Note : Les descriptions sont présentées dans la langue officielle dans laquelle elles ont été soumises.
, W092/00818 2 0 ~ ~ 9 ~ PCT/~S91/0~27
The present inv~ntion is in the field of punch
pressPs, and more particularly relates to a punch press
wherein two opposed tooling components are suddenly driven
toward each other by electromagnetic drive forces for
simultaneously impacting at hi~h velocity against opposite
sides o~ the material:~o be foxmf33d.
- . BACKGRO~ND : -
In a conven3tional electromagnetically driven punch
~ press, such as shown in the Doherty Patents Nos. 3,709,083,
; 4,022,09U, 4,056,029 and 4,135,770, the upper one of the
two opposed tooling components is driven vertically -
~downwardly during~the power stroke, and the~lower-tooling
., component remains stationary. Thus, there is a large
downward impact occurring against the lower tooling
component at the-instant when the fast-moving upper tool
impacts down upon the material to be-forw3ed between thë
.upper and lower tooling.~ For example, the lower tool-is a
~die!rand the upper~tool~is a punch--~which i~3pacts~`down~
~against.a ~trip.o~steel.~material~-for punching:finished
pieces, such--as washers,-out.o~ the-steel:strip.~- -- --
.As a ~esult of::such~large dowr.ward impa~tsoccurring against-the:lower.tooll-in a conventional punch
press,~it is necessary ~ol~mount.the whole~punch~press `on-a
strong and massive-~work::table, as-~o:-be able~tor -3~
withstand;~shocks and vi~ations~being
work table.~ qoreover~ S 'i~s-tnecessary~ o provide strong`
flooring3in-~the1ma~ufacturing~:plant where;the punchSprèss
is operating~iso as to belable~'to with~tand-the~héavy~
- ~,loading and,.;mechanicalJstres es~being`-i'mposë;di'ôn'~he;-C-'''
; ~Furthermoreta.~in spite~.of'providing~a strong;" `J- and in;spitë of providing;a strong "
~actory ~loor, there-is-a di~urbing "whomp" or "thump'i~~
; :. : ' ::: ~ '' :' ! ' : " ' :
` . ` '' ' "' ' ': ' . S'" ` " : : ' ' : ` ' ~"' ' .' ' ' :
WO92/OO~il8 ' '~ ; PCT/~S91/046~
20~5~ 2~
which is transmitted repeatedly throughout the
manufacturing plant and which can be felt by occupants of
the building regardless of whether they are standing or
sitting. Consequently, it is usual practice to locate .
punch presses in a remote area in a building or in a
separate building so that the frequent "whomp" or "th~mp"
does not unduly disturb~other.workers and office personnel.
It is to be appreciated that such mechanical r
shocks and vibrations which are disturbing to occupants of :
a building indicate that a.relatively large amount of
wast2d energy is being transmitted from the punch press
into its-supporting-woxk table and into the building
structure. In other words, conventional punch presses are
relatively ine~ficient.machines. While~they are`performing
thelr intended work on the material in the:punch press,
they are also perfo~ming wast~ful work in shaking work
tables, floors and walls of.the buildings in which they are
operating. Such.wasteful work in:shocking and~shakins
buildings~tends to deteriorate buildi~gs more-rapidly than
normal,.~,aging,and is;disturbing and`possibly~is detrimental
to~human beings~who,subjected to exte`nded periods
of nearby.exposure~to convention punch.presses.~
., As;a further co~ment.about t~e pro~lems caused by
conven ional.-punch presses, it is help~ul to:~hink about~a
piano or,otheristri~ged;:instrument.-OThe majority of-thë
sound which.isæues-from~a plano.;.or.~rom~another stringed~
.lns'trument does not
Rathe~ he;major;.portions.of~the7~ound energy~are ràdiated
from a,ioundlng boardj.~r~.sounding~box~,w.hichIis mechanically
.~o.nnected,ito,ja~vibrating~ Ftring~ so: as ato ~ be~:~orced-to~~
vibrate~,w~hithe,string; ~.~he.relatively:,large:arèà~of'a
vibrat,ing,sounding board~.or.~bclx-~couples-well;~witli gaséous
airJand-~is an efflcie~t.itransmitter~of~sound-energy into'^
gaseous air, whereas.a-vibrating ~ring i~self:has a
relatively small.area~and does~not éfficiently couple with
the..air and thus by itself;does not~~ransmit~much sound
. .
