Note: Descriptions are shown in the official language in which they were submitted.
CA 02555307 2006-08-07
1.,h'Lr round coverin anti metltUa Lot
producing a G r~unci cover. i nc3
'tare irivention relates to a water-pex'rn~atal.e. car~~mr,c.l
covering for ap>1 i<~at3.on to a substratum, in which case
I_1-m suyerstructure of the ground ~:over_ur,ca i.s
combination of ~:c',inparaad, mineral aggrega'CCS and
c7.r:gr.3nlC 171nd1nCJ In,~~Prlals . The i.rlv~n I,. i coo fn r l.YlEr r
relctt~:~ ~r method for producing d c~i~umi ~:cweLittc.~.
The: con::ol:~aa~ic~n of surfa~eq by ground coverings to
h.rncl r:P rcmds, public plac:_s, Y~uildiiig crwers ant! other
:.urfac:es on which ; t i ~: possible to walk or drive is a
w~?j I -known technique. Conc:lete, dsL~hdlt, stone and
wooden covering; Common. ThP disadvantage with
r~:c,~,~rd to draining off ;~ur.f~<:e w~l:e.r ~.i.s U:hc~ Iow level.
r~L ~~L even ak~~~:nrc~ of water-permeability; there is
the reforw aFl:c~r, Lalk of a :sealing of the :urfacc:,
attCmpts being made t o c3N.~ 1 w i. 1.Y1 I'.h.ea by ttteutl:~ of
<_1r ~ i naC~F: s7yJtI~J, which in most cases are expensive.
An ec;olagically undesirable jJ11NI1Ullif!I1<_>rl iit~t'.faj!!~)~;jylrlC3
surface°sHalir7c~ i:~ the increased loading on river
coursc;~ that Wange ic~to raging t.nT: r~-nt.s when t.h~rr. ; s
2~, heavy car perJistent downpours of r;~in ox' as a result c~f
tnelt grater. The Cnn.:ac~r~u~nrc:c are catastrophic: ever
more frequently Flu«ds «crur, conu'tu~'nol. :;ew~ge pla,n'r_s
nrn wcr.loaded and fail, qrourv~watex levels dx'op.
3 (J Further dwm~r,c_3a ~i r ~ ri,xc3M wi. ti-, ragarcl to c:on:;t rurt.3
c>r,a 7
properties. Thcsc relate to performance in the event
of mr,isture, xe:~l~sL~rice I..<., E>c~:~ty, dC:Cmsr.iC: ~'>r.oprrI:tYS,
r~:acaion to chemical influences and to tiro. The
durdl~il~.ty of a drtiuru_i ylays a big r.~7..e ~s l,le rur~;;t
3.5 irnpi,:rr.ant demand, witt-, properties such as prrs:~urr-
resistanre, pending tensile strength, wear-resistance
to drag, rolling, impact and shock, re~istanc;e to
CA 02555307 2006-08-07
pressing--in ;Prating ;~ignificznt constLUU~ic~nal
f ti r uEmc.: i ~ 7 :~Ey>1 i c.~.a t. i arw, m.rc:kt w, for example ~:hr.
construction of riding and ;ports grounds, plays.. i c~.s
g r i c-3 pl at.P:~ have p.rrtur~d gnc~c-3. Sugar yz~ic9 plates are
known from D>; 197 2U 006 C2. ns a result of an
ingenious structure of elevations and op~:n i uc3s , on the
one hand grid pl~rte:~ enar~Ie there to be 5urfacc-
consolidation on which it is possible to walk o.r ririve
and ran t_he other hand avoiri seal.Lnc3 aw c~ result of
their water-c=ontrollability.
