Note : Les descriptions sont présentées dans la langue officielle dans laquelle elles ont été soumises.
~; PO~TA~I_E W~IL--~IDET 2061934
Curt-en~ly on the mat~et one can find a toilet seat witn an ~ttachment
that will allow one to wash oneself while -,ittlng on the seat ~ee encl~,ed ad-
vertisement~. The advantage, of ,u.h an attacnment for elderly or handi.apye~
:; people is ob~io.l,. Th~ .ut-rent product i~ `~fet'~f limited, howevet-~ in thot it i~
; lesigned to clean onlv a small and very specific part of one'~ bodv. I pt-opo,e
an advancement on the .urrent desisn~ a tru31y portabl3 wall-bidet that can
be atta,hed to any toilet or wall a_ is ,onvenient for the user~ and that in
addltion ha, an inbuilt dispen,et- for ,oap, deodetant~ fme~iicinali lotion,~ or
whatevet the user wishec to fill it Llp with. Witn the new design the user neednot sit on the ~n}omfortable toilet seat but may choose a ~etting of his~her
- ,hoice for taking a ,hower; mo~eover the u,er need never worry about forgeting
-~ the soap, an,i, after finall~f ma~ing himf'herself comfortab~e, havin~ to get up
to set it. The wall--bi~iet can he used not only fQr wa,hing but also to apply
medicinal lotion,, deodetants, or even pei-fumes: the no.~le comes with sevet-Odetachable heads, so the propet- spray for a smooth~ even coating of lotion or
deoderant can be cho,en. ~ stronge-- spray can be used for massage, and one of
the heads is designed ,uch that it can be u~ed to administer an enema.
The po~table wall-bidet is ideal for use in hospitals where patients
can not stand to tak;e a showet-. It is both easier to use and ~ore hygenic than
the curt-ent "sponge bath" technique. Nor is the usefullness of the wall-bidet
confined to people with limited movement. ~other, will find thi~ an excellent
; tool for use ln washing their babies. The fle.~ible hose fsee below~ makes it
easy to reach all portions of the baby s anatomy, and the approptiate spt-ay
gives a sentle, thorough clen~ing.
This apparatLIs is specifically oriented toward personal hygiene, and in
particualar the hygiene of the lower limbs. Clensing i5 prcvided by a soap or
other disinfectant diluted by heated water which circulates through the appat-a-tus. The water is heated quic~ly and efficiently by a heating coil and then
mi:~ed with the 502.p. The water-soap mi~ture leaves the apparatus as a ,pray
vi~ a flexible tube and no~le with a user-operated handle. The entirt- system
is contained in a ~plastic~ bo~ which can be attractively ~tyled and which saife-
guards the user; box dimensions are appro~imately ~CI :-. ~5 cm2. The temperature
of the water, the amount of soap dispensed, and the fineness and dispersion
~and therefore the force~ of the spray produced are all under user ~ontrol.
Thus this new protable wall-bidet is equally oriented toward the user s tom-
-Fort while attending to his/her personal hygiene~
` 1. Wall-bidet in situ: I. The wall-bidet itself~
6a. Fle~ible hose with no~le for washing.
bb. Hoo~ for hangin~ the hose on when not in
. Connection ~valve~ to main water system.
1~. Elect-i~al connection~
~1. "Flush" system o-f toilet.
~. Toilet seat cover.
; ~-.. Ordinary toilet bowl.
;; ~. Ct-oss-section of wall-bidet
- '~ ' ~ '
.: . : : ,: , . . .
, ~, - ~ ~ ., - - '
~ ispenser. 20619~
; ~ Injector leaJing to
. ch~mber.
4. Insulated heating chamber with
- 5. Heating element.
- ~. F;otatin~ ds-um with
~ ~a~ Fle~ible hose endins in
;~ 7. No~le with
7a. Fressut-e operated handle an~
etachable heads a,b, and c.
9. ~'alve for water input.
10. Thermostat.
11. Electrical connection of heatin~ element.
1~ Electrical connection to outlet.
~ *1~. Electrical connection to aii--dt-y system.
; *14. Heating coils of air-dry system.
~'. Second rotating drum with flexible hose.
~;~ *15. Specially designed "wind" no~le for air-
Yj:~ ds-ying.
r`~ *only in varient II ~see below~.
. .
Refering to figure 7, the wall-bidet consists of:
1. Isolated heating chamber C4] with heating element C~ and
thermostat C10~; watet enters through valYe C93.
. Dispensor [1~ and injector C~] leading to
3. Mi:cing chamber C~].
4. Rotating drum Cb] around which the flexible tube C~a] is
`~ coiled when not in use. The drum is provided with a spring so that it automat-
- ically s-ewinds when the tube is released.
S. No~le C7] with user-operated handle C7a]. Water will not
flow unless th~ handle is depressed.
~ . No~le heads C8a~b,c] of variable spray fineness and dis-
-~ persion. Head c can be used to administer an enema. `
7. Electrical system Cll,l~] including cord and plug (not
~5 shown~.
;~ 8. Box.
;;~ Water entering through valve C9] is heated in the heating chamber C4~ by
a heating element C5] to a preset temperature. The heating is controlled and
' the temperature set by a thermostat C10]. When the desired temperature has
`;! been reached the water enters the injector [~] and a pre-determined amount of
~i soap ~or whatever~ i5 released into the injector by the dispensor Cl]. Thesoap is evenly dispersed in the water in the mixing chamber C~], and the soap-
water mixture leaves the chamber via the flexible tube C6a]. When the user
~-~ presses the handle [7a], water is ejected from the no2~1e head [~] as a spray.
`: The fineness and dispersion of the spray depends on which of the three heads
' has been attached to the no~le.
;.,: '
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A second model of the wall-hidet includes a hot-air drying system. This
;;~ contains, in addition to the components listed above:
:,. ...
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:. ~. It, c,wn elect.ical systrm Cl~.
: l~l. Air heatii-ig chamber {l4~.
,e,-Dnd druiTi ~-,`] and fle:;ibl2 tube Co~ 3 wi'n
... l~. a sF,eeially designed "wind" no~-ie ~l~].
:: '
. When the drying system is actiY2.ted, air i~ suc-~;ed into th2 heating _hamb2r Jy
. the ~'~C'_I~ .Ti prin~iple and ~uickly heated by a seri2, of heating"-oil-,; the hot
:~: air flows continuQusly out thr--ou-gh its fle:sible tube and r,o~le. Ti.-e n~.--le i~
designed to creat2 a wide-~.ngle~ gentie flrw .-,f w~rm wh-ch ',ry5 ~he us: plea=.antly ard e-Ffiriently~
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