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: , : : . . .
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~WO92/0081~ PCT/U~91/04627
~3~ 2~85906 :
energy into air. Similarly, the tooling itself and
material to be ~ormed in a punch press have a relatively
small area ~s compared with the frame of the punch press
plus the work table on which it is mounted, plus the floor
and walls of the building i~ which it is operating.
Therefore, in my view, the major energy content of
the very~ loud, disturbing noises produced by operating a
conventiGnal punch press is coupled to the air by and is
radiated (broadca~t3 into the air from the punch press
frame, ~rom its work table or plat~orm-and from floc~r and
walls of the room where it operates.
Conversely, in my view~ only a relatively small
proportion of the very.Ioud total noise energy is radiated
into the air by the tooling and material themselves. My
e~periments with a prototyp?e set-up embodying-the present
invention have-sho~n khat the noise level~in a room is
reduced by about kwenty decibels by employing an
opposed-motion, momentums-balanced~-at-impact punch press
embodying the present invention,: as compared with a
conventional yeirtical punch-press of the same tonnaga
rating wherein only one mo~able and thei other tool :
is fixed to a istationary base struc:ture. ~
.$UMMARY ! 1 ~ ' `-- _; _. ': ', ' .. i .~ .. (_
In.a punch press~.embodying the:prèsent inYéntion,
~,both of the opposed tools are~imul~àneously driven toward
each other, so ais to impact simul~aneously agâinst;`oppoi6ite
surfaces ofjth~ ~aterial-~to be:formed~with`~isu~tantially
equal~momentum~at~i~he,instank of~impac~
omentumJis~a.-physical-quantity which hàs thë
units of force and time.~.c~iFor;~example,~3thë uni~s'i~of-?'-i'~
momentum are "pound seconds!.' or,"dyne~-sëcoinds"`:'~ Momentum
is.calculated-by~multiplyingi~the~moving ma~s ~ime~ its
~e~locity~and.o~ten~is expressed by IIMV~ L~ `r~ 'Y~
The mechanicalL:impulsé:which is`~ransmitted by the
tool to the material being formed is a function of the
- . . . : : :: .,~ ., . :: : . . . .
W092iO0818 PCT/US91/04~ ~
2 ~ 6 ` ~ 4
. .
momentum of the tool and its associated moving parts at the
instant of impact of the tool against the material to be
When the momentum o~ one moving tool is exactly
equal to the momentum of the opposed movihg tool at the
instant when these two converging tools impact at fast
velocity against opposite sid~s of the material being
formed, then their impulses being applied to the material
from opposite directions are exactly equal and opposite, so
that these opposed egual impulses cancel each other out.
Consequently, if such exact e~uality of momentum is
achieved, the strip of material being formed remains
stationary. Thus, the feeder which is feeding this strip
of material also remains-stationary. Consequently, there
are no significant mechanical shocXs or vibrations being
mechanically transmitted into the ~Erame of the momentums-
balanced-at-impact punch press nor into its supporting work
table, nor into the ~loor and walls of a room in which it
is operating.. A much more ef~icient, much less noisy, a
much le~s disturbing,.and-a much:more environmentally
. j .,..~, ~ . . ~
friendly technology is thereby.ach:ieved.
Therefore,,in~an opposed motion punch press
embodying the pxesent invention, the objective i5 to
achieve substantially egual-amounts of momentum in the two
opposed? converging, at their instant of
impact.against.opposite ~ides of:the material being formed
between~the impacting;tools. . ;.~
r ~ r,~ Unllke~ a~conventional~punch press~i an
opposed-motion punch.~press with momentums-balanced-at---
impact~does not rely,-upon a.-~as~ive,-3strong,~ solid support
plat~orm.upon whioh~ito..~impo~e;the;powerful,~
downwardly-directed.working impact~ {- 3'~
~ ,."Only~an insigni~icanti.or.very.modest:amount`:of-
~asted energy or work is lost into a plat~orm or;work~table opposed-motiont momentums balanced-at-impact
... ~ .. ., . , , , . . -
. .
.. . , i ... , .,. , ,, " , , . , ~:
~WO92/00818 .~ ,PCT/US91/046~7
1: i ,; .. .
punch press embodying the-present invention during each
operating cycle o~ the punch press.