Tlle zreally laid grin plates are laid ~iirectlx on the
substratum, such as gravel, grass, loam or h»mttt. A.
layer of ::"and or ba7l,~~:t r_..~n, howPvPr, al3o ~~e applied
L~ l2ie auk~s~walum W1 ~zde.~~ Chen to lay grid platc:~ hn
this layer. It is possible t-.o c-:~rnpr:nr~~te for inslatmes
of mFV-r.nrE~:~:~ i n t.Ymr. grrtnr,<i by rwe:~n5 of the layer nt~
?0 sand or ballast. depending on the use of the :3pnrL:~
c~rrrmo, :i.:F ~ppl.~.i;ahlr c~ 9 lctyrr is applied to 3
thickness rat several centimetres. The tread l,~yF.r,
which together with the g:r:i.d p1 ~ L.a~:~ :Fo.e~tns the
spy»a:wr_rnc~tur_e ctf the sports ground cover, in the c.l:;e
of riciirtc7 grounds as a rule consists of a h~:ri<9 i r,y o.f
sand, of a bedding of sand provirfru with agyrPgn~eS
(woocl or ~:~laatir_:s chip:a ) or exGlu::lvely of wood chipq .
Ucpendinc7 on the ..tress and .~train ants ~:nmf~oaitiort of
the tt:a,:ma layer, the latter 1-ms a ~hivknc :s of betw~Pn
8 to 15 centimetres, measured from thr: y~~Pr_ plate c~I
thr: grid ~~lnt.P:~.
The comparatively high costs of grid plat;~.~ when laid
out on l.arg~ areas ait<i al:~U trkieir uneven str»c; are
.i5 ciisadvantagcous, however.
CA 02555307 2006-08-07
C:cwc:ring s with a surface structure that is uni.fnrm end
visually attractive are known from DE 197 33 58$ Al.
The water-permeable covering is produced from m:inc:r71
aggrr~gatP., and organic bonding agPnt.:~. Thc~ rn~.xture is
built up in the n«t yet h:~rdenpd and deformablc state.
Mostly organic binding materials come into
coosit_9~rwl= i corn ~s t> i rul i rah rna I.e r i d1 ttmt is mixed
together with mineral aggregates to dorm a charge and
i:~ pcoci:sseil further before hardening .
What is disadvantageous about these covr:rinc3t,
c:onsistinc~ of 1_~ound mineral a<~grec~ales i5 ttlc lack of
bonding with the Wubwtratum, this impairing the
~mv?C.hanit:al ~aYU~;~ 3nfl ~r~Y77n ~T't?C'1:3~?ly 7.n the CcWr_ p;E
LLee~e-thaw cycling in r~LOUrids LlrdG die outside.
Chemical, physical arid biological corrosi~~n cTf building
m~~te.ri~l~., weathering, dFet.T:uction of the suk~s~i.l lying
11f1rjwrTlF'eit)'1 C'.Etft z'E?:~n~.'C fL'CT111 thlS.
20~ IL iri ye~i5~ly public; k~uil~linq promoters therefore wha
want to hav~C ground cvvcririg:~ that do nor :~r~1 I:hW
:=surfar:Ca awl all.c~w 7.argt? arr~~:~ w?~i.ct~ bear high
mechanical loads, for example as a result of vehi~:Lr:~,
in a problem-free manner, to tar; r:av-r.r~ri i.rmxpwnsively.
~ r
t ~
Ilc~ain:;t this background an object of the i.nv~nt.; on is
to specify a water-pc:rmc~ah'Ln r~rr~t~nd c.ovariru~ r5f Ltle
type ir: the p:r:edrnble wH.ielr even in the case o.f comp I ex
shapings is inexpensive in rnmpari;on wir_h known grvunc3
30 coverin<~s and arid 3ysterus . Aa reclards the mechani.r.~ l
loading capacity, the r~rt~und covering shrmld not L~sulG
in any limitations in the u.,-r. o.f thr i:ow.cer_~ areas. In
~cl<i i t. i cam, :~ fno-~I lm>ci ~cor pr.c>c.jutW.nt3 eZ ground C4VCririg i~
to be specified that allows the covering to be I, iu
35 a .airnple and inexpensive mc~nnor.
