~l member 50 as to pro~i~e a
better seal in 'che selected valve position ~ The val ve ope~ator xecip~C~a-
les the stem and when ~he sealing surfaces wear out, th~ s~e~ needs to
~r2~rel a I iu~cle further ~;owards the rlO~ con~rol rne~er in o~der to
main~in e~ecti~e se~lin~. The valvé ~perator not o~LY prov~des th
additiona:L 5tem tr vel, but al so auton~tically sel~-adjusts t~e stem
Eorce needed ~o maintain . CP;~ 1 in~ inte~rity .
Tl~e p~ese~t inventiorl iLs a ~Jer~ simple concept ~or a ~al~e that
is ac~ua~ed by a ~ecipxocat~ng a~d rotating s~e~ It is a "~Ew USE"
concep~ ~or a stem mOV~ng mean~ suc~ as a Li~t-a~-Turn ~n~ni'm ~nd a
novel conCept at tha~. This ~h~i teaches th~t ~ usiny a stop means
to arrest axial motion of the stem towards the flo~ ~ontrol me~ber, th4
flo~ control ~ can ke loade~ ~ith additional ~or~e ~hen such is
needed fo~ a ~etter 5eal ard the v~lve operator autom~tically provides
the ~ere~x~ry externally ~2rlable stem ~orce to be loaded onto the ~low
control msmb~. The connecting mean~ b~twe9n the ~tem and the ~low
control ~ember t~u~ con~titutes a or~-way clutch ~y~tem ~y which t~e ~tem
force l~ ;-r~-n~mitted to the flow control mem~er in one direction of ~tem
~u~ t~ and in the opposite direction of stem mo~ement, the ~oW
control m~amber is llnl ~ of the stem force there~y red~i~g the brea~-
auay torque req~Lired to ~ove the flo~ control me~ber to the selected
~-lve po~ition.
It should be clearly understood here that the ~low control membe~
o~ the pr~3ent inv~ntion c~n be rotary type or rcciproc~ting tyF~ ~nat is,
the flo~ ~~ontr~l m~mbe~ is dispo~ed in ~e val~c 'oody c~vity either to
rotate or to re~ipro~ate between ope~ and clo6~d position~ of the valve.
In a rotary valve, the rota~y motiQn of the Ste~ is directl~ translated
lnto rotary m~tion o~ the ~low conkrol m~mjcr- In ~ rcciproc2ting valve o~
the pre3~nt in~cntion, the connecting means ~ t'he ~tem an~ the ~low
control m~mber ccn~orises means by w~ic~ the rotary mOtiOn O~ ~hc stem i5
~ranslated into ~eciprocating motion ~f thc ~lc~ control-~.,~.. c. t~L~vel~e
to the ste~ ~Xi5~ such as a ~ac~-a~d-pinlon arrangement,or a s~ot~n Yo~e-
and-pin arran~ement
-- 5 --
CA 02234749 1998-04-14
00 n~ 1998 15:53 FRO~ TO 001416595116O P.13/27
~ W097/14899 PCTrUS~ 5~
. Por ex2~mple~ in a Iraditional wedge gate ~lve, th~ gate recipro-
cate~ alon~ the stem ~Xi5 the~eby liftin~ the gate s~l jn~ sur~ace clear
off the v21ve ~ody seating sur~ace. But in a reciprocating wedge ga~e
val~e as constru~ted ln accordance with features o~ the ~L~s~l,L invention,
the uedge ~ate reciprocates in a aireclion transverse to the ~tem ax~ s.
Con~eq~ently, the ~dge gate ~ in~ ~urface does not li~t clear o~f the
valve bo~y seating.surface, ~ut slides alon~ the plane o~ t~e valve body
seatin~ ace ~hen th~ gate reciprOC~ates tr~n ~erse to the stem axis
Thus there is asort o~ scrap~ng action betwen the gate and the val~e body
seats therc~ pe~nitting the ~ige gat~ ~lve of ~he present i~l~io~ to
be used ~or ~nfllin5 fluids with pa~ticles in suspension, e.g Slurry. In
a traditional uedge gate valve in ~hich the uedge gate reciprocates along
the stem a~is, particles in s~Sp~n~i qn in the fluid get tr~pped in-~etween
~he ~ surfac~s ~hen th~ gat~ reseats ~n~o the v~lv~ body eats ~
thereby e~ v~lising ~P~l in5 integrity- Hence a ~raditional wedge ~ate
valve ci~nn~t be u~ed :Eor slurri~. On the other hand, a w~dgla g:ste ~
as constru~ted in accordance with features of the ~- ~a~lL invention can ke
use~ for slurries.
