Note : Les descriptions sont présentées dans la langue officielle dans laquelle elles ont été soumises.
~IELD 01 T~il INV~NTI~N:
This ;nventi.on relates to coin operated vending
mechanl~rns; and more particular].y, to the kind oE mechanism
associat:ed w:ith cal~inets from which various art;cles such a~s
newspc~pers or the ] may be obtained, upon i.nsertlon of the
proper amount of coinage i.nto the mechanism so as to release a
latched access door. The coln operated vend;ng mechanism of
the present invention, may, of course, be applied to many other
kinds of coin accessi.ble vending cabinets such as th~se from
which food or snack items, or notions, may be ob'.ai.ned; and
moreover, the mechanism may be applicable to such installations
as commercial or industrial security which requires the deposit
of a token so as to achieve entry into an restricted
In particular, however, the present invention is directed
to coin operated vending mechanisms for newspapers and the
like, because it is that kind of mechanism, more than any
other, where a latched door is unlatched by camming action of a
coin (or coins) inserted into the mechanism, for access into
the cabinet so as to retrieve that which is being vended.
However, previous mechanisms have had certain short comings,
particularly as discussed hereafter.
Very often, coin operated newspaper vending boxes are
owned by independent operators. That is, the owners purchase
26 their stock of newspapers from the newspaper publ-ishers at a
. ~,~
price less than retail, and re-sell the newspapers to the
general public, at retail price. In most instances, when
access to the storage cabinet is achieved by successful
operatlon of the coin operate(l mechanism, more than one
nèwspaper may be taken ~ut such is not a common occurrence.
More o~ten, however, it may occur that some persons - most
likely vandals -- will attempt to operate the mechanism so as
to remove from the interior of the cabinet one or more of the
newspapers being stored therein, while at the same time having
returned to them their coins by which the mechanism was
operated in ~he first instance. It has been found that prior
devices can, with some easily developed skill, be manipulated
to achieve those ends, by insertin~ the coins in the proper
places, and in the proper amount, and then simultaneously
operating the coin retu~n mechan-Lsrn and o~enin~ the ~oor to the
The present invention goes to preclude such unauthorized
and dishonest practice. Thus, cabinets having a coin operated
vending mechanism of the present invention are such that retu~n
of the coin from the coin chutes within the mechanism at the
same time as the access door to the cabinet is opened, may be
precluded; and vice versa, that is that the access door cannot
be opened at the same time that the coin return mechanism is
operated to retrieve coins within the coin chutes.
More particularly, the present invention goes to provic~e a
device and mechanism which is more simply and easy to assemble
and servlces, having fewer parts than the pnor devices.
28 Coin operating vending mechanlsms of the sort taught in
~J 46~43
~ ICKERBOCKl~R United St:ates Patent~s 3,2~5,177 clclted August 9,
1966 n1ld 3,403,765 da.e~ ~c~ober 1, 196~, are commonly found in
the fleld. Those mechanisms are extremely complicated
mechanLsrns which are dif~icu1t to service, and are cllEficlllt to
adjust for differences in operatLng coinage at SllCh times when
the retail prices of the newspapers or other objects being
vended may change.
The present invention, on the other hand, provides ease of
operation and adjustment for different price changes ~equiring
different coinage, and provides means whereby different
combinations of coins can be employed to effect operation of
the mechanism. As well, the present invention provicles means
by which a weekday/weekend price change can be more easily put
into effect than in prior devices, s;mply by alterlng the
position of certaJn o the i.nternal clements oE the n~echanL~sm.
