Note : Les descriptions sont présentées dans la langue officielle dans laquelle elles ont été soumises.
01~ 6( 9 N~r
00 3!~Yd
Inventor: J~me~ S. Bi~nco 108-136
The pr~ent invention rela~e~ to time and attendance
~r controlled ~cce~s reporting generally and, more
p~rticularly, but not by way of limitation~ to a novel
r~porting sy~tem with a grently increa~ed c~pacity ~hich i~
p~rticularly uaeful in tim~ ~nd attendance reporting.
2. ~ackaround Art.
While the pre~ent invention i8 descri~ed with ~peoiflc
referen~e to time and attendance ~y~tems, it will be
understood by tho~e skilled in the art that it i8 applicable
a~ well to ~any other t~pes of controlle~ acces~ r~ituations.
~ ime and attendance ~y~tem~ are widely u~ed in ~
number of w~rkplace situation~ and, in the paet, almo~t
universally employed one or more time clocks into which
employee~ in~erted their time carde when arriving ~t and
leaving work ~nd whr~n takin~ lunch and coffee ~reak~, etc.
T~e clock~ imprinted the time cardQ with the current tlm~,
the c~rds were periodic~lly collected, and ~he information
thereon wa~ manually taken off and u~ed for purpo~es of
paying the employee~ a~d for accumulating ~tati~tic~ data.
More recently, time clo~k~ have been connected to
~lnframe, or ~o~t, comp~ter, the time cards h~ro been
Qlim~nated~ and the emplo~ee3 insert th~ir identiication
cards having ba~ code or magnetic identifying ~tripe~
2~ 0
t~00 39~d 1 1 ~ 6, 9 N~r
nventor: J~meM S. ~ianco 108-136
~hereon into or through a ~lot in a time clock terminQl with
~he time of insertion. The information l~ read by the ti~
~lock t~rminal and tr~n~mitted to -the ho~t comput0r . The
ho~t computer check0 to ~ee that eAch employee i~ ~uthorized
~o be clocking in or out at th~t time, thst the
identification card i8 valid, ~toreY the time information,
and may trans~it a me~a~e to the employ~e on a di~play ~t
the time clock terminal that it i9 the wrong time, or thq
wrong place, or etc. This con~umes a large am~unt of time
of the ho8t computer if any ~i~nificant n~mber~ of employees
are involved, ~ince each empl~yee will likely have ~ix to
ten ~ransaction~ p~r day.
In timekeeping sy~tem~ which handle a relatively l~rge
number of e~ployeea, having the host comp~ter online
oocupie~ too much of the ho~t computer~ B tima, eep~cially
~ince mo~t of the tran~aotion~ oc~r within rel~tivoly ~hort
tlme 8pan~. ~o alleviate thi~ problem, electronic memorie~
have been built into time clock terminal~, called "smart
clock~ nd the employee informatlon i~ downloaded into tho
c~ock~ ~o th~t m~ny of the function~ c~n be perfor~ed
locally. Chan~es in ~cheduling re~triction~ and othe~
information are period~cally downloaded from the host
computer at convenient timc~. Thu~, mainfr~me eomputer tim~
0~ ' 39~d ~5: Sl ~6 . ~ N~r
~'nv~ntor: James S. ~i~nco 10~-136
i~ ~aved ~nd the ~y~t~m c~n be u~ed e~en when the ma~nfr~e
computer i~ out o~ ~ervice.