An obj ~ct of the present i~ventio~ is to provide ~or a val~e i~
whiCh the stem reciprocates rela~ive ~o Ihe flow con~rol III~IL~ and the
st~m ~orce i~ tran~i~t~d ~o the ~lou co~t~ol ~em~er so as to provide a
better ~e2' in the selected ~alve pos~tion.
~ notl~er obje~t o~ t~e present in~ention is to provide ~or a ~alve
which auto~atically self-adj~sts for wear of ~e sealing sur~ace~ in order
to ~aintain sealing in~egrity.
A ~urther object of the present invention is to provida for a
~al~ve ~hi~ comprises negligi~le dead ca~ity ~pace in the ~ ~e body
Another objec~ of the ~r~e5~ invention is to provide for a valve
wit}~ lo~er breaX--a~ay torq~le.
A .Further ohject of the present invention ~s to provide for a
~lv~ that can be used ~or hand~ clean f~uids as well as i~ ids ~ith
pa~ticles in suspension.
Ot'her objects and ad~anta~es o~ the present inventio~ will become
apparent as the following detailed description is reàd in conjunction with
the h~~ iny dr8wings and tke appended claims.
CA 02234749 1998-04-14
9~ 15;50 FR0~ 10 ~1~105951100 ~.14~2r
'. WO 9~/l4899 PCTrUS95/135~g
Brief D~cription o~ ~he Dra~inqs
Fig. 1 i~ a side elevational, partially cross-sectioned view 0~ a
rotary plug val~e constructed in accoL~ wi~h th~ present in~cntion
Fig 2 ii ~ partially dQtailed ~ross-sec~ion~l ~i~ o~ a r~cipro~t -
ing wedge g2te v21ve co~structed ~ n a~-~L~ wlth th~ pre8ent in~ention.
Fig-2-A is a pa~tially de~alled cross-sectional ~i~ o~ the Yalve i~
Fig . 2, generally ta~en along 2A-2~ sho~ing t~ valve in the clos~d
poeition, ~=
Detailed Pe~cription
with re~Eerence to Fi~ 1, a ~alve ~ ~ly lO0 comprisîn~ a rotary
-plug ls s~n a~ constructed in acGo~dan&~ with ~e-tures of the ~l~sent
A ~alve body 110 incl~des ~luid floW pass2geWays 112 and llq on oppo~it_
sidc~ o~ tho ~alve body ~avit~ 116 which ope~5 to one side of the valve bo~r
11~ to c~mml~nicate ~~puardly ~ith the bonnet 142.
~ A flo~ ~onlrol ~emter a~ ~ly 118 comprising a tapered plug closure
member ll9 is disposed in the ~c~y ca~rity 116 to open or cl~~e the ~luid ~low
r~S o~e~y~; 112~ Irhe plug ll9 has a Sluid flow conduit 113 thcr~th~ol~h
al igna~le ~.-it.h the :~luld flow pasad~ a~s 112--114 . Thc ~ral~e ~ody llO i~: lined
ui'ch ~n el2s~0merie sleeve 13~ ~ith op~nin~ for fluid flow surro--n~;n~ the
~l~id ~low passageways 112, 114 to 5~Rl ~n~ly ~ngage the plug ll9
The ~lou Co~rol mem~er 118 is rota~:d by a ~al~E~ operatc:r 150 Uhich
cornprises a stem 120 Ihat passe!s th~ough th~ stem p~!es:age~:ay 121 in t:he bonnet
142 Fne st:E!rn r~c~eway 121 co;~nunicates ~th the bc~dy cav~ty 116 and has a
s~em ~eatiI~g ring 132 dispc~ed arounc~ the ~t~n p~a~ay. 1~21 l~e uppe~ end
123 of the stem 120 i~ ~or~nected to the ~lv~ operator 150 ~y a ste~ mo~ring
means 1~i2 ~ which the stem 120 i9 rotated and :~eciprocated along the st~n
aXis. The lo~er end o* the st~n 120 has an en~arged end 125 in ~he rorTn of a
$ocl~et ~rit;~ splines 122 on inside di = ter Ihe plug ll9 nas a solt d sha~t at
~he ~ r ~nd ~i~h ~splines 124 on outsid~ diameter- The ~eTnale spl~nes 122 o~
the stem ~ne:~:he~s ~ith male spline~ 124 o~ th2 pl~, the~e~y permittinçr the s~em
1~0 to move a~ially relative to th~ ~l~v O~nt~ol ~ember 118. The slem 125 ha~
a stem ~ ac~ 128, ~lso ~alled the s~e;n back--5~at, th~t 5 n~ ly
- engag~2s th~ ~;t~m s:eatlng surfa~e 13Z i~L oraer ~o pr~en~ :eugi~ re emi~wion~
It ~hould ~e :nade clear ~ hat the ~ e~female spline~ 1~9/122 in Fig. 1 can be
in~erc~anged .
