Note: Descriptions are shown in the official language in which they were submitted.
Name of apphcant: Arp~d B O D A Y
Date of Hungarian application: ~lare 2t, 1995.
Number of Hun~,arian application: P9500820
Date of Canadian application: 1996
The subject of the invention is the
which is an invention resulting from my scientific research.
The magneto-statie energy of permanent magnets can be direetly eonverted into eleetrie
power by means of synchronised control, without the use of moving parts and without
environmental pollution.
The production of electric power takes place as a result of synchronised eontrol, by drawing
from the iilexhaustible masmetic energy sources, without depleting the same. A setf-
magnetising electro magnetic field is applied to compensate for the loss of energy density of
the inner energy source as a consequence of the control.
As a result electrical energy is gained from the output winding (T) ofthe apparatus.
6 Claims'' Drawlng Figures
I . Subiect of the ~ .e..~ A scienliricàll~ .ei'ealched and dcveloped aparatus for the
generation of electrical energy from the ~ ;c energy field
of pe~ magnets.
. ,
-DII: This equipment does not include any moving parts. By means of
electronic control, magnetic fields that exist around permanent
magnets and electromagnets are designed to release the static
energy- of these fields with conversion directly into electric power.
Br ~ ~undofthe ~e.ll;on:
- Since the time when mankind first became familiar with natural stone magnets and
10. 1~cog~ ed the phenomenae of repulsion and attraction of these natural pe.Illali~,nt magnets,
the scientific world has been co lt Ir'ly inve;,ligalL~g the pc :b;' - of harvesting this
static energy and converting a directly into electricity.
These investingations have been enc~u~aged by many well known facts. Laboratory
measurements conducted in a vacuum have shown that a magnetic field energy density a
hundred thousand times greater can be achieved then that of the field attainable in a
normal environment.
Research has also proven that it Is possible to freeze the energy density pell~ c.llly into
the material of r~ nlf~rt~lred p~;llll~lelll magnets with the help of up-to-date
christallization. thechnolo8Y.
20. The half-life period of the energy field of pe~llldllent magnets is 1111 years under norrnal
conJilions. Laboratory measurements indicate that by ~ ,n~ "1 the density can be
reset back to the original "reversible p~ eab,l;ly'' potential level.
The energy stored in the magnet as well as field generated by the same remain u..~ ng~ d
- as a result of the inner ele~ ulll~n~ hc proeesses. The only eondition to be met is that the
processes should not cause a level of field strength intensity which could i.,~,~e.~ibl~
change the operating point of the p- Imall. "l magnet.
As a conq~qnrnce of the above, the pe,mancnl magnet is seen as an energy source and
must be consldered inexhaustible.
Basic magnetic theory
30. It is a commonly known fact that the direction and path of magnetic lines of force of a
PGIIII~Gnl magnet ean be infllr~nl~ed with the help of a rel~ .a~ ;c material, or another
p.,lmallc,ll magnet or an eIC~ placed into the magnetic field.
Electric current flow in a conductor in the form of a coil around an iron eore will generate
an clccl~u~uagnetic field about that core.
Through scientific research and thorough investigation of the above phe ~o",. .~g my father
and I have discovered a way to demonstrate con~ilu~i~cl~ the feasibility of direct harvesting
ol magnetic energy hitherto for not possible.
~ "Magneto-dynamic free energy",
is an inexhaustible source of a c.lvholln.G..I~lly-friendly energy for the future, replacing the
40. i~ l.l and envi~ OIII..GnlaI1Y ds~n~ging thermocaloric energy produ.,lion of the present.
of recent practices
According to the current practice, to achieve a change in polarity, the poles of an electro
magnet are alternately subject to de - and l~I.Agn~ ;OI1~ by means of a continuous sine
wave - or zero crossing unit jump function current applied to the windings.
This repeated change of polarity taking place in the magnetic material created a continuous
agitation within the molecular structure of the metal. This constant collapse and r~' ' ' Ig
of the poles in each direction, which is the source of magneto-dynamic energy, comes at a
high price.
As a result of these periodical pole changes, more energy input is required than converted
50. dynamic energy is released. According to the principle of the COI 3e. ~d1-ion of energy, the
energy losses due to heating and magnetic I el.lcldnce of the material results in a ~:gJ1;r,C~ .I
decrease in energy released during this process.
This new approach makes for a PGIIIIaIIenl magnet - PM - to oscillate or vibrate to and fro
from a static state to a dynamic state colllill.~osl~ releasing ~ :: dynamic energy in
- - such a way that periodic pole changes and the inherent losses are voided.
As a consequence of my invention, nothing changes in the material of the p.. ~o ~1
magnet during the release of magneto-dynamic energy. There are no traditional energy
losses due to heating or magnetic reluctance.
60. Hence, the control of the magnetic lines of force will c,-~li....o~ and autr~
r~ ~ the permanent magnets over and over again ' - _ 1~, with full control
-~ . of the multiple magnetic circle (to mq~eh~e the magnet onto BHma~. value).
Theory of cp ~ '~n:
The device coll~llu.,l~d of - PM - permanent magnets and - T -, - Vt -, - Vcs -
cle~,llo",agllel~ is designed in such a way, that by col~ Jl'..lg the magnetic flux biased by -
PM - permanent magnets through collllolled - Vt - clc~llvn-agnet~ a change in the
magnetic induction will take place. Thus the os~iillalion of the system will occur. Magnetic
induction or magnetic flux originated by the pell"~en~ magnets will have the sarne
direction as ~he electromtgnetic induction produced due to control
70. Energy ouput fed back into the system and used for the control will add to the magnetic
energy of the irmer energy sources (that is of the - PM - p~ magnet) built into the
Since pellllan~,nl magnets are considc.ed ' 1l ble energy sources, this device can be
conside,~d a controlled inexh~ tihle energy source. The system is co"ll"lse1 of two
identical Magneto Dynamic units linked to one another.
The ~c.lelnlola (later referred to as MDG) are linked via a complex i"lel~onneclioll
between the windings and inner curent sources within the device structure. This kind of
briding allows for full control so the permmanent magnets can be utilized without losses or
material property changes. This combination of shared (mutual) inductivities conforms to
80. the equation L= Ll+ L2 + K2 + 2M. Each unit consiets of the following parts~
magnetic bridge built of mild magnetic material and serving to conduct the flux of - PM -
pe""anG,Il magnets. The magnetic bridge ,nco,~o, ele~t,o,. ~en t;c winding needed
for - Vt - control of the MDG, - T - energy ouput and - Vcs - int~;lcolme lioll. The
electronic circuits used for the operation of the device are not conâldGiGd part of the
invention. -3 - control electronics consists of state of the art il~tegl~ted circuits and field
effect lldnsialola. Power rectifiers - 7 -, - 8 -, are used to i"~,.comlc~l and act as feedback
loops for the generators.