CA 02555307 2006-08-07
Iil d.~eC~rc~dur_e w~,lki tkie invention, the ol7jeri-. that is
set with regard to the t~rlorlnil Co,raring is achieved by
means of the fratu:ra:~ ci f c:1 a i rri 1. Acr_ordinqly, r.t,e
c~rr~unri r_cwerinc7 has a multi-:Layered structure wi I_l~ a
r ~upcratructurc and a substrucrurM, with the
sut'W f.rnC:t.ure Yr:~virlc3 crL lw_ctst one layer Ot wand on I'.he,
substratum side and a l3yCr Of bnlla:~t. c:rn the
.su~»r~trr~r:rur~ wide, Tt>e average site kbnilast of the
uudersizc: particles an the balla:~t.,~ to S mm, or
1U more.
In practice, it has been iclFnt.i f; wd that tkle service
1 ; fr-__ and lo:.rding c-zpacity oL a «ve:rinq consist-.i nc~
merely of grid systems or bound, minc~rtal ag<~rega>r~~ is
15 limited- As a result csf t.t,e .,r.rur=tuLr r~l= tkl2 COV2r2nf~
in ai:c:mrdanr:e I:.he a.rrvet~tic~n c.onsisi:ing of a
superstructure and a suns t:rm:i-nre it is to
adapt tht positive propE.rriN:~ regard to the: w,~t~r-
perrrEwat~ility of a SupexstructurC, consi.;r l nr~ «f bound,
2U mineral ate-qreciates, univYr:rally r_r~ r_he substratum. Tnt,
k.nall, rn~atrr.ial of the substructure enables there to he
uniform load-distribution in the :jutn:~nra.tum that tics
llnt~e:Cfre~ r~.ri :~C I.Ym l,. even punctiform pressure 10~~~3:~ t.tmt
nc_t on the suy~~eL;;lructurc arm. introduc:-rd l r,to the
25 substratum so that they are distributed UVCr a large
nrea nvrr the layer oL sand c~r1 the :,ubstrat."m side atar,~
thus the static and dynami r, k,rp.ssure-locidinc~ capacity
o't the ,upPrstructure is deei:~ivcly imprwad i_n
c:ouyarison with known solzWi.nn.~,.
A fur thr:r.- line r ovNrnrrr L i5 brought about by the
suh.structure in its water-pexmeablc pa;c:~ac,;~ to the
SupCrstructure as r-rc~a.r_il:~ watw.r-controllability. Tr. l 5
~>rec;.i:~Mly in the case of a critical :uk~;~tra~um that hay
35 ,~ high r-rf loam that the sub:troi:l_~.rre is 3h:~n
Cc~ supplement the water-storinr3 c~w~>ar_.ity o* tklA
superstructure. TYluS the surface water is taken up by
CA 02555307 2006-08-07
the substructure through the supc~rctruCtttre and 15
ali st.7°i btW rd horizon r. ally. Thus etmxrnou5 quantities c7f
wut.rr r:,~lt Y>h ~.akrn I,Ip) w11_hin a short timt: and c:toLecl
temp~iarily until the substratum or f,7rL.nNr cirainage
fac:ilitit?:3 rlrain c>f~f Lhr wclCer. 'J.'hi5 dxainage capari.l-.y
can he attributed to the high voidag~? so than. ~nro~blHm-
free installation is pos:-~ibl~ Mv~o .en water-protection
c.egiUr.i~ . This voidage as well as diffcrCnt rc~c-;k s i rea
and sorts of materials re.:~ult .i.n axc:el.l~!nl sound-
1 () ~kf:9i7.Lpl_1UI1.
T~:~1-.:~ iiavr 3huwn that the ground r_yveuimq in acc.o:rrian<:r
wiCh LPte inventicrr x~ :~k,~la: to demonstr3t:F axcW7_lem
water-absorption valves . In a f i etd analysis, the
w~te.r-absorption values of the qxwund covering wrra
determined and compared with the v,~~uas of a
r.nnw?ntidr,~l water-pernteable spo~,l~-tkround constrnCr.ion
i r1 ~It:r_:c~rdc~nr_.~ with DIN 1Q 035-6, sc:r_t:i ~n ~r . 1 . 6. ? acrd
5 , 1 . 6 .:'.. In this connection, t17 -r. :raqua .rwraents of DIN
1(1 1$ ():i'.1-17 wrrr mNt:. rnarly tiulws over. Thus a sample wii.rl
a 1 aye7c r_hir.kness de of the supcLstructure o.f 47 rnm
resulted in a water-absorption valrlW >,* = p.51 cm/s.