The present invention comprises, therefore, a mechanism
which is coin operated so as to open an access door to a
cab;net, for purposes of retrieving an object being stored
therein, where the mechanism comprises a number of plates, a
first of which has at least one slot therein to receive a coin
inserted therethrough, with at least one coin chute in
communication with the slot. At least one pawl is adapted to
engage an edge of a coin when it is place in the coin chute,
and a latch plate is sprin~ biased into co-ope-rating position
with a latch hook, and has a camm;ng portion which is operable
by co-action between the proper coinage in the coin chute an~
28 the pawl when it is arranged in the proper position to engage
l~at coinage so as to release the latch p:La~e from the latch
hook. Ihe latch plate is mounted to the access door so as to
thereby permit opening thereof, and when the access door is
t:hus opened the colnage in the coin chute fal]s past the
posi.tiorl normally occup:i.e(l by the latch plate i.nto a coln receptable wi.thin the mechan:ism. A coin return
button ;.s provided in co-operation with the at l.east one coin
chute to move it into a coin return position over a coin return
chute, when a coin return operation is desired. An antl-theft
mechanism is provided to prevent return of the coinage in the
coin chute at the same as the door is opened, or vice
versa, and comprises a first anti-theft plate adapted for
rotation about a mo~mting poi.nt therefor, which anti-theft
plate engages the latch plate so as to he in a first position
such that when the latch plate i.s moved out o engagement
the anti-theft plat~, it swings by gravlty i.nto a second
position. A counter-balance plate :Ls adapted for rotation
about i.ts respect ve mounting point, and engages the anti-theft
plate so as to be i.n a first position when the anti-theft plate
is in its respective first position, such that when the
anti-theft plate assumes its second position the
counte---balance plate is permitted to swing by gravity to its
second position; the second position of the counter-balance
plate being such that it physically precludes movement of the
coin chute over the coin return chute.
An object of this invention is, therefore, to provide a
coin operated vending mechanism which is assembled and
28 more easily and econo~ically produced than prior art devices.
A furthe1- object of thi.s invention is to prov;de such a
coi.n operat:ed vending mechanism which has an anti-theft
mecl1anism ln it whjch precluc1es return oE any coins in the coin
chu~es at the same as the door is opened;or putting i.t in
~ e opposite mode~ the an~i-theft mechanism precluc1es opening
t:he door at the same that any attcmpt is made to retrieve
coins within the coin chutes.
These and other features of the objects of the invention
are discussed i.n greater detail hereafter, in assocition
the accompanying drawin~s,in which:
Figure l is a general perspective view of a cabinet having
a coin operated vending mechanism secured thereto;
Figure 2 is a rear perspective vi.ew of the principal
oper~t~ng p~rt6 of a coi.n opeKated vending mech~n:Lsm accorc1ing
to th:is 1.nvention;
Fi.gure 3 i.s a partially cut-away view taken substantially
along the arrows 3-3 of Figure 2;
Figure 4 is a partially cut-away section taken
substantially along the arrows 4-4 of Fi~ure 3, but extended to
include the upper portion of the coin chute;
Figure 5 is a section taken along the arrows 5-5 in Figure
Figure 6 is a view similar to Figure 4 but with the coin
return button depressed;
Figure 7 is a view equivalent to Figure 5, showing the
relative position of the parts thereof when in the position
28 shown in Figure 6, and taken in the direction of arrows 7-7 of
~ 1 4 6 ~ 4 3
,.I.gur~ 6;
Figure ~ is a partially cut-away ~section taken in the
direction of arrows 8-8 in ~igure 2;
Figure 9 is a rear elevation showing a` detail of Figure 8;
Fi.gure 10 is a vi.ew si~i].ar to Fi.gure 8 showing the
components in a somewhat d:ifferent operating position;
Figure 11 is a view similar to Figure 9, being a rear view
of Figure 10;
Figure 12 is a view si.milar to Figure 10, showing the door
and latch in yet a further position;
Figure 13 is a view similar to Figure 8, showing the door
and latch components in a posi.tion similar to that of Figure
Figures 14 and 15 are equivalent to 5 an(l 7 ~ut
sllowlng a further embodiment whereby only a single pair of
springs is used for spring biasing certa;n components.
A cabinet 10, having a door 12, is shown in Figure 1.
