Note : Les descriptions sont présentées dans la langue officielle dans laquelle elles ont été soumises.
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Technical Field
This invention relates to a product suitable for use
in the production of carbonic liquies for human
consumption, particularly carbonic soft drinlcs and a
process for the preparation thereof,
Water saturated with carbon dioxide - called by
popular name as ~soda-water~ - is well known and wide-
lo -spreadly consumed all over the world, The popularity
of this soft drink can be characterized by the figure
that in the German Federal Republic its consumption
amounted to 26.7 litres/person in 1978,
Soda-watsr can be prepared by absorbing carbon dioxide
in drinl<ing water under pressure, Thus soda-water can
either be manufactured on industrial scale or produced
in households by using so-called pressure-resistant
bottles /autosiphons/ having a volume of 1-2 litres~
The cartridges contain liquid carbon dioxide. Home-made
soda-water has generally a suitable quality but some-
times the potable water used for the preparation
thereof is of poorer quality or the minor contaminations
of carbon dioxide may cause undesired by-flavour,
Although soda-water has a refreshing effect per se and
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a con9iderable curativo powf3r a5 well /see F.
Feldhaus: Deutsche Apothel<er zeitun~ Vol. 90, page
992/ its taste is considered to have no speciFic
character and For this reason it is often consumed
flavoured by fruit syrups having a high sugar content
or with alcoholic drinl<s. This mode oF consumption of
soda-water is however unFavourable from the sanitary
point of view~ it is namely well-l<nown that high
carbohydrate consumption leads to obesity and related
lo cardiovascular diseases and - particularly in children
~ to the deterioration of the teeth. The sanitary
hazards of the consumption of alcoholic drinks are
generally knownJ Moreover the production and marketing
of flavouring syrups requires considerable additional
labour- and cost-expenditure and furtheron transport
and storing investments.
It is known that the preparation of potable water of
good quality constitutes a world-wide problem ~o the
experts and requires high investments and operation
expenditure, The disinfection of water often causes
additional problems because although the consumers
obtain treated and purified water from the pipeline
system or from wells, this water does not frequently
comply with hygienic requirements~
According to the process described ln US paterlt
No. 2,220,1~6 sweetening and Flavouring agents arc
Filled into siphon cartridges l<nown per se in
additirn to gaseous carbon dioxide, preferably in
the form of a concentrated liquid essence syrup having
a high sugar content, The disadvantage of this method
is that when piercing the seal of the syphon cartridge
the poorly soluble sweetening-flavouring liquid only
partially leaves the cartridge together with the
lo gaseous carbon dioxide, in other terms it remains
adhered to the internal wall of the cartridge, thus
contaminates the cartridge itself, the piercing pin
and ~he cnannels too. Ihe residue ~racticalLy cai-l rlot
be removed by simple methods~
In order to overcome the above problem the following
method is disclosed in US patent No~ 2,322,183 in the
neck-part of a cartridye filled with gaseous carbon
dioxide ~ i,eO above the gas filed - a thin-walled
capsule comprising a dose of syrup concentrate is
seated. It is equipped with a checlc value opening
toward the compartment and closing toward the capsule.