In m~ny case~, auch memorie~ h~ve limited capacity ~o
stor~ the information required. For e~ch employee, it ia
neces~ary to ~tore information a~ to the v~lidity of the
employee'~ identlfic~tion card. It may be nece~Ary to
~toxe information a~ within what tLme periods an ~mployoe
may clock in and out, which day~ are to be worked by th~
employee, the number o~ hours an employee i~ to work before
before coffee and lunch hreak~, the length of cof ee ~nd
lunch break~, and whether that employee i~ ~uthorized to u~e
that particul~r time clock t~rminal to clock into An
a~ociated dep~rtment or joh ~ite. All the forogoing
~cheduling r~strictions are subject to ch~n~e for
i~dlvidual~ employeee or groupQ of employee~. Additianally,
in a l~rge operation, there may be employees ~t~rting and
~topping work at different time4, which times may
periodically change, part-time employees must be
~commod~ted in ~he ~y~em, therc may be different rule~ ~or
~ion and non-un~on employees ~nd~or ealaried and hourLy
p~id employee~, nnd there may ~e other information re~uired
to be 8tored in the local memory. Of cour~e, there mu~t bo
~uff~cient memory c~paclty to record the time8 of clocking
in and out for each employee. A~ memory capacity increa~e~,
s00 3s~d ll:ll E6. 9 ~l~r
I!nven~or: Jame~ 5. ~lanco 108-136
physical ~ize and co~t incre~se, a~ well a~ does the 8i2e of
battery bAckup equipmant lf used.
A~ the amount of lnf~rmation required to be ~tored in
the local memory for ea~h employee hH~ expanded, th~ num~r
of employee~ that can be handled by any one tlme clock
t~rminal h~ decreased. This ha~ re~ulted in the neco3~1ty
t~ a~ign time clock ter~inal~ to employee~. ~hat, in turn,
can ~ecrea~e productivity. For ex~mple, an employee may
h~ve to leave a work a~ignment in a distant part of a
fjcillty in order to clock out on time At the employee~s
as~igned time clock t~rmlnal~
A further di~advantage of conventi~nal time clock
t~rminals i~ that they u~ually requir~ the insertion therein
o9 ~ c~rd ha~ing th~reon ~ magnetic ~tripe or bar code.
Both ~uch ~ypes of i~entifyin~ indicia are subject to
damage, often during the reading pro~ec~, which damage c~n
interfere wi~h the proper re~ding of the indicia.
. Accordingly, it i~ a principal object of the p~esent
invention to p~ovide a ~y~tem for controlled acce~3
reporting that ~ not limited by the memory capability of a
ti~e clock terminal ~nd ca~ ~ervice ~ few or a great n~mbor
It is another object of the invention to provide ~uch
a by~tem that requires a mlnimum amount of ho~t computer
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5~0 ~9~d 8~:5l E6 . S N~
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~n~ntor: J~meB 6~ Bi~nco 108-136
It is a further object of t~e invention to provide
~uch a sy~tem that minimize~ the required ~emory ~izs o~
~ime cl~ck terminal~.
an additlonal object of the invention to provid~
~uch A ~y~tem that i8 economical to implement.
It i~ yet another ob~ect of th~ invention to provido
~ch a ~y~tem with which ~n employee can easily verify his
~ecorded information a~ to sctivitie~, scheduling~
restriction~, etc.
It i~ yet another object of the lnvention to provide
identification mean6 that i~ not easily ~cratched or m~rred.
Other objects of the pre~ent inventLon, a~ well a~
pArticular featureR, ele~ent~, And advantage~ thexeo~, w~ll
be elucidated in, or be appArent from, the ~ollowing
de~cription and the ~ccompanying drawing ~lg~r~.
~) IJ ~
900 39~d 65: 51 E6 . 5 N~r
In~entor: Jame~ S. ~i~nco 10~-136
The present inv~ntion achieYes the above obj~ct 3,
among other~, by providing, in a preferred ernbodiment, a
~y~tem for time and a~tDndAnce or other co~trolled acce~,
compri~ing: a portable electronic memory device; and a timc
clock terminal to which ~aid portable electronic mamory
d~vice muy be temporarily operatively attnched by ~ u~er
thereof, ~id portable electronic memory ~evice havlng
8tored therein u~e re~triction~ aa to the u~o of ~aid
partable electronic memory device; and said time clock
terminal including means to determine whether or not ~aid
u~e restriction~ are ~atisfi~d. Said t~me cloc~ ter~in~l
m~y record in said portable memory device the ti~e~ of u3e.
