Note : Les descriptions sont présentées dans la langue officielle dans laquelle elles ont été soumises.
Ihe l~ntion relates to a method of makin~ ~elf-adha~ive oover-
ing and lnsulatin~ film~ compri~lng a carrier of thermopla~t1o ~aterial
and an adhe3ive layer of non-cro~s-linkable, ~olve~t-free elastomeri~ -
material, a~ well as an apparatus for oarIying out this method.
In ma~y ~pect8 0~ daily life, on buildi~g ~ites a8 well aB for ~-:
in & strial produot~ one require~ large qu~ntltia~ of ~el~-aaha~ive ~ :
~trips for ~ealin~, ~oining and insulatio~ agalnst humldit~ or electri-
city. The actual strips can oon~ist o~ the most ~sried material~, . -
for e~ample ~upporting fabri¢s, tha~moplastio films that may possibly
be stretohsd, thr~ad layer~ or metallic BtripB-
Tb ~ake ~el~-aahe~iYe fil~a and strlp~ it is know~ to apply to
tbe oarrier strip unoro~-linked or no~-o~oos-linkable ~atural or
synthetio rubber~ (elastomer~) out of a solution~ to evaporats the ~ -
solv~nt o~ d to ooll the re~ultant strip for desp~tch a~d fbrther
u~e. ~br the p~rpose of msstiol~in~, i.e. a oal~ulated molecule : -
xedl¢tion, ~h- ela~omer i~ u~ed in a more adheei~e for~ a~d poa3ibly
~odified b~ the addition of other resi~. In the kllDWn m~bhod~ ~or
makin~ ~dheslYe stripe, the u3e o~ solvant~ re~ults 1~ conaider~bl0
diaad~ant~g~s. Ihe layer of u~oro~s-llnked or non-oro~s~ kable ela~
mer~ applied wi~h a eolv~nt gQnerslly ~o~ t~ o~ about up to 7G~
~olvent~ wblo~ mu8t be ev~porat~d off. ~he e~aporation ~qui~e~ not
only an increaee in the oo~t of maohiner~ but ie al~o a ~ir~ hazard and
may l~ad to envlrcn~ntal pollu~ion. ~ furthe~ disad~anta~e of the :
m~thod of makin~ a~ha~l~e tapa~ wl~h a aol~eat re~ides ia the ~low pro-
os~aing ~paed ~ade nece~a~y by ~he lon~ evaporating time f~r the :
~ol~ent. lhi3 ba0i~ally aselude~ the po~ibillty Or ~norea~ing the ou~put
an~ result~ in a comparatively hi~ prloe fox the aaheolve tap~ ~aae b~
.... . . .
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the known method.
The invention aims to avoid the aforementioned disad- -
vantages by providing a method of making self-adhesive covering
and insulating films in which the self-adhesive layer does not
have to be applied out of a solvent.
According to -the invention, this is achieved in that
the carrier web of thermoplastic ma-terial and the adhesive layer
of non-cross-linkable elastomeric material are co-extruded from a
two-layer nozzle, cooled and subsequently coiled. By combining
the two layers in the thermoplastic range, one obtains excellent ~
adhesion between the layers, whilst the surface adhesion can be ~ ;
influenced in the desired manner to meet requirements by modifying
the elastomeric material.
By means of the method according to the invention, self-
adhesive covering and insulating films can be produced in a simple
and economical manner and thus the field of application of the
films can be extended. For example, the films according to the `
invention can be used for insulating building works, for which
purpose different materials have for the most part been used prev-
To improve the surface adhesion, it is desirable to
apply out of a solution a thin layer of a modified elastomer onto
the relatively thick adhesive layer of non-cross-linkable elasto-
meric material applied by the extrusion process. With this very
thin layer applied out of a ~-
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solution, no problems ari~a during evaporation or dryinæ. ~his appli-
cation of a thin ~dhe~ive layer out of a ~olution offera advantages
when thick adheaive layers with optimum surface adhe~ion are required,
for example when it is necessary to cement axti¢le~ having a vsry
uneven ~urface or which are partially soiled.