The requirFn7rnt ~rr:nrc3i rm~ l:r~ DIN 1f~ 035-6, Table a,
amouluts to >0.01 ~uu/5.
The grain ;~i~e rat the k~alla:.t in the .suh:~t.r,_mture kias a
further tavourable Cff~r.t. peon r_h~ wat.rwx:-absorption
v,luo and water-aontrt~lldk~ility of the c~r~ttnr:3. This
~r~rnises excellent values given ~n 7vrra~~e g.cain sire
for the und~r~7xc: ~7;irti.cles of 5 Irun or more. Tr.~i~:d mia
te:~tr.c3 avMr~grr g.r~ra..n Sizes hl,am8r. of t:hr~ Lmlla3~ lze in
a range between 5 to 16 mm, 16 to 2.? rnrn c,r 16 to al n,n,.
That maans that thM layNr Uf ballast is composed <of
ha11a5t with different grain sizes, wiCPu Lh~ grain of
:i'.1 l.~yr~r r~F r>;~]last lying iL1 OriC Of the r'ar,c3ws mentionew_
The average layer thir:knr~~ ~s el... of the compacted 1 aye L
CA 02555307 2006-08-07
cif ballast prc:fc~.rah.l y amomt" to ?=Between QQO arid
S 0 0 putt .
The grain size of the aggregates al ~-sc~ ttas ~t substanti ~ I
inflt~r~rm;C on t:he~ i n f i 1 t. r~ t- i.r~rt capacity of the ground
covering . flggregates whose average grain :i i .;r lies
between 1 and 7 mm are part:i.c,ul a r l y ~.~referrect. l1~
previously mentioned, the layer StYUCture o.f Lfle clround
ccwerincr in accordance with the _Lnvr:ernl_ ion has ,a
1 (7 favciu.ratal.r- 1r1f3.uNrit.e on r_he mechanical rCsistanr:r
V~ilr~ey yr~ that even values of over 5 rron ~, rw possible
for thQ avPragQ :~i ~~: of the grain withc.~ut a
~~'Llbrst~trl'Lially imcLadse~t risk of iupture ar.rurrimg. The:
infiltration capac~i-tar c:an- ha farther inoxw~:;cd with
1~~ thi., groin diamatt=r. In acic.(itis~n, with these: v7iuerd
the ri.ra~ in infiltration capacity a~ ,~ rN:jult_ of the
entry at minc~ra..l and org,ni~~ fine par is over time
renlain:~ low.
..f.() ThP «1781'1-liCiTl3 sl'.r.ui:L_lrw Uf the superstructure re:snl is
in high coefficients of friction on i:lnr ;~r~r-face so that
'the ground covering is :cu i t-abl r-a ~t.a a non-slip Cover frir
e:ar'i iacOr~wcty:~, Eootpelths, steps arid prC~cntaticin :~ft~oas
and thus reriuees the riak of acCirlFnt-.:~.
>:'avouraY~le layer. l.liiekne:;::,cs far thp :~uperstruc~tuxe
with regard to prcssur~-I r~arli ny rapar~i(.y dud good
w,7f.~r-yarrraebility lie betwe~_~n 30 and GO mm. Qf
c:~au,~se, lower values are alrc~ ~C:~si rl~, in wltic:h case
30 thCn c~. anru:;r ; on , h,ve tci be rnar~i~ with regard 1:a
p.oaaau rr.-1 <:~c-9 j rtt) c_-.ctparrity. rr~atc~Y 1 ayer t11ie1:.rleSSes
for the superstructure only 1-~r.i.rng slight
improvement., fwr c.l,N p:r_-w,ssure-loading Capacity ~nr.3
increases the costs of ,o c~r~.nlncl ccw~.~iug. The optimum
ao ~r>r rrro.sl_ cases of application thert,fcme lies in t-. ho
range mentioned atir>vN.
