Note : Les descriptions sont présentées dans la langue officielle dans laquelle elles ont été soumises.
.~ ~
- 1~325~
I - Field of the Invention
This invention relatës to a manually operated pump for
dispensing the contents of a container.
II - Description of the Prior Art
A wide variety of dispensing pumps have found commercial
acceptance for dispensing a product from a container. The typi-
cal pump includes a vertically reciprocal finger actuated
plunger, that causes product to pass through a dip tube, enter a
pump chamber and exit through a nozzle or outlet, according to
the prescribed pumping cycle and predetermined opening and
closing of both inlet and outlet valves.
Similarly, trigger actuated pumps have gained in pop-
ularity with pumping being achieved by pressing and releasing
!a laterally disposed trigger mechanism.
However, pumps of the foregoing type require a rela-
tively larger number of complex parts ~ith consequent expense
both in manufacture and asser,~ly. Thus, there exists a need
for dispensing pumps that are relatively simple and reliable
with an absolute minimum number of parts each individually
simple and inexpensive to manufacture and assemble.
: :
~r;,( ", ~ c~ r~r ~ ((,)st],y ~ s l-OL (ii~ J
~ niially all P10(lUCt5 without l:i,rnica-cion as to pu]~ ]lla~.ri.als
has i.ncl~e.~sed; and it is becomillg acute witil the severe cri-~icism
of l-ile aerosol indus~ry and particlllarly aerosol ~iispellsing pac]~-
ayes utiliz.i,ng fluoroc~rl~oll pl-opel.lants with thei,r attendant
a,ffect on the ellvirollmellt. Tn ~idi~ion, sucll crit:icisr,lllas
s~rved to ma.~e ;.he eonsurner aware of -the ;.nherellt economy and
conv.~ience of pUMp type dispel1sers.
, _ _, _ .,,, _ ., _ , .
A prillcipal o]~ject of this invelltion is to provi,cle an
improved system for manua]ly ac'cuating a dispensing pump whie
is comprised of a minimuJm nulnber of l~arts, eaeh individually
sirnple to manufactllre c~nd ~ssemble at relatively low cost;
and tllis pump system may be constructed of essentially only two
basic parts, only one of Wilic.l moves, with other, mostly con-
ventional parts, l~eing necessary to satisfy certain appiications.
Anotiler objeet is to provide a piston pump based on a
pump sy-scem of the foregoing iype wllich is valveless and sealed
wilen in the rest position for shipment, without requiring anv
addit.ional parts, to furtller reduce costs; and, advan~a~eously
it is self-cleaning to prevent clogging of tne selected nozzle
or ~ischarge orifiee and there~y extremely sanitary.
A further objeet is to provide a system whicll is extre~mel.y
versatile in that it may func~ion as a reciprocal pump
having a latera],ly directea discharge ori,fice or a trigger pump
with the pump axis being either vertically or horizontally
disposed or at any other orientation depending upon the
packaging requirements.
Still another object is to provide a pump system which
may be utilized without a dip tube,and inverted for purposes of
more convenient dispensing residual insecticides, plant sprays,
foot sprays, and the like materials.
A still further object is to provide a pump system
having the capability, during the dispensing cycle to compress
air and entrain it with the product in order to produce a broad
range of sprays from a stream to a fine suspended mist; a pump
having a system of the foregoing type has the capability of
large volume product delivery for relatively short piston strokes,
thereby permitting shorter and less fatiguing trigger strokes
by the mechanical advantage afforded by the design of the
trigger mechanism.
An important object -is to provide a pump system in
which the air-to-product ratio during dispensing may be preset
depending upon the product being dispensed and the dispensing
pattern desired therefore.
Another important object is to provide a pump system
of the foregoing type in which an integral built-in venting
system is included as part of the pump structure and operation
thereby avoiding the necessity of a separate and independent
venting system for neutralizing negative pressure in the
container head sPace as the product is dispensed.
