Note: Descriptions are shown in the official language in which they were submitted.
This inv~ntion relates to a container carri~r truok of the
typ~ provid~d witt, a mechanism to load a contain~r thereon and to
unload the ~ame~
A mechani~n! of th~ abovs type is described in Canadian Patent ~ -
No. 956,911 dated Octob~r Z9~ 1974 and ~ntitled. I'D~lCE FUR LOADIN~ A
SKIP ON TO A VEHICLE". ThiR m~chanism includes an L-~haped arm slidabla
in slides pivot~d to the vehicl~ chas~ieO Hydraulic jasks s~rve to
piuot the assembly of slid~s and arm for loading and unlDading a con-
tain~r~ Th~s~ jackx aot on the elid~s9 which in turn rotate the L-~haped
1~ arm. This arrangem~nt r~4uires h.igh pressur0 jack~ and uery sturdy
construction of ths arm and elides, resulting in a mschani~m o~ sxcessiue
w~ight with a resultant decrea~e uf the truck payload~
It is an obj~ct o~ the preeent invention to prouide a
mschanism oP ths charactsr d0scribed, which is o~ min.~mum wsight for a
given payloadO
It is a further obJect of the present inuentlon to prouide
a self-loading oontainer carrisr truck wh~rein the squipm~nt or mechaniam
for the s~ loading and unloading alao prod`uces~irm holding cf the
- container in ~ranaport p~sition thereon. ;~;
; 20 The above and other objects and advantag~q of the pressnt
invsntion will ~e better understood with re~erRnoe to ths following
detailed dsscription of a preferr~d embodiment thereof whioh, i9
illustrated, by way of example, in the aooompanying dr~wings,
in which~
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Figure 1 i9 a side elevation vi~w O~ r~ sal~-loading ~ontainor :~
~arrier truck accordin~ to tha pres~nt invention and shown ~n thff
container ~arrying ~un~iguration~
Figur~ 2 i9 a aide visw o~ th~ same truck this time ~how~ ln
the cour~e o~ unloading a oontainer;
Figure 3 iR a side viaw oP the oam~ truck thi~ tim~ in the
course of lo~ering a conteinar orl the g~ound;
Figure 4 i~ a perspeotive vi~w o~ th0 tr~lck m~hanis~YI to
produce ~elf-loading o~ the c~ntain~r a~o~rdins to tha pr~snt inuention;
Figure 5 i9 a crose-~eotional viaw a~ 3eBn alOnl3 lin~ 5 - 5 il
Flgure 4;
figure 6 i9 a top pl~n view of the ~ load~n~ muchanl~ of
Figure 4~ and
Figur~ 7 iR a cross-sectional vi~w as se~rl along lins 7-7 in
Figure 4~
The illustrated ~el~-loading contsiner carrier truck 1
compri~es a truck chas~i~ conv~ntionally including a pair o~ par~llel
beams 2 longitudinally ext~nding lsngthwise of th~ u~icle ~nd carxi
by roadwhaels 3 through ~ny appropriate 3uspen~ion~ A3 bs~ ahuwn in
2~ Flguras 4 and 5~ thu beam3 Z constltute ~h~nnelq each de~inin3 p~r
o~ ov~rlying bottom and top ~langes. ~ pl~tu 4 ~nd an an~ 0~ber 5
are fixed on the top ~langa o~ a~ch b~al ~ lon~itudinally exte~d
lengthwise thereo~ and are laterally arr~ng~d r~lativs to e~h oth~ to
orm a slidew~y or slidc rail.
Th8 two sllde r~ils h~v8 thair open sid~ ~utually ~c,ing o~h ~ ~ -
., : , .
A movable ~rame i8 ulidsble along th~ ~llde rails and thu~
; the truok chaesis. The ~ov~ble ~n~cempris~s ~ U~uhape supp~rt : :
ncluding ~ oentral pl~t~ portlon~6~and upstand~ng UppG9ite end
~30~ portion 7O~ A pair Q~ ulidu baru~8~are ~ix~dly~eucured~:a9ainst the
out~ide fac~ o~ the oppo~ite end portiun~ 7 respecti~ely~ in slid;ing
~nga~m~nt in th~ ~lid~way~ ~finad by th~ abouH-m~otioned slid0 rail~.
