Note: Descriptions are shown in the official language in which they were submitted.
Title o~ the Invention
Field of the In~ention
The pre3ent in~rention relateY to mean~ for mining
mineral~ and, more particularly, it relates to shearer
loaders for the extraction of mineral~.
~ his invention can be used in application to the
mining o~ m~ner~ls depo~ited mainly in thin beds, prefe-
rably~ coal ~nd ro~-k 3altO
Background o~ the Invention
It is well known that the mining ~he~rer loader capa~
city depends directly upon the power o~ its drive, whose
increase is not always readily att~inabla from the techni-
cal ~tandpoint9 especially 90, upon ~hearer loader opera-
tion under conditions of thin beds due to restrict working
~pace and limited sheQrer lo~der dim~nsions ~uch as helght
and length.
There iB known in the art a ~hearer loader for the
e~traction o~ minerals deposited in thin beds, whic~ ls
rather powerful (cf. ~.R.G. Patent No. 1,060,821, of 1959).
Said prior srt ~hearer loader comprises t~o ar~s in the
~orm of cutter drum~ mounted o~ turning arm~ po~itio~ed at
the oppo~ite end3 o~ the ~hearer loader body. The drum~
are set to operation by mean~ o~ ~ motor secured on the
arm~ ~ia red~cing gear po~itioned in~ide the arm.
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~ he motor~ are not interconnected kinematicall~.
Therefore, the individual power of each one o-f them shsuld
be quite high. In ~o doing, the drum which comes first in
the direction of the shearer loader movement alway~ turns
out to be loaded more than the other drum, thi3 resulting
i~ irrational e~penditure o~ power supply. In addition,
the u~e of powerful motors leads to a ~harp increa~e of
the overall dimen~ion~ o~ the ~hearer loader inasmuch as
the motors are positioned on the actuator arms. I~ view of
the ~ore-going, ~uch ~hearer loader3 ca~not operate i~ thin
beds, in p~rticular9 in bed~ 1e93 than 1.3 m thick.
There i~ further known in the art a shearer loader
~or the e~tr~ction of mineral~, comprising two drum~ each
mounted on the shaft o~ a respective arm. Said Qrm~ are
mounted at the opposite end~ of the body of shearer loader
reciprocating in the course of mining. The drum~ are ro-
tated by means of ~ drive kine~atically connected there-
with and having two kinematically interconnected motors.
In this manner, each drum is set to rotation simultarleous
ly by means of two motor~ mounted on the shearer loader
~ or cutting the bed, the drums are ~et at different
height Yince the arm9 can be adjusted ~ith respect to
height, the drum which is the ~irst to ~ut the bed being
~et at ~ higher level (c~. U.S.S.R. Inventor' 9 Certifica-
te ~o. 567,352~ as well as Briti~h Patent ~o. 1,521,006,
cl. E 1 ~).
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Owing to the fact that the motor~ in said l~tter
shearer loader are kinematically interconnected5 the over-
all dimen9ions of the mo~or~ and, con~equsntl~7 of the
entire ~hearer loader could be reduced such that the ~hea-
rer loader could operate in bed~ as thin a~ 0~65 m~
Eowever, ~aid latter prior art ~hearer loader i9 cha-
racterized by lo~ power ~ailing to sati~fy the ~odern re-
quirements impo~ed on such ~hearer loaders.
Summary of the Invention
It i~ an object of the pre~ent invention to develop
a shearer loader for the e~traction of mineral~, wherein
the irrstional consumption o~ power ~upply would be
It is another object of the invention to increase the
amount o~ power avail~ble per ~hearer loader under con-
ditions of mining in thin beds, i.e., beds as thin as
0.65 m.
