Note: Descriptions are shown in the official language in which they were submitted.
CA 02612983 2007-12-20
WO 2007/000492 1 PCT/F12006/050280
[0001] Tl~re iravention relates tc a method for-.positiLning a rock drill-
ing rig om a drilfing site, tÃae rnethod comp.rÃsing' driviriq the i-ock
drilling rig to Ei
drillin7 site =~nd positioning the carrier the,eot in relation to wall suE-
Fac;s sLar-
rourrding the drilfink--i site; performing post-positioning naviclatiori ir]
Uvhicla the
location oi a mine vehicle is linked to a coordinate syst.ern of the drilling
and to a drilling plan where at least the directions of faales to bl- clriilod
are de-
termined; and initiatir-ig the drilling of t}ac holes ac:.cordir?g to the
drilling plan
after tPau rtav3gatÃon.
[00021 The invc-r Etic}n alse, relates to a rock dr illinc~ riia cor;rlar
ising; a
movable carrier; at least orae dr-i!l boom with a drill Lrnit corrrprising ~~
boarii, fe;edina, means and a rock drill machine; at least one control unit,
whic;fl it is possible to store a drilling plan in wfiit;h at least the
direction of lioles
to be drillud are determinecJ; and mearis for linking the rock driCling r-io
to the
conrdllic3t.:, s)%sterii of the Cdrlillnt'~ site by r7lwans of navigation.
[00031 Currently a rock cirillirra rig is positiuned such that an oper;;-
t.c>r ctrivLs the rig to a drilling site r_isirig visual pcrsitioning
estimation. After clriv-
iny the rock drilling ric, to place and fitting the ;acks against tf-ie ar
oUnd, it is
possible to peri'orrri navi;ati:?n, in which the location of the rock drilling
rig is
linked to a coordinate sysFem provided for the drilling sit-e. Navigation
rriay b~perfoi-med sucfi that on the drilliny site there is Li separate laser
that is directed
to a known Iocatioii in a tunnel. Thereafter the location of the c.arrier or
t}ie diill
e,init of the rock drilling rig is determined with respect to the laser. This
can be
cforae by mearis of sights irr the drill unit, for instance, Alternatively, on
a carr-rUr
there is arr~.arigec# in accordance witii DE puiilicatio'n 3,902, i2ra laser
that deteMlrnes the location of th carrier uurrng navigation, Lwhereatter a
trol unit o3 the drilling rig may amend tiae coordination systerii in vievv
ol' tlie
location of the cirillirae rig. Current solutions have a dravvbac.l; ti-rat
the act.uai
location oi' the rock drilliria rig ori the drilling site is not '1ouncl out
urrtil ira the
course of navigatiori at the If the rravicdatiQn reveals that the
rock drill-
ing rig is positioned on the drilling site sucfi that it is not possible to
clrill all the
holes of the clrillina rliari. t.he iacks nlust be lowered, the car rier must
bc: rf.posi-
tioned aricl the rig mUst be navic,atect again. ProbleMils resulting 'frorn
positioning ma{<ethe drilling considerably slower anci riiore diffici.ilt.
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WO 2007/000492 2 PCT/F12006/050280
[0004) The object of the present invontior-i is to provide a nLvei ancl
improved method fcr, positioning a rock driliing rig vn adriliirig sitc, anda
drilling ria.
[0005] The method of the invention is characterized by using as a
basis ÃoÃ- tho positionirg of the rock ~_lriliina rig apositianing station wi
ticli c!o-peFids ori the distance between ttie rock dr ilfing rig and wall
surfac4s of tllo
drillirig sito; deteuMining durirtg positioning ttio location of the carrier
of the roc},
drill:rsia rig by r3iearis of at least one distance r;ELasuring device in
relation to the
wall surfaces of t~)e drilling site; and positioning tli-e rock drillir;g rie
into apUsi-
tioning station for navigation.
[0006] The rock drillinc, r-ig of the ir-ivention i7 c,[iaractcrized by corr-
prising at least orie distance mea:7uring device for determining the Iocation
the carrier in relation to wall surfaces surrounding the driliing site; the,
unit comprising at least one Lrsor intorface; a.rrar7ging tiie reactings of
the dis-f.ance measuring cievice to be ciisplayob to the operator at least in
orre 3iser
interface; anct arranging the rock driilirtg rig to be cirivPri to
apositioning station for r,tavidation. [00071 The idea of the inver -ition is
that tlie, rock drilling riq 1-fas a pc?-
sltioi3lnC station V1+heCe it is U1'li,fen before navigation may be started.