` ~ On screwing the bulb the hollow pin pierces the wall
o~ the capsule, bending the pierced out portion down,
The bore of the piercing pin is then in communication
with the compartment and accordingly thG liq-lid
is d.isplaced by the gas from the bulb opening the
checl< value and entering the compartment,
This method is however very and moreover
the removal of the contaminations from the channels
/nozzle/ constitutes a serious problem and therefore
this process is not generally used in practice~
According to US patent No. 4,186,215 carbonic soft
lo drinl~s are produced by using chemicals capable for
evolving carbon dioxide (e,g, carbonates and acids)
and flavouring compounds, e,g, essential oils, The
said three components are placed at the bottom of a
vessel /e,g~ a glass/ being seperated from each other
by means of a permeable wall~ On pouring water
in~o the vessel the said substances are partially
dissolved and the resultant chemical reaction
generates carbon dioxide,
Disclosure of the Invention
The object of the present invention is to provide
a product and a process for the preparation thereof
which enables the productions of carbonic liquids
suitable for human consumption and meetin~ both the
hygienic and consumers' requirements by means of a
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simple and readil.y feasible method by using conventional
cartridges and siphons gener-ally used for the preparation
of soda water,
The present invention is based on the recognition that
several natural or synthetic essential oil-based aroma
substances and disfectants are well-soluble in liquid
carbon dioxide, Therefore on piercing the sealing the
total amount of the aroma compound leaves the cartridge
lo from the inside of cartridges filled wit~h condensed
carbon dioxide comprising such dissolved aroma substances
and/or disinfectants and no contamination remains on
the internal wall of the cartridge, the pin or in its
channels. The present invention is based on the further
recognition that while the said aroma substances and
disin-fectants are not soluble at all or poorly soluble
in water at atmospheric pressure they can be completely
solved in water by spraying them under pressure exceeding
the atmospheric one~ If condensed liquid carbon dioxide
comprising the dissolved aroma substances and~or
disinfectants is stored in closed space - i,e, in a
pressure-tight siphon cartridge l<nown per se - and
thereafter free leave is provided for the condensed
carbon dioxide towards the water being in the pressure-
-tight closed space - i,e, the siphon l<nown per se -
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- e.g, by percing ~he sealing oF the car~ridge, a
Flavoured and/or disinF~c~ed carbonic liquld i9
obtained which possesses all the favourable
properties of soda-water and is moreover free o~
syrups having a high carbohydrate oontent,
We have studied the solubility of various aroma
subs~ances and disinfe~tants in liquid carbon dioxide.
The experiments are carried out by using a pressure-
lo -tight glass-wall apparatus surrounded with a wlre
screen~ The solubility of the test substances could
be easily observed in this equipment, It has been
found that whila 9yrup corcentratas are unabls to
form solutions, the natural and synthetic flavour
substances based on essential oils are very readily
soluble in liquid carbon dioxide, Thu5 at 0C in
liquid carbon dioxide lemon oil, tangerine oil and
orange oil are soluble ~o 25%, 23%, and 21%, respecti-
vely /thls corresponds to more than 1 ml of solublearoma substance in a siphon cartridge used for the
production of 1 litre of soda-water/,~The solubility
~s solid menthol is higher than 5% and the other
menthol-based substances also possess similar
solubility characteristics, Vitamin C being generally
present in citrus extracts is also aasily soluble and
-Forms 3% solu~ions~
According to the process of the present invention
liquid carbon dioxide is admixed with aroma
substances and/or disinfectants being soluble in
liqui.d carbon dioxide, introducing the mixture into
a pressure~tight vessel and closing ~he said v~ssel,
According to a preferred embodiment of the process
lo of the present invention liquid carbon dioxide is
applied by condensing gaseous carbon dioxide in a
vessel containing the aroma substance and/or
disinfectant~ this step results in the admixture of the
liquid carbon dioxide and the aroma substance and/or
disinfectant, As vessel preFerably empty siphon
cartridges can be used which are closed Wl th a
piercible /breal~able/ sealing aFter the liquid carbon
dioxide comprising the disin~ectant and/or the aroma
substance is led into the cartridge,
According to further embodiment oF the process of the
present inventlon flavourants based on natural and/or
synthetic oils are used as aroma substances
and admixed with liquid carbon dioxide, preferably in
: 25 a ratio oF 0,001-50 ml - particularly between 0,05 and
1 rnl - of aroma substance rela~ed to 1 lltre oF
According to a still further embodiment of the process
of the present invention a chresolate type disinfectant
is used /e,g. amyl metachresol/ or a menthol ba~ecl
disinfec~an~ -preferably solid menthol - is adrnixed
with liquid carbon dioxide. It ls preFerred to add
o~ool-o.l 9 - particularly o.ol 9 - of liquid
lo disinFectant to liquid carbon dioxide - calculated
for 1 litre of water,
Accordin9 to a still furthcr preferr~d smbodiment of
the process of the present invention an aroma substance
of Fruit flavour character or an agent of menthol,
caramel, schotch whisl<y or similar flavour and ~aste
is admixed with liquid carbon dioxide.