~ n insignifi~ant or ~ery modest amount of noise is
transmitted into the environment via the platform or worX
table ~upporting such a punch press embodying the present
An insignificant or very modest amount of
mechanical shock and vibrations are induced into a platform
or work table supporting such a punch press embodying the
present invention.
An opposed-motion, momentums-balanced-at-impact
(~BAI) punch press as~an embodiment of this invention can
readily be isolated from the en~ironment using ~ery soft
mounting cushions or may even be hung from an overhead
; ceiling.
j By virtue of the fact thak an insignificant or
very modest amount of mechanical shock, vibrations and
noise are indu~ed into the plat~orDI or work table
supporting such a punch~press, such punch press itself:can
; ~be enclosed very effectively~-.within aisound-deadeningjA
~ound-absorbing enclosure. ~
By virtue of the fact.that a massive, strong,~-
; solid and h~avy support plat~onm and a consequent strong
: flooring are not re~uired for such a punch press, the punch
pre~s itself.becomes relatively portable,` because i$ can be
set.up.upon bench.:or:worK tabl`e.~
By-virtue o~:,the~fact that~aniinsignificant`or
very-mode~t amount of..mechanical~shoc~ vibràtions an`d~
. noise are transmitted~into~the environmè~t~bf-such `pùnch
press, a designer now.rhas.i*hesopportunity t-o integrate~this
..crnew,technologytinto:high energy punchfpress~work-përforming
.~ r ,installations,at convenient.locations~in:àn``~xistlng'
; ~Sc~manufacturing plant rather thaniusing`;the traditional~
~expedient.,approach of locating high-enèrgy pùnch`'`pre`ss~ !
work performing equipment at remote locations, which often
are inc~venient~and causQ dif~iculties~in materlals
,: ', ', , " ~ ~ , . j, ', ' ,, ,', ' ' , ~ ., , .,.'''1 '
.: ~ , : "',,
'': ',.'' i' ', ', ,' '' ~ ,:
W092/00~ 8 ~ ~ O ~ P~/U~91/04
, . .:. .
handling, or else use the last-resort expedient of locating
such high energy punch press operations at an axp2nsive,
of~-site punch press processing station.
The various additio~al features, aspects,
advantages and objectæ of the present invention will become
more ~ully understood from a consideration of the folIowing
detailed description of presently pre~erred embodiments~
tog~ther with the accompanying drawings, which are not
drawn to scale but rather.are arranged for clarity of
illustration and explanation. In the drawings:
FIGURE 1 is a top plan view, with portions shown
in section, of a horizontally-oriented, opposed-motion,
momentums-balanced-at-impact punch press embodying the
present invention; and
FIGURE 2 is a schematic electrical diagram o~ an
electrical cont~ol circuit, which is an alternative
embodiment of means for automatically balancing the
momentum of~the,two opposed;:l:conv~:rging, fast-moving tools
at the instant of their impact against opposlte sides of
the~matorial being worked.-
The horizontally-oriented punch press 8-in~FIG. ~,
illustrative embodiment..of~he-,invention/~includes first
and ~eoond motion.members-~O andéiform of two
oppo ed horizontally..movable-..plates.-.i..~he-~irst-motion~
~memb~r.l0,is,~upported by.:a:plurality of.bushings 14^which
are.fxeely movable:~ongitudinally~along a:~plurality of~L.t
horizontal,guide~pinszl6.~:The.opposite.ènds:of these ~uide
pins,il6i.are,secured to~;~irst and.second mounting membêrs 18
and 2~0, ~respectiYely ~ seati~g upon --a plural~ty~of~!rè'sil'ient
so~t,~.cushioning~oot;pad~.2~.which~rest upon~a work ~a~le
~ for example,.these foot pads.22 are-~oxmed~of so~t,:
recilient polyurethane. .Only a corner o~-~he work table 24
092/00~l8 ~ 3 " PCT~U~l/046~7
is shown broken away for clarity of illustration. The
second ~otion member 12 is also supported by a plurality of
bushings 14 which are freely movab~e longitudinally along
the ~uide pins 16.