CA 02555307 2006-08-07
(irnar-a.J..Ly, i-.ttc: grain-size disc=rihut.ion ;,r c:luf-i_ned
actvLdirig tCr DIL~1 66145. Tlie pdidme~er m drnounts to at
least 9 and is rieterrnined whilst disre~tardinc~ 1 ~,
over~izC and undersize particles in each case.
The material is preferably a two-component
pci LyurYthane binding material . A twcs-i:ompCUrnL epr~xy
resin binding material or a one-Component l~olyurethan~
r)1T1d1.77g m~3tBrlr71 Crlri L7e USed l.Tl PXr3c'.1- I y I,ly! .~dr(iF' Way,
Two-component epoxy resin binding materials arC made
available, for example, by the firm of I{or:Pt Ma rrnc~.r i..r_
under i"hP trr3uP name lryori.i".
An important advantage of the use~of two-compcmrnfi
rpc~xy rr.sin binding mat:c~rial h.r-.... .seen in its
erm.~ r. Crorm.rl l :~ 1. c:ctrnE.>a I: i Lt i .7.:i. l y . 'fhe around
covering i n
~oCnrdnnrr: wi th 1-.ha i nvr~ni-i on dyes not, for axarn~le,
have any toxic_. effect at all upon mould i:ungi .end .is
con~idcr~d difficult to break down mi~.roloia77y.
2C1 Nenwut_WJ.ess, Snt~sl_~tw:es I_har_ can be Fluted from the
ground covering e~an easily be broken cis~wn, a~ mr:rt:r r' i a7
tests have shown_ As washi77g te:~ts lorovN, I_) is no
cttwrn:i.c_:;,1 i nt a r~-.., c:t:.i on ttetweert surface water and the
C:UVCr1r1C1 raate:r.ial~ No that surface water that-. aHM~).~
7~ t.hromgh ~t.he~ _r.covprinc~ C~r7 be i_ntrodu~~ea_l into ~Yie
:: r: werdqe systc:rrt irl an untreated state or can aaYa I y
~lrai.n uff ini-o t-_he ),, the gip~tmd
orverin~a in dccarddnce with ~Yr~_~ invention can be
disposed of after its phase of use.: ..i.n an a~rth- or
30 h~17.-mt-washing sy.;tant witllottt any riegal.ive
a~rm f r ctrmic-!rtl: ~r 1 c_~ f Pa~c.:l: ~ , Alternatively, after
comminutiori, ~:eusc thereot as granular material is :~.lso
35 Wtmn Etr~we.sslllr.~ the binding material, two meth~c~s nra
distinguished. If' the c::<7tnF>r>rwrtt: S of the superNtructurr:
car ;~ut>.~t_ ryC:t»rw that are present dw ChlE7p177r~3 Crr ~s~inr_j
CA 02555307 2006-08-07
are r_a ba stabilized, the;~a are advanl.ayecusly mixed
with tt~e l.weviou5).y flUIflUtJe111Led binding agent in ,ito
and laid out. when ballast or other cGmparative7y
coarse granular material is stahil:i gad, eE.>ary resin or
polyurethane and hardeners are also mixed in situ anc~
:~prayad in liquid Corm onto the Eval.Iast surface. ~'ho
binding agent flows into the depths and thereby bored;a
tlir individual ballast grains n.r t.hP g r armr.lar material
Otia wltli ta'1~ 4tiiar .
