Note: Descriptions are shown in the official language in which they were submitted.
~ CA 02548486 2006-06-O1
Dai,n~erChrYsler AG
Forming tool
The invention relates to a forming die in aCCOx~aanao
with the preatttble of patent Cla3,m 1.
R foraging 8~.e of the gener~,a type ie known Prom
D1~ 1 Q 1 3 9 13 5 Al . In the C document , the f die ha,s
a vent lice which i.s foxcned as a passage, ruaa~ within a
8i.e block of the foxmiug die and connects the shaping
to ~rpaaa fox~cned by the die cavity to the area surroundfac~
the die. the ~3haQing of the workpieoe, the nix
which ~.s present in the a?aaping ~apaae ~.s dieplaved out
of the die by the detation of the workpieco.
If a workp~.ecse, in thin case in the form of a hollvar
profiled section, is then i.naerted into xhe shaping
space of the die and p3.acod under pxesaura, the
warkpiece tc~lds 3t~telf to accurately matcah the cavity
of the shaping space . Since Che~ vent l~.~pe opens out at
the cavity, the opening where ~.t opens out dorms au
extsemeiy undesirable mark on the s~oxlSpiece an account
of the high ooateect prees~ure with which the workp~.ece
is preened onto the -eav~ay to achieve the required
eontovur accuracy. The vpe~ing of the line may coca be
s0 large thafi the workpiece is proceed i~ato the Li~ao,
where ~,t is urides~.rably stamped out, which ~.u=vitablyr
Leads to the part, scrapped.
~k~e ~.nvez~tian i s based on the ob j act of further
developing a fvx~ming die of the generic type such a ~
3 o war thaC contours wh3.Gh axe uriaf f acted by the
arrangement of passages eonnectix~g the shaping space to
the area guxroundiag the die are ach~.eved i.a a simple
way during the ehapiiag of the workpiece.
' CA 02548486 2006-06-O1
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Aceord3,ng to the invention, th~.s obj act ~.a achieved by
the featuteg of gatent claim 1.
7~1a a result of a liquid-petmeetble and gas-pe~de~ble
insert body being ax'ranged in the fotliling die, a
~xripheral region of which forces a pox~t~.on of the
cavity, alsd on account of the fluidic ooaneetion of the
paosage to this inert body, the op~aing where the
passage opens out is vovered, with the result that no
ianprint of this opening i,s fox~ned on the workplace ~ah~n
3.t is bG~.xig pressed onto the cavity by tbs forming
process, ire parCtculax in the. calibxation phase.
Therefore, the ct~ntours of the v~orkpiece remain
uaafteoted during shaping. Si~ace the insert body !.s
2~ pexmeable to liquid and gas, thB Euaction of the
passage, namely that of discharging and ii! ap?2~rixte
else supplying lic~,uid or a gam, for example ai.r. ins
Completely r~taiued. An insert body of this type is
sidle to produce and can readily be installed in the
die after the recess intend~d for it ha~3 been fo~id.
when a certain state of wear has been reached, the
insert body can be exahatzged with little diffiaul.ty
u~ir~.g suitable securing mesas , Moreover, the ~,nv~tiou
obviates the prob7.em of predeter~uj.ning the eorxect
Z~ position for forming the passage, since the insert body
means that the raedia which axe to be disehargdd fin
the cavity are captured over a certait~ area rather than
iu punatfform fashion and can pass through the insert
body vi~'tually unimpeded until they reach th.e open~,rag
of the passage, wh3.ah s that accurate pos~.t~.on3ng
of the passage is no loagcr r~ecassary; the passage carp
noW open out at any desired position of the 3,usext
tri a part~.cutarly preferred reEinemeat of the iaventiox~
as described in claim 2, the iz~aGrt body coasiats of a
porous ainta~red metal. This iz~ particular ensures that
the iz~sart body is able to withstand, the contact
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pressures re~tu7.t3,ng from the deformation without berg
damaged. The pvros~ity is effected by sim~pls pores and
' u~icropast~agem through which liquids and gastea can
zn a further preferred configuration og the invention
according to claim 3, the ~.nsezt body is an ultrafius
:sieve or a diaphragm. If sin ultrafine sieve ig used, it
should be eneu~ed that the mesh is deeigncd to b1 as
3.0 rigid and du~rab~.G as possible and the mesh size ~.a kept
as sma..ll as posasib~.e, so that on the oue hand the
contact preea~uxea can be absorbed and ou the othex baud
ari it~pxirit of the meshes on the v~~rkp~.ece is prevented.