Accordingly,the present invention provides a dispen-
sable product containing consumer package comprising: a
receptacle containing the product to be dispensed and including
an outlet opening; a closure extending across the outlet
opening for sealing the product in the container; a dis-
pensing pump associated with the closure for dispensing the
- - 4 -
~ j,
product from the container, the dispensing pump including a
cylinder, a piston in the cylinder defining a pump chamber
therewith, and the cylinder and piston being relatively recipro-
cal through a compression stroke from an extended position to
an inserted position and through a suction stroke from the in-
serted position to the extended position, inlet port means for
cooperating in communicating the container interior with the
pump chamber during the suction stroke to permit product to enter
into the pump chamber from the container interior primarily by
creating a negative pressure differential between the pump
chamber relative to the container interior to cause product to
be sucked into the pump chamber, outlet port means for product
to be dispensed under pressure from the pump chamber during the
compression stroke, the dispensing pump including a passage
network means defined by cooperating surfaces of the cylinder
and piston for sequentially communicating the inlet port means
with the pump chamber during the suction stro~e and communicating
the pump chamber with the outlet port means during the compression ~ -
Stroke without the necessity of external inelt and outlet valves;
a discharge orifice means coupled with the outlet port means for
directing product to be dispensed in a predetermined dis-
pensing pattern; venting means for permitting air from the
ambient to replace product removed from the container interior
into the pump chamber thereby relieving negative pressure in
the container interior incident to the transfer of product into
the pump chamber.
- 4a -
l`i.g~Le 1 is a perspective view of a cosmetie dispenser
ineorporating the pump snown in Figure 2;
Figule 2 is a longitudinal sectional view of an embodiment
of a purnp incorporatirlg the teach;ngs of this invention and whieh
has an upwardly directed fi~cd di;charye oririee normal to the
ulllp axis;
Figures 3A - 3E are schemat-jc r(prc en-tat:iolls of the pump
at various stages of pis-ton retraetion durin~3 the pump chamber
1~ f~lling eyele;
Figures 4A - 4E are schematie representations of the
pump inscltion during the purnp discharge eyele;
r ic,ure 5A is an cn]arged longitudinal seetional view of
anot]ler cml~ociiment of the pump ineorporating the teaehings of the
invention in a manually operated triyger aetuated piston pump;
Figure 5B is a fraetional view of the piston of tne pump
sllown in SA incorporating a ring sleeve;
Fiyure 5BB is a similar view of piston with a modified
sleeve having commercial applieation.
Fic~ure SC is a fraetional view of the piston of the pump
shown in Fiyure SA ineorporating a resilient sleeve;
Figure ~D is a fraetional view of tlle piston of the pump
shown in Figure 5A incorporating a grooved plug;
Figures 6A - 6D are schematic represclltations of the pump
at various stages of piston insertion durillg the pump discharge
Figures 6E - Gl~ are schemalic reprcsclltations of the pllmp
during various stagcs of piston re1raction clul-ing the plimp
chamber filling cycle;
lilul-e 7 is a L~r le(.-l.ive view of a marlu~.311y o~ t~cd
trigger acll~ated i~iston purnp incorporating the teachillg of this
invention and em;?l.oy:Lng an external return s~ring sho~n on a
: container that is broken away and removed;
Figure 8 is a side elevational view of the pump of
Yi~ure 7 wi~h certain parts broken awa~, removed and scctioned
showing the e~ternal spring positioned between the tab and the
Figure 9 is a perspective view of ano-ther embodiment
of a trigger actuated pu3np fi.tted on the neck of a container
for lic.3uid to be disperlsed cmploying an internal sp3~ing;
Fi.gure 10 is a ].ongitudinal sectional view of the pump
of Figure 9;
Figure 11 is a longitudinal sectional view of another em- -
bodiment of the pump incorporating the teachings of tilis inven-
tion and utilizing a standard moving orifice;
Figure 12 is a perspective view of the embodiment shown
in Figure ].1 fitted on the nec~ of a container for liquid to
be dispensed;
Figure 13a i.s a longitudinal cross-sectional view of
another embodiment of the pump incorporating the teachings of
this invention but utilizing a fixed orifice;
Figures 13b-13c are schematic representations of the
pump at various stages of piston insertion and retraction.
1 113Z506
~iyure l4 i5 a longituùinal cross-sectional view of
another embodim~nt of a trigger actuated pump incorporating
the teachings of the invention in which the mechanical ad-
vantage is such that short piston strokes are possible for
large volume product delivery;
Figure 15 is a similar view of the pump but with the
triggex depressed;
Fiyure 16 is a longitudinal sectional view of another
embodiment of the pump in a standard moving orifice pump em-
ploying a cylinder comprised of multiple parts and with the
piston extended; and
Figure 17 is a similar view of the pump as shown in
Figure 16 but with the piston depressed.
In l'C~CI~-ellCe to Figure 1 a cosmetic dispcllser packige lO
is si~own inclll~ing a product or liquid containiny bott]e or
eo]ltailler 12 and upper component re-taininy body or cap 14 con-
tains the pulnp 16 o this invention.