Another po~sibilit~ of inoreasing the adhesion i9 obtained in
a¢cordan¢e with a development of the in~ention in that the aurfaoe
adhe~ion is lnorea~ed in the extruder for the non-cros~-linkable
elastomerio ms~ by ohane~ng the proces~ing temperature 3nd/or by a
calc~lated mastici~iu~ proce~s (molecule reduction). Dhe te~perature
¢an be ea~ily pre~oribed b~ a predetermined progr~mme for the extr~der
that prooe~ses the ela~tomeriG ma~s.
In another embodim~nt of the inr~ntion, the re~ultin~ marelnal
strip~ of wa~te thermopla~tlo carrier material havin~ a tightly adher-
inB slaatomeric lay~r o~ adhe~ive are regranulated, mixed wi~h the
fresh the~mopladtic mat~rial and formed as the carrier web by the
extruder for the thexm~pla~tio material. Daring the produstion of
~he ~elf-adhesi~e films it i~ u~ual for a mareinal strip to eoour a~
~aste and this can be ut~ ed to improve the desired aahe~ive ~trip
propertie~. ~y mixing thi~ mareinal ~trip into the fre~h materiQ- for
tha tharmopl~o~ie oarrier film, ~h3 latter will eæhibit a ~mall pero~n~
tage of ela~tomeri¢ non-oross-liDkable compo~ant~ wh~oh~ ~fter a ~hert
etor~ng period, migrate to bhe aurfaos of the oarrier ~trip and thereby
lmprove the adhe~abili~y of ~uoh a film. Ihi~ e~fe¢t i~ of partioul~r
lmportano3 when ~rtiole~ are to b~ helioally taped, ~or example ~or
in~ulation ag~ln~t bumidi~yl wher~ good adhe~ion i~ bo occur to the
articla being taped as ~ell a~ to the e~po~ed ~urfaoe o~ ~he oarrier
web. ~part frcm improving the proce~ability of ~uoh ~ coverin~ a~d ~-
~nsulating tape, t~ia me~hod permit~ ~he o~herwi~e annoglng marginal
~ waste to be ~sed up ~n a simple manner by reo~ollng.
~ 4 -
An apparatus for carrying ou-t the me-thod according to
the present invention is characterised according to the invention
by a two-layer wide-slit nozzle for forming the carrier layer from
thermoplastic material and the self-adhesive layer from non-cross-
linkable elastomeric material, a downstream pair of rollers of a
smoothing device, a cooling section formed by cooling rollers for
guiding the self-adhesive web of film, as well as a downstream
coiling station.
The method according to the invention can also be carried
out by co-extrusion of the thermoplastic carrier web and the non-
cross-linkable elastomeric mass from a two-layer annular nozzle in
a film blowing process, the carrier web being either on the inside
of the tubular film and the non-cross-linkable elastomeric layer on
the outside of the film or these two layers being reversed in rela-
tion to the positiion of the tubular film bubble.
Other advantageous features of the invention are des- -
cribed in more detail in the subsidiary claims.