Tf s diaphragm is selected, the diaphrsgcg shauld
~.ikewiee be designed to be rigid iri order in this wsy
to Cope with the contact pressures. of eourge, the
diaphragm must be des~.gaed in such a Way ae to be
permeab~.e to liguids and ga,se~s. In addit~.ou to casiplete
permeability in this respect, ee~tipera~eabili.ty of the
diaphragm is also eoncefvable. Ultrafine si~wes and
dietph7~agmS are 3,nexpeusive, very s~.mple to produce and
particular7.y simple to apply to the die. Ire thi.s case,
it ~,a also possible for existing foratixlg dies to be
retxofi.tted with an i.~xsext body of this types with only
~ 5 a very Small am4unt of ef fort .
sn a further particularly preferred configuration of
the din according to the iaventiat. as described
in claim 4, tl~e die is a hydroforming die, in
which case the workpieee is foamed by a peripher$lly
continuous hollow pxofi~.ed section. zf the terming die
ie used as a hydrogoxming die. -th.e coaf~.guration of the
form:fng die in accordance with the invention is highly
advantageous, since it is known that is the process extremely pressuxeS are
exexted on the ho7,lowr prof3,J.ed section, vrthich likewise
lea4s to immense contact pressures of Ghe hollow
profiled section aga~.nst the die cavity. Sinv~ as a
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result the shape of the cavity is highly accurately
rtpxnduced or: the hollow pmf,iled section, the yvay in
' wl'~iah the i.nvex~tf on prevents imp=ints of the opeuiagg
of passages cor~neated to the shaping space is highly
ittportant . Ass a result, the outer Comtour of the hollow
profiled aectiau, which is of toieranoe~fxee and highly
accurate configuration as a result of the hydxoformiag
process, im retai~aed without it being necessary to
dispense with the supply or xemowal of liquids or gs,Aes
from the shaping s~pave or into the shaping space.
Ttie invention is explained in more detail below on the
basis of an exet~lary embod3meat illustrated in the, is which the figure, is the toxin of a latex~l
lougitud~.na1 section, shows a forming die according to
the invention with ~,naest bodies arranged att the
shaping apace.
xhe figure illustrates a hydroforming die formed ag
forming d~.e ~,, whioh has a cavity 3 fortn~i,~ a shaping
space, into which a vrorkpiece (in this case a hollow
prof~.led sectiot~f is introduced. The forming die. i taaay~
also be a deep-drawing die. A plurality of pas~sagas 4,
5, 6 arid ~, which eosZnect the shaping space 2 to the
area surs~ouading the die, hazre beerz Imachinad into the
forming die, Ths pa~aeagea a to ~ are used to supply
easd/or discharge lubrivaat to the hollo~o profiled
section whi.ah has beau introduced into the foxmi~ag d~.e
I, in order to xeduCa the friction between. the hollow
progiled sect~.ot~ and the cavity 3 during the forming
pxocesa. The passages ~ to ~ can a~.eo be used to
d~.scharge air aszd pressure- medium. which, on
account of being enclosed ~.n the shaping space 2, would
hugely impede the forming process. Air and pressurized
fluid in the shaping space 2 or~,g~.r~,ate oa the one hatzd
from the voXume of air which has not been ex$elXed
during closure of the forming die 1 and oa the other
hand, with regard to the pressurized f7,uid, ,from tw4
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pressuxized fluid gxaCtions, namely the preSsuriaed
flui4 which flows out after removal of a fully shaped
hollow profiled section from the formi~ag die 1 sad the
pressurized fluid which undesirably enters the gap
S between hvllo~r profiled section axed cavity 3, peBSing
~.atc the shaping apace 2, during tilling of tha hol~.ow
profiled section.