Rcferriny now to Fi~ure 2, tne pump 16 includes a piston
cylirlder 18 and a piston 20. The cylinder ]8 inclucles an inlc~t
port 22 wllich communicates with a do~7nwardly dip t~ e
24. In addition -the cy]inder 18 includes an outlet poLt 26
~0 ~hlcll may havc coupled therewith a discharge nozzle 28 extending
in an up;~ardly direction for convenience in cosmetic application.
~ .scrics of annular sealillg or contact rinys may be
utilized l~et~een the oiston 20 and the interior of cylinder 18.
T;lese rin(~s may be positioned on the pis-ton 20 or on the interior
walls of the cylinder 18. In either situation, the clearance bet~;een
tne piston 20 and the interior walls of the cylinder 18 sihould be
~ninimized to attain the maximum ef-iciency of the pump 16.
-- 8
~ .5 d(`l)i(`~ad, ~I`i.ngS 30 and 32 isolate the lower in]et port
22. Rings 34 and 36 ;solate tne upper outlet port 26. Rings
36, 38 or as many as needed prevent leakaae by way of tne
Opell e}1d 40 of tl1e cylinder 18. The in].et and outlet ports 22
and 26 respectively are offs--t w~1;ch pcl]nit rings 32 and 34
to seal off tl1e out~-t port 26 ;n tl1e at rest position shown in
Fi.gure 2. During 1:he operation of the pump l.G wl1en ring 32
isolates the inlet port 22 from tl)e pump charnher 46 lnlet port
22 communicates with outlet port 26 to al]ow for venting of the
container. The forward end of the piston 20 is flared outward-
ly in a conventional manner to press against the interior cy-
linder wall and also defines a piston head 42. The forward
end of the piston including the piston head 42 defines with
the closed end 44 of the cylinder 18 and pump clamber 46.
The piston 20 is provided with a longitudinally extending
passage 48 which extends from the forward end of the piston and
consequently the pump chamber 46 to a secondary trap 50 which
can be varied in volume to contain and ~alance the mixture of
air and product according to purpose. In addition, a metering
channel 52 may be provided which assures the balance of mixture
of air and product on the discharge stroke. The piston 20 also
includes a lateral extending passage 54 from the passageway 48
which is capable of communicating with the inlet port 22. In
addition a laterally extending passage 56 extends from passage-
way 48 and the secondary trap 50 and is adapted to communicate
with t:hc out.l,L 1~ 26. ~s will be ap~ cciated from Fi.~ re 2
lateral pas~agc~ y 54 i.s interposed between rings 30 and 32
whereas passa~e 56 is i.nterposed between rings 34 and 36.
In order to initiate the filling of the purnp chamber 46,
assuming initial di.sposition of ~arts as shown i.n Figure 3A.
The lateral passages 54 and 56 of the ~iston wi]l be both sealed
off from the inlet and outlet ports 22 and 26, respectively.
There may or may not be an air liquid m;.xture i.n the trap 50,
depending on whether or not lhe pump has been initially primed.
The piston 20 is eit.her manually retracted or ~errnitted to shift
to the right under the influence of an external spring 58.
Eventually the lateral passageway 56 will communicate with the
outlet port 26 at which time air will be drawn into the pump
chamber (Figure 3B~. The lateral passageway 56 will clear the
outlet port 26 and with the further movement of the piston 20
out of the cylinder 18, a vacuum or negative pressure will be
generated in the pump chamber 46 (Figure 3C). The lateral
passage 54 will now communicate with the inlet port 22 at which
time liquid will be drawn or sucked into the pump chamber 46
(Figure 3D). The lateral passage 54 will then clear the inlet
port 22 at which time the pump is ready to initiate its dis~ens-
ing cycle.
-- 10 - ,
~'ith ~hc~ mp .lt :rl t as llown in F;l3u:l-es 3 dnd 4~
Witll the piston drawn to its outer by means of the spr;ng
58, botll the and outlet ports 22 and 26 are seal.ed by -ti-le
piston and wlth product and air contained in the pump chamber 46
and secondary trap 50. As the pi.ston l8 slliEts inward sci7ne pro--
duct and air will be forced back clGwn the dip -tube 22. This
reverse flow may be reduced or eliminated by;.mizing -the
piston 20 c].earance in the cylinder 18 or ~y a change in the
position of the contact rings.
Then the lateral passage 54 wi]l pass over the inlet
port 22 at which time any additional equa]ization of pressure
takes place (Figure 4B). The inlet passage 54 will then clear
the inlet port 22 at which compression of air will take place
in the pump chamber 46 and trap 50 upon further insertion of
the piston 20 in the cylinder 18 (Figure 4C). The lateral
passage 56 then communicates with the outlet port 26 causing
tne product and air contained in the pump chamber and secondary
trap to be disciarged from the nozzle 28 under pressure (Figure
4D). The lateral passage 56 is then sealed from the outlet
port 26 to clip off the spray thereby ending the discharge
stroke (Figure 4E).