-- .
CA 02234749 l998-04-l4
~8-~P~-1998 15'5~ FR-O~
TO ~1~165951163 P.15~27
: W 097/~489~ rCTAUS95/13529
gitive emiss~ons arlse ~hen ~ ids in t~e va1ve body c~vity 116 c~scape
rrom around the st~sn. A pa~king gl~d 138 exerts ~,~"..~, t:5..ive ~oroe on the
s cem packin~ lqO -~rol~nding the stem 123 lo mainta~ ~ive sealing
enga~nen~: a~ound the st~m th~reby ~P~ 1 i ng Ihe s~em passa~cway 121 ~'rom
~he val~e b~dy cavity 116.
Ihc ~tem ma~ring meas~s 152 i~ a f~or~ of a "I,ift--'rUrTl--and R~se~
~rh~nl ~m arlc ca~ies ~h~ stem 120 to mo~e in a secIuence D~ steps th~t
pr~v~es ODl~- axial motior~ a~ay ~rotn the ~lo~ co~trol m~er 118, then
ro~cary mD~ion, ar~a th~n only axi~1 motion to~ara5 r.he :Elow cDnt;~ol roember
llE~ in resporlse to move~ent o~ the val~e op4r~tor 150 in one dire~tio~
In , ~x~ to ll,o~ ~.L of the ~al~re opesatc~r 15rD in t~e o~posite direc--
tion, the stem mov:~ns;a menns 152 ~a~ses the ~tem 120 to m~ve in a se~uence
o:E ~teps ~lat pra~ides on~y axial motion a~ay frosn the i~low control
~ern~er 118,. t~ :rotary motion, ~nd then only a~~al mOtiOn towards Ihe
~10~ cosltr~l rne~be:r 1 1 ~1 . Il~e top sur~ac~: 130 o~ t~e plug 1 19 acts as s~op
~nea~ ~o arr.est ~w~cher axi~:~ motion of the 5tOEn 120 to~rd~ the plug 119,
thereby ~ ransmit~ the stem force to the plug 119 when the bot~tom
sur~'aee 12~ of the stem lZ5 engages the top s~rfa~ 130 o~ the plug 119
When the ~-tq~n 120 mo~res axially aw~y ~rom the plug 119, the pl~g 119 ls
~nlo~ of the stem ~o~Ce an~ thus less torque is needed ~ the valve
op~rator 15Cl to r~tate the plup 119.
Wh.en ~he valve ~perator lSO i~ ~oved i~ one di~ection to open the
~alve, th~ ~tem 1~0 moves only aXially a~y ~rom the plug 119 which i~ then
unloaded ~l~ t~e st~m *orce, t~e ~em 120 then rotates togsther ~ith the
~lo~ control member 118 throug~ a pre - det~r~d interYal o~ rotation, i~
this case 90 degree~. to open the rluid rlDw p~ssagew~y~ 114 by a~ign-
i~g the cvnduit'll~ o~ the plug 119 ~ith t~e ~luio ~low p~ssaseways
~ 111. With ~urther movem~n~ o~ the v~l~e operat~r 150 in the samedirection to open t~ val~, the stem 120 moves onl~ axiall~ in the oppo-
sit~ direl=tion to~ard~ th~ plug 119 U~til the bottom surface 126 of th¢
st~m 125 ~ngages t~ plug stop 130 there~y transmittiny the stem ~orce to
th~ pl~g 119 to provide adaitio~al loa~ ~o the plug 119 ~or achieving a
~gher seali~g i~tegri~y tha~ ~hen the stem does not transmit ~orce to the
plug~ Thus the ~lUid flow passageways llZ-114 a~e sealed ~rcm the v21ve
~o~y ca~it~- 116 in the valve open position o~ t~e rlO~ conlrol memker 11~_
~n the valve operator 150 ~s ~v~ed i~ the o~po51te direction t~
c105~ ~he ~lvc, the said ~eguenc~ of ctem ~ovement described hereinabove
is repeated. That i5, the stem 120 moves only axially away ~rom ~he
CA 02234749 1998-04-14
~-H~ o la~ F~O~ ~ ~ = ~~
Tu ~ ~ssa11~ P. ~r
pl~g 1 l9 ~o Url~O~ plUg vE ~x;al Forc~ Frorr~ th~ en~ ,t~n ''~n
~-~kLal;~t~ t1~rrtl~ph ~0 de~r~es c~ hQr vith the pl t~ ~l9, an~ e s;t~m 1~
tl~n Tl~ovQS c~nly :-xially ~owacds the plug 119 unl~ le s~em surrace 125
~ny;t~ e stcp 130 on the plu~ 119 ~he~eby tr~lns:mLt~irlS~ the~ 3tetn force
~o l~-e pl~lg 1L9 to sea1~ngly clctse t~-e ~1Uid fla~ p~S:s;tç~e~ays llz-lla in
e va~e c.~os~d position l~te plug 119 carrir_s tr~lnnion 136 at th4 ~ottom
~y ~ llich tl-e 3enlin~3 ~unr tion is ~ende~ed In~ep:ndc~nt o~ id press:ure.