~he holder of the portable memory device may tempor~rily
a~tach ~aid portable memory device to ~aid time clo~k
termLna~ and use 3aid time clock terminal to display
information stored in ~id po~table memory device.
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~00 ~9~d ~5:5l ~6, s N~r
~nventor: Jame~ S. 3ianco 10~-136
: Under~tanding of the pre~ent invention ~nd tho v~riou~
~pect~ thereof will be $~cilitated by referenc~ to the
~ccomp~nyin~ drawing figure~, ~ubmitted for purpose~ o~
illustration only ~nd not intended to define the ~cope of
the invention, in whi~h;
: Figure 1 18 e ~chematic diagram of the memory of
conventional time clock terminal.
Figure 2 i8 a ~lde elevational view of a time clock
termlnal according to the pro3ent in~ention.
~ igUre 3 i~ a per~pective view of ~n employHe
id~ntification card according to the present invention.
Fi~ure 4 i~ ~ per~pective vieu of an alternative
embodiment of employee identification ~e~ne.
Figur~ 5 i~ a ~chematic/block diagram of the syctem of
the pre~ent invention.
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800 ~9~d
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~nventor2 ~ame~ S. Bi~nco 108-136
Reference should now be made to tho drawing iguroe in
which similar or identicAl element~ are given con~i~tent
identifying numeral8 throughout the variou~ ~igur~ ther~o~
~nd in whic~ parentheticat references to figure num~er~
d~rect the reader to the view~s) in which the ele~en~
being de~cribed i8 (are) b~st ~een, although the element~)
may be seen ~l~o in other view~.
Figure 1 illustr~te~ schemat~cally the mem~ry,
gener~lly indic~ted by t~e reference numeral 10, af ~
conventional time clock terminal, or ~smart clock~ (not
8hown). Me~ory 10 includes a fir~t section 12 which
contains the ba~ic oper~ting ByYte~ for a microproc~sor Ln
the ti~ clock termin~l. A second ~ection 14 contain~ the
appllc~tions progr~m~ which determine how stored data ~nd
~at~ rèad ~r~m an employee'~ identif~c~tion card are
p~oces6ed. Section~ 12 and 14 are required for the
operation of the tim~ clock terminAl,
A thir~ sectlon 16 include~ data as to w heduling
restrlction~ i~posed on each emplo~ee. Thi~ sectlon will bo
periodically updated a~ ~uc~ re~trictions changa. A fourth
~ectlon 18 contains the time data taken a8 employee~ clock
in and out. Thi~ ~ection iB periodically read by ~ ho~t
co~puter ~n~ er~sed. While there i~ a p~act~ CAl limit to
the ~mount oY data that c~n bc stored in ~ny memory, the
2 ~
600 39~d 00:91 ~6 . 5 N~r
~ ; .
In~entor- Ja~e~ 5. Bi~nco l0a-13
~xp~n~ion of the data requlred ~o be ~tored in Yection ~6,
a~ noted ~bove, reduce~ the number o~ e~ployoea thn~ can ba
accommodated by a ~ingle tlme clock t~rminal and, thu~, ~uch
term~nal~ are severely limited in th~ number of employee~
that any on~ ~uch termlnal CA~ ~rvice.
Figur~ 2 illu~trate~ ~ time cloc~ te~minal, gen~r~lly
indicated by the re~e~ence numeral 30. Time clock terminal
30 include~ conventional e~em~nts ~uch a~ ~ houeing 32
containing a qlot reader 34 through which an employee
id~ntificAtion c~rd ~not ~hownt m~y bo p~8ed for the
reading thereo~. Housin~ 32 further cont~ins a conv~n~ional
d~pl~y 36 on which employees can reccive me~age~, a keypa~
38 for manually inputting informat~on, ~nd a re~l time clock
40 (normally di~po~ed within the hou~ing). Time olock
terminal 30 i8 connected to 8 ho~t computer 42 which
i~clude~ a memory 43. ~he nonconventionsl elemo~t o~ t~me
clock terminal 30 i9 a "touch ~en~o~" 44 el~ment~ the
function of ~h~ch touch ~en~or will be described in d~ta1l
FLgure 3 illu~trate~ an employee id~ntifi~ation card~
generally indicated by tho referenc~ numeral 50, which may
include 4 conventional magnetic stripe 52 thereon in which
i~ e~coded id~nt1fication informatLon ~nd the identific~tion
aard may include a photograph 54 of th~ employee.