The [JoSi-
iicniri7 station is eletonmined in relation to wall surfaues :Urrounding the
sit.e. The rock dr-illiny r-ig corrprises orio c3r n-)aro c;i;:Aance
rrieasuring dovicos;
bv rrmeans oT whic.ii t}ie location of tl o carrÃer in refation to th~ ~vall
rnay be determined dur:ng positionina.
[0008] The invontion lias an advantage that the rock driliing rig n -lay
be positioned in a ccrrec:t lplace sLic;i that the. plannr;cl drifl holes can
be urille;d
therewith. ThUs it is possib1e to avoid situationts where tl-ie rig must be
tioned and navigated again due to erroneous origir?al positionirÃg. FUrthe:,
when the carrier is positioned i,ol"rectly irt vitLV of the boonl reaull,
Czrill units
may be rnoved efficioritlv and qr.iiokly. The positioning arranc7Ã:ment of tho
v~r~~tior~ is relativeiy si;~~pli~ to it7iplc>ment and it does ri;~E require
any c:ompfi-
catod systems. ln addition, the inveÃ7tiari n-iay bo ap)_?{ied to the
existirrg rock
drilling rigs.
[0009] The idea of one ernbodliment of tEie invention is that at least
t}irpe laser range finders are Lised for ctisianss/ measurirzct.
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WO 2007/000492 3 PCT/F12006/050280
[0010] The idezy of ont, ar;aUodiment of the invention is that a posi-
tioning station of tile rocis drilling rig is determined in connection with a
[0011] Ttie idea of cr-i embodiment of the invention is tilat aposi-
tiorririg station of the rock dril(ing rig is determined ira a sepaxate fi1.L,
it rnay be rFwtrioved and displayed to tf-ie operator.
[0412] T7-rle ide:a of one eÃanLoclimt:rrt of the invention is to determine
-3 positioning station as distances fror wall surface5 of the ariiling 5it.c.
distances may be indicated to tf-ic operator by tiEeans of a dispiay device,
[0013] Tiae idea of one eiaabodiriaont of the invention is to verify cov.
eragu areas of t}io drill Units prior to dri[ling, It is thrJs checked that
the drill Ur-tit
rcactae-s to drill the holes assignerJ to be drilled with said drill r_.nit in
the drilling
[0414) The idea of one emt:}odiialcr t of thle irivr-:ntiori is to
a+t:er navigation tiis vertical position of the carrier by me-aras of at least
uiic dis-
tance measuring device. For this task it is possible tc? use separata
directed distance ra7uas3..rrrrag devices or, aiterriatively, ri is possible
tiD r_isc at
least one distance Ã-taoasuririg device Lrsaci fior positioning aiid able to
be turned
fron-, horizo rital direction to verticai ciirectiora. Vertical rail-
astisrerr'ieÃat makes it
possible to deiect whether the ca!-ilE.r' moves dillrfrig drilling, for
i,astar,ce, as a
result of sinking jacks. Inclination of tiip- carric-r may be rrieasLirrd by
tiairÃg a
plurality of upwardly or downwardly directed distance moaSE,ring edevices or
one ar riiore irii,iirarzrrietors.
10015] In the following sorne embodir~ic-rats of t}ie invention will be
described in greater cietaii in conne.tion witi=a tlae attwachcd drawings, iri
Figure 1 a sefaenraatic side view of a rocl* dr-illing rig in accordance
with the irivontior, wiiich rig is positioned on a dr-il[ing sit-e and
riuvigatect in a
coordinate sysirvraa of the drilling s'tte,
Figure 2 is -a schera~latic. tot) vieW Of an arrangement in aUcordarice
tvith thle invention fGrctekerra-iining t}ae locatiora of the rock driflirig
rig ori tiae drill-
ing si:e,
Figurc. 3 is a schematic view of a drilling plan,
CA 02612983 2007-12-20
WO 2007/000492 4 PCT/F12006/050280
Figure 4 is a ScilE.tliativc view of a i,,Oritrol tlrlit arld a L1Ser
thereof, and
F!{iClfe 5 is a 5cherllatlr view t]f c~rl arrangement for t"t'3GfnItOrlrlq the
vertical position of ti7e rock cirihling rig during drilling.