Nev~rth~leS~, rluid pressure air3s in ~:he s:ealin~ Et-nctictn by pushin~ the
p~,~g or~to ~t~ downstre~trrl 5ea~ surro-~ndin~l the ~luid ~10w passageway.
171e E1~id Flow passagcW~y l lZ~ 1 is se~1Qd Erom ~h~ valve ~ody
c~ity 116 in tl~e v~1v~ open position as we11 ~:3 itl ~l~e va1~e clos~d
positiort o~ t;l~e Elow control m~m~er 118, ~nd this ~e~1ing i-- obtained by
~Ising a "Li~t-and-~h~rn" me~nanism t~o~ tS~e 5tem mo~ring rneans 152. ~he sternmovinc~ me~rts 152 t~at causes th~ stC~m to mo~re in a sequen~e ~ steps ttlat
p~ovid~s only a~cial motion a~ay fro~n the pL~g llg. then rotary mation, and
th~n only ~xial m~iCn ~owards ~he p~g 119, ls generally call~d a ~r lFt_
rurn-a~d-~5eat~' ~eans. Ihe Stem movln~ meanS 152 that causes the S~em tO
move i~ a se~uenc~ of ~tQ~s ~h~ prcvades ~nl~ axial mo~ion a~y f~om the
plu~ and tn~n r~ta~y motion, is gene~allY C~Lled a ~'LiCt-and-Turn" ~4ans.
~-. th~ ~lee~e 1~4 ~ea~s out, the st~m lZO nee~s to t~avel a little ~rther
to~rds ~ . pl~ 119 in order to maintain eEE~c~i~ sealing, and the valve
op~ra~or ~.SO au~omatically p~vide~ e~ternally varia~le stem f~rc~ nee~ed
~o m3in~aln ~e3l~ng inte~rity. An example of a ~tem moving ~ans i~ the
~on~ o~ a "Lift-Turn-and-Reseat" mea~s and a "~i~t-and-Turn~ mean~ is
eYpLai~ed i~ great detail~ VS~ P~t~nt ~o. 5,~07,176 ~ril l~, 1995 by
Ne~relcar. Ot~er exsmple~ o~ t-Turn-and-Reseat~ m~an~ a~e:
~SA 2,39Z,8~0 Jan- 15, 1946 by Reed:
us~ 2,qq3.995 June Z2, 1948 by Snyderi
U51~ 2,501,150 ~la~cll 21, l9S0 by r~nder~ion
US~ Z,795,96~ June 18, 1957 by Heinen et al
Us~ 2,a58,097 octo~:r 2E3, 19S8 by 21Oms~n et al:
Otl~er e,~ mpL~s C~ "Lift-and-l~rn" m~ns: are~
WSI~ 2,07f~,8~ prll 13, 19:~ by ~le~sem;
lJS~ Z,3~3,549 A~3glls~ 2~, 1945 by Tlilker:
USA 4,23~,157 Noverrber lB, l9E30 ~y Tlodycman et al;
US2~ 5,3~2,0Z8 J~ugl~st 30, 1994 by Ne~r~kar. _
CA 02234749 1998-04-l4
~-~r~ a;a~ r~u~
~ u ~l4l0a~a~ r . î
W~ 7~ 899 PC'rJ~SS~5/13~i29
'rhe ~alve ~ody 110 in Fig 1 is shown lined ~i~ elastameric
slee~e 134. Howeve~, v~lve ~çdy 5eat rings o~ ~i~ply sealin~ ri~gs on thc
plu~ 119 can al~o be u6ed Tne Stem 12~ connect~d to ~ne ~lu~ 119 by
co~neetin~ means that allo~s a~ial m~vement o~ ~h~ stem 125 relati~e
tne plug 1~ t substanti~lly no rotary mCve~ent between ~he s~em 125
and ~he plug 119. Said anothe~ w~y, ~he ~ean5 ~etween ~he ~tem
125 ~n~ the pl~ 119 is such that ~f the plug 119 is held stationary, the
~tem 125 can~ot rotate ~ut can move omy axially ~elative to the plu~ 119.