During operation of this press 8, the mounting
members 18 and 20 remain essentially stationary on their
resilient foot pads 220 Advantageously, there are
insignifica~t amounts of vibration and mechanical shock
which beco~e transmitted into the work table 24 when
opposed tooling components 30 and 32 impact against
opposite sides of material 34 to be formed in this punch
press. . . : - :
- The-opposed-tooling components 30 and 32 are
mounted to and:are carried by the respective fir~t and
second-motion ~embers.lO and 12; for:example, this-tooling
is shown as a die 30 and a punch 32 which cooperate ~or
forming khe material 34,.as will b,e explained in detail
later. A strip o e this material 34 is fed into one ~ide of
the punch press 8 i~S indicated by an infeed arrow-36, ànd
this formed~material 37,-~;after;it'`has beén impacted by the
~ooling 30,-.-32.~:is then:fed out of t~e othe`r side of~thè
punch pres~ as indicated by an out:eeed arrow-:38; - ~
In order to drivei-the two opposed:motlon mèmbers
lO and 12 towar~ each other.with rapid acceleration iand
resultant high;veloci~y at~he i`ns~iant`o~`impaot-by~thë`
there are first and second3electro~agnëtic'thrust motors 40
and~35O1shownjmounted;iupon~the'respe~ctive;~0unt~ng members
18 and 20..~ ~he1~irst.elëctromagnetic ~rus`t3moto~4O~
includes~a,lsolenoid~winding:(coil)-`43~nioùntad:;on:;the -; -
~;mol~nting ~ember~18~anaihavi~g~Sa horizon~aliy extending~
winding jopening! 42 .~ ferromagnetic`~iarmature~;41~is ~
horizontall~ movableiwithin;the wind1ng~ôpenlng~i2~àn~is
connected by~a~ trong,~ rigid non-magnétic ~ush~rod~44 ~o
the motion member-lO. 'For:'example, this no`n-mâgnetic push
rod~44. is made of non-magnetic stainlëss steel.iiiThè-push
WO92/00818 2 ~ ~ ~ 9 ~ ~ 8~ PCT~US91/ ~
. . ; "
rod 44 extends through an opening 46 in the mounting
me~ber 18.
Upon sudden, electrical energization of the
solenoid winding 43, the armature 41 is suddenly forcefully
drawn more fully into the winding opening 42, thereby
exerting a sudden powerful thrust through the push rod 44
as indicated by a thrust arrow 48 ~or rapidly accelerating
the motion me~ber 10 ~oward ~he opposed motion member 12
with resulting relatively high velocity.
Similarly, the second electromagnetic thrust motor
50 includes a solenoid winding ~coil) 53 mounted on the
mounting me~ber 20 and having a horizontally extending
winding opening 52. There is a ferromagnetic`armature 51
horizontally movable within the win~ing opening 52 and
connected by a strongj rigid non-magnetic push rod 54-to
the motion member 12. In-this example, this non magnetic
push rod 54 is made of non-magnetic ~t~inle~s steel. ~his
push rod 54 extends through an opening ~6-in the mounting
member 20. ,, . ~ ", . , " ~
When,the solenoid.-winding `suddenly~
electrically energized, th~!armature:51 becomes:force~ully
suddenly;drawn into.~the.-winding:opening 52.~ Thus, the
armature 5 ;exerts a ~udden power~ul.thrust through the
push rod 54.asi.-indicated by-a ~hrust arrow 58. ~This j-
. ~, .. .. ,. ~ ~ . . . .. . .. .
powerful.sudden thrust.~58 rapidly~a~elerates the:motionmember~12:,.toward the~opposedi~otion~member`lO,~~théreby -
producing a relativel~- high -veloci~y ' t~ J ~æ~
,~7 j,~ The ~.objec~iyeiis, for, the, punch 32~an`d``!die~30: to
com~ together~ach ~at~a high~elocity.impacting;S: r~, -,
simultaneously;~with egual,momentu~siagainst oppositè ' ~!' _ ,
surfac s.of the material 34~ocated between ~he punc~and
die soithalt ~the3energy,~Q:E ~motiorl~.of the,~fast-movins,' - 3~`; L'i' ~ .
~omponents,.,on~,bothi~sides oiE ~the,.~.materia~34 is'lconvér~éd
into.use~ul~work in.~orming ~he'material-3~ S~
~ ..In order~to assure~that the material-34 is -:~
appropriatel~.positioned for being si~ultaneously impac~ed
., . ,, ,
~ WO92/00818 PCT/US91/04627
`-9- 2~S906
from opposite directions by the punch 32 and die 30, there
is an automatic strip material feeder 61 mounted upon a
horizontally free-moving feed plate 60. This fe~d plate 60
is supported by a plurality of bushings 62 mounted on the
feed plate and ~reely ~ovable along the guide pins 16. For
providing clearan~e for the tooling 30, 32 there is a large
clearance opening 64 in the fePd plate-in the region where
the.tooling elements 30, 32 come together at high velocity
against opposite sides of the material 34 for forming it
during each cycle of operation of the punch press 8.