[0016] For the sake of clarity, 5criie embcdirnents of the invention
are Presented iri a simplified rnanner iti the figures. Like refer-erice
refer to like parts in th fictures.
drillina rig 1 of Figure 1 comprises aÃ-ricvable carrier
2, at least orie efrili boom 3 and a drill ziriit 4 arranaed on the drill bQom
3. Tiie
clrill unit 4 comprises a feed bearn 5, onto which there is arranged a rock
machine 6 that mlay be moved on the feed beam 5 by rrrearis of a teedirig de-
vice 7. The rock drill machine 6 cori~iprises at lea>t orie percussien device
~ivherewith it is possible to give irnpact impulses tc a tae( 8 c.oriiected tc
rock drill machine 6, arid by the effect of said iriipact iÃiiptilses thle
tool breaks
rock and creates ~~ drill hole. In carinection with the (.,arrier 2 there
riiav also be
jacks 9, by mear7s of which the rock drillina rig 1 driv:.n to a drillina site
'10 may
be set to a~!euired pasition, typically to a horizeÃ-ital r)oSitior for
javigatic}n arlLA
driÃlirig. The rock dr:ilirig Ã-ig 1 may adc4itionaily comprise apluraiity of
r-reasL:rirag devices i i, such as laser range finders, which may be
!ithlized in
pes,itioning thiee, rock drilling rig 1.
[0018] In Figure 2 the rccPs drilling rig 1 is driven to the ciril[irrL7 site
10, ir, this case in, the rear of a ttinr rel. Tic rock driilir-ic,f ricr 'f
anay be positioned
ir~~ a predetermined positioning statiori 12, where tlie car-rier 2 i~.~ at
predeter-t-nir-lrrci distances X, Y aÃici Z fà eÃi-r wall surfaces '1,'-)a, 'i
.3b, 1'Jc; ;,OM fiÃlirig the
drilling site 10. Durirrg potiiticiiinii the distance between the carrier 2
and the
rear wail 13a may be rreasurer~i with a first c~=sf~:~nce measuriÃ-~c~ device
further, the distarice betn,7een the carrier and the side wahis, 13b, 13'c: r-
nay be
rneasured withi a second and a thir'd distance measuring devices 11 b ar7ci '[
1 c.
Not until the carrieF 2 has been positioned in a determiried positioning ; t
i2 are tf-ie [ac1:s 9 set Fgairisfi the ground and navigation is initiated to
link the
accurate lc4cat;orE of the rock dri[ling rig 1 to 'Ãhie coordinate sy5tem of
the drill-
ing site '1 0. In sorne cases measurement of distarices to the wa!f surfaces
rnay be carried out by rne.:ans of only one distance n-tL asuring aevice 11,
or ~.~rt
the ofiher hand, there May be more thar4 three distaiic;e riieaSuring Llevices
CA 02612983 2007-12-20
WO 2007/000492 ~ PCT/F12006/050280
The distance ryieasÃjr ing device. 11 may be arranged tO WM to predetermined
measurement positions or it rr.~ay rotate sricch thai. it measures distances
in a
Pirrra[ity (Dt directions.
[0019] Figure 3 shows a clrif!ir;g plar 14, in which there rnay be de-
terrnired the directions 'I~.~ of dri91 hoies and the (ncatioÃjs of starting
points 15-
For instaÃice in so-called fonyholti drilling, in wl=iich tP-ie iioEes rnay be
dr-il[ed in a
fan-shaped puttern, it rnay Le sufficient t}-tat the dr-ilEina plan 14 only
the hole directioris 16. In addition, tiie drilling plan 14 rnay also
raeterrinine apositi7ning statiori ci trle rock driiliriLt rig i as
measurements in directions X, Y
and Z. A planned focatior-i of the rock drillirig rig iri the positionirig
station may
be illustrated on the tarilliric; plan '14 by a syriibol 17. Vtdfieri t1he
drifling plan 14
is deaigned the symbol 17 Ãnay be piaced in the drilling plan '14, wl3ereafFer
design program may calculate distaÃices in directions X, Y arid 1for ti-le
tioning si:atic3ri and Ãnay a,-range tÃieÃii to be part of tlte dri(iing plan
'14 or to be.