Said and other object~ of the invention are sttained
owing to the fact th~t in a shearer loader ~or the e~trac-
tion of minerals, wherein height-adju~table arm~ are
mounted at the oppo~ite end~ of a body reciprocating in
the course of e2traction, each one of said arm~ carrying
on the ~haft thereof a drum rotated by mea~ of a dri~e
kinematically coupled with both said arm~ and having t~o
motor~ mounted in the ~hearer loader body, while said
drums are ~et at dif~erent height levels for cutting the
bed of minerals, accord~ng to the pre~ent in~ention, the
_ 4
drum drive is made ~uch that each one of it3 motor~ ~ets
to rotation it~ own respective drum and is kinematically
coupled with the latter while the drive i~ provided with
one more motor mounted in the body and, in the cour3e o~
the extraction of mineral~, connected by means of a mecha-
nism de~igned to change the kinematic interconnection of
the motors to that one of the motors which ~et~ to rota-
t-ion the.drum comi~g fir~t in the direction of extraction
movement .
Such an arrangement provide~, under condition~ of
increase power of the ~hearer loader, a pos~ibil~ty o~ ra-
tional consumption of the power ~upply, i.e., o~ a sharp
increase of the power of the drive of that particular
drum which is the first to cut the bed and bears the main
load o~ cutting the bed, while leaving unvaried the power
of the drive of the other drum which i~ less loaded at
the moment.
It i9 expedient that all of the motor~ o~ the drum
drive be po~itioned in the body ~uch that their output
~hafti generating the torque ~or the rotation o~ the
drum~ be arranged in parallel and in one and the same
plane relative to the ~hearer loader bodyO
The mechani~m ~esigned to change the ~inematic inter-
connection o~ the motors ma~ include t~o i~termediate
gearwheel~ capable o~ moving in the plane o~ their rota-
tionp each secured on a crank and po~itioned 90 as to
er~ure the cor~ection of the motor~ in peir~.
-- . .
Each crank may be connected via reducing gear to Q
~h~ft m~de ~uch that it3 free end e~-tend~ outside of the
~hearer loAder body; while so doing~ it i~.e~pedient that
~uoh free end3 be articulated to a tie rod.
It i~ further expedient -that the mechani~m de~igned
to chan~e the kinematic intercQnnection of the motors be
provided with stops designed to limit the movement of
each intermediate gearwheel to a preset position, both
said ~tops mounted in the she~rer lo~der body.
Such a~ srrangement o~ the drum drive made it pos~i-
ble to develop a shearer loader capable of reliable ope-
ration under condition of bed~ a~ thin as 0.65 m and
characterized by the amount o~ power available per shearer
loader sufficien~ to meet present-day requirement~ impo~ed
on like machines.
Brief De~cription o~ Drawings
Other object 9 and advantages of the present inven-
tion will be more apparent upon con~idering the ~ollo~ing
de~cription of embodiments thereof, with due reference to
the accompanying drawings in which:
Fig. t is a diagr~mmatic view of the shearer loader
~or the e~traction of minerals, sccording to the invention;
Fig. 2 - ditto, a section taken along the line II-II
Of ~ig. 1;
Fig. 3 i~ a mechanical diagram of th~ shearer loader
according to ~he invention,
t~ 7
Fig. 4 illu~trate~ the driYe o~ ~hearer loader drum,
according to the invention, in longitudlnal 3~ction;
~ ig. 5 i~ a ~ection taken along the line V-V of ~ig.
4, illu3trating the kinematic i~tarconnection o~ motor~
for the right-hand drum9 according to the invention; and
Fig. 6 is a section taken along the line V-V of Fig~
4, illu~trati~g the kinematic interconnection of motors
for the left-hand drum, according to the invention.
Detailed Description of the Invention
Referring now to ~ig. 1 o~ the accompanying drawings,
the shearer loader for the extraction of mineral~, accord-
ing to the invention, comprise~ a body 1 made capable of
reciprocation in the direction shown by arrows A. Mounted
at the opposite end~ of the body 1 are height-adjustable
tur~ing arm9 2, 3 each provided with a drum 6, 7 mounte2
on a 3ha~t 4 9 5 th~reof1 de~igned for cutting the mineral.