The pump 16 filling cycle and product cycle
may then be repeated as often as desired following the foregoing
sequence of s-teps and cycles of operation. In addition, pump 16
wi l.l L{'mai.ll prilllC'd ~1 ~el- its ini-tial priming so that rep~ ing
is unllccessary.
Re~errillg now to a somewhat preferred embodiment of lhe
inve]ltion as shown in Figures 5A and 6 the pump 116 includes a
piston cylinder 118 and a piston 120. The cylinder 118 in-
cludes an in~et port ]22 which com;nunicates witll a downwardly
depending dip tube 124. rrhe cyl;nder 118 also includes a
channel 126 which is defined by a channel p]ug 128 and neighbor-
ing surfaces of the cylinder 118.
In order to facilitate mounting of the pump 1]6 on a
receptacle an integral coupling means may extend from the
cylinder. To~ards this end the cylinder 118 may be inter-
nally threaded as at 130 for engagernent with the threaded
neck 132 of a bottle or other receptacle containing the de~
sired material to be dispensed. A separate closure cap,
preferable internally threaded llaving a central opening may
also be used to affix tlle pump to the bottle or other receptacles.
Obviously, other forms of connection may be employed to couple
the pump to the container.
Turning now to the piston 120 contact bet~een the
piston 120 and the cylinder 118 is provided by a series of slid-
ing dividers or annular sealing rings. These sliding dividers
or sealing rings may be positioned inde~endently on the piston
120 or may be incorporated in a ring sleeve 134 which, made of
a soft material, would cover and be suitably secured to the
piston 120' made of a hard material as shown in Figure 5B.
Of commercial importance is the embodiment of piston
120 shown in Figure 5BB having a molded sleeve 135 which is
inex?ensive to make and mav be polyethylene or any suitable
resinous material haying compatibility with the product to be
- 12 -
~lisl(~]lsed. J\i~ s 137 al-e ll~olded to cxtend forwardly ~rld in ~lle
clirection of coinpl~ession so as to resist any tcndency to collapse
during the pressul-e stroke. Certain applications may permit the
rings to entend in the rearward (iirection. The indicator ring
configuration permits the clearance betwecn the exterior of the
sleeve between rings ~nd the interior of the cylinder to be
reduced significantly wllere desired or neccs.sary. In a successful
embodiment of the piston of Figure 5BB the ring 137 was approx-
imatelv 1 mm long and its forward face was inclined approximately
45 with the piston axis; and the exterior face of the rings
was rounded. The ~ase of each ring was approximately .6 m;n wide
and each ring tapers to a feather edge.
Another method of constructing the piston 120 ' would be
where the rings and piston are a single piece and are covered by
a resilient sleeve 136 as depicted in Figure 5C. Alternately,
as ~ill be evident to those skilled in the art and as contemplated
by the invention, the contact rings may be located on the inter-
ior wall of cylinder 118 in lieu of the piston 120 with certain
other modifications.
In the position of piston 120 shown, ring 138 isolates
the inlet port 122. Ring 144 prevents leakage from the cylinder
118 to the exterior of the pump. Ring 140 and ring 142 isolate
the piston port 148; and, similarly ring 142 and ring 144
isolate piston port 150, which is adapted to communicate with the
discharge orifice or nozzle 152 through coaxial bore or cllannel 156.
The piston 120 is provided with a longitudinally ex-
tending coaxial bore or channel 1~6 ~hich extends from the
piston forward end and consequently the pllmp chamber 158 to
the piston wall 160. The piston port 148 provides cor,lmunication
- 13 -
bct~een thc' pis~,on cli.~rlnel 15G ~nd the e~terior of ~he l~.iston
120 bei:ween rings 140 and 142. Thc pi.ston ]20 also includes
a second piston channel 154 which longitudinally extends from
the p;ston wall 160 and is adapted to communicate with the
outlet ori.fice 152. The piston port 1.50 provides commun;cat;.on
between the piston channel 154 and the exterior of the p;,ston
120 between rings 142 and 1.44.
In order to faci]itate the mixing of air and L~roduct a
means of suhjecting one or both to a tortured path may be utili.~ed.
For example, one such means wou].d be where the piston 120 is
provided with a grooved plug 121, which fitted in the piston
channel 156, as depicted in Figure 5D. The plug 121 would com-
prise a solid core with a spiral groove 123 on its longitudinal sur-
face, terminatin.g at the top portion of each end of the plug
and a straight groove 125 longitudinally placed across the
length. of the bottom portion of the plug 121. In addition, both
grooves 123 and 125 would provide communication between the pump
chamber 158 and the piston port 148 for the passing of product
and air to be dispensed.