a separate file that Ãnay be retrievec: in the rneÃnory of tiie control unit
30 of tl-ie
tucic drilling rig 1. T}ie drillirrg plar7 '14 ,nay also be clisplayed on tÃle
display cle-
vice of tlie control uriit 30 of the rock drilfirig rig If . Pr-ior to
positionirrg tiie op-
Gratmr rnay retrieve adÃ-illir-ig plan 14 created for each dril,irig cut onto
the dis-
play of the control !iriit- Readings of the distance meas rlring devices 11
may be
r+isplayecl to the operator on cornmon or separate display cievives. By
irig the readings of tl-ie display devices and by c,cMIparing tEierr7 witf-,
the posi-
tion?n,a station 12 indicated in the drilling plan 14, it is possible to drive
the rock
drilling rig 1 in a sLrffic:iently, aaccurate rrianr7er- to ttle planrleci
location or-i thle
drillirig site 10. F=or- ineasurernents of tlie positioning station 14' in
directions X,
Y and Z there rnay be deterriiir-ed tolerances within, t,Ajl-iich t}ie carrier
2 dr-iveri
in the posi'tioning station r11L.1st be located before naviaaiion may start.
[00201 Figure 4 shows a riser interface 18, ori the display 19 of
which appear PfanrÃed distances between the positioning station 12 and rock
walls 13. The r.iser interface 18 may also preserit at the same time or at
erit times readings of the distance rnea5 ring c{evices 11. The Ãiser-
interface 18
may tUrther indicate, with a sLritable indicator 20 or- ir, some otlier
manrier, t}-ie
distances in i.iirections X, Y aiid Z that still deviate fro111 the pr-
ecletermined dis-
tances. After the carrier 2 f-ias been driven to a determined positioning
the conttoi_ unit '30 ÃTiay acknowledge by rneans of the user interface 18
positioning and pertnit the initiation ; of navic ation. This can be done
visually or
CA 02612983 2007-12-20
WO 2007/000492 6 PCT/F12006/050280
by a sour-id signal, for iristar-Ece. FLir-ldher, the coÃitr ol uriit 30 aÃid
the raser inter-
face 18 n~iay he arranced to gr.Ãide the olperator to carry oLrt the
[0021] It is also possihle to aÃ_?tomate the driving of the rock drillirig
rig I to the positioriing stati+Dn 12. In that case the control unit 30 may be
vided with a steering rriade that may he switched on after the niire vehicle 1
has 'irst f3ee~ driven close to the drilling site ~~C~. Thereafter the
coritrof Ã~riit 30
r-na,yr steer the rock drilling rig I ar.Ãtornaticaily to a rxei etermirÃed
st,aticn 1-4, set the :; rrier 2 in a horizontal position by mearrs of the
jacks 9 by
Utilizing e ciir7OrTrete-r 21 and thereafter allovv iriitiGtion oi'
[0022] The positioning station 12 may be detei-mirred in advance, for
iriWtance, in t ci.~nnection with dra~vlng 1-jp the drilling pi~an, as
described in the
-above, or the positioning station '12 rr-Ãay be determined oÃi the basis of
t1he Up-
erator's experience, t.he Liser instrLictiOns of the rock drilling rig or
sorrÃe other
[00231 Figure 5 shows the rock drilling rig 1 in a driilirig situation. On
the carr ier 2 of the rock driifirig ria-i 1 there may be a PlLÃrality of
distance ri7eas-
uririg devices 11 directecl to a surface confining the dril[ing site 10 iri
the verti-
cal direction during drilling, i.e. a roof surface '1 'Dd, or alternatively, u
floor sur-
face 1 3e. By monitoring the vertical movements of the carrier by means of
Efiese distance measuring devices I I ii is possible to detect if the jacks 19
in the fileor- suriace 13e, for instance. In situaticrrs where all jacks 9
sink in the
floor surface 1 3e, a vertic al movement B is riot necessarily detected f3y
o-F inclination measuring device 21 or the like, because the carrier riiay
retairi its hnrizorÃtc I~.~osition. Instead, by mear,s of each distance
device 11 it is possible to detect deviatinris from ttie original measurement
sults and thr.Ãs it is possible to detect both inclination and vertical
transfer of the
.rrarged one or more individual laser
carrier 2. Oti the carrier 2 there may be a
measuring devices I ld fixedly pointing upwardly or downwardly or
in connection with the distance measuring device 11 b used in positioriing
mery be arranged a distance measurin: device lle pointing upwardly 01,
downwardly, whereby the distance n-reasuri~g devices llt3 and I'ie corÃstitUte
a kind of measuring unit 31. In scme cases tille bearn of the laser
device rriay be diverted with a prism, frt-ini hor id onta! direction A to
vertical di-
rection B after tiie carrier 2 h-as >;?eerl drrven to the positioning station.