Tn~ flow ~o~t~ol ~..~.~g~ 118 shown in Fig. 1 is a taperea plug
~owever, it should be clearly undeL 5 LoO~ here that the ~low control mem~er
~an be a~y o1:~er kind ~ clcsuSe member that can b~nc~it from adaitior~a
~orce ~om ~ne s~em to ~chie~ a higher 5P~ltn~ i~teg~ity t~an whsn t~e
stem ~orce i~ no~C U5e~ .g. a 6ey..~.ted tapered plu$a~ a tapered ball,
a ~ylindri~al plU~ with w~dging ~ S 0~ any other closuro mem}:er ~hat
uses a wedgin~ pr~ nciple to o~tain E:ea~ling ~y ~ ni cal ~r~ans . Al~=o, the
~lo~ contr~l member Can c~ i=e a reciprocati~g wedsr~ ~t~ constru~t~d in
acc3rd~r~ce ~ feature5 c,~ the ~ ent, imrex7tl0n. In such a constructlon,
'ch~ connecting mea~s be'c~ the s~L and the wedge s~te shall compri~;4
means by ~he ro~a~y mo~ion of the stem iS r,ransl;~ted into a reciprc~
ca~ing mot.i~n o~ t~e wedye gat~ in a dire~tion perpen~ to the atOE~
~is~ The p~esent ~entiOn th~s can ~e u~ed for ~ reciprocating gate
v~lve in ~hich the *low control ~ember is a uedge gale that i~ dispocod in
the V~lve body cavit~ tO recip~oc~t~ in a dir~C~iOn rransverse to the st~m
~ e ~plines 122/124 i~ ~ig. 1 ~r~ ~ho~n po~itionea i~side the
~onnet 1~. Howe~e~, th~e spllnes could be rep~sitioned outside the bonnet
lq2 just abo~e the stem packing gland 138. thereby r4aUcing ~he stem tra~el
~it~in the st~m packing 1~0 and thus extending the l~e o~ the ~te~ ~ac~in~.
In prior ~rt o~ a ~raditional wedege gat~ ~al ve or ~ tapered plu5
V21~e ~sins 9 hi~t-and-q~rn mechanis~, the ste~ reciproca~ along the 5tem
axis and the ~low control ~em~er ~s loade~ ~nd unlo~ded o~ thQ stem ~or~e.
~ut the ~l~v ~ontro mem~er also reciproc~t~3 C~n~L~ ~r~Lly w~t~ t~e s~em,
~here~y ~lciny th~ valve unsuita~le ~Dr u~e ~ith ~l~ids ~ith particles in .
suspension. The pres~nt in~ention of Fig. 1 re~ains the good ~eatures sf
the Drio~ ar~ and in ~harp ccntrasr to ~ri~x art~the ~lo~ cont~o~ member
118 Or t~e pres~nt in~ention does ~c~ reciprocatc ~it~ the ~em 120 ~ut is
oe~lnly lo~ded and unloaded o~ tne stem ~r~e ~ the re~iprocating stem
This is an important di~ti~etion o~ the present invention o~er p~ior ar~
CA 02234749 1998-04-14
RPR--1~9~ 15: 55 FR~
TCI 130141b~g511b~ F lti~2
WO 97tl~899 ~C'r/US9~;/1352,Y
Regardin~ Fi~s. 2,2-A, only i~4~tant d~tail~ ~e ~hc~n for the
sa~e of brcvity only to ill~strate how r~ary mo~ion o~ the ste~ is
translated into xeeiprocatiny ~ollon ~ the ~lo~ contro~ member in a
direction transverse to the stem a~is.