A plurality of liquid-permeable and gas-pezmeable
1,0 insert boc9iss 8 are integrated ixi tht ioraaing die l and
are each acaodated J.n a x~cess 9 in the die 1 sear
to the ghapiug spare. Although the inse~.-t bodies 8 in
this case aonarist of a poroum elu,tQred atetal, it ip
also possible for them to be foamed by an ultriviirie
~5 sieve er a diaphragm. The peripk~ex~al regioxi to of the
insert bodies 8 whioh faces the Shaping spao~ 2 3t~self
in. sash cage foams a portion ef the oa~r~.ty 3, ~w~th the
resu~.t that there are no discout~.nuit3eg is the pxofile
of the cavity 3. The passages 4 to 7 which xvtl tpithin
20 Che tormirig die s opan Out at a reax fide 7.1 of tha
respective inaext body 8 outside sa~.d peripheral, region
10. Qty aecourit og the porosity of the iixsert body 8,
the air or pressurized fluid Gan penetrate through the
pores and/qr micrope~sgages of the insert body 8 l,nto
z5 the passages 4 to 7, from they are di.aeharged
from tte fortnirtg die either thxcugh the force of
gravity or by taeans of e~ suitable punk. Therefore, a3x
axxd pressux~.~ed f~.u3;d can eaSi~.y be di~sp~.aced by the
workplace, Which is moving eves vloeer to they cav~.ty 3,
30 out of the $ space 2 isZto the passages ~ to 7 via
the lnsext bodiefs 8, without x~n impxiat of the ogeni,ag
of the passages 4 to 7 being fortaed after the wo_rkpiece
camas into contact ~rith the ca~ri.t~r 3.
35 Furthermore, it is also aonceivahXe to use an insert
body 8 which includes relatively large parts of the die
aaviCy 3 az~d in this case comprit~es a plurality of
regions o~ the Cavity 3 which are prone to iaaluaions
CA 02548486 2006-06-O1
of media and therefore require dievhatrge of air and
pressurised fluid. rt is is~ th~.s case suffidi~nt for
only a single passage to be conneotad to this elongntc
invert body s. since on account of the displacempat
pressure originating from the workpi.ece which i.s being
shaped, the air a~ld the pressuri2ed fluid can e~lso
penetrate through lateral, oblique and/or labyriath-
like micropassages and pores in the ~.nsert body 8 in
order to enter the passage 4, s, 6 or 7. As ~ a resu~.t,
there is rio rieeci for aadura0.te positioning of Che
passage 4, 5, 6 or 7, which leads to considexabl.e
simpligication of the design of the die s, end tkte
production of the passage can be automated during
manufacture of the die ~. , It is in this case pos~sib~.e
to select a loaatior~ is the t~tost appropriate both
for the disahaxge of the media and for the desig~a of
the die.
Furthermore, it is cozwei.vable for the die
1 to be ccniigu~red for the widening o! plates, in which
case the workpiece is formed by two prat~s on tap of
one another, which are vlataped ia~ the forming die 1.
between its upper and lower d~.e blocks. A tZuidia
3ntErnal high pressure is gcneratea between the p~.ate~e
by means of a lance-like ~alunger which ig assigned to
the fortnix~g die 1, has at least one axial. pres$uri~aed
f~.uid pafssage inside it and is inaexted between the
plates, with the result that these plates are expanded
to form a hollow profiled section.