ThP hi.nding materials mentionPCl a:~ a res,al t of the lui~~l
k~inainy forte enable any 1-3ulk material;, to be combined
as a result of very good adhesion in thr_ r.~nr~c-~ ref
-adhe=eve and capi117ry action. 'his addiliornally
contributes to the static: and dynamic pressure-J~»Hinc~
capacity of the ground covering that ha:~ t-m~~rv
trrHrt t: .e c3n~C3 . ii c.>rUj e clef ca C ac3 j:~c:erl't lctyars of the
auperNtructurc and substructure i~ particularly
eftYia.ivr: for high loriciing c;r3~~W :.i,l.y :~c~ tlmt it is also
0 possible for vehicles to drive on the ground covering.
Vwiy cfterr fc.,r a visually attractive configuration of
space:": colouring of the ground is desired. Py cm
col oorev-1 yuart~ sand aT_ natural stUnes aS d.rl ac~ctycgatc
5 it e:: pos;:ible to chooNc from over 2U0 colour
va.ri,3fiic~ns so that p.2-.aca-iral~fy nn;a are set ~~n the
r_.olouieci coririguiatieui rat a c~rvumd covering.
Architects in particular know how to usn thu~:c. ~.-.oloured
~~ti:c~c~ts in an irnpoassivc~ w.zy.
In adr_iitivn to the static and dynamic resistance val e:i
that are important fc~r ;; 1 it..y ~:~ a r_rarric~geway-
cnvering, the ground roveririCl in aCCGrdancs witli t.h~
invention as a result of the high vc~ e c3;~d~ also ~~bsorbs
35 the sound of vohioles in .~ nlear 1y Y:NI_ i_r~r way than, for
rxarryl~:, ~rwplmlt. Particularly favourable: value:;i
CA 02555307 2006-08-07
result in thF ca:e of a voidage of at lra~~ 45=~ in the
1'utt2ier aciv~rtt~c~eo~m mnl'_r~riirnHuC;~ of the invention with
rcapect to the ground covering follow from f~;,turPs
of c_lairns 17. t~ 7.4.
Tip ac:c:c?r<ianr:r with tht? invc?wl-.iCry t...h~ c~l:sjer-t that iS SCt
with reg«rd to tlue method for produeimg the ground
Id covering is achieved by means of the featurFq of c.:l~,.i.trt
Ac:COrui ngl y, the ~roWora i.on is effected ir>
ae~r~xa~~ra~e w~.~kr LHa Lc?7.l~~wirsd nrcthod steps:
ar~falieaLiGru oL a still deformable mixture of
binding material and sand tc~ substratum,
compacting of the binding-ma l_e c .i ~1 /;~;rr?c~ mixture ,
~F>~~1 i c:~ t. i carp aof ~ ~,t:i.ll defQrmalale mixtmrc.~ ~f
binding material and ballast to the layer c>.f
~ applic:atior>. c~f the upper layer consisting of a
~till deformable mixture of agg.cegalWS and
t)i nci,i rtc3 m8terlctl tr-, the layer applied last,
c:cmpacting of the still detcrrm~hl~: rnirture, and
1~ har~9enincf.
Intensive bonding of the layers one: with tl,F r_~~luer
rc:~:n7.t~: i f rli rr.tal y after compacting frhe first layer
tkre next_ layer is applied before the layer t.hnt lie_:
undc~rn~ath ha.r~ICns_ This r~:.111s for uninterrupted
3t7 applii:at:ii>ir ainl <:c'.?iri~i:~c'.tirlri layer by layc~t-.
Furthi:r advantageous emhi?cl i rnent ~ of the invention with
r~yF>c~cn. t.o thW ground coverinr~ follow from tl-m f ~~t:mre.s
of claims 16 to 20.
:~ .')
CA 02555307 2006-08-07
ArJvant~gnnm. ~mL~nrli.mnni-.~ we t.hP invention ate e~c(~~.aincd
in ttie following with teteierrc~ l.c the attached
r3.raw.i.rty~ irv w)tir_ai:
Figure 1 show3 a diagrammat..ic-: rrc~a~, section through a
ground covPrins~ that has been ap~5lied tc7 a
;~ubstrotom with a cic~lihla-:l~iywr substrur_turC, °
1C1 Clc3ttrc~ ~ ;>ttc~ws :~ riid!Jramritatic cross section through
ground covering that he., hrr~rn ~F>~>lied to a
~Wgt re ttm wi t.h a th re~e-layer 5u?~S l.ructurc .