Mounted on top of the cabinet 10 is a coi.n operated vending
mechanism within an enclosure 14; and a portion of the
mechanism is housed withln an upper portion 16 of the door 12.
Slots 18 and 20 are seen in the housing 14, together with a
coin return button 22. A handle 24 is provided for opening the
door 12, as discussed hereafter. The cabinet 10 is shown as
being of the sort in wh;ch newspapers .may normally ~e kept for
~etail vending to the public, but as noted above the coin
28 operated.vend~ng mechanlsm of the present invention, within its
.~using 14, may be otherwise placed without depal-t:ing from the
spirit and scope o~ this invention.
Turn;.ng to ~igure 2, the principal features and components
of the present i.nvent:ion are shown in detail; and the operation
wl.ll be d:iscussecl hereafter in associati.on wiL:h others of the
A cover plate 26 for the housing 14 i.s provided. To the
cover plate 26 there is mounted a base plate 28, which may be
secured i.n place by suitable fasteni-ng means 30. Behind the
base plate 28 there is a front plate 32 for the coin operated
vending mechanism, secured in posit;on by tangs 34, split
pin 36. As will be noted hereafter, the front plate 32 is
essentially hingedly mounted to the base plate 28 and therefore
with respect to the cover plate 26, where i.t is mounted to the
tan~s 34.
A p~wl mountin~ plate 38 is mountetl at each si.cle oE the
mechanlsm, and each pawl mounting plate 38 is rnounted in such a
way as to be rotatable about a rod 40. The upper end 42 of
each of the rods 40 is, in turn, secured to a crank rod 44,
which is operated from a push rod 46 secured at its lower end
to a.crank arm 48 of a key cylinder 50. When the crank arm 4~
is rotated from its vertical to its horizontal position, or
vice verse, by an operating key placed in the front side of the
key cylinder, the pawl mounting plates 38 are moved upwards and
downwards in the manner shown by arrows 52, thereby effecting a
change in the operating mechanism from weekday to weekend
operation, or vice versa. Other arrows 53 and 55 are shown in
28 association the crank arm, push rod and crank rod, to
~-;sist undel^standing of the weekday/weekend or weekend/weelcday
operating change wh;ch can he effect-ed in the coin operat:ed
vending according to this invention. In the
eml-odimRnt of ~igure 2, the pawl mounting plate ls b;ased in
i~s close(l posllion by springs 54, as cliscussed in greater
detaiL hereafter with respect to Figures 5 and 7.
In the e~bodiment shown, a.s noted, there are two coin
ehute cover mounting plates 58, one on each side of a pair of
web plates 56, each of which is upstanding from the front plate
32, so that a pair of coin chutes is defined between the
respective web plates 56 ancl coin chute c~ver plates 58.
Along each side of the mechanism, there may be located a
number of pawls, several of which are speclfically noted at 60,
62, 64, 64a, 66 and 68.
In the lo~er portion of the meehanisrn, there is a lal~ch
pLate 70 whieh extends through a la~ch openlng 72, and has a
eoin eammlng portion 74 at the rear end thereof beneath the
coin chutes. Behind the lower portion of the mechanism, there
is an anti-theft mechanism generally indicated at 76, the
prineipal components of which are the anti-theft plate 78, and
the eounter-balanee plate 80 to whieh is secured a
counter-balance ball 82, as diseussed in greater detail
hereafter. A eoin return ehute 84 is provided, having an
opening 88 through the cover plate 26, for aeeess into the
lower portion of the eoin return ehute 8~ so as to reeover
returned eoins as diseussed in greater detail hereafter.
A stop pin 90 is shown, loeking up pawl 66. The stop p;n
28 is seeured to the base plate 26, and is sueh that pawl 66 falls
,to place only when the pawl mounting plate 38 is in its upper
posiLion. Likewise, the pawl 62 is shown swung out of position
by a stop pawl 92; so that the pawl 62 also becomes operative
only wlen the paw] mounting plate 38 ;s in its upper position.