When the piston 120 is in its fully retracted or
extended position in the cylinder 118 as shown in Figure 5A,
piston port 150 is isolated from piston port 148, thereby
sealing passage or any product from the pump as specifically
- 14 -
from pu~llp c}lam~er 158 and ~ut t~ ougll ~he orifice 152.
At this dispositioll the unintentional dispensiny of product
is pl~cvcnted and may be used as a shipping position if so
desired, with or without a release element for maintaining
this position during shipment and storage.
Assuming the disposition of parts as shown in Figure
5A and as shown in Figure 6A. Assume also that the piston
120 has completed a suction stroke and that there is product
in the pump chamber 158 and piston channel 156. In certain
applications depending upon the product to be dlspensed
and the desired spray pattern, a certain arnount of air may
a]so be present in the pump chamber 158 and channel 156,
drawn in by way of the outlet orifice 152. When it is desired
to dispense product and particularly the contents of the pump
chamber 158 and piston channel 156, the pump 116 is activated
by applying finger pressure to the trigger 162 which depends
from the piston extension 164. As the piston 120 moves
inwardly into the cylinder 118 to the position of Figure 6B,
some product along with some air is forced back down the ;~
dip tube 124. When desired the rings may be positioned so
tnat this is minimized or does not occur. Once ring 138
isol.~t(~s ~ e cylil-~l(r inlet port l22 rroln the pump chalnber 158
and rin~l 140 p.lsses tlle cvlillder challncl 126]ating pi.ston
port 148 from the cylinder ;nlet port 122 the passiny of
product down the dip tube 124 stops (Figure 6B). Contempor-
aneously, ring 142 has becn pLeventing l~Loduct aJId air if
present, from en~ering -the piston charlnel 154 from channel
156 and the pump chamber 158 by way of the piston port 150.
Once, the cylinder inlet port ].22 is -totally isolated then
upon furtller inscrtion of the piston 120 in the cylinder 118
compression or pressllrization of the pump chamber occurs. Tlle
distance that ring 142 travels before it reaches the cylinder
channel 126 after ring 140 clears this channel determi.nes how
much compression takes place. When ring 142 enters the cy-
linder channel 126 the contact seal with the cylinder 118
will be interrupted causing comrnunication between piston
channel 156 and l~iston channel 154 by way of piston port 148
and piston port 150 (Figure 6C). At this juncture product
passes into the piston channel 154 and exits through the out-
let orifice 152 and continues until ring 142 clears the
channel 126. W}lell thi.s occurs or s].ightly before, the i.nlet
port 122 is exposed to the piston port 148 allowing any remain-
ing pressure in the piston cnannel .56 to dissipate back into
- 16 -
t}lC' c~ a;neL- t:~lLollyll the dip tube 124. The piston ~ ,rt ~50
iS t]le]l sealcd from pist,on port 148 by ring 142 thereby
ending the discharge stroke (Figure 6D).
Reference is now made to the filling of purnp chamber
158 and venting of the container head space as depicted in
Figures 6E to 6H. The shifting of the piStOIl 120 to the
right, outwardly of cylinder 1].8 initiates the suction
stroke. ~hen ring 142 enters the cylinder channel 126
and hefore ring 140 reaches the cylinder inlet port 122
(see Figure 6E) a path for air exists between the cylinder
inlet port 122 and the outlet orifice 152, thereby relieving
any negative pressure formed in the container, as a resul-t
of the filling of pump chamber 158 with product from the pre-
vious suction stroke, thereby venting the headspace. When
ring 142 clears channel 126, piston port 148 is isolated from
piston port 150 and the drawing of air stops (Figure 6F).
The air returning through the outlet orifice 152 and the
piston chamber 154 and the proper selection of -the size of
chamber 154 clears them of product thereby preventing clogging
by any residual dried out product and assuring continued
optimum pump performance.
- ~,7 -
Hlorl fuL-I]lcL ..H:if~ing o~iLwal-d of the piston 120 in
thc cy]i~der 1]8, ring 140 will p<lcs over ~he cylinder chan-
nel 126 allowing com~nunication between the cylinder in]ct port
]22 and piston port 148 (Figure 6G). Now ring 138 and ring
142 coopcrate in the formation of a ncgative i,ressure in
tlle pump chamber 158 and piston chanl-el 156 at WlliCil tirne
li~uid will be drawn or sucked into cylinder 118 from the
container tllrough the dip tube 124. When rings 140 clcars
channel 126, piston port 148 is sealed and isolated from
pump chamber 158. Ring 138 continues to c~ert a neyative
pressure drawing product into the pump chamber 158 until
the piston 120 reaches its rest position (Figure 6H).