The horizontal position of this free moving feed
plate between the opposed motion members 10 and 12 in some
embodiments of this invention is controlled by a pair of
oppo~ed.probe pins 65 and 66 which are fre~ly slidably
mounted in bore holes 67 and 68 in the respective motion
members 10 and 12, respectively. These probes 65 and
66 are retained in their respective boreholes by
probs-position adjustment means 69, for example a knurled
screw adjustment wheel screwed onto the threaded rear end
-o~;the~probeipin. i:.Compression:springs-70jand 71;on these
probe pins 65 and 66 are anchored to the respective probe
pins.near their tips and are seated against:the respective
~otion ~e~ers.for urging.these:probes toward~~ach other ~o
their ~ully extended positions as:shown. These fully
~ext~nded positionsiare~adjusted-by turning-:the knurled
adjustment.screw wheels~69.along~the threaded--rear ènds of
~he probe.pins.~
t~ ~, ,T, hese..prGbe-pins.-^65.and 66 are~positionèd`dirëctly
;-opposite to~ach~other;so~-thati~the ti~s-rof~thes~é~probè~~pins
can.c~me into contact with opposite:`surface`s of thè féëd .
pl~te ~0 which carries ~he material 34 to b`e~form`ed.;~
j 3~ . ln operatian~-~he *wo.solenoid~windings 43 and 53
.ar~e~suddsnly simulta~eously:énergized:~for:J~hrusting~'thë two
;motion members lO::and 12ltoward each-other;with rapid'-
acc*leration as shown by the thrust arrows 48 and 58.
Assuming for purpos~s of explanation ~ha~ the material 34
WO92/00818 PCr/US91/04~?.1~
2 ~ o-
is not exactly positioned so as to be simultaneously
impacted by the punch and die 32, 30, then one of these
probes 65, 66 will come into contact with the free-moving
feed plate 60 before the other probe comes into contact
with it. If probe 65 is the prior contactor, it ~ill push
against the free-moving ~eed plate 60 cal~sing it to become
shifted toward the righ~ in FIG. 1 until the opposite probe
66 subseguently comes into contact with its other side.
Conversely, if probe 66 is the prior contactor, it will
push against the feed plate 60 causing it to become shited
toward the le~t in FIGo 1 until the opposite probe ~5 comes
into contact with it. Then, with ~oth probes now
contacting the ~eed plate, the material 34 is centered
between the punch and die~ and immediately thereafter they
impact against the material 34 to form it.
As the punch and die 32, 30 are ~orming the
materiall the motion members 10 and 1~ are moving toward
each other, and the probes 65, 66 become momentarlly
-retracted by sliding back in their respective mounting
.holes.67, 68~while the springs~70.and 71 become momentarily
slightly depressed.,~
,~ .The probe pins 65 and 66 are identical and-their
springs-70 and 71-are--identical. These--two-pro~2 springs
70 and 71 are sufficiently.stiff that n~ither is comprèssed
while i~s associated probe is-shifting-~repositioning) the
.;j feed plate-60.~; After~both~probes 65-.~and 66-have~comè`into
contact with opposite sur~aces of the ~eed:~plate'-60, these
~probe.~springs ~hen become-compres~ed ~.!as simultaneously
~;xetracting,probes are allowing the fast-~oving punch;and
.die 32, 30 to.simultaneously impact against the:material 34
f~r }i
~;i ..~. ,;~ ,t~Depending!-~upon the~shape.of ~he:finished parts,
2 .~either scrap~-or,~inished:partsi~are~ejected-through~-'a'dîe
opening 74 and pass:out through an-out~et hole-`(no~'shownj
in the motion member 10, being collected in a bin under the
, .: ,
i :~ :, . . :
: , , . ;,: ,, :, ~ .
~W~2/~818 PCT/U~9l/04627
, 2~590'~'
work table 24. If finished parts are being pushed out
through the die opening 74, then the outfeed strip 37 is
scrap. If scrap pieces are being pushed through the die .:
opening, then the outfeed strip 37 is the finished part.