Figure 1 graphically shows in a ~:r~.~>~ ~,ec~tion Lhe
m,al ti.-layered structure of lhr~ ~xr>llll!~ covering 1 in
accordance with the invention. In thr. ~,-F~~.nt
F~.xFmpl.,ry pmhoc.-lim-r..nt the latter has L~iz'ee layers, the:
lcawe~t_ c_:c~ur':~e oC whir_at, the substructure ~?. ; , ,-y-~~~lied
to a sub:.tratum ;3. gcfore the suY~.~rr.ur:t.rrre 2 c:an he
it) ap~3.l.i.r:ci, thF soto; :3 rnnsl. :first be prepared. Thi:~
is dLIrJ to a frost-resistant depth of 40 to 50 cair. This
digrtynq dCpth is recommended so thal~: L.trN c.~.onnectian
hel.wec?n I.t7N :~W~gl: ruc.:Lure ~ ~tnd the substratum 3 remai rt:~
urmtfe~_~e!i try the erosive effects of trr.-r.xe?-L.h:~w
c':yc: l i nr~ .
The substructure ~' i.tsn I f i s r..on,pr~"m:l of a 4t~ux~sc of
~,and or, t.hN :;W:~:;traturo side, We so-called layei of
sand ~1, and the layer of ballast 'r lyinr~ cm t«p. I~'cr
B() t.hi.; i ; fi r~~t uc_Ide<-_1 _~ <_vlnatge caf liim!iin!T material and
:i~ro3 I.lml. :err mixed toc~PthPr. The binding i.~
a two-cpmponent polyurcthanC binding material, H two-
c:om~wrirrrt rtoc~xy re4 irm_iL re line-component polyurethane
binding material can be usLd in cxa~tly the 3dme way.
35 After the charge has becrl added, the rn:ir,l.urr~ is then tm
bC proCC~Cs=:d without ryol..j_c~I1 a5 lpriq ~;, 1t i
:~t.i I1 cfrfc:rrthblw elIld has npt hardCrlCd. Thi.y t.~l.;,w5
CA 02555307 2006-08-07
~lcsr_e by dp~lyiriy t-h_ layer ~L ~acicl 4 to the substratum
:3 in an as unitorm and p~.anar m3nnc:r ~r k»~.,~,ihl.~. The
layer Lhic:knes:~ dQZ"., of the r:ornl,.ir; l~yrr:' of sand 4
amounts to at least 20 mm.
After the compacting and the hardening, which i:~
alrs~atiy starting, of the layeL of c3arrc3 4, the layer: of
b~rllast .5 is ~rFfplied. The average gxain sizC kb311a~r. r~t~
the: ballast in the case of thu present emhac~irnr~ol, lies
1U in a rangE between ~ to 16 nvn, w6 t.h r 1m erverar~e size of
tree undersize particles anruurLtinra to 5 mm. UnifaZ:ttt
propcrtic~ arc abtaincd with thi:~ narrow grain--size
ranr~e, here ur~ well the L~allaaG is rnix~;ci with binding
material in order to apply the mi xt.nrn ,_,.~, unifarntly ;~;;
1~ pr_rssihle to the layer c~f sand 4. ~uk~~equently, thc~
layer of ballast 5 is compacteri with a m~:~:htzr~ic:._,1
vi t-:r, _ Thu 1 ayr-.r of t_~~ 7 lt~.,t ~~ them h~a au average
1 ~y~ r t.h i c:krte~;~:~ cl~ c>t :~yf>rc~:;imately 5D0 mm_
20 finally, there to:Llnw., t-.he tnrni Id-ry: caL the open-pore
~uperwtrrar-~ture 6 that is visible ~.n tt~c finislurci :~I.W .r~.