Yet an-
other option is that the distance measuring device 11a rised fcr positior:irig
l'roC1ged on the carrier 2 by means of a turning member 22 SLlch that it nlaY'
CA 02612983 2007-12-20
WO 2007/000492 7 PCT/F12006/050280
E! ÃÃr?ed in direction C.: to q herizontal A nntWasuring position and ta a
vertica- ! B
measuring position in accordaÃice vvitii a rneasuriÃ,g operation to be
carrieci out
at any paÃfiicr-riar time. It is also possible thiat just oi-ie distance r-
teasLÃririg de-
vice 11 is arranged to rr-Ãcnitor ti-ie vertical B positiori of the rock
drilling ri~g '1 se,
Els to detect the sinking of the rig and that orie or ri-3ore c.linometeÃ-s 21
are ar-
rancted to monitor the inclination ot the carr-ier 2. Monitoring resUtts nl;~y
conveyed from the distarice rneasrÃtinct device 11 and the clinometer 21 ta a
control uÃiit 30 for anafyzirig. If the measurements detect a change in t.fte
cal B positiorà of the rock driiiirÃg rig, the position may be corrected by
tiie iacks 0. FÃir Yner, it is possible to carry out new navigation ii
changes have taken place in tile vertical position. The control unit 350 may
c3fral3ged to r;C3tiiy the oC1C'rdtor of a change in the vertical position and
t?e con
troi unit may further suggest to the operator a ;ack reset or a riew navig
ati~.~n. It
is also possible that nri the basis of tÃie changed vertical pc?siiion
will be made in the control unit to the coordinate sysÃGt-n to be used. It is
possible that the control unit is arranged tc, perform the above-described ad-
justment operations automat.iccai[y after a ciiange exceeding the
conditions irE the verticai positioÃ-Ã lias taken place. The rÃ7onitoririg of -
iiie ve rii-
cal posl$Iorl arld the relating measUrlrlci devices need r1oi r]ecessarEi}f be
ciated with the positirvninrt of the positioning station but they Ã-i-Ãay be
[0024] 1t should be r3oted t[iat the locaticaÃi of ti-ie positioning sta'LioÃ~
~i-t,ay depend on the excavation ÃT?ethod 3.sed. 9ri typical ttÃnne!iing the
rock drifl-
ina rig is to be positioned on the centre line of thu tunnel. Alternatively
the posi-
tionirÃO st<itiorà iiiay be determined ora a horder of the drilling site, for'
in situations where the rear of the tunnel will be excavated in two or r-r7ore
sta gus. Deterrniriation of the positiariirig station may also take into
accor.:nt ob-
stacles as well as rock driliirÃ, and rriiniriq apparatuses fulirx] on the
sitt ...
[00251 The invention is not .[imited ta tunnel driEt drilling alonr-., brIt it
Mny be Utilized in any rock drilling mwthod, in whicfi there is a r-ieed for
tioning a rock drilliÃig Ã-ig to a predetermined driilinc:Ã sttE?tioÃ~ for
drilling holes de-
termined in the drilling plan.
[0026] ir, soriie cases features of the present docLÃÃiierit may be
iliseci assuch irrespective of other featu.res. On tlie otl-ler hand, features
nf the
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WO 2007/000492 8 PCT/F12006/050280
pÃ-esent docun-ient may be combined, where necessary, to provide variaLis
[0027] The di'awin,s and the relatir-ig description are con[v iritL rided
to iilustrate tE-ie inventive id<a. The details of the h tver,tion niaV vary
within the
scope of the clair?is.