Referrin~ to Figures 3 ancl ~, a coin 94 is shown restin~,
above the latch p]ate 70 at the bottom end of the left coin
chute, when viewed from behind. The other components are
shown~ in their rest position -- i.e., in a position when the
only thing that has happened is that the coin 94 has been
inserted into the appropriate slot 20 and has fallen to the
bottom of the respective coin chute. Obvlously, as it fell,
the coin 94 brushed past the lower leg portions of the pawls 64
and 64A, each of which is shown in its position extending into
the coin chute, due to the overbalancing of the wing portion
thereof and the fact that each pawl is loosely mountetl on its
respectivt mountin~ pin. As can be seen, the latch platt-~ 70
extends beneath the bottom of the coin chute, so as to support
any coins which are within either of the coin chutes, as
discussed hereafter. It will also be noted, in Figure 4, that
the latch plate 70 is sprlng biased in its upper position, as
shown, by spring 96. Moreover, as previously stated, the latch
plate 70 is mounted to the upper portlon 16 of the door 12.
Turning now to ~igures 5, 6 and 7, a description follows
as to the coin return operation and mechanism of coin operated
vcnding mechanisn)s according to the preserlt i~vention. As
noted in Fig~lre 5, a coirl 94 is in place, in the same manner as
in Figure 4, and the coin return button 22 is unpressed -- i.e.
it, too, is in the same position as in Figure 4. As previously
stated, the coin chutes are defined l)etween the webs 56 and ~he
coin chute cover plates 58.
If it is desired by the operator (customer) to have his
coin returned, the coin return button 22 is pressed inwards, as
at arrow 98 in Figure 6. This causes the front pl~te 32 to
pivot: or hinge inwardly, as shown, about its mounting position
on tangs 34, carryin" with it- the associated components mounted
upon it. As thc ront plate 32 pivots backwnrdly, shown at
arrows 100 in Figures 6 and 7, the latch plate 70 is forced
do~nwardly as indicated in dotted lines in ~igure 6, and then
due to the bias of spring 96, it swings upwardly to its rest
position, this operation being shown by arrow 102 in Figure 6.
As will be shown hereafter, the rearward motion of the coin
return button 22, and the upsetting action whic]l it causes on
the latch plate 70, must be quite rapid, otherwise a blocklng
arrangement of the anti-theft plate 78 and counter-balance
plate 80 will preclude rearward motion of the coin chutes, and
thereby preclude a coin return operation. As will be noted,
this is so that the main latch plate 70 does not remain in an
26 open or unlatched position, with respect to the latch hook to
...lich it ]atches, other than momentarily.
Assuming that the coin chute mechanism has been permitted
to swing baclcwardly far enough to clear the counter balance
p]ate 80 as discussed hereafter, and referring specifically to
t~he cmbod:iment: o~ Fi~ures 1 through 7 at this poi.nt upon
fur~her rearward motion of the front plate 3~., the lower wing
extensions 104 of the pawl mounting plates 38 strike tabs 106
and are upset by them so as to open the coin chute cover plates
58 in the manner shown at arrows 103 in Figure 7. As there in
now nothing beneath the coin chute to retain the coin in place,
it falls from the chute into the coin return chute 84, as shown
in Figure 6.
With reference now to Figures 8 and 9, t~e initial
operation of the ant:i-theft mechanism is discussed. As noted,
the anti.-theft pl.ate 78 is mounted for rotation about a
mountin~ point or pLn 110. The anti-the~t plate is dimens:Loned
-- and, in the present emhodiment, notched as at 112 -- so as
to engage the rear end of the latch plate 70. As stated, in
i.ts normal position, the latch plate 70 is such as to
co-operate with latch hook 114, so as to preclude forward
movement of the door by more than a short amount represented by
the openin~ 116 in the latch plate into which the latch hook
114 extends. Thus, except when the latch plate 70 is cammed
downwardly so as to clear the interference of the latch hook
114 with the rear end of latch opening 116 in the latch hook,
the door cannot be unlatched.