A recipr~catiny wedge g~te valve ~e~-m~ly 2~0 ~om~ri5es a ~alve
bo~y 210 and ~ ~on~et 242 th~oug~ which ~he lower end 225 of ~e stem
extends into ~ h~ bo~y_ cavity 216. A ~lOW control ~esber a~P~kly 2~E
compr~ses two se~m~nts ~19 and ~20 that wedge against each other and are
held to~ether i~ a ~loating ~onn~ction by springs (not shoun) The ~lo~
~ontrol member 21~ i~ disposed in the bc~y cavity 216 and reciprocates in
di~e~tion pe~pendicular to the stem ax~s ~o :selecti~ y c10~4 or ~pen
the ~luid ~lcw p~s~geway ~12-214~ The stem 225 has sp~ines 222 ~n the
o~ter diamet~rr The splines ~22 mesh with li~e ~plin~ o~ th~ i~ner dia_
meter of the p~nion 226 and pe~mit the stem 225 to move along the stem
axis relativ~ to the ~ W control m~iber 218 un~il the.bott~l sur~a~e 228
of the ctem 225 ~y_~ th~ top s~r~ace 230 o~ ~he s~y~ "~ 219 thereb~
transmitting t~e stem ~orce to the ~lo~ Control mem~er 21~ During the
rotary motion ~ ~he ~tcm 225 th~ pinio~ 226 ~ota~es ~ith stem and at the
5am~ time en!~ages the rack 224 on the ~low ContrOl member ~ 220
thereby causin~ the rlGW ~o~tsol ~ember 21a to reciprocate in a direction
perp4n~ r to the stem aXi5 as shoun in F~g. 2-A. It should ~e made
clear that only one sesment 21g ~ill ~u~~i~e to constitute the ~low
conlrol mem~,e~ 218 instead of t~o SEy~ S 21~,220 and in that case the
ra~k ~24 should be placed on th~ segme~t 219 ~a~iations in the ra~k-and-
pinion arrangement are also possible. ~or example, t~e rack 224 c~ ke
linear or cuu~ed ana ~he ~low control mem~4r ~haped accordingly, along
~ith th~ body cavity and the v2lve ~ody ~eats.
The taper angle of the plug 119 in ~ig l and the wedge anyle in
~ig.2 is extr~ely impo~tant in bringing about the relea~e o~ ~he wedying
forces .~om the valve ~ody seats af~e~ the ~low co~trol mem~er 118, 218
r~specti~ely ic ~ ~d of axial ~orce from the stem u~en the s~em move~
away fro~ the flow control mem~er. This ~gle mus~ ~Q greater than the
an~le o~ repose for the materials used.'Peciding on th~s optimum angle
- ~cr the ~lc~ control mem~er req~ires extraordinary technical ~kill in thesu~ject mat,ter an~ i~ generall~ beyond the .~..~ehe~sion of one Of
, ordinary s~ill in the art.
-- 11 --
CA 02234749 1998-04-14
PR--1958 1~;55 FROI-i --
0 ~ 1~165gSll~ f'. l~Z
. w 097~899 FCTr~s95/~35~9
~ Thus, the ~ ~... t in~ention ~ applica~le to a v~lve in w~ich the
~lo~ ~ontrol memb~r consi5t~ o~ a rota~y mem~e~ or a re~iproc~ti~g membez
and is loade~ w~th additio~l fosc~ ~rom the stem co ac~ieve n better ~1
than ~hen ~h~ stem force is not applied to the ~lou c~ntrol memb~r and the
s~em mc~ny means ~ransm~ts the ~tem ~or~e to the ~l~w con~rol .
pre~i~ely ~hen the-additional force is n~eded.
From the a~Gve description it i~ clear _hat ~he ~s~t inven~ion
is uell adap~ed ~o carry ~ut the ohj ectG and to attain the en~s and aevant -
ages mentio~ed ~e~in as well a~ those inherc~t in the i~ent~o~ While
pre~ently pr~erred embo~ents have L~n a~scribed ~or ~oses o~ this
a;~ , it ~ill ~e ~lde~aLOOd ~hat ~ UUS changes m~y ~e made whic~
will reaaily s~ ~ct the~selves ~Q those skilled in the art lnd ~hi~h a~e
r' ~ ~nthln the spirit ar the invention di~l~s~ and a~ de~ined
in the appended ~~
CA 02234749 1998-04-14