The body 1 carries a portal frame 8 and hydraulic ~up-
ports 9 by mean~ of which the ~hearer loader rests
~gain~qt a ~ace conveyer 10 (~ig. 2). However, shearer
loader may be made without a portal frame.
The shearer loader is moved relative to the conve~er
10 by a haulage unit 11 who~e deqign may vary. HoweverJ
in the present embodiment, u~e is made of a haulage unit
11 including 8 fle~ible traction member ~uch a~ chain 12
con~ected with the frame 8 and t~o dri~es 13 locPted out-
side o~ the working face in the drift. ~he chain 12 i~
laid down in a chute 14 on the edge surface of the face
;~ a~ ~v~
conveyer 10.
- ~he drums 6, 7 are rotated by mean~ of a drive kine-
matically coupled with both drumq 6, 7 and having three
motors 15, 16 and 17 (Fig. 1) mounted in the ~hearer
loader body 1 and a mechani~m 18 de.siæned to change the
kinem~tic interconnectio~ of the motor~ 15, 16 and 17.
The motors 15, 16 and 17 are positioned in the body
1 such that their output 3haftq 19, 20 and 21 (Figs. 1, 3)
generating the torque for rotating the drum~ 6, 7 are ar-
ranged in parallel and in one and the same plane relative
to the body 1.
~ he ~otor 15 i~ connected to a ~ha~t 22 of the drum
6 by mean~ of a reducing gear 23, ~hile the motor 17 is
connected to a ~haft 24 of the drum 7 by means of a re-
~ucing gear 250 A gearwheel 26 i~ set o~ the output ~haft
20 of the motor 16.
The mechanism 18 (Figs. 3 and 4) includes two inter-
mediate gearwheels 27~ 28 ~ecured on respective crank~ 29,
30 a~d, therefor, capable of moving in the plane of their
rotation. The crank~ 29, 30 ara po~itio~ed in recease3 31
(Fig. 4) in the body 1.
Al~o ~ecured on the crank3 29, 30 are gearwheel~ 32,
33 meshing ~ith ~earwheel~ 34, 35, respectively~ The gear-
wheels 34, 35 are ~ecured on re3pective tur~ing sha~ts 36,
37 made such that their free e~ds 38, 39 è~tend out~ide
of the shearer loader body 1~ as seen especlall~ clearly
in Fig. 4. 3ecured on 3~id free ends 38, 39 are arms 40
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articulated by means of hLnges 41 to a tie rod 42 pro-
vided with a handle 43.
Th~n~s to the provi~ion of the turning 3hafts 36, 37
and cr~nks 29, 30, the intermediate gearwheels 27 and 28
are capable of perfo~ming arcuate moveme~ts in the plane
of ~heir rotation for engagement and di~engagement with
gearwheels 44 and 45 of the reducing gear 23 ~nd ~ia gear-
wheel 46 o~ the reducing ge~r 25. In order to obviate the
need for simultaneous ~inematic interconnection of all
three motors 15, 16 and 179 provision is made for a kine-
matic coupling of the motor 16 with o~ly one of the mo~
tor~ 15 ~nd 17 and for a Yimultaneous interruptlon o~ the
kinematic coupling of the motor 16 with the other one of
the motors 17 and 15, as illustrQted ln Fig. 4, a~ well as
in Figs. 5 and 6. To this end, the relative po~ition of
the cranks 2g, 30 i~ selected ~quch that, upon simultane-
ously turning the latter, there occurs ~irst a disengage-
ment, ~ay, of the gearwheel 27 ~rom the gearwheel 44, and
only after that - a~ engagement of the gearwheel 28 wlth
- the gearwheel 46. A ~imultaneous turning of the cr~nks 29,
30 i9 ensured by the tie rod 42 articulating the outlet
ends 38, 39 o~ the turning sha~t3 36, 37. In thi~ ma~ner,
there are ensured, in succe3~ion, fir~t a disengagement
o~ the previously engaged mechanism 18 from o~e o~ the re-
ducing-gears 23 or 25~ and then it~ engagement with the
other one c~ the reducing gears 25 or 23.