As noted in Figures 8 and 9, the colmter-balance plate 80
28 is mounted for rotation about a mounting point or pi.n 118. As
n~ed in ligures 2 and 9, t-he lower ~oint 120 of ~he coin chute
structure is such that i~ is above edge 122 o~ the lower leaf
portlon 123 of the coun~er-balance p]ate 80. Clearly, then, in
order for ~he coin chute assembly to move far enough rearwardly
so ~llat l:he coins i.n the coin chute clear contact with the
la~ch plate 70 and rnay then fall into the coin return chute 84,
the coin chu~e assembly must move rearwardly sufficiently
quickly that the lower point 120 of the cojn chute assembly
clears the edge 122 of leaf port;on 123 before the
]o counter-balance plat:e ~0 can fall into place due to gravity
acting upon the weight 82. This is shown more clearly in
Figure 11, where the counter-balance plate 80 is shown to have
rotated in the manner shown by arrows 124, so as ~o cause an
interference oE the lower leaf portion 123 of the plate 80 with
the lower end 12n of the coin chute ac;sembly. See also F~f,ure
10 .
When t:he door 12, and t,hus the latch plate 70, is moved
forwardly to any extent, the anti-theft p]ate 78 is permitted
to swing downwardly as indicated at arrow 126 in Figure 10, and
20 the counter-balance plate 80 is permitted to swing as indicated
by arrow 124 in Figures 10 and 11. This, then, creates a
blocking action against rearward motion of the coin chute
mechanism, as clearly shown in Figures 10 and 11. As
previous].y discussed, in order for the coin chute mechanism to
move rearwardly as indicated in Figure 6, the coin return
button 22 must be depressed quickly; and moreover, the door 12
cannot be swung forwardly, because to do so crea~es a blocking
28 action of the anti-theft mechanlsm described above. A positive
~1~6~)~3, sirnply constructed, an~i-thet is ~.hereby
provided., then, to Figures 10 and 12, a normal
operation i.s clearly indicated, whereby. the coin 94 acts
a~ai.nst the coin portion 74 of the latch plal.e 70,
retainirlg the latch plate 70 below a posi.tion where the rear
end of slot 116 i.nterferes w;th the latch hook 114, and thereby
permitt;ng forward movement of the door 12 and the latch plate
70. This is caused by interference between the edge of the
coin 94 and the pawl 64, such that the pawl pushes dowr. against
the coin, which pushes against the spring bias of spring 96
against latch plate 70, causing latch plate 70 to tilt
downwardly as indicated in Figure 10 so as to clear the latch
hook 114.
Refe~ring, now, to Figure 13, the inal ope~atlon -Ls
noted, whereby the coin 94 falls past the position normally
occupied by the latch plate 70 as it swings clear of engagement
with the latch hook 114, thereby permitting the customer to
have access to the interior of the cabinet 10 to retrieve
therefrom a newspaper or other arti.cle being vended; as well. as
retention within the coin vending mechanism of ~he coin or
coins by wh;ch the operation was successfully completed.
With reference to the operation of ~he pawls, th~ speclfic
arrangement illust-a,ed in Figure 2 is such that for a ueekday
operat~on, .he coin operated vending mechanism can be operated
by insertion of twenty five cents, being one quarter (twenty
five cent piece) or three dimes (ten cent p;.eces) with no
28 change. This is accomplislled by either the pawl 64 or the pawl
A weekend operation is 5 as noted above, set into place by
rotation of the key cylinder 50, whereby pawls 66 and 62 are
unlocked. This is then set up for a forty cent operation,
which mfly be one qual-ter, one nickel and one dime, one quarter
and th~ee niclcels, or two quarters tno change). 'Ihe exact
spacing and placement of the pawls 64 and 64a is such that pawl
64 will not operate with one quarter beneath it, but pawl 64a
will operate with two yuarters beneath it, one of which shoves
aside the lower end of pawl 64 making it inoperative. Also,
pawl 64a will not operate with one quarter and one nickel,
which are nearly the same in size but sufficiently different
that ordinary manufacturing tolerances are acceptable in the
assembly of the coin operated vending mechanism according to
this invention.