The pump 116 filling cycle and product dispensing
cycle may then be repeated as often as desired following the
foregoing se~uence of steps and cycles of operation. ~ump 116
will remain primed after initial priming.
Referring now to Figures 7 and 8, a proposed cormlercial
version of the pump 116 of Figure 5A is illustrated
which may comprise an external trigger restoring spring 166,
a closure cap 168, a tab 170 and a nozzle 172. Inasmuch as
~8 -
~ e ~jl)r;ng ]G6 is e~e~ l and do(-s not come in contact
with tlle product being clispensed, it need not be made of
an c;pellsive corrosion--resistant metal. ~he closure cap
168 has a central opening 174 and is preferably threaded
internally 176 for contact with the neck of the conta;ner 178.
The tab 170 convenient]y serves as a retainer for the piston
120 an abutment for the external spring 170 and as a means
for preventing the piston 120 and the piston extension 146
from rotating on its longitudinal axis. ~he nozzle 172 may
assume one of many different forms. For example, it may
be capable of being rotated between a closed an open
a spray and a stream position or ally combination thereof.
With reference to Figure 9 a dispenser package is
shown including a container 114 and the pump 116
incorporating an internal spring 180 as shown in Figure 10,
is affixed to the container 114 in a sealed manner by
way of a closure cap 168. In all other respects the structure
and operation of the pump of these figures are the same as
the previous embodiment and like parts will be similarly
Reference is now made to Figure 11 which depicts an
embodiment of pump of this invention with the pump axis dis-
posed vertically to form a vertical reciprocal pump having
-- 19 --
a laterally (-3;recte(l ~;scllar~e orifice or n()~z]e. In all
ot:her respects this embodiment is similar i ll stru~ture,
olJeration and construction to the embodiment of Figure 5A
and, accordingly, corresponding parts will be sirnilarly
nllmbered with an accompanying subscript a. Thus, the
pump 116a is provided with a finger actuated button
182 conlaining a lateral outle-t orifice 152a. This pump is
affixed to a ]iquid container ].y means of a c~osure cap 168a.
Pressure can be applied directly upon the button 182
to dispense the product incident to vertical reciprocation
of this piston. As shown in Figures 11 and 12, pump 116a
extends into the product container 114a to reduce the height
of the overall packaging although -this may not be essential in
certain applications. If dispensing in an inverted manner is
recomrnended as with foot powders and the like this may be
accom~lished by the elimination of the plug 188 and the channel
190 to the dip tube 124a as well as the dip tube itself. Cor-
responding modifications may be made on all embodiments of the
Referring now to the embodiment of the invention of Figures
13a - 13c, it will be observed that an outlet orifice 152b is
advantageously maintained in a fixed position and does not move
when the pump is reciprocated. The cylinder 118b is provided
with a vertical passage 192 which originates at the cylinder
- 20 -
ch.~nl~el ~2Gb arld ter~ es at tile outlet orifice ]52b and
an additiollal passage 1.90b whicll extends from the cyli.nder i.n]et
port 122b and cornmunicates with the dip tube 124b. The pump 116b
is actuated by finger pressure ul)on the plunger 194b. The piston
120b is provided with a piston port 150b ],oca-ted between rings
142b and 144b which allows for communication between tlle piston
channel l5Cb and the piston 120b surface. Parts correspollding to
previous embodimerlts will be simi,larly numbered with an accompany
ing subscript b. When the piston ring l38b isola-tes cylinder
inlet port 122b from the purnp charnber 158h and piston channel
'156b cornpression of the trapped air and product begins. Eventually
ring 140b will be in cy].inder channel ]26b so that a path e~i.sts
between the outlet orifice 152b and the inlet port 122b so that
any negative pressure in the liquid container is relieved by vent-
ing (Figure 13B).. The compression continues until ring 142b
enters the cylinder channel 126b at which time ring 140b
isolates,cylinder inlet port 122b. Then the seal of ring
142b is interrupted and a path is establisned between the
pulnp chamber 158b and piston channel 156b and the outlet
orifice 152b by way of the piston port 150b, the cylinder
channel 126b and the cylinder passage 192 (Figure 13C). When this
occurs, the air and product is dispensed through the outlet orifice
],52b. On the return stroke of piston 120b the cylinder inlet port
122b is isolated from the piston port 150b by ring 14Ob. Then air
- 21 -
draW11 :j]~tO t]1e LJUInP ~ 1ber ]58b and C~1;.11der ~h~Ir1ne1 I 5Gb ~rorn
the outlet orifice 152b due to a negative pressure formed by the
coo~eration of rings 138b, 140b and 144D (Figure 13C). ~hen ring
142b isolates piston port 150 from the c~linder channel ]26b the
drawing of air in~o the pump cham],er 158b stops and -the con~-inued
retraction of piston 120b from the cylinder 118b creates a
vacuum in the pump chamber 158b and piston channel 156h (Figure
13b). ~hile air and product may be drawn about the piston surface
between rings 138b and 142b, the primary operation is the creation
of the vacuum in the pump cllalnber 158b and piston channel 156b by
ring 138b. Once ring 138b passes the inlet port 122b product
is suc]ied into the pump chamber 158b througll inlet port 122b.