no~con~entlonal element of identification card 50 ia
10:9~ ~6, s M~r
010 3st~d
Inv~ntor: J~mes S. Bi~nco 108-136
rai~ed "touch memory" 56 disposed thereon, the function of
wh~ch touch memory will be de~crlbed in det~il be~low.
Figure 4 ~llu~trat~ an alternative emkod~ment of
~mployee identif ication mean~, generally indicAtad by the
ref~rence numer~l 60, which include~ a touch m~mory button
S6' attached by means of a chain 62 to a key ring 64.
Reference now ~hould al~o be made to Figur~ 5 togethor
with Figures 2-4 for Hn under~tanding of the operAtio~ of
~he pre~ent invention. Time clock t~rminal 30 ~Ylguro s)
includes a microproce6~0r 70 to which i~ conne¢ted a ~ourcc
of power 72. Memory lO' in time clock terminal 30 includcJ
recorded therein ba~ic operating systems in ~ectlon 12 ~nd
applications programe in section 14 ~ de4cribed above with
reference to Figure 1. Section 18 for data capture i~ o
included in m~mory 10' a8 de~cribed above with refcrenco to
Figure l. It ~hould be noted ~hat only a ~ oction lG'
~ provided for ~cheduling rcstr~ction~ and thie on~y for
ch~ngeR in ~uch re~trictlons, in contra~t to memory lO
(~igure 1) in conventional time cloc~ terminals which mu~t
a110w ~ubstantial memory capacity for ~cheduling
~ ouch sensor 44 (Figure 5) includes A grDUnd~d houuing
p~,rtion 46 and a d~t~ communication portion 4a.
~iCroproce6~0r 70 i~ conn~ctud to contact s~rfac~ 4~ through
1 1 EJ ' ~39tJd 113: ~31 6 ~ 5 ~`11~11`
Invantor: J~ms~ S. B~an~o 10~-136
inputJoutput circuitry 72 and to ho~t computsr 40 th~ou~h
~nput/output circuitry 74.
Touch memory 56 (~igure 5) include~ a microchip 80 to
which i~ connected a ~ourc~ of power 82 ~hich may bQ A long
1if~ lithium b~ttery. Microchip 80 i~ conn~cted to ~ ms~vry
10" contAining e~ployee identificati~n in a ~ecti~n 84, U40
re~trictions in ~ section 86, and data capture in a ~ection
18". Microchip 80 i~ connected through input/output
circuitry 90 to a contact ~urface 92. When touch memory 56
1~ touc~ed to touch s~nsor 44 contact eurface~ 48 and 92 ~re
electrically ~ngaged to permit communication betw~en
microprocessor 70 in time clock terminal 30 ~nd mlcrochip 80
in touch memory 56.
- Touch ~enBor 44 and touch memory S6 may be eimilar to
those furnished by Dall~s Semiconductor, of D~ e, Texae,
and are conventionally used, for example, in a ~riety of
hOspit~1 ey~temc, for example. When contact ~urfaces 48 and
92, re~pectively of touch sensor 44 and touch memory 56 ~re
m~t~l contact eu~faces which, when con~acted with each
obher, provide ~'one-wire~' bidirectional communicatLon
therebetween. Touch me~ory 56 typic~lly ha~ a 4~ capacity,
w~ch capacity i8 ~ore than adequate for tha ~bove purpoe~.