The combination pawl 62 i.s such that, if only a quarter
and a nickel a~e in the left hand coin chute (as viewed from
behind), and a vending operation is attempted to be initiated,
the top most coin rises upwardly into slot 128, and fails to
depress the latch plate 70. However, when a dime is in place
in the right hand coin chute, the bottom end of the combination
pawl 62 is swung out of place to the right, so that the point
130 interferes with the edge of the top most quarter or nickel
in the left hand chute, whereby a camming of the coins against
the latch plate 70 may occur, permitting the latch plate 70 to
be withdrawn and the door opened, so that all of the coins
including the dime in the right hand coin chute fall into the
28 coin receptacle within the coin operating vending mechanism.
Complicated cross-over and lock-out pawls, such as those used
in prior known devices, are thereby elirninated.
Finally, regard to ~.igures 14 and 15, they are
cquival.ent to ~1.gures S and 7, except -- regard to
Fig~lre 2 -- a somewhat dLfferent arrflngement: ls shown whe~eby
the biasing springs by which the front plate 32 is biased
towards cover plate 26, and the coin chute cover plates 58 are
biased into their closed position, us;ng the same springs 138.
As seen in Figure 2, the front plate 32 is biased towards
the cover plate 26 by springs 132. The upse~ting of the coin
chute cover plates away from the webs 56 is indi.cated in Figure
7, by interference of the tab 104 with wing 106.
In the embodiment of Figures 14 and 15, a tab 134 is
secured to each pawl plate 38, and a pair of wings 136
i.s placed so as to bear against the tabs 134. Howeve~, when,
as i.ndicated i.n Figure lS, the coin return button 22 is
depressed, the outer ends of the pawl mounting plates 38
i.nterfere with the inner surfaces of the wings 136, thus
upsetting the coin chute cover plates S8 against the
tension of springs 138. Indeed, springs 138 are essentially
the same as springs 132, the di.fference being in the
construction of the lower portion for interference with wings
136, as discussed immediately above. Only two springs, of
reasonable weight and tension are used, as opposed to as many
as five springs, including heavy compression springs, of the
prior known devices.
28 The above discussion and description has been in respect
--- 1146043
f. a preferred embodlment: of coin operated vending mechan;sm
accord;ng to the present inventi.on, with a specific second
eml)o~iment being shown in respect of a more simpli.fied
st~ucture. There has been some di.scussi.on of ~.he operating
rnechanism, particularly as to values of coinage used, and
clearly those matters are a question of design and placement of
the pawls, having in mind the specific sizes of coins or tokens
(in security installations) to be used. Some ernphasis has been
made as to the anti-theft mechanism, particularly the fact that
if a coin return is to be effected, the coi.n chute assembly
must be swung rearwardly over the coin return chute
sufficiently quic~ly as to preclude interference of the
counter-balance plate with the coin chute mechanism. Thi.s
also, o~ course, afEords a security l~tching sy.stem when only a
token of the correct size can be used to ~ai.n access to a
restricted area; and only one access operation per token is, of
course, posslble.
Finally, the simplicity of the design, with fewer
operating parts and more easy accessibility for purposes of
service and adjustment, when compared with prior known devices,
have. been clearly emphasized. It follows that a more simple
:~ operation, not only in warm weather, but especially also in
cold weather, when the parts may be likely to become stuck to
each other because oE cold and stiff oil Eilm on them, or by
No specifics as to component design or size are intended
or meant, either in the above description or the accompanying
drawings, except as falls within the spirit and scope of t.he
29 appendqd claims.