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Any discrepancies in the text and image of the Claims and Abstract are due to differing posting times. Text of the Claims and Abstract are posted:
(12) Patent: | (11) CA 384701 |
(21) Application Number: | 384701 |
(54) English Title: | TIME DELAY OSCILLATOR |
Status: | Term Expired - Post Grant Beyond Limit |
(51) International Patent Classification (IPC): |
(72) Inventors : |
(73) Owners : |
(71) Applicants : | |
(74) Agent: | |
(74) Associate agent: | |
(45) Issued: | 1939-10-17 |
(22) Filed Date: | |
Availability of licence: | N/A |
Dedicated to the Public: | N/A |
(25) Language of filing: | English |
Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT): | No |
(30) Application Priority Data: | None |