After the feed plate 60 has been appropriately
positioned by the prob~s 65 and 66 during a first operating
cycle of the punch-press 8, the Peed plate 60 does not
again become significantly shifted in position so long as
none of the operating parameters is changed~ In other
words, the probes 65 and 66 serve to position the feed
plate 60 during a first cycle of operation of the press 8,
and thereafter the press 8 remains balanced at impact,
because impact is occurring simultaneously with balanced
momentums against opppsite sides of the material 34 while
the feed plate 60 is remaining essentially st~tionary.
An example of a parameter which could change and
cause-a temporary loss of balance at impact is an increase
in fric~ion in one of the mo~ion me~ber bushings 14 due to
insufficient.lubricant. The-resul1:ing friction would cause
one~o~,the motion members.~0 or:12~to`be moving ælowér at
impact, thus having~slightly less momentum at`impact than
previously, causing a momentum imbalance at impact. The
probes~65 and.66-iwould:thereupon:slightly reposition`the
feed plate~60j~thereby indicating that one probe`is
arri~ing~earlier.than the:other and~:thus neèding an
;ad~ustment in driving:~forces~for:compensati~ig:^f'orfthe~'`
increase:in friction.~or~enabling thè~respèctivè ~omentums
to;become equalized'~at.impact.-`;`'In other'wor^ds,-l momentum
balance at impactiwiIl hàve become reestablished,`a`nd the
~feed plate.60.will now its'~`proper`llocation for
pr~.viding momentum balance~at~i~pact, untilr:such timë'às
on~e ofir~he operatinglparameters!~again~becomes`~:changed7~ at
which~ime the probesd65;-366~willfaga~n`!!establish ano~hèr
new;position for~thei~feed~plate;60ithëreby-`indicating`that
an adjustmentiis ~eeded for providing momentum balance at
impact. -;
- . . : : : : , : : :,.,.:: . . . : , ,, . ,:
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W092/00~8 PCr/~S91/04 ~
2~906 ` -12- '
The equation for momentum balance at the instant ',
of impact is: ~ .
( 1 ) MlV~ 2V2
where Ml is the total mass of the first motion member 10
and the components whi~h move with this ~irst motion member
lO, including die 30 and bushings 14, V1~ is the velocity
of this first motion member lO and its die 30 at the
instant of impact, and where M2 is the total mass of the
second motion member 12 and khe components which move with
this second motion member 12, including punch 32 and
bushings 14, and V2 is the velocity of this second motion
member 12 and its punch 32 at the instant of impact.
After the material 34 has been formed by the die
and punch 30, 32, residual motion of the members lO and 12
toward each other is stopped by the motion member bushings
14 coming against tough, durable, xesilient bumpers 76
mounted on both ends of the feed p:Lata:support bushings 62.
As soon as the motion me~ers lO and 12 have been
stopped by the bumpers;76, respect.ive return springs 78 and
80 serve to return,these motion-me~bers to their initial
positions. These motion members 10 and 12 are shown in
their respective initial positions in FIG. 1. :~hese-return
, . ~.. . . .
:~ springs.78 and-80 are seat~d:in re~spective spring cups 82
and 84 moun~ed in.sookets in~he moun~ing members~-18 and
20n~ A~.return spring.rod to the motion'.member
.~;,lO and~extends~through the:spring cup 82-and through'the
spring;?8 an .djustab~e;~loc~nut 86~screwed onto-the^~
spring rod 85 and~serving-to adjust`~hè~initial~compression
in the-spring..78 Xor adju~ting-.the~rate of return~of:the
motion ~e~ er lQ.~ ~Simil rly,~aireturn~spring rod'87~is~
fastened ~o;~.the~motion member.~12:.i.and~extends through the
spring~cup~8,4~.and~through~the spring.:80~to;-an adjustable
locknut r88 threaded onto the~spring-rod 85 and~used~for
.; , .. i .. -i . . .
adiusting the initial compression in spring 80 for~
adjusting the rate of return o~ the motion member 12. -
. : ,: -: : :: . . .~ ,. . . . ,. , . ~.
, ,. : . .: . ; ;:, . :, .. , . ... . - . . ., :. .
,W092/~81~ PCT/US91/04627
2 0 8 5 9 0 ~ !