Examples of the invention will now be described with
reference to the drawing, wherein~
20 ~ Fig. 1 is a diagrammatic representation of an apparatus
for coating a carrier web of thermoplastic material with an adhesive
layer by an `^-~
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extru~ion prooe~s;
~ig. 2 i~ a dia~rammatio represffntation of a two-layer wide-slit
nozzle or plate apparatu~ for the co-extrusion of the thermopla~tio
carrier web and the no~-oro~-linkable ela~tomeri¢ layer;
Fig. 3 i8 a diagrammatio repres~ntation of a two-layer film
blowln~ plant with the th~rmoplastic caxrier web on the in~ide o~ the
tlbular film and tha no~-oross-linkable elastomerio adhe~i~e layer
o~ the outside of the tubular film, and
~1~. 4 ia a diagramnatio representatio~ of an installatio~
oorre~p~nd~n~ t~ Fig. 3 ~ith the thermopla~tio carrier lay~x on the
out~ide of the tubular film and the non-cro3s-linkable ela~omeric :
adhe~ive layer on the in~ide of the tubular film. ;~
In the ext~u~ion coatine plant aooording to ~1~. 1, the n~n-or~s- ;~
linkable elastomerio maberial io oon~ayed by m~ans of ~he sorew
extruder 1 ~hown in ~impli~ied fo~m, heat~d and pla~tioi~ed asd ~ed -
through the conneotDr 2 intD the wide-~lit no~zle 3 kav~ng the distri~
blti~ pa~Eag9 3~. ~he carrier tape of thermoplastio material i3 fed : :
from ~he ooil 6 over the ooolin~ roller 4 of the ~moothin~ devioe 4, 5,
pa~t the heat E~Iroe 7 in a manner known per ~e into the ~oller nip of
the smoo~hing d~vice 4, 5 where the web of non-cro~ ksble el~3to-
merio materisl 1B applied in ~he form of a flat film. ~he pre~3ure
roller 5 of the 8othiJ45 devioe ~or the ela~tomerio aahs~ de of
~he wsb i6 pref0rably pro~id~d wibh a regellent surf~e suoh a~ a
~ilioon rubber ooating whioh pre~se~ ~he tw~ layer~ to6ebher, oalibrates
bh3m (bring~ ~hem to a unlfoxm thiskne~) and ~imultaneo~ly 00018
them. ~he resulting ooated we~ of ~he carrier material 8 and the
adhesi~e laDer 9 ie led throu~h a cooling ~eotion havlng ~he ~upporting
~oller~ 10 and fed over a direotion ohaaglng roller 11 to the ooil~
apparatus 12. If exoessi~e adhe~io~ hamper~ u~ooiling dur~g ~uxther
prooec~ing or even m~e~ it in~D00ible th~, if de~ired, a suitabls :
- 6 - ~:
.: . . : : : :. .. . .
eepæating web 13 of a coated material or a coated film tape can be
included in the ooil 12.
An alternative to Fig. 1 in the form of a oo-extruded n at web
iB shoMn in ~ig. 2. ~hs diagrammatically illus~rated ~oraw extruder
1 oon~ey~, heats and plaaticlzes the non-oross-linkable elasto~erio
mater~al and feed~ it through the conn~otsx 2 into the ~wo-layer uid~-
slit nozzle 16 and then i~to the distributin~ pas~age 161. The
dia~ammatically indicated ~orew ext~uder 14 feeds the thermoplastic
material ln a mslten Qondition thrnugh the connec~or 15 into the :
distributing paHsa4e 16~ of the hou~ing o~ ths wida-slit nozzle 16.
~he expelled two-layer tapa oonsisting of ~he ca~rier material 8 ~ :
and the adhesira layer 9 is, a~ in the case of Fig. 1, oalibrated by
the ~moobhing device 4, 5 having the cooline rollers 4 and the roller
5 p~ovided with the r~pellent surface, taken off and cooled along a .~ :
oooling section having the supporting rnllers 10 and fed over the
direction-changin~ roller 11 to the ¢oil 12, it al80 being po~sible : .
in thi8 oa~e to include, if desired, a separating web 13 in the coil
if ~he adhesive foroe i8 too ~reat to permit trouble-free un~olling.
If thi~ separatin~ web 1~ i8 ba~ioally required~ the xepell~nt slrfaos
of the roller 5 of the ~moothing device 4, 5 can be dlspen~ed with by
pa~s~n~ t~e ~eparating web 13 over the roller 5 of the smeothin~ de~ioe,
althou4h ~his avolds the nead for equlpping the roller 5 with a
repellent sur~a¢e, the cooling bahaviour of ~he co-e~truded ~eb 8, 9
i~ inferior. :
me layout of ~ig. 3 ~mplog~ the known two-layer film blowing
prooes~. ~he diaeramma~ieall~ indicated ~orew extruder 1 feed~9~he : -
plasticized ela~tomerio material of ~he adhe~ive lag~r throu6h the
oo~nector 2 into the housing of the two-layer film blowhead 17 havin~ :
the annnl&r paasage 17~. ~he thermopla~tie material of the oarrier web
is fed by mean~ of the diaeramratieal].y indioated ~ore~ extruder 14 and
:. . - . . . . : , .