Zl0-39~d z0 sl ~6, s N~r
Inventor: James S. 3ianco 108-136
In operution, an em~loyee who wl~he~ to clock in or
o~t touche~ touch ~emory 56 on identif3cation ~ard 50
~Figure 3) to touch sensor 44 ~Fi~ure 2). Microproce~or 70
~Flgure 5) reads the employee identification inform~tion ~nd
the re~trictions in memory 10" of touch memory 56 ~nd, iE
the reBtriction~ a~e ~ati~f ied ~r that employee~ the
mlcroproce6sor will cause microchip ~ to enter the tlme in
memory 1~". Each employee will have a oimilar
ide~tlflcation card with restr~ctio~ recorded therein
applicable to that e~ployee and will have clocking time~
recorded ~n memory 10" in each employee'~ ident~fic~tion
Thus, it will he understood that the Qmployee~
identification card~ will contaln the re~triction
information that formerly con~umed subs~ant~al space in the
memorie~ of conventional time clock termin~ ho only
r~triction informatLon record~d in memory lQ~ io a limited
amount of ch~nged re~triction information that i8
tempornrily ~tored until tran~ferred to memory 10~. The
s~orage of ~cheduling re~trictlon8 and data captur~ i~
distributed omong the variou~ ide~tification card~ held hy
the e~ployee~. With A large amount of memory thu~ ~ade
available, time clock terminal 30 ma~ handle a very lflrge
numbor of employee~ as ea~ily a~ very few, li~ited only by
E 1 El ~9~d Z0 ' 91 6, 5 Nyr
Inv~ntor: Je~e~ 5. Bi~nco 10~-136
how fast the employees oan tou~h their touch memori~ S6 to
touch ~en~or 4 4 . Rate of communic~tion betw~en m~crochip 8
~nd computer 70 ~Fi~ure 5) i8 extr~mely rapid. Dat~
saptured in memory 10' i8 perlodlcally tran~ferred to ho~t
~omputer 42.
Another ~dvantage of the pre~ent invention ln thAt
redundant data ~ 8 recorded and, lf the dat~ tran~ferred to
~he ho~t computer i~ lo~t, the data can be read from the
~mployae~ ident~fic~t~on card~ and t~ansferred to the ho~t
computer the next tlme the employees clock in or out.
~ h~n ldentification card 50 i~ i~sued, memory 10~ can
~ave recordcd therein the n~me and iden~ification number of
the ~mployee, the employec~ w hedule, and the validation
period for the ~chedule. '~ime clock terminal 30 then can
complete the employee transaction locally. Tha only ti~e
that time clock terminal 30 h~ to re~er to ho~t computer 4
iB when the employoe i~ attempting to clock in or out
o~tfiide of his validation period. If th~ valid~tion porlod
h~4 expirod, ho~t computer 42 is ~lerted ~nd displAy 36
(Jigure 2) ~isplay~ "P~oC~SSING" ~nd the employee i8
inYtructed eO again to~ch touch ~en~or 44 ~nd ne~ dat~ is
tr4nsferred into memory 10" (~igure 5) from memory 43 of
ho~t computer 42.
2 ~ 0 0
t~10-39~d EE~:91 EE~. S N~r
Inventor: Jam~ S. Bi~n~o 108-136
f the employee i8 late to work or back ~rom lunch,
~ime clo~k termin~l 30 can display a mensagQ ~or the
employee to ~ee the employee~ ~upervi~or, for exAmplH. If
the ~uperYi~or approve8 thc recording of the time, th~
~pervisor~ identification i~ entered by touching t~e
supervi~or~ B touch memory 56 to touch ~en~or ~4 and pree~ing
appropriate commands on keyp~d 38. ~he employee t4en clocks
in and the ~upervi~or~a approv~ recorded a~ part o~ ths
~ran~Action in memorie~ 10~ ~nd 10".
Other mes~ges for a particular employee, but
unrelated to the cloc~ing transaction, may be di~play~d.
Another feature of the present invention addres~e~ the
neQd for employees to be able to check th~ time and
attendance data r~corded on their identification aards.
Tlme clock terminal 30 include~ a " journal di~play mode.''