- The mechan~m 18 i~ also provided with stop3 47 and
48, 49 and 50 (Figs. 5 an~ 6) de3i~ned to limit the move-
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~7~ 3~7
ment of the intermediate gearwheels 27, ?8, respectively,
to a pre3et position. The ~tops 47 throu~h 50 are mounted
in the body 1.
The reducing gear~ 23 and 25 are made similar to
each other and o~ a conventional type, each including
gearwheel~ 51, 52, 53, 54, 55~ 56, 57, 58~ 59 and gear-
type couplings 60.
The ~hearer loader of the pre~ent invention operate~
in the following mannar.
Upon the ~hearer loader movement in the face ~rom
le~t to right (Fig. 1), the right-hand drum 7 coming first
in the direction of the ~hearer loader movement will con-
~ume more power than the le~t-hand (rear) drum 6. Hence,
the need to supply more power to the right-hand drum 7.
To ~hi~ end, the handle 43 attached to one o~ the arm~ 40
i9 used to crank the ~ha~t3 38, 39 o~ the meoh~ni~m 18~
A~ a result, the i~termediate gearwheel 27 comes out of
engagement with the gearwheel 44 of the motor 15, where-
upon the intermediate gearwheel 28 come~ in eng~gement
with the gesrwheel 46 of the right-hand motor 17. At the
~ame time, the intermediate gearwheels 27 and 28 during
th~ir arcuate movement~ 3tay constantly in me~h ~ith the
gearwheel 2.6 of the motor 16. Thi~ po~ition i~ ~hown in
Fig. 5. In this manner, direct ki-nematic coupling of the
motor 16 with the ri~ht~ha~d motor 17 i3 effected3 and
the ~ummary power of said motor~ 17 and 16 i~ tran~m~tted
via the reducing gesr 25 to the ri~ht-hand drum 7. I~ ~o
- lQ -
doing, the left-hand motor 15 act~ via the reducing gear
23 to ~3et to operation the left-harld drum 6,.
Upon rever~al of the shearer loader movement in the
face from right to left, the left-hand drum 6, which now
comes first in the direction of the ~hearer loader move-
ment, is to con3ume more power than the right-hand drum 7.
By mean~ of the ~ame handle 43, the æhafts 38, 39
are cranked in the oppo3ite directio~. In ~o doing, the
intermedi~te gear~heel 2~ comes out Or engageme~t with
the gearwheel 46 of t~e right-h~nd motor 17, whereupon
the intermediate gearwheel 27 come~ ~n engagement with
the gearwheel 44 of the left-hand motor 15. This latter
position is shown in Fig. 6. A~ a result, direct kinema-
tic coupling of the motor 16 with the left-hand motor 15
i5 effected, and the summary power of the motors 15 and
16 i~ transmitted via the reducin~ gear 23 to the le~t-
-hand drum 6. ~he right-hand motor 17 act3 vi~ the reduc-
i~g gear 25 to set to operation the right-hand drum 70
It i~ to be understood that electric, hydraulic and
compreQ3ed air motors can be used a~ the motors 15~ 16
and 17.
The use of the pre~ent invention helps ~ucce~3fully
~olve a ~eries of problems~ namely:
- to increa~e the output o~ the ~hearer loader with-
out increasing the overall length ~nd height of the latter;
- to ensure the optimum al ~tribution o~ installed
power between the two drums, i~ particular, to provide -~or
the supply of more power to the drum coming fir~t in the
direction of the shearer loader movement; ~nd
- to develop a she~rer loader ~or the extrac tion of
minerals depo~ited in thin b2ds, equipped with a powerful
drive .
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