The drawing of product continues until the piston 120b reaches
its rest position (Figure 13A)
Referring now to the embodiment of the pump 116b as shown
in Figures 14 and 15. This is essentially the same pump as
shown in Figure 13 but in the present instance, it is actuated
by means of a trigger assembly 210. Figure 14 depicts the pump
and the trigger assembly 210 in a rest or starting position.
Figure 15 shows the trigger assembly 210 in a fully contracted
position with the pump dispense cycle completed. Tlle triyger
assembly 210 comprises a triyger housing 208, an actuating
lever or trigger 204 which is pivotally mounted on a pivot pin
206 carried by tne trigger housing 208, and a Y-shaped actuator
2]2. The Y~shaped actuator 2]2 comprises member 216, member 210
and member 214 jointly connected by a hinge 220.
7`1ClllbC'r 214 (']l(~(lg(`S trig.~cr 20~ while ]~ nber 216 extcnds f~-om the
hinge 220 and p;vots ayainst the 208, and mclnbcr 2]0
c~tends from the hinge 220 and engages the piston. A passage
222 is provided in the housing 208 to allow the passing of air
and product to the outlet orifice.
~ hen rcference now to Fiyurcs 16 and 17, ano-ther cmbodi-
ment of the pump is shown. Fiyure 16 depicts the pump at rest
whereas Figu:re 17 shows the pump in a fully deprcssed position.
Parts corresponding to the other cmbodi.ll-lcllts will be simi]arly
numbcred with an accompanying subscript c. rrhe esscntial difference
between pump 116c and the preccediny cmbodiment of the pump 116
is the construction of the cy~inder 230. The cylinder 230
may comprise a cylinder wall 232 whicll is surrounded by a cy-
linder housing 234. The cylinder cnannel 236 is formed by
an opening in the cylinder wall 232. Tlle cylinder in]et port
122c communicates witll the dip tube 124c by way of passage 238
located between the cylinder housing 234 and the cylinder
wall 232. In all other respects, construction and operation
of the pump is identical to that of the previous described
vertical reciprocal pump as shown in Figure 11.
Tt s1,ol71(l ')e evid(nt by al] o~ the en1boc1imcnts of 1he
in~ Lion th<it tl1e pumps cons-Lruction alld manufact1~re ~on1,d re-
main of a simple nature in its applications. The pump is ex1rcll1e-
ly versatile and can function in various positions such as
horizontal, vertical or even inve,rted if so desired. It can
be vertically reciprocal, actuated by a trigger nlechanism or
directly, with the discharge nozz]e movable or stationary.
The diaMeter of the pump charn]~er and piston respectively
may be increased in relati,on to the outle-t port so as to be
able to disperse a yiven large volume by a short stroke wllen
-coupled with a trigger mecharlism providing an acceptable nlec]lani-
cal advantage.
The position of the contact rings can be adjusted to vary
the ratio of air to product depending on the purpose sought to
be achieved. Ring position will also govern the strength of
the vacuum or negative pressure formed in the pump chamber dur-
ing the filling cycle as well as the compression available for dis-
pensing the product. As will be appreciated by those s]cilled in
the art, piston sealing ring placement and spacing, piston and
cylinder port spacing and size and cylinder channel location and
size will vary depending on many factors, including avoidance
of liquid lock and vapor lock, duration and amount of product
dispensed with each stroke, venti,ng and of course the desired
sealing against 1eakage.
- 24 -
In the ~ v~l~le orifice pump when the pl-oduct e~lts out
the orifice in the piston as in E`igures 5 ]2, and 16-17; only
four rings are necessary. In the fully inserted ~osition
rings 144, 144a must be on the rig}lt or uyper side of the channel
126 126a to seal the piston. In the fully retracted position
ring- 138, 138a must be on the right or upi~er side of the
inlet opening 122, 122a to permit filling the pump chamber.