According to a further feature of the present
invention there is provided a product suitable for
use in the production of carbonic liquids ready for
human consumption. The said product comprises a mixture
o-F liquid carbon dioxide and an aroma substance and/or
disinfectant soluble in liquid carbon dioxide.
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Fl.eld o~ plicability
The present lnvention enables the produc~ion oF
carbonic liquids suitable for human consumption by a
readily feasible simple method under eliminating the
use of syrup concentrates having a high carbohydrate
content and involving hyyienic and sanitary hazards~
The advantages of the present invention can be
summarized as follows:
The present invention eliminates or strongly reduces
the consumption of soft drinks prepared by using
granul3ted sugar. ~hus on the ons hand a large amount
of sugar can be saved while on the other hand an article
of consumption being hihgly disadvantageous for hygienic
and sanitary reasons and having a high carbohydrate
content i5 replaced by harmless and safe subs~ances,
Tilus the risl<s o~ obesity and caries are elimina-ted or
strongly reduced. Flavourized soda-water containing
no carbohydrates can be an effective mean oF the
: fight against obesity because people who dislike the
taste of running water or tap water are no longer
compelled to consume soft drinks flavourized with
: syrups having a high carbohydrate content. The present
invention also enables the simple and reasonable readily
~ .,.
feasible clisinfection of non-purlFied wa~er,
ReFerence is macle to the fact thflt in all
settlements equipped with a water-pipeline system
the prepara~ion of potable water of sùitable quality
and quantity being devoid -From flavour and tas~e of
the disinfectant of the purifying agent constitutes
a still unsolved problem all over the world, The said
problem may be eliminated by the present invention,
A Further advantage is that the technology of
lo manuFacture is a simple one,
Modes of carr in out the invention
Y g _ _ ~
Further details of the present invention are to be
found in the following Examples without li.miting the
scope of protection to the sald Examples,
~ .
Into an~empty siphon cartridge 0.1 ml of a lemon-
flavour essential oil soluble in liquid carbon dioxide
is introduced /the product is available under the
commercial name ~Lemon A" - Lemon 875024/, whereupon
gaseous carbon dioxide is condensed in the cartridge,
: Z5 Liquid carbon dioxide is formed in an amount which is
~ Trade Mark
generally r~quired ~o prepared 1 litre of soda-water,
By ~his step aroma substance i9 admixod wi~h ~he
liquid carbon dioxide. The cartridge is closed in a
l<nown manner, e.g~ by means of a piercable seal, The
product is now ready for launching9 One dose of the
product is suFficient for the preparation of 1 litre
o~ flavoured aroma-containing carbonic soft drink
being Free of carbohydrates.
10 ~
Into an empty siphon cartridge o,ol ml of amyl
metachrçsol disinfectant being soluble in liquid
carbon dioxide is introduced /this disinfectant is
available under the commercial name l'Flugin~'/,
whereupon in the cartridge so much liquid carbon
dioxide is formed by condensing gaseous carbon
dioxide which is required to produce 1 litre of soda-
-water. By this step the disinfectant is admixed with
the liquid carbon dioxide. The cartridge is~closed
in a known manner by using a piercable sealing and
the product is ready for launching. ~he cartridge
thus ob~ained enables the preparation of disinfected
soda-water from water being unsuitable for human
consumption for hygienic reasons.
Trada Mark
~ 1.3 _
Example 3
An amount o-f liquld carbon clioxide required For the
preparation of 1 litre of soda-water is admixed with
o.l ml of a "Tangerine-B" aroma substance and 0.0~ g
oF menthol~ These substances are souble in liquid
carbon d.ioxide, The l.iquid i'3 filled into an empty
siphon cartridge which is then closed with a piercable
sealing. Thus the cartridge is made suitable For being
put on the marl<et. The cartridge enables the produc-
tion of 1 litre of flavouri~ed and disinFected carbon
soft drink even iF water being unsuitable for hygienic
purpnses and having an undesir~d by-taste is used.
~- . Trade Mark