led through the connector 15 into the di~tributi~g pa~age 17 of tha
fi~m blowhead 17. In addition to the exterior ¢ooling 2~, the
expelled two-layer tubular film i3 praferably cooled from the inside
by means of the known interior coolin~ apparatu~ 19 in which the
internal cooling air 18 i~ pa~ed through the concentric annular
pa~sage into the interior cooling apparatus 19, leave~ at the ~lot~ ~0
and i~ preferablg led at the upper re~ion of the tubular bubble 20
by mean~ of the ~uotion tube 21 &nd a~pelled as heated air 22 by mQans :
of a suotion blower (not ~ho~n). ~he tubular bubble of film havlng
~he aahe~ive layar di~posed on the outside oa~ be brou~ht to the
de~ired nomi~al dimension~ by mean3 of ~he calibratine appara~us 32, :~
the eupportin~ elemeats havin~ a repellent sur~ace BUCh a~ of ~ilicon
rubber, a~ do all the subsequent roller~ 10, 24~, 25 and 27 comin~ -
into contaot with the a~ha3ive layer.
~fter oooling, the tubular film 8, 9 i~ taken off from the - :
n attening elemant~ 24 whioh preferably comprise rotar~ flattenin~ -
roller~ 24~ and by mean~ of the palr of take-off roller~ 25, fed over
the guide roller3 10 to the ooiler and, a~ter bhe edg~ of the flat- . ; :
t~ned tubular ~ilm 8~, 9~ hav~ been ~lit open by mean~ of the
diagrammatioally indioat3d ~litting knives 26, fed o~er ~he palr of
roll~r3 27 to tho bwo o~iling ~tations 12~, 12i7, ~he rolleIa 27 : -
preferably be~ng in the for~ o~ driven ~aed rvller~. In thi~ arrange-
ment a ~eparating web 1~ 13l~ can alBO ~U~ into the 00118 127, 12
lf required~
~ie. 4 desoribe3 an alternati~e tD bhe aforementioned two-la~er
film blowine plant i~ whioh1 bowover, the carrier web of the~moplaatio
mat~rial 8 i8 dl~posed o~ ths out~ide of the ~ubular ~ilm ~nd ~he
adhe~ive layer 9 o~ ~Dn-oro~-liDkable ela3tomeric matexial i~ dispo~ed
on the in~ide of the tubnl2r film. qhe tubular ~ilm 8, 9 fo~ed by ~he
t~o-lagex film blowheaa 17 i8 cooled by the ~nter~al cooling apparatus
.., . - .: ' . . , ' ,
. ,
19 and the outer oooling ring 23. In oo~tra~t with the ~ig. 3
apparatus, the internal cooling air 20 iB led pa~t the ba~fle plate
29 whlch iB connected .to the internal oooling apparatus 19 by the
holding element~ 2a and the diameter of which determ~n0~ the diameter
of the tubular film according to the baffle cushion principle. The
heated internal cooling air 22 flows to atmo~phere after passing the
b~ffle plate 29.
A~ter adequate cooling of the bubble of tubular film, lt is
~lit opon by two oppo~ed slitting knive3 30, spread out over au~iliary
rollers 311, 31tl and taken of~ b~ the two pairs of t~k~-off rOllerB
25~ 25ll. Eaoh takq-off roller lying on ~he adhesive Bide must be : ~-
provided wlth ~ r~pellent ~urface ~silicon rubbar or the like). A~
in the previou~ e~ample, t~ $ini~hed ~elf-adhe~ive web of filn i8
fed over fhrther guide rollers 1019 loll to the coiling stat~on~ 12
12~1, it again being po~sible to include separating web~ 131, 13l~
This apparatus ha~ the advan~age that ~ewer gNide rollers come into ~.
contaot with the adhasiva ~ide of the finished web of ~ilm but on the
other hand bhe baffle plate 29 must be replaced wh~n the ~ize i~ :
ch~ngsd (ad~ustm~nt of width).
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