In order to establish an initial starting point
for the fre~-moving feed plate 60, there is a screw
threaded adjusting rod 90 which-is secured to and extends
between the first and second mounting me~bers l8 and 20. A
pair of identical and relatively co~pliant springs 92 on
this rod 90 seat against opposite sides of the feed plate
60. .Screw adjustment thumb wheels 94 are used to set an
initial approximate starting point for the free-moving feed
plate. In other words, this free-moving feed plate 60 is
set to an initial desired position by the thumb wheels 94
cooperating with their compliant springs 92, and this
initial position correspo~ds approximately with the
expected momentum~balance-at-impact (MBAI~ position to be
established by the probes 65 and 66. Then,~the th~b
wh~els~94:are again adjusted ~o matc~ the actual momentum-
balance-at-impact position o~ ~ed plate 60 which is
produ¢ed by the probes~
Another embodi~enk of this:invention for
establishing momentum-balance-at-imE~act is pro~ided by
: . using,identical.~thrust motors.. 40 ancl:50 and~by very;closely
.equalizing the moving-ma6ses`Ml:and M2 in Equation~
-~ above.~.Then,. the.solenoid windings are~simultaneously
-- e~ually energized;by-electrically connecting them`tn
: series,: so~hat equal electrical curre`nts-flow through I -
~these.:two identical-.windings in series,- or they are - ;
connected ;iniparallel~to the:same electrical`pow`er~source
and their impedance~ are egualized! so-~that equal~
electrical-currents;:~low.~through~:the.two ide~tical
-",windings."lIf the~masses~Ml;;and~ are~rarefully i~ :
equalized and if the thrusts 48 and 58 are also carefully -
equalized,~.,then momentum-balance-at-impa`ct`(also e ~ ressed .
~,"momentums-balanced-at impact"-)~ican be~achieved without
: r
using.the probe mec~anisms ~5~-e~70 :and~66,~7l. ~
s - .~ further; embo~i~ent ~of !thi~ inventiori~ ~or ~3 ' `
providing.~omentum-balance~at-impact is a control circuit
lO0, shown in FIG. 2. A controller 102 is provided with
. . .: , :,. ., :
:, : : , .-: , ,
,: ,. . .,,~
W092/OOB18 PCT/US91/04
20~35906 ~14- f;i
electrical power from a conventional alternating current
power source, for example a plug 104 and an on/of~ switch
105. A pair of terminals 106 at the controller 102 are
connected to the solenoid winding 43 for suddenly
energizing this winding 43 when a 'tfiring" switch 108 is
closedO Anothçr pair o~ terminals 110 are similarly
connected to the other solenoid~winding 53 for suddenly
energizing it upon closure of the firing switch 108.
A sensor 112 ~or sensing shifts in position of the
feed plate 60 is used. For example, this sensor 112 is
shown as a potentiometer which is held stationary by
connection ~o one o~ the mounting members 18 and 20. This
potentiometer has a movable contact 114 mechanically
connected to the ~ee~ plate 60, so that this potentiometer
provides ~ change in a voltage feedback signal on a sensor
lead 116 connected to a sensor terminal 118 of the
controller 102 if the feed plate 60 is caused to move by
momentum imbalance at impact. In :response to such a
change-in-position electrical signal at its sensor terminal
118,..the controller 102 slightly changes the relative -
electrical energizations of the so.lenoid windings 43 and
53'.so as to modify slightly the r~_lative magnitudes of the
thrusts 48 and 5~ for reestablishing momentum-balance-at-
impact whenever the firing switch 108 i~ again closed. ` It
will be unders~ood that the change-in-posi~ion sensor-112
may comprise a magnetic motion detector,-an optical sensor
or position detector. : : .:. - . ~ `^~ -
~The phrases !'momentums-balanced at-impact" and
"momentum~balan~e-at-impact" are intended to have the same
. Since other changes and modifications varied to
fit particular,operating requirements~.and environments~ill
b~come recognized by the art, the~
invention is not-considered limited to the exa~ples chosen
~or purposes of illustration of pr~sently-preferred
, : . , , :, .. .
:,'` ''' ':': : , ,.~ . ' ,, . ' , :.,' ,:
': : ' ' ' ' : '' .',, ' . : ,. " . ,
: :, : ', , '' `' '' '' `'", ':~
~WO92/00~1~ PCT/US91/04627
52085~06 ~ '
embodiments and includes all changes and modifications
which do not constitute a departure from the true spirit
and scope of this invention as claimed in the following
claims and equivalents of the claimed elements.
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