Thus, th~ movahls or slidabls frama defined by th~ el~m~nts 6, 79 and
is slidable lengthwiss of the truck cha~sis.
An L~shape arm i9 mounted on the abo~e-rnentioned movable
frame and pivoted relative ther~to. The L-shape ar~ has a rigid ~tructuro
including a base section 9 and a post section 10. The base section 9
comprises a pair oP eide memb~rs 11 rigîdly interconn~ctsd by cro
m~mbsrs 12 and by nross me~ber 130 The post seation 10 comprises ~
1~ pair oP opposite 9ide walls 14; a rear wall 15~ and a top 16 cooperatively
forming a forwardly open ancloeura. A hook 17 i3 weldsd on the top 16~
The ~ore and a~t sliding D~ the movable frame 6-7_~ and o~ the
arm 9-10 therewith is produced by a pair o~ hydraulic cylinders 1
longitudinally extending l~ngthwise of the truck chassis.
The cylind~rs 1
are connscted at the rear to a pin 19 extending transversely of the
truck chas~is. The forward end of the cylinders 1~ ara fixedly connected
~ to a crossbar 20 piuotally extending tran~v~rsely ~hrough brackets 21
; projecting from the fres end of the side members 11. A pair of poats 22
upwardly stand in linB with the di~placement of the movable frame.
, . . .
The posts 22 arB rigidly ~ountsd on a transverse plate 23
in turn rigidly seour~d to tha truck chaesis. The post~ 22 are eQch
provided with a forwardly opening notch to cooperati~ely form a plvotal
ab~tment ~ar the cro~ar 20 upon rear~a rd displacement of the latter
to the position o~ Figure~ 2 and 3.
A hydrsul1c cylinder 2~ o~ the doubl~-acting telescopic type~
i8 inoperatively pa~ition~d in the elongated upright encloeure de~ined
by the upright arm ~oction lO. Ths outer cylindur o~ the hydr~ulic ~
actuator 23~i~ pivoted at its inner ~nd by studs 24 to the elbo~
po~tion o~ the arm 9~lO and the piston rud i~ pi~oted at its ~ree end
~ ~ to ears 25 on the central pl~t~ portiQn 6 0~ ths me~able ~rameD ~
; ~
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When ~ container C i9 load~d on th~ truck, lt rH~t~ un the
container ~butment bar 13 of the Rrm aod oe a c~ntain~r abutment ba~ 26
fixedly sscured to th~ truck cha~is~ ~ 6hown ln Figure~ 1, 2~ ~nd
7O In this position, the hook~ 27 and ~7', ~ixad underneath contain~r
C~ abut again~t the cont~insr ~hutment and the traneverse pin 19,
ahown in Figure 7.
The c~nt~in~r C ie un-loadad ~y retractlon of both hydr2ulic
cylinde~e lB, a~ ~hown by the arrow 2,7a io Figure 2, until tho craa3bar
20 abuts in the notctl o~ the poeta 22. The hydraulic cylindar 23 ie
thereaftar extended to rearw~rdly pi~ot th~ arm 9~}0 abaut the trane~
verse pivot axis ~efin~d by th~ notch in the post~ 22, ~e ~hown in
Figure 3. The hook 17 is then unhooked Pro~ the ro~pin 2~ at the
front ~nd top o~ the container C.
To load 9 container~ the hook 17 ie eng~ged under a oros~pln ~;
28 of a container C ~nd the truck operator actuate~ th~ hydraulic
cylinder 23 to retr~t th~ same~ The front of the cont~iner C is thu3
ll~ted up and th~e~fter pulled ~or~ard o~er the truck body. The
hydr~ulic cylinders 1~ ~re oynohronouoly aGtuated to fully pull the
. . ~, - .
container ~orward by displacing tha ~ovRble ~r~0 ~rom the contsiner
catching-relea~ing poaition oP F~gure 3 to the container-carry~ng
poaition o~ Figur~
Many changes in the deta~la of oonotruction may be mado without :. `
daparting ~rom the 8pirit and 3cope of the pre~ent in~ention a0 de~insd ~:
by the appanded claim~
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