The distance between ring 144 and ring 138 deterlnines the minimum
lenc3tll of ~he cylinder. During the compression stroke when ring
138 clears the inlet opening ring 142 should theoretically now
be in the cylinder channel 126 in order to assure against liquid
]ock and assure prol~er operation of the pump. If there is suf-
ficient resilient means in the pump chamber as disclosed herein,
such as a pocket of air some compression will be permitted before
this ring 142 enters the channel 126 to avoid liquid lock. Of
course with proper location of ring 140 some product will be
forced back into inlet opening 122, from piston port 148 channel
126 around ring 140 (See Figure 6B). The cylinder channel
126 must be long enough to connect the piston ports 148, 150
on eacn side of ring 142 for a sufficient period of time to
get enough product out through the outlet orifice 152. The
length of channel 126 in the cylinder and the duration over which
botll piston ports 148, 150 are exposed to this chanllel deter-
mines the amount of vo]ume of spray. Instead of lengthen-
ing the channel you may wish to locate ring 142 closer to
the forward end of the piston. Therefore, to increase the
volume of spray you must lengthen the channel 126 or the
spacing between rings 142 and 140 to any given channel. If the
- 25 -
b('tWel'n l-in~S ]42 and 1~0 is small the time of spray will be
longer, if the distallce bctween rings 142 and 140 is l(-ncJthencd
the duration of spray is shortened for a fixed cy]inder channel
~ 1itll resI~ect to the sequerltial pump in which the outlet
orifice is fixed as in Figures 13-15, only three rings are
necessary because ring 142b may be eliminated. In l-hc fully
inserted position the outermost ring 144b must be on the upper
side of the outlet opening 126b. In the fully retLacted position
tlle innermost ring 138b must be on the upper right side of the
inlet opening 122b. The distance between rings 138b and 144b
dctermines the minimum length of tlle cylinder. During compression
when ring 138b clears the inlet opening 122b proper operation is
assured and liquid lock is avoided by ring 142b entering the
outlet opening 126b. A delay in the ring 142b entering the out-
let opening 126b is permissible if there is sufficient air or
otller resilient means in the pump chamber. The placement of
ring 142b in the fixed orifice pump cooperates in determining
the amount of spray.
- 26 -~
~ith the foregoing in mind, rinys 36, 30 and 42 of
Figure 2 may be eliminated. The reason for rings 30 and 42
(the latter need not be present at all) is simply to retain
product in the pump chamber 46 when the pump is fully retracted,
otherwise there may exist the possibility of the product leak-
ing down the dip tube 24.
It will be noted that when the ring spacing meets the
requirements for effective pumping, conditions are also such
that communication between the container and the atmosphere
is also provided. Thus, venting of the container is an
essential consequence of the pumping action. The magnitude of
the pressure drop created inside the cylinder chamber before
the inlet port opens is proportional to the piston travel
which is equal to the distance between rings 13~ and 142 minus
the space between the cylinder ports including the width of
the ports themselves.
As used throughout, the term "ring" is intended to cover
all sealing elements the shape of which will be dependent upon
the transverse cross-section of the tubular pump, whether it
be circular, elliptical, straight-sided or other geometrical
form. ~ikewise, the term cylinder is intended to embrace
these cross-sectional configurations of tubes ~ithin which the
piston is reciprocal.
~ 5~ ~ -
The invention contemplates the providing of a pocket of
air in the pump chamber so that the likelihood of a piston
"hang-up" or a "liquid lock" is eliminated. As will be appre--
ciated by those skilled in the field, the pump chamber can easily
accommodate a flexible sponge which would similarly remedy a
"hang-up" if necessary. Also, the cylinder iteself may be pro-
vided with a resilient cylinder wall or portion thereof or even
a controlled leakage past the rings would provide alternate
solutions to the problem. The holes in the piston as ~ell as
the holes in the cylinder need not be holes as such, but could
be slots or a combination of both.
Overall, the invention is easily adaptable to the varied
necessities and applications of the commercial and private users
and to which the embodiments shown reflect a mere portion of its
lulitmate utilization.
Thus the several aforenoted objects and advantages are
most effectively attained. Although several somewhat preferred
embodiments have been disclosed and described in detail herein,
it should be understood that this invention is in no sense
limited thereby and its scope is to be determined by that of
the appended claims.
' This application is a divisional application of our
copending patent application serial No. 302,343 filed
~ay 1, 1978.
- 28 -