An employee touche~ touch 6en~0r 44 ~Pigure 2) with touch
~mory 56 ~Figure 3~ an~ presse~ DISPLAY JOuRNAL on keyp~d
3~. ~it4 appropriate co~mand~, the employeo c~n displAy
tatal hours worked in a ~elected period, ovortime worked,
time~ ~n and out, vacation or ~ick time remAining, work
~chedule, u~e re~triction~ etc. This can be dono on ~ny
timc cloc~ termlnal. T~ere i~ no longer a need to ~ave ho~t
computer 42 connected on line to retrieve thi~ inform~tion.
. -lS-
2 ~ c~
S l 0 ' 39~d ~g: 91 ~6, 5 N~r
Inventor: J~me~ S. BiAnco 108-136
Another adv~ntAga of the invention ~ tha~ bar cod~
~nd ~gnetic Btripe~ thAt can beco~e d~uged can b~
~liminated. ~hi~ mean~ th~t ~lot 34 on time clock ter~inal
30 can ~l~o be eliminRted; although i~ may be de~irable to
retain that ~ea~ure ~B an sltern~-tive ~e~n~ of inputt~ng
- d~lt~o
A further advantage of the pre~ent inventlon is that
~ouch memory 56 can b0 re-u~ed by another employee i~ the
or$ginal holder of the memory i8 no longer employed. It i~
only necea~ary tha~ the new employee'~ ino~mation be
recorded in memory 10". I~ touch memory 56 i~ lo~t, fi '
replace~ent i~ easily pro~ided with inform~tio~ ~rom memory
43 of ho~t comput~r 42.
I de~ired, not only can ti~e clock torminal0 at one
loc~tion be u~e~ by an employèe, but termin~l~ at any
googr~phic~l location of the or~ani2ation can be u~ed.
Tlme clock ter~1nal 30 i~ ~mall a~d ;nexpen~ive~ but
c~n procese very large numbQrs o~ employeo8.
Yet another advantage of t~e p~e~ent inventi~n l~ th4t
tauch ~emories 56 and 56' are not subject to d~m~g~ by
m~rring or ~cratching and, furthermore, are not ~ubjoct to
d~ma~o by proximity to external magnetia devic~s ~8 ara
co~ventional mngnetic ~tripe~ on identification card~.
: -16-
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Inventor: Ja~es ~. Bianco ~08-136
An Additional advantAge of 1:he u~e o touch membrle~
56 and 56~ i~ that they have, or can en~ily h~ve, ~ er
etched ~erial number ~herei~ which i~ rea~ alony w~th.the
other identifying information. If a employee' R
idenk.ification haD been lo~t or ~tolen, it i~ si~ple mattor
to in~truct ~ho ti~e clock terminals to re~ect the
identification and to alert ~upervisory personnel when u~e
of th~t identification i~ attempted.
~ ouch memory 56 may al~o be furnished with a re4~ tim0
cloak therei~ for ~cce~ by microproces~or 70, inste~d of
providing real time memory 40 in time clock terminal, ~nd
~uch iB within th~ intent of the pre6ent invention.
It is al~o within the intent of the present lnvehtion
that me~o~ie~ 56 can be replaced with ~ convention~ mart
oard" h~ving a memory ~mbedded therein. In th~t case, the
time clock termin~ls would ha~ p~ovision ~or a Blot for
in~ertion therein of the ~m~rt eard ior reading thereo~ .
It will thus be se~ that the object~ set forth ~bove,
among tho~e elucidated in, or made Apparent from, th~
proceding de~cription, are efficiently att~ined and, ~ince
cert~in change~ ~ay be made in the above con6truction
without dep~rting fro~ the ~ope of the invention, it i~
intended that all matter ~ontained in the above de~cription
or shown on the accompanying drawing figure~ ~hall b~
PRGE. 006
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Inventor: Jame~ S. Bia~co 108-136
i'nterpreted ~8 illustrative only and not in a li~niting
: It i~ o to be under6tood that the followin~ claim~
are intended to cover all of the generic and spec~ iic
featureE~ of the invention horein de~cribed and all
~t~ement~ of the ~cope of the invontion wh$ch, au a matt0r
o~ languAge, migbt bc naid to fDll thereb-tweAn.