lri the first instariCe, binding mai.c?r i:~l ~i.rt x quantity
iaf 15pt3/i:in= .L:~ sftLay~d into the layer of ballast .'r t.lmt.
supports th4 superstructure 6 in nrrir r r: ~t achieve a
fi rmNr C':vnnm_-ai .nn hetwewn tliN sul»r..t~x'ut_turC and t1'W
wuk~~Gxwr.:l.ux~e E7 virlC.~. 2 respectively. The dFptl, c~f
penetration of the: binding matr:ri al amounts l.t
approximately 1~C7 mm. Even beLoLt the: binding mafi~riat
hardens, a layer of mineral aggrc~c~at.c:t ;.a zppli~d.
~-Ir_.rr a~ wwll Chin is a mixture of mi.nnr~ l ir~gregaL~~s
that is mixed with binding rna l.~ r i :~ 1 :end is applinc~ i "
r..lw aiwi.l.l daf_r~rmable state. TktC dggrvgate3 tll~I. c:<:rne
into consicicyation are sclectec3 from yudrtzite,
35 granite, hasalt and quartz, with c:olcmrrcl rt.eanite being
tlso~,l in the exemplary enttnr>ci i rnNrrt that iS k~Clng
d-r.:~r:rit>e:~r3. Ttrw average size of the gLanS.tM clrwin lies
CA 02555307 2006-08-07
in the range b.~tw~Fn ~ ."~d ; mm. The giair~-~i:.e
distribution is defined according to v1N 6145 with a
par,~mcter of at least ~ and whilst disregarding 1?s
oversiL~ ctrt.d uWe.t:~i;;~ E~:~.rO ~.<_~le~s in each case.
Aflr.r rrrixr.ur~: has h~Nn appliNC3, I_kti:~ is compacted
with a roller and smoothed with a bladed smoothing
screed. Compactin~7 is p=cfurably Cffected with a
~:c~ntar.r ~rFq:~m:~ of 7.() r~~ 'uU N/rmf. The sLlpersLLlfL'LuLf_
atLeF c:cuttj>aCainc~ has a layer rlo ref 50 mm.
After compacting, the superstructure is ha.rdRnarJ. The
ground c~>ve.rin<~ can r_han 1.>e loaded.
Basictilly, before applyin<~ a layer to a layer that lies
underneath it is not necessary for the layer ~:h;~t-. 1 i t:~
undernCath to harden. On the contrary, ak>p7.i<:a I. i c>rt tc~
a layer 'l=hat has not yr:r hutdermd rr.:~Ull:s ira F:~etter
<_ c~rtnr~c_:t ~i c~rr r~ F tktr l ~tyrr:~ c_~r>w with the other ,
'~tJ An :~lL~rnal_1V~! NlCIk7UC~lrIlt_!11L r~L LhW c3 round covel:irlq 1 in
accoLdancc with the invention that pan be .l.c>ad~ri I.<.~ a
t,~r~ai_~:r r~.xi.errl. as ~ r~:~ull.. tW :art additional 13y~'r Of
;;dnci Q' is shc~wm in r'~.~7ux~c: ~. ',I:hc additional. .layr.r c.>F
annd 4 ' i~ applied to thF lr3y~.t- ~f L>a 1 7 ast 5 and like
tl~e layer of sand 4 on the ,substiaGum aide: is also
;~Ld)>ili~eci wiLli k~iuciimg umtexial_ For better adhr:rirm,
binding material is sprayrc('.r~ t-.1~~~ 1 ~yFr of k_,alld5t 5
before the lzyer of sand 4' is applia=ti, After
c-omF>ctctincT, the guild-ttp of the SupFrstrnctore 6 i~.
:iU effected in the same way as cie:sr.:rikw<1 fc.>r: the
embodiment in accordance with Figure 1.
CA 02555307 2006-08-07
1 .3
List of reference numerals
a c;round covering
~) ~ ~tlt):i ~. f'~i
~.. IlfTl
9, ~i' Layer: o~ sand
Layar n:f: ha
1 i.~:~l.